Kirin 3 years ago
100 changed files with 20346 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 3 0
  2. 1 0
  3. 7 0
  4. 8 0
  5. 42 0
  6. 2 0
  7. 33 0
  8. 1 0
  9. 24 0
  10. 68 0
  11. 23 0
  12. 151 0
  13. 25 0
  14. 20 0
  15. 36 0
  16. 87 0
  17. 587 0
  18. 67 0
  19. 118 0
  20. 43 0
  21. 346 0
  22. 224 0
  23. 175 0
  24. 196 0
  25. 130 0
  26. 154 0
  27. 141 0
  28. 135 0
  29. 135 0
  30. 894 0
  31. 639 0
  32. 271 0
  33. 733 0
  34. 87 0
  35. 122 0
  36. 178 0
  37. 213 0
  38. 151 0
  39. 376 0
  40. 179 0
  41. 127 0
  42. 292 0
  43. 208 0
  44. 130 0
  45. 142 0
  46. 65 0
  47. 140 0
  48. 82 0
  49. 70 0
  50. 57 0
  51. 97 0
  52. 946 0
  53. 198 0
  54. 154 0
  55. 723 0
  56. 176 0
  57. 112 0
  58. 86 0
  59. 121 0
  60. 50 0
  61. 250 0
  62. 245 0
  63. 303 0
  64. 39 0
  65. 169 0
  66. 198 0
  67. 211 0
  68. 88 0
  69. 520 0
  70. 569 0
  71. 321 0
  72. 60 0
  73. 117 0
  74. 592 0
  75. 78 0
  76. 798 0
  77. 101 0
  78. 346 0
  79. 303 0
  80. 289 0
  81. 42 0
  82. 195 0
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  84. 34 0
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  86. 135 0
  87. 390 0
  88. 7 0
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  93. 166 0
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  96. 1280 0
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  98. 67 0
  99. 230 0
  100. 72 0

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+APP_DEBUG = true


TYPE = mysql
USERNAME = username
PASSWORD = password
CHARSET = utf8
DEBUG = true

default_lang = zh-cn

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
+  Options +FollowSymlinks -Multiviews
+  RewriteEngine On
+  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [QSA,PT,L]

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+sudo: false
+language: php
+  only:
+    - stable
+  directories:
+    - $HOME/.composer/cache
+  - composer self-update
+  - composer install --no-dev --no-interaction --ignore-platform-reqs
+  - zip -r --exclude='*.git*' --exclude='*.zip' --exclude='*.travis.yml' .
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-image:^1.0"
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-migration:^1.0"
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-captcha:^1.0"
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-mongo:^1.0"
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-worker:^1.0"
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-helper:^1.0"
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-queue:^1.0"
+  - composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-angular:^1.0"
+  - composer require --dev --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-testing:^1.0"
+  - zip -r --exclude='*.git*' --exclude='*.zip' --exclude='*.travis.yml' .
+  - php think unit
+  provider: releases
+  api_key:
+    secure: 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
+  file:
+    -
+    -
+  skip_cleanup: true
+  on:
+    tags: true

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+version=CRMEB-DT v3.2.2

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+版权所有 (c)2017-2027,西安众邦网络科技有限公司 保留所有权利。
+感谢您选择CrmEb开源客户管理+电商系统(简称CRMEB),CRMEB是国内最稳定、最强大、最先进的互联网电商平台解决方案之一,CRMEB基于 PHP + MySQL 的技术,采用ThinkPHP5.0框架开发。
+2、您可以在协议规定的约束和限制范围内修改 CRMEB 源代码或界面风格以适应您的网站要求。
+1、未获商业授权之前,不得删除网站底部及相应的官方版权信息和链接。购买商业授权请联系西安众邦网络科技有限公司了解最新说明。CRMEB著作权已在中华人民共和国国家版权局注册(中国国家版权局著作权登记号 2018SR024463),著作权受到法律和国际公约保护。
+3、不管你的网站是否整体使用 CRMEB ,还是部份栏目使用 CRMEB,在你使用了 CRMEB 的网站主页上必须加上 CRMEB 官方网址(的链接。
+4、未经官方许可,禁止在 CRMEB 的整体或任何部分基础上以发展任何派生版本、修改版本或第三方版本用于重新分发。
+3、电子文本形式的授权协议如同双方书面签署的协议一样,具有完全的和等同的法律效力。您一旦开始确认本协议并安装 CRMEB,即被视为完全理解并接受本协议的各项条款,在享有上述条款授予的权力的同时,受到相关的约束和限制。协议许可范围以外的行为,将直接违反本授权协议并构成侵权,我们有权随时终止授权,责令停止损害,并保留追究相关责任的权力。
+协议发布时间: 2017年8月01日
+版本最新更新: 2019年8月15日 By CRMEB
+运营团队: 众邦科技
+电   话: 400-8888-794
+邮   箱:
+网   址:

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+deny from all

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+namespace app;
+use crmeb\services\SystemConfigService;
+use crmeb\services\GroupDataService;
+use crmeb\utils\Json;
+use think\facade\Db;
+use think\Service;
+class AppService extends Service
+    public $bind = [
+        'json' => Json::class,
+        'sysConfig' => SystemConfigService::class,
+        'sysGroupData' => GroupDataService::class
+    ];
+    public function boot()
+    {
+    }

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Copyright (c) 2006~2019 All rights reserved.
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Licensed ( )
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Author: liu21st <>
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace app;
+use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
+use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
+use think\exception\Handle;
+use think\exception\HttpException;
+use think\exception\HttpResponseException;
+use think\exception\ValidateException;
+use think\Response;
+use Throwable;
+ * 应用异常处理类
+ */
+class ExceptionHandle extends Handle
+    /**
+     * 不需要记录信息(日志)的异常类列表
+     * @var array
+     */
+    protected $ignoreReport = [
+        HttpException::class,
+        HttpResponseException::class,
+        ModelNotFoundException::class,
+        DataNotFoundException::class,
+        ValidateException::class,
+    ];
+    /**
+     * 记录异常信息(包括日志或者其它方式记录)
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @param  Throwable $exception
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function report(Throwable $exception): void
+    {
+        // 使用内置的方式记录异常日志
+        parent::report($exception);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Render an exception into an HTTP response.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @param \think\Request   $request
+     * @param Throwable $e
+     * @return Response
+     */
+    public function render($request, Throwable $e): Response
+    {
+        // 添加自定义异常处理机制
+        // 其他错误交给系统处理
+        return parent::render($request, $e);
+    }

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Copyright (c) 2006~2019 All rights reserved.
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Licensed ( )
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Author: liu21st <>
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace app;
+use Spatie\Macroable\Macroable;
+ * @method user()
+ * @method uid()
+ */
+class Request extends \think\Request
+    use Macroable;

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Copyright (c) 2006-2016 All rights reserved.
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Licensed ( )
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Author: 流年 <>
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 应用公共文件
+if (!function_exists('attr_format')) {
+    /**
+     * 格式化属性
+     * @param $arr
+     * @return array
+     */
+    function attr_format($arr)
+    {
+        $data = [];
+        $res = [];
+        $count = count($arr);
+        if ($count > 1) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++) {
+                if ($i == 0) $data = $arr[$i]['detail'];
+                //替代变量1
+                foreach ($data as $v) {
+                    foreach ($arr[$i + 1]['detail'] as $g) {
+                        //替代变量2
+                        $rep2 = ($i != 0 ? '' : $arr[$i]['value'] . '_$_') . $v . '-$-' . $arr[$i + 1]['value'] . '_$_' . $g;
+                        $tmp[] = $rep2;
+                        if ($i == $count - 2) {
+                            foreach (explode('-$-', $rep2) as $k => $h) {
+                                //替代变量3
+                                $rep3 = explode('_$_', $h);
+                                //替代变量4
+                                $rep4['detail'][$rep3[0]] = isset($rep3[1]) ? $rep3[1] : '';
+                            }
+                            if ($count == count($rep4['detail'])) {
+                                $res_sort = [];
+                                foreach ($arr as $re) {
+                                    $res_sort[$re['value']] = $rep4['detail'][$re['value']];
+                                }
+                                $rep4['detail'] = $res_sort;
+                                $res[] = $rep4;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                $data = isset($tmp) ? $tmp : [];
+            }
+        } else {
+            $dataArr = [];
+            foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
+                foreach ($v['detail'] as $kk => $vv) {
+                    $dataArr[$kk] = $v['value'] . '_' . $vv;
+                    $res[$kk]['detail'][$v['value']] = $vv;
+                }
+            }
+            $data[] = implode('-', $dataArr);
+        }
+        return [$data, $res];
+    }
+if (!function_exists('get_month')) {
+    /**
+     * 格式化月份
+     * @param string $time
+     * @param int $ceil
+     * @return array
+     */
+    function get_month($time = '', $ceil = 0)
+    {
+        if (empty($time)) {
+            $firstday = date("Y-m-01", time());
+            $lastday = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$firstday +1 month -1 day"));
+        } else if ($time == 'n') {
+            if ($ceil != 0)
+                $season = ceil(date('n') / 3) - $ceil;
+            else
+                $season = ceil(date('n') / 3);
+            $firstday = date('Y-m-01', mktime(0, 0, 0, ($season - 1) * 3 + 1, 1, date('Y')));
+            $lastday = date('Y-m-t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $season * 3, 1, date('Y')));
+        } else if ($time == 'y') {
+            $firstday = date('Y-01-01');
+            $lastday = date('Y-12-31');
+        } else if ($time == 'h') {
+            $firstday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('this week +' . $ceil . ' day')) . ' 00:00:00';
+            $lastday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('this week +' . ($ceil + 1) . ' day')) . ' 23:59:59';
+        }
+        return array($firstday, $lastday);
+    }
+if (!function_exists('clearfile')) {
+    /**删除目录下所有文件
+     * @param $path 目录或者文件路径
+     * @param string $ext
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    function clearfile($path, $ext = '*.log')
+    {
+        $files = (array)glob($path . DS . '*');
+        foreach ($files as $path) {
+            if (is_dir($path)) {
+                $matches = glob($path . '/' . $ext);
+                if (is_array($matches)) {
+                    array_map('unlink', $matches);
+                }
+                rmdir($path);
+            } else {
+                unlink($path);
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+if (!function_exists('get_this_class_methods')) {
+    /**获取当前类方法
+     * @param $class
+     * @return array
+     */
+    function get_this_class_methods($class, $unarray = [])
+    {
+        $arrayall = get_class_methods($class);
+        if ($parent_class = get_parent_class($class)) {
+            $arrayparent = get_class_methods($parent_class);
+            $arraynow = array_diff($arrayall, $arrayparent);//去除父级的
+        } else {
+            $arraynow = $arrayall;
+        }
+        return array_diff($arraynow, $unarray);//去除无用的
+    }
+if (!function_exists('verify_domain')) {
+    /**
+     * 验证域名是否合法
+     * @param string $domain
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    function verify_domain(string $domain): bool
+    {
+        $res = "/^(?=^.{3,255}$)(http(s)?:\/\/)?(www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+(:\d+)*(\/\w+\.\w+)*$/";
+        if (preg_match($res, $domain))
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 All rights reserved.
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Licensed ( )
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Author: liu21st <>
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | 应用设置
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+return [
+    // 是否强制使用路由
+    'url_route_must'        => false,
+    // 合并路由规则
+    'route_rule_merge'      => true,
+    // 路由是否完全匹配
+    'route_complete_match'  => false,
+    // 是否自动转换URL中的控制器和操作名
+    'url_convert'           => true,

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | 模板设置
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+return [
+    // 模板后缀
+    'view_suffix'  => 'php',
+    // 模板路径
+    'view_path'    => app_path('view'),
+    // 视图输出字符串内容替换
+    'tpl_replace_string'       => [
+        '{__PUBLIC_PATH}' =>  '/',              //public 目录
+        '{__STATIC_PATH}' =>  '/static/',       //全局静态目录
+        '{__PLUG_PATH}'   =>  '/static/plug/',  //全局静态插件
+        '{__ADMIN_PATH}'  =>  '/system/',        //后台目录
+        '{__FRAME_PATH}'  =>  '/system/frame/',  //后台框架
+        '{__MODULE_PATH}' =>  '/system/module/', //后台模块
+    ]

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2018/01/10
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use think\exception\Handle;
+use think\exception\ValidateException;
+use think\Response;
+use Throwable;
+ * 后台异常处理
+ *
+ * Class AdminException
+ * @package app\admin\controller
+ */
+class AdminException extends Handle
+    public function render($request, Throwable $e): Response
+    {
+        // 参数验证错误
+        if ($e instanceof ValidateException) {
+            return app('json')->make(422, $e->getError());
+        }
+        if ($e instanceof \Exception && request()->isAjax()) {
+            return app('json')->fail($e->getMessage(), ['code' => $e->getCode(), 'line' => $e->getLine(), 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'file' => $e->getFile()]);
+        }
+        return parent::render($request, $e);
+    }

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAdmin;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemMenus;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemRole;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * 基类 所有控制器继承的类
+ * Class AuthController
+ * @package app\admin\controller
+ */
+class AuthController extends SystemBasic
+    /**
+     * 当前登陆管理员信息
+     * @var
+     */
+    protected $adminInfo;
+    /**
+     * 当前登陆管理员ID
+     * @var
+     */
+    protected $adminId;
+    /**
+     * 当前管理员权限
+     * @var array
+     */
+    protected $auth = [];
+    protected $skipLogController = ['index', 'common'];
+    protected function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize();
+        if (!SystemAdmin::hasActiveAdmin()) return $this->redirect(Url::buildUrl('login/index')->suffix(false)->build());
+        try {
+            $adminInfo = SystemAdmin::activeAdminInfoOrFail();
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return $this->failed(SystemAdmin::getErrorInfo($e->getMessage()), Url::buildUrl('login/index')->suffix(false)->build());
+        }
+        $this->adminInfo = $adminInfo;
+        $this->adminId = $adminInfo['id'];
+        $this->getActiveAdminInfo();
+        $this->auth = SystemAdmin::activeAdminAuthOrFail();
+        $this->adminInfo->level === 0 || $this->checkAuth();
+        $this->assign('_admin', $this->adminInfo);
+        $type = 'system';
+        event('AdminVisit', [$this->adminInfo, $type]);
+    }
+    protected function checkAuth($action = null, $controller = null, $module = null, array $route = [])
+    {
+        static $allAuth = null;
+        if ($allAuth === null) $allAuth = SystemRole::getAllAuth();
+        if ($module === null) $module = app('http')->getName();
+        if ($controller === null) $controller = $this->request->controller();
+        if ($action === null) $action = $this->request->action();
+        if (!count($route)) $route = $this->request->route();
+        if (in_array(strtolower($controller), $this->skipLogController, true)) return true;
+        $nowAuthName = SystemMenus::getAuthName($action, $controller, $module, $route);
+        $baseNowAuthName = SystemMenus::getAuthName($action, $controller, $module, []);
+        if ((in_array($nowAuthName, $allAuth) && !in_array($nowAuthName, $this->auth)) || (in_array($baseNowAuthName, $allAuth) && !in_array($baseNowAuthName, $this->auth)))
+            exit($this->failed('没有权限访问!'));
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获得当前用户最新信息
+     * @return SystemAdmin
+     */
+    protected function getActiveAdminInfo()
+    {
+        $adminId = $this->adminId;
+        $adminInfo = SystemAdmin::getValidAdminInfoOrFail($adminId);
+        if (!$adminInfo) $this->failed(SystemAdmin::getErrorInfo('请登陆!'));
+        $this->adminInfo = $adminInfo;
+        SystemAdmin::setLoginInfo($adminInfo);
+        return $adminInfo;
+    }

+ 587 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use FormBuilder\Json;
+use think\facade\Config;
+use app\admin\model\order\StoreOrder as StoreOrderModel;//订单
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemConfig, SystemMenus, SystemRole};
+use app\admin\model\user\{User, UserExtract as UserExtractModel, User as UserModel};
+use app\admin\model\store\{StoreProduct, StoreProductReply as StoreProductReplyModel, StoreProduct as ProductModel};
+ * 首页控制器
+ * Class Index
+ * @package app\admin\controller
+ *
+ */
+class Index extends AuthController
+    public function index()
+    {
+        //获取当前登录后台的管理员信息
+        $adminInfo = $this->adminInfo->toArray();
+        $roles = explode(',', $adminInfo['roles']);
+        $site_logo = SystemConfig::getOneConfig('menu_name', 'site_logo')->toArray();
+        $this->assign([
+            'menuList' => SystemMenus::menuList(),
+            'site_logo' => json_decode($site_logo['value'], true),
+            'new_order_audio_link' => sys_config('new_order_audio_link'),
+            'role_name' => SystemRole::where('id', $roles[0])->field('role_name')->find(),
+            'workermanPort' => Config::get('workerman.admin.port')
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //后台首页内容
+    public function main()
+    {
+        /*首页第一行统计*/
+        $now_month = strtotime(date('Y-m'));//本月
+        $pre_month = strtotime(date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month')));//上月
+        $now_day = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));//今日
+        $pre_day = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day')));//昨天时间戳
+        $beforyester_day = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 day')));//前天时间戳
+        //待发货数量
+        $topData['orderDeliveryNum'] = StoreOrderModel::where('status', 0)
+            ->where('paid', 1)
+            ->where('refund_status', 0)
+            ->where('shipping_type', 1)
+            ->where('is_del', 0)
+            ->count();
+        //退换货订单数
+        $topData['orderRefundNum'] = StoreOrderModel::where('paid', 1)
+            ->where('refund_status', 'IN', '1')
+            ->count();
+        //库存预警
+        $replenishment_num = sys_config('store_stock') > 0 ? sys_config('store_stock') : 20;//库存预警界限
+        $topData['stockProduct'] = StoreProduct::where('stock', '<=', $replenishment_num)->where('is_show', 1)->where('is_del', 0)->count();
+        //待处理提现
+        $topData['treatedExtract'] = UserExtractModel::where('status', 0)->count();
+        //订单数->昨日
+        $now_day_order_p = StoreOrderModel::where('paid', 1)->whereTime('pay_time', 'yesterday')->count();
+        $pre_day_order_p = StoreOrderModel::where('paid', 1)->where('pay_time', '>', $pre_day)->where('pay_time', '<', $now_day)->count();
+        $first_line['d_num'] = [
+            'data' => $now_day_order_p ? $now_day_order_p : 0,
+            'percent' => abs($now_day_order_p - $pre_day_order_p),
+            'is_plus' => $now_day_order_p - $pre_day_order_p > 0 ? 1 : ($now_day_order_p - $pre_day_order_p == 0 ? -1 : 0)
+        ];
+        //交易额->昨天
+        $now_month_order_p = StoreOrderModel::where('paid', 1)->whereTime('pay_time', 'yesterday')->sum('pay_price');
+        $pre_month_order_p = StoreOrderModel::where('paid', 1)->where('pay_time', '>', $beforyester_day)->where('pay_time', '<', $pre_day)->sum('pay_price');
+        $first_line['d_price'] = [
+            'data' => $now_month_order_p > 0 ? $now_month_order_p : 0,
+            'percent' => abs($now_month_order_p - $pre_month_order_p),
+            'is_plus' => $now_month_order_p - $pre_month_order_p > 0 ? 1 : ($now_month_order_p - $pre_month_order_p == 0 ? -1 : 0)
+        ];
+        //交易额->月
+        $now_month_order_p = StoreOrderModel::where('paid', 1)->whereTime('pay_time', 'month')->sum('pay_price');
+        $pre_month_order_p = StoreOrderModel::where('paid', 1)->where('pay_time', '>', $pre_month)->where('pay_time', '<', $now_month)->value('sum(pay_price)');
+        $first_line['m_price'] = [
+            'data' => $now_month_order_p > 0 ? $now_month_order_p : 0,
+            'percent' => abs($now_month_order_p - $pre_month_order_p),
+            'is_plus' => $now_month_order_p - $pre_month_order_p > 0 ? 1 : ($now_month_order_p - $pre_month_order_p == 0 ? -1 : 0)
+        ];
+        //新粉丝->日
+        $now_day_user = User::where('add_time', '>', $now_day)->count();
+        $pre_day_user = User::where('add_time', '>', $pre_day)->where('add_time', '<', $now_day)->count();
+        $pre_day_user = $pre_day_user ? $pre_day_user : 0;
+        $first_line['day'] = [
+            'data' => $now_day_user ? $now_day_user : 0,
+            'percent' => abs($now_day_user - $pre_day_user),
+            'is_plus' => $now_day_user - $pre_day_user > 0 ? 1 : ($now_day_user - $pre_day_user == 0 ? -1 : 0)
+        ];
+        //新粉丝->月
+        $now_month_user = User::where('add_time', '>', $now_month)->count();
+        $pre_month_user = User::where('add_time', '>', $pre_month)->where('add_time', '<', $now_month)->count();
+        $first_line['month'] = [
+            'data' => $now_month_user ? $now_month_user : 0,
+            'percent' => abs($now_month_user - $pre_month_user),
+            'is_plus' => $now_month_user - $pre_month_user > 0 ? 1 : ($now_month_user - $pre_month_user == 0 ? -1 : 0)
+        ];
+        //本月订单总数
+        $now_order_info_c = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', '>', $now_month)->count();
+        $pre_order_info_c = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', '>', $pre_month)->where('add_time', '<', $now_month)->count();
+        $order_info['first'] = [
+            'data' => $now_order_info_c ? $now_order_info_c : 0,
+            'percent' => abs($now_order_info_c - $pre_order_info_c),
+            'is_plus' => $now_order_info_c - $pre_order_info_c > 0 ? 1 : ($now_order_info_c - $pre_order_info_c == 0 ? -1 : 0)
+        ];
+        //上月订单总数
+        $second_now_month = strtotime(date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month')));
+        $second_pre_month = strtotime(date('Y-m', strtotime('-2 month')));
+        $now_order_info_c = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', '>', $pre_month)->where('add_time', '<', $now_month)->count();
+        $pre_order_info_c = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', '>', $second_pre_month)->where('add_time', '<', $second_now_month)->count();
+        $order_info["second"] = [
+            'data' => $now_order_info_c ? $now_order_info_c : 0,
+            'percent' => abs($now_order_info_c - $pre_order_info_c),
+            'is_plus' => $now_order_info_c - $pre_order_info_c > 0 ? 1 : ($now_order_info_c - $pre_order_info_c == 0 ? -1 : 0)
+        ];
+        $second_line['order_info'] = $order_info;
+        $this->assign([
+            'first_line' => $first_line,
+            'second_line' => $second_line,
+            'topData' => $topData,
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 订单图表
+     */
+    public function orderchart()
+    {
+        header('Content-type:text/json');
+        $cycle = $this->request->param('cycle') ?: 'thirtyday';//默认30天
+        $datalist = [];
+        switch ($cycle) {
+            case 'thirtyday':
+                $datebefor = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 day'));
+                $dateafter = date('Y-m-d');
+                //上期
+                $pre_datebefor = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-60 day'));
+                $pre_dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 day'));
+                for ($i = -30; $i < 0; $i++) {
+                    $datalist[date('m-d', strtotime($i . ' day'))] = date('m-d', strtotime($i . ' day'));
+                }
+                $order_list = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%m-%d') as day,count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m%d')")
+                    ->order('add_time asc')
+                    ->select()->toArray();
+                if (empty($order_list)) return Json::fail('无数据');
+                foreach ($order_list as $k => &$v) {
+                    $order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
+                }
+                $cycle_list = [];
+                foreach ($datalist as $dk => $dd) {
+                    if (!empty($order_list[$dd])) {
+                        $cycle_list[$dd] = $order_list[$dd];
+                    } else {
+                        $cycle_list[$dd] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $dd, 'price' => ''];
+                    }
+                }
+                $chartdata = [];
+                $data = [];//临时
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
+                foreach ($cycle_list as $k => $v) {
+                    $data['day'][] = $v['day'];
+                    $data['count'][] = $v['count'];
+                    $data['price'][] = round($v['price'], 2);
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['count'])
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['count'];//日最大订单数
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['price'])
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['price'];//日最大金额
+                }
+                $chartdata['legend'] = ['订单金额', '订单数'];//分类
+                $chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
+                //,'itemStyle'=>$series
+                $series = ['normal' => ['label' => ['show' => true, 'position' => 'top']]];
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['price']];//分类1值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['count']];//分类2值
+                //统计总数上期
+                $pre_total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$pre_datebefor, $pre_dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($pre_total) {
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                }
+                //统计总数
+                $total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($total) {
+                    $cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
+                    //$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => intval($pre_total['count']) == 0 ? 100 : round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                    $cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
+                    //$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => (intval($pre_total['price']) == 0 || !$pre_total['price'] || $pre_total['price'] == 0.00) ? 100 : round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                }
+                return app('json')->success('ok', $chartdata);
+                break;
+            case 'week':
+                $weekarray = array(['周日'], ['周一'], ['周二'], ['周三'], ['周四'], ['周五'], ['周六']);
+                $datebefor = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 week Monday'));
+                $dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 week Sunday'));
+                $order_list = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%w') as day,count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m%e')")
+                    ->order('add_time asc')
+                    ->select()->toArray();
+                //数据查询重新处理
+                $new_order_list = [];
+                foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) {
+                    $new_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
+                }
+                $now_datebefor = date('Y-m-d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600));
+                $now_dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 day"));
+                $now_order_list = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$now_datebefor, $now_dateafter])
+                    ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%w') as day,count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m%e')")
+                    ->order('add_time asc')
+                    ->select()->toArray();
+                //数据查询重新处理 key 变为当前值
+                $new_now_order_list = [];
+                foreach ($now_order_list as $k => $v) {
+                    $new_now_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
+                }
+                foreach ($weekarray as $dk => $dd) {
+                    if (!empty($new_order_list[$dk])) {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = $new_order_list[$dk];
+                    } else {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
+                    }
+                    if (!empty($new_now_order_list[$dk])) {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['now'] = $new_now_order_list[$dk];
+                    } else {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['now'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
+                    }
+                }
+                $chartdata = [];
+                $data = [];//临时
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
+                foreach ($weekarray as $k => $v) {
+                    $data['day'][] = $v[0];
+                    $data['pre']['count'][] = $v['pre']['count'];
+                    $data['pre']['price'][] = round($v['pre']['price'], 2);
+                    $data['now']['count'][] = $v['now']['count'];
+                    $data['now']['price'][] = round($v['now']['price'], 2);
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['pre']['count'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['now']['count']) {
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['pre']['count'] > $v['now']['count'] ? $v['pre']['count'] : $v['now']['count'];//日最大订单数
+                    }
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['pre']['price'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['now']['price']) {
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['pre']['price'] > $v['now']['price'] ? $v['pre']['price'] : $v['now']['price'];//日最大金额
+                    }
+                }
+                $chartdata['legend'] = ['上周金额', '本周金额', '上周订单数', '本周订单数'];//分类
+                $chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
+                //,'itemStyle'=>$series
+                $series = ['normal' => ['label' => ['show' => true, 'position' => 'top']]];
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['pre']['price']];//分类1值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['now']['price']];//分类1值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][2], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['pre']['count']];//分类2值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][3], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['now']['count']];//分类2值
+                //统计总数上期
+                $pre_total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($pre_total) {
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                }
+                //统计总数
+                $total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$now_datebefor, $now_dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($total) {
+                    $cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
+                    //$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => intval($pre_total['count']) == 0 ? 100 : round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                    $cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
+                    //$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => (intval($pre_total['price']) == 0 || !$pre_total['price'] || $pre_total['price'] == 0.00) ? 100 : round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                }
+                return app('json')->success('ok', $chartdata);
+                break;
+            case 'month':
+                $weekarray = array('01' => ['1'], '02' => ['2'], '03' => ['3'], '04' => ['4'], '05' => ['5'], '06' => ['6'], '07' => ['7'], '08' => ['8'], '09' => ['9'], '10' => ['10'], '11' => ['11'], '12' => ['12'], '13' => ['13'], '14' => ['14'], '15' => ['15'], '16' => ['16'], '17' => ['17'], '18' => ['18'], '19' => ['19'], '20' => ['20'], '21' => ['21'], '22' => ['22'], '23' => ['23'], '24' => ['24'], '25' => ['25'], '26' => ['26'], '27' => ['27'], '28' => ['28'], '29' => ['29'], '30' => ['30'], '31' => ['31']);
+                $datebefor = date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-1 month'));
+                $dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-01')));
+                $order_list = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%d') as day,count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m%e')")
+                    ->order('add_time asc')
+                    ->select()->toArray();
+                //数据查询重新处理
+                $new_order_list = [];
+                foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) {
+                    $new_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
+                }
+                $now_datebefor = date('Y-m-01');
+                $now_dateafter = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 day"));
+                $now_order_list = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$now_datebefor, $now_dateafter])
+                    ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%d') as day,count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m%e')")
+                    ->order('add_time asc')
+                    ->select()->toArray();
+                //数据查询重新处理 key 变为当前值
+                $new_now_order_list = [];
+                foreach ($now_order_list as $k => $v) {
+                    $new_now_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
+                }
+                foreach ($weekarray as $dk => $dd) {
+                    if (!empty($new_order_list[$dk])) {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = $new_order_list[$dk];
+                    } else {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
+                    }
+                    if (!empty($new_now_order_list[$dk])) {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['now'] = $new_now_order_list[$dk];
+                    } else {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['now'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
+                    }
+                }
+                $chartdata = [];
+                $data = [];//临时
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
+                foreach ($weekarray as $k => $v) {
+                    $data['day'][] = $v[0];
+                    $data['pre']['count'][] = $v['pre']['count'];
+                    $data['pre']['price'][] = round($v['pre']['price'], 2);
+                    $data['now']['count'][] = $v['now']['count'];
+                    $data['now']['price'][] = round($v['now']['price'], 2);
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['pre']['count'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['now']['count']) {
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['pre']['count'] > $v['now']['count'] ? $v['pre']['count'] : $v['now']['count'];//日最大订单数
+                    }
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['pre']['price'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['now']['price']) {
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['pre']['price'] > $v['now']['price'] ? $v['pre']['price'] : $v['now']['price'];//日最大金额
+                    }
+                }
+                $chartdata['legend'] = ['上月金额', '本月金额', '上月订单数', '本月订单数'];//分类
+                $chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
+                //,'itemStyle'=>$series
+                $series = ['normal' => ['label' => ['show' => true, 'position' => 'top']]];
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['pre']['price']];//分类1值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['now']['price']];//分类1值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][2], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['pre']['count']];//分类2值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][3], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['now']['count']];//分类2值
+                //统计总数上期
+                $pre_total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($pre_total) {
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                }
+                //统计总数
+                $total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$now_datebefor, $now_dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($total) {
+                    $cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
+                    //$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => intval($pre_total['count']) == 0 ? 100 : round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                    $cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
+                    //$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => (intval($pre_total['price']) == 0 || !$pre_total['price'] || $pre_total['price'] == 0.00) ? 100 : round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                }
+                return app('json')->success('ok', $chartdata);
+                break;
+            case 'year':
+                $weekarray = array('01' => ['一月'], '02' => ['二月'], '03' => ['三月'], '04' => ['四月'], '05' => ['五月'], '06' => ['六月'], '07' => ['七月'], '08' => ['八月'], '09' => ['九月'], '10' => ['十月'], '11' => ['十一月'], '12' => ['十二月']);
+                $datebefor = date('Y-01-01', strtotime('-1 year'));
+                $dateafter = date('Y-12-31', strtotime('-1 year'));
+                $order_list = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%m') as day,count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m')")
+                    ->order('add_time asc')
+                    ->select()->toArray();
+                //数据查询重新处理
+                $new_order_list = [];
+                foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) {
+                    $new_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
+                }
+                $now_datebefor = date('Y-01-01');
+                $now_dateafter = date('Y-m-d');
+                $now_order_list = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$now_datebefor, $now_dateafter])
+                    ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%m') as day,count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m')")
+                    ->order('add_time asc')
+                    ->select()->toArray();
+                //数据查询重新处理 key 变为当前值
+                $new_now_order_list = [];
+                foreach ($now_order_list as $k => $v) {
+                    $new_now_order_list[$v['day']] = $v;
+                }
+                foreach ($weekarray as $dk => $dd) {
+                    if (!empty($new_order_list[$dk])) {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = $new_order_list[$dk];
+                    } else {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['pre'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
+                    }
+                    if (!empty($new_now_order_list[$dk])) {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['now'] = $new_now_order_list[$dk];
+                    } else {
+                        $weekarray[$dk]['now'] = ['count' => 0, 'day' => $weekarray[$dk][0], 'price' => '0'];
+                    }
+                }
+                $chartdata = [];
+                $data = [];//临时
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
+                $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = 0;//最大值金额
+                foreach ($weekarray as $k => $v) {
+                    $data['day'][] = $v[0];
+                    $data['pre']['count'][] = $v['pre']['count'];
+                    $data['pre']['price'][] = round($v['pre']['price'], 2);
+                    $data['now']['count'][] = $v['now']['count'];
+                    $data['now']['price'][] = round($v['now']['price'], 2);
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['pre']['count'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['now']['count']) {
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['pre']['count'] > $v['now']['count'] ? $v['pre']['count'] : $v['now']['count'];//日最大订单数
+                    }
+                    if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['pre']['price'] || $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] < $v['now']['price']) {
+                        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxprice'] = $v['pre']['price'] > $v['now']['price'] ? $v['pre']['price'] : $v['now']['price'];//日最大金额
+                    }
+                }
+                $chartdata['legend'] = ['去年金额', '今年金额', '去年订单数', '今年订单数'];//分类
+                $chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
+                //,'itemStyle'=>$series
+                $series = ['normal' => ['label' => ['show' => true, 'position' => 'top']]];
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][0], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['pre']['price']];//分类1值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][1], 'type' => 'bar', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['now']['price']];//分类1值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][2], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['pre']['count']];//分类2值
+                $chartdata['series'][] = ['name' => $chartdata['legend'][3], 'type' => 'line', 'itemStyle' => $series, 'data' => $data['now']['count']];//分类2值
+                //统计总数上期
+                $pre_total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$datebefor, $dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($pre_total) {
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['count'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                    $chartdata['pre_cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $pre_total['price'] ?: 0
+                    ];
+                }
+                //统计总数
+                $total = StoreOrderModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$now_datebefor, $now_dateafter])
+                    ->field("count(*) as count,sum(pay_price) as price")
+                    ->find();
+                if ($total) {
+                    $cha_count = intval($pre_total['count']) - intval($total['count']);
+                    //$pre_total['count'] = $pre_total['count'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['count'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['count'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['count'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => intval($pre_total['count']) == 0 ? 100 : round((abs($cha_count) / intval($pre_total['count']) * 100), 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_count > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_count == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                    $cha_price = round($pre_total['price'], 2) - round($total['price'], 2);
+                    //$pre_total['price'] = $pre_total['price'] == 0 ? 1 : $pre_total['price'];
+                    $chartdata['cycle']['price'] = [
+                        'data' => $total['price'] ?: 0,
+                        'percent' => (intval($pre_total['price']) == 0 || !$pre_total['price'] || $pre_total['price'] == 0.00) ? 100 : round(abs($cha_price) / $pre_total['price'] * 100, 2),
+                        'is_plus' => $cha_price > 0 ? -1 : ($cha_price == 0 ? 0 : 1)
+                    ];
+                }
+                return app('json')->success('ok', $chartdata);
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户图表
+     */
+    public function userchart()
+    {
+        header('Content-type:text/json');
+        $starday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 day'));
+        $yesterday = date('Y-m-d');
+        $user_list = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between time', [$starday, $yesterday])
+            ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,'%m-%e') as day,count(*) as count")
+            ->group("FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, '%Y%m%e')")
+            ->order('add_time asc')
+            ->select()->toArray();
+        $chartdata = [];
+        $data = [];
+        $chartdata['legend'] = ['用户数'];//分类
+        $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = 0;//最大值数量
+        $chartdata['xAxis'] = [date('m-d')];//X轴值
+        $chartdata['series'] = [0];//分类1值
+        if (!empty($user_list)) {
+            foreach ($user_list as $k => $v) {
+                $data['day'][] = $v['day'];
+                $data['count'][] = $v['count'];
+                if ($chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] < $v['count'])
+                    $chartdata['yAxis']['maxnum'] = $v['count'];
+            }
+            $chartdata['xAxis'] = $data['day'];//X轴值
+            $chartdata['series'] = $data['count'];//分类1值
+        }
+        return app('json')->success('ok', $chartdata);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 待办事统计
+     * @param int $newTime
+     * @return false|string
+     */
+    public function Jnotice($newTime = 30)
+    {
+        header('Content-type:text/json');
+        $data = [];
+        $data['ordernum'] = StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(1)->count();//待发货
+        $replenishment_num = sys_config('store_stock') > 0 ? sys_config('store_stock') : 2;//库存预警界限
+        $data['inventory'] = ProductModel::where('stock', '<=', $replenishment_num)->where('is_show', 1)->where('is_del', 0)->count();//库存
+        $data['commentnum'] = StoreProductReplyModel::where('is_reply', 0)->count();//评论
+        $data['reflectnum'] = UserExtractModel::where('status', 0)->count();;//提现
+        $data['msgcount'] = intval($data['ordernum']) + intval($data['inventory']) + intval($data['commentnum']) + intval($data['reflectnum']);
+        //新订单提醒
+        $data['newOrderId'] = StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(1)->where('is_remind', 0)->column('order_id', 'id');
+        if (count($data['newOrderId'])) StoreOrderModel::where('order_id', 'in', $data['newOrderId'])->update(['is_remind' => 1]);
+        return app('json')->success('ok', $data);
+    }

