// pages/group-con/index.js import { getCombinationPink, postCombinationRemove } from '../../../api/activity.js'; import { postCartAdd } from '../../../api/store.js'; import wxh from '../../../utils/wxh.js'; import util from '../../../utils/util.js'; const app = getApp(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { parameter: { 'navbar': '1', 'return': '1', 'title': '开团', 'color': false, }, countDownHour:'00', countDownMinute:'00', countDownSecond:'00', iShidden: false, count:0,//还差多少人拼团完成 isOk:0,//是否拼团完成 pinkAll:[],//当前拼团列表 pinkBool:0, pinkT:{},//团长信息 storeCombination:{},//当前拼团产品详情 userBool:0,//是否为本人开团 current_pink_order:'',//当前订单号 userInfo:{}, isClose:0, productAttr: [], productSelect: [], productValue:[], storeInfo:{}, iSbnt:1, limitNum:1, iSplus:false, attribute: { 'cartAttr': false }, }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { //扫码携带参数处理 if (options.scene) { var value = util.getUrlParams(decodeURIComponent(options.scene)); if (value.id) options.id = value.id; //记录推广人uid if (value.pid) app.globalData.spid = value.pid; } if(!options.id) return app.Tips({title:'缺少参数'},{tab:3,url:1}); this.setData({pinkId: options.id}); }, onMyEvent: function (e) { this.setData({ 'attribute.cartAttr': e.detail.window}) }, /** * 授权回调 */ onLoadFun:function(){ this.getPink(); }, /** * 购物车手动填写 * */ iptCartNum: function (e) { this.data.productSelect.cart_num = e.detail; this.setData({ productSelect: this.data.productSelect, cart_num: e.detail }) }, /** * 默认选中属性 * */ DefaultSelect: function () { var productAttr = this.data.productAttr, storeInfo = this.data.storeInfo, productValue = this.data.productValue, value = []; for (var key in productValue) { if (productValue[key].quota > 0 && productValue[key].product_stock > 0) { value = this.data.productAttr.length ? key.split(",") : []; break; } } for (var i = 0, len = productAttr.length; i < len; i++) { if (productAttr[i].attr_value[0]) productAttr[i].checked = value[i]; } var productSelect = this.data.productValue[value.sort().join(',')]; if (productSelect) { this.setData({ ["productSelect.store_name"]: storeInfo.store_name, ["productSelect.image"]: productSelect.image, ["productSelect.price"]: productSelect.price, ["productSelect.quota"]: productSelect.quota, ["productSelect.stock"]: productSelect.stock, ["productSelect.quota_show"]: productSelect.quota_show, ["productSelect.product_stock"]: productSelect.product_stock, ['productSelect.unique']: productSelect.unique, ['productSelect.cart_num']: 1, attrValue: value, attr: '已选择' }); } else { this.setData({ ["productSelect.store_name"]: storeInfo.store_name, ["productSelect.image"]: storeInfo.image, ["productSelect.price"]: storeInfo.price, ["productSelect.quota_show"]: 0, ["productSelect.quota"]: 0, ['productSelect.unique']: '', ['productSelect.cart_num']: 1, attrValue: '', attr: '请选择' }); } this.setData({ productAttr: productAttr,["productSelect.num"]: storeInfo.num, cart_num: 1 }); }, /** * 购物车数量加和数量减 * */ ChangeCartNum: function (e) { //是否 加|减 var changeValue = e.detail; //获取当前变动属性 var productSelect = this.data.productValue[this.data.attrValue]; if(this.data.cart_num){ productSelect.cart_num = this.data.cart_num; } //如果没有属性,赋值给商品默认库存 if (productSelect === undefined && !this.data.productAttr.length) productSelect = this.data.productSelect; //不存在不加数量 if (productSelect === undefined) return; //提取库存 var stock = productSelect.stock || 0; var quotaShow = productSelect.quota_show || 0; var productStock = productSelect.product_stock || 0; var quota = productSelect.quota || 0; var num = this.data.storeInfo.num || 0; //设置默认数据 if (productSelect.cart_num == undefined) productSelect.cart_num = 1; //数量+ if (changeValue) { productSelect.cart_num++; //大于库存时,等于库存 let arrMin = []; arrMin.push(num); arrMin.push(quota); arrMin.push(productStock); let minN = Math.min.apply(null,arrMin); if (productSelect.cart_num >= minN) productSelect.cart_num = minN ? minN : 1; // if (quotaShow >= productStock) { // if (productSelect.cart_num >= productStock) productSelect.cart_num = productStock; // } else { // if (productSelect.cart_num >= quotaShow) productSelect.cart_num = quotaShow; // } this.setData({ ['productSelect.cart_num']: productSelect.cart_num, cart_num: productSelect.cart_num }); } else { //数量减 productSelect.cart_num--; //小于1时,等于1 if (productSelect.cart_num < 1) productSelect.cart_num = 1; this.setData({ ['productSelect.cart_num']: productSelect.cart_num, cart_num: productSelect.cart_num }); } }, /** * 属性变动赋值 * */ ChangeAttr: function (e) { var values = e.detail; var productSelect = this.data.productValue[values]; var storeInfo = this.data.storeInfo; this.setData({ cart_num: 1, ["productSelect.num"]: storeInfo.num }); if (productSelect) { this.setData({ ["productSelect.image"]: productSelect.image, ["productSelect.price"]: