!(function () { var globalMethods = function (vm, swal) { return { swal: swal, layer: layer, openImage: function (href) { return layer.open({ type: 1, title: false, closeBtn: 0, shadeClose: true, content: '<img src="' + href + '" style="display: block;width: 100%;" />' }); }, $swal: function (type, param, code) { if (param === undefined) param = function () { }; switch (type) { case 'delete': if (typeof code != 'object') code = {}; swal({ title: code.title || "您确定要删除这条信息吗", text: code.text || "删除后将无法恢复,请谨慎操作!", type: code.type || "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: code.confirm || "是的,我要删除!", cancelButtonText: code.cancel || "让我再考虑一下…", closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: false }).then(param).catch(console.log); break; case 'error': swal("错误", param, "error"); break; case 'success': swal("成功", param, "success"); break; case 'status': code == 200 ? this.$swal('success', param) : this.$swal('error', param); break; case 'message': swal(param); break; } }, $alert: function (type, params, succFn) { switch (type) { case 'textarea': swal({ title: params.title != undefined ? params.title.toString() : "请输入内容", input: 'textarea', inputValue: params.value || '', confirmButtonText: "提交", cancelButtonText: "取消", showCancelButton: true }).then(succFn).catch(console.log); break; } }, message: function (type, config) { /*content 提示内容 String - render 自定义描述内容,使用 Vue 的 Render 函数 Function - duration 自动关闭的延时,单位秒,不关闭可以写 0 Number 1.5 onClose 关闭时的回调 Function - closable 是否显示关闭按钮*/ vm.$Message.config({ top: 1, duration: 5 }); switch (type) { case 'success': return vm.$Message.success(config); break; case 'warning': return vm.$Message.warning(config); break; case 'error': return vm.$Message.error(config); break; case 'loading': return vm.$Message.loading(config); break; default : return vm.$Message.info(config || type); break; } }, notice: function (type, config) { switch (type) { case 'info': return vm.$Notice.info(config); break; case 'success': return vm.$Notice.success(config); break; case 'warning': return vm.$Notice.warning(config); break; case 'error': return vm.$Notice.error(config); break; default : return vm.$Notice.open(config || type); break; } }, noticeClose: function (name) { return vm.$Notice.close(name); }, noticeDestroy: function () { return vm.$Notice.destroy(); }, modal: function (type, config) { switch (type) { case 'confirm': return vm.$Modal.confirm(config); break; case 'success': return vm.$Modal.success(config); break; case 'warning': return vm.$Modal.warning(config); break; case 'error': return vm.$Modal.error(config); break; default : return vm.$Modal.info(config || type); break; } }, modalRemove: function () { return vm.$modal.remove(); }, loading: function (type, percent) { switch (type) { case 'start': return vm.$Loading.start(); break; case 'finish': return vm.$Loading.finish(); break; case 'error': return vm.$Loading.error(); break; case 'update': return vm.$Loading.update(percent); break; } } } }; setTimeout(function () { mpFrame.start(function (Vue) { requirejs(['sweetalert', 'axios'], function (swal, axios) { axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; axios.defaults.headers.post['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; new Vue({ el: '#vm', data: { chnNumChar: ["零", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九"], chnUnitSection: ["", "万", "亿", "万亿", "亿亿"], chnUnitChar: ["", "十", "百", "千"], noticeTime: 7 }, methods: { globalApi: function () { var api = globalMethods(this, swal); api.closeModalFrame = function (name) { layer.close(layer.getFrameIndex(name) || name); //关闭页面刷新 // window.frames[$(".page-tabs-content .active").index()].location.reload(); }; api.h = this.$createElement; api.axios = axios; api.createModalFrame = this.createModalFrame; api.mpFrame = mpFrame; api.layer = layer; return api; }, createModalFrame: function (title, src, opt) { opt === undefined && (opt = {}); var h = 0; if (window.innerHeight < 800 && window.innerHeight >= 700) { h = window.innerHeight - 50; } else if (window.innerHeight < 900 && window.innerHeight >= 800) { h = window.innerHeight - 100; } else if (window.innerHeight < 1000 && window.innerHeight >= 900) { h = window.innerHeight - 150; } else if (window.innerHeight >= 1000) { h = window.innerHeight - 200; } else { h = window.innerHeight; } var area = [(opt.w || window.innerWidth / 2) + 'px', (!opt.h || opt.h > h ? h : opt.h) + 'px']; return layer.open({ type: 2, title: title, area: area, fixed: false, //不固定 maxmin: true, moveOut: false,//true 可以拖出窗外 false 只能在窗内拖 anim: 