<template> <view :style="colorStyle"> <view class="authorize"> <view class="pictrue"> <image :src="logoUrl"></image> <view class="iconfont icon-guanbi4" @click='close'></view> </view> <view class="title">账号登录</view> <view class="info"> <checkbox-group @change='ChangeIsDefault' v-if="agreement"> <checkbox :checked="protocol ? true : false" />您已同意商城<text class="agree" @click="privacy('user')">《用户协议》</text> 与<text class="agree" @click="privacy('privacy')">《隐私协议》</text> </checkbox-group> <view v-else> 登录注册即同意商城 <text class="agree" @click="privacy('user')">《用户协议》</text>与<text class="agree" @click="privacy('privacy')">《隐私协议》</text> </view> </view> <template v-if="routineAuthType.indexOf(1) != -1"> <button hover-class="none" v-if="mp_is_new" @tap="userLogin" class="btn1">授权登录</button> <button v-else-if="canUseGetUserProfile && code" hover-class="none" @tap="getUserProfile" class="btn1">授权登录</button> <button v-else hover-class="none" open-type="getUserInfo" @getuserinfo="setUserInfo" class="btn1">授权登录</button> </template> <!-- <button v-if="routineAuthType.indexOf(2) != -1" hover-class="none" @click="isUp = true" class="btn2 acea-row row-center-wrapper">手机号登录</button> --> </view> <!-- <block v-if="isUp"> <mobileLogin :isUp="isUp" @close="maskClose" :authKey="authKey" @wechatPhone="wechatPhone"></mobileLogin> </block> --> <block v-if="isPhoneBox"> <!-- <routinePhone :logoUrl="logoUrl" :isPhoneBox="isPhoneBox" @close="bindPhoneClose" :authKey="authKey"> </routinePhone> --> </block> <block> <editUserModal :isShow="isShow" @closeEdit="closeEdit" @editSuccess="editSuccess"> </editUserModal> </block> <view class="mask" @click='close'></view> </view> </template> <script> const app = getApp(); // import mobileLogin from '../loginMobile/index.vue'; import routinePhone from '../loginMobile/routine_phone.vue'; import editUserModal from '@/components/eidtUserModal/index.vue' import { getLogo, silenceAuth, wechatAuthV2, authLogin } from '@/api/public'; import { LOGO_URL, EXPIRES_TIME, USER_INFO, STATE_R_KEY } from '@/config/cache'; import { getUserInfo } from '@/api/user.js'; import Routine from '@/libs/routine'; import wechat from '@/libs/wechat'; import colors from '@/mixins/color.js'; export default { mixins:[colors], props: { isShowAuth: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, data() { return { isShow: false,//判断获取用户头像是否出现 isUp: false, phone: '', isPhoneBox: false, logoUrl: '', code: '', authKey: '', options: '', userInfo: {}, codeNum: 0, canUseGetUserProfile: false, mp_is_new: this.$Cache.get('MP_VERSION_ISNEW') || false, agreement: 0, protocol: false, routineAuthType: [] }; }, components: { // mobileLogin, routinePhone, editUserModal }, mounted(options) { if (uni.getUserProfile) { this.canUseGetUserProfile = true; } getLogo().then(res => { this.logoUrl = res.data.logo_url; this.agreement = res.data.store_user_agreement; this.routineAuthType = res.data.routine_auth_type; }); let that = this; // #ifdef MP Routine.getCode() .then(code => { this.code = code }) // #endif }, methods: { close(){ this.$emit('authColse', false); }, privacy(type) { uni.navigateTo({ url: "/pages/users/privacy/index?type=" + type }) }, ChangeIsDefault(e) { this.$set(this, 'protocol', !this.protocol); }, // 小程序 22.11.8日删除getUserProfile 接口获取用户昵称头像 userLogin() { if (!this.protocol && this.agreement) { return this.$util.Tips({ title: '请先阅读并同意协议' }); } Routine.getCode() .then(code => { uni.showLoading({ title: '正在登录中' }); authLogin({ code, spread_spid: app.globalData.spid, spread_code: app.globalData.code }).then(res => { if (res.data.key !== undefined && res.data.key) { uni.hideLoading(); this.authKey = res.data.key; this.isPhoneBox = true; } else { uni.hideLoading(); let time = res.data.expires_time - this.$Cache.time(); this.$store.commit('LOGIN', { token: res.data.token, time: time }); this.getUserInfo(res.data.store_user_avatar || 0) } }).catch(err => { uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ title: err, icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }); }) }) .catch(err => { uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ title: err, icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }); }); }, editSuccess() { this.isShow = false this.