// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace crmeb\services\upload\storage; use crmeb\basic\BaseUpload; use crmeb\exceptions\UploadException; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils; use think\exception\ValidateException; use QCloud\COSSTS\Sts; use crmeb\services\upload\extend\cos\Client as CrmebClient; /** * 腾讯云COS文件上传 * Class COS * @package crmeb\services\upload\storage */ class Cos extends BaseUpload { /** * 应用id * @var string */ protected $appid; /** * accessKey * @var mixed */ protected $accessKey; /** * secretKey * @var mixed */ protected $secretKey; /** * 句柄 * @var CrmebClient */ protected $handle; /** * 空间域名 Domain * @var mixed */ protected $uploadUrl; /** * 存储空间名称 公开空间 * @var mixed */ protected $storageName; /** * COS使用 所属地域 * @var mixed|null */ protected $storageRegion; /** * 水印位置 * @var string[] */ protected $position = [ '1' => 'northwest',//:左上 '2' => 'north',//:中上 '3' => 'northeast',//:右上 '4' => 'west',//:左中 '5' => 'center',//:中部 '6' => 'east',//:右中 '7' => 'southwest',//:左下 '8' => 'south',//:中下 '9' => 'southeast',//:右下 ]; /** * 初始化 * @param array $config * @return mixed|void */ public function initialize(array $config) { parent::initialize($config); $this->accessKey = $config['accessKey'] ?? null; $this->secretKey = $config['secretKey'] ?? null; $this->appid = $config['appid'] ?? null; $this->uploadUrl = $this->checkUploadUrl($config['uploadUrl'] ?? ''); $this->storageName = $config['storageName'] ?? null; $this->storageRegion = $config['storageRegion'] ?? null; $this->waterConfig['watermark_text_font'] = 'simfang仿宋.ttf'; } /** * * @return CrmebClient * @author 等风来 * @email 136327134@qq.com * @date 2022/9/29 */ protected function app() { $this->handle = new CrmebClient([ 'accessKey' => $this->accessKey, 'secretKey' => $this->secretKey, 'region' => $this->storageRegion ?: 'ap-chengdu', 'bucket' => $this->storageName, 'appid' => $this->appid, 'uploadUrl' => $this->uploadUrl ]); return $this->handle; } /** * 上传文件 * @param string|null $file * @param bool $isStream 是否为流上传 * @param string|null $fileContent 流内容 * @return array|bool|\StdClass */ protected function upload(string $file = null, bool $isStream = false, string $fileContent = null) { if (!$isStream) { $fileHandle = app()->request->file($file); if (!$fileHandle) { return $this->setError('Upload file does not exist'); } if ($this->validate) { try { $error = [ $file . '.filesize' => 'Upload filesize error', $file . '.fileExt' => 'Upload fileExt error', $file . '.fileMime' => 'Upload fileMine error' ]; validate([$file => $this->validate], $error)->check([$file => $fileHandle]); } catch (ValidateException $e) { return $this->setError($e->getMessage()); } } $key = $this->saveFileName($fileHandle->getRealPath(), $fileHandle->getOriginalExtension()); $body = fopen($fileHandle->getRealPath(), 'rb'); $body = (string)Utils::streamFor($body); } else { $key = $file; $body = $fileContent; } try { $key = $this->getUploadPath($key); $this->fileInfo->uploadInfo = $this->app()->putObject($key, $body); $this->fileInfo->filePath = $this->uploadUrl . '/' . $key; $this->fileInfo->realName = isset($fileHandle) ? $fileHandle->getOriginalName() : $key; $this->fileInfo->fileName = $key; $this->fileInfo->filePathWater = $this->water($this->fileInfo->filePath); $this->authThumb && $this->thumb($this->fileInfo->filePath); return $this->fileInfo; } catch (UploadException $e) { return $this->setError($e->getMessage()); } } /** * 文件流上传 * @param string $fileContent * @param string|null $key * @return array|bool|mixed|\StdClass */ public function stream(string $fileContent, string $key = null) { if (!