phpstan.neon.dist 1.3 KB

  1. includes:
  2. - phpstan-baseline.neon
  3. - phpstan-conditional.php
  4. - vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/extension.neon
  5. - vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/rules.neon
  6. parameters:
  7. level: 8
  8. paths:
  9. - src/
  10. - tests/
  11. excludePaths:
  12. - src/PhpSpreadsheet/Chart/Renderer/JpGraph.php
  13. parallel:
  14. processTimeout: 300.0
  15. checkMissingIterableValueType: false
  16. ignoreErrors:
  17. - '~^Parameter \#1 \$im(age)? of function (imagedestroy|imageistruecolor|imagealphablending|imagesavealpha|imagecolortransparent|imagecolorsforindex|imagesavealpha|imagesx|imagesy) expects (GdImage|resource), GdImage\|resource given\.$~'
  18. - '~^Parameter \#2 \$src_im(age)? of function imagecopy expects (GdImage|resource), GdImage\|resource given\.$~'
  19. # Accept a bit anything for assert methods
  20. - '~^Parameter \#2 .* of static method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert\:\:assert\w+\(\) expects .*, .* given\.$~'
  21. - '~^Method PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheetTests\\.*\:\:test.*\(\) has parameter \$args with no type specified\.$~'
  22. # Some issues in Xls/Parser between 1.6.3 and 1.7.7
  23. -
  24. message: "#^Offset '(left|right|value)' does not exist on (non-empty-array\\|string|array\\|null)\\.$#"
  25. path: src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Parser.php