# Guzzle Services

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Provides an implementation of the Guzzle Command library that uses Guzzle service descriptions to describe web services, serialize requests, and parse responses into easy to use model structures.

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Description;

$client = new Client();
$description = new Description([
	'baseUri' => 'http://httpbin.org/',
	'operations' => [
		'testing' => [
			'httpMethod' => 'GET',
			'uri' => '/get{?foo}',
			'responseModel' => 'getResponse',
			'parameters' => [
				'foo' => [
					'type' => 'string',
					'location' => 'uri'
				'bar' => [
					'type' => 'string',
					'location' => 'query'
	'models' => [
		'getResponse' => [
			'type' => 'object',
			'additionalProperties' => [
				'location' => 'json'

$guzzleClient = new GuzzleClient($client, $description);

$result = $guzzleClient->testing(['foo' => 'bar']);
echo $result['args']['foo'];
// bar

## Installing

This project can be installed using Composer:

``composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle-services``

For **Guzzle 5**, use ``composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle-services:0.6``.

**Note:** If Composer is not installed [globally](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#globally) then you may need to run the preceding Composer commands using ``php composer.phar`` (where ``composer.phar`` is the path to your copy of Composer), instead of just ``composer``.

## Plugins

* Load Service description from file [https://github.com/gimler/guzzle-description-loader]

## Transition guide from Guzzle 5.0 to 6.0
### Change regarding PostField and PostFile

The request locations `postField` and `postFile` were removed in favor of `formParam` and `multipart`. If your description looks like
    'baseUri' => 'http://httpbin.org/',
    'operations' => [
        'testing' => [
            'httpMethod' => 'GET',
            'uri' => '/get{?foo}',
            'responseModel' => 'getResponse',
            'parameters' => [
                'foo' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                    'location' => 'postField'
                'bar' => [
                    'type' => 'string',
                    'location' => 'postFile'

you need to change `postField` to `formParam` and `postFile` to `multipart`. 

More documentation coming soon.

## Cookbook

### Changing the way query params are serialized

By default, query params are serialized using strict RFC3986 rules, using `http_build_query` method. With this, array params are serialized this way:

$client->myMethod(['foo' => ['bar', 'baz']]);

// Query params will be foo[0]=bar&foo[1]=baz

However, a lot of APIs in the wild require the numeric indices to be removed, so that the query params end up being `foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz`. You
can easily change the behaviour by creating your own serializer and overriding the "query" request location:

use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\RequestLocation\QueryLocation;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\QuerySerializer\Rfc3986Serializer;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Serializer;

$queryLocation   = new QueryLocation('query', new Rfc3986Serializer(true));
$serializer      = new Serializer($description, ['query' => $queryLocation]);
$guzzleClient    = new GuzzleClient($client, $description, $serializer);

You can also create your own serializer if you have specific needs.