$key) { $key = $this->saveFileName(); } return $this->upload($key, true, $fileContent); } /** * 文件上传 * @param string $file * @return array|bool|mixed|\StdClass */ public function move(string $file = 'file') { return $this->upload($file); } /** * 缩略图 * @param string $filePath * @param string $type * @return mixed|string[] */ public function thumb(string $filePath = '', string $type = 'all') { $filePath = $this->getFilePath($filePath); $data = ['big' => $filePath, 'mid' => $filePath, 'small' => $filePath]; $this->fileInfo->filePathBig = $this->fileInfo->filePathMid = $this->fileInfo->filePathSmall = $this->fileInfo->filePathWater = $filePath; if ($filePath) { $config = $this->thumbConfig; foreach ($this->thumb as $v) { if ($type == 'all' || $type == $v) { $height = 'thumb_' . $v . '_height'; $width = 'thumb_' . $v . '_width'; if (isset($config[$height]) && isset($config[$width]) && $config[$height] && $config[$width]) { $key = 'filePath' . ucfirst($v); $this->fileInfo->$key = $filePath . '?imageMogr2/thumbnail/' . $config[$width] . 'x' . $config[$height]; $this->fileInfo->$key = $this->water($this->fileInfo->$key); $data[$v] = $this->fileInfo->$key; } } } } return $data; } /** * 水印 * @param string $filePath * @return mixed|string */ public function water(string $filePath = '') { $filePath = $this->getFilePath($filePath); $waterConfig = $this->waterConfig; $waterPath = $filePath; if ($waterConfig['image_watermark_status'] && $filePath) { if (strpos($filePath, '?') === false) { $filePath .= '?watermark'; } else { $filePath .= '&watermark'; } switch ($waterConfig['watermark_type']) { case 1://图片 if (!$waterConfig['watermark_image']) { throw new ValidateException('请先配置水印图片'); } $waterPath = $filePath .= '/1/image/' . base64_encode($waterConfig['watermark_image']) . '/gravity/' . ($this->position[$waterConfig['watermark_position']] ?? 'northwest') . '/blogo/1/dx/' . $waterConfig['watermark_x'] . '/dy/' . $waterConfig['watermark_y']; break; case 2://文字 if (!$waterConfig['watermark_text']) { throw new ValidateException('请先配置水印文字'); } $waterPath = $filePath .= '/2/text/' . base64_encode($waterConfig['watermark_text']) . '/font/' . base64_encode($waterConfig['watermark_text_font']) . '/fill/' . base64_encode($waterConfig['watermark_text_color']) . '/fontsize/' . $waterConfig['watermark_text_size'] . '/gravity/' . ($this->position[$waterConfig['watermark_position']] ?? 'northwest') . '/dx/' . $waterConfig['watermark_x'] . '/dy/' . $waterConfig['watermark_y']; break; } } return $waterPath; } /** * 获取视频封面图 * @param string $filePath * @param string $type * @param int $time * @return array */ public function videoCoverImage(string $filePath = '', string $type = 'all', int $time = 1) { $data = ['big' => $filePath, 'mid' => $filePath, 'small' => $filePath]; $this->fileInfo->filePathBig = $this->fileInfo->filePathMid = $this->fileInfo->filePathSmall = $this->fileInfo->filePathWater = $filePath; if ($filePath) { //?ci-process=snapshot foreach ($this->thumb as $v) { if ($type == 'all' || $type == $v) { $height = 600; $width = 400; $key = 'filePath' . ucfirst($v); $this->fileInfo->$key = $filePath . 'ci-process=snapshot,t_' . $time . ',f_jpg,w_' . $width . ',h_' . $height . ',m_fast'; } } } return $data; } /** * 删除资源 * @param $key * @return mixed */ public function delete(string $filePath) { try { return $this->app()->deleteObject($this->storageName, $filePath); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->setError($e->getMessage()); } } /** * 生成签名 * @return array|mixed * @throws \Exception */ public function getTempKeys() { $sts = new Sts(); $config = [ 'url' => 'https://sts.tencentcloudapi.com/', 'domain' => 'sts.tencentcloudapi.com', 'proxy' => '', 'secretId' => $this->accessKey, // 固定密钥 'secretKey' => $this->secretKey, // 固定密钥 'bucket' => $this->storageName, // 换成你的 bucket 'region' => $this->storageRegion, // 换成 bucket 所在园区 'durationSeconds' => 1800, // 密钥有效期 'allowPrefix' => '*', // 这里改成允许的路径前缀,可以根据自己网站的用户登录态判断允许上传的具体路径,例子: a.jpg 或者 a/* 或者 * (使用通配符*存在重大安全风险, 请谨慎评估使用) // 密钥的权限列表。