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- <!doctype html>
- <title>CodeMirror: Crystal mode</title>
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- <article>
- <h2>Crystal mode</h2>
- <form><textarea id="code" name="code">
- # Features of Crystal
- # - Ruby-inspired syntax.
- # - Statically type-checked but without having to specify the type of variables or method arguments.
- # - Be able to call C code by writing bindings to it in Crystal.
- # - Have compile-time evaluation and generation of code, to avoid boilerplate code.
- # - Compile to efficient native code.
- # A very basic HTTP server
- require "http/server"
- server = HTTP::Server.new(8080) do |request|
- HTTP::Response.ok "text/plain", "Hello world, got #{request.path}!"
- end
- puts "Listening on"
- server.listen
- module Foo
- abstract def abstract_method : String
- @[AlwaysInline]
- def with_foofoo
- with Foo.new(self) yield
- end
- struct Foo
- def initialize(@foo : ::Foo)
- end
- def hello_world
- @foo.abstract_method
- end
- end
- end
- class Bar
- include Foo
- @@foobar = 12345
- def initialize(@bar : Int32)
- end
- macro alias_method(name, method)
- def {{ name }}(*args)
- {{ method }}(*args)
- end
- end
- def a_method
- "Hello, World"
- end
- alias_method abstract_method, a_method
- def show_instance_vars : Nil
- {% for var in @type.instance_vars %}
- puts "@{{ var }} = #{ @{{ var }} }"
- {% end %}
- end
- end
- class Baz < Bar; end
- lib LibC
- fun c_puts = "puts"(str : Char*) : Int
- end
- baz = Baz.new(100)
- baz.show_instance_vars
- baz.with_foofoo do
- LibC.c_puts hello_world
- end
- </textarea></form>
- <script>
- var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
- mode: "text/x-crystal",
- matchBrackets: true,
- indentUnit: 2
- });
- </script>
- <p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>text/x-crystal</code>.</p>
- </article>