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAdmin;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+use think\facade\Session;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * 登录验证控制器
+ * Class Login
+ * @package app\admin\controller
+ */
+class Login extends SystemBasic
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 登录验证 + 验证码验证
+     */
+    public function verify()
+    {
+        if (!request()->isPost()) return $this->failed('请登陆!');
+        list($account, $pwd, $verify) = UtilService::postMore([
+            'account', 'pwd', 'verify'
+        ], null, true);
+        //检验验证码
+        if (!captcha_check($verify)) return $this->failed('验证码错误,请重新输入');
+        $error = Session::get('login_error') ?: ['num' => 0, 'time' => time()];
+        $error['num'] = 0;
+        if ($error['num'] >= 5 && $error['time'] > strtotime('- 5 minutes'))
+            return $this->failed('错误次数过多,请稍候再试!');
+        //检验帐号密码
+        $res = SystemAdmin::login($account, $pwd);
+        if ($res) {
+            Session::set('login_error', null);
+            Session::save();
+            return $this->successful(['url' => Url::buildUrl('Index/index')->build()]);
+        } else {
+            $error['num'] += 1;
+            $error['time'] = time();
+            Session::set('login_error', $error);
+            Session::save();
+            return $this->failed(SystemAdmin::getErrorInfo('用户名错误,请重新输入'));
+        }
+    }
+    public function captcha()
+    {
+        ob_clean();
+        return captcha();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 退出登陆
+     */
+    public function logout()
+    {
+        SystemAdmin::clearLoginInfo();
+        $this->redirect(Url::buildUrl('index')->build());
+    }

+ 118 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/10/09
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseController;
+class SystemBasic extends BaseController
+    /**
+     * 操作失败提示框
+     * @param string $msg 提示信息
+     * @param string $backUrl 跳转地址
+     * @param string $title 标题
+     * @param int $duration 持续时间
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    protected function failedNotice($msg = '操作失败', $backUrl = 0, $info = '', $duration = 3)
+    {
+        $type = 'error';
+        $this->assign(compact('msg', 'backUrl', 'info', 'duration', 'type'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/notice');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 失败提示一直持续
+     * @param $msg
+     * @param int $backUrl
+     * @param string $title
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    protected function failedNoticeLast($msg = '操作失败', $backUrl = 0, $info = '')
+    {
+        return $this->failedNotice($msg, $backUrl, $info, 0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 操作成功提示框
+     * @param string $msg 提示信息
+     * @param string $backUrl 跳转地址
+     * @param string $title 标题
+     * @param int $duration 持续时间
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    protected function successfulNotice($msg = '操作成功', $backUrl = 0, $info = '', $duration = 3)
+    {
+        $type = 'success';
+        $this->assign(compact('msg', 'backUrl', 'info', 'duration', 'type'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/notice');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 成功提示一直持续
+     * @param $msg
+     * @param int $backUrl
+     * @param string $title
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    protected function successfulNoticeLast($msg = '操作成功', $backUrl = 0, $info = '')
+    {
+        return $this->successfulNotice($msg, $backUrl, $info, 0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 错误提醒页面
+     * @param string $msg
+     * @param int $url
+     */
+    protected function failed($msg = '哎呀…亲…您访问的页面出现错误', $url = 0)
+    {
+        if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
+            exit(JsonService::fail($msg, $url)->getContent());
+        } else {
+            $this->assign(compact('msg', 'url'));
+            exit($this->fetch('public/error'));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 成功提醒页面
+     * @param string $msg
+     * @param int $url
+     */
+    protected function successful($msg, $url = 0)
+    {
+        if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
+            exit(JsonService::successful($msg, $url)->getContent());
+        } else {
+            $this->assign(compact('msg', 'url'));
+            exit($this->fetch('public/success'));
+        }
+    }
+    /**异常抛出
+     * @param $name
+     */
+    protected function exception($msg = '无法打开页面')
+    {
+        $this->assign(compact('msg'));
+        exit($this->fetch('public/exception'));
+    }
+    /**找不到页面
+     * @param $name
+     */
+    public function _empty($name)
+    {
+        exit($this->fetch('public/404'));
+    }

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemCity;
+use crmeb\services\ExpressService;
+use crmeb\services\HttpService;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\utils\Queue;
+use think\facade\Queue as QueueJob;
+class Test
+    public function index($page = 1, $limit = 50, $level = 0)
+    {
+//        var_dump(is_file('uploads/981_1_user.jpg'));
+        $appCode = '4a5b910fc344434cacb2edd36e0e56aa';
+        $list = ExpressService::query('75341495702624');
+        dump($list);
+//        $data = [];
+//        foreach ($list['data'] as $item) {
+//            $data[] = [
+//                'level' => $item['level'],
+//                'parent_id' => $item['parent_id'],
+//                'area_code' => $item['area_code'],
+//                'name' => $item['name'],
+//                'merger_name' => $item['merger_name'],
+//                'lng' => $item['lng'],
+//                'lat' => $item['lat'],
+//                'city_id' => $item['id'],
+//            ];
+//        }
+//        $res = SystemCity::insertAll($data);
+//        return JsonService::successful(['count' => $res]);
+    }

+ 346 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\agent;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\order\StoreOrder;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use app\admin\model\user\User;
+use app\models\user\UserBill;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatUser as UserModel;
+use app\models\routine\{
+    RoutineCode, RoutineQrcode
+use crmeb\services\{
+    JsonService, QrcodeService, UtilService as Util
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+ * 分销商管理控制器
+ * Class AgentManage
+ * @package app\admin\controller\agent
+ */
+class AgentManage extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign('year', get_month());
+        $this->assign('store_brokerage_statu', sys_config('store_brokerage_statu'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 分销员列表
+     */
+    public function get_spread_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['sex', ''],
+            ['excel', ''],
+            ['subscribe', ''],
+            ['order', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['user_type', ''],
+            ['data', '']
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(UserModel::agentSystemPage($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 分销员列表头部数据统计
+     */
+    public function get_badge()
+    {
+        $where = Util::postMore([
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['excel', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successful(UserModel::getSpreadBadge($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 一级推荐人页面
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function stair($uid = '')
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $this->assign('uid', $uid ?: 0);
+        $this->assign('year', get_month());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+    *  统计推广订单页面
+    * @param int $uid
+    * */
+    public function stair_order($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $this->assign('uid', $uid ?: 0);
+        $this->assign('year', get_month());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 统计推广订单列表
+     */
+    public function get_stair_order_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['uid', $this->request->param('uid', 0)],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['order_id', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(UserModel::getStairOrderList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 统计推广订单列表头部统计数据
+     */
+    public function get_stair_order_badge()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['uid', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['order_id', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successful(UserModel::getStairOrderBadge($where));
+    }
+    public function get_stair_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['uid', $this->request->param('uid', 0)],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(UserModel::getStairList($where));
+    }
+    public function get_stair_badge()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['uid', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successful(UserModel::getSairBadge($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 二级推荐人页面
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function stair_two($uid = '')
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $spread_uid = User::where('spread_uid', $uid)->column('uid', 'uid');
+        if (count($spread_uid))
+            $spread_uid_two = User::where('spread_uid', 'in', $spread_uid)->column('uid', 'uid');
+        else
+            $spread_uid_two = [0];
+        $list = User::alias('u')
+            ->where('u.uid', 'in', $spread_uid_two)
+            ->field('u.avatar,u.nickname,u.now_money,u.spread_time,u.uid')
+            ->where('u.status', 1)
+            ->order('u.add_time DESC')
+            ->select()
+            ->toArray();
+        foreach ($list as $key => $value) $list[$key]['orderCount'] = StoreOrder::getOrderCount($value['uid']) ?: 0;
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch('stair');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 批量清除推广权限
+     * */
+    public function delete_promoter()
+    {
+        list($uids) = Util::postMore([
+            ['uids', []]
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        if (!count($uids)) return JsonService::fail('请选择需要解除推广权限的用户!');
+        User::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            if (User::where('uid', 'in', $uids)->update(['is_promoter' => 0])) {
+                User::commitTrans();
+                return JsonService::successful('解除成功');
+            } else {
+                User::rollbackTrans();
+                return JsonService::fail('解除失败');
+            }
+        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
+            User::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail('数据库操作错误', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'message' => $e->getMessage()]);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            User::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail('系统错误', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'message' => $e->getMessage()]);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 查看公众号推广二维码
+     * @param int $uid
+     * @return json
+     * */
+    public function look_code($uid = '', $action = '')
+    {
+        if (!$uid || !$action) return JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        try {
+            if (method_exists($this, $action)) {
+                $res = $this->$action($uid);
+                if ($res)
+                    return JsonService::successful($res);
+                else
+                    return JsonService::fail(isset($res['msg']) ? $res['msg'] : '获取失败,请稍后再试!');
+            } else
+                return JsonService::fail('暂无此方法');
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail('获取推广二维码失败,请检查您的微信配置', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'messag' => $e->getMessage()]);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取小程序二维码
+     * */
+    public function routine_code($uid)
+    {
+        $userInfo = User::getUserInfos($uid);
+        $name = $userInfo['uid'] . '_' . $userInfo['is_promoter'] . '_user.jpg';
+        $imageInfo = SystemAttachment::getInfo($name, 'name');
+        if (!$imageInfo) {
+            $res = RoutineCode::getShareCode($uid, 'spread', '', '');
+            if (!$res) throw new \think\Exception('二维码生成失败');
+            $upload_type = sys_config('upload_type', 1);
+            $upload = new Upload((int)$upload_type, [
+                'accessKey' => sys_config('accessKey'),
+                'secretKey' => sys_config('secretKey'),
+                'uploadUrl' => sys_config('uploadUrl'),
+                'storageName' => sys_config('storage_name'),
+                'storageRegion' => sys_config('storage_region'),
+            ]);
+            $info = $upload->to('routine/spread/code')->validate()->stream($res['res'], $name);
+            if ($info === false) {
+                return $upload->getError();
+            }
+            $imageInfo = $upload->getUploadInfo();
+            $imageInfo['image_type'] = $upload_type;
+            SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($imageInfo['name'], $imageInfo['size'], $imageInfo['type'], $imageInfo['dir'], $imageInfo['thumb_path'], 1, $imageInfo['image_type'], $imageInfo['time'], 2);
+            RoutineQrcode::setRoutineQrcodeFind($res['id'], ['status' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'qrcode_url' => $imageInfo['dir']]);
+            $urlCode = $imageInfo['dir'];
+        } else $urlCode = $imageInfo['att_dir'];
+        return ['code_src' => $urlCode];
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取公众号二维码
+     * */
+    public function wechant_code($uid)
+    {
+        $qr_code = QrcodeService::getForeverQrcode('spread', $uid);
+        if (isset($qr_code['url']))
+            return ['code_src' => $qr_code['url']];
+        else
+            throw new \think\Exception('获取失败,请稍后再试!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 查看小程序推广二维码
+     * @param string $uid
+     */
+    public function look_xcx_code($uid = '')
+    {
+        if (!strlen(trim($uid))) return JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        try {
+            $userInfo = User::getUserInfos($uid);
+            $name = $userInfo['uid'] . '_' . $userInfo['is_promoter'] . '_user.jpg';
+            $imageInfo = SystemAttachment::getInfo($name, 'name');
+            if (!$imageInfo) {
+                $res = RoutineCode::getShareCode($uid, 'spread', '', '');
+                if (!$res) return JsonService::fail('二维码生成失败');
+                $upload_type = sys_config('upload_type', 1);
+                $upload = new Upload((int)$upload_type, [
+                    'accessKey' => sys_config('accessKey'),
+                    'secretKey' => sys_config('secretKey'),
+                    'uploadUrl' => sys_config('uploadUrl'),
+                    'storageName' => sys_config('storage_name'),
+                    'storageRegion' => sys_config('storage_region'),
+                ]);
+                $info = $upload->to('routine/spread/code')->validate()->stream($res['res'], $name);
+                if ($info === false) {
+                    return $upload->getError();
+                }
+                $imageInfo = $upload->getUploadInfo();
+                $imageInfo['image_type'] = $upload_type;
+                SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($imageInfo['name'], $imageInfo['size'], $imageInfo['type'], $imageInfo['dir'], $imageInfo['thumb_path'], 1, $imageInfo['image_type'], $imageInfo['time'], 2);
+                RoutineQrcode::setRoutineQrcodeFind($res['id'], ['status' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'qrcode_url' => $imageInfo['dir']]);
+                $urlCode = $imageInfo['dir'];
+            } else $urlCode = $imageInfo['att_dir'];
+            return JsonService::successful(['code_src' => $urlCode]);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail('查看推广二维码失败!', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'meassge' => $e->getMessage()]);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 解除单个用户的推广权限
+     * @param int $uid
+     * */
+    public function delete_spread($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (User::where('uid', $uid)->update(['is_promoter' => 0]))
+            return JsonService::successful('解除成功');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('解除失败');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 清除推广人
+     * */
+    public function empty_spread($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        $res = User::where('uid', $uid)->update(['spread_uid' => 0]);
+        if ($res)
+            return JsonService::successful('清除成功');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('清除失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 个人资金详情页面
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function now_money($uid = '')
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $list = UserBill::where('uid', $uid)->where('category', 'now_money')
+            ->field('mark,pm,number,add_time')
+            ->where('status', 1)->order('add_time DESC')->select()->toArray();
+        foreach ($list as &$v) {
+            $v['add_time'] = $v['add_time'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['add_time']) : '';
+        }
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 224 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\article;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json
+use app\admin\model\article\{
+    ArticleCategory as ArticleCategoryModel, Article as ArticleModel
+ * 图文管理
+ * Class WechatNews
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class Article extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * TODO 显示后台管理员添加的图文
+     * @return mixed
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['cid', $this->request->param('pid', '')],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $where['merchant'] = 0;//区分是管理员添加的图文显示  0 还是 商户添加的图文显示  1
+        $tree = sort_list_tier(ArticleCategoryModel::getArticleCategoryList());
+        $this->assign(compact('tree'));
+        $this->assign(ArticleModel::getAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 文件添加和修改
+     * @return mixed
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $id = $this->request->param('id');
+        $cid = $this->request->param('cid');
+        $news = [];
+        $all = [];
+        $news['id'] = '';
+        $news['image_input'] = '';
+        $news['title'] = '';
+        $news['author'] = '';
+        $news['is_banner'] = '';
+        $news['is_hot'] = '';
+        $news['content'] = '';
+        $news['synopsis'] = '';
+        $news['url'] = '';
+        $news['cid'] = [];
+        $select = 0;
+        if ($id) {
+            $news = ArticleModel::where('', $id)->alias('n')->field('n.*,c.content')->join('ArticleContent c', '', 'left')->find();
+            if (!$news) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+            $news['cid'] = explode(',', $news['cid']);
+            $news['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($news['content']);
+        }
+        if ($cid && in_array($cid, ArticleCategoryModel::getArticleCategoryInfo(0, 'id'))) {
+            $all = ArticleCategoryModel::getArticleCategoryInfo($cid);
+            $select = 1;
+        }
+        if (!$select) {
+            $list = ArticleCategoryModel::getTierList();
+            foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                $all[$menu['id']] = $menu['html'] . $menu['title'];
+            }
+        }
+        $this->assign('all', $all);
+        $this->assign('news', $news);
+        $this->assign('cid', $cid);
+        $this->assign('select', $select);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 上传图文图片
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function upload_image()
+    {
+        $res = Upload::instance()->setUploadPath('wechat/image/' . date('Ymd'))->image($_POST['file']);
+        if (!is_array($res)) return Json::fail($res);
+        SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($res['name'], $res['size'], $res['type'], $res['dir'], $res['thumb_path'], 5, $res['image_type'], $res['time']);
+        return Json::successful('上传成功!', ['url' => $res['dir']]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加和修改图文
+     */
+    public function add_new()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['id', 0],
+            ['cid', []],
+            'title',
+            'author',
+            'image_input',
+            'content',
+            'synopsis',
+            'share_title',
+            'share_synopsis',
+            ['visit', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            'url',
+            ['is_banner', 0],
+            ['is_hot', 0],
+            ['status', 1],]);
+        $data['cid'] = implode(',', $data['cid']);
+        $content = $data['content'];
+        unset($data['content']);
+        if ($data['id']) {
+            $id = $data['id'];
+            unset($data['id']);
+            $res = false;
+            ArticleModel::beginTrans();
+            $res1 = ArticleModel::edit($data, $id, 'id');
+            $res2 = ArticleModel::setContent($id, $content);
+            if ($res1 && $res2) {
+                $res = true;
+            }
+            ArticleModel::checkTrans($res);
+            if ($res)
+                return Json::successful('修改图文成功!', $id);
+            else
+                return Json::fail('修改图文失败,您并没有修改什么!', $id);
+        } else {
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $data['admin_id'] = $this->adminId;
+            $res = false;
+            ArticleModel::beginTrans();
+            $res1 = ArticleModel::create($data);
+            $res2 = false;
+            if ($res1)
+                $res2 = ArticleModel::setContent($res1->id, $content);
+            if ($res1 && $res2) {
+                $res = true;
+            }
+            ArticleModel::checkTrans($res);
+            if ($res)
+                return Json::successful('添加图文成功!', $res1->id);
+            else
+                return Json::successful('添加图文失败!', $res1->id);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除图文
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        $res = ArticleModel::del($id);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail('删除失败,请稍候再试!');
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    public function merchantIndex()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['title', '']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $where['cid'] = input('cid');
+        $where['merchant'] = 1;//区分是管理员添加的图文显示  0 还是 商户添加的图文显示  1
+        $this->assign(ArticleModel::getAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 关联文章 id
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function relation($id = 0)
+    {
+        $this->assign('id', $id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存选择的产品
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function edit_article($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        list($product_id) = Util::postMore([
+            ['product_id', 0]
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        if (ArticleModel::edit(['product_id' => $product_id], ['id' => $id]))
+            return Json::successful('保存成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('保存失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 取消绑定的产品id
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function unrelation($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (ArticleModel::edit(['product_id' => 0], $id))
+            return Json::successful('取消关联成功!');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('取消失败');
+    }

+ 175 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\article;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use app\admin\model\article\{ArticleCategory as ArticleCategoryModel,Article as ArticleModel};
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form,UtilService as Util,JsonService as Json};
+ * 文章分类管理  控制器
+ * */
+class ArticleCategory extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 分类管理
+     * */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(ArticleCategoryModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加分类管理
+     * */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::select('pid', '父级id')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ArticleCategoryModel::getTierList();
+            $menus[] = ['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级分类'];
+            foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['title']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '分类名称');
+        $f[] = Form::input('intr', '分类简介')->type('textarea');
+//        $f[] = Form::select('new_id','图文列表')->setOptions(function(){
+//            $list = ArticleModel::getNews();
+//            $options = [];
+//            foreach ($list as $id=>$roleName){
+//                $options[] = ['label'=>$roleName,'value'=>$id];
+//            }
+//            return $options;
+//        })->multiple(1)->filterable(1);
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '分类图片', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', 0);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加分类', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * s上传图片
+     * */
+    public function upload()
+    {
+        $res = Upload::instance()->setUploadPath('article')->image('file');
+        if (!is_array($res)) return Json::fail($res);
+        SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($res['name'], $res['size'], $res['type'], $res['dir'], $res['thumb_path'], 5, $res['image_type'], $res['time']);
+        return Json::successful('图片上传成功!', ['name' => $res['name'], 'url' => path_to_url($res['thumb_path'])]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存分类管理
+     * */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'title',
+            'pid',
+            'intr',
+            ['new_id', []],
+            ['image', []],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            'status',]);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入分类名称');
+        if (count($data['image']) != 1) return Json::fail('请选择分类图片,并且只能上传一张');
+        if ($data['sort'] < 0) return Json::fail('排序不能是负数');
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        $data['image'] = $data['image'][0];
+        $new_id = $data['new_id'];
+        unset($data['new_id']);
+        $res = ArticleCategoryModel::create($data);
+        if (!ArticleModel::saveBatchCid($res['id'], implode(',', $new_id))) return Json::fail('文章列表添加失败');
+        return Json::successful('添加分类成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改分类
+     * */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $article = ArticleCategoryModel::get($id)->getData();
+        if (!$article) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::select('pid', '父级id', (string)$article['pid'])->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ArticleCategoryModel::getTierList();
+            $menus[] = ['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级分类'];
+            foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['title']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '分类名称', $article['title']);
+        $f[] = Form::input('intr', '分类简介', $article['intr'])->type('textarea');
+//        $f[] = Form::select('new_id','图文列表',explode(',',$article->getData('new_id')))->setOptions(function(){
+//            $list = ArticleModel::getNews();
+//            $options = [];
+//            foreach ($list as $id=>$roleName){
+//                $options[] = ['label'=>$roleName,'value'=>$id];
+//            }
+//            return $options;
+//        })->multiple(1)->filterable(1);
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '分类图片', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $article['image'])->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', 0);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $article['status'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑分类', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'pid',
+            'title',
+            'intr',
+//            ['new_id',[]],
+            ['image', []],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            'status',]);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入分类名称');
+        if (count($data['image']) != 1) return Json::fail('请选择分类图片,并且只能上传一张');
+        if ($data['sort'] < 0) return Json::fail('排序不能是负数');
+        $data['image'] = $data['image'][0];
+        if (!ArticleCategoryModel::get($id)) return Json::fail('编辑的记录不存在!');
+//        if(!ArticleModel::saveBatchCid($id,implode(',',$data['new_id']))) return Json::fail('文章列表添加失败');
+//        unset($data['new_id']);
+        ArticleCategoryModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除分类
+     * */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        $res = ArticleCategoryModel::delArticleCategory($id);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(ArticleCategoryModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 196 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\article;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatNews as WechatNewsModel;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json
+use app\admin\model\article\{
+    Article as ArticleModel, ArticleCategory as ArticleCategoryModel
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+ * 图文管理
+ * Class WechatNews
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class WechatNews extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示后台管理员添加的图文
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index($cid = 0)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['title', '']
+        ], $this->request);
+        if ($cid)
+            $where['cid'] = $cid;
+        else
+            $where['cid'] = '';
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $where['merchant'] = 0;//区分是管理员添加的图文显示  0 还是 商户添加的图文显示  1
+        $this->assign('cid', $cid);
+        $this->assign(ArticleModel::getAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 展示页面   添加和删除
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $id = input('id');
+        $cid = input('cid');
+        $news = array();
+        $news['id'] = '';
+        $news['image_input'] = '';
+        $news['title'] = '';
+        $news['author'] = '';
+        $news['content'] = '';
+        $news['synopsis'] = '';
+        $news['url'] = '';
+        $news['cid'] = array();
+        if ($id) {
+            $news = WechatNewsModel::where('', $id)->alias('n')->field('n.*,c.content')->join('wechat_news_content c', '')->find();
+            if (!$news) return $this->failedNotice('数据不存在!');
+            $news['cid'] = explode(',', $news['cid']);
+        }
+        $all = array();
+        $select = 0;
+        if (!$cid)
+            $cid = '';
+        else {
+            if ($id) {
+                $all = ArticleCategoryModel::where('id', $cid)->where('hidden', '<>', 0)->column('title', 'id');
+                $select = 1;
+            } else {
+                $all = ArticleCategoryModel::where('id', $cid)->column('title', 'id');
+                $select = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (empty($all)) {
+            $all = ArticleCategoryModel::getField();//新闻分类
+            $select = 0;
+        }
+        $this->assign('all', $all);
+        $this->assign('news', $news);
+        $this->assign('cid', $cid);
+        $this->assign('select', $select);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 上传图文图片
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function upload_image()
+    {
+        $uploadType = (int)sys_config('upload_type', 1);
+        $upload = new Upload($uploadType, [
+            'accessKey' => sys_config('accessKey'),
+            'secretKey' => sys_config('secretKey'),
+            'uploadUrl' => sys_config('uploadUrl'),
+            'storageName' => sys_config('storage_name'),
+            'storageRegion' => sys_config('storage_region'),
+        ]);
+        $resInfo = $upload->to('wechat/image/' . date('Ymd'))->validate()->move($this->request->post('file'));
+        if ($resInfo === false) {
+            return Json::fail($upload->getError());
+        }
+        $res = $upload->getUploadInfo();
+        $res['image_type'] = $uploadType;
+        SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($res['name'], $res['size'], $res['type'], $res['dir'], $res['thumb_path'], 5, $res['image_type'], $res['time']);
+        return Json::successful('上传成功!', ['url' => $res['thumb_path']]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加和修改图文
+     */
+    public function add_new()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['id', 0],
+            ['cid', []],
+            'title',
+            'author',
+            'image_input',
+            'content',
+            'synopsis',
+            'share_title',
+            'share_synopsis',
+            ['visit', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            'url',
+            ['status', 1],]);
+        $data['cid'] = implode(',', $data['cid']);
+        $content = $data['content'];
+        unset($data['content']);
+        if ($data['id']) {
+            $id = $data['id'];
+            unset($data['id']);
+            ArticleModel::beginTrans();
+            $res1 = ArticleModel::edit($data, $id, 'id');
+            $res2 = ArticleModel::setContent($id, $content);
+            if ($res1 && $res2)
+                $res = true;
+            else
+                $res = false;
+            ArticleModel::checkTrans($res);
+            if ($res)
+                return Json::successful('修改图文成功!', $id);
+            else
+                return Json::fail('修改图文失败!', $id);
+        } else {
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $data['admin_id'] = $this->adminId;
+            ArticleModel::beginTrans();
+            $res1 = ArticleModel::create($data);
+            $res2 = false;
+            if ($res1)
+                $res2 = ArticleModel::setContent($res1->id, $content);
+            if ($res1 && $res2)
+                $res = true;
+            else
+                $res = false;
+            ArticleModel::checkTrans($res);
+            if ($res)
+                return Json::successful('添加图文成功!', $res1->id);
+            else
+                return Json::successful('添加图文失败!', $res1->id);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除图文
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        $res = ArticleModel::del($id);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail('删除失败,请稍候再试!');
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    public function merchantIndex()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['title', '']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $where['cid'] = input('cid');
+        $where['merchant'] = 1;//区分是管理员添加的图文显示  0 还是 商户添加的图文显示  1
+        $this->assign(ArticleModel::getAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: xurongyao <>
+ * Date: 2018/6/14 下午5:25
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\finance;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\user\{User,UserBill};
+use app\admin\model\finance\FinanceModel;
+use crmeb\services\{UtilService as Util,JsonService as Json};
+ * 微信充值记录
+ * Class UserRecharge
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class Finance extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资金记录
+     */
+    public function bill()
+    {
+        $list = UserBill::where('type', 'not in', ['gain', 'system_sub', 'deduction', 'sign'])
+            ->where('category', 'not in', 'integral')
+            ->field(['title', 'type'])
+            ->group('type')
+            ->distinct(true)
+            ->select()
+            ->toArray();
+        $this->assign('selectList', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示资金记录ajax列表
+     */
+    public function billlist()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['start_time', ''],
+            ['end_time', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['type', ''],
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(FinanceModel::getBillList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     *保存资金监控的excel表格
+     */
+    public function save_bell_export()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['start_time', ''],
+            ['end_time', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+        ]);
+        FinanceModel::SaveExport($where);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示佣金记录
+     */
+    public function commission_list()
+    {
+        $this->assign('is_layui', true);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 佣金记录异步获取
+     */
+    public function get_commission_list()
+    {
+        $get = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['price_max', ''],
+            ['price_min', ''],
+            ['order', ''],
+            ['excel', ''],
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(User::getCommissionList($get));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示操作记录
+     */
+    public function index3()
+    {
+    }
+    /**
+     * 佣金详情
+     */
+    public function content_info($uid = '')
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return $this->failed('缺少参数');
+        $this->assign('userinfo', User::getUserinfo($uid));
+        $this->assign('uid', $uid);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 佣金提现记录个人列表
+     */
+    public function get_extract_list($uid = '')
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['start_time', ''],
+            ['end_time', ''],
+            ['nickname', '']
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(UserBill::getExtrctOneList($where, $uid));
+    }

+ 154 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: lianghuan
+ * Date: 2018-03-03
+ * Time: 16:37
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\finance;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use app\admin\model\user\UserExtract as UserExtractModel;
+use crmeb\services\{UtilService as Util, FormBuilder as Form};
+ * 用户提现管理
+ * Class UserExtract
+ * @package app\admin\controller\finance
+ */
+class UserExtract extends AuthController
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['extract_type', ''],
+            ['nireid', ''],
+            ['date', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $limitTimeList = [
+            'today' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d'), date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day'))]),
+            'week' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y/m/d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600)),
+                date('Y-m-d', (time() + (7 - (date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w'))) * 24 * 3600))
+            ]),
+            'month' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m') . '/01', date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t')]),
+            'quarter' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3 - 3 + 1) . '/01',
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3) . '/' . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3), 1, date('Y')))
+            ]),
+            'year' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/01/01', date('Y/m/d', strtotime(date('Y') . '/01/01 + 1year -1 day'))
+            ])
+        ];
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('limitTimeList', $limitTimeList);
+        $this->assign(UserExtractModel::extractStatistics());
+        $this->assign(UserExtractModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $UserExtract = UserExtractModel::get($id);
+        if (!$UserExtract) return JsonService::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('real_name', '姓名', $UserExtract['real_name']);
+        $f[] = Form::number('extract_price', '提现金额', $UserExtract['extract_price'])->precision(2);
+        if ($UserExtract['extract_type'] == 'alipay') {
+            $f[] = Form::input('alipay_code', '支付宝账号', $UserExtract['alipay_code']);
+        } else if ($UserExtract['extract_type'] == 'weixin') {
+            $f[] = Form::input('wechat', '微信号', $UserExtract['wechat']);
+        } else {
+            $f[] = Form::input('bank_code', '银行卡号', $UserExtract['bank_code']);
+            $f[] = Form::input('bank_address', '开户行', $UserExtract['bank_address']);
+        }
+        $f[] = Form::input('mark', '备注', $UserExtract['mark'])->type('textarea');
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $UserExtract = UserExtractModel::get($id);
+        if (!$UserExtract) return JsonService::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($UserExtract['extract_type'] == 'alipay') {
+            $data = Util::postMore([
+                'real_name',
+                'mark',
+                'extract_price',
+                'alipay_code',
+            ]);
+            if (!$data['real_name']) return JsonService::fail('请输入姓名');
+            if ($data['extract_price'] <= -1) return JsonService::fail('请输入提现金额');
+            if (!$data['alipay_code']) return JsonService::fail('请输入支付宝账号');
+        } else if ($UserExtract['extract_type'] == 'weixin') {
+            $data = Util::postMore([
+                'real_name',
+                'mark',
+                'extract_price',
+                'wechat',
+            ]);
+//            if(!$data['real_name']) return JsonService::fail('请输入姓名');
+            if ($data['extract_price'] <= -1) return JsonService::fail('请输入提现金额');
+            if (!$data['wechat']) return JsonService::fail('请输入微信账号');
+        } else {
+            $data = Util::postMore([
+                'real_name',
+                'extract_price',
+                'mark',
+                'bank_code',
+                'bank_address',
+            ]);
+            if (!$data['real_name']) return JsonService::fail('请输入姓名');
+            if ($data['extract_price'] <= -1) return JsonService::fail('请输入提现金额');
+            if (!$data['bank_code']) return JsonService::fail('请输入银行卡号');
+            if (!$data['bank_address']) return JsonService::fail('请输入开户行');
+        }
+        if (!UserExtractModel::edit($data, $id))
+            return JsonService::fail(UserExtractModel::getErrorInfo('修改失败'));
+        else
+            return JsonService::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    public function fail($id)
+    {
+        if (!UserExtractModel::be(['id' => $id, 'status' => 0])) return JsonService::fail('操作记录不存在或状态错误!');
+        $fail_msg = request()->post();
+        $extract = UserExtractModel::get($id);
+        if (!$extract) return JsonService::fail('操作记录不存在!');
+        if ($extract->status == 1) return JsonService::fail('已经提现,错误操作');
+        if ($extract->status == -1) return JsonService::fail('您的提现申请已被拒绝,请勿重复操作!');
+        $res = UserExtractModel::changeFail($id, $fail_msg['message']);
+        if ($res) {
+            return JsonService::successful('操作成功!');
+        } else {
+            return JsonService::fail('操作失败!');
+        }
+    }
+    public function succ($id)
+    {
+        if (!UserExtractModel::be(['id' => $id, 'status' => 0]))
+            return JsonService::fail('操作记录不存在或状态错误!');
+        UserExtractModel::beginTrans();
+        $extract = UserExtractModel::get($id);
+        if (!$extract) return JsonService::fail('操作记录不存!');
+        if ($extract->status == 1) return JsonService::fail('您已提现,请勿重复提现!');
+        if ($extract->status == -1) return JsonService::fail('您的提现申请已被拒绝!');
+        $res = UserExtractModel::changeSuccess($id);
+        if ($res) {
+            UserExtractModel::commitTrans();
+            return JsonService::successful('操作成功!');
+        } else {
+            UserExtractModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail('操作失败!');
+        }
+    }