5,//出场动画 isOutAnim bool 关闭动画 offset: 'auto',//['100px','100px'],//'auto',//初始位置 ['100px','100px'] t[ 上 左] shade: 0,//遮罩 resize: true,//是否允许拉伸 content: src,//内容 move: '.layui-layer-title',// 默认".layui-layer-title",// 触发拖动的元素 moveEnd: function () {//拖动之后回调 // console.log(this); } }); }, SectionToChinese: function (section) { var strIns = '', chnStr = ''; var unitPos = 0; var zero = true; while (section > 0) { var v = section % 10; if (v === 0) { if (!zero) { zero = true; chnStr = this.chnNumChar[v] + chnStr; } } else { zero = false; strIns = this.chnNumChar[v]; strIns += this.chnUnitChar[unitPos]; chnStr = strIns + chnStr; } unitPos++; section = Math.floor(section / 10); } return chnStr; }, NumberToChinese: function (num) { var unitPos = 0; var strIns = '', chnStr = ''; var needZero = false; if (num === 0) return this.chnNumChar[0]; while (num > 0) { var section = num % 10000; if (needZero) { chnStr = this.chnNumChar[0] + chnStr; } strIns = this.SectionToChinese(section); strIns += (section !== 0) ? this.chnUnitSection[unitPos] : this.chnUnitSection[0]; chnStr = strIns + chnStr; needZero = (section < 1000) && (section > 0); num = Math.floor(num / 10000); unitPos++; } return chnStr; }, titleRoll: function (newTitle) { var time = this.noticeTime, oldTitle = 'CRMEB管理系统'; var timeInterval = setInterval(function () { console.log(time); if (time <= 0) { clearInterval(timeInterval); document.title = oldTitle; return; } document.title = newTitle.substring(1, newTitle.length) + newTitle.substring(0, 1); newTitle = document.title.substring(0, newTitle.length); time--; }, 1000) }, getNotice: function () { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: '/admin/index/Jnotice', type: 'get', dataType: 'json', success: function (rem) { that.setNoticeDate(rem.data); }, error: function (err) { } }) }, setNoticeDate: function (data) { $('#msgcount').html(data.msgcount); $('#ordernum').html(data.ordernum + '个'); $('#inventory').html(data.inventory + '个'); $('#commentnum').html(data.commentnum + '个'); $('#reflectnum').html(data.reflectnum + '个'); } }, mounted: function () { window._mpApi = this.globalApi(); this.getNotice(); var that = this; $('.admin_close').on('click', function (e) { $('.admin_open').removeClass('open'); }); var ws = new Socket; ws.setVm(this); this.$on('ADMIN_NEW_PUSH', function (data) { that.setNoticeDate(data); }) this.$on('NEW_ORDER', function (data) { that.$Notice.info({ title: '新订单', duration: 8, desc: '您有一个新的订单(' + data.order_id + '),请注意查看' }); if (window.newOrderAudioLink) (new Audio(window.newOrderAudioLink)).play(); }); this.$on('NEW_REFUND_ORDER', function (data) { that.$Notice.warning({ title: '订单提醒', duration: 8, desc: '您有一个订单(' + data.order_id + ')申请退款,请注意查看' }); if (window.newOrderAudioLink) (new Audio(window.newOrderAudioLink)).play(); }); this.$on('WITHDRAW', function (data) { that.$Notice.warning({ title: '提现提醒', duration: 8, desc: '有用户申请提现(' + data.id + '),请注意查看' }) }); this.$on('STORE_STOCK', function (data) { that.$Notice.warning({ title: '库存预警', duration: 8, desc: '(' + data.id + ')商品库存不足,请注意查看' }) }); this.$on('PAY_SMS_SUCCESS', function (data) { that.$Notice.info({ title: '短信充值成功', duration: 8, desc: '恭喜您充值' + data.price + '元,获得' + data.number + '条短信' }) }); } }) }) }); }, 0); var Socket = function () { this.ws = new WebSocket(this.getUrl()); this.ws.onopen = this.onOpen.bind(this); this.ws.onerror = this.onError.bind(this); this.ws.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this); this.ws.onclose = this.onClose.bind(this); }; Socket.prototype = { setVm: function (vm) { this.vm = vm; }, onOpen: function () { console.log('ws open'); this.init(); this.send({ type: 'login', data: $h.getCookie('PHPSESSID') }) }, init: function () { var that = this; this.timer = setInterval(function () { that.send({type: 'ping'}) }, 10000); }, send: function (data) { return this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(data)); }, onMessage: function (res) { var data = JSON.parse(res.data); this.vm.$emit(data.type, data.data || {}); }, onClose: function (e) { console.log('ws close', e.code); clearInterval(this.timer); }, onError: function (e) { console.log('ws error', e.data ? JSON.parse(e.data).message : ''); }, getUrl: function () { var ishttps = 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? true : false, workermanPort = window.workermanPort ? window.workermanPort : 20002; return (ishttps ? 'wss' : 'ws') + '://' + document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0] + ':' + workermanPort; } }; Socket.prototype.constructor = Socket; }());