<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyAccessExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyListExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyReadInfo; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyReadInfoExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyTypeExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyWriteInfo; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyWriteInfoExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type; use Symfony\Component\String\Inflector\EnglishInflector; use Symfony\Component\String\Inflector\InflectorInterface; /** * Extracts data using the reflection API. * * @author Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com> * * @final */ class ReflectionExtractor implements PropertyListExtractorInterface, PropertyTypeExtractorInterface, PropertyAccessExtractorInterface, PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface, PropertyReadInfoExtractorInterface, PropertyWriteInfoExtractorInterface, ConstructorArgumentTypeExtractorInterface { /** * @internal */ public static $defaultMutatorPrefixes = ['add', 'remove', 'set']; /** * @internal */ public static $defaultAccessorPrefixes = ['get', 'is', 'has', 'can']; /** * @internal */ public static $defaultArrayMutatorPrefixes = ['add', 'remove']; public const ALLOW_PRIVATE = 1; public const ALLOW_PROTECTED = 2; public const ALLOW_PUBLIC = 4; /** @var int Allow none of the magic methods */ public const DISALLOW_MAGIC_METHODS = 0; /** @var int Allow magic __get methods */ public const ALLOW_MAGIC_GET = 1 << 0; /** @var int Allow magic __set methods */ public const ALLOW_MAGIC_SET = 1 << 1; /** @var int Allow magic __call methods */ public const ALLOW_MAGIC_CALL = 1 << 2; private const MAP_TYPES = [ 'integer' => Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_INT, 'boolean' => Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_BOOL, 'double' => Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_FLOAT, ]; private $mutatorPrefixes; private $accessorPrefixes; private $arrayMutatorPrefixes; private $enableConstructorExtraction; private $methodReflectionFlags; private $magicMethodsFlags; private $propertyReflectionFlags; private $inflector; private $arrayMutatorPrefixesFirst; private $arrayMutatorPrefixesLast; /** * @param string[]|null $mutatorPrefixes * @param string[]|null $accessorPrefixes * @param string[]|null $arrayMutatorPrefixes */ public function __construct(array $mutatorPrefixes = null, array $accessorPrefixes = null, array $arrayMutatorPrefixes = null, bool $enableConstructorExtraction = true, int $accessFlags = self::ALLOW_PUBLIC, InflectorInterface $inflector = null, int $magicMethodsFlags = self::ALLOW_MAGIC_GET | self::ALLOW_MAGIC_SET) { $this->mutatorPrefixes = null !== $mutatorPrefixes ? $mutatorPrefixes : self::$defaultMutatorPrefixes; $this->accessorPrefixes = null !== $accessorPrefixes ? $accessorPrefixes : self::$defaultAccessorPrefixes; $this->arrayMutatorPrefixes = null !== $arrayMutatorPrefixes ? $arrayMutatorPrefixes : self::$defaultArrayMutatorPrefixes; $this->enableConstructorExtraction = $enableConstructorExtraction; $this->methodReflectionFlags = $this->getMethodsFlags($accessFlags); $this->propertyReflectionFlags = $this->getPropertyFlags($accessFlags); $this->magicMethodsFlags = $magicMethodsFlags; $this->inflector = $inflector ?? new EnglishInflector(); $this->arrayMutatorPrefixesFirst = array_merge($this->arrayMutatorPrefixes, array_diff($this->mutatorPrefixes, $this->arrayMutatorPrefixes)); $this->arrayMutatorPrefixesLast = array_reverse($this->arrayMutatorPrefixesFirst); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getProperties(string $class, array $context = []): ?array { try { $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return null; } $reflectionProperties = $reflectionClass->getProperties(); $properties = []; foreach ($reflectionProperties as $reflectionProperty) { if ($reflectionProperty->getModifiers() & $this->propertyReflectionFlags) { $properties[$reflectionProperty->name] = $reflectionProperty->name; } } foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods($this->methodReflectionFlags) as $reflectionMethod) { if ($reflectionMethod->isStatic()) { continue; } $propertyName = $this->getPropertyName($reflectionMethod->name, $reflectionProperties); if (!$propertyName || isset($properties[$propertyName])) { continue; } if ($reflectionClass->hasProperty($lowerCasedPropertyName = lcfirst($propertyName)) || (!