+ 141 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\finance;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\user\{User, UserRecharge as UserRechargeModel};
+use app\models\routine\RoutineTemplate;
+use app\models\user\{UserBill, WechatUser as WechatUserWap};
+use crmeb\services\{JsonService,
+    MiniProgramService,
+    WechatService,
+    UtilService as Util,
+    FormBuilder as Form,
+    WechatTemplateService};
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * 微信充值记录
+ * Class UserRecharge
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class UserRecharge extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示操作记录
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign('year', get_month());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function get_user_recharge_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['paid', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['excel', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(UserRechargeModel::getUserRechargeList($where));
+    }
+    public function delect($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        $rechargInfo = UserRechargeModel::get($id);
+        if ($rechargInfo->paid) return JsonService::fail('已支付的订单记录无法删除');
+        if (UserRechargeModel::del($id))
+            return JsonService::successful('删除成功');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('删除失败');
+    }
+    public function get_badge()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['paid', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successful(UserRechargeModel::getDataList($where));
+    }
+    /**退款
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|void
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $UserRecharge = UserRechargeModel::get($id);
+        if (!$UserRecharge) return JsonService::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($UserRecharge['paid'] == 1) {
+            $f = array();
+            $f[] = Form::input('order_id', '退款单号', $UserRecharge->getData('order_id'))->disabled(1);
+            $f[] = Form::number('refund_price', '退款金额', $UserRecharge->getData('price'))->precision(2)->min(0)->max($UserRecharge->getData('price'));
+            $jsContent = <<<SCRIPT
+            $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑', $f, Url::buildUrl('updateRefundY', array('id' => $id)), $jsContent);
+            $this->assign(compact('form'));
+            return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+        } else return JsonService::fail('数据不存在!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 退款更新
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateRefundY($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'refund_price',
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $UserRecharge = UserRechargeModel::get($id);
+        if (!$UserRecharge) return JsonService::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($UserRecharge['price'] == $UserRecharge['refund_price']) return JsonService::fail('已退完支付金额!不能再退款了');
+        if (!$data['refund_price']) return JsonService::fail('请输入退款金额');
+        $refund_price = $data['refund_price'];
+        $data['refund_price'] = bcadd($data['refund_price'], $UserRecharge['refund_price'], 2);
+        $bj = bccomp((float)$UserRecharge['price'], (float)$data['refund_price'], 2);
+        if ($bj < 0) return JsonService::fail('退款金额大于支付金额,请修改退款金额');
+        $refund_data['pay_price'] = $UserRecharge['price'];
+        $refund_data['refund_price'] = $refund_price;
+//        $refund_data['refund_account']='REFUND_SOURCE_RECHARGE_FUNDS';
+        try {
+            $recharge_type = UserRechargeModel::where('order_id', $UserRecharge['order_id'])->value('recharge_type');
+            if ($recharge_type == 'weixin') {
+                WechatService::payOrderRefund($UserRecharge['order_id'], $refund_data);
+            } else {
+                MiniProgramService::payOrderRefund($UserRecharge['order_id'], $refund_data);
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserRechargeModel::edit($data, $id);
+        User::bcDec($UserRecharge['uid'], 'now_money', $refund_price, 'uid');
+        switch (strtolower($UserRecharge['recharge_type'])) {
+            case 'weixin':
+                WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate(WechatUserWap::where('uid', $UserRecharge['uid'])->value('openid'), WechatTemplateService::ORDER_REFUND_STATUS, [
+                    'first' => '亲,您充值的金额已退款,本次退款' .
+                        $data['refund_price'] . '金额',
+                    'keyword1' => $UserRecharge['order_id'],
+                    'keyword2' => $UserRecharge['price'],
+                    'keyword3' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $UserRecharge['add_time']),
+                    'remark' => '点击查看订单详情'
+                ], Url::buildUrl('/user/bill/2')->suffix(false)->build());
+                break;
+            case 'routine':
+                RoutineTemplate::sendRechargeSuccess($UserRecharge, $data['refund_price']);
+                break;
+        }
+        UserBill::expend('系统退款', $UserRecharge['uid'], 'now_money', 'user_recharge_refund', $refund_price, $id, $UserRecharge['price'], '退款给用户' . $refund_price . '元');
+        return JsonService::successful('退款成功!');
+    }

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\money;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\models\manage\ManageMoneyProduct;
+use app\models\manage\UserManageMoney;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+use think\facade\Route;
+ * 用户管理控制器
+ * Class User
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class Borrow extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return string|\think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 分组列表
+     */
+    public function getList()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        JsonService::successlayui(ManageMoneyProduct::getList((int)$where['page'], (int)$where['limit']));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加/修改分组页面
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function add($id = 0)
+    {
+        $money_type = sys_data('money_type');
+        $money_type_select = [];
+        foreach ($money_type as $v) {
+            $money_type_select[] = ['label' => $v['name'], 'value' => $v['code']];
+        }
+        $group = ManageMoneyProduct::get($id);
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::input('name', '产品名称', $group ? $group->name : '')->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('ratio', '年化利率(%)', $group ? $group->ratio : 0)->required()->step(0.01);
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('stand_time', '年化时间(天)', $group ? $group->name : 0)->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::select('money_type', '币种', $group ? $group->money_type : '')->setOptions($money_type_select)->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('personal_limit', '个人上限', $group ? $group->personal_limit : 0)->required()->step(0.00000001);
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('time', '存期[0为活期]', $group ? $group->time : 0)->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::select('unit', '存期单位[释放周期]', $group ? (string)$group->unit : '1')->setOptions([['value' => 1, 'label' => '天'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '月'], ['value' => 3, 'label' => '年']]);
+        $form = FormBuilder::make_post_form('添加理财产品', $f, Route::buildUrl('save', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加/修改
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['ratio', 0],
+            ['stand_time', 0],
+            ['money_type', ''],
+            ['personal_limit', 0],
+            ['time', 0],
+            ['unit', 1],
+        ]);
+        if ($id) {
+            if (ManageMoneyProduct::where('id', $id)->update($data)) {
+                JsonService::success('修改成功');
+            } else {
+                JsonService::fail('修改失败或者您没有修改什么!');
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ($res = ManageMoneyProduct::create($data)) {
+                JsonService::success('保存成功', ['id' => $res->id]);
+            } else {
+                JsonService::fail('保存失败!');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除
+     * @param $id
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) JsonService::fail('数据不存在');
+        if (!ManageMoneyProduct::be(['id' => $id])) JsonService::fail('数据不存在');
+        if (!ManageMoneyProduct::where('id', $id)->update(['is_del' => 1]))
+            JsonService::fail(ManageMoneyProduct::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            JsonService::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    public function user($id)
+    {
+        $this->assign('id', $id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function getUserList($id)
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        $map['mid'] = $id;
+        UserManageMoney::daySend();
+        JsonService::successlayui(UserManageMoney::getList((int)$where['page'], (int)$where['limit'], $map));
+    }

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\money;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\models\manage\ManageMoneyProduct;
+use app\models\manage\UserManageMoney;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+use think\facade\Route;
+ * 用户管理控制器
+ * Class User
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class Manage extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return string|\think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 分组列表
+     */
+    public function getList()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        JsonService::successlayui(ManageMoneyProduct::getList((int)$where['page'], (int)$where['limit']));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加/修改分组页面
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function add($id = 0)
+    {
+        $money_type = sys_data('money_type');
+        $money_type_select = [];
+        foreach ($money_type as $v) {
+            $money_type_select[] = ['label' => $v['name'], 'value' => $v['code']];
+        }
+        $group = ManageMoneyProduct::get($id);
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::input('name', '产品名称', $group ? $group->name : '')->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('ratio', '年化利率(%)', $group ? $group->ratio : 0)->required()->step(0.01);
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('stand_time', '年化时间(天)', $group ? $group->name : 0)->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::select('money_type', '币种', $group ? $group->money_type : '')->setOptions($money_type_select)->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('personal_limit', '个人上限', $group ? $group->personal_limit : 0)->required()->step(0.00000001);
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::number('time', '存期[0为活期]', $group ? $group->time : 0)->required();
+        $f[] = FormBuilder::select('unit', '存期单位[释放周期]', $group ? (string)$group->unit : '1')->setOptions([['value' => 1, 'label' => '天'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '月'], ['value' => 3, 'label' => '年']]);
+        $form = FormBuilder::make_post_form('添加理财产品', $f, Route::buildUrl('save', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加/修改
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['ratio', 0],
+            ['stand_time', 0],
+            ['money_type', ''],
+            ['personal_limit', 0],
+            ['time', 0],
+            ['unit', 1],
+        ]);
+        if ($id) {
+            if (ManageMoneyProduct::where('id', $id)->update($data)) {
+                JsonService::success('修改成功');
+            } else {
+                JsonService::fail('修改失败或者您没有修改什么!');
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ($res = ManageMoneyProduct::create($data)) {
+                JsonService::success('保存成功', ['id' => $res->id]);
+            } else {
+                JsonService::fail('保存失败!');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除
+     * @param $id
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) JsonService::fail('数据不存在');
+        if (!ManageMoneyProduct::be(['id' => $id])) JsonService::fail('数据不存在');
+        if (!ManageMoneyProduct::where('id', $id)->update(['is_del' => 1]))
+            JsonService::fail(ManageMoneyProduct::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            JsonService::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    public function user($id)
+    {
+        $this->assign('id', $id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function getUserList($id)
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        $map['mid'] = $id;
+        UserManageMoney::daySend();
+        JsonService::successlayui(UserManageMoney::getList((int)$where['page'], (int)$where['limit'], $map));
+    }

+ 894 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\order;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\order\StoreOrderCartInfo;
+use app\admin\model\system\Express;
+use crmeb\repositories\OrderRepository;
+use crmeb\repositories\ShortLetterRepositories;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    ExpressService,
+    JsonService,
+    MiniProgramService,
+    WechatService,
+    FormBuilder as Form,
+    CacheService,
+    UtilService as Util,
+    JsonService as Json
+use app\admin\model\order\StoreOrderStatus;
+use app\admin\model\ump\StorePink;
+use app\admin\model\user\{
+    User, UserBill
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\order\StoreOrder as StoreOrderModel;
+use crmeb\services\YLYService;
+use think\facade\Log;
+ * 订单管理控制器 同一个订单表放在一个控制器
+ * Class StoreOrder
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreOrder extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'year' => get_month(),
+            'real_name' => $this->request->get('real_name', ''),
+            'status' => $this->request->param('status', ''),
+            'orderCount' => StoreOrderModel::orderCount(),
+            'payTypeCount' => StoreOrderModel::payTypeCount(),
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取头部订单金额等信息
+     * return json
+     */
+    public function getBadge()
+    {
+        $where = Util::postMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['real_name', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+            ['pay_type', ''],
+            ['order', '']
+        ]);
+        return Json::successful(StoreOrderModel::getBadge($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取订单列表
+     * return json
+     */
+    public function order_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['real_name', $this->request->param('real_name', '')],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+            ['pay_type', ''],
+            ['order', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['excel', 0]
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(StoreOrderModel::OrderList($where));
+    }
+    public function order_print($id = '')
+    {
+        if (!$id) {
+            return JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        }
+        $order = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$order) {
+            return JsonService::fail('订单没有查到,无法打印!');
+        }
+        try {
+            $order['cart_id'] = is_string($order['cart_id']) ? json_decode($order['cart_id'], true) : $order['cart_id'];
+            $cartInfo = StoreOrderCartInfo::whereIn('cart_id', $order['cart_id'])->field('cart_info')->select();
+            $cartInfo = count($cartInfo) ? $cartInfo->toArray() : [];
+            $product = [];
+            foreach ($cartInfo as $item) {
+                $value = is_string($item['cart_info']) ? json_decode($item['cart_info'], true) : $item['cart_info'];
+                $value['productInfo']['store_name'] = $value['productInfo']['store_name'] ?? "";
+                $value['productInfo']['store_name'] = StoreOrderCartInfo::getSubstrUTf8($value['productInfo']['store_name'], 10, 'UTF-8', '');
+                $product[] = $value;
+            }
+            $res = YLYService::instance()->setContent(sys_config('site_name'), is_object($order) ? $order->toArray() : $order, $product)->orderPrinting();
+            if ($res) {
+                return JsonService::successful('打印成功');
+            } else {
+                return JsonService::fail('打印失败');
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            Log::error('小票打印出现错误,错误原因:' . $e->getMessage());
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 核销码核销
+     * @param string $verify_code
+     * @return html
+     */
+    public function write_order($verify_code = '', $is_confirm = 0)
+    {
+        if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
+            if (!$verify_code) return Json::fail('缺少核销码!');
+            StoreOrderModel::beginTrans();
+            $orderInfo = StoreOrderModel::where('verify_code', $verify_code)->where('paid', 1)->where('refund_status', 0)->find();
+            if (!$orderInfo) return Json::fail('核销订单不存在!');
+            if ($orderInfo->status > 0) return Json::fail('订单已核销!');
+            if ($orderInfo->combination_id && $orderInfo->pink_id) {
+                $res = StorePink::where('id', $orderInfo->pink_id)->where('status', '<>', 2)->count();
+                if ($res) return Json::fail('拼团订单暂未成功无法核销!');
+            }
+            if ($is_confirm == 0) {
+                $orderInfo['nickname'] = User::where(['uid' => $orderInfo['uid']])->value('nickname');
+                return Json::successful($orderInfo);
+            }
+            $orderInfo->status = 2;
+            if ($orderInfo->save()) {
+                OrderRepository::storeProductOrderTakeDeliveryAdmin($orderInfo);
+                StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($orderInfo->id, 'take_delivery', '已核销');
+                //发送短信
+                event('ShortMssageSend', [$orderInfo['order_id'], 'Receiving']);
+                StoreOrderModel::commitTrans();
+                return Json::successful('核销成功!');
+            } else {
+                StoreOrderModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::fail('核销失败');
+            }
+        } else
+            $this->assign('is_layui', 1);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function orderchart()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['real_name', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['combination_id', ''],
+            ['export', 0],
+            ['order', 'id desc']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $limitTimeList = [
+            'today' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d'), date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day'))]),
+            'week' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y/m/d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600)),
+                date('Y-m-d', (time() + (7 - (date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w'))) * 24 * 3600))
+            ]),
+            'month' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m') . '/01', date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t')]),
+            'quarter' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3 - 3 + 1) . '/01',
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3) . '/' . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3), 1, date('Y')))
+            ]),
+            'year' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/01/01', date('Y/m/d', strtotime(date('Y') . '/01/01 + 1year -1 day'))
+            ])
+        ];
+        if ($where['data'] == '') $where['data'] = $limitTimeList['today'];
+        $orderCount = [
+            urlencode('未支付') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(0))->count(),
+            urlencode('未发货') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(1))->count(),
+            urlencode('待收货') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(2))->count(),
+            urlencode('待评价') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(3))->count(),
+            urlencode('交易完成') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(4))->count(),
+            urlencode('退款中') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(-1))->count(),
+            urlencode('已退款') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(-2))->count()
+        ];
+        $model = StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, new StoreOrderModel())->field('sum(total_num) total_num,count(*) count,sum(total_price) total_price,sum(refund_price) refund_price,from_unixtime(add_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\') add_time')
+            ->group('from_unixtime(add_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\')');
+        $orderPrice = $model->select()->toArray();
+        $orderDays = [];
+        $orderCategory = [
+            ['name' => '商品数', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '订单数', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '订单金额', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '退款金额', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []]
+        ];
+        foreach ($orderPrice as $price) {
+            $orderDays[] = $price['add_time'];
+            $orderCategory[0]['data'][] = $price['total_num'];
+            $orderCategory[1]['data'][] = $price['count'];
+            $orderCategory[2]['data'][] = $price['total_price'];
+            $orderCategory[3]['data'][] = $price['refund_price'];
+        }
+        $this->assign(StoreOrderModel::systemPage($where, $this->adminId));
+        $this->assign('price', StoreOrderModel::getOrderPrice($where));
+        $this->assign(compact('limitTimeList', 'where', 'orderCount', 'orderPrice', 'orderDays', 'orderCategory'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改支付金额等
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('order_id', '订单编号', $product->getData('order_id'))->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::number('total_price', '商品总价', $product->getData('total_price'))->min(0);
+        $f[] = Form::number('total_postage', '原始邮费', $product->getData('total_postage'))->min(0);
+        $f[] = Form::number('pay_price', '实际支付金额', $product->getData('pay_price'))->min(0);
+        $f[] = Form::number('pay_postage', '实际支付邮费', $product->getData('pay_postage'));
+        $f[] = Form::number('gain_integral', '赠送积分', $product->getData('gain_integral'));
+//        $f[] = Form::radio('status','状态',$product->getData('status'))->options([['label'=>'开启','value'=>1],['label'=>'关闭','value'=>0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('修改订单', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改订单提交更新
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'order_id',
+            'total_price',
+            'total_postage',
+            'pay_price',
+            'pay_postage',
+            'gain_integral',
+        ]);
+        if ($data['total_price'] <= 0) return Json::fail('请输入商品总价');
+        if ($data['pay_price'] <= 0) return Json::fail('请输入实际支付金额');
+        $source_info = StoreOrderModel::where('order_id', $data['order_id'])->find();
+        $data['order_id'] = StoreOrderModel::changeOrderId($data['order_id']);
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        //改价短信提醒
+        if ($data['pay_price'] != $source_info['pay_price']) {
+            $switch = sys_config('price_revision_switch') ? true : false;
+            ShortLetterRepositories::send($switch, $source_info['user_phone'], ['order_id' => $source_info, 'pay_price' => $source_info['pay_price']], 'PRICE_REVISION_CODE');
+        }
+        event('StoreProductOrderEditAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'order_edit', '修改商品总价为:' . $data['total_price'] . ' 实际支付金额' . $data['pay_price']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 发送货
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return html
+     * */
+    public function order_goods($id = 0)
+    {
+        $list = Express::where('is_show', 1)->order('sort desc')->column('name', 'id');
+        $this->assign([
+            'list' => $list,
+            'id' => $id
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     * 删除订单
+     * */
+    public function del_order()
+    {
+        $ids = Util::postMore(['ids'])['ids'];
+        if (!count($ids)) return Json::fail('请选择需要删除的订单');
+        if (StoreOrderModel::where('is_del', 0)->where('id', 'in', $ids)->count())
+            return Json::fail('您选择的的订单存在用户未删除的订单,无法删除用户未删除的订单');
+        $res = StoreOrderModel::where('id', 'in', $ids)->update(['is_system_del' => 1]);
+        if ($res)
+            return Json::successful('删除成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('删除失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 送货信息提交
+     * @param Request $request
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update_delivery($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['type', 1],
+            ['delivery_name', ''],
+            ['delivery_id', ''],
+            ['sh_delivery_name', ''],
+            ['sh_delivery_id', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        switch ((int)$data['type']) {
+            case 1:
+                //发货
+                $data['delivery_type'] = 'express';
+                if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请选择快递公司');
+                if (!$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入快递单号');
+                $data['status'] = 1;
+                StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+                event('StoreProductOrderDeliveryGoodsAfter', [$data, $id]);
+                StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'delivery_goods', '已发货 快递公司:' . $data['delivery_name'] . ' 快递单号:' . $data['delivery_id']);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                //送货
+                $data['delivery_type'] = 'send';
+                $data['delivery_name'] = $data['sh_delivery_name'];
+                $data['delivery_id'] = $data['sh_delivery_id'];
+                unset($data['sh_delivery_name'], $data['sh_delivery_id']);
+                if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人姓名');
+                if (!(int)$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人电话号码');
+                else if (!preg_match("/^1[3456789]{1}\d{9}$/", $data['delivery_id'])) return Json::fail('请输入正确的送货人电话号码');
+                $data['status'] = 1;
+                StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+                event('StoreProductOrderDeliveryAfter', [$data, $id]);
+                StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'delivery', '已配送 发货人:' . $data['delivery_name'] . ' 发货人电话:' . $data['delivery_id']);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                //虚拟发货
+                $data['delivery_type'] = 'fictitious';
+                $data['status'] = 1;
+                StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+                event('StoreProductOrderDeliveryAfter', [$data, $id]);
+                StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'delivery_fictitious', '已虚拟发货');
+                break;
+            default:
+                return Json::fail('暂时不支持其他发货类型');
+                break;
+        }
+        //短信发送
+        event('ShortMssageSend', [StoreOrderModel::where('id', $id)->value('order_id'), 'Deliver']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 填写送货信息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|void
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public function delivery($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1 && $product['status'] == 0) {
+            $f = [];
+            $f[] = Form::input('delivery_name', '送货人姓名')->required('送货人姓名不能为空', 'required:true;');
+            $f[] = Form::input('delivery_id', '送货人电话')->required('请输入正确电话号码', 'telephone');
+            $form = Form::make_post_form('修改订单', $f, Url::buildUrl('updateDelivery', array('id' => $id)), 7);
+            $this->assign(compact('form'));
+            return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+        } else $this->failedNotice('订单状态错误');
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 送货信息提交
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateDelivery($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'delivery_name',
+            'delivery_id',
+        ]);
+        $data['delivery_type'] = 'send';
+        if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人姓名');
+        if (!(int)$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人电话号码');
+        else if (!preg_match("/^1[3456789]{1}\d{9}$/", $data['delivery_id'])) return Json::fail('请输入正确的送货人电话号码');
+        $data['status'] = 1;
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderDeliveryAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'delivery', '已配送 发货人:' . $data['delivery_name'] . ' 发货人电话:' . $data['delivery_id']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 填写发货信息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|void
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public function deliver_goods($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1 && $product['status'] == 0) {
+            $f = [];
+            $f[] = Form::select('delivery_name', '快递公司')->setOptions(function () {
+                $list = Express::where('is_show', 1)->order('sort DESC')->column('name', 'id');
+                $menus = [];
+                foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $v, 'label' => $v];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            })->filterable(1);
+            $f[] = Form::input('delivery_id', '快递单号');
+            $form = Form::make_post_form('修改订单', $f, Url::buildUrl('updateDeliveryGoods', array('id' => $id)), 7);
+            $this->assign(compact('form'));
+            return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+        } else return $this->failedNotice('订单状态错误');
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 发货信息提交
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateDeliveryGoods($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'delivery_name',
+            'delivery_id',
+        ]);
+        $data['delivery_type'] = 'express';
+        if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请选择快递公司');
+        if (!$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入快递单号');
+        $data['status'] = 1;
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderDeliveryGoodsAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'delivery_goods', '已发货 快递公司:' . $data['delivery_name'] . ' 快递单号:' . $data['delivery_id']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改状态为已收货
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function take_delivery($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $order = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$order) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($order['status'] == 2) return Json::fail('不能重复收货!');
+        if ($order['paid'] == 1 && $order['status'] == 1) $data['status'] = 2;
+        else if ($order['pay_type'] == 'offline') $data['status'] = 2;
+        else return Json::fail('请先发货或者送货!');
+        StoreOrderModel::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            if (!StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id)) {
+                StoreOrderModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::fail(StoreOrderModel::getErrorInfo('收货失败,请稍候再试!'));
+            } else {
+                OrderRepository::storeProductOrderTakeDeliveryAdmin($order, $id);
+                StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'take_delivery', '已收货');
+                StoreOrderModel::commitTrans();
+                //发送短信
+                event('ShortMssageSend', [$order['order_id'], 'Receiving']);
+                return Json::successful('收货成功!');
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            StoreOrderModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改退款状态
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function refund_y($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1) {
+            $f = [];
+            $f[] = Form::input('order_id', '退款单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->disabled(1);
+            $f[] = Form::number('refund_price', '退款金额', $product->getData('pay_price'))->precision(2)->min(0.01);
+            $f[] = Form::radio('type', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '直接退款', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '退款后,返回原状态', 'value' => 2]]);
+            $form = Form::make_post_form('退款处理', $f, Url::buildUrl('updateRefundY', array('id' => $id)), 7);
+            $this->assign(compact('form'));
+            return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+        } else return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 退款处理
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateRefundY($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'refund_price',
+            ['type', 1],
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['pay_price'] == $product['refund_price']) return Json::fail('已退完支付金额!不能再退款了');
+        if (!$data['refund_price']) return Json::fail('请输入退款金额');
+        $refund_price = $data['refund_price'];
+        $data['refund_price'] = bcadd($data['refund_price'], $product['refund_price'], 2);
+        $bj = bccomp((float)$product['pay_price'], (float)$data['refund_price'], 2);
+        if ($bj < 0) return Json::fail('退款金额大于支付金额,请修改退款金额');
+        if ($data['type'] == 1) {
+            $data['refund_status'] = 2;
+        } else if ($data['type'] == 2) {
+            $data['refund_status'] = 0;
+        }
+        $type = $data['type'];
+        unset($data['type']);
+        $refund_data['pay_price'] = $product['pay_price'];
+        $refund_data['refund_price'] = $refund_price;
+        if ($product['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+            if ($product['is_channel'] == 1) {//小程序
+                try {
+                    MiniProgramService::payOrderRefund($product['order_id'], $refund_data);//2.5.36
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            } else {//TODO 公众号
+                try {
+                    WechatService::payOrderRefund($product['order_id'], $refund_data);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            }
+        } else if ($product['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+            BaseModel::beginTrans();
+            $usermoney = User::where('uid', $product['uid'])->value('now_money');
+            $res1 = User::bcInc($product['uid'], 'now_money', $refund_price, 'uid');
+            $res2 = $res2 = UserBill::income('商品退款', $product['uid'], 'now_money', 'pay_product_refund', $refund_price, $product['id'], bcadd($usermoney, $refund_price, 2), '订单退款到余额' . floatval($refund_price) . '元');
+            try {
+                OrderRepository::storeOrderYueRefund($product, $refund_data);
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+            }
+            $res = $res1 && $res2;
+            BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+            if (!$res) return Json::fail('余额退款失败!');
+        }
+        $resEdit = StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        $res = true;
+        if ($resEdit) {
+            $data['type'] = $type;
+            if ($data['type'] == 1) $res = StorePink::setRefundPink($id);
+            if (!$res) return Json::fail('修改失败');
+            try {
+                OrderRepository::storeProductOrderRefundY($data, $id);
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+            }
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'refund_price', '退款给用户' . $refund_price . '元');
+            //退佣金
+            $brokerage_list = UserBill::where('category', 'now_money')
+                ->where('type', 'brokerage')
+                ->where('link_id', $id)
+                ->where('pm', 1)
+                ->select();
+            if ($brokerage_list) {
+                $brokerage_list = $brokerage_list->toArray();
+                foreach ($brokerage_list as $item) {
+                    $usermoney = User::where('uid', $item['uid'])->value('brokerage_price');
+                    if ($item['number'] > $usermoney)
+                        $item['number'] = $usermoney;
+                    User::bcDec($item['uid'], 'brokerage_price', $item['number'], 'uid');
+                    UserBill::expend('退款退佣金', $item['uid'], 'now_money', 'brokerage', $item['number'], $id, bcsub($usermoney, $item['number'], 2), '订单退款扣除佣金' . floatval($item['number']) . '元');
+                }
+            }
+            //退款扣除用户积分
+            //购买赠送的积分
+            $bill_integral = UserBill::where('category', 'integral')
+                ->where('type', 'gain')
+                ->where('link_id', $id)
+                ->where('pm', 1)
+                ->find();
+            if ($bill_integral) {
+                $bill_integral = $bill_integral->toArray();
+                //用户积分
+                $user_integral = User::where('uid', $bill_integral['uid'])->value('integral');
+                if ($bill_integral['number'] > $user_integral)
+                    $bill_integral['number'] = $user_integral;
+                User::bcDec($bill_integral['uid'], 'integral', $bill_integral['number'], 'uid');
+                UserBill::expend('退款扣除积分', $bill_integral['uid'], 'integral', 'gain', $bill_integral['number'], $id, bcsub($user_integral, $bill_integral['number'], 2), '订单退款扣除积分' . floatval($bill_integral['number']) . '积分');
+            }
+            BaseModel::commitTrans();
+            return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+        } else {
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'refund_price', '退款给用户' . $refund_price . '元失败');
+            return Json::fail('修改失败!');
+        }
+    }
+    public function order_info($oid = '')
+    {
+        if (!$oid || !($orderInfo = StoreOrderModel::get($oid)))
+            return $this->failed('订单不存在!');
+        $userInfo = User::getUserInfos($orderInfo['uid']);
+        if ($userInfo['spread_uid']) {
+            $spread = User::where('uid', $userInfo['spread_uid'])->value('nickname');
+        } else {
+            $spread = '';
+        }
+        $this->assign(compact('orderInfo', 'userInfo', 'spread'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function express($oid = '')
+    {
+        if (!$oid || !($order = StoreOrderModel::get($oid)))
+            return $this->failed('订单不存在!');
+        if ($order['delivery_type'] != 'express' || !$order['delivery_id']) return $this->failed('该订单不存在快递单号!');
+        $cacheName = $order['order_id'] . $order['delivery_id'];
+        $result = CacheService::get($cacheName, null);
+        if ($result === null) {
+            $result = ExpressService::query($order['delivery_id']);
+            if (is_array($result) &&
+                isset($result['result']) &&
+                isset($result['result']['deliverystatus']) &&
+                $result['result']['deliverystatus'] >= 3)
+                $cacheTime = 0;
+            else
+                $cacheTime = 1800;
+            CacheService::set($cacheName, $result, $cacheTime);
+        }
+        $this->assign([
+            'order' => $order,
+            'express' => $result
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改配送信息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function distribution($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('order_id', '订单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->disabled(1);
+        if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'send') {
+            $f[] = Form::input('delivery_name', '送货人姓名', $product->getData('delivery_name'));
+            $f[] = Form::input('delivery_id', '送货人电话', $product->getData('delivery_id'));
+        } else if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'express') {
+            $f[] = Form::select('delivery_name', '快递公司', $product->getData('delivery_name'))->setOptions(function () {
+                $list = Express::where('is_show', 1)->column('name', 'id');
+                $menus = [];
+                foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $v, 'label' => $v];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            });
+            $f[] = Form::input('delivery_id', '快递单号', $product->getData('delivery_id'));
+        }
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('配送信息', $f, Url::buildUrl('updateDistribution', array('id' => $id)), 7);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改配送信息
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateDistribution($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'delivery_name',
+            'delivery_id',
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'send') {
+            if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人姓名');
+            if (!(int)$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人电话号码');
+            else if (!preg_match("/^1[3456789]{1}\d{9}$/", $data['delivery_id'])) return Json::fail('请输入正确的送货人电话号码');
+        } else if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'express') {
+            if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请选择快递公司');
+            if (!$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入快递单号');
+        }
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderDistributionAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'distribution', '修改发货信息为' . $data['delivery_name'] . '号' . $data['delivery_id']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改退款状态
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function refund_n($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f[] = Form::input('order_id', '订单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('refund_reason', '退款原因')->type('textarea');
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('退款', $f, Url::buildUrl('updateRefundN', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 不退款原因
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateRefundN($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'refund_reason',
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!$data['refund_reason']) return Json::fail('请输入退款原因');
+        $data['refund_status'] = 0;
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderRefundNAfter', [$data['refund_reason'], $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'refund_n', '不退款原因:' . $data['refund_reason']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 立即支付
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function offline($id)
+    {
+        $res = StoreOrderModel::updateOffline($id);
+        if ($res) {
+            event('StoreProductOrderOffline', [$id]);
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'offline', '线下付款');
+            return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail(StoreOrderModel::getErrorInfo('修改失败!'));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改积分和金额
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function integral_back($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1) {
+            $f[] = Form::input('order_id', '退款单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->disabled(1);
+            $f[] = Form::number('use_integral', '使用的积分', $product->getData('use_integral'))->min(0)->disabled(1);
+            $f[] = Form::number('use_integrals', '已退积分', $product->getData('back_integral'))->min(0)->disabled(1);
+            $f[] = Form::number('back_integral', '可退积分', bcsub($product->getData('use_integral'), $product->getData('use_integral')))->min(0);
+            $form = Form::make_post_form('退积分', $f, Url::buildUrl('updateIntegralBack', array('id' => $id)), 7);
+            $this->assign(compact('form'));
+            return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail('参数错误!');
+        }
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 退积分保存
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateIntegralBack($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'back_integral',
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($data['back_integral'] <= 0) return Json::fail('请输入积分');
+        if ($product['use_integral'] == $product['back_integral']) return Json::fail('已退完积分!不能再积分了');
+        $back_integral = $data['back_integral'];
+        $data['back_integral'] = bcadd($data['back_integral'], $product['back_integral'], 2);
+        $bj = bccomp((float)$product['use_integral'], (float)$data['back_integral'], 2);
+        if ($bj < 0) return Json::fail('退积分大于支付积分,请修改退积分');
+        BaseModel::beginTrans();
+        $integral = User::where('uid', $product['uid'])->value('integral');
+        $res1 = User::bcInc($product['uid'], 'integral', $back_integral, 'uid');
+        $res2 = UserBill::income('商品退积分', $product['uid'], 'integral', 'pay_product_integral_back', $back_integral, $product['id'], bcadd($integral, $back_integral, 2), '订单退积分' . floatval($back_integral) . '积分到用户积分');
+        event('StoreOrderIntegralBack', [$product, $back_integral]);
+        try {
+            OrderRepository::storeOrderIntegralBack($product, $back_integral);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        $res = $res1 && $res2;
+        BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+        if (!$res) return Json::fail('退积分失败!');
+        if ($product['pay_price'] == 0 && $bj == 0) {
+            $data['refund_status'] = 2;
+        }
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'integral_back', '商品退积分:' . $data['back_integral']);
+        return Json::successful('退积分成功!');
+    }
+    public function remark()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore(['id', 'remark']);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('参数错误!');
+        if ($data['remark'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入要备注的内容!');
+        $id = $data['id'];
+        unset($data['id']);
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('备注成功!');
+    }
+    public function order_status($oid)
+    {
+        if (!$oid) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $this->assign(StoreOrderStatus::systemPage($oid));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     * 订单列表推荐人详细
+     */
+    public function order_spread_user($uid)
+    {
+        $spread = User::where('uid', $uid)->find();
+        $this->assign('spread', $spread);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 立即核销
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function verify($id)
+    {
+        StoreOrderModel::beginTrans();
+        $orderInfo = StoreOrderModel::where('id', $id)->find();
+        if (!$orderInfo) return Json::fail('核销订单不存在!');
+        if ($orderInfo->status > 0) return Json::fail('订单已核销!');
+        if ($orderInfo->combination_id && $orderInfo->pink_id) {
+            $res = StorePink::where('id', $orderInfo->pink_id)->where('status', '<>', 2)->count();
+            if ($res) return Json::fail('拼团订单暂未成功无法核销!');
+        }
+        $orderInfo->status = 2;
+        if ($orderInfo->save()) {
+            OrderRepository::storeProductOrderTakeDeliveryAdmin($orderInfo);
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($orderInfo->id, 'take_delivery', '已核销');
+            //发送短信
+            event('ShortMssageSend', [$orderInfo['order_id'], 'Receiving']);
+            StoreOrderModel::commitTrans();
+            return Json::successful('核销成功!');
+        } else {
+            StoreOrderModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return Json::fail('核销失败');
+        }
+    }

