<?php namespace AlibabaCloud\OpenApiUtil\Tests; use AlibabaCloud\OpenApiUtil\OpenApiUtilClient; use AlibabaCloud\OpenApiUtil\Tests\Models\SourceModel; use AlibabaCloud\OpenApiUtil\Tests\Models\urlListObject; use AlibabaCloud\OpenApiUtil\Tests\Models\TargetModel; use AlibabaCloud\Tea\Model; use AlibabaCloud\Tea\Request; use AlibabaCloud\Tea\Utils\Utils; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream; /** * @internal * @coversNothing */ class OpenApiUtilClientTest extends TestCase { public function testConvert() { $model = new MockModel(); $model->a = 'foo'; $output = new MockModel(); OpenApiUtilClient::convert($model, $output); $this->assertEquals($model->a, $output->a); if (\function_exists('\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for')) { // @deprecated stream_for will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0 $stream = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for('test'); } else { $stream = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor('test'); } $source = new SourceModel(); $source->test = 'test'; $source->bodyObject = $stream; $source->listObject = [ $stream ]; $urlListObject = new urlListObject(); $urlListObject->urlObject = $stream; $source->urlListObject = [ $urlListObject ]; $target = new TargetModel(); OpenApiUtilClient::convert($source, $target); $this->assertEquals('test', $target->test); $this->assertNull($target->empty); $this->assertNull($target->body); $this->assertTrue(empty($target->list)); $this->assertNotNull($target->urlList[0]); $this->assertNull($target->urlList[0]->url); } public function testGetStringToSign() { $request = new Request(); $request->method = 'GET'; $request->pathname = '/'; $request->headers['accept'] = 'application/json'; $this->assertEquals("GET\napplication/json\n\n\n\n/", OpenApiUtilClient::getStringToSign($request)); $request->headers = [ 'accept' => 'application/json', 'content-md5' => 'md5', 'content-type' => 'application/json', 'date' => 'date', ]; $this->assertEquals("GET\napplication/json\nmd5\napplication/json\ndate\n/", OpenApiUtilClient::getStringToSign($request)); $request->headers = [ 'accept' => 'application/json', 'content-md5' => 'md5', 'content-type' => 'application/json', 'date' => 'date', 'x-acs-custom-key' => 'any value', ]; $this->assertEquals("GET\napplication/json\nmd5\napplication/json\ndate\nx-acs-custom-key:any value\n/", OpenApiUtilClient::getStringToSign($request)); $request->query = [ 'key' => 'val ue with space', ]; $this->assertEquals("GET\napplication/json\nmd5\napplication/json\ndate\nx-acs-custom-key:any value\n/?key=val ue with space", OpenApiUtilClient::getStringToSign($request)); } public function testGetROASignature() { $this->assertEquals('OmuTAr79tpI6CRoAdmzKRq5lHs0=', OpenApiUtilClient::getROASignature('stringtosign', 'secret')); } public function testToForm() { $this->assertEquals('bool=true&client=test&strs.1=str1&strs.2=str2&strs.3=false&tag.key=value', OpenApiUtilClient::toForm([ 'client' => 'test', 'tag' => [ 'key' => 'value', ], 'strs' => ['str1', 'str2', false], 'bool' => true, 'null' => null, ])); } public function testGetTimestamp() { $date = OpenApiUtilClient::getTimestamp(); $this->assertEquals(20, \strlen($date)); } public function testQuery() { $model = new MockModel(); $model->a = 'foo'; $model->c = 'boo'; $model->r = true; $array = [ 'a' => 'a', 'b1' => [ 'a' => 'a', ], 'b2' => [ 'a' => 'a', ], 'c' => ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'd' => [ $model ], 'e' => true, 'f' => null, ]; $this->assertEquals([ 'a' => 'a', 'b1.a' => 'a', 'b2.a' => 'a', 'c.1' => 'x', 'c.2' => 'y', 'c.3' => 'z', 'd.1.A' => 'foo', 