$emit('onLoadFun'); }, closeEdit() { this.isShow = false this.$emit('onLoadFun'); this.$util.Tips({ title: '登录成功', icon: 'success' }); }, // 弹窗关闭 // maskClose(store_user_avatar) { // this.isUp = false; // if (store_user_avatar) { // this.$emit('onLoadFun'); // } // }, bindPhoneClose(data) { if (data.isStatus) { uni.hideLoading(); this.isPhoneBox = false; if(data.store_user_avatar){ this.isShow = true }else{ this.$emit('onLoadFun'); this.$util.Tips({ title: '登录成功', icon: 'success' }); } // this.getUserInfo(data.store_user_avatar) // this.$util.Tips({ // title: '登录成功', // icon: 'success' // }, { // tab: 3 // }); } else { this.isPhoneBox = false; } }, // #ifdef MP /** * 获取个人用户信息 */ getUserInfo: function(store_user_avatar) { let that = this; getUserInfo().then(res => { uni.hideLoading(); that.userInfo = res.data; that.$store.commit('SETUID', res.data.uid); that.$store.commit('UPDATE_USERINFO', res.data); if(store_user_avatar){ that.isShow = true }else{ that.$emit('onLoadFun'); that.$util.Tips({ title: '登录成功', icon: 'success' }); } }); }, setUserInfo(e) { if (!this.protocol && this.agreement) { return this.$util.Tips({ title: '请先阅读并同意协议' }); } this.close(); uni.showLoading({ title: '正在登录中' }); Routine.getCode() .then(code => { this.getWxUser(code); }) .catch(res => { uni.hideLoading(); }); }, //小程序授权api替换 getUserInfo getUserProfile() { if (!this.protocol && this.agreement) { return this.$util.Tips({ title: '请先阅读并同意协议' }); } this.close(); uni.showLoading({ title: '正在登录中' }); let self = this; Routine.getUserProfile() .then(res => { let userInfo = res.userInfo; userInfo.code = this.code; userInfo.spread_spid = app.globalData.spid || this.$Cache.get('spid'); //获取推广人ID userInfo.spread_code = app.globalData.code; //获取推广人分享二维码ID Routine.authUserInfo(userInfo) .then(res => { if (res.data.key !== undefined && res.data.key) { uni.hideLoading(); self.authKey = res.data.key; self.isPhoneBox = true; } else { uni.hideLoading(); let time = res.data.expires_time - self.$Cache.time(); self.$store.commit('LOGIN', { token: res.data.token, time: time }); this.getUserInfo() } }) .catch(res => { uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ title: res.msg, icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }); }); }) .catch(res => { uni.hideLoading(); }); }, getWxUser(code) { let self = this; Routine.getUserInfo() .then(res => { let userInfo = res.userInfo; userInfo.code = code; userInfo.spread_spid = app.globalData.spid; //获取推广人ID userInfo.spread_code = app.globalData.code; //获取推广人分享二维码ID Routine.authUserInfo(userInfo) .then(res => { if (res.data.key !== undefined && res.data.key) { uni.hideLoading(); self.authKey = res.data.key; self.isPhoneBox = true; } else { uni.hideLoading(); let time = res.data.expires_time - self.$Cache.time(); self.$store.commit('LOGIN', { token: res.data.token, time: time }); self.$emit('onLoadFun'); self.$util.Tips({ title: res.msg, icon: 'success' }); } }) .catch(res => { uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ title: res.msg, icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }); }); }) .catch(res => { uni.hideLoading(); }); }, // #endif } }; </script> <style lang="scss"> .mask{ z-index: 99; } .authorize{ width: 100%; height: 560rpx; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 48rpx 48rpx 0 0; position: fixed; left: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 667; padding-top: 50rpx; text-align: center; .pictrue{ width: 152rpx; height: 152rpx; border-radius: 50%; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; image{ width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 50%; border:1px solid #eee; } .iconfont{ position: absolute; width: 52rpx; height: 52rpx; background: #EEE; border-radius: 50%; color: #888; font-size: 30rpx; text-align: center; line-height: 52rpx; right: -267rpx; top: -20rpx; } } .title{ margin-top: 28rpx; font-size: 36rpx; color: #333333; } .info{ color: #9E9E9E; font-size: 28rpx; margin-top: 14rpx; .agree{ color: #333; } } .btn1{ width: 536rpx; height: 86rpx; border-radius: 43rpx; color: #fff; 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