+ 639 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\order;
+use app\admin\model\system\Express;
+use crmeb\repositories\OrderRepository;
+use crmeb\services\{ExpressService,
+    MiniProgramService,
+    WechatService,
+    CacheService,
+    UtilService as Util,
+    JsonService as Json,
+    FormBuilder as Form};
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\order\{StoreOrderStatus, StoreOrder as StoreOrderModel};
+use app\admin\model\ump\StorePink;
+use app\admin\model\user\{User, UserBill};
+ * 订单管理控制器
+ * Class StoreOrder
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class CombinationOrder extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['real_name', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['combination_id', ''],
+            ['export', 0],
+            ['order', 'id desc']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $limitTimeList = [
+            'yesterday' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d', strtotime('-1 day')), date('Y/m/d')]),
+            'today' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d'), date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day'))]),
+            'week' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y/m/d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600)),
+                date('Y-m-d', (time() + (7 - (date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w'))) * 24 * 3600))
+            ]),
+            'month' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m') . '/01', date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t')]),
+            'quarter' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3 - 3 + 1) . '/01',
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3) . '/' . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3), 1, date('Y')))
+            ]),
+            'year' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/01/01', date('Y/m/d', strtotime(date('Y') . '/01/01 + 1year -1 day'))
+            ])
+        ];
+        $this->assign(StoreOrderModel::systemPage($where, $this->adminId));
+        $this->assign('price', StoreOrderModel::getOrderPrice($where));
+        $this->assign(compact('where', 'limitTimeList'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function orderchart()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['real_name', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['combination_id', ''],
+            ['export', 0],
+            ['order', 'id desc']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $limitTimeList = [
+            'today' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d'), date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day'))]),
+            'week' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y/m/d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600)),
+                date('Y-m-d', (time() + (7 - (date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w'))) * 24 * 3600))
+            ]),
+            'month' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m') . '/01', date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t')]),
+            'quarter' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3 - 3 + 1) . '/01',
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3) . '/' . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3), 1, date('Y')))
+            ]),
+            'year' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/01/01', date('Y/m/d', strtotime(date('Y') . '/01/01 + 1year -1 day'))
+            ])
+        ];
+        if ($where['data'] == '') $where['data'] = $limitTimeList['today'];
+        $orderCount = [
+            urlencode('未支付') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(0))->count(),
+            urlencode('未发货') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(1))->count(),
+            urlencode('待收货') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(2))->count(),
+            urlencode('待评价') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(3))->count(),
+            urlencode('交易完成') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(4))->count(),
+            urlencode('退款中') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(-1))->count(),
+            urlencode('已退款') => StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, StoreOrderModel::statusByWhere(-2))->count()
+        ];
+        $model = StoreOrderModel::getOrderWhere($where, new StoreOrderModel())->field('sum(total_num) total_num,count(*) count,sum(total_price) total_price,sum(refund_price) refund_price,from_unixtime(add_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\') add_time')
+            ->group('from_unixtime(add_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\')');
+        $orderPrice = $model->select()->toArray();
+        $orderDays = [];
+        $orderCategory = [
+            ['name' => '商品数', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '订单数', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '订单金额', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '退款金额', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []]
+        ];
+        foreach ($orderPrice as $price) {
+            $orderDays[] = $price['add_time'];
+            $orderCategory[0]['data'][] = $price['total_num'];
+            $orderCategory[1]['data'][] = $price['count'];
+            $orderCategory[2]['data'][] = $price['total_price'];
+            $orderCategory[3]['data'][] = $price['refund_price'];
+        }
+        $this->assign(StoreOrderModel::systemPage($where, $this->adminId));
+        $this->assign('price', StoreOrderModel::getOrderPrice($where));
+        $this->assign(compact('limitTimeList', 'where', 'orderCount', 'orderPrice', 'orderDays', 'orderCategory'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改支付金额等
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign([
+            'title' => '修改订单', 'rules' => $this->read($id)->getContent(),
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id))
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+    }
+    public function read($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        Form::text('order_id', '订单编号', $product->getData('order_id'))->readonly();
+        Form::number('total_price', '商品总价', $product->getData('total_price'))->min(0);
+        Form::number('total_postage', '原始邮费', $product->getData('total_postage'))->min(0);
+        Form::number('pay_price', '实际支付金额', $product->getData('pay_price'))->min(0);
+        Form::number('pay_postage', '实际支付邮费', $product->getData('pay_postage'))->min(0);
+        Form::number('gain_integral', '赠送积分', $product->getData('gain_integral'))->min(0);
+        return Form::builder();
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'order_id',
+            'total_price',
+            'total_postage',
+            'pay_price',
+            'pay_postage',
+            'gain_integral',
+        ]);
+        if ($data['total_price'] <= 0) return Json::fail('请输入商品总价');
+        if ($data['pay_price'] <= 0) return Json::fail('请输入实际支付金额');
+        $data['order_id'] = StoreOrderModel::changeOrderId($data['order_id']);
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderEditAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'order_edit', '修改商品总价为:' . $data['total_price'] . ' 实际支付金额' . $data['pay_price']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 送货
+     * @param $id
+     *  send
+     */
+    public function delivery($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1 && $product['status'] == 0) {
+            $this->assign([
+                'title' => '送货信息', 'rules' => $this->readDelivery($id)->getContent(),
+                'action' => Url::buildUrl('updateDelivery', array('id' => $id))
+            ]);
+            return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+        } else return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+    }
+    public function readDelivery($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        Form::text('delivery_name', '送货人姓名');
+        Form::text('delivery_id', '送货人电话')->number();
+        return Form::builder();
+    }
+    public function updateDelivery($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'delivery_name',
+            'delivery_id',
+        ]);
+        $data['delivery_type'] = 'send';
+        if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人姓名');
+        if (!(int)$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人电话号码');
+        else if (!preg_match("/^1[3456789]{1}\d{9}$/", $data['delivery_id'])) return Json::fail('请输入正确的送货人电话号码');
+        $data['status'] = 1;
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('storeProductOrderDeliveryAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'delivery', '已配送 发货人:' . $data['delivery_name'] . ' 发货人电话:' . $data['delivery_id']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 发货
+     * @param $id
+     *  express
+     */
+    public function deliver_goods($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1 && $product['status'] == 0) {
+            $this->assign([
+                'title' => '发货信息', 'rules' => $this->readDeliveryGoods($id)->getContent(),
+                'action' => Url::buildUrl('updateDeliveryGoods', array('id' => $id))
+            ]);
+            return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+        } else return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+    }
+    public function readDeliveryGoods($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        Form::select('delivery_name', '快递公司', function () {
+            $list = Express::where('is_show', 1)->order('sort DESC')->column('name', 'id');
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $v, 'label' => $v];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable();
+        Form::text('delivery_id', '快递单号');
+        return Form::builder();
+    }
+    public function updateDeliveryGoods($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'delivery_name',
+            'delivery_id',
+        ]);
+        $data['delivery_type'] = 'express';
+        if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请选择快递公司');
+        if (!$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入快递单号');
+        $data['status'] = 1;
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderDeliveryGoodsAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'delivery_goods', '已发货 快递公司:' . $data['delivery_name'] . ' 快递单号:' . $data['delivery_id']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改状态为已收货
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function take_delivery($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['status'] == 2) return Json::fail('不能重复收货!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1 && $product['status'] == 1) $data['status'] = 2;
+        else if ($product['pay_type'] == 'offline') $data['status'] = 2;
+        else return Json::fail('请先发货或者送货!');
+        if (!StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id))
+            return Json::fail(StoreOrderModel::getErrorInfo('收货失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else {
+            try {
+                OrderRepository::storeProductOrderTakeDeliveryAdmin($data, $id);
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+            }
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'take_delivery', '已收货');
+            return Json::successful('收货成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改退款状态
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function refund_y($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1) {
+            $this->assign([
+                'title' => '退款', 'rules' => $this->readRefundY($id)->getContent(),
+                'action' => Url::buildUrl('updateRefundY', array('id' => $id))
+            ]);
+            return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+        } else return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+    }
+    public function readRefundY($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        Form::text('order_id', '退款单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->readonly();
+        Form::number('refund_price', '退款金额', $product->getData('pay_price'))->min(0);
+        Form::radio('type', '状态', [['label' => '直接退款', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '退款后,返回原状态', 'value' => 2]], 1);
+        return Form::builder();
+    }
+    public function updateRefundY($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'refund_price',
+            ['type', 1],
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['pay_price'] == $product['refund_price']) return Json::fail('已退完支付金额!不能再退款了');
+        if (!$data['refund_price']) return Json::fail('请输入退款金额');
+        $refund_price = $data['refund_price'];
+        $data['refund_price'] = bcadd($data['refund_price'], $product['refund_price'], 2);
+        $bj = bccomp((float)$product['pay_price'], (float)$data['refund_price'], 2);
+        if ($bj < 0) return Json::fail('退款金额大于支付金额,请修改退款金额');
+        if ($data['type'] == 1) {
+            $data['refund_status'] = 2;
+        } else if ($data['type'] == 2) {
+            $data['refund_status'] = 0;
+        }
+        $type = $data['type'];
+        unset($data['type']);
+        $refund_data['pay_price'] = $product['pay_price'];
+        $refund_data['refund_price'] = $refund_price;
+        if ($product['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+            if ($product['is_channel'] == 1) {//TODO 小程序
+                try {
+                    MiniProgramService::payOrderRefund($product['order_id'], $refund_data);//2.5.36
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            } else { //TODO 公众号
+                try {
+                    WechatService::payOrderRefund($product['order_id'], $refund_data);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            }
+        } else if ($product['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+            BaseModel::beginTrans();
+            $usermoney = User::where('uid', $product['uid'])->value('now_money');
+            $res1 = User::bcInc($product['uid'], 'now_money', $refund_price, 'uid');
+            $res2 = $res2 = UserBill::income('商品退款', $product['uid'], 'now_money', 'pay_product_refund', $refund_price, $product['id'], bcadd($usermoney, $refund_price, 2), '订单退款到余额' . floatval($refund_price) . '元');
+            try {
+                OrderRepository::storeOrderYueRefund($product, $refund_data);
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+            }
+            $res = $res1 && $res2;
+            BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+            if (!$res) return Json::fail('余额退款失败!');
+        }
+        $resEdit = StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        if ($resEdit) {
+            $data['type'] = $type;
+            if ($data['type'] == 1) StorePink::setRefundPink($id);
+            try {
+                OrderRepository::storeProductOrderRefundY($data, $id);
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+            }
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'refund_price', '退款给用户' . $refund_price . '元');
+            return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+        } else {
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'refund_price', '退款给用户' . $refund_price . '元失败');
+            return Json::fail('修改失败!');
+        }
+    }
+    public function order_info($oid = '')
+    {
+        if (!$oid || !($orderInfo = StoreOrderModel::get($oid)))
+            return $this->failed('订单不存在!');
+        $userInfo = User::getUserInfo($orderInfo['uid']);
+        if ($userInfo['spread_uid']) {
+            $spread = User::where('uid', $userInfo['spread_uid'])->value('nickname');
+        } else {
+            $spread = '';
+        }
+        $this->assign(compact('orderInfo', 'userInfo', 'spread'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function express($oid = '')
+    {
+        if (!$oid || !($order = StoreOrderModel::get($oid)))
+            return $this->failed('订单不存在!');
+        if ($order['delivery_type'] != 'express' || !$order['delivery_id']) return $this->failed('该订单不存在快递单号!');
+        $cacheName = $order['order_id'] . $order['delivery_id'];
+        $result = CacheService::get($cacheName, null);
+        if ($result === null) {
+            $result = ExpressService::query($order['delivery_id']);
+            if (is_array($result) &&
+                isset($result['result']) &&
+                isset($result['result']['deliverystatus']) &&
+                $result['result']['deliverystatus'] >= 3)
+                $cacheTime = 0;
+            else
+                $cacheTime = 1800;
+            CacheService::set($cacheName, $result, $cacheTime);
+        }
+        $this->assign([
+            'order' => $order,
+            'express' => $result
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改配送信息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function distribution($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign([
+            'title' => '配送信息', 'rules' => $this->readDistribution($id)->getContent(),
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('updateDistribution', array('id' => $id))
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+    }
+    public function readDistribution($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'send') {
+            Form::text('delivery_name', '送货人姓名', $product->getData('delivery_name'));
+            Form::text('delivery_id', '送货人电话', $product->getData('delivery_id'))->number();
+        } else if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'express') {
+            Form::select('delivery_name', '快递公司', function () {
+                $list = Express::where('is_show', 1)->column('name', 'id');
+                $menus = [];
+                foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $v, 'label' => $v];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            }, $product->getData('delivery_name'))->filterable();
+            Form::text('delivery_id', '快递单号', $product->getData('delivery_id'));
+        }
+        return Form::builder();
+    }
+    public function updateDistribution($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'delivery_name',
+            'delivery_id',
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'send') {
+            if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人姓名');
+            if (!(int)$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入送货人电话号码');
+            else if (!preg_match("/^1[3456789]{1}\d{9}$/", $data['delivery_id'])) return Json::fail('请输入正确的送货人电话号码');
+        } else if ($product['delivery_type'] == 'express') {
+            if (!$data['delivery_name']) return Json::fail('请选择快递公司');
+            if (!$data['delivery_id']) return Json::fail('请输入快递单号');
+        }
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderDistributionAfter', [$data, $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'distribution', '修改发货信息为' . $data['delivery_name'] . '号' . $data['delivery_id']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改退款状态
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function refund_n($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign([
+            'title' => '退款', 'rules' => $this->readRefundN($id)->getContent(),
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('updateRefundN', array('id' => $id))
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+    }
+    public function readRefundN($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        Form::text('order_id', '退款单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->readonly();
+        Form::textarea('refund_reason', '退款原因');
+        return Form::builder();
+    }
+    public function updateRefundN($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'refund_reason',
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!$data['refund_reason']) return Json::fail('请输入退款原因');
+        $data['refund_status'] = 0;
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        event('StoreProductOrderRefundNAfter', [$data['refund_reason'], $id]);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'refund_n', '不退款原因:' . $data['refund_reason']);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 立即支付
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function offline($id)
+    {
+        $res = StoreOrderModel::updateOffline($id);
+        if ($res) {
+            event('StoreProductOrderOffline', [$id]);
+            StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'offline', '线下付款');
+            return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail(StoreOrderModel::getErrorInfo('修改失败!'));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改积分和金额
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function integral_back($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['paid'] == 1) {
+            $this->assign([
+                'title' => '退积分', 'rules' => $this->readIntegralBack($id)->getContent(),
+                'action' => Url::buildUrl('updateIntegralBack', array('id' => $id))
+            ]);
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail('参数错误!');
+        }
+        return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+    }
+    public function readIntegralBack($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        Form::text('order_id', '退积分单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->readonly();
+        Form::number('back_integral', '退积分')->min(0);
+        return Form::builder();
+    }
+    public function updateIntegralBack($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'back_integral',
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreOrderModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($data['back_integral'] <= 0) return Json::fail('请输入积分');
+        if ($product['use_integral'] == $product['back_integral']) return Json::fail('已退完积分!不能再积分了');
+        $back_integral = $data['back_integral'];
+        $data['back_integral'] = bcadd($data['back_integral'], $product['back_integral'], 2);
+        $bj = bccomp((float)$product['use_integral'], (float)$data['back_integral'], 2);
+        if ($bj < 0) return Json::fail('退积分大于支付积分,请修改退积分');
+        BaseModel::beginTrans();
+        $integral = User::where('uid', product['uid'])->value('integral');
+        $res1 = User::bcInc($product['uid'], 'integral', $back_integral, 'uid');
+        $res2 = UserBill::income('商品退积分', $product['uid'], 'integral', 'pay_product_integral_back', $back_integral, $product['id'], bcadd($integral, $back_integral, 2), '订单退积分' . floatval($back_integral) . '积分到用户积分');
+        try {
+            OrderRepository::storeOrderIntegralBack($product, $back_integral);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        $res = $res1 && $res2;
+        BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+        if (!$res) return Json::fail('退积分失败!');
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'integral_back', '商品退积分:' . $data['back_integral']);
+        return Json::successful('退积分成功!');
+    }
+    public function remark()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore(['id', 'remark']);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('参数错误!');
+        if ($data['remark'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入要备注的内容!');
+        $id = $data['id'];
+        unset($data['id']);
+        StoreOrderModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('备注成功!');
+    }
+    public function order_status($oid)
+    {
+        if (!$oid) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $this->assign(StoreOrderStatus::systemPage($oid));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 271 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\point_plan;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemUserLevel;
+use Exception;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form,
+    JsonService,
+    UtilService as Util,
+    JsonService as Json,
+    UtilService
+use FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\models\point_plan\{PointPlan as PointPlanModel, UserPointPlan};
+ * 图文管理
+ * Class WechatNews
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class PointPlan extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * TODO 显示后台管理员添加的图文
+     * @return mixed
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+//        $money_type = json_encode(sys_data('money_type'));
+//        $this->assign(compact('money_type'));
+        $this->assign('count_plan', PointPlanModel::count());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取vote表
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function get_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['status', ''],
+        ]);
+        Json::successlayui(PointPlanModel::getList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 创建form表单
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     * @throws Exception
+     * @throws FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function create($id = 0)
+    {
+        $money_type = sys_data('money_type');
+        $money_type_select = [];
+        foreach ($money_type as $v) {
+            $money_type_select[] = ['label' => $v['name'], 'value' => $v['code']];
+        }
+        if ($id) $info = PointPlanModel::get($id);
+        $field[] = Form::input('plan_name', '计划标题', isset($info) ? $info->plan_name : '')->col(Form::col(24))->required();
+        $field[] = Form::select('release_money_type', '释放币种', isset($info) ? $info->release_money_type : '')->options($money_type_select)->col(24)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::select('buy_money_type', '认购币种', isset($info) ? $info->buy_money_type : '')->options($money_type_select)->col(24)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('buy_num', '认购额度', isset($info) ? $info->buy_num : 0)->min(0)->col(24)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('buy_price', '认购价格', isset($info) ? $info->buy_price : 0)->step(0.00000001)->col(24)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('release_ratio', '收益倍数', isset($info) ? $info->release_ratio : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.01)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('num', '节点名额', isset($info) ? $info->num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('recommend_num', '考核推荐有效用户', isset($info) ? $info->recommend_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('group_num', '考核团队有效人数', isset($info) ? $info->group_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('exam_time', '考核期(天)', isset($info) ? $info->exam_time : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('layer_award_ratio', '团队奖比例', isset($info) ? $info->layer_award_ratio : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('layer_award_layer', '团队奖层数', isset($info) ? $info->layer_award_layer : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('release_day', '释放天数', isset($info) ? $info->release_day : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::dateTime('start_time', '开启认购时间', isset($info) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info->start_time) : '')->col(12);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加计划', $field, Url::buildUrl('save', ['id' => $id]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加或者修改
+     * @param $id
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['plan_name', ''],
+            ['release_money_type', ''],
+            ['buy_money_type', ''],
+            ['buy_num', 0],
+            ['buy_price', 0],
+            ['release_ratio', 0],
+            ['num', 0],
+            ['recommend_num', 0],
+            ['group_num', 0],
+            ['exam_time', 0],
+            ['layer_award_ratio', 0],
+            ['layer_award_layer', 0],
+            ['release_day', ''],
+            ['start_time', 0],
+        ]);
+        PointPlanModel::beginTrans();
+        if (!$data['start_time']) {
+            JsonService::fail('开启认购时间');
+        }
+        $data['start_time'] = strtotime($data['start_time']);
+        try {
+            //修改
+            if ($id) {
+                if (PointPlanModel::edit($data, $id)) {
+                    PointPlanModel::commitTrans();
+                    JsonService::successful('修改成功');
+                } else {
+                    PointPlanModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    JsonService::fail('修改失败');
+                }
+            } else {
+                //新增
+                $data['add_time'] = time();
+                $res = PointPlanModel::create($data);
+                if ($res) {
+                    PointPlanModel::commitTrans();
+                    JsonService::successful('添加成功');
+                } else {
+                    PointPlanModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    JsonService::fail('添加失败');
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            PointPlanModel::rollbackTrans();
+            JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 会员详情
+     */
+    public function see($id = '')
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'id' => $id,
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+//    /**
+//     * 创建form表单
+//     *
+//     * @param int $id
+//     * @return string
+//     * @throws Exception
+//     * @throws FormBuilderException
+//     */
+//    public function create_sub($id = 0, $vid = 0)
+//    {
+//        if (!$id && !$vid) {
+//            $this->failed('参数异常');
+//        }
+//        if ($id) $info = VoteSub::get($id);
+//        if (isset($info)) $vid = $info['vote_id'];
+////        var_dump($id);
+//        $field[] = Form::hidden('vote_id', $vid);
+//        $field[] = Form::input('vote_sub_name', '投票标题', isset($info) ? $info->vote_sub_name : '')->col(Form::col(24))->required();
+//        $field[] = Form::number('vote_num', '投票数量', isset($info) ? $info->vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.00000001)->required();
+//        $field[] = Form::number('max_vote_num', '个人投票上限', isset($info) ? $info->max_vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.00000001)->required();
+//        $field[] = Form::dateTime('start_time', '开始时间', isset($info) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info->start_time) : '');
+//        $field[] = Form::dateTime('end_time', '结束时间', isset($info) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info->end_time) : '');
+//        if ((isset($info) && $info['status'] != 2 && $info['status'] != 3) || !isset($info))
+//            $field[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', isset($info) ? $info->status : 0)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+//        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加子投票', $field, Url::buildUrl('save_sub', ['id' => $id]), 2);
+//        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+//        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * 添加或者修改
+//     * @param $id
+//     * @return void
+//     */
+//    public function save_sub($id = 0)
+//    {
+//        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+//            ['vote_sub_name', ''],
+//            ['vote_id', ''],
+//            ['vote_num', ''],
+//            ['max_vote_num', ''],
+//            ['end_time', ''],
+//            ['start_time', ''],
+//            ['status', 0],
+//        ]);
+//        VoteSub::beginTrans();
+//        try {
+//            if (!$data['vote_id']) JsonService::fail('请选择投票');
+//            if (!$data['start_time']) JsonService::fail('请输入开始时间');
+//            if (!$data['end_time']) JsonService::fail('请输入结束时间');
+//            $data['start_time'] = strtotime($data['start_time']);
+//            $data['end_time'] = strtotime($data['end_time']);
+//            if ($data['end_time'] <= $data['start_time']) JsonService::fail('结束时间要大于开始时间');
+//            if (!$id) $data['loop'] = VoteSub::where('vote_id', $data['vote_id'])->max('loop') + 1;
+//            //修改
+//            if ($id) {
+//                if (VoteSub::edit($data, $id)) {
+//                    VoteSub::commitTrans();
+//                    JsonService::successful('修改成功');
+//                } else {
+//                    VoteSub::rollbackTrans();
+//                    JsonService::fail('修改失败');
+//                }
+//            } else {
+//                //新增
+//                $data['add_time'] = time();
+//                $res = VoteSub::create($data);
+//                if ($res) {
+//                    VoteModel::commitTrans();
+//                    JsonService::successful('添加成功');
+//                } else {
+//                    VoteModel::rollbackTrans();
+//                    JsonService::fail('添加失败');
+//                }
+//            }
+//        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+//            VoteModel::rollbackTrans();
+//            JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+//        }
+//    }
+//    public function see_people($id = 0)
+//    {
+//        $this->assign([
+//            'id' => $id,
+//        ]);
+//        return $this->fetch();
+//    }
+//    public function people_list()
+//    {
+//        $where = Util::getMore([
+//            ['page', 1],
+//            ['limit', 20],
+//            ['id', 0],
+//        ]);
+//        Json::successlayui(UserVote::getUserList($where));
+//    }
+    /**
+     * 获取voteSub表
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function get_sub_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['id', 0],
+        ]);
+        Json::successlayui(UserPointPlan::getList($where));
+    }

+ 733 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: xurongyao <>
+ * Date: 2018/6/14 下午5:25
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\record;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\store\{StoreProduct, StoreCouponUser};
+use app\admin\model\order\StoreOrder;
+use app\admin\model\ump\{StoreBargain, StoreSeckill, StoreCombination};
+use crmeb\services\{JsonService, UtilService as Util};
+use app\admin\model\user\{User, UserBill, UserExtract};
+ * 微信充值记录
+ * Class UserRecharge
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class Record extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示操作记录
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示订单记录
+     */
+    public function chart_order()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function get_echarts_order()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['type', ''],
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreOrder::getEchartsOrder($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示产品记录
+     */
+    public function chart_product()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取产品曲线图数据
+     */
+    public function get_echarts_product($type = '', $data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::getChatrdata($type, $data));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取销量
+     */
+    public function get_echarts_maxlist($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::getMaxList(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取利润
+     */
+    public function get_echarts_profity($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::ProfityTop10(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取缺货列表
+     */
+    public function getLackList()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(StoreProduct::getLackList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 表单快速修改
+     */
+    public function editField($id = '')
+    {
+        $post = $this->request->post();
+        StoreProduct::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            StoreProduct::edit($post, $id);
+            StoreProduct::commitTrans();
+            return JsonService::successful('修改成功');
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            StoreProduct::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    //获取差评
+    public function getnegativelist()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 10],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::getnegativelist($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取退货
+     */
+    public function getTuiPriesList()
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::TuiProductList());
+    }
+    //营销统计
+    /**
+     * 显示积分统计
+     */
+    public function chart_score()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取积分头部信息
+     */
+    public function getScoreBadgeList($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserBill::getScoreBadgeList(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取积分曲线图和柱状图
+     */
+    public function getScoreCurve($data = '', $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserBill::getScoreCurve(compact('data', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示优惠券统计
+     */
+    public function chart_coupon()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取优惠劵头部信息
+     */
+    public function getCouponBadgeList($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreCouponUser::getCouponBadgeList(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取优惠劵数据图表
+     */
+    public function getConponCurve($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreCouponUser::getConponCurve(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示拼团统计
+     */
+    public function chart_combination()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示砍价统计
+     */
+    public function chart_bargain()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示秒杀统计
+     */
+    public function chart_seckill()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //财务统计
+    /**
+     * 显示反佣统计
+     */
+    public function chart_rebate()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //获取用户返佣柱状图
+    public function getUserBillBrokerage($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserBill::getUserBillChart(compact('data')));
+    }
+    //获取用户返佣头部信息
+    public function getRebateBadge($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserBill::getRebateBadge(compact('data')));
+    }
+    //获得 返佣列表,带分页
+    public function getFanList($page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserBill::getFanList(compact('page', 'limit')));
+    }
+    //获得 返佣总次数
+    public function getFanCount()
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserBill::getFanCount());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示充值统计
+     */
+    public function chart_recharge()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取用户充值柱状图和曲线图
+     */
+    public function getEchartsRecharge($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserBill::getEchartsRecharge(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示提现统计
+     */
+    public function chart_cash()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //获取提现头部信息
+    public function getExtractHead($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserExtract::getExtractHead(compact('data')));
+    }
+    //会员统计
+    /**
+     * 显示用户统计
+     */
+    public function user_chart()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取头部信息
+     *
+     * 人数 增长 分销人数 分销增长
+     */
+    public function getBadgeList($data = '', $is_promoter = '', $status = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::getBadgeList(compact('data', 'is_promoter', 'status')));
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取用户增长曲线图
+     *
+     */
+    public function getUserChartList($data = '', $is_promoter = '', $status = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::getUserChartList(compact('data', 'is_promoter', 'status')));
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取提现分布图和提现人数金额曲线图
+     *
+     */
+    public function getExtractData($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserExtract::getExtractList(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /*
+     * 分销会员统计
+     *
+     */
+    public function user_distribution_chart()
+    {
+        $limit = 10;
+        $top10list = User::getUserDistributionTop10List($limit);
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'limit' => $limit,
+            'year' => get_month(),
+            'commissionList' => $top10list['commission'],
+            'extractList' => $top10list['extract'],
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取分销会员统计会员头部详情
+     *
+     */
+    public function getDistributionBadgeList($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::getDistributionBadgeList(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取分销会员统计图表数据
+     *
+     * $data 时间范围
+     *
+     */
+    public function getUserDistributionChart($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::getUserDistributionChart(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 会员业务
+     */
+    public function user_business_chart()
+    {
+        $limit = 10;
+        $top10list = User::getUserTop10List($limit);
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'limit' => $limit,
+            'year' => get_month(),
+            'integralList' => $top10list['integral'],
+            'moneyList' => $top10list['now_money'],
+            'shopcountList' => $top10list['shopcount'],
+            'orderList' => $top10list['order'],
+            'lastorderList' => $top10list['lastorder']
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取 会员业务的
+     * 购物会员统计
+     * 分销商业务人数和提现人数统计
+     * 分销商业务佣金和提现金额统计
+     * 曲线图
+     * $data 时间
+     */
+    public function getUserBusinessChart($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::getUserBusinessChart(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /*
+    * 获取 会员业务
+    * 会员总余额 分销商总佣金 分销商总佣金余额 分销商总提现佣金 本月分销商业务佣金 本月分销商佣金提现金额
+    * 上月分销商业务佣金 上月分销商佣金提现金额
+    * $where 查询条件
+    *
+    * return array
+    */
+    public function getUserBusinesHeade($data)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::getUserBusinesHeade(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示用户属性统计
+     */
+    public function user_attr()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取用户属性统计
+     */
+    public function getEchartsData($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::getEchartsData(compact('data')));
+    }
+    //排行榜
+    /**
+     * 显示产品排行榜
+     */
+    public function ranking_saleslists()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     *获取产品排行 带分页
+     */
+    public function getSaleslists($start_time = '', $end_time = '', $title = '', $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successlayui(StoreProduct::getSaleslists(compact('start_time', 'end_time', 'title', 'page', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /*
+     *生成表格,并下载
+     */
+    public function save_product_export($start_time = '', $end_time = '', $title = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successlayui(StoreProduct::SaveProductExport(compact('start_time', 'end_time', 'title')));
+    }
+    /*
+     *获取单个商品的详情
+     */
+    public function product_info($id = '')
+    {
+        if ($id == '') $this->failed('缺少商品id');
+        if (!StoreProduct::be(['id' => $id])) return $this->failed('商品不存在!');
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month(),
+            'id' => $id,
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     *获取单个商品的详情头部信息
+     */
+    public function getProductBadgeList($id = '', $data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::getProductBadgeList($id, $data));
+    }
+    /*
+     *获取单个商品的销售曲线图
+     */
+    public function getProductCurve($id = '', $data = '', $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::getProductCurve(compact('id', 'data', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /*
+     *获取单个商品的销售总条数
+     */
+    public function getProductCount($id, $data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::setWhere(compact('data'))
+            ->where('a.product_id', $id)
+            ->join('user c', 'c.uid=a.uid')
+            ->where('a.is_pay', 1)
+            ->count());
+    }
+    /*
+     *获取单个商品的销售列表
+     */
+    public function getSalelList($data = '', $id = 0, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreProduct::getSalelList(compact('data', 'id', 'page', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示反佣排行榜
+     */
+    public function ranking_commission()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function getcommissionlist($page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserExtract::where('status', 1)
+            ->field(['real_name', 'extract_price', 'balance'])
+            ->order('extract_price desc')
+            ->page($page, $limit)
+            ->select());
+    }
+    public function getmonthcommissionlist($page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserExtract::where('status', 1)
+            ->whereTime('add_time', 'month')
+            ->field(['real_name', 'extract_price', 'balance'])
+            ->order('extract_price desc')
+            ->page($page, $limit)
+            ->select());
+    }
+    //获取佣金返现总条数
+    public function getCommissonCount()
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserExtract::where('status', 1)->count());
+    }
+    //获取本月佣金返现条数
+    public function getMonthCommissonCount()
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(UserExtract::where('status', 1)->whereTime('add_time', 'month')->count());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示积分排行榜
+     */
+    public function ranking_point()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //获取所有积分排行总人数
+    public function getPountCount()
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::where('status', 1)->where('integral', '<>', 0)->count());
+    }
+    //获取积分排行列表
+    public function getpointList($page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(($list = User::where('status', 1)
+            ->where('integral', '<>', 0)
+            ->field('nickname,integral')
+            ->order('integral desc')
+            ->page($page, $limit)
+            ->select()) && count($list) ? $list->toArray() : []);
+    }
+    //获取本月积分排行别表
+    public function getMonthpountList($page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(($list = User::where('status', 1)
+            ->where('integral', '<>', 0)
+            ->whereTime('add_time', 'month')
+            ->order('integral desc')
+            ->field('nickname,integral')
+            ->page($page, $limit)
+            ->select()) && count($list) ? $list->toArray() : []);
+    }
+    public function getMonthPountCount()
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(User::where('status', 1)->where('integral', '<>', 0)->whereTime('add_time', 'month')->count());
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * 显示下级会员排行榜
+     */
+    public function ranking_lower()
+    {
+        echo " 复购率 复购增长率 活跃度 活跃率 分销总金额 增长率 消费会员 非消费会员 消费排行榜 积分排行榜 余额排行榜 分销总金额排行榜 分销人数排行榜 分销余额排行榜 购物金额排行榜 购物次数排行榜 提现排行榜 ";
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取砍价产品曲线图数据
+     */
+    public function get_mark_echarts_product($type = '', $data = '', $model = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$model) return JsonService::successful(StoreBargain::getChatrdata($type, $data));
+        if ($model) return JsonService::successful(StoreSeckill::getChatrdata($type, $data));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取拼团产品曲线图数据
+     */
+    public function get_combination_echarts_product($type = '', $data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreCombination::getChatrdata($type, $data));
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取拼团销量
+    */
+    public function get_combination_maxlist($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreCombination::getMaxList(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /*
+     *  拼团盈利
+     */
+    public function get_combination_profity($data = '')
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(StoreCombination::ProfityTop10(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /*
+     *  拼团退货
+     */
+    public function get_combination_refund_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(StoreCombination::getBargainRefundList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取销量
+     */
+    public function get_mark_echarts_maxlist($data = '', $model = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$model) return JsonService::successful(StoreBargain::getMaxList(compact('data')));
+        if ($model) return JsonService::successful(StoreSeckill::getMaxList(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取利润
+     */
+    public function get_mark_echarts_profity($data = '', $model = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$model) return JsonService::successful(StoreBargain::ProfityTop10(compact('data')));
+        if ($model) return JsonService::successful(StoreSeckill::ProfityTop10(compact('data')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取补货的砍价产品
+     */
+    public function get_mark_lack_list($model = 0)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        if (!$model) return JsonService::successlayui(StoreBargain::getLackList($where));
+        if ($model) return JsonService::successlayui(StoreSeckill::getLackList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取砍价产品的评论
+     */
+    public function get_mark_negative_list($model = 0)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        if (!$model) return JsonService::successlayui(StoreBargain::getNegativeList($where));
+        if ($model) return JsonService::successlayui(StoreSeckill::getNegativeList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取砍价产品的退货
+     */
+    public function get_mark_bargain_refund_list($model = 0)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        if (!$model) return JsonService::successlayui(StoreBargain::getBargainRefundList($where));
+        if ($model) return JsonService::successlayui(StoreSeckill::getBargainRefundList($where));
+    }