$reflectionClass->hasProperty($propertyName) && !preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2,}/', $propertyName))) { $propertyName = $lowerCasedPropertyName; } $properties[$propertyName] = $propertyName; } return $properties ? array_values($properties) : null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTypes(string $class, string $property, array $context = []): ?array { if ($fromMutator = $this->extractFromMutator($class, $property)) { return $fromMutator; } if ($fromAccessor = $this->extractFromAccessor($class, $property)) { return $fromAccessor; } if ( ($context['enable_constructor_extraction'] ?? $this->enableConstructorExtraction) && $fromConstructor = $this->extractFromConstructor($class, $property) ) { return $fromConstructor; } if ($fromDefaultValue = $this->extractFromDefaultValue($class, $property)) { return $fromDefaultValue; } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) { try { $reflectionProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($class, $property); $type = $reflectionProperty->getType(); if (null !== $type) { return $this->extractFromReflectionType($type, $reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass()); } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // noop } } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTypesFromConstructor(string $class, string $property): ?array { try { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return null; } if (!$reflectionConstructor = $reflection->getConstructor()) { return null; } if (!$reflectionParameter = $this->getReflectionParameterFromConstructor($property, $reflectionConstructor)) { return null; } if (!$reflectionType = $reflectionParameter->getType()) { return null; } if (!$types = $this->extractFromReflectionType($reflectionType, $reflectionConstructor->getDeclaringClass())) { return null; } return $types; } private function getReflectionParameterFromConstructor(string $property, \ReflectionMethod $reflectionConstructor): ?\ReflectionParameter { $reflectionParameter = null; foreach ($reflectionConstructor->getParameters() as $reflectionParameter) { if ($reflectionParameter->getName() === $property) { return $reflectionParameter; } } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isReadable(string $class, string $property, array $context = []): ?bool { if ($this->isAllowedProperty($class, $property)) { return true; } return null !== $this->getReadInfo($class, $property, $context); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isWritable(string $class, string $property, array $context = []): ?bool { if ($this->isAllowedProperty($class, $property)) { return true; } [$reflectionMethod] = $this->getMutatorMethod($class, $property); return null !== $reflectionMethod; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isInitializable(string $class, string $property, array $context = []): ?bool { try { $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return null; } if (!$reflectionClass->isInstantiable()) { return false; } if ($constructor = $reflectionClass->getConstructor()) { foreach ($constructor->getParameters() as $parameter) { if ($property === $parameter->name) { return true; } } } elseif ($parentClass = $reflectionClass->getParentClass()) { return $this->isInitializable($parentClass->getName(), $property); } return false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getReadInfo(string $class, string $property, array $context = []): ?PropertyReadInfo { try { $reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return null; } $allowGetterSetter = $context['enable_getter_setter_extraction'] ?? false; $magicMethods = $context['enable_magic_methods_extraction'] ?? $this->magicMethodsFlags; $allowMagicCall = (bool) ($magicMethods & self::ALLOW_MAGIC_CALL); $allowMagicGet = (bool) ($magicMethods & self::ALLOW_MAGIC_GET); if (isset($context['enable_magic_call_extraction'])) { trigger_deprecation('symfony/property-info', '5.2', 'Using the "enable_magic_call_extraction" context option in "%s()" is deprecated. Use "enable_magic_methods_extraction" instead.', __METHOD__); $allowMagicCall = $context['enable_magic_call_extraction'] ?? false; } $hasProperty = $reflClass->hasProperty($property); $camelProp = $this->camelize($property); $getsetter = lcfirst($camelProp); // jQuery style, e.g. read: last(), write: last($item) foreach ($this->accessorPrefixes as $prefix) { $methodName = $prefix.$camelProp; if ($reflClass->hasMethod($methodName) && $reflClass->getMethod($methodName)->getModifiers() & $this->methodReflectionFlags && !