<?php namespace Doctrine\Common\Annotations; use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation; use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\Target; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionFunction; use ReflectionMethod; use ReflectionProperty; use function array_merge; use function class_exists; use function extension_loaded; use function ini_get; /** * A reader for docblock annotations. */ class AnnotationReader implements Reader { /** * Global map for imports. * * @var array<string, class-string> */ private static $globalImports = [ 'ignoreannotation' => Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation::class, ]; /** * A list with annotations that are not causing exceptions when not resolved to an annotation class. * * The names are case sensitive. * * @var array<string, true> */ private static $globalIgnoredNames = ImplicitlyIgnoredAnnotationNames::LIST; /** * A list with annotations that are not causing exceptions when not resolved to an annotation class. * * The names are case sensitive. * * @var array<string, true> */ private static $globalIgnoredNamespaces = []; /** * Add a new annotation to the globally ignored annotation names with regard to exception handling. * * @param string $name */ public static function addGlobalIgnoredName($name) { self::$globalIgnoredNames[$name] = true; } /** * Add a new annotation to the globally ignored annotation namespaces with regard to exception handling. * * @param string $namespace */ public static function addGlobalIgnoredNamespace($namespace) { self::$globalIgnoredNamespaces[$namespace] = true; } /** * Annotations parser. * * @var DocParser */ private $parser; /** * Annotations parser used to collect parsing metadata. * * @var DocParser */ private $preParser; /** * PHP parser used to collect imports. * * @var PhpParser */ private $phpParser; /** * In-memory cache mechanism to store imported annotations per class. * * @psalm-var array<'class'|'function', array<string, array<string, class-string>>> */ private $imports = []; /** * In-memory cache mechanism to store ignored annotations per class. * * @psalm-var array<'class'|'function', array<string, array<string, true>>> */ private $ignoredAnnotationNames = []; /** * Initializes a new AnnotationReader. * * @throws AnnotationException */ public function __construct(?DocParser $parser = null) { if ( extension_loaded('Zend Optimizer+') && (ini_get('zend_optimizerplus.save_comments') === '0' || ini_get('opcache.save_comments') === '0') ) { throw AnnotationException::optimizerPlusSaveComments(); } if (extension_loaded('Zend OPcache') && ini_get('opcache.save_comments') === 0) { throw AnnotationException::optimizerPlusSaveComments(); } // Make sure that the IgnoreAnnotation annotation is loaded class_exists(IgnoreAnnotation::class); $this->parser = $parser ?: new DocParser(); $this->preParser = new DocParser(); $this->preParser->setImports(self::$globalImports); $this->preParser->setIgnoreNotImportedAnnotations(true); $this->preParser->setIgnoredAnnotationNames(self::$globalIgnoredNames); $this->phpParser = new PhpParser(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getClassAnnotations(ReflectionClass $class) { $this->parser->setTarget(Target::TARGET_CLASS); $this->parser->setImports($this->getImports($class)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNames($this->getIgnoredAnnotationNames($class)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNamespaces(self::$globalIgnoredNamespaces); return $this->parser->parse($class->getDocComment(), 'class ' . $class->getName()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getClassAnnotation(ReflectionClass $class, $annotationName) { $annotations = $this->getClassAnnotations($class); foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation instanceof $annotationName) { return $annotation; } } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPropertyAnnotations(ReflectionProperty $property) { $class = $property->getDeclaringClass(); $context = 'property ' . $class->getName() . '::$' . $property->getName(); $this->parser->setTarget(Target::TARGET_PROPERTY); $this->parser->setImports($this->getPropertyImports($property)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNames($this->getIgnoredAnnotationNames($class)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNamespaces(self::$globalIgnoredNamespaces); return $this->parser->parse($property->getDocComment(), $context); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPropertyAnnotation(ReflectionProperty $property, $annotationName) { $annotations = $this->getPropertyAnnotations($property); foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation instanceof $annotationName) { return $annotation; } } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getMethodAnnotations(ReflectionMethod $method) { $class = $method->getDeclaringClass(); $context = 'method ' . $class->getName() . '::' . $method->getName() . '()'; $this->parser->setTarget(Target::TARGET_METHOD); $this->parser->setImports($this->getMethodImports($method)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNames($this->getIgnoredAnnotationNames($class)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNamespaces(self::$globalIgnoredNamespaces); return $this->parser->parse($method->getDocComment(), $context); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getMethodAnnotation(ReflectionMethod $method, $annotationName) { $annotations = $this->getMethodAnnotations($method); foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation instanceof $annotationName) { return $annotation; } } return null; } /** * Gets the annotations applied to a function. * * @phpstan-return list<object> An array of Annotations. */ public function getFunctionAnnotations(ReflectionFunction $function): array { $context = 'function ' . $function->getName(); $this->parser->setTarget(Target::TARGET_FUNCTION); $this->parser->setImports($this->getImports($function)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNames($this->getIgnoredAnnotationNames($function)); $this->parser->setIgnoredAnnotationNamespaces(self::$globalIgnoredNamespaces); return $this->parser->parse($function->getDocComment(), $context); } /** * Gets a function annotation. * * @return object|null The Annotation or NULL, if the requested annotation does not exist. */ public function getFunctionAnnotation(ReflectionFunction $function, string $annotationName) { $annotations = $this->getFunctionAnnotations($function); foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation instanceof $annotationName) { return $annotation; } } return null; } /** * Returns the ignored annotations for the given class or function. * * @param ReflectionClass|ReflectionFunction $reflection * * @return array<string, true> */ private function getIgnoredAnnotationNames($reflection): array { $type = $reflection instanceof ReflectionClass ? 'class' : 'function'; $name = $reflection->getName(); if (isset($this->ignoredAnnotationNames[$type][$name])) { return $this->ignoredAnnotationNames[$type][$name]; } $this->collectParsingMetadata($reflection); return $this->ignoredAnnotationNames[$type][$name]; } /** * Retrieves imports for a class or a function. * * @param ReflectionClass|ReflectionFunction $reflection * * @return array<string, class-string> */ private function getImports($reflection): array { $type = $reflection instanceof ReflectionClass ? 'class' : 'function'; $name = $reflection->getName(); if (isset($this->imports[$type][$name])) { return $this->imports[$type][$name]; } $this->collectParsingMetadata($reflection); return $this->imports[$type][$name]; } /** * Retrieves imports for methods. * * @return array<string, class-string> */ private function getMethodImports(ReflectionMethod $method) { $class = $method->getDeclaringClass(); $classImports = $this->getImports($class); $traitImports = []; foreach ($class->getTraits() as $trait) { if ( ! $trait->hasMethod($method->getName()) || $trait->getFileName() !== $method->getFileName() ) { continue; } $traitImports = array_merge($traitImports, $this->phpParser->parseUseStatements($trait)); } return array_merge($classImports, $traitImports); } /** * Retrieves imports for properties. * * @return array<string, class-string> */ private function getPropertyImports(ReflectionProperty $property) { $class = $property->getDeclaringClass(); $classImports = $this->getImports($class); $traitImports = []; foreach ($class->getTraits() as $trait) { if (! $trait->hasProperty($property->getName())) { continue; } $traitImports = array_merge($traitImports, $this->phpParser->parseUseStatements($trait)); } return array_merge($classImports, $traitImports); } /** * Collects parsing metadata for a given class or function. * * @param ReflectionClass|ReflectionFunction $reflection */ private function collectParsingMetadata($reflection): void { $type = $reflection instanceof ReflectionClass ? 'class' : 'function'; $name = $reflection->getName(); $ignoredAnnotationNames = self::$globalIgnoredNames; $annotations = $this->preParser->parse($reflection->getDocComment(), $type . ' ' . $name); foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if (! ($annotation instanceof IgnoreAnnotation)) { continue; } foreach ($annotation->names as $annot) { $ignoredAnnotationNames[$annot] = true; } } $this->imports[$type][$name] = array_merge( self::$globalImports, $this->phpParser->parseUseStatements($reflection), [ '__NAMESPACE__' => $reflection->getNamespaceName(), 'self' => $name, ] ); $this->ignoredAnnotationNames[$type][$name] = $ignoredAnnotationNames; } }