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: Administrator
+ * Date: 2018/4/16 0016
+ * Time: 10:39
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\record;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use app\admin\model\record\StoreStatistics as StatisticsModel;
+ * Class StoreStatistics
+ * @package app\admin\controller\record
+ */
+class StoreStatistics extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示列表
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['date', ''],
+            ['export', ''],
+            ['data', '']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $where['date'] = $this->request->param('date');
+        $where['data'] = $this->request->param('data');
+        $where['export'] = $this->request->param('export');
+        $trans = StatisticsModel::trans();//最近交易
+        $seckill = StatisticsModel::getSeckill($where);//秒杀商品
+        $ordinary = StatisticsModel::getOrdinary($where);//普通商品
+        $pink = StatisticsModel::getPink($where);//拼团商品
+        $recharge = StatisticsModel::getRecharge($where);//充值
+        $extension = StatisticsModel::getExtension($where);//推广金
+        $orderCount = [
+            urlencode('微信支付') => StatisticsModel::getTimeWhere($where, StatisticsModel::statusByWhere('weixin'))->count(),
+            urlencode('余额支付') => StatisticsModel::getTimeWhere($where, StatisticsModel::statusByWhere('yue'))->count(),
+            urlencode('线下支付') => StatisticsModel::getTimeWhere($where, StatisticsModel::statusByWhere('offline'))->count(),
+        ];
+        $Statistic = [
+            ['name' => '营业额', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '支出', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+            ['name' => '盈利', 'type' => 'line', 'data' => []],
+        ];
+        $orderinfos = StatisticsModel::getOrderInfo($where);
+        $orderinfo = $orderinfos['orderinfo'];
+        $orderDays = [];
+        if (empty($orderinfo)) {
+            $orderDays[] = date('Y-m-d', time());
+            $Statistic[0]['data'][] = 0;
+            $Statistic[1]['data'][] = 0;
+            $Statistic[2]['data'][] = 0;
+        }
+        foreach ($orderinfo as $info) {
+            $orderDays[] = $info['pay_time'];
+            $Statistic[0]['data'][] = $info['total_price'] + $info['pay_postage'];
+            $Statistic[1]['data'][] = $info['coupon_price'] + $info['deduction_price'] + $info['cost'];
+            $Statistic[2]['data'][] = ($info['total_price'] + $info['pay_postage']) - ($info['coupon_price'] + $info['deduction_price'] + $info['cost']);
+        }
+        $price = $orderinfos['price'] + $orderinfos['postage'];
+        $cost = $orderinfos['deduction'] + $orderinfos['coupon'] + $orderinfos['cost'];
+        $Consumption = StatisticsModel::getConsumption($where)['number'];
+        $header = [
+            ['name' => '总营业额', 'class' => 'fa-line-chart', 'value' => '¥' . $price, 'color' => 'red'],
+            ['name' => '总支出', 'class' => 'fa-area-chart', 'value' => '¥' . ($cost + $extension), 'color' => 'lazur'],
+            ['name' => '总盈利', 'class' => 'fa-bar-chart', 'value' => '¥' . bcsub($price, $cost, 0), 'color' => 'navy'],
+            ['name' => '新增消费', 'class' => 'fa-pie-chart', 'value' => '¥' . ($Consumption == 0 ? 0 : $Consumption), 'color' => 'yellow']
+        ];
+        $data = [
+            ['value' => $orderinfos['cost'], 'name' => '商品成本'],
+            ['value' => $orderinfos['coupon'], 'name' => '优惠券抵扣'],
+            ['value' => $orderinfos['deduction'], 'name' => '积分抵扣'],
+            ['value' => $extension, 'name' => '推广人佣金']
+        ];
+        $this->assign(StatisticsModel::systemTable($where));
+        $this->assign(compact('where', 'trans', 'orderCount', 'orderDays', 'header', 'Statistic', 'ordinary', 'pink', 'recharge', 'data', 'seckill'));
+        $this->assign('price', StatisticsModel::getOrderPrice($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 122 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\routine;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\CacheService;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\routine\RoutineTemplate as RoutineTemplateModel;
+ * 小程序模板消息控制器
+ * Class RoutineTemplate
+ * @package app\admin\controller\routine
+ */
+class RoutineTemplate extends AuthController
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['status', '']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(RoutineTemplateModel::SystemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加模板消息
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempkey', '模板编号');
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempid', '模板ID');
+        $f[] = Form::input('name', '模板名');
+        $f[] = Form::input('content', '回复内容')->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加模板消息', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'tempkey',
+            'tempid',
+            'name',
+            'content',
+            ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        if ($data['tempkey'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板编号');
+        if ($data['tempkey'] != '' && RoutineTemplateModel::be($data['tempkey'], 'tempkey'))
+            return Json::fail('请输入模板编号已存在,请重新输入');
+        if ($data['tempid'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板ID');
+        if ($data['name'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板名');
+        if ($data['content'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入回复内容');
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        $data['type'] = 0;
+        RoutineTemplateModel::create($data);
+        CacheService::clear();
+        return Json::successful('添加模板消息成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 编辑模板消息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = RoutineTemplateModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempkey', '模板编号', $product->getData('tempkey'))->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('name', '模板名', $product->getData('name'))->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempid', '模板ID', $product->getData('tempid'));
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $product->getData('status'))->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑模板消息', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'tempid',
+            ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        if ($data['tempid'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板ID');
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = RoutineTemplateModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        RoutineTemplateModel::edit($data, $id);
+        CacheService::clear();
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除模板消息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!RoutineTemplateModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(RoutineTemplateModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else {
+            CacheService::clear();
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+        }
+    }

+ 178 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\ShippingTemplatesFree;
+use app\admin\model\system\ShippingTemplatesRegion;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemCity;
+use app\admin\model\system\ShippingTemplates as STModel;
+class ShippingTemplates extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 列表页面
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加页面
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function add($id = 0)
+    {
+        $this->assign(compact('id'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function edit($id = 0)
+    {
+        $templates = STModel::get($id);
+        if (!$templates) {
+            return JsonService::fail('修改的模板不存在');
+        }
+        $data['appointList'] = ShippingTemplatesFree::getFreeList($id);
+        $data['templateList'] = ShippingTemplatesRegion::getRegionList($id);
+        if (!isset($data['templateList'][0]['region'])) {
+            $data['templateList'][0]['region'] = ['city_id' => 0, 'name' => '默认全国'];
+        }
+        $data['formData'] = [
+            'name' => $templates->name,
+            'type' => $templates->getData('type'),
+            'appoint_check' => $templates->getData('appoint'),
+            'sort' => $templates->getData('sort'),
+        ];
+        return JsonService::successful($data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 选择城市页面
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function city()
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['type', 0],
+            ['isedit', 0]
+        ]);
+        $this->assign('is_layui', true);
+        $this->assign($data);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function city_list()
+    {
+        $list = SystemCity::with('children')->where('parent_id', 0)->order('id asc')->select();
+        return app('json')->success($list->toArray());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 列表数据
+     */
+    public function temp_list()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['name', '']
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(STModel::getList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存或者修改
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['region_info', []],
+            ['appoint_info', []],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['type', 0],
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['appoint', 0],
+        ]);
+        $temp['name'] = $data['name'];
+        $temp['type'] = $data['type'];
+        $temp['appoint'] = $data['appoint'];
+        $temp['sort'] = $data['sort'];
+        $temp['add_time'] = time();
+        STModel::beginTrans();
+        $res = true;
+        try {
+            if ($id) {
+                $res = STModel::where('id', $id)->update($temp);
+            } else {
+                $id = STModel::insertGetId($temp);
+            }
+            //设置区域配送
+            $res = $res && ShippingTemplatesRegion::saveRegion($data['region_info'], $data['type'], $id);
+            if (!$res) {
+                STModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return JsonService::fail(ShippingTemplatesRegion::getErrorInfo());
+            }
+            //设置指定包邮
+            if ($data['appoint']) {
+                $res = $res && ShippingTemplatesFree::saveFree($data['appoint_info'], $data['type'], $id);
+            }
+            if ($res) {
+                STModel::commitTrans();
+                return JsonService::successful('保存成功');
+            } else {
+                STModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return JsonService::fail(ShippingTemplatesFree::getErrorInfo('保存失败'));
+            }
+        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
+            STModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除运费模板
+     */
+    public function delete()
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['id', ''],
+        ]);
+        if ($data['id'] == 1) {
+            return JsonService::fail('默认模板不能删除');
+        } else {
+            STModel::del($data['id']);
+            ShippingTemplatesRegion::where('temp_id', $data['id'])->delete();
+            ShippingTemplatesFree::where('temp_id', $data['id'])->delete();
+            return JsonService::successful('删除成功');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取所有运费模板
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function get_template_list()
+    {
+        return JsonService::successful(STModel::order('sort desc,id desc')->field(['id', 'name'])->select()->toArray());
+    }

+ 213 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, JsonService as Json, UtilService as Util};
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemRole, SystemAdmin as AdminModel};
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * 管理员列表控制器
+ * Class SystemAdmin
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemAdmin extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $admin = $this->adminInfo;
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['roles', ''],
+            ['level', bcadd($admin->level, 1, 0)]
+        ]);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('role', SystemRole::getRole(bcadd($admin->level, 1, 0)));
+        $this->assign(AdminModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $admin = $this->adminInfo;
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('account', '管理员账号');
+        $f[] = Form::input('pwd', '管理员密码')->type('password');
+        $f[] = Form::input('conf_pwd', '确认密码')->type('password');
+        $f[] = Form::input('real_name', '管理员姓名');
+        $f[] = Form::select('roles', '管理员身份')->setOptions(function () use ($admin) {
+            $list = SystemRole::getRole(bcadd($admin->level, 1, 0));
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $roleName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $roleName, 'value' => $id];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->multiple(1);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加管理员', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'account',
+            'conf_pwd',
+            'pwd',
+            'real_name',
+            ['roles', []],
+            ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['account']) return Json::fail('请输入管理员账号');
+        if (!$data['roles']) return Json::fail('请选择至少一个管理员身份');
+        if (!$data['pwd']) return Json::fail('请输入管理员登陆密码');
+        if ($data['pwd'] != $data['conf_pwd']) return Json::fail('两次输入密码不想同');
+        if (AdminModel::be($data['account'], 'account')) return Json::fail('管理员账号已存在');
+        $data['pwd'] = md5($data['pwd']);
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        unset($data['conf_pwd']);
+        $data['level'] = $this->adminInfo['level'] + 1;
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        if (!AdminModel::create($data)) return Json::fail('添加管理员失败');
+        return Json::successful('添加管理员成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $admin = AdminModel::get($id);
+        if (!$admin) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('account', '管理员账号', $admin->account);
+        $f[] = Form::input('pwd', '管理员密码')->type('password');
+        $f[] = Form::input('conf_pwd', '确认密码')->type('password');
+        $f[] = Form::input('real_name', '管理员姓名', $admin->real_name);
+        $f[] = Form::select('roles', '管理员身份', explode(',', $admin->roles))->setOptions(function () use ($admin) {
+            $list = SystemRole::getRole($admin->level);
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $roleName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $roleName, 'value' => $id];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->multiple(1);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑管理员', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'account',
+            'conf_pwd',
+            'pwd',
+            'real_name',
+            ['roles', []],
+            ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['account']) return Json::fail('请输入管理员账号');
+        if (!$data['roles']) return Json::fail('请选择至少一个管理员身份');
+        if (!$data['pwd'])
+            unset($data['pwd']);
+        else {
+            if (isset($data['pwd']) && $data['pwd'] != $data['conf_pwd']) return Json::fail('两次输入密码不想同');
+            $data['pwd'] = md5($data['pwd']);
+        }
+        if (AdminModel::where('account', $data['account'])->where('id', '<>', $id)->count()) return Json::fail('管理员账号已存在');
+        unset($data['conf_pwd']);
+        if (!AdminModel::edit($data, $id)) return Json::fail('修改失败');
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id)
+            return Json::fail('删除失败!');
+        if (AdminModel::edit(['is_del' => 1, 'status' => 0], $id, 'id'))
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('删除失败!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 个人资料 展示
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function admin_info()
+    {
+        $adminInfo = $this->adminInfo;//获取当前登录的管理员
+        $this->assign('adminInfo', $adminInfo);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存信息
+     */
+    public function setAdminInfo()
+    {
+        $adminInfo = $this->adminInfo;//获取当前登录的管理员
+        if ($this->request->isPost()) {
+            $data = Util::postMore([
+                ['new_pwd', ''],
+                ['new_pwd_ok', ''],
+                ['pwd', ''],
+                'real_name',
+            ]);
+            if ($data['pwd'] != '') {
+                $pwd = md5($data['pwd']);
+                if ($adminInfo['pwd'] != $pwd) return Json::fail('原始密码错误');
+            }
+            if ($data['new_pwd'] != '') {
+                if (!$data['new_pwd_ok']) return Json::fail('请输入确认新密码');
+                if ($data['new_pwd'] != $data['new_pwd_ok']) return Json::fail('俩次密码不一样');
+            }
+            if ($data['pwd'] != '' && $data['new_pwd'] != '') {
+                $data['pwd'] = md5($data['new_pwd']);
+            } else {
+                unset($data['pwd']);
+            }
+            unset($data['new_pwd']);
+            unset($data['new_pwd_ok']);
+            if (!AdminModel::edit($data, $adminInfo['id'])) return Json::fail('修改失败');
+            return Json::successful('修改成功!,请重新登录');
+        }
+    }

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemCity as CityModel;
+use crmeb\services\CacheService;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+class SystemCity extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 城市列表
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $params = Util::getMore([
+            ['parent_id', 0]
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('pid',$params['parent_id']);
+        $this->assign('list', CityModel::getList($params));
+        $addurl = Url::buildUrl('add?parent_id=' . $params['parent_id']);
+        $this->assign(compact('params', 'addurl'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加城市
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function add()
+    {
+        $data = Util::getMore([
+            ['parent_id', 0]
+        ]);
+        if ($data['parent_id'] != 0) {
+            $info = CityModel::where('city_id', $data['parent_id'])->find()->toArray();
+        } else {
+            $info = [
+                "level" => 0,
+                "city_id" => 0,
+                "name" => '中国'
+            ];
+        }
+        $field[] = Form::hidden('level', $info['level']);
+        $field[] = Form::hidden('parent_id', $info['city_id']);
+        $field[] = Form::input('parent_name', '上级名称', $info['name'])->readonly(true);
+        $field[] = Form::input('name', '名称');
+        $field[] = Form::input('merger_name', '合并名称')->placeholder('格式:陕西,西安,雁塔');
+        $field[] = Form::input('area_code', '区号');
+        $field[] = Form::input('lng', '经度');
+        $field[] = Form::input('lat', '纬度');
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加地区', $field, Url::buildUrl('save'), 3);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['id', 0],
+            ['name', 0],
+            ['merger_name', 0],
+            ['area_code', 0],
+            ['lng', 0],
+            ['lat', 0],
+            ['level', 0],
+            ['parent_id', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['name']) return Json::fail('请输入城市名称');
+        if (!$data['merger_name']) return Json::fail('请输入城市合并名称');
+        if ($data['id'] == 0) {
+            unset($data['id']);
+            $data['level'] = $data['level'] + 1;
+            $data['city_id'] = intval(CityModel::max('city_id') + 1);
+            CityModel::create($data);
+            return Json::successful('添加城市成功!');
+        } else {
+            unset($data['level']);
+            unset($data['parent_id']);
+            CityModel::where('id', $data['id'])->update($data);
+            return Json::successful('修改城市成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改城市
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function edit()
+    {
+        $data = Util::getMore([
+            ['id', 0]
+        ]);
+        $info = CityModel::get($data['id'])->toArray();
+        $info['parent_name'] = CityModel::where('city_id', $info['parent_id'])->value('name') ? : '中国';
+        $field[] = Form::hidden('id', $info['id']);
+        $field[] = Form::hidden('level', $info['level']);
+        $field[] = Form::hidden('parent_id', $info['parent_id']);
+        $field[] = Form::input('parent_name', '上级名称', $info['parent_name'])->readonly(true);
+        $field[] = Form::input('name', '名称', $info['name']);
+        $field[] = Form::input('merger_name', '合并名称', $info['merger_name'])->placeholder('格式:陕西,西安,雁塔');
+        $field[] = Form::input('area_code', '区号', $info['area_code']);
+        $field[] = Form::input('lng', '经度', $info['lng']);
+        $field[] = Form::input('lat', '纬度', $info['lat']);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加地区', $field, Url::buildUrl('save'), 3);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除城市
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function delete()
+    {
+        $data = Util::getMore([
+            ['city_id', 0]
+        ]);
+        CityModel::where('city_id', $data['city_id'])->whereOr('parent_id', $data['city_id'])->delete();
+        return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 清除城市缓存
+     * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
+     */
+    public function clean_cache()
+    {
+        $res = CacheService::delete('CITY_LIST');
+        if ($res) {
+            return Json::successful('清除成功!');
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail('清除失败!');
+        }
+    }

+ 376 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\{
+    SystemConfig as ConfigModel, SystemConfigTab as ConfigTabModel
+use crmeb\services\{
+    CacheService,
+    FormBuilder as Form,
+    UtilService as Util,
+    JsonService as Json
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+ *  配置列表控制器
+ * Class SystemConfig
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemConfig extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 基础配置
+     * */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        [$type, $tab_id, $children_tab_id] = Util::getMore([
+            ['type', 0],//配置类型
+            ['tab_id', 1],//当前分类ID
+            ['children_tab_id', null],//当前子集分类ID
+        ], null, true);
+        $config_tab = null;//顶级分类
+        $children_config_tab = null;//二级分类
+        if ($type == 3) {//其它分类
+            $config_tab = null;
+        } else {
+            $config_tab = ConfigModel::getConfigTabAll($type);//获取一级tab
+        }
+        $children_config_tab = ConfigModel::getConfigChildrenTabAll($tab_id);//获取二级tab
+        if (!$children_tab_id && $children_config_tab) {
+            $children_tab_id = $children_config_tab[0]['id'];
+        }
+        if ($children_tab_id) {
+            $tid = $children_tab_id;
+        } else {
+            $tid = $tab_id;
+        }
+        //获取分类配置参数
+        $list = ConfigModel::getAll($tid);
+        $formbuider = ConfigModel::builder_config_from_data($list);//生产表单json
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑配置', $formbuider, Url::buildUrl('save_basics'));
+        $this->assign('tab_id', $tab_id);
+        $this->assign('children_tab_id', $children_tab_id);
+        $this->assign('config_tab', $config_tab);
+        $this->assign('children_config_tab', $children_config_tab);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 基础配置  单个
+     * @return mixed|void
+     */
+    public function index_alone()
+    {
+        $tab_id = input('tab_id');
+        if (!$tab_id) return $this->failed('参数错误,请重新打开');
+        $this->assign('tab_id', $tab_id);
+        $list = ConfigModel::getAll($tab_id);
+        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
+            if (!is_null(json_decode($v['value'])))
+                $list[$k]['value'] = json_decode($v['value'], true);
+            if ($v['type'] == 'upload' && !empty($v['value'])) {
+                if ($v['upload_type'] == 1 || $v['upload_type'] == 3) $list[$k]['value'] = explode(',', $v['value']);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加字段
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $data = Util::getMore(['type',]);//接收参数
+        $tab_id = !empty(request()->param('tab_id')) ? request()->param('tab_id') : 1;
+        //前面通用字段
+        $formbuiderheader = array();
+        $formbuiderheader[] = Form::select('config_tab_id', '分类', 0)->setOptions(function () {
+            $menuList = ConfigTabModel::field(['id', 'pid', 'title'])->select()->toArray();
+            $list = sort_list_tier($menuList, '顶级', 'pid', 'id');
+            $options = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级按钮']];
+            foreach ($list as $option) {
+                $options[] = ['value' => $option['id'], 'label' => $option['html'] . $option['title']];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $formbuiderheader[] = Form::select('input_type', '类型')->setOptions(ConfigModel::texttype());
+        $formbuiderheader[] = Form::input('info', '配置名称')->autofocus(1);
+        $formbuiderheader[] = Form::input('menu_name', '字段变量')->placeholder('例如:site_url');
+        $formbuiderheader[] = Form::input('desc', '配置简介');
+        //不同类型不同字段
+        $formbuider = array();
+        switch ($data['type']) {
+            case 0://文本框
+                $formbuider = ConfigModel::createInputRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+            case 1://多行文本框
+                $formbuider = ConfigModel::createTextAreaRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+            case 2://单选框
+                $formbuider = ConfigModel::createRadioRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+            case 3://文件上传
+                $formbuider = ConfigModel::createUploadRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+            case 4://多选框
+                $formbuider = ConfigModel::createCheckboxRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+            case 5://下拉框
+                $formbuider = ConfigModel::createSelectRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+        }
+        //后面通用字段
+        $formbuiderfoot = array();
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::number('sort', '排序');
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options(ConfigModel::formstatus());
+        $formbuiders = array_merge($formbuiderheader, $formbuider, $formbuiderfoot);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加字段', $formbuiders, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        $this->assign('get', request()->param());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存字段
+     * */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'menu_name',
+            'type',
+            'input_type',
+            'config_tab_id',
+            'parameter',
+            'upload_type',
+            'required',
+            'width',
+            'high',
+            'value',
+            'info',
+            'desc',
+            'sort',
+            'status',]);
+        if (!$data['info']) return Json::fail('请输入配置名称');
+        if (!$data['menu_name']) return Json::fail('请输入字段名称');
+        if ($data['menu_name']) {
+            $oneConfig = ConfigModel::getOneConfig('menu_name', $data['menu_name']);
+            if (!empty($oneConfig)) return Json::fail('请重新输入字段名称,之前的已经使用过了');
+        }
+        if (!$data['desc']) return Json::fail('请输入配置简介');
+        if ($data['sort'] < 0) {
+            $data['sort'] = 0;
+        }
+        if ($data['type'] == 'text') {
+            if (!ConfigModel::valiDateTextRole($data)) return Json::fail(ConfigModel::getErrorInfo());
+        }
+        if ($data['type'] == 'textarea') {
+            if (!ConfigModel::valiDateTextareaRole($data)) return Json::fail(ConfigModel::getErrorInfo());
+        }
+        $data['parameter'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['parameter']);
+        if ($data['type'] == 'radio' || $data['type'] == 'checkbox') {
+            if (!$data['parameter']) return Json::fail('请输入配置参数');
+            if (!ConfigModel::valiDateRadioAndCheckbox($data)) return Json::fail(ConfigModel::getErrorInfo());
+            $data['value'] = json_encode($data['value']);
+        }
+        ConfigModel::create($data);
+        CacheService::clear();
+        return Json::successful('添加菜单成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update_config($id)
+    {
+        $type = request()->post('type');
+        if ($type == 'text' || $type == 'textarea' || $type == 'radio' || ($type == 'upload' && (request()->post('upload_type') == 1 || request()->post('upload_type') == 3))) {
+            $value = request()->post('value');
+        } else {
+            $value = request()->post('value/a');
+        }
+        $data = Util::postMore(['status', 'info', 'desc', 'sort', 'config_tab_id', 'required', 'parameter', ['value', $value], 'upload_type', 'input_type']);
+        $data['value'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(json_encode($data['value']));
+        $data['parameter'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['parameter']);
+        if (!ConfigModel::get($id)) return Json::fail('编辑的记录不存在!');
+        ConfigModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改是否显示子子段
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function edit_config($id)
+    {
+        $menu = ConfigModel::get($id)->getData();
+        if (!$menu) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $formbuider = array();
+        $formbuider[] = Form::input('menu_name', '字段变量', $menu['menu_name'])->disabled(1);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::hidden('type', $menu['type']);
+//        $formbuider[] = Form::select('config_tab_id', '分类', (string)$menu['config_tab_id'])->setOptions(ConfigModel::getConfigTabAll(-1));
+        $formbuider[] = Form::select('config_tab_id', '分类', (string)$menu['config_tab_id'])->setOptions(function () {
+            $menuList = ConfigTabModel::field(['id', 'pid', 'title'])->select()->toArray();
+            $list = sort_list_tier($menuList, '顶级', 'pid', 'id');
+            $options = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级按钮']];
+            foreach ($list as $option) {
+                $options[] = ['value' => $option['id'], 'label' => $option['html'] . $option['title']];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::input('info', '配置名称', $menu['info'])->autofocus(1);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::input('desc', '配置简介', $menu['desc']);
+        switch ($menu['type']) {
+            case 'text':
+                $menu['value'] = json_decode($menu['value'], true);
+                $formbuider[] = Form::select('input_type', '类型', $menu['input_type'])->setOptions(ConfigModel::texttype());
+                //输入框验证规则
+                $formbuider[] = Form::input('value', '默认值', $menu['value']);
+                if (!empty($menu['required'])) {
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::number('width', '文本框宽(%)', $menu['width']);
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::input('required', '验证规则', $menu['required'])->placeholder('多个请用,隔开例如:required:true,url:true');
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'textarea':
+                $menu['value'] = json_decode($menu['value'], true);
+                //多行文本
+                if (!empty($menu['high'])) {
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::textarea('value', '默认值', $menu['value'])->rows(5);
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::number('width', '文本框宽(%)', $menu['width']);
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::number('high', '多行文本框高(%)', $menu['high']);
+                } else {
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::input('value', '默认值', $menu['value']);
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'radio':
+                $menu['value'] = json_decode($menu['value'], true);
+                $parameter = explode("\n", htmlspecialchars_decode($menu['parameter']));
+                $options = [];
+                if ($parameter) {
+                    foreach ($parameter as $v) {
+                        $data = explode("=>", $v);
+                        $options[] = ['label' => $data[1], 'value' => $data[0]];
+                    }
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::radio('value', '默认值', $menu['value'])->options($options);
+                }
+                //单选和多选参数配置
+                if (!empty($menu['parameter'])) {
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::textarea('parameter', '配置参数', $menu['parameter'])->placeholder("参数方式例如:\n1=白色\n2=红色\n3=黑色");
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'checkbox':
+                $menu['value'] = json_decode($menu['value'], true) ?: [];
+                $parameter = explode("\n", htmlspecialchars_decode($menu['parameter']));
+                $options = [];
+                if ($parameter) {
+                    foreach ($parameter as $v) {
+                        $data = explode("=>", $v);
+                        $options[] = ['label' => $data[1], 'value' => $data[0]];
+                    }
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::checkbox('value', '默认值', $menu['value'])->options($options);
+                }
+                //单选和多选参数配置
+                if (!empty($menu['parameter'])) {
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::textarea('parameter', '配置参数', $menu['parameter'])->placeholder("参数方式例如:\n1=白色\n2=红色\n3=黑色");
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'upload':
+                if ($menu['upload_type'] == 1) {
+                    $menu['value'] = json_decode($menu['value'], true);
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::frameImageOne('value', '图片', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'value')), (string)$menu['value'])->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('550px');
+                } elseif ($menu['upload_type'] == 2) {
+                    $menu['value'] = json_decode($menu['value'], true) ?: [];
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::frameImages('value', '多图片', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'value')), $menu['value'])->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('550px')->spin(0);
+                } else {
+                    $menu['value'] = json_decode($menu['value'], true);
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::uploadFileOne('value', '文件', Url::buildUrl('file_upload'), $menu['value'])->name('file');
+                }
+                //上传类型选择
+                if (!empty($menu['upload_type'])) {
+                    $formbuider[] = Form::radio('upload_type', '上传类型', $menu['upload_type'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '单图'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '多图'], ['value' => 3, 'label' => '文件']]);
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+        $formbuider[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $menu['sort']);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $menu['status'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑字段', $formbuider, Url::buildUrl('update_config', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除子字段
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function delete_config()
+    {
+        $id = input('id');
+        if (!ConfigModel::del($id)) {
+            return Json::fail(ConfigModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        } else {
+            CacheService::clear();
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存数据    true
+     * */
+    public function save_basics()
+    {
+        $request = app('request');
+        if ($request->isPost()) {
+            $post = $request->post();
+            foreach ($post as $k => $v) {
+                if (is_array($v)) {
+                    $res = ConfigModel::where('menu_name', $k)->column('upload_type', 'type');
+                    foreach ($res as $kk => $vv) {
+                        if ($kk == 'upload') {
+                            if ($vv == 1 || $vv == 3) {
+                                $post[$k] = $v[0];
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            foreach ($post as $k => $v) {
+                ConfigModel::edit(['value' => json_encode($v)], $k, 'menu_name');
+            }
+            CacheService::clear();
+            return $this->successful('修改成功');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 文件上传
+     * */
+    public function file_upload()
+    {
+        $upload = new Upload('local');
+        $res = $upload->to('config/file')->validate()->move($this->request->param('file', 'file'));
+        if ($res === false) return Json::fail($upload->getError());
+        return Json::successful('上传成功!', ['filePath' => $res->filePath]);
+    }

+ 179 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json
+use app\admin\model\system\{
+    SystemConfig as ConfigModel, SystemConfigTab as ConfigTabModel
+ * 配置分类控制器
+ * Class SystemConfigTab
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemConfigTab extends AuthController
+    /** 定义配置分类,需要添加分类可以手动添加
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function getConfigType()
+    {
+        return [
+            ['value' => 0, 'label' => '系统']
+            , ['value' => 1, 'label' => '应用']
+            , ['value' => 2, 'label' => '支付']
+            , ['value' => 3, 'label' => '其它']
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * 子子段
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function sonconfigtab()
+    {
+        $tab_id = input('tab_id');
+        if (!$tab_id) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $this->assign('tab_id', $tab_id);
+        $list = ConfigModel::getAll($tab_id, 2);
+        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
+            $list[$k]['value'] = json_decode($v['value'], true) ?: '';
+            if ($v['type'] == 'radio' || $v['type'] == 'checkbox') {
+                $list[$k]['value'] = ConfigTabModel::getRadioOrCheckboxValueInfo($v['menu_name'], $v['value']);
+            }
+            if ($v['type'] == 'upload' && !empty($v['value'])) {
+                if ($v['upload_type'] == 1 || $v['upload_type'] == 3) $list[$k]['value'] = explode(',', $v['value']);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 基础配置
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['pid', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(ConfigTabModel::getSystemConfigTabPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加配置分类
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $field = [];
+        $field[] = Form::select('pid', '父级分类', 0)->setOptions(function () {
+            $menuList = ConfigTabModel::field(['id', 'pid', 'title'])->select()->toArray();//var_dump($menuList);
+            $list = sort_list_tier($menuList, '顶级', 'pid', 'id');//var_dump($list);
+            $menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级按钮']];
+            foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['title']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $field[] = Form::input('title', '分类名称');
+        $field[] = Form::input('eng_title', '分类字段英文');
+        $field[] = Form::frameInputOne('icon', '图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.widgets/icon', array('fodder' => 'icon')))->icon('ionic')->height('500px');
+        $field[] = Form::radio('type', '类型', 0)->options(self::getConfigType());
+        $field[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
+        $field[] = Form::radio('type', '类型', 0)->options(self::getConfigType());
+        $field[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', 0);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加分类配置', $field, Url::buildUrl('save'), 3);
+        $form->setMethod('post')->setTitle('添加分类配置');
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存分类名称
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'eng_title',
+            'status',
+            'title',
+            'pid',
+            'icon',
+            'type',
+            ['sort', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入按钮名称');
+        ConfigTabModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加菜单成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改分类
+     * @param $id
+     * @return string|void
+     * @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $menu = ConfigTabModel::get($id)->getData();
+        if (!$menu) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $form = Form::create(Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)), [
+            Form::select('pid', '父级分类', (string)$menu['pid'])->setOptions(function () {
+                $menuList = ConfigTabModel::field(['id', 'pid', 'title'])->select()->toArray();
+                $list = sort_list_tier($menuList, '顶级', 'pid', 'id');
+                $options = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级按钮']];
+                foreach ($list as $option) {
+                    $options[] = ['value' => $option['id'], 'label' => $option['html'] . $option['title']];
+                }
+                return $options;
+            })->filterable(1),
+            Form::input('title', '分类名称', $menu['title']),
+            Form::input('eng_title', '分类字段英文', $menu['eng_title']),
+            Form::frameInputOne('icon', '图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.widgets/icon', array('fodder' => 'icon')), $menu['icon'])->icon('ionic')->height('500px'),
+            Form::radio('type', '类型', $menu['type'])->options(self::getConfigType()),
+            Form::radio('status', '状态', $menu['status'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '隐藏']]),
+            Form::number('sort', '排序', $menu['sort'] ?? 0),
+        ]);
+        $form->setMethod('post')->setTitle('添加分类配置');
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore(['title', 'pid', 'status', 'eng_title', 'icon', 'type','sort']);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入分类昵称');
+        if (!$data['eng_title']) return Json::fail('请输入分类字段');
+        if (!ConfigTabModel::get($id)) return Json::fail('编辑的记录不存在!');
+        ConfigTabModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数有误!');
+        if (ConfigTabModel::be(['pid' => $id])) return Json::fail('有子分类,不能直接删除');
+        if (!ConfigTabModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(ConfigTabModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 127 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemGroup as GroupModel;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemGroupData as GroupDataModel;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+ * 组合数据控制器
+ * Class SystemGroup
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemGroup extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign(GroupModel::page());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $this->assign(['title'=>'添加数据组','save'=>Url::buildUrl('save')]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     * @param  \think\Request  $request
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $params = Util::postMore([
+            ['id',''],
+            ['name',''],
+            ['config_name',''],
+            ['info',''],
+            ['typelist',[]],
+        ],$this->request);
+        //数据组名称判断
+        if(!$params['name'])return Json::fail('请输入数据组名称!');
+        if(!$params['config_name'])return Json::fail('请输入配置名称!');
+        //判断ID是否存在,存在就是编辑,不存在就是添加
+        if(!$params['id']){
+            if(GroupModel::be($params['config_name'],'config_name')) return Json::fail('数据关键字已存在!');
+        }
+        $data["name"] = $params['name'];
+        $data["config_name"] = $params['config_name'];
+        $data["info"] = $params['info'];
+        //字段信息判断
+        if(!count($params['typelist']))
+            return Json::fail('字段至少存在一个!');
+        else{
+            $validate = ["name","type","title","description"];
+            foreach ($params["typelist"] as $key => $value) {
+                foreach ($value as $name => $field) {
+                    if(empty($field["value"]) && in_array($name,$validate))
+                        return Json::fail("字段".($key + 1).":".$field["placeholder"]."不能为空!");
+                    else
+                        $data["fields"][$key][$name] = $field["value"];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $data["fields"] = htmlspecialchars_decode(json_encode($data["fields"]));
+        //判断ID是否存在,存在就是编辑,不存在就是添加
+        if(!$params['id']) {
+            GroupModel::create($data);
+            return Json::successful('添加数据组成功!');
+        }else{
+            GroupModel::edit($data,$params['id']);
+            return Json::successful('编辑数据组成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**编辑数组
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $Groupinfo = GroupModel::get($id);
+        $fields = json_decode($Groupinfo['fields'],true);
+        $typelist = [];
+        foreach ($fields as $key => $v){
+            $typelist[$key]['name']['value'] = $v['name'];
+            $typelist[$key]['title']['value'] = $v['title'];
+            $typelist[$key]['type']['value'] = $v['type'];
+            $typelist[$key]['param']['value'] = $v['param'];
+        }
+        $Groupinfo['fields'] = json_encode($typelist);
+        $this->assign(compact('Groupinfo'));
+        $this->assign(['title'=>'添加数据组','save'=>Url::buildUrl('save')]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param  int  $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if(!GroupModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(GroupModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else{
+            GroupDataModel::del(["gid"=>$id]);
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+        }
+    }