$reflClass->getMethod($methodName)->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) { $method = $reflClass->getMethod($methodName); return new PropertyReadInfo(PropertyReadInfo::TYPE_METHOD, $methodName, $this->getReadVisiblityForMethod($method), $method->isStatic(), false); } } if ($allowGetterSetter && $reflClass->hasMethod($getsetter) && ($reflClass->getMethod($getsetter)->getModifiers() & $this->methodReflectionFlags)) { $method = $reflClass->getMethod($getsetter); return new PropertyReadInfo(PropertyReadInfo::TYPE_METHOD, $getsetter, $this->getReadVisiblityForMethod($method), $method->isStatic(), false); } if ($hasProperty && ($reflClass->getProperty($property)->getModifiers() & $this->propertyReflectionFlags)) { $reflProperty = $reflClass->getProperty($property); return new PropertyReadInfo(PropertyReadInfo::TYPE_PROPERTY, $property, $this->getReadVisiblityForProperty($reflProperty), $reflProperty->isStatic(), true); } if ($allowMagicGet && $reflClass->hasMethod('__get') && ($reflClass->getMethod('__get')->getModifiers() & $this->methodReflectionFlags)) { return new PropertyReadInfo(PropertyReadInfo::TYPE_PROPERTY, $property, PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, false, false); } if ($allowMagicCall && $reflClass->hasMethod('__call') && ($reflClass->getMethod('__call')->getModifiers() & $this->methodReflectionFlags)) { return new PropertyReadInfo(PropertyReadInfo::TYPE_METHOD, 'get'.$camelProp, PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, false, false); } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getWriteInfo(string $class, string $property, array $context = []): ?PropertyWriteInfo { try { $reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return null; } $allowGetterSetter = $context['enable_getter_setter_extraction'] ?? false; $magicMethods = $context['enable_magic_methods_extraction'] ?? $this->magicMethodsFlags; $allowMagicCall = (bool) ($magicMethods & self::ALLOW_MAGIC_CALL); $allowMagicSet = (bool) ($magicMethods & self::ALLOW_MAGIC_SET); if (isset($context['enable_magic_call_extraction'])) { trigger_deprecation('symfony/property-info', '5.2', 'Using the "enable_magic_call_extraction" context option in "%s()" is deprecated. Use "enable_magic_methods_extraction" instead.', __METHOD__); $allowMagicCall = $context['enable_magic_call_extraction'] ?? false; } $allowConstruct = $context['enable_constructor_extraction'] ?? $this->enableConstructorExtraction; $allowAdderRemover = $context['enable_adder_remover_extraction'] ?? true; $camelized = $this->camelize($property); $constructor = $reflClass->getConstructor(); $singulars = $this->inflector->singularize($camelized); $errors = []; if (null !== $constructor && $allowConstruct) { foreach ($constructor->getParameters() as $parameter) { if ($parameter->getName() === $property) { return new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR, $property); } } } [$adderAccessName, $removerAccessName, $adderAndRemoverErrors] = $this->findAdderAndRemover($reflClass, $singulars); if ($allowAdderRemover && null !== $adderAccessName && null !== $removerAccessName) { $adderMethod = $reflClass->getMethod($adderAccessName); $removerMethod = $reflClass->getMethod($removerAccessName); $mutator = new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_ADDER_AND_REMOVER); $mutator->setAdderInfo(new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_METHOD, $adderAccessName, $this->getWriteVisiblityForMethod($adderMethod), $adderMethod->isStatic())); $mutator->setRemoverInfo(new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_METHOD, $removerAccessName, $this->getWriteVisiblityForMethod($removerMethod), $removerMethod->isStatic())); return $mutator; } $errors = array_merge($errors, $adderAndRemoverErrors); foreach ($this->mutatorPrefixes as $mutatorPrefix) { $methodName = $mutatorPrefix.$camelized; [$accessible, $methodAccessibleErrors] = $this->isMethodAccessible($reflClass, $methodName, 1); if (!$accessible) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $methodAccessibleErrors); continue; } $method = $reflClass->getMethod($methodName); if (!