简单上传和分片需要以下的权限,其他权限列表请看 https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/31923 'allowActions' => [ // 简单上传 'name/cos:PutObject', 'name/cos:PostObject', // 分片上传 'name/cos:InitiateMultipartUpload', 'name/cos:ListMultipartUploads', 'name/cos:ListParts', 'name/cos:UploadPart', 'name/cos:CompleteMultipartUpload' ] ]; // 获取临时密钥,计算签名 $result = $sts->getTempKeys($config); $result['url'] = $this->uploadUrl . '/'; $result['type'] = 'COS'; $result['bucket'] = $this->storageName; $result['region'] = $this->storageRegion; return $result; } /** * 计算临时密钥用的签名 * @param $opt * @param $key * @param $method * @param $config * @return string */ public function getSignature($opt, $key, $method, $config) { $formatString = $method . $config['domain'] . '/?' . $this->json2str($opt, 1); $sign = hash_hmac('sha1', $formatString, $key); $sign = base64_encode($this->_hex2bin($sign)); return $sign; } public function _hex2bin($data) { $len = strlen($data); return pack("H" . $len, $data); } // obj 转 query string public function json2str($obj, $notEncode = false) { ksort($obj); $arr = array(); if (!is_array($obj)) { return $this->setError($obj . " must be a array"); } foreach ($obj as $key => $val) { array_push($arr, $key . '=' . ($notEncode ? $val : rawurlencode($val))); } return join('&', $arr); } // v2接口的key首字母小写,v3改成大写,此处做了向下兼容 public function backwardCompat($result) { if (!is_array($result)) { return $this->setError($result . " must be a array"); } $compat = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $compat[lcfirst($key)] = $this->backwardCompat($value); } elseif ($key == 'Token') { $compat['sessionToken'] = $value; } else { $compat[lcfirst($key)] = $value; } } return $compat; } /** * 桶列表 * @param string|null $region * @param bool $line * @param bool $shared * @return array|mixed * "Name" => "record-1254950941" * "Location" => "ap-chengdu" * "CreationDate" => "2019-05-16T08:33:29Z" * "BucketType" => "cos" */ public function listbuckets(string $region = null, bool $line = false, bool $shared = false) { try { $res = $this->app()->listBuckets(); $bucket = []; if (isset($res['Buckets'][0]['Bucket'])) { if (isset($res['Buckets'][0]['Bucket']['Name'])) { $bucket[] = $res['Buckets'][0]['Bucket']; } else { $bucket = $res['Buckets'][0]['Bucket']; } } else if (isset($res['Buckets']['Bucket'])) { $bucket = $res['Buckets']['Bucket']; } return $bucket; } catch (\Throwable $e) { return []; } } /** * 创建桶 * @param string $name * @param string $region * @param string $acl public-read=公共独写 * @return bool|mixed */ public function createBucket(string $name, string $region = '', string $acl = 'public-read') { $regionData = $this->getRegion(); $regionData = array_column($regionData, 'value'); if (!in_array($region, $regionData)) { return $this->setError('COS:无效的区域!'); } $this->storageRegion = $region; $app = $this->app(); //检测桶 try { $res1 = $app->headBucket($name, $region); if ($res1 !== true) { return $this->setError('COS:设置的桶名已经存在!'); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { //桶不存在返回404 if (strstr('404', $e->getMessage())) { return $this->setError('COS:' . $e->getMessage()); } } //创建桶 try { $res = $app->createBucket($name, $region, $acl); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (strstr('[curl] 6', $e->getMessage())) { return $this->setError('COS:无效的区域!!'); } else if (strstr('Access Denied.', $e->getMessage())) { return $this->setError('COS:无权访问'); } return $this->setError('COS:' . $e->getMessage()); } return $res; } /** * 删除桶 * @param string $name * @return bool|mixed */ public function deleteBucket(string $name) { try { $this->app()->deleteBucket($name); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return $this->setError($e->getMessage()); } return true; } /** * @param string $name * @param string|null $region * @return array|object */ public function getDomian(string $name, string $region = null) { try { $res = $this->app()->getBucketDomain($name, $region); if (isset($res['DomainRule'])) { $domainRules[] = $res['DomainRule']['Name']; } else { $domainRules = array_column($res['DomainRules'], 'Name'); } return $domainRules; } catch (\Throwable $e) { } return []; } /** * 绑定域名 * @param string $name * @param string $domain * @param string|null $region * @return bool|mixed */ public function bindDomian(string $name, string $domain, string $region = null) { $this->storageRegion = $region; $parseDomin = parse_url($domain); try { $this->app()->putBucketDomain($name, $region, [ 'Name' => $parseDomin['host'], 'Status' => 'ENABLED', 'Type' => 'REST', 'ForcedReplacement' => 'CNAME' ]); return true; } catch (\Throwable $e) { if ($message = $this->setMessage($e->getMessage())) { return $this->setError($message); } return $this->setError($e->getMessage()); } return false; } /** * 处理 * @param string $message * @return string */ protected function setMessage(string $message) { $data = [ 'The specified bucket does not exist.' => '指定的存储桶不存在。', 'Please add CNAME/TXT record to DNS then try again later. Please allow up to 10 mins before your DNS takes effect.' => '请将CNAME记录添加到DNS,然后稍后重试。在DNS生效前,请等待最多10分钟。' ]; $msg = $data[$message] ?? ''; if ($msg) { return $msg; } foreach ($data as $item) { if (strstr($message, $item)) { return $item; } } return ''; } /** * 设置跨域 * @param string $name * @param string $region * @return bool */ public function setBucketCors(string $name, string $region) { $this->storageRegion = $region; try { $this->app()->putBucketCors($name, [ 'AllowedHeader' => ['*'], 'AllowedMethod' => ['PUT', 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'], 'AllowedOrigin' => ['*'], 'ExposeHeader' => ['ETag', 'Content-Length', 'x-cos-request-id'], 'MaxAgeSeconds' => 12 ], $region); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return $this->setError($e->getMessage()); } return true; } /** * 地域 * @return mixed|\string[][] */ public function getRegion() { return [ [ 'value' => 'ap-chengdu', 'label' => '成都' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-shanghai', 'label' => '上海' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-nanjing', 'label' => '南京' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-beijing', 'label' => '北京' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-chongqing', 'label' => '重庆' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-shenzhen-fsi', 'label' => '深圳金融' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-shanghai-fsi', 'label' => '上海金融' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-beijing-fsi', 'label' => '北京金融' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-hongkong', 'label' => '中国香港' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-singapore', 'label' => '新加坡' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-mumbai', 'label' => '孟买' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-jakarta', 'label' => '雅加达' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-seoul', 'label' => '首尔' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-bangkok', 'label' => '曼谷' ], [ 'value' => 'ap-tokyo', 'label' => '东京' ], [ 'value' => 'na-siliconvalley', 'label' => '硅谷(美西)' ], [ 'value' => 'na-ashburn', 'label' => '弗吉尼亚(美东)' ], [ 'value' => 'na-toronto', 'label' => '多伦多' ], [ 'value' => 'sa-saopaulo', 'label' => '圣保罗' ], [ 'value' => 'eu-frankfurt', 'label' => '法兰克福' ], [ 'value' => 'eu-moscow', 'label' => '莫斯科' ] ]; } }