+ 292 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\ump\StoreSeckill;
+use crmeb\services\{CacheService, FormBuilder as Form, JsonService as Json, UtilService as Util, ZtPayService};
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\{
+    SystemAttachment, SystemGroup as GroupModel, SystemGroupData as GroupDataModel
+ * 数据列表控制器  在组合数据中
+ * Class SystemGroupData
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemGroupData extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index($gid = 0)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['gid', 0],
+            ['status', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        if ($gid) $where['gid'] = $gid;
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(compact("gid"));
+        $this->assign(GroupModel::getField($gid));
+        $this->assign(GroupDataModel::getList($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create($gid)
+    {
+        $Fields = GroupModel::getField($gid);
+        $f = array();
+        foreach ($Fields["fields"] as $key => $value) {
+            $info = [];
+            if (isset($value["param"])) {
+                $value["param"] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value["param"]);//防止不兼容
+                $params = explode("\n", $value["param"]);
+                if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)) {
+                    foreach ($params as $index => $v) {
+                        $vl = explode('=>', $v);
+                        if (isset($vl[0]) && isset($vl[1])) {
+                            $info[$index]["value"] = $vl[0];
+                            $info[$index]["label"] = $vl[1];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            switch ($value["type"]) {
+                case 'input':
+                    $f[] = Form::input($value["title"], $value["name"]);
+                    break;
+                case 'textarea':
+                    $f[] = Form::input($value["title"], $value["name"])->type('textarea')->placeholder($value['param']);
+                    break;
+                case 'radio':
+                    $f[] = Form::radio($value["title"], $value["name"], $info[0]["value"] ?? '')->options($info);
+                    break;
+                case 'checkbox':
+                    $f[] = Form::checkbox($value["title"], $value["name"], $info[0] ?? '')->options($info);
+                    break;
+                case 'select':
+                    $f[] = Form::select($value["title"], $value["name"], $info[0] ?? '')->options($info)->multiple(false);
+                    break;
+                case 'upload':
+                    $f[] = Form::frameImageOne($value["title"], $value["name"], Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value["title"], 'big' => 1)))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+                    break;
+                case 'uploads':
+                    $f[] = Form::frameImages($value["title"], $value["name"], Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value["title"], 'big' => 1)))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px')->spin(0);
+                    break;
+                case 'number':
+                    $f[] = Form::number($value["title"], $value["name"])->precision('int');
+                    break;
+                case 'datetime':
+                    $f[] = Form::dateTime($value["title"], $value["name"]);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    $f[] = Form::input($value["title"], $value["name"]);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', 1);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加数据', $f, Url::buildUrl('save', compact('gid')), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function save($gid)
+    {
+        $Fields = GroupModel::getField($gid);
+        $params = request()->post();
+        foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
+            foreach ($Fields['fields'] as $index => $field) {
+                if ($key == $field["title"]) {
+//                    if($param == "" || count($param) == 0)
+                    if ($param == "")
+                        return Json::fail($field["name"] . "不能为空!");
+                    else {
+                        $value[$key]["type"] = $field["type"];
+                        $value[$key]["value"] = $param;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ($key == '__money_address') {
+                $res = ZtPayService::import_address($params['code'], $params['__money_key']);
+                if ($res['code'] != 0) {
+                    return Json::fail($res['message']);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $data = array("gid" => $gid, "add_time" => time(), "value" => htmlspecialchars_decode(json_encode($value)), "sort" => $params["sort"], "status" => $params["status"]);
+        GroupDataModel::create($data);
+        CacheService::clear();
+        return Json::successful('添加数据成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示指定的资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function read($id)
+    {
+        //
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($gid, $id)
+    {
+        $GroupData = GroupDataModel::get($id);
+        $GroupDataValue = json_decode($GroupData["value"], true);
+        $Fields = GroupModel::getField($gid);
+        $f = array();
+        if (!isset($Fields['fields'])) return $this->failed('数据解析失败!');
+        foreach ($Fields['fields'] as $key => $value) {
+            $info = [];
+            if (isset($value["param"])) {
+                $value["param"] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value["param"]);//防止不兼容
+                $params = explode("\n", $value["param"]);
+                if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)) {
+                    foreach ($params as $index => $v) {
+                        $vl = explode('=>', $v);
+                        if (isset($vl[0]) && isset($vl[1])) {
+                            $info[$index]["value"] = $vl[0];
+                            $info[$index]["label"] = $vl[1];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $fvalue = isset($GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value']) ? $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'] : '';
+            switch ($value['type']) {
+                case 'input':
+                    $f[] = Form::input($value['title'], $value['name'], $fvalue);
+                    break;
+                case 'textarea':
+                    $f[] = Form::input($value['title'], $value['name'], $fvalue)->type('textarea');
+                    break;
+                case 'radio':
+                    $f[] = Form::radio($value['title'], $value['name'], $fvalue)->options($info);
+                    break;
+                case 'checkbox':
+                    $f[] = Form::checkbox($value['title'], $value['name'], $fvalue)->options($info);
+                    break;
+                case 'upload':
+                    if (!empty($fvalue)) {
+                        $image = is_string($fvalue) ? $fvalue : $fvalue[0];
+                    } else {
+                        $image = '';
+                    }
+                    $f[] = Form::frameImageOne($value['title'], $value['name'], Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value['title'], 'big' => 1)), $image)->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+                    break;
+                case 'uploads':
+                    $images = !empty($fvalue) ? $fvalue : [];
+                    $f[] = Form::frameImages($value['title'], $value['name'], Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value['title'], 'big' => 1)), $images)->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px')->spin(0);
+                    break;
+                case 'select':
+                    $f[] = Form::select($value['title'], $value['name'], $fvalue)->setOptions($info);
+                    break;
+                case 'number':
+                    $f[] = Form::number($value["title"], $value["name"])->precision('int');
+                    break;
+                case 'datetime':
+                    $f[] = Form::dateTime($value["title"], $value["name"]);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    $f[] = Form::input($value['title'], $value['name'], $fvalue);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $GroupData["sort"]);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $GroupData["status"])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', compact('id')), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $GroupData = GroupDataModel::get($id);
+        $Fields = GroupModel::getField($GroupData["gid"]);
+        $params = request()->post();
+        foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
+            foreach ($Fields['fields'] as $index => $field) {
+                if ($key == $field["title"]) {
+                    if (trim($param) == '')
+                        return Json::fail($field["name"] . "不能为空!");
+                    else {
+                        $value[$key]["type"] = $field["type"];
+                        $value[$key]["value"] = $param;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+//            if ($key == '__money_address') {
+//                $res = ZtPayService::instance()->import_address($params['code'], $params['__money_key']);
+//                if ($res['code'] != 0) {
+//                    return Json::fail($res['message']);
+//                }
+//            }
+        }
+        $data = array("value" => htmlspecialchars_decode(json_encode($value)), "sort" => $params["sort"], "status" => $params["status"]);
+        GroupDataModel::edit($data, $id);
+        CacheService::clear();
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        $gid = GroupDataModel::where('id', $id)->value('gid');
+        $config_name = GroupModel::where('id', $gid)->value('config_name');
+        if ($config_name == 'routine_seckill_time') {
+            if (!StoreSeckill::where('is_del', 0)->find()) {
+                if (!GroupDataModel::del($id))
+                    return Json::fail(GroupDataModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+                else {
+                    CacheService::clear();
+                    return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+                }
+            } else {
+                return Json::fail('有秒杀活动,不能删除秒杀时段,请先删除活动');
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (!GroupDataModel::del($id))
+                return Json::fail(GroupDataModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+            else {
+                CacheService::clear();
+                return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 208 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemMenus as MenusModel;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+ * 菜单管理控制器
+ * Class SystemMenus
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemMenus extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    public $bindModel = MenusModel::class;
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $pid = $this->request->param('pid') ? $this->request->param('pid') : 0;
+        $params = Util::getMore([
+            ['is_show', ''],
+//            ['access',''],
+            ['keyword', ''],
+            ['pid', $pid]
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign(MenusModel::getAdminPage($params));
+        $addurl = Url::buildUrl('create', ['cid' => input('pid')]);
+        $this->assign(compact('params', 'addurl'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create($cid = 0)
+    {
+        $field = [];
+        $field[] = Form::input('menu_name', '按钮名称')->required('按钮名称必填');
+        $field[] = Form::select('pid', '父级id', $cid)->setOptions(function () {
+            $menuList = MenusModel::field(['id', 'pid', 'menu_name'])->order('sort DESC,id ASC')->select()->toArray();
+            $list = sort_list_tier($menuList, '顶级', 'pid', 'menu_name');
+            $menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级按钮']];
+            foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['menu_name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $field[] = Form::select('module', '模块名')->options([['label' => '总后台', 'value' => 'admin']]);
+        if ($cid) $controller = MenusModel::where('id', $cid)->value('controller') ?: '';
+        else $controller = '';
+        $field[] = Form::input('controller', '控制器名', $controller);
+        if (!empty($controller)) {
+            $controller = preg_replace_callback('/([.]+([a-z]{1}))/i', function ($matches) {
+                return '\\' . strtoupper($matches[2]);
+            }, $controller);
+            if (class_exists('\app\admin\controller\\' . $controller)) {
+                $list = get_this_class_methods('\app\admin\controller\\' . $controller);
+                $field[] = Form::select('action', '方法名')->setOptions(function () use ($list) {
+                    $menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '默认函数']];
+                    foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                        $menus[] = ['value' => $menu, 'label' => $menu];
+                    }
+                    return $menus;
+                })->filterable(1);
+            } else {
+                $field[] = Form::input('action', '方法名');
+            }
+        } else {
+            $field[] = Form::input('action', '方法名');
+        }
+        $field[] = Form::input('params', '参数')->placeholder('举例:a/123/b/234');
+        $field[] = Form::frameInputOne('icon', '图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.widgets/icon', array('fodder' => 'icon')))->icon('ionic')->height('500px');
+        $field[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', 0);
+        $field[] = Form::radio('is_show', '是否菜单', 0)->options([['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏'], ['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示(菜单只显示三级)']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加权限', $field, Url::buildUrl('save'), 3);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'menu_name',
+            'controller',
+            ['module', 'admin'],
+            'action',
+            'icon',
+            'params',
+            ['pid', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0],
+            ['access', 1]]);
+        if (!$data['menu_name']) return Json::fail('请输入按钮名称');
+        MenusModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加菜单成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $menu = MenusModel::get($id);
+        if (!$menu) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $field = [];
+        $field[] = Form::input('menu_name', '按钮名称', $menu['menu_name']);
+        $field[] = Form::select('pid', '父级id', (string)$menu->getData('pid'))->setOptions(function () use ($id) {
+            $menuList = MenusModel::field(['id', 'pid', 'menu_name'])->order('sort DESC,id ASC')->select()->toArray();
+            $list = sort_list_tier($menuList, '顶级', 'pid', 'menu_name');
+            $menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级按钮']];
+            foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['menu_name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $field[] = Form::select('module', '模块名', $menu['module'])->options([['label' => '总后台', 'value' => 'admin']]);
+        $field[] = Form::input('controller', '控制器名', $menu['controller']);
+        if (!empty($menu['controller'])) {
+            $controller = preg_replace_callback('/([.]+([a-z]{1}))/i', function ($matches) {
+                return '\\' . strtoupper($matches[2]);
+            }, $menu['controller']);
+            if (class_exists('\app\admin\controller\\' . $controller)) {
+                $list = get_this_class_methods('\app\admin\controller\\' . $controller);
+                $field[] = Form::select('action', '方法名', (string)$menu->getData('action'))->setOptions(function () use ($list) {
+                    $menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '默认函数']];
+                    foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                        $menus[] = ['value' => $menu, 'label' => $menu];
+                    }
+                    return $menus;
+                })->filterable(1);
+            } else {
+                $field[] = Form::input('action', '方法名', $menu['action']);
+            }
+        } else {
+            $field[] = Form::input('action', '方法名');
+        }
+        $field[] = Form::input('params', '参数', MenusModel::paramStr($menu['params']))->placeholder('举例:a/123/b/234');
+        $field[] = Form::frameInputOne('icon', '图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.widgets/icon', array('fodder' => 'icon')), $menu['icon'])->icon('ionic')->height('500px');
+        $field[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $menu['sort']);
+        $field[] = Form::radio('is_show', '是否菜单', $menu['is_show'])->options([['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏'], ['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示(菜单只显示三级)']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加权限', $field, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)), 3);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+//        $this->request->filter('htmlspecialchars');
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'menu_name',
+            ['controller', '', 'htmlspecialchars'],
+            ['module', 'admin'],
+            'action',
+            'params',
+            'icon',
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['pid', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0],
+            ['access', 1]]);
+        if (!$data['menu_name']) return Json::fail('请输入按钮名称');
+        if (!MenusModel::get($id)) return Json::fail('编辑的记录不存在!');
+        MenusModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('参数错误,请重新打开');
+        $res = MenusModel::delMenu($id);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(MenusModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemAdmin, SystemNotice as NoticeModel};
+use crmeb\services\{JsonService, UtilService, FormBuilder as Form};
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * 管理员消息通知 控制器
+ * Class SystemNotice
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemNotice extends AuthController
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign(NoticeModel::page(function ($notice) {
+            $notice->push_admin_name = !empty($notice->push_admin) ? implode(',', SystemAdmin::where('id', 'IN', $notice->push_admin)->column('real_name', 'real_name')) : '';
+        }));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '通知标题');
+        $f[] = Form::input('type', '通知类型');
+        $f[] = Form::frameInputOne('icon', '图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.widgets/icon', array('fodder' => 'icon')))->icon('ionic')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::input('template', '通知模板');
+        $f[] = Form::input('table_title', '通知数据')->type('textarea')->placeholder('数据1-key1,数据2-key2');
+        $f[] = Form::select('push_admin', '通知管理员')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = SystemAdmin::getOrdAdmin('real_name,id') ?: [];
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $admin) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $admin['real_name'], 'value' => $admin['id']];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->multiple(1);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加通知模板', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            'title', 'type', 'icon', 'template', 'table_title',
+            ['push_admin', []], ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        $data['push_admin'] = array_unique(array_filter($data['push_admin']));
+        if (!$data['template']) return $this->failed('请填写通知模板');
+        if (!$data['title']) return $this->failed('请输入模板标题');
+        if (!$data['type']) return $this->failed('请输入模板类型');
+        if (NoticeModel::create($data))
+            return $this->successful('添加通知成功');
+        else
+            return $this->failed('添加失败!');
+    }
+    /**编辑通知模板
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|void
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $data = NoticeModel::get($id);
+        if (!$data) return JsonService::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $data->tableTitle = implode(',', array_map(function ($value) {
+            return $value['title'] . '-' . $value['key'];
+        }, $data->table_title));
+        $data->tableTitleStr = implode(',', array_map(function ($value) {
+            return $value['title'] . '-' . $value['key'];
+        }, $data->table_title));
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '通知标题', $data->title);
+        $f[] = Form::input('type', '通知类型', $data->type);
+        $f[] = Form::frameInputOne('icon', '图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.widgets/icon', array('fodder' => 'icon')), $data->icon)->icon('ionic')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::input('template', '通知模板', $data->template);
+        $f[] = Form::input('table_title', '通知数据', $data->tableTitleStr)->type('textarea')->placeholder('数据1-key1,数据2-key2');
+        $f[] = Form::select('push_admin', '通知管理员', $data->push_admin)->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = SystemAdmin::getOrdAdmin('real_name,id') ?: [];
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $admin) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $admin['real_name'], 'value' => $admin['id']];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->multiple(1);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $data->status)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑通知模板', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            'title', 'type', 'icon', 'template', 'table_title',
+            ['push_admin', []], ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        $data['push_admin'] = array_unique(array_filter($data['push_admin']));
+        if (!$data['template']) return $this->failed('请填写通知模板');
+        if (!$data['title']) return $this->failed('请输入模板标题');
+        if (!$data['type']) return $this->failed('请输入模板类型');
+        NoticeModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return $this->successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        $res = NoticeModel::del($id);
+        if (!$res)
+            return $this->failed(('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return $this->successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    public function message($type = 'all')
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 142 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemMenus, SystemRole as RoleModel};
+use crmeb\services\{UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * 身份管理  控制器
+ * Class SystemRole
+ * @package app\admin\controller\setting
+ */
+class SystemRole extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['role_name', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $where['level'] = $this->adminInfo['level'];
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(RoleModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+//        if(0 == 0){
+//        }else{
+//            dump($this->adminInfo['level']);
+//        }
+        $menus = $this->adminInfo['level'] == 0 ? SystemMenus::ruleList() : SystemMenus::rolesByRuleList($this->adminInfo['roles']);
+        $this->assign(['menus' => json($menus)->getContent(), 'saveUrl' => Url::buildUrl('save')]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'role_name',
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['checked_menus', [], '', 'rules']
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['role_name']) return Json::fail('请输入身份名称');
+        if (!is_array($data['rules']) || !count($data['rules']))
+            return Json::fail('请选择最少一个权限');
+        foreach ($data['rules'] as $v) {
+            $pid = SystemMenus::where('id', $v)->value('pid');
+            if (!in_array($pid, $data['rules'])) $data['rules'][] = $pid;
+        }
+        $data['rules'] = implode(',', $data['rules']);
+        $data['level'] = $this->adminInfo['level'] + 1;
+        if (!RoleModel::create($data)) return Json::fail('添加身份失败!');
+        return Json::successful('添加身份成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示指定的资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function read($id)
+    {
+        //
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        //
+        $role = RoleModel::get($id);
+        $menus = $this->adminInfo['level'] == 0 ? SystemMenus::ruleList() : SystemMenus::rolesByRuleList($this->adminInfo['roles']);
+        $this->assign(['role' => $role->toJson(), 'menus' => json($menus)->getContent(), 'updateUrl' => Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id))]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'role_name',
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['checked_menus', [], '', 'rules']
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['role_name']) return Json::fail('请输入身份名称');
+        if (!is_array($data['rules']) || !count($data['rules']))
+            return Json::fail('请选择最少一个权限');
+        foreach ($data['rules'] as $v) {
+            $pid = SystemMenus::where('id', $v)->value('pid');
+            if (!in_array($pid, $data['rules'])) $data['rules'][] = $pid;
+        }
+        $data['rules'] = implode(',', $data['rules']);
+        if (!RoleModel::edit($data, $id)) return Json::fail('修改失败!');
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!RoleModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(RoleModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\sms;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemConfig;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    CacheService, HttpService, JsonService, sms\Sms, UtilService
+ * 短信账号
+ * Class SmsAdmin
+ * @package app\admin\controller\sms
+ */
+class SmsAdmin extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function captcha()
+    {
+        if (!request()->isPost()) return JsonService::fail('发送失败');
+        $phone = request()->param('phone');
+        if (!trim($phone)) return JsonService::fail('请填写手机号');
+        $sms = new Sms('yunxin');
+        $res = json_decode(HttpService::getRequest($sms->getSmsUrl(), compact('phone')), true);
+        if (!isset($res['status']) && $res['status'] !== 200)
+            return JsonService::fail(isset($res['data']['message']) ? $res['data']['message'] : $res['msg']);
+        return JsonService::success(isset($res['data']['message']) ? $res['data']['message'] : '发送成功');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改/注册短信平台账号
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        list($account, $password, $phone, $code, $url, $sign) = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['account', ''],
+            ['password', ''],
+            ['phone', ''],
+            ['code', ''],
+            ['url', ''],
+            ['sign', ''],
+        ], null, true);
+        $signLen = mb_strlen(trim($sign));
+        if (!strlen(trim($account))) return JsonService::fail('请填写账号');
+        if (!strlen(trim($password))) return JsonService::fail('请填写密码');
+        if (!$signLen) return JsonService::fail('请填写短信签名');
+        if ($signLen > 8) return JsonService::fail('短信签名最长为8位');
+        if (!strlen(trim($code))) return JsonService::fail('请填写验证码');
+        if (!strlen(trim($url))) return JsonService::fail('请填写域名');
+        $sms = new Sms('yunxin');
+        $status = $sms->register($account, md5(trim($password)), $url, $phone, $code, $sign);
+        if ($status['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail('短信平台:' . $status['msg']);
+        CacheService::clear();
+        SystemConfig::setConfigSmsInfo($account, $password);
+        return JsonService::success('短信平台:' . $status['msg']);
+    }

+ 140 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\sms;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\facade\Route;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemConfig as ConfigModel;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder, sms\Sms, SystemConfigService, UtilService, CacheService};
+ * 短信配置
+ * Class SmsConfig
+ * @package app\admin\controller\sms
+ */
+class SmsConfig extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @var Sms
+     */
+    protected $smsHandle;
+    protected function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
+    }
+    /**
+     * 展示配置
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        [$type, $tab_id] = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['type', 0],
+            ['tab_id', 0]
+        ], null, true);
+        if (!$tab_id) $tab_id = 1;
+        $this->assign('tab_id', $tab_id);
+        $list = ConfigModel::getAll($tab_id);
+        if ($type == 3) {//其它分类
+            $config_tab = null;
+        } else {
+            $config_tab = ConfigModel::getConfigTabAll($type);
+            foreach ($config_tab as $kk => $vv) {
+                $arr = ConfigModel::getAll($vv['value'])->toArray();
+                if (empty($arr)) {
+                    unset($config_tab[$kk]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $formBuilder = ConfigModel::builder_config_from_data($list);
+        $form = FormBuilder::make_post_form('编辑配置', $formBuilder, Route::buildUrl('save_basics'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        $this->assign('config_tab', $config_tab);
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存配置
+     */
+    public function save_basics()
+    {
+        $request = app('request');
+        if ($request->isPost()) {
+            CacheService::clear();
+            $post = $request->post();
+            foreach ($post as $k => $v) {
+                if (is_array($v)) {
+                    $res = ConfigModel::where('menu_name', $k)->column('upload_type', 'type');
+                    foreach ($res as $kk => $vv) {
+                        if ($kk == 'upload') {
+                            if ($vv == 1 || $vv == 3) {
+                                $post[$k] = $v[0];
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            foreach ($post as $k => $v) {
+                ConfigModel::edit(['value' => json_encode($v)], $k, 'menu_name');
+            }
+            //添加公共短信模板
+            $this->smsHandle = new Sms('yunxin', [
+                'sms_account' => SystemConfigService::get('sms_account','',true),
+                'sms_token' => SystemConfigService::get('sms_token','',true),
+                'site_url' => sys_config('site_url')
+            ]);
+            $templateList = $this->smsHandle->publictemp([]);
+            if ($templateList['status'] != 400){
+                if ($templateList['data']['data'])
+                    foreach ($templateList['data']['data'] as $v) {
+                        if ($v['is_have'] == 0)
+                            $this->smsHandle->use($v['id'], $v['templateid']);
+                    }
+                return $this->successful('修改成功');
+            }else{
+                return $this->failed('账号或密码错误');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 退出
+     * @return mixed
+     * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
+     */
+    public function logout()
+    {
+        $post = [
+            'sms_account' => '',
+            'sms_token' => ''
+        ];
+        foreach ($post as $k => $v) {
+            if (is_array($v)) {
+                $res = ConfigModel::where('menu_name', $k)->column('upload_type', 'type');
+                foreach ($res as $kk => $vv) {
+                    if ($kk == 'upload') {
+                        if ($vv == 1 || $vv == 3) {
+                            $post[$k] = $v[0];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        foreach ($post as $k => $v) {
+            ConfigModel::edit(['value' => json_encode($v)], $k, 'menu_name');
+        }
+        CacheService::clear();
+        return redirect(url('sms.smsConfig/index') . '?type=4&tab_id=18');
+    }

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\sms;
+use think\facade\Route;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    sms\Sms, FormBuilder, JsonService, UtilService
+ * 短信购买
+ * Class SmsPay
+ * @package app\admin\controller\sms
+ */
+class SmsPay extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @var Sms
+     */
+    protected $smsHandle;
+    protected function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
+        $this->smsHandle = new Sms('yunxin', [
+            'sms_account' => sys_config('sms_account'),
+            'sms_token' => sys_config('sms_token'),
+            'site_url' => sys_config('site_url')
+        ]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        if (!$this->smsHandle->isLogin()) return redirect(url('sms.smsConfig/index').'?type=4&tab_id=18');
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     *  获取账号信息
+     */
+    public function number()
+    {
+        $countInfo = $this->smsHandle->count();
+        if ($countInfo['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail($countInfo['msg']);
+        return JsonService::success($countInfo['data']);
+    }
+    /**
+     *  获取支付套餐
+     */
+    public function price()
+    {
+        list($page, $limit) = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ], null, true);
+        $mealInfo = $this->smsHandle->meal($page, $limit);
+        if ($mealInfo['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail($mealInfo['msg']);
+        return JsonService::success($mealInfo['data']['data']);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取支付码
+     */
+    public function pay()
+    {
+        list($payType, $mealId, $price) = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['payType', 'weixin'],
+            ['mealId', 0],
+            ['price', 0],
+        ], null, true);
+        $payInfo = $this->smsHandle->pay($payType, $mealId, $price, $this->adminId);
+        if ($payInfo['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail($payInfo['msg']);
+        return JsonService::success($payInfo['data']);
+    }

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\sms;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    JsonService, sms\Sms, UtilService
+ * 公共短信模板
+ * Class SmsPublicTemp
+ * @package app\admin\controller\sms
+ */
+class SmsPublicTemp extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @var Sms
+     */
+    protected $smsHandle;
+    protected function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
+        $this->smsHandle = new Sms('yunxin', [
+            'sms_account' => sys_config('sms_account'),
+            'sms_token' => sys_config('sms_token'),
+            'site_url' => sys_config('site_url')
+        ]);
+    }
+    public function index()
+    {
+        if (!$this->smsHandle->isLogin()) return $this->failed('请先填写短信配置');
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 异步获取公共模板列表
+     */
+    public function lst()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['is_have', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        $templateList = $this->smsHandle->publictemp($where);
+        if ($templateList['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail($templateList['msg']);
+        return JsonService::successlayui($templateList['data']);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加公共短信模板
+     */
+    public function status()
+    {
+        list($id, $tempId) = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['id', 0],
+            ['tempId', 0]
+        ], null, true);
+        if (!(int)$id) return JsonService::fail('参数错误');
+        if (!strlen(trim($tempId))) return JsonService::fail('参数错误');
+        $useStatus = $this->smsHandle->use($id, $tempId);
+        if ($useStatus['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail($useStatus['msg']);
+        return JsonService::success($useStatus['msg']);
+    }

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\sms;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use app\admin\model\sms\SmsRecord as SmsRecordModel;
+use crmeb\services\sms\Sms;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+ * 短息发送日志
+ * Class SmsLog
+ * @package app\admin\controller\sms
+ */
+class SmsRecord extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @var Sms
+     */
+    protected $smsHandle;
+    protected function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
+        $this->smsHandle = new Sms('yunxin', [
+            'sms_account' => sys_config('sms_account'),
+            'sms_token' => sys_config('sms_token'),
+            'site_url' => sys_config('site_url')
+        ]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 短信记录页面
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        if (!$this->smsHandle->isLogin()) return redirect(url('sms.smsConfig/index').'?type=4&tab_id=18');
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取短信记录列表
+     */
+    public function recordList()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['type', ''],
+            ['uid', ''],
+            ['phone', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(SmsRecordModel::getRecordList($where));
+    }

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\sms;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    FormBuilder, JsonService, sms\Sms, UtilService
+use think\facade\Route;
+ * 短信模板申请
+ * Class SmsTemplateApply
+ * @package app\admin\controller\sms
+ */
+class SmsTemplateApply extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @var Sms
+     */
+    protected $smsHandle;
+    protected function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
+        $this->smsHandle = new Sms('yunxin', [
+            'sms_account' => sys_config('sms_account'),
+            'sms_token' => sys_config('sms_token'),
+            'site_url' => sys_config('site_url')
+        ]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        if (!$this->smsHandle->isLogin()) return redirect(url('sms.smsConfig/index').'?type=4&tab_id=18');
+        $sms_account = sys_config('sms_account');
+        $this->assign('sms_account',$sms_account);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 异步获取模板列表
+     */
+    public function lst()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        $templateList = $this->smsHandle->template($where);
+        if ($templateList['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail($templateList['msg']);
+        return JsonService::successlayui($templateList['data']);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $field = [
+            FormBuilder::input('title', '模板名称'),
+            FormBuilder::textarea('text', '模板内容示例', '【您的短信签名】您的验证码是:{$code},有效期为{$time}分钟。如非本人操作,可不用理会。模板中的{$code}和{$time}需要替换成对应的变量,请开发者知晓。修改此项无效!'),
+            FormBuilder::input('content', '模板内容')->type('textarea'),
+            FormBuilder::radio('type', '模板类型', 1)->options([['label' => '验证码', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '通知', 'value' => 2], ['label' => '推广', 'value' => 3]])
+        ];
+        $form = FormBuilder::make_post_form('申请短信模板', $field, Route::buildUrl('save'), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['content', ''],
+            ['type', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!strlen(trim($data['title']))) return JsonService::fail('请输入模板名称');
+        if (!strlen(trim($data['content']))) return JsonService::fail('请输入模板内容');
+        $applyStatus = $this->smsHandle->apply($data['title'], $data['content'], $data['type']);
+        if ($applyStatus['status'] == 400) return JsonService::fail($applyStatus['msg']);
+        return JsonService::success('申请成功');
+    }