\in_array($mutatorPrefix, $this->arrayMutatorPrefixes, true)) { return new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_METHOD, $methodName, $this->getWriteVisiblityForMethod($method), $method->isStatic()); } } $getsetter = lcfirst($camelized); if ($allowGetterSetter) { [$accessible, $methodAccessibleErrors] = $this->isMethodAccessible($reflClass, $getsetter, 1); if ($accessible) { $method = $reflClass->getMethod($getsetter); return new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_METHOD, $getsetter, $this->getWriteVisiblityForMethod($method), $method->isStatic()); } $errors = array_merge($errors, $methodAccessibleErrors); } if ($reflClass->hasProperty($property) && ($reflClass->getProperty($property)->getModifiers() & $this->propertyReflectionFlags)) { $reflProperty = $reflClass->getProperty($property); return new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_PROPERTY, $property, $this->getWriteVisiblityForProperty($reflProperty), $reflProperty->isStatic()); } if ($allowMagicSet) { [$accessible, $methodAccessibleErrors] = $this->isMethodAccessible($reflClass, '__set', 2); if ($accessible) { return new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_PROPERTY, $property, PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, false); } $errors = array_merge($errors, $methodAccessibleErrors); } if ($allowMagicCall) { [$accessible, $methodAccessibleErrors] = $this->isMethodAccessible($reflClass, '__call', 2); if ($accessible) { return new PropertyWriteInfo(PropertyWriteInfo::TYPE_METHOD, 'set'.$camelized, PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, false); } $errors = array_merge($errors, $methodAccessibleErrors); } if (!$allowAdderRemover && null !== $adderAccessName && null !== $removerAccessName) { $errors[] = sprintf( 'The property "%s" in class "%s" can be defined with the methods "%s()" but '. 'the new value must be an array or an instance of \Traversable', $property, $reflClass->getName(), implode('()", "', [$adderAccessName, $removerAccessName]) ); } $noneProperty = new PropertyWriteInfo(); $noneProperty->setErrors($errors); return $noneProperty; } /** * @return Type[]|null */ private function extractFromMutator(string $class, string $property): ?array { [$reflectionMethod, $prefix] = $this->getMutatorMethod($class, $property); if (null === $reflectionMethod) { return null; } $reflectionParameters = $reflectionMethod->getParameters(); $reflectionParameter = $reflectionParameters[0]; if (!$reflectionType = $reflectionParameter->getType()) { return null; } $type = $this->extractFromReflectionType($reflectionType, $reflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass()); if (1 === \count($type) && \in_array($prefix, $this->arrayMutatorPrefixes)) { $type = [new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY, false, null, true, new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_INT), $type[0])]; } return $type; } /** * Tries to extract type information from accessors. * * @return Type[]|null */ private function extractFromAccessor(string $class, string $property): ?array { [$reflectionMethod, $prefix] = $this->getAccessorMethod($class, $property); if (null === $reflectionMethod) { return null; } if ($reflectionType = $reflectionMethod->getReturnType()) { return $this->extractFromReflectionType($reflectionType, $reflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass()); } if (\in_array($prefix, ['is', 'can', 'has'])) { return [new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_BOOL)]; } return null; } /** * Tries to extract type information from constructor. * * @return Type[]|null */ private function extractFromConstructor(string $class, string $property): ?array { try { $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return null; } $constructor = $reflectionClass->getConstructor(); if (!$constructor) { return null; } foreach ($constructor->getParameters() as $parameter) { if ($property !== $parameter->name) { continue; } $reflectionType = $parameter->getType(); return $reflectionType ? $this->extractFromReflectionType($reflectionType, $constructor->getDeclaringClass()) : null; } if ($parentClass = $reflectionClass->getParentClass()) { return $this->extractFromConstructor($parentClass->getName(), $property); } return null; } private function extractFromDefaultValue(string $class, string $property): ?array { try { $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return null; } $defaultValue = $reflectionClass->getDefaultProperties()[$property] ?? null; if (null === $defaultValue) { return null; } $type = \gettype($defaultValue); $type = static::MAP_TYPES[$type] ?? $type; return [new Type($type, false, null, Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY === $type)]; } private function extractFromReflectionType(\ReflectionType $reflectionType, \ReflectionClass $declaringClass): array { $types = []; $nullable = $reflectionType->allowsNull(); foreach ($reflectionType instanceof \ReflectionUnionType ? $reflectionType->getTypes() : [$reflectionType] as $type) { $phpTypeOrClass = $reflectionType instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $reflectionType->getName() : (string) $type; if ('null' === $phpTypeOrClass || 'mixed' === $phpTypeOrClass) { continue; } if (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY === $phpTypeOrClass) { $types[] = new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY, $nullable, null, true); } elseif ('void' === $phpTypeOrClass) { $types[] = new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_NULL, $nullable); } elseif ($type->isBuiltin()) { $types[] = new Type($phpTypeOrClass, $nullable); } else { $types[] = new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT, $nullable, $this->resolveTypeName($phpTypeOrClass, $declaringClass)); } } return $types; } private function resolveTypeName(string $name, \ReflectionClass $declaringClass): string { if ('self' === $lcName = strtolower($name)) { return $declaringClass->name; } if ('parent' === $lcName && $parent = $declaringClass->getParentClass()) { return $parent->name; } return $name; } private function isAllowedProperty(string $class, string $property): bool { try { $reflectionProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($class, $property); return $reflectionProperty->getModifiers() & $this->propertyReflectionFlags; } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // Return false if the property doesn't exist } return false; } /** * Gets the accessor method. * * Returns an array with a the instance of \ReflectionMethod as first key * and the prefix of the method as second or null if not found. */ private function getAccessorMethod(string $class, string $property): ?array { $ucProperty = ucfirst($property); foreach ($this->accessorPrefixes as $prefix) { try { $reflectionMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $prefix.$ucProperty); if ($reflectionMethod->isStatic()) { continue; } if (0 === $reflectionMethod->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) { return [$reflectionMethod, $prefix]; } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // Return null if the property doesn't exist } } return null; } /** * Returns an array with a the instance of \ReflectionMethod as first key * and the prefix of the method as second or null if not found. */ private function getMutatorMethod(string $class, string $property): ?array { $ucProperty = ucfirst($property); $ucSingulars = $this->inflector->singularize($ucProperty); $mutatorPrefixes = \in_array($ucProperty, $ucSingulars, true) ? $this->arrayMutatorPrefixesLast : $this->arrayMutatorPrefixesFirst; foreach ($mutatorPrefixes as $prefix) { $names = [$ucProperty]; if (\in_array($prefix, $this->arrayMutatorPrefixes)) { $names = array_merge($names, $ucSingulars); } foreach ($names as $name) { try { $reflectionMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $prefix.$name); if ($reflectionMethod->isStatic()) { continue; } // Parameter can be optional to allow things like: method(array $foo = null) if ($reflectionMethod->getNumberOfParameters() >= 1) { return [$reflectionMethod, $prefix]; } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // Try the next prefix if the method doesn't exist } } } return null; } private function getPropertyName(string $methodName, array $reflectionProperties): ?string { $pattern = implode('|', array_merge($this->accessorPrefixes, $this->mutatorPrefixes)); if ('' !== $pattern && preg_match('/^('.$pattern.')(.+)$/i', $methodName, $matches)) { if (!\in_array($matches[1], $this->arrayMutatorPrefixes)) { return $matches[2]; } foreach ($reflectionProperties as $reflectionProperty) { foreach ($this->inflector->singularize($reflectionProperty->name) as $name) { if (strtolower($name) === strtolower($matches[2])) { return $reflectionProperty->name; } } } return $matches[2]; } return null; } /** * Searches for add and remove methods. * * @param \ReflectionClass $reflClass The reflection class for the given object * @param array $singulars The singular form of the property name or null * * @return array An array containing the adder and remover when found and errors */ private function findAdderAndRemover(\ReflectionClass $reflClass, array $singulars): array { if (!\is_array($this->arrayMutatorPrefixes) && 2 !== \count($this->arrayMutatorPrefixes)) { return [null, null, []]; } [$addPrefix, $removePrefix] = $this->arrayMutatorPrefixes; $errors = []; foreach ($singulars as $singular) { $addMethod = $addPrefix.$singular; $removeMethod = $removePrefix.