productSelect.price, ["productSelect.quota"]: productSelect.quota, ["productSelect.stock"]: productSelect.stock, ["productSelect.quota_show"]: productSelect.quota_show, ["productSelect.product_stock"]: productSelect.product_stock, ['productSelect.unique']: productSelect.unique, ['productSelect.cart_num']: 1, attrValue: values, attr: '已选择' }); } else { this.setData({ ["productSelect.image"]: storeInfo.image, ["productSelect.price"]: storeInfo.price, ["productSelect.quota_show"]: 0, ["productSelect.quota"]: 0, ['productSelect.unique']: '', ['productSelect.cart_num']: 1, attrValue: '', attr: '请选择' }); } }, setProductSelect: function () { var that = this; if (that.data.productSelect.length == 0) { that.setData({ ['productSelect.image']: that.data.storeInfo.image, ['productSelect.store_name']: that.data.storeInfo.title, ['productSelect.price']: that.data.storeInfo.price, ['productSelect.quota']: that.data.storeInfo.stock, ['productSelect.unique']: '', ["productSelect.num"]: that.data.storeInfo.num, ['productSelect.cart_num']: 1, cart_num: 1 }) } }, // 打开海报页面 getPinkPoster: function () { var that = this; wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/activity/poster-poster/index?type=2&id=' + that.data.pinkId, }); }, /** * 获取拼团 */ getPink:function(){ var that = this, id = that.data.pinkId; getCombinationPink(id).then(function(res){ var title ='开团'; that.setData({ count: parseInt(res.data.count), isOk: res.data.is_ok, pinkAll: res.data.pinkAll, current_pink_order: res.data.current_pink_order, pinkBool: res.data.pinkBool, pinkT: res.data.pinkT, storeCombination: res.data.store_combination, storeCombinationHost: res.data.store_combination_host, userBool: res.data.userBool, userInfo: res.data.userInfo, productAttr:res.data.store_combination.productAttr, storeInfo: res.data.store_combination, productValue: res.data.store_combination.productValue }); that.setProductSelect(); that.DefaultSelect(); if (that.data.isOk && !that.data.count){ title ='拼团成功,等待商家发货';//拼团完成 } else if (that.data.isOk && that.data.count){ title = '拼团失败';//拼团失败 } else if (that.data.userBool && !that.data.isOk){ title = that.data.pinkT.uid == that.data.userInfo.uid ? '开团成功' : '拼团成功';//本人开团成功 wxh.time(that.data.pinkT.stop_time, that); } else if (!that.data.userBool && !that.data.isOk){ title = '参团';//本人参团 wxh.time(that.data.pinkT.stop_time, that); } that.setData({'parameter.title':title}); }); }, /** * 再次开团 */ againPink:function(){ return app.Tips('/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id='+this.data.storeCombination.id); }, /** * 控制属性弹窗 */ goPinkOrder:function(e){ let that = this; that.setData({ 'attribute.cartAttr': true }); // let data = { // productId: that.data.storeCombination.product_id, // cartNum: that.data.pinkT.total_num, // uniqueId: '', // combinationId: that.data.storeCombination.id, // secKillId: 0 // }; // postCartAdd(data).then(function(res){ // return app.Tips('/pages/order_confirm/index?cartId=' + res.data.cartId +'&pinkId='+that.data.pinkT.id); // }).catch(err=>{ // return app.Tips({title:err}); // }); }, /** * 下单 */ goCat: function () { var that = this; var productSelect = that.data.productValue[that.data.attrValue]; //如果有属性,没有选择,提示用户选择 if (that.data.productAttr.length && productSelect === undefined) return app.Tips({ title: '请选择属性' }); var data = { productId: that.data.storeInfo.product_id, secKillId: 0, bargainId: 0, combinationId: that.data.storeCombination.id, cartNum: that.data.cart_num, uniqueId: productSelect !== undefined ? productSelect.unique : '', is_new: 1, }; postCartAdd(data).then(function (res) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/order_confirm/index?cartId=' + res.data.cartId + '&pinkId=' + that.data.pinkT.id}); }).catch(function(res){ return app.Tips({ title: res }); }) }, /** * 取消开团 * */ removePink:function(e){ let that = this, data = { id: this.data.pinkId, cid: this.data.storeCombination.id, } postCombinationRemove(data).then(function(res){ if(res.data.status){ switch (res.data.status) { case '200': app.Tips({title:res.data.msg}); that.getPink(); break; } }else{ return app.Tips({ title: res.msg, icon: 'success' }, { tab: 4, url:'/pages/order_list/index?is_return=1'}); } }).catch(function (res) { return app.Tips({ title: res.msg }, { tab: 3, url: 1 }); }) }, lookAll:function(){ this.setData({iShidden: !this.data.iShidden}) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { if(this.data.isClose) this.getPink(); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { this.setData({ isClose:1}); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { return { title: this.data.userInfo.nickname + '邀请您参团', path: '/pages/activity/goods_combination_status/index?id=' + this.data.pinkId, imageUrl: this.data.storeCombination.image, success: function (){ return app.Tips({ title: '分享成功',icon: 'success'}); } }; } })