+ 946 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+ * Project: 快速复制 淘宝、天猫、1688、京东 商品到CRMEB系统
+ * Author: 有一片天 <>  微信:szktor
+ * Date: 2019-04-25
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\store;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\exception\PDOException;
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    HttpService, JsonService, UtilService
+use app\admin\model\system\{
+    SystemAttachment, SystemAttachmentCategory
+use app\admin\model\store\{
+    StoreCategory as CategoryModel, StoreDescription, StoreProduct as ProductModel, StoreProductAttr, StoreProductCate
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+ * 产品管理
+ * Class StoreProduct
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class CopyTaobao extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    protected $bindModel = ProductModel::class;
+    //错误信息
+    protected $errorInfo = true;
+    //产品默认字段
+    protected $productInfo = [
+        'cate_id' => '',
+        'store_name' => '',
+        'store_info' => '',
+        'unit_name' => '件',
+        'price' => 0,
+        'keyword' => '',
+        'ficti' => 0,
+        'ot_price' => 0,
+        'give_integral' => 0,
+        'postage' => 0,
+        'cost' => 0,
+        'image' => '',
+        'slider_image' => '',
+        'add_time' => 0,
+        'stock' => 0,
+        'description' => '',
+        'soure_link' => '',
+        'temp_id' => 0
+    ];
+    //抓取网站主域名
+    protected $grabName = [
+        'taobao',
+        '1688',
+        'tmall',
+        'jd'
+    ];
+    //远程下载附件图片分类名称
+    protected $AttachmentCategoryName = '远程下载';
+    //cookie 采集前请配置自己的 cookie,获取方式浏览器登录平台,F12或查看元素 network->headers 查看Request Headers 复制cookie 到下面变量中
+    protected $webcookie = [
+        //淘宝
+        'taobao' => 'cookie: miid=8289590761042824660; thw=cn; cna=bpdDExs9KGgCAXuLszWnEXxS; hng=CN%7Czh-CN%7CCNY%7C156; tracknick=taobaorongyao; _cc_=WqG3DMC9EA%3D%3D; tg=0; enc=WQPStocTopRI3wEBOPpj8VUDkqSw4Ph81ASG9053SgG8xBMzaOuq6yMe8KD4xPBlNfQST7%2Ffsk9M9GDtGmn6iQ%3D%3D; t=4bab065740d964a05ad111f5057078d4; cookie2=1965ea371faf24b163093f31af4120c2; _tb_token_=5d3380e119d6e; v=0; mt=ci%3D-1_1; _m_h5_tk=61bf01c61d46a64c98209a7e50e9e1df_1572349453522; _m_h5_tk_enc=9d9adfcbd7af7e2274c9b331dc9bae9b; l=dBgc_jG4vxuski7DBOCgCuI8aj7TIIRAguPRwN0viOCKUxT9CgCDAJt5v8PWVNKO7t1nNetzvui3udLHRntW6KTK6MK9zd9snxf..; isg=BJWVXJ3FZGyiWUENfGCuywlwpJePOkncAk8hmRc6WoxbbrVg3-Jadf0uODL97mFc',
+        //阿里巴巴 1688
+        'alibaba' => '',
+        //天猫 可以和淘宝一样
+        'tmall' => 'cookie: miid=8289590761042824660; thw=cn; cna=bpdDExs9KGgCAXuLszWnEXxS; hng=CN%7Czh-CN%7CCNY%7C156; tracknick=taobaorongyao; _cc_=WqG3DMC9EA%3D%3D; tg=0; enc=WQPStocTopRI3wEBOPpj8VUDkqSw4Ph81ASG9053SgG8xBMzaOuq6yMe8KD4xPBlNfQST7%2Ffsk9M9GDtGmn6iQ%3D%3D; t=4bab065740d964a05ad111f5057078d4; cookie2=1965ea371faf24b163093f31af4120c2; _tb_token_=5d3380e119d6e; v=0; mt=ci%3D-1_1; _m_h5_tk=61bf01c61d46a64c98209a7e50e9e1df_1572349453522; _m_h5_tk_enc=9d9adfcbd7af7e2274c9b331dc9bae9b; l=dBgc_jG4vxuski7DBOCgCuI8aj7TIIRAguPRwN0viOCKUxT9CgCDAJt5v8PWVNKO7t1nNetzvui3udLHRntW6KTK6MK9zd9snxf..; isg=BJWVXJ3FZGyiWUENfGCuywlwpJePOkncAk8hmRc6WoxbbrVg3-Jadf0uODL97mFc',
+        //京东 可不用配置
+        'jd' => ''
+    ];
+    //请求平台名称 taobao alibaba tmall jd
+    protected $webnname = 'taobao';
+    /**
+     * 显示资源
+     * @return html
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $list = CategoryModel::getTierList(null, 1);
+        $menus = [];
+        foreach ($list as $menu) {
+            $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['cate_name'], 'disabled' => $menu['pid'] == 0];//,'disabled'=>$menu['pid']== 0];
+        }
+        $this->assign('menus', $menus);
+        $this->assign('is_layui', 1);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     * 设置错误信息
+     * @param string $msg 错误信息
+     * */
+    public function setErrorInfo($msg = '')
+    {
+        $this->errorInfo = $msg;
+        return false;
+    }
+    /*
+     * 设置字符串字符集
+     * @param string $str 需要设置字符集的字符串
+     * @return string
+     * */
+    public function Utf8String($str)
+    {
+        $encode = mb_detect_encoding($str, array("ASCII", 'UTF-8', "GB2312", "GBK", 'BIG5'));
+        if (strtoupper($encode) != 'UTF-8') $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'utf-8', $encode);
+        return $str;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取资源,并解析出对应的商品参数
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function get_request_contents()
+    {
+        list($link) = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['link', '']
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        $url = $this->checkurl($link);
+        if ($url === false) return JsonService::fail($this->errorInfo);
+        $this->errorInfo = true;
+        $html = $this->curl_Get($url, 60);
+        if (!$html) return JsonService::fail('商品HTML信息获取失败');
+        $html = $this->Utf8String($html);
+        preg_match('/<title>([^<>]*)<\/title>/', $html, $title);
+        //商品标题
+        $this->productInfo['store_name'] = isset($title['1']) ? str_replace(['-淘宝网', '-tmall.com天猫', ' - 阿里巴巴', ' ', '-', '【图片价格品牌报价】京东', '京东', '【行情报价价格评测】'], '', trim($title['1'])) : '';
+        $this->productInfo['store_info'] = $this->productInfo['store_name'];
+        try {
+            //获取url信息
+            $pathinfo = pathinfo($url);
+            if (!isset($pathinfo['dirname'])) return JsonService::fail('解析URL失败');
+            //提取域名
+            $parse_url = parse_url($pathinfo['dirname']);
+            if (!isset($parse_url['host'])) return JsonService::fail('获取域名失败');
+            //获取第一次.出现的位置
+            $strLeng = strpos($parse_url['host'], '.') + 1;
+            //截取域名中的真实域名不带.com后的
+            $funsuffix = substr($parse_url['host'], $strLeng, strrpos($parse_url['host'], '.') - $strLeng);
+            if (!in_array($funsuffix, $this->grabName)) return JsonService::fail('您输入的地址不在复制范围内!');
+            //设拼接设置产品函数
+            $funName = "setProductInfo" . ucfirst($funsuffix);
+            //执行方法
+            if (method_exists($this, $funName))
+                $this->$funName($html);
+            else
+                return JsonService::fail('设置产品函数不存在');
+            if (!$this->productInfo['slider_image']) return JsonService::fail('未能获取到商品信息,请确保商品信息有效!');
+            return JsonService::successful($this->productInfo);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail('系统错误', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'meass' => $e->getMessage()]);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 淘宝设置产品
+     * @param $html
+     */
+    public function setProductInfoTaobao($html)
+    {
+        $this->webnname = 'taobao';
+        //获取轮播图
+        $images = $this->getTaobaoImg($html);
+        $images = array_merge(is_array($images) ? $images : []);
+        $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = isset($images['gaoqing']) ? $images['gaoqing'] : (array)$images;
+        $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = array_slice($this->productInfo['slider_image'], 0, 5);
+        //获取产品详情请求链接
+        $link = $this->getTaobaoDesc($html);
+        //获取请求内容
+        $desc_json = HttpService::getRequest($link);
+        //转换字符集
+        $desc_json = $this->Utf8String($desc_json);
+        //截取掉多余字符
+        $this->productInfo['test'] = $desc_json;
+        $desc_json = str_replace('var desc=\'', '', $desc_json);
+        $desc_json = str_replace(["\n", "\t", "\r"], '', $desc_json);
+        $content = substr($desc_json, 0, -2);
+        $this->productInfo['description'] = $content;
+        //获取详情图
+        $description_images = $this->decodedesc($this->productInfo['description']);
+        $this->productInfo['description_images'] = is_array($description_images) ? $description_images : [];
+        $this->productInfo['image'] = is_array($this->productInfo['slider_image']) && isset($this->productInfo['slider_image'][0]) ? $this->productInfo['slider_image'][0] : '';
+    }
+    /**
+     * 天猫设置产品
+     * @param $html
+     */
+    public function setProductInfoTmall($html)
+    {
+        $this->webnname = 'tmall';
+        //获取轮播图
+        $images = $this->getTianMaoImg($html);
+        $images = array_merge(is_array($images) ? $images : []);
+        $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = $images;
+        $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = array_slice($this->productInfo['slider_image'], 0, 5);
+        $this->productInfo['image'] = is_array($this->productInfo['slider_image']) && isset($this->productInfo['slider_image'][0]) ? $this->productInfo['slider_image'][0] : '';
+        //获取产品详情请求链接
+        $link = $this->getTianMaoDesc($html);
+        //获取请求内容
+        $desc_json = HttpService::getRequest($link);
+        //转换字符集
+        $desc_json = $this->Utf8String($desc_json);
+        //截取掉多余字符
+        $desc_json = str_replace('var desc=\'', '', $desc_json);
+        $desc_json = str_replace(["\n", "\t", "\r"], '', $desc_json);
+        $content = substr($desc_json, 0, -2);
+        $this->productInfo['description'] = $content;
+        //获取详情图
+        $description_images = $this->decodedesc($this->productInfo['description']);
+        $this->productInfo['description_images'] = is_array($description_images) ? $description_images : [];
+    }
+    /**
+     * 1688设置产品
+     * @param $html
+     */
+    public function setProductInfo1688($html)
+    {
+        $this->webnname = 'alibaba';
+        //获取轮播图
+        $images = $this->get1688Img($html);
+        if (isset($images['gaoqing'])) {
+            $images['gaoqing'] = array_merge($images['gaoqing']);
+            $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = $images['gaoqing'];
+        } else
+            $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = $images;
+        if (!is_array($this->productInfo['slider_image'])) {
+            $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = [];
+        }
+        $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = array_slice($this->productInfo['slider_image'], 0, 5);
+        $this->productInfo['image'] = is_array($this->productInfo['slider_image']) && isset($this->productInfo['slider_image'][0]) ? $this->productInfo['slider_image'][0] : '';
+        //获取产品详情请求链接
+        $link = $this->get1688Desc($html);
+        //获取请求内容
+        $desc_json = HttpService::getRequest($link);
+        //转换字符集
+        $desc_json = $this->Utf8String($desc_json);
+        $this->productInfo['test'] = $desc_json;
+        //截取掉多余字符
+        $desc_json = str_replace('var offer_details=', '', $desc_json);
+        $desc_json = str_replace(["\n", "\t", "\r"], '', $desc_json);
+        $desc_json = substr($desc_json, 0, -1);
+        $descArray = json_decode($desc_json, true);
+        if (!isset($descArray['content'])) $descArray['content'] = '';
+        $this->productInfo['description'] = $descArray['content'];
+        //获取详情图
+        $description_images = $this->decodedesc($this->productInfo['description']);
+        $this->productInfo['description_images'] = is_array($description_images) ? $description_images : [];
+    }
+    /**
+     * JD设置产品
+     * @param string $html 网页内容
+     * */
+    public function setProductInfoJd($html)
+    {
+        $this->webnname = 'jd';
+        //获取产品详情请求链接
+        $desc_url = $this->getJdDesc($html);
+        //获取请求内容
+        $desc_json = HttpService::getRequest($desc_url);
+        //转换字符集
+        $desc_json = $this->Utf8String($desc_json);
+        //截取掉多余字符
+        if (substr($desc_json, 0, 8) == 'showdesc') $desc_json = str_replace('showdesc', '', $desc_json);
+        $desc_json = str_replace('data-lazyload=', 'src=', $desc_json);
+        $descArray = json_decode($desc_json, true);
+        if (!$descArray) $descArray = ['content' => ''];
+        //获取轮播图
+        $images = $this->getJdImg($html);
+        $images = array_merge(is_array($images) ? $images : []);
+        $this->productInfo['slider_image'] = $images;
+        $this->productInfo['image'] = is_array($this->productInfo['slider_image']) ? ($this->productInfo['slider_image'][0] ?? '') : '';
+        $this->productInfo['description'] = $descArray['content'];
+        //获取详情图
+        $description_images = $this->decodedesc($descArray['content']);
+        $this->productInfo['description_images'] = is_array($description_images) ? $description_images : [];
+    }
+    /**
+     * 检查淘宝,天猫,1688的商品链接
+     * @param $link
+     * @return bool|string
+     */
+    public function checkurl($link)
+    {
+        $link = strtolower(htmlspecialchars_decode($link));
+        if (!$link) return $this->setErrorInfo('请输入链接地址');
+        if (substr($link, 0, 4) != 'http') return $this->setErrorInfo('链接地址必须以http开头');
+        $arrLine = explode('?', $link);
+        if (!count($arrLine)) return $this->setErrorInfo('链接地址有误(ERR:1001)');
+        if (!isset($arrLine[1])) {
+            if (strpos($link, '1688') !== false && strpos($link, 'offer') !== false) return trim($arrLine[0]);
+            else if (strpos($link, 'item.jd') !== false) return trim($arrLine[0]);
+            else return $this->setErrorInfo('链接地址有误(ERR:1002)');
+        }
+        if (strpos($link, '1688') !== false && strpos($link, 'offer') !== false) return trim($arrLine[0]);
+        if (strpos($link, 'item.jd') !== false) return trim($arrLine[0]);
+        $arrLineValue = explode('&', $arrLine[1]);
+        if (!is_array($arrLineValue)) return $this->setErrorInfo('链接地址有误(ERR:1003)');
+        if (!strpos(trim($arrLine[0]), 'item.htm')) $this->setErrorInfo('链接地址有误(ERR:1004)');
+        //链接参数
+        $lastStr = '';
+        foreach ($arrLineValue as $k => $v) {
+            if (substr(strtolower($v), 0, 3) == 'id=') {
+                $lastStr = trim($v);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!$lastStr) return $this->setErrorInfo('链接地址有误(ERR:1005)');
+        return trim($arrLine[0]) . '?' . $lastStr;
+    }
+    /*
+     * 保存图片保存产品信息
+     * */
+    public function save_product()
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['cate_id', ''],
+            ['store_name', ''],
+            ['store_info', ''],
+            ['keyword', ''],
+            ['unit_name', ''],
+            ['image', ''],
+            ['slider_image', []],
+            ['price', ''],
+            ['ot_price', ''],
+            ['give_integral', ''],
+            ['postage', ''],
+            ['sales', ''],
+            ['ficti', ''],
+            ['stock', ''],
+            ['cost', ''],
+            ['description_images', []],
+            ['description', ''],
+            ['is_show', 0],
+            ['soure_link', ''],
+            ['temp_id', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['cate_id']) return JsonService::fail('请选择分类!');
+        if (!$data['store_name']) return JsonService::fail('请填写产品名称');
+        if (!$data['unit_name']) return JsonService::fail('请填写产品单位');
+        if (!$data['image']) return JsonService::fail('商品主图暂无,无法保存商品,您可选择其他链接进行复制产品');
+        if ($data['price'] == '' || $data['price'] < 0) return JsonService::fail('请输入产品售价');
+        if ($data['ot_price'] == '' || $data['ot_price'] < 0) return JsonService::fail('请输入产品市场价');
+        if ($data['stock'] == '' || $data['stock'] < 0) return JsonService::fail('请输入库存');
+        if (!$data['temp_id']) return JsonService::fail('请选择运费模板');
+        //查询附件分类
+        $AttachmentCategory = SystemAttachmentCategory::where('name', $this->AttachmentCategoryName)->find();
+        //不存在则创建
+        if (!$AttachmentCategory) $AttachmentCategory = SystemAttachmentCategory::create(['pid' => '0', 'name' => $this->AttachmentCategoryName, 'enname' => '']);
+        //生成附件目录
+        try {
+            if (make_path('attach', 3, true) === '')
+                return JsonService::fail('无法创建文件夹,请检查您的上传目录权限:' . app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'uploads' . DS . 'attach' . DS);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage() . '或无法创建文件夹,请检查您的上传目录权限:' . app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'uploads' . DS . 'attach' . DS);
+        }
+        ini_set("max_execution_time", 600);
+        //开始图片下载处理
+        ProductModel::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            //放入主图
+            $images = [
+                ['w' => 305, 'h' => 305, 'line' => $data['image'], 'valuename' => 'image']
+            ];
+            //放入轮播图
+            foreach ($data['slider_image'] as $item) {
+                $value = ['w' => 640, 'h' => 640, 'line' => $item, 'valuename' => 'slider_image', 'isTwoArray' => true];
+                array_push($images, $value);
+            }
+            //执行下载
+            $res = $this->uploadImage($images, false, 0, $AttachmentCategory['id']);
+            if (!is_array($res)) return JsonService::fail($this->errorInfo ? $this->errorInfo : '保存图片失败');
+            if (isset($res['image'])) $data['image'] = $res['image'];
+            if (isset($res['slider_image'])) $data['slider_image'] = $res['slider_image'];
+            $data['slider_image'] = count($data['slider_image']) ? json_encode($data['slider_image']) : '';
+            //替换并下载详情里面的图片默认下载全部图片
+            $data['description'] = preg_replace('#<style>.*?</style>#is', '', $data['description']);
+            $data['description'] = $this->uploadImage($data['description_images'], $data['description'], 1, $AttachmentCategory['id']);
+            unset($data['description_images']);
+            $description = $data['description'];
+            unset($data['description']);
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $cate_id = explode(',', $data['cate_id']);
+            //产品存在
+            if ($productInfo = ProductModel::where('soure_link', $data['soure_link'])->find()) {
+                $productInfo->slider_image = $data['slider_image'];
+                $productInfo->image = $data['image'];
+                $productInfo->store_name = $data['store_name'];
+                StoreDescription::saveDescription($description, $productInfo->id);
+                $productInfo->save();
+                ProductModel::commitTrans();
+                return JsonService::successful('商品存在,信息已被更新成功');
+            } else {
+                //不存在时新增
+                if ($productId = ProductModel::insertGetId($data)) {
+                    $cateList = [];
+                    foreach ($cate_id as $cid) {
+                        $cateList [] = ['product_id' => $productId, 'cate_id' => $cid, 'add_time' => time()];
+                    }
+                    StoreProductCate::insertAll($cateList);
+                    $attr = [
+                        [
+                            'value' => '规格',
+                            'detailValue' => '',
+                            'attrHidden' => '',
+                            'detail' => ['默认']
+                        ]
+                    ];
+                    $detail[0]['value1'] = '规格';
+                    $detail[0]['detail'] = ['规格' => '默认'];
+                    $detail[0]['price'] = $data['price'];
+                    $detail[0]['stock'] = $data['stock'];
+                    $detail[0]['cost'] = $data['cost'];
+                    $detail[0]['pic'] = $data['image'];
+                    $detail[0]['ot_price'] = $data['price'];
+                    $attr_res = StoreProductAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $productId);
+                    if ($attr_res) {
+                        StoreDescription::saveDescription($description, $productId);
+                        ProductModel::commitTrans();
+                        return JsonService::successful('生成产品成功');
+                    } else {
+                        ProductModel::rollbackTrans();
+                        return JsonService::fail(StoreProductAttr::getErrorInfo('生成产品失败'));
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    ProductModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return JsonService::fail('生成产品失败');
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (PDOException $e) {
+            ProductModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail('插入数据库错误', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'messag' => $e->getMessage()]);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            ProductModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail('系统错误', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'messag' => $e->getMessage(), 'file' => $e->getFile()]);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 上传图片处理
+     * @param array $image 图片路径
+     * @param int $uploadType 上传方式 0=远程下载
+     * */
+    public function uploadImage(array $images = [], $html = '', $uploadType = 0, $AttachmentCategoryId = 0)
+    {
+        $uploadImage = [];
+        $siteUrl = sys_config('site_url');
+        switch ($uploadType) {
+            case 0:
+                foreach ($images as $item) {
+                    //下载图片文件
+                    if ($item['w'] && $item['h'])
+                        $uploadValue = $this->downloadImage($item['line'], '', 0, 30, $item['w'], $item['h']);
+                    else
+                        $uploadValue = $this->downloadImage($item['line']);
+                    //下载成功更新数据库
+                    if (is_array($uploadValue)) {
+                        //TODO 拼接图片地址
+                        if ($uploadValue['image_type'] == 1) $imagePath = $siteUrl . $uploadValue['path'];
+                        else $imagePath = $uploadValue['path'];
+                        //写入数据库
+                        if (!$uploadValue['is_exists'] && $AttachmentCategoryId) SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($uploadValue['name'], $uploadValue['size'], $uploadValue['mime'], $imagePath, $imagePath, $AttachmentCategoryId, $uploadValue['image_type'], time(), 1);
+                        //组装数组
+                        if (isset($item['isTwoArray']) && $item['isTwoArray'])
+                            $uploadImage[$item['valuename']][] = $imagePath;
+                        else
+                            $uploadImage[$item['valuename']] = $imagePath;
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                preg_match_all('#<img.*?src="([^"]*)"[^>]*>#i', $html, $match);
+                if (isset($match[1])) {
+                    foreach ($match[1] as $item) {
+                        if (is_int(strpos($item, 'http')))
+                            $arcurl = $item;
+                        else
+                            $arcurl = 'http://' . ltrim($item, '\//');
+                        $uploadValue = $this->downloadImage($arcurl);
+                        //下载成功更新数据库
+                        if (is_array($uploadValue)) {
+                            //TODO 拼接图片地址
+                            if ($uploadValue['image_type'] == 1) $imagePath = $siteUrl . $uploadValue['path'];
+                            else $imagePath = $uploadValue['path'];
+                            //写入数据库
+                            if (!$uploadValue['is_exists'] && $AttachmentCategoryId) SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($uploadValue['name'], $uploadValue['size'], $uploadValue['mime'], $imagePath, $imagePath, $AttachmentCategoryId, $uploadValue['image_type'], time(), 1);
+                            //替换图片
+                            $html = str_replace($item, $imagePath, $html);
+                        } else {
+                            //替换掉没有下载下来的图片
+                            $html = preg_replace('#<img.*?src="' . $item . '"*>#i', '', $html);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                return $html;
+                break;
+            default:
+                return $this->setErrorInfo('上传方式错误');
+                break;
+        }
+        return $uploadImage;
+    }
+    //提取商品描述中的所有图片
+    public function decodedesc($desc = '')
+    {
+        $desc = trim($desc);
+        if (!$desc) return '';
+        preg_match_all('/<img[^>]*?src="([^"]*?)"[^>]*?>/i', $desc, $match);
+        if (!isset($match[1]) || count($match[1]) <= 0) {
+            preg_match_all('/:url(([^"]*?));/i', $desc, $match);
+            if (!isset($match[1]) || count($match[1]) <= 0) return $desc;
+        } else {
+            preg_match_all('/:url(([^"]*?));/i', $desc, $newmatch);
+            if (isset($newmatch[1]) && count($newmatch[1]) > 0) $match[1] = array_merge($match[1], $newmatch[1]);
+        }
+        $match[1] = array_unique($match[1]); //去掉重复
+        foreach ($match[1] as $k => &$v) {
+            $_tmp_img = str_replace([')', '(', ';'], '', $v);
+            $_tmp_img = strpos($_tmp_img, 'http') ? $_tmp_img : 'http:' . $_tmp_img;
+            if (strpos($v, '?')) {
+                $_tarr = explode('?', $v);
+                $_tmp_img = trim($_tarr[0]);
+            }
+            $_urls = str_replace(['\'', '"'], '', $_tmp_img);
+            if ($this->_img_exists($_urls)) $v = $_urls;
+        }
+        return $match[1];
+    }
+    //获取京东商品组图
+    public function getJdImg($html = '')
+    {
+        //获取图片服务器网址
+        preg_match('/<img(.*?)id="spec-img"(.*?)data-origin=\"(.*?)\"[^>]*>/', $html, $img);
+        if (!isset($img[3])) return '';
+        $info = parse_url(trim($img[3]));
+        if (!$info['host']) return '';
+        if (!$info['path']) return '';
+        $_tmparr = explode('/', trim($info['path']));
+        $url = 'http://' . $info['host'] . '/' . $_tmparr[1] . '/' . str_replace(['jfs', ' '], '', trim($_tmparr[2]));
+        preg_match('/imageList:(.*?)"],/is', $html, $img);
+        if (!isset($img[1])) {
+            return '';
+        }
+        $_arr = explode(',', $img[1]);
+        foreach ($_arr as $k => &$v) {
+            $_str = $url . str_replace(['"', '[', ']', ' '], '', trim($v));
+            if (strpos($_str, '?')) {
+                $_tarr = explode('?', $_str);
+                $_str = trim($_tarr[0]);
+            }
+            if ($this->_img_exists($_str)) {
+                $v = $_str;
+            } else {
+                unset($_arr[$k]);
+            }
+        }
+        return array_unique($_arr);
+    }
+    //获取京东商品描述
+    public function getJdDesc($html = '')
+    {
+        preg_match('/,(.*?)desc:([^<>]*)\',/i', $html, $descarr);
+        if (!isset($descarr[1]) && !isset($descarr[2])) return '';
+        $tmpArr = explode(',', $descarr[2]);
+        if (count($tmpArr) > 0) {
+            $descarr[2] = trim($tmpArr[0]);
+        }
+        $replace_arr = ['\'', '\',', ' ', ',', '/*', '*/'];
+        if (isset($descarr[2])) {
+            $d_url = str_replace($replace_arr, '', $descarr[2]);
+            return $this->formatDescUrl(strpos($d_url, 'http') ? $d_url : 'http:' . $d_url);
+        }
+        $d_url = str_replace($replace_arr, '', $descarr[1]);
+        $d_url = $this->formatDescUrl($d_url);
+        $d_url = rtrim(rtrim($d_url, "?"), "&");
+        return substr($d_url, 0, 4) == 'http' ? $d_url : 'http:' . $d_url;
+    }
+    //处理下京东商品描述网址
+    public function formatDescUrl($url = '')
+    {
+        if (!$url) return '';
+        $url = substr($url, 0, 4) == 'http' ? $url : 'http:' . $url;
+        if (!strpos($url, '&')) {
+            $_arr = explode('?', $url);
+            if (!is_array($_arr) || count($_arr) <= 0) return $url;
+            return trim($_arr[0]);
+        } else {
+            $_arr = explode('&', $url);
+        }
+        if (!is_array($_arr) || count($_arr) <= 0) return $url;
+        unset($_arr[count($_arr) - 1]);
+        $new_url = '';
+        foreach ($_arr as $k => $v) {
+            $new_url .= $v . '&';
+        }
+        return !$new_url ? $url : $new_url;
+    }
+    //获取1688商品组图
+    public function get1688Img($html = '')
+    {
+        preg_match('/<ul class=\"nav nav-tabs fd-clr\">(.*?)<\/ul>/is', $html, $img);
+        if (!isset($img[0])) {
+            return '';
+        }
+        preg_match_all('/preview":"(.*?)\"\}\'>/is', $img[0], $arrb);
+        if (!isset($arrb[1]) || count($arrb[1]) <= 0) {
+            return '';
+        }
+        $thumb = [];
+        $gaoqing = [];
+        $res = ['thumb' => '', 'gaoqing' => ''];  //缩略图片和高清图片
+        foreach ($arrb[1] as $k => $v) {
+            $_str = str_replace(['","original":"'], '*', $v);
+            $_arr = explode('*', $_str);
+            if (is_array($_arr) && isset($_arr[0]) && isset($_arr[1])) {
+                if (strpos($_arr[0], '?')) {
+                    $_tarr = explode('?', $_arr[0]);
+                    $_arr[0] = trim($_tarr[0]);
+                }
+                if (strpos($_arr[1], '?')) {
+                    $_tarr = explode('?', $_arr[1]);
+                    $_arr[1] = trim($_tarr[0]);
+                }
+                if ($this->_img_exists($_arr[0])) $thumb[] = trim($_arr[0]);
+                if ($this->_img_exists($_arr[1])) $gaoqing[] = trim($_arr[1]);
+            }
+        }
+        $res = ['thumb' => array_unique($thumb), 'gaoqing' => array_unique($gaoqing)];  //缩略图片和高清图片
+        return $res;
+    }
+    //获取1688商品描述
+    public function get1688Desc($html = '')
+    {
+        preg_match('/data-tfs-url="([^<>]*)data-enable="true"/', $html, $descarr);
+        if (!isset($descarr[1])) return '';
+        return str_replace(['"', ' '], '', $descarr[1]);
+    }
+    //获取天猫商品组图
+    public function getTianMaoImg($html = '')
+    {
+        $pic_size = '430';
+        preg_match('/<img[^>]*id="J_ImgBooth"[^r]*rc=\"([^"]*)\"[^>]*>/', $html, $img);
+        if (isset($img[1])) {
+            $_arr = explode('x', $img[1]);
+            $filename = $_arr[count($_arr) - 1];
+            $pic_size = intval(substr($filename, 0, 3));
+        }
+        preg_match('|<ul id="J_UlThumb" class="tb-thumb tm-clear">(.*)</ul>|isU', $html, $match);
+        preg_match_all('/<img src="(.*?)" \//', $match[1], $images);
+        if (!isset($images[1])) return '';
+        foreach ($images[1] as $k => &$v) {
+            $tmp_v = trim($v);
+            $_arr = explode('x', $tmp_v);
+            $_fname = $_arr[count($_arr) - 1];
+            $_size = intval(substr($_fname, 0, 3));
+            if (strpos($tmp_v, '://')) {
+                $_arr = explode(':', $tmp_v);
+                $r_url = trim($_arr[1]);
+            } else {
+                $r_url = $tmp_v;
+            }
+            $str = str_replace($_size, $pic_size, $r_url);
+            if (strpos($str, '?')) {
+                $_tarr = explode('?', $str);
+                $str = trim($_tarr[0]);
+            }
+            $_i_url = strpos($str, 'http') ? $str : 'http:' . $str;
+            if ($this->_img_exists($_i_url)) {
+                $v = $_i_url;
+            } else {
+                unset($images[1][$k]);
+            }
+        }
+        return array_unique($images[1]);
+    }
+    //获取天猫商品描述
+    public function getTianMaoDesc($html = '')
+    {
+        preg_match('/descUrl":"([^<>]*)","httpsDescUrl":"/', $html, $descarr);
+        if (!isset($descarr[1])) {
+            preg_match('/httpsDescUrl":"([^<>]*)","fetchDcUrl/', $html, $descarr);
+            if (!isset($descarr[1])) return '';
+        }
+        return strpos($descarr[1], 'http') ? $descarr[1] : 'http:' . $descarr[1];
+    }
+    //获取淘宝商品组图
+    public function getTaobaoImg($html = '')
+    {
+        preg_match('/auctionImages([^<>]*)"]/', $html, $imgarr);
+        if (!isset($imgarr[1])) return '';
+        $arr = explode(',', $imgarr[1]);
+        foreach ($arr as $k => &$v) {
+            $str = trim($v);
+            $str = str_replace(['"', ' ', '', ':['], '', $str);
+            if (strpos($str, '?')) {
+                $_tarr = explode('?', $str);
+                $str = trim($_tarr[0]);
+            }
+            $_i_url = strpos($str, 'http') ? $str : 'http:' . $str;
+            if ($this->_img_exists($_i_url)) {
+                $v = $_i_url;
+            } else {
+                unset($arr[$k]);
+            }
+        }
+        return array_unique($arr);
+    }
+    //获取淘宝商品描述
+    public function getTaobaoDesc($html = '')
+    {
+        preg_match('/descUrl([^<>]*)counterApi/', $html, $descarr);
+        if (!isset($descarr[1])) return '';
+        $arr = explode(':', $descarr[1]);
+        $url = [];
+        foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
+            if (strpos($v, '//')) {
+                $str = str_replace(['\'', ',', ' ', '?', ':'], '', $v);
+                $url[] = trim($str);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($url) {
+            return strpos($url[0], 'http') ? $url[0] : 'http:' . $url[0];
+        } else {
+            return '';
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * GET 请求
+     * @param string $url
+     */
+    public function curl_Get($url = '', $time_out = 25)
+    {
+        if (!$url) return '';
+        $ch = curl_init();
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // 跳过证书检查  
+        if (stripos($url, "https://") !== FALSE) {
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);  // 从证书中检查SSL加密算法是否存在
+        }
+        $headers = ['user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36'];
+        if ($this->webnname) {
+            $headers[] = $this->webcookie["$this->webnname"];
+        }
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $time_out);
+        $response = curl_exec($ch);
+        if ($error = curl_error($ch)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        curl_close($ch);
+        return mb_convert_encoding($response, 'utf-8', 'GB2312');
+    }
+    //检测远程文件是否存在
+    public function _img_exists($url = '')
+    {
+        ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
+        $str = @file_get_contents($url, 0, null, 0, 1);
+        if (strlen($str) <= 0) return false;
+        if ($str)
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    //TODO 下载图片
+    public function downloadImage($url = '', $name = '', $type = 0, $timeout = 30, $w = 0, $h = 0)
+    {
+        if (!strlen(trim($url))) return '';
+        if (!strlen(trim($name))) {
+            //TODO 获取要下载的文件名称
+            $downloadImageInfo = $this->getImageExtname($url);
+            $name = $downloadImageInfo['file_name'];
+            if (!strlen(trim($name))) return '';
+        }
+        //TODO 获取远程文件所采用的方法
+        if ($type) {
+            $ch = curl_init();
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false);
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); //TODO 跳过证书检查
+            if (stripos($url, "https://") !== FALSE) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);  //TODO 从证书中检查SSL加密算法是否存在
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('user-agent:' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));
+            if (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && ini_get('safe_mode' == 'Off')) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);//TODO 是否采集301、302之后的页面
+            $content = curl_exec($ch);
+            curl_close($ch);
+        } else {
+            try {
+                ob_start();
+                readfile($url);
+                $content = ob_get_contents();
+                ob_end_clean();
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                return $e->getMessage();
+            }
+        }
+        $size = strlen(trim($content));
+        if (!$content || $size <= 2) return '图片流获取失败';
+        $date_dir = date('Y') . DS . date('m') . DS . date('d');
+        $upload_type = sys_config('upload_type', 1);
+        $upload = new Upload((int)$upload_type, [
+            'accessKey' => sys_config('accessKey'),
+            'secretKey' => sys_config('secretKey'),
+            'uploadUrl' => sys_config('uploadUrl'),
+            'storageName' => sys_config('storage_name'),
+            'storageRegion' => sys_config('storage_region'),
+        ]);
+        $info = $upload->to('attach/' . $date_dir)->validate()->stream($content, $name);
+        if ($info === false) {
+            return $upload->getError();
+        }
+        $imageInfo = $upload->getUploadInfo();
+        $date['path'] = $imageInfo['dir'];
+        $date['name'] = $imageInfo['name'];
+        $date['size'] = $imageInfo['size'];
+        $date['mime'] = $imageInfo['type'];
+        $date['image_type'] = $upload_type;
+        $date['is_exists'] = false;
+        return $date;
+    }
+    //获取即将要下载的图片扩展名
+    public function getImageExtname($url = '', $ex = 'jpg')
+    {
+        $_empty = ['file_name' => '', 'ext_name' => $ex];
+        if (!$url) return $_empty;
+        if (strpos($url, '?')) {
+            $_tarr = explode('?', $url);
+            $url = trim($_tarr[0]);
+        }
+        $arr = explode('.', $url);
+        if (!is_array($arr) || count($arr) <= 1) return $_empty;
+        $ext_name = trim($arr[count($arr) - 1]);
+        $ext_name = !$ext_name ? $ex : $ext_name;
+        return ['file_name' => md5($url) . '.' . $ext_name, 'ext_name' => $ext_name];
+    }
+    /*
+      $filepath = 绝对路径,末尾有斜杠 /
+      $name = 图片文件名
+      $maxwidth 定义生成图片的最大宽度(单位:像素)
+      $maxheight 生成图片的最大高度(单位:像素)
+      $filetype 最终生成的图片类型(.jpg/.png/.gif)
+    */
+    public function resizeImage($filepath = '', $name = '', $maxwidth = 0, $maxheight = 0)
+    {
+        $pic_file = $filepath . $name; //图片文件
+        $img_info = getimagesize($pic_file); //索引 2 是图像类型的标记:1 = GIF,2 = JPG,3 = PNG,4 = SWF,5 = PSD,
+        if ($img_info[2] == 1) {
+            $im = imagecreatefromgif($pic_file); //打开图片
+            $filetype = '.gif';
+        } elseif ($img_info[2] == 2) {
+            $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($pic_file); //打开图片
+            $filetype = '.jpg';
+        } elseif ($img_info[2] == 3) {
+            $im = imagecreatefrompng($pic_file); //打开图片
+            $filetype = '.png';
+        } else {
+            return ['path' => $filepath, 'file' => $name, 'mime' => ''];
+        }
+        $file_name = md5('_tmp_' . microtime() . '_' . rand(0, 10)) . $filetype;
+        $pic_width = imagesx($im);
+        $pic_height = imagesy($im);
+        $resizewidth_tag = false;
+        $resizeheight_tag = false;
+        if (($maxwidth && $pic_width > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight && $pic_height > $maxheight)) {
+            if ($maxwidth && $pic_width > $maxwidth) {
+                $widthratio = $maxwidth / $pic_width;
+                $resizewidth_tag = true;
+            }
+            if ($maxheight && $pic_height > $maxheight) {
+                $heightratio = $maxheight / $pic_height;
+                $resizeheight_tag = true;
+            }
+            if ($resizewidth_tag && $resizeheight_tag) {
+                if ($widthratio < $heightratio)
+                    $ratio = $widthratio;
+                else
+                    $ratio = $heightratio;
+            }
+            if ($resizewidth_tag && !$resizeheight_tag)
+                $ratio = $widthratio;
+            if ($resizeheight_tag && !$resizewidth_tag)
+                $ratio = $heightratio;
+            $newwidth = $pic_width * $ratio;
+            $newheight = $pic_height * $ratio;
+            if (function_exists("imagecopyresampled")) {
+                $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
+                imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $pic_width, $pic_height);
+            } else {
+                $newim = imagecreate($newwidth, $newheight);
+                imagecopyresized($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $pic_width, $pic_height);
+            }
+            if ($filetype == '.png') {
+                imagepng($newim, $filepath . $file_name);
+            } else if ($filetype == '.gif') {
+                imagegif($newim, $filepath . $file_name);
+            } else {
+                imagejpeg($newim, $filepath . $file_name);
+            }
+            imagedestroy($newim);
+        } else {
+            if ($filetype == '.png') {
+                imagepng($im, $filepath . $file_name);
+            } else if ($filetype == '.gif') {
+                imagegif($im, $filepath . $file_name);
+            } else {
+                imagejpeg($im, $filepath . $file_name);
+            }
+            imagedestroy($im);
+        }
+        @unlink($pic_file);
+        return ['path' => $filepath, 'file' => $file_name, 'mime' => $img_info['mime']];
+    }