$singular; [$addMethodFound, $addMethodAccessibleErrors] = $this->isMethodAccessible($reflClass, $addMethod, 1); [$removeMethodFound, $removeMethodAccessibleErrors] = $this->isMethodAccessible($reflClass, $removeMethod, 1); $errors = array_merge($errors, $addMethodAccessibleErrors, $removeMethodAccessibleErrors); if ($addMethodFound && $removeMethodFound) { return [$addMethod, $removeMethod, []]; } if ($addMethodFound && !$removeMethodFound) { $errors[] = sprintf('The add method "%s" in class "%s" was found, but the corresponding remove method "%s" was not found', $addMethod, $reflClass->getName(), $removeMethod); } elseif (!$addMethodFound && $removeMethodFound) { $errors[] = sprintf('The remove method "%s" in class "%s" was found, but the corresponding add method "%s" was not found', $removeMethod, $reflClass->getName(), $addMethod); } } return [null, null, $errors]; } /** * Returns whether a method is public and has the number of required parameters and errors. */ private function isMethodAccessible(\ReflectionClass $class, string $methodName, int $parameters): array { $errors = []; if ($class->hasMethod($methodName)) { $method = $class->getMethod($methodName); if (\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC === $this->methodReflectionFlags && !$method->isPublic()) { $errors[] = sprintf('The method "%s" in class "%s" was found but does not have public access.', $methodName, $class->getName()); } elseif ($method->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() > $parameters || $method->getNumberOfParameters() < $parameters) { $errors[] = sprintf('The method "%s" in class "%s" requires %d arguments, but should accept only %d.', $methodName, $class->getName(), $method->getNumberOfRequiredParameters(), $parameters); } else { return [true, $errors]; } } return [false, $errors]; } /** * Camelizes a given string. */ private function camelize(string $string): string { return str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $string))); } /** * Return allowed reflection method flags. */ private function getMethodsFlags(int $accessFlags): int { $methodFlags = 0; if ($accessFlags & self::ALLOW_PUBLIC) { $methodFlags |= \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC; } if ($accessFlags & self::ALLOW_PRIVATE) { $methodFlags |= \ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE; } if ($accessFlags & self::ALLOW_PROTECTED) { $methodFlags |= \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED; } return $methodFlags; } /** * Return allowed reflection property flags. */ private function getPropertyFlags(int $accessFlags): int { $propertyFlags = 0; if ($accessFlags & self::ALLOW_PUBLIC) { $propertyFlags |= \ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC; } if ($accessFlags & self::ALLOW_PRIVATE) { $propertyFlags |= \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE; } if ($accessFlags & self::ALLOW_PROTECTED) { $propertyFlags |= \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED; } return $propertyFlags; } private function getReadVisiblityForProperty(\ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty): string { if ($reflectionProperty->isPrivate()) { return PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE; } if ($reflectionProperty->isProtected()) { return PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED; } return PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC; } private function getReadVisiblityForMethod(\ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod): string { if ($reflectionMethod->isPrivate()) { return PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE; } if ($reflectionMethod->isProtected()) { return PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED; } return PropertyReadInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC; } private function getWriteVisiblityForProperty(\ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty): string { if ($reflectionProperty->isPrivate()) { return PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE; } if ($reflectionProperty->isProtected()) { return PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED; } return PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC; } private function getWriteVisiblityForMethod(\ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod): string { if ($reflectionMethod->isPrivate()) { return PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE; } if ($reflectionMethod->isProtected()) { return PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED; } return PropertyWriteInfo::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC; } }