// pages/apply-return/index.js import { ordeRefundReason, orderRefundVerify, getOrderDetail} from '../../api/order.js'; import util from '../../utils/util.js'; const app=getApp(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { parameter: { 'navbar': '1', 'return': '1', 'title': '申请退货', 'color': false }, refund_reason_wap_img:[], orderInfo:{}, RefundArray: [], index: 0, orderId:0, }, /** * 授权回调 * */ onLoadFun:function(){ this.getOrderInfo(); this.getRefundReason(); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { if (!options.orderId) return app.Tips({title:'缺少订单id,无法退款'},{tab:3,url:1}); this.setData({orderId:options.orderId}); }, /** * 获取订单详情 * */ getOrderInfo:function(){ var that=this; getOrderDetail(that.data.orderId).then(res=>{ that.setData({ orderInfo: res.data }); }); }, /** * 获取退款理由 */ getRefundReason:function(){ var that=this; ordeRefundReason().then(res=>{ that.setData({ RefundArray: res.data }); }) }, /** * 删除图片 * */ DelPic:function(e){ var index = e.target.dataset.index, that = this, pic = this.data.refund_reason_wap_img[index]; that.data.refund_reason_wap_img.splice(index, 1); that.setData({ refund_reason_wap_img: that.data.refund_reason_wap_img }); }, /** * 上传文件 * */ uploadpic:function(){ var that=this; util.uploadImageOne('upload/image',function(res){ that.data.refund_reason_wap_img.push(res.data.url); that.setData({ refund_reason_wap_img: that.data.refund_reason_wap_img}); }); }, /** * 申请退货 */ subRefund:function(e){ var that = this, value = e.detail.value; //收集form表单 // if (!value.refund_reason_wap_explain) return app.Tips({title:'请输入退款原因'}); orderRefundVerify({ text: that.data.RefundArray[that.data.index] || '', refund_reason_wap_explain: value.refund_reason_wap_explain, refund_reason_wap_img: that.data.refund_reason_wap_img.join(','), uni: that.data.orderId }).then(res=>{ return app.Tips({ title: '申请成功', icon: 'success' }, { tab: 5, url: '/pages/user_return_list/index?isT=1' }); }).catch(err=>{ return app.Tips({ title: err }); }) }, bindPickerChange: function (e) { this.setData({index: e.detail.value}); }, })