'd.1.b' => '', 'd.1.c' => 'boo', 'd.1.c' => 'boo', 'd.1.r' => 'true', 'e' => 'true', 'f' => null ], OpenApiUtilClient::query($array)); } public function testGetRPCSignature() { $request = new Request(); $request->pathname = ''; $request->query = [ 'query' => 'test', 'body' => 'test', ]; $this->assertEquals('XlUyV4sXjOuX5FnjUz9IF9tm5rU=', OpenApiUtilClient::getRPCSignature($request->query, $request->method, 'secret')); } public function testArrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle() { $data = ['ok', 'test', 2, 3]; $this->assertEquals( 'instance.1=ok&instance.2=test&instance.3=2&instance.4=3', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $data, 'instance', 'repeatList' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '["ok","test",2,3]', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $data, 'instance', 'json' ) ); $test = new ParseModel([ 'str' => 'A', 'model' => new ParseModel(['str' => 'sub model']), 'array' => [1, 2, 3], ]); $this->assertEquals( '{"str":"A","model":{"str":"sub model","model":null,"array":null},"array":[1,2,3]}', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $test, 'instance', 'json' ) ); // model item in array $test = [ new ParseModel([ 'str' => 'A', ]), ]; $this->assertEquals( '[{"str":"A","model":null,"array":null}]', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $test, 'instance', 'json' ) ); // model item in map $test = [ 'model' => new ParseModel([ 'str' => 'A', ]), ]; $this->assertEquals( '{"model":{"str":"A","model":null,"array":null}}', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $test, 'instance', 'json' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'ok,test,2,3', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $data, 'instance', 'simple' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'ok test 2 3', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $data, 'instance', 'spaceDelimited' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'ok|test|2|3', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $data, 'instance', 'pipeDelimited' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( $data, 'instance', 'piDelimited' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '', OpenApiUtilClient::arrayToStringWithSpecifiedStyle( null, 'instance', 'pipeDelimited' ) ); } public function testParseToArray() { $test = $this->parseData(); $data = $test['data']; $expected = $test['expected']; foreach ($data as $index => $item) { $this->assertEquals($expected[$index], OpenApiUtilClient::parseToArray($item)); } } public function testParseToMap() { $test = $this->parseData(); $data = $test['data']; $expected = $test['expected']; foreach ($data as $index => $item) { $this->assertEquals($expected[$index], OpenApiUtilClient::parseToMap($item)); } } public function testGetEndpoint() { $endpoint = 'ecs.cn-hangzhou.aliyun.cs.com'; $useAccelerate = false; $endpointType = 'public'; $this->assertEquals('ecs.cn-hangzhou.aliyun.cs.com', OpenApiUtilClient::getEndpoint($endpoint, $useAccelerate, $endpointType)); $endpointType = 'internal'; $this->assertEquals('ecs-internal.cn-hangzhou.aliyun.cs.com', OpenApiUtilClient::getEndpoint($endpoint, $useAccelerate, $endpointType)); $useAccelerate = true; $endpointType = 'accelerate'; $this->assertEquals('oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com', OpenApiUtilClient::getEndpoint($endpoint, $useAccelerate, $endpointType)); } public function testHexEncode() { $data = OpenApiUtilClient::hash(Utils::toBytes('test'), 'ACS3-HMAC-SHA256'); $this->assertEquals( Utils::toBytes(hex2bin('9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08')), $data ); $data = OpenApiUtilClient::hash(Utils::toBytes('test'), 'ACS3-RSA-SHA256'); $this->assertEquals( Utils::toBytes(hex2bin('9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08')), $data ); $data = OpenApiUtilClient::hash(Utils::toBytes('test'), 'ACS3-HMAC-SM3'); $this->assertEquals( Utils::toBytes(hex2bin('55e12e91650d2fec56ec74e1d3e4ddbfce2ef3a65890c2a19ecf88a307e76a23')), $data ); $data = OpenApiUtilClient::hash(Utils::toBytes('test'), 'ACS3-HM-SHA256'); $this->assertEquals('', Utils::toString($data)); } public function testGetEncodePath() { $this->assertEquals( '/path/%20test', OpenApiUtilClient::getEncodePath('/path/ test') ); } public function testGetEncodeParam() { $this->assertEquals( 'a%2Fb%2Fc%2F%20test', OpenApiUtilClient::getEncodeParam('a/b/c/ test') ); } public function testGetAuthorization() { $request = new Request(); $request->method = ''; $request->pathname = ''; $request->query = [ 'test' => 'ok', 'empty' => '', ]; $request->headers = [ 'x-acs-test' => 'http', 'x-acs-TEST' => 'https', ]; $res = OpenApiUtilClient::getAuthorization($request, 'ACS3-HMAC-SHA256', '55e12e91650d2fec56ec74e1d3e4ddbfce2ef3a65890c2a19ecf88a307e76a23', 'acesskey', 'secret'); $this->assertEquals('ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=acesskey,SignedHeaders=x-acs-test,Signature=0a0f89a45f1ec3537a2d1a1046c71b95513a8f1f02526056968da19b99a5b914', $res); $request->query = null; $res = OpenApiUtilClient::getAuthorization($request, 'ACS3-HMAC-SHA256', '55e12e91650d2fec56ec74e1d3e4ddbfce2ef3a65890c2a19ecf88a307e76a23', 'acesskey', 'secret'); $this->assertEquals('ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=acesskey,SignedHeaders=x-acs-test,Signature=af6d32deb090ae85a21d7183055cf18dca17751da96979cdf964f8f0853e9dd2', $res); } public function testSign() { $this->assertEquals( 'b9ff646822f41ef647c1416fa2b8408923828abc0464af6706e18db3e8553da8', OpenApiUtilClient::hexEncode(OpenApiUtilClient::sign('secret', 'source', 'ACS3-HMAC-SM3')) ); $this->assertEquals( '1d93c62698a1c26427265668e79fac099aa26c1df873669599a2fb2f272e64c9', OpenApiUtilClient::hexEncode(OpenApiUtilClient::sign('secret', 'source', 'ACS3-HMAC-SHA256')) ); } private function parseData() { return [ 'data' => [ 'NotArray', new ParseModel([ 'str' => 'A', 'model' => new ParseModel(['str' => 'sub model']), 'array' => [1, 2, 3], ]), [ // model item in array new ParseModel([ 'str' => 'A', ]), ], [ // model item in map 'model' => new ParseModel([ 'str' => 'A', ]), ], ], 'expected' => [ ['NotArray'], [ 'str' => 'A', 'model' => [ 'str' => 'sub model', 'model' => null, 'array' => null, ], 'array' => [1, 2, 3], ], [ [ 'str' => 'A', 'model' => null, 'array' => null, ], ], [ 'model' => [ 'str' => 'A', 'model' => null, 'array' => null, ], ], ], 'expectedJsonStr' => [ '["NotArray"]', 'NotArray', 'NotArray', 'NotArray', ], ]; } } class MockModel extends Model { public $a = 'A'; public $b = ''; public $c = ''; public $r; public function __construct() { $this->_name['a'] = 'A'; $this->_required['c'] = true; parent::__construct([]); } public function toMap() { $res = []; if (null !== $this->a) { $res['A'] = $this->a; } if (null !== $this->b) { $res['b'] = $this->b; } if (null !== $this->c) { $res['c'] = $this->c; } if (null !== $this->r) { $res['r'] = $this->r; } return $res; } public static function fromMap($map = []) { $model = new self(); if (isset($map['A'])) { $model->a = $map['A']; } if (isset($map['b'])) { $model->b = $map['b']; } if (isset($map['c'])) { $model->c = $map['c']; } if (isset($map['r'])) { $model->r = $map['r']; } return $model; } } class ParseModel extends Model { public $str; public $model; public $array; }