+ 198 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\store;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\Request;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use app\admin\model\store\StoreCategory as CategoryModel;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, JsonService as Json, UtilService as Util};
+ * 产品分类控制器
+ * Class StoreCategory
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class StoreCategory extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign('pid', $this->request->get('pid', 0));
+        $this->assign('cate', CategoryModel::getTierList(null, 0));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     *  异步获取分类列表
+     *  @return json
+     */
+    public function category_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['is_show', ''],
+            ['pid', $this->request->param('pid', '')],
+            ['cate_name', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['order', '']
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(CategoryModel::CategoryList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置产品分类上架|下架
+     * @param string $is_show
+     * @param string $id
+     */
+    public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
+    {
+        ($is_show == '' || $id == '') && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (CategoryModel::setCategoryShow($id, (int)$is_show)) {
+            return Json::successful($is_show == 1 ? '显示成功' : '隐藏成功');
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail(CategoryModel::getErrorInfo($is_show == 1 ? '显示失败' : '隐藏失败'));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 快速编辑
+     * @param string $field
+     * @param string $id
+     * @param string $value
+     */
+    public function set_category($field = '', $id = '', $value = '')
+    {
+        $field == '' || $id == '' || $value == '' && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (CategoryModel::where('id', $id)->update([$field => $value]))
+            return Json::successful('保存成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('保存失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $field = [
+            Form::select('pid', '父级')->setOptions(function () {
+                $list = CategoryModel::getTierList(null, 0);
+                $menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级菜单']];
+                foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['cate_name']];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            })->filterable(1),
+            Form::input('cate_name', '分类名称'),
+            Form::frameImageOne('pic', '分类图标(180*180)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'pic')))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::number('sort', '排序'),
+            Form::radio('is_show', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '显示', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '隐藏', 'value' => 0]])
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加分类', $field, Url::buildUrl('save'), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function save(Request $request)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'pid',
+            'cate_name',
+            ['pic', []],
+            'sort',
+            ['is_show', 0]
+        ], $request);
+        if ($data['pid'] == '') return Json::fail('请选择父类');
+        if (!$data['cate_name']) return Json::fail('请输入分类名称');
+        if (count($data['pic']) < 1) return Json::fail('请上传分类图标');
+        if ($data['sort'] < 0) $data['sort'] = 0;
+        $data['pic'] = $data['pic'][0];
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        CategoryModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加分类成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $c = CategoryModel::get($id);
+        if (!$c) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $field = [
+            Form::select('pid', '父级', (string)$c->getData('pid'))->setOptions(function () use ($id) {
+                $list = CategoryModel::getTierList(CategoryModel::where('id', '<>', $id), 0);
+//                $list = (sort_list_tier((CategoryModel::where('id','<>',$id)->select()->toArray(),'顶级','pid','cate_name'));
+                $menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级菜单']];
+                foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['cate_name']];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            })->filterable(1),
+            Form::input('cate_name', '分类名称', $c->getData('cate_name')),
+            Form::frameImageOne('pic', '分类图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'pic')), $c->getData('pic'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::number('sort', '排序', $c->getData('sort')),
+            Form::radio('is_show', '状态', $c->getData('is_show'))->options([['label' => '显示', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '隐藏', 'value' => 0]])
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑分类', $field, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function update(Request $request, $id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'pid',
+            'cate_name',
+            ['pic', []],
+            'sort',
+            ['is_show', 0]
+        ], $request);
+        if ($data['pid'] == '') return Json::fail('请选择父类');
+        if (!$data['cate_name']) return Json::fail('请输入分类名称');
+        if (count($data['pic']) < 1) return Json::fail('请上传分类图标');
+        if ($data['sort'] < 0) $data['sort'] = 0;
+        $data['pic'] = $data['pic'][0];
+        CategoryModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!CategoryModel::delCategory($id))
+            return Json::fail(CategoryModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 154 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\store;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatNews as WechatNewsModel;
+use app\admin\model\article\ArticleCategory as ArticleCategoryModel;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+ * 资讯管理  控制器
+ * Class StoreInfoMana
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreInfoMana extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 新闻管理
+     * */
+    public function index($is_list = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$is_list) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        echo $is_list;
+        exit();
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(ArticleCategoryModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加分类管理
+     * */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        FormBuilder::text('title', '分类昵称');
+        FormBuilder::textarea('intr', '分类简介');
+        FormBuilder::select('new_id', '图文列表', function () {
+            $list    = \app\admin\model\wechat\WechatNews::getNews();
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $roleName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $roleName, 'value' => $id];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->multiple()->filterable();
+        FormBuilder::frameImageOne('image', '分类图片', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        FormBuilder::number('sort', '排序', 0);
+        FormBuilder::radio('status', '状态', [['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']], 1);
+        $rules = FormBuilder::builder()->getContent();
+        $this->assign(['title' => '编辑菜单', 'rules' => $rules, 'save' => Url::buildUrl('save')]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存分类管理
+     * */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'title',
+            'intr',
+            ['new_id', []],
+            ['image', []],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            'status',]);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入分类名称');
+        if (count($data['image']) != 1) return Json::fail('请选择分类图片,并且只能上传一张');
+        if ($data['sort'] < 0) return Json::fail('排序不能是负数');
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        $data['image']    = $data['image'][0];
+        $new_id           = $data['new_id'];
+        unset($data['new_id']);
+        $res = ArticleCategoryModel::create($data);
+        if (!WechatNewsModel::saveBatchCid($res['id'], implode(',', $new_id))) return Json::fail('文章列表添加失败');
+        return Json::successful('添加分类成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改分类
+     * */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $this->assign(['title' => '编辑菜单', 'read' => Url::buildUrl('read', array('id' => $id)), 'update' => Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id))]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function read($id)
+    {
+        $article = ArticleCategoryModel::get($id)->getData();
+        if (!$article) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        FormBuilder::text('title', '分类昵称', $article['title']);
+        FormBuilder::textarea('intr', '分类简介', $article['intr']);
+        $arr    = ArticleCategoryModel::getArticle($id, 'id,title,cid');//子文章
+        $new_id = array();
+        foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
+            $new_id[$k] = $k;
+        }
+        FormBuilder::select('new_id', '文章列表', function () {
+            $list    = \app\admin\model\wechat\WechatNews::getNews();
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $roleName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $roleName, 'value' => $id];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        }, $new_id)->multiple();
+        FormBuilder::upload('image', '分类图片')->defaultFileList($article['image']);
+        FormBuilder::number('sort', '排序', $article['sort']);
+        FormBuilder::radio('status', '状态', [['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']], $article['status']);
+        return FormBuilder::builder();
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'title',
+            'intr',
+            ['new_id', []],
+            ['image', []],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            'status',]);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入分类名称');
+        if (count($data['image']) != 1) return Json::fail('请选择分类图片,并且只能上传一张');
+        if ($data['sort'] < 0) return Json::fail('排序不能是负数');
+        $data['image'] = $data['image'][0];
+//        dump($data);
+//        exit;
+        if (!ArticleCategoryModel::get($id)) return Json::fail('编辑的记录不存在!');
+        if (!WechatNewsModel::saveBatchCid($id, implode(',', $data['new_id']))) return Json::fail('文章列表添加失败');
+        unset($data['new_id']);
+        ArticleCategoryModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除分类
+     * */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        $res = ArticleCategoryModel::delArticleCategory($id);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(ArticleCategoryModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 723 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\store;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\store\{
+    StoreDescription,
+    StoreProductAttrValue,
+    StoreProductAttr,
+    StoreProductAttrResult,
+    StoreProductCate,
+    StoreProductRelation,
+    StoreCategory as CategoryModel,
+    StoreProduct as ProductModel
+use app\admin\model\ump\StoreBargain;
+use app\admin\model\ump\StoreCombination;
+use app\admin\model\ump\StoreSeckill;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    JsonService, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json, FormBuilder as Form
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\{
+    SystemAttachment, ShippingTemplates
+ * 产品管理
+ * Class StoreProduct
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreProduct extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    protected $bindModel = ProductModel::class;
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $type = $this->request->param('type');
+        //获取分类
+        $this->assign('cate', CategoryModel::getTierList(null, 1));
+        //出售中产品
+        $onsale = ProductModel::where('is_del', 0)->where('is_show', 1)->count();
+        //待上架产品
+        $forsale = ProductModel::where('is_del', 0)->where('is_show', 0)->count();
+        //仓库中产品
+        $warehouse = ProductModel::where('is_del', 0)->count();
+        //已经售馨产品
+        $outofstock = ProductModel::getModelObject()->where(ProductModel::setData(4))->where('pav.type', 0)->count('DISTINCT id');
+        //警戒库存
+        $store_stock = sys_config('store_stock');
+        if ($store_stock < 0) $store_stock = 2;
+        $policeforce = ProductModel::getModelObject()->where(ProductModel::setData(5))->where('p.stock', '<=', $store_stock)->where('pav.type', 0)->count('DISTINCT id');
+        //回收站
+        $recycle = ProductModel::where('is_del', 1)->count();
+        if ($type == null) $type = 1;
+        $this->assign(compact('type', 'onsale', 'forsale', 'warehouse', 'outofstock', 'policeforce', 'recycle'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 异步查找产品
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function product_ist()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['store_name', ''],
+            ['cate_id', ''],
+            ['excel', 0],
+            ['order', ''],
+            ['type', $this->request->param('type')]
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(ProductModel::ProductList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置单个产品上架|下架
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
+    {
+        ($is_show == '' || $id == '') && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        $res = ProductModel::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
+        if ($res) {
+            return Json::successful($is_show == 1 ? '上架成功' : '下架成功');
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail($is_show == 1 ? '上架失败' : '下架失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 快速编辑
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_product($field = '', $id = '', $value = '')
+    {
+        $field == '' || $id == '' || $value == '' && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (ProductModel::where(['id' => $id])->update([$field => $value]))
+            return Json::successful('保存成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('保存失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置批量产品上架
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function product_show()
+    {
+        $post = Util::postMore([
+            ['ids', []]
+        ]);
+        if (empty($post['ids'])) {
+            return Json::fail('请选择需要上架的产品');
+        } else {
+            $res = ProductModel::where('id', 'in', $post['ids'])->update(['is_show' => 1]);
+            if ($res)
+                return Json::successful('上架成功');
+            else
+                return Json::fail('上架失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create($id = 0)
+    {
+        $this->assign('id', (int)$id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取规则属性模板
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function get_rule()
+    {
+        return Json::successful(\app\models\store\StoreProductRule::field(['rule_name', 'rule_value'])->select()->each(function ($item) {
+            $item['rule_value'] = json_decode($item['rule_value'], true);
+        })->toArray());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取产品详细信息
+     * @param int $id
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function get_product_info($id = 0)
+    {
+        $list = CategoryModel::getTierList(null, 1);
+        $menus = [];
+        foreach ($list as $menu) {
+            $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['cate_name'], 'disabled' => $menu['pid'] == 0 ? 0 : 1];//,'disabled'=>$menu['pid']== 0];
+        }
+        $data['tempList'] = ShippingTemplates::order('sort', 'desc')->field(['id', 'name'])->select()->toArray();
+        $data['cateList'] = $menus;
+        $data['productInfo'] = [];
+        if ($id) {
+            $productInfo = ProductModel::get($id);
+            if (!$productInfo) {
+                return Json::fail('修改的产品不存在');
+            }
+            $productInfo['cate_id'] = explode(',', $productInfo['cate_id']);
+            $productInfo['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(StoreDescription::getDescription($id));
+            $productInfo['slider_image'] = is_string($productInfo['slider_image']) ? json_decode($productInfo['slider_image'], true) : [];
+            if ($productInfo['spec_type'] == 1) {
+                $result = StoreProductAttrResult::getResult($id);
+                foreach ($result['value'] as $k => $v) {
+                    $num = 1;
+                    foreach ($v['detail'] as $dv) {
+                        $result['value'][$k]['value' . $num] = $dv;
+                        $num++;
+                    }
+                }
+                $productInfo['items'] = $result['attr'] ?? [];
+                $productInfo['attrs'] = $result['value'] ?? [];
+                $productInfo['attr'] = ['pic' => '', 'price' => 0, 'cost' => 0, 'ot_price' => 0, 'stock' => 0, 'bar_code' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'volume' => 0, 'brokerage' => 0, 'brokerage_two' => 0];
+            } else {
+                $result = StoreProductAttrResult::getResult($id);
+                $single = isset($result['value'][0]) ? $result['value'][0] : [];
+                $productInfo['items'] = [];
+                $productInfo['attrs'] = [];
+                $productInfo['attr'] = [
+                    'pic' => $single['pic'] ?? '',
+                    'price' => $single['price'] ?? 0,
+                    'cost' => $single['cost'] ?? 0,
+                    'ot_price' => $single['ot_price'] ?? 0,
+                    'stock' => $single['stock'] ?? 0,
+                    'bar_code' => $single['bar_code'] ?? '',
+                    'weight' => $single['weight'] ?? 0,
+                    'volume' => $single['volume'] ?? 0,
+                    'brokerage' => $single['brokerage'] ?? 0,
+                    'brokerage_two' => $single['brokerage_two'] ?? 0,
+                ];
+            }
+            if ($productInfo['activity']) {
+                $activity = explode(',', $productInfo['activity']);
+                foreach ($activity as $k => $v) {
+                    if ($v == 1) {
+                        $activity[$k] = '秒杀';
+                    } elseif ($v == 2) {
+                        $activity[$k] = '砍价';
+                    } elseif ($v == 3) {
+                        $activity[$k] = '拼团';
+                    }
+                }
+                $productInfo['activity'] = $activity;
+            } else {
+                $productInfo['activity'] = ['秒杀', '砍价', '拼团'];
+            }
+            $data['productInfo'] = $productInfo;
+        }
+        return JsonService::successful($data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    public function save($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['cate_id', []],
+            'store_name',
+            'store_info',
+            'keyword',
+            ['unit_name', '件'],
+            ['image', []],
+            ['slider_image', []],
+            ['postage', 0],
+            ['is_sub', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['sales', 0],
+            ['ficti', 100],
+            ['give_integral', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0],
+            ['temp_id', 0],
+            ['is_hot', 0],
+            ['is_benefit', 0],
+            ['is_best', 0],
+            ['is_new', 0],
+            ['mer_use', 0],
+            ['is_postage', 0],
+            ['is_good', 0],
+            ['description', ''],
+            ['spec_type', 0],
+            ['video_link', ''],
+            ['items', []],
+            ['attrs', []],
+            ['activity', []],
+            ['store_type', 1]
+        ]);
+        foreach ($data['activity'] as $k => $v) {
+            if ($v == '秒杀') {
+                $data['activity'][$k] = 1;
+            } elseif ($v == '砍价') {
+                $data['activity'][$k] = 2;
+            } else {
+                $data['activity'][$k] = 3;
+            }
+        }
+        $data['activity'] = implode(',', $data['activity']);
+        $detail = $data['attrs'];
+        $data['price'] = min(array_column($detail, 'price'));
+        $data['ot_price'] = min(array_column($detail, 'ot_price'));
+        $data['cost'] = min(array_column($detail, 'cost'));
+        $attr = $data['items'];
+        unset($data['items'], $data['video'], $data['attrs']);
+        if (count($data['cate_id']) < 1) return Json::fail('请选择产品分类');
+        if (!in_array($data['store_type'], [1, 2])) return Json::fail('请选择正确的商品类型');
+        $cate_id = $data['cate_id'];
+        $data['cate_id'] = implode(',', $data['cate_id']);
+        if (!$data['store_name']) return Json::fail('请输入产品名称');
+        if (count($data['image']) < 1) return Json::fail('请上传产品图片');
+        if (count($data['slider_image']) < 1) return Json::fail('请上传产品轮播图');
+        $data['image'] = $data['image'][0];
+        $data['slider_image'] = json_encode($data['slider_image']);
+        $data['stock'] = array_sum(array_column($detail, 'stock'));
+        ProductModel::beginTrans();
+        foreach ($detail as &$item) {
+            if (($item['brokerage'] + $item['brokerage_two']) > $item['price']) {
+                return Json::fail('一二级返佣相加不能大于商品售价');
+            }
+        }
+        if ($id) {
+            unset($data['sales']);
+            ProductModel::edit($data, $id);
+            $description = $data['description'];
+            unset($data['description']);
+            StoreDescription::saveDescription($description, $id);
+            StoreProductCate::where('product_id', $id)->delete();
+            $cateData = [];
+            foreach ($cate_id as $cid) {
+                $cateData[] = ['product_id' => $id, 'cate_id' => $cid, 'add_time' => time()];
+            }
+            StoreProductCate::insertAll($cateData);
+            if ($data['spec_type'] == 0) {
+                $attr = [
+                    [
+                        'value' => '规格',
+                        'detailValue' => '',
+                        'attrHidden' => '',
+                        'detail' => ['默认']
+                    ]
+                ];
+                $detail[0]['value1'] = '规格';
+                $detail[0]['detail'] = ['规格' => '默认'];
+            }
+            $attr_res = StoreProductAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $id);
+            if ($attr_res) {
+                ProductModel::commitTrans();
+                return Json::success('修改成功!');
+            } else {
+                ProductModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::fail(StoreProductAttr::getErrorInfo());
+            }
+        } else {
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $data['code_path'] = '';
+            $res = ProductModel::create($data);
+            $description = $data['description'];
+            StoreDescription::saveDescription($description, $res['id']);
+            $cateData = [];
+            foreach ($cate_id as $cid) {
+                $cateData[] = ['product_id' => $res['id'], 'cate_id' => $cid, 'add_time' => time()];
+            }
+            StoreProductCate::insertAll($cateData);
+            if ($data['spec_type'] == 0) {
+                $attr = [
+                    [
+                        'value' => '规格',
+                        'detailValue' => '',
+                        'attrHidden' => '',
+                        'detail' => ['默认']
+                    ]
+                ];
+                $detail[0]['value1'] = '规格';
+                $detail[0]['detail'] = ['规格' => '默认'];
+            }
+            $attr_res = StoreProductAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $res['id']);
+            if ($attr_res) {
+                ProductModel::commitTrans();
+                return Json::success('添加产品成功!');
+            } else {
+                ProductModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::fail(StoreProductAttr::getErrorInfo());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public function edit_content($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = ProductModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign([
+            'content' => $product->description,
+            'field' => 'description',
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('change_field', ['id' => $id, 'field' => 'description'])
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/edit_content');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = ProductModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $field = [
+            Form::select('cate_id', '产品分类', explode(',', $product->getData('cate_id')))->setOptions(function () {
+                $list = CategoryModel::getTierList(null, 1);
+                $menus = [];
+                foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['html'] . $menu['cate_name'], 'disabled' => $menu['pid'] == 0];//,'disabled'=>$menu['pid']== 0];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            })->filterable(1)->multiple(1),
+            Form::input('store_name', '产品名称', $product->getData('store_name')),
+            Form::input('store_info', '产品简介', $product->getData('store_info'))->type('textarea'),
+            Form::input('keyword', '产品关键字', $product->getData('keyword'))->placeholder('多个用英文状态下的逗号隔开'),
+            Form::input('unit_name', '产品单位', $product->getData('unit_name'))->col(12),
+            Form::input('bar_code', '产品条码', $product->getData('bar_code'))->col(12),
+            Form::frameImageOne('image', '产品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $product->getData('image'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::frameImages('slider_image', '产品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'slider_image')), json_decode($product->getData('slider_image'), 1) ?: [])->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::number('price', '产品售价', $product->getData('price'))->min(0)->col(8),
+            Form::number('ot_price', '产品市场价', $product->getData('ot_price'))->min(0)->col(8),
+            Form::number('give_integral', '赠送积分', $product->getData('give_integral'))->min(0)->col(8),
+            Form::number('postage', '邮费', $product->getData('postage'))->min(0)->col(8),
+            Form::number('sales', '销量', $product->getData('sales'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(8)->readonly(1),
+            Form::number('ficti', '虚拟销量', $product->getData('ficti'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(8),
+            Form::number('stock', '库存', ProductModel::getStock($id) > 0 ? ProductModel::getStock($id) : $product->getData('stock'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(8),
+            Form::number('cost', '产品成本价', $product->getData('cost'))->min(0)->col(8),
+            Form::number('sort', '排序', $product->getData('sort'))->col(8),
+            Form::radio('is_show', '产品状态', $product->getData('is_show'))->options([['label' => '上架', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '下架', 'value' => 0]])->col(8),
+            Form::radio('is_hot', '热卖单品', $product->getData('is_hot'))->options([['label' => '是', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '否', 'value' => 0]])->col(8),
+            Form::radio('is_benefit', '促销单品', $product->getData('is_benefit'))->options([['label' => '是', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '否', 'value' => 0]])->col(8),
+            Form::radio('is_best', '精品推荐', $product->getData('is_best'))->options([['label' => '是', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '否', 'value' => 0]])->col(8),
+            Form::radio('is_new', '首发新品', $product->getData('is_new'))->options([['label' => '是', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '否', 'value' => 0]])->col(8),
+            Form::radio('is_postage', '是否包邮', $product->getData('is_postage'))->options([['label' => '是', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '否', 'value' => 0]])->col(8),
+            Form::radio('is_good', '是否优品推荐', $product->getData('is_good'))->options([['label' => '是', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '否', 'value' => 0]])->col(8),
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑产品', $field, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['cate_id', []],
+            'store_name',
+            'store_info',
+            'keyword',
+            'bar_code',
+            ['unit_name', '件'],
+            ['image', []],
+            ['slider_image', []],
+            ['postage', 0],
+            ['ot_price', 0],
+            ['price', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['stock', 0],
+            ['temp_id', 0],
+            ['ficti', 100],
+            ['give_integral', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0],
+            ['cost', 0],
+            ['is_hot', 0],
+            ['is_benefit', 0],
+            ['is_best', 0],
+            ['is_new', 0],
+            ['mer_use', 0],
+            ['is_postage', 0],
+            ['is_good', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (count($data['cate_id']) < 1) return Json::fail('请选择产品分类');
+        $cate_id = $data['cate_id'];
+        $data['cate_id'] = implode(',', $data['cate_id']);
+        if (!$data['store_name']) return Json::fail('请输入产品名称');
+        if (count($data['image']) < 1) return Json::fail('请上传产品图片');
+        if (count($data['slider_image']) < 1) return Json::fail('请上传产品轮播图');
+        // if(count($data['slider_image'])>8) return Json::fail('轮播图最多5张图');
+        if ($data['price'] == '' || $data['price'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入产品售价');
+        if ($data['ot_price'] == '' || $data['ot_price'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入产品市场价');
+        if ($data['stock'] == '' || $data['stock'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入库存');
+        $data['image'] = $data['image'][0];
+        $data['slider_image'] = json_encode($data['slider_image']);
+        ProductModel::edit($data, $id);
+        StoreProductCate::where('product_id', $id)->delete();
+        foreach ($cate_id as $cid) {
+            StoreProductCate::insert(['product_id' => $id, 'cate_id' => $cid, 'add_time' => time()]);
+        }
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    public function attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+//        $result = StoreProductAttrResult::getResult($id);
+        $result = StoreProductAttrValue::getStoreProductAttrResult($id);
+        $image = ProductModel::where('id', $id)->value('image');
+        $this->assign(compact('id', 'result', 'image'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 生成属性
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function is_format_attr($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['attrs', []],
+            ['items', []]
+        ]);
+        $attr = $data['attrs'];
+        $value = attr_format($attr)[1];
+        $valueNew = [];
+        $count = 0;
+        foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
+            $detail = $item['detail'];
+//            sort($item['detail'], SORT_STRING);
+            $suk = implode(',', $item['detail']);
+            if ($id) {
+                $sukValue = StoreProductAttrValue::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', 0)->where('suk', $suk)->column('bar_code,cost,price,ot_price,stock,image as pic,weight,volume,brokerage,brokerage_two', 'suk');
+                if (!count($sukValue)) {
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['pic'] = '';
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['price'] = 0;
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['cost'] = 0;
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['ot_price'] = 0;
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['stock'] = 0;
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['bar_code'] = '';
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['weight'] = 0;
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['volume'] = 0;
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage'] = 0;
+                    $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage_two'] = 0;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $sukValue[$suk]['pic'] = '';
+                $sukValue[$suk]['price'] = 0;
+                $sukValue[$suk]['cost'] = 0;
+                $sukValue[$suk]['ot_price'] = 0;
+                $sukValue[$suk]['stock'] = 0;
+                $sukValue[$suk]['bar_code'] = '';
+                $sukValue[$suk]['weight'] = 0;
+                $sukValue[$suk]['volume'] = 0;
+                $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage'] = 0;
+                $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage_two'] = 0;
+            }
+            foreach (array_keys($detail) as $k => $title) {
+                $header[$k]['title'] = $title;
+                $header[$k]['align'] = 'center';
+                $header[$k]['minWidth'] = 130;
+            }
+            foreach (array_values($detail) as $k => $v) {
+                $valueNew[$count]['value' . ($k + 1)] = $v;
+                $header[$k]['key'] = 'value' . ($k + 1);
+            }
+            $valueNew[$count]['detail'] = $detail;
+            $valueNew[$count]['pic'] = $sukValue[$suk]['pic'] ?? '';
+            $valueNew[$count]['price'] = $sukValue[$suk]['price'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['price']) : 0;
+            $valueNew[$count]['cost'] = $sukValue[$suk]['cost'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['cost']) : 0;
+            $valueNew[$count]['ot_price'] = isset($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) : 0;
+            $valueNew[$count]['stock'] = $sukValue[$suk]['stock'] ? intval($sukValue[$suk]['stock']) : 0;
+            $valueNew[$count]['bar_code'] = $sukValue[$suk]['bar_code'] ?? '';
+            $valueNew[$count]['weight'] = $sukValue[$suk]['weight'] ?? 0;
+            $valueNew[$count]['volume'] = $sukValue[$suk]['volume'] ?? 0;
+            $valueNew[$count]['brokerage'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage'] ?? 0;
+            $valueNew[$count]['brokerage_two'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage_two'] ?? 0;
+            $count++;
+        }
+        $header[] = ['title' => '图片', 'slot' => 'pic', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 80];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '售价', 'slot' => 'price', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 120];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '成本价', 'slot' => 'cost', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 140];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '原价', 'slot' => 'ot_price', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 140];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '库存', 'slot' => 'stock', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 140];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '产品编号', 'slot' => 'bar_code', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 140];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '重量(KG)', 'slot' => 'weight', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 140];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '体积(m³)', 'slot' => 'volume', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 140];
+        $header[] = ['title' => '操作', 'slot' => 'action', 'align' => 'center', 'minWidth' => 70];
+        $info = ['attr' => $attr, 'value' => $valueNew, 'header' => $header];
+        return Json::successful($info);
+    }
+    public function set_attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('产品不存在!');
+        list($attr, $detail) = Util::postMore([
+            ['items', []],
+            ['attrs', []]
+        ], null, true);
+        $res = StoreProductAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $id);
+        if ($res)
+            return $this->successful('编辑属性成功!');
+        else
+            return $this->failed(StoreProductAttr::getErrorInfo());
+    }
+    public function clear_attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('产品不存在!');
+        if (false !== StoreProductAttr::clearProductAttr($id) && false !== StoreProductAttrResult::clearResult($id))
+            return $this->successful('清空产品属性成功!');
+        else
+            return $this->failed(StoreProductAttr::getErrorInfo('清空产品属性失败!'));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        if (!ProductModel::be(['id' => $id])) return $this->failed('产品数据不存在');
+        if (ProductModel::be(['id' => $id, 'is_del' => 1])) {
+            $data['is_del'] = 0;
+            if (!ProductModel::edit($data, $id))
+                return Json::fail(ProductModel::getErrorInfo('恢复失败,请稍候再试!'));
+            else
+                return Json::successful('成功恢复产品!');
+        } else {
+            $res1 = StoreSeckill::where('product_id', $id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
+            $res2 = StoreBargain::where('product_id', $id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
+            $res3 = StoreCombination::where('product_id', $id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
+            if ($res1 || $res2 || $res3) {
+                return Json::fail(ProductModel::getErrorInfo('该商品已参加活动,无法删除!'));
+            } else {
+                $data['is_del'] = 1;
+                if (!ProductModel::edit($data, $id))
+                    return Json::fail(ProductModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+                else
+                    return Json::successful('成功移到回收站!');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 点赞
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function collect($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = ProductModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign(StoreProductRelation::getCollect($id));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 收藏
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function like($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = ProductModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign(StoreProductRelation::getLike($id));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改产品价格
+     */
+    public function edit_product_price()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['id', 0],
+            ['price', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $res = ProductModel::edit(['price' => $data['price']], $data['id']);
+        if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功');
+        else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改产品库存
+     *
+     */
+    public function edit_product_stock()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['id', 0],
+            ['stock', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $res = ProductModel::edit(['stock' => $data['stock']], $data['id']);
+        if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功');
+        else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 检测商品是否开活动
+     * @param $id
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function check_activity($id)
+    {
+        if ($id != 0) {
+            $res1 = StoreSeckill::where('product_id', $id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
+            $res2 = StoreBargain::where('product_id', $id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
+            $res3 = StoreCombination::where('product_id', $id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
+            if ($res1 || $res2 || $res3) {
+                return Json::successful('该商品有活动开启,无法删除属性');
+            } else {
+                return Json::fail();
+            }
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail();
+        }
+    }

+ 176 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\store;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\models\store\StoreOrder;
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\store\StoreProductReply as ProductReplyModel;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    FormBuilder as Form, JsonService as Json, UtilService as Util
+ * 评论管理 控制器
+ * Class StoreProductReply
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreProductReply extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $product_id = input('product_id');
+        if (!$product_id) $product_id = 0;
+        $this->assign('is_layui', true);
+        $this->assign('product_id', (int)$product_id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function get_product_imaes_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 10],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_reply', ''],
+            ['product_name', ''],
+            ['product_id', 0],
+        ]);
+        return Json::successful(ProductReplyModel::getProductImaesList($where));
+    }
+    public function get_product_reply_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['limit', 10],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_reply', ''],
+            ['message_page', 1],
+            ['producr_id', 0],
+            ['order_id', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['score_type', ''],
+        ]);
+        return Json::successful(ProductReplyModel::getProductReplyList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $data['is_del'] = 1;
+        if (!ProductReplyModel::edit($data, $id))
+            return Json::fail(ProductReplyModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    public function set_reply()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'id',
+            'content',
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        if ($data['content'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入回复内容');
+        $save['merchant_reply_content'] = $data['content'];
+        $save['merchant_reply_time'] = time();
+        $save['is_reply'] = 2;
+        $res = ProductReplyModel::edit($save, $data['id']);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(ProductReplyModel::getErrorInfo('回复失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('回复成功!');
+    }
+    public function edit_reply()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'id',
+            'content',
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        if ($data['content'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入回复内容');
+        $save['merchant_reply_content'] = $data['content'];
+        $save['merchant_reply_time'] = time();
+        $save['is_reply'] = 2;
+        $res = ProductReplyModel::edit($save, $data['id']);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(ProductReplyModel::getErrorInfo('回复失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('回复成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加虚拟评论表单
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $field = [
+            Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品', Url::buildUrl('admin/store.StoreProductReply/select', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('plus')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::hidden('product_id', 0),
+            Form::input('nickname', '用户名称')->col(Form::col(24)),
+            Form::input('comment', '评价文字')->type('textarea'),
+            Form::number('product_score', '商品分数')->col(8)->value(5)->min(1)->max(5),
+            Form::number('service_score', '服务分数')->col(8)->value(5)->min(1)->max(5),
+            Form::frameImageOne('avatar', '用户头像', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'avatar')))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::frameImages('pics', '评价图片', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'pics')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px')->spin(0)
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加评论', $field, Url::buildUrl('save'), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 选择商品
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function select()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存评论
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['avatar', ''],
+            ['product_id', ''],
+            ['product_score', 0],
+            ['service_score', 0],
+            ['comment', ''],
+            ['pics', []],
+        ]);
+        if ($data['nickname'] == '') return Json::fail('请填写用户名称');
+        if ($data['avatar'] == '') return Json::fail('请选择用户头像');
+        if ($data['product_id'] == '') return Json::fail('请选择商品');
+        if ($data['comment'] == '') return Json::fail('请填写评价');
+        if (!count($data['pics'])) return Json::fail('请选择评价图片');
+        $data['uid'] = 0;
+        $data['oid'] = 0;
+        $data['unique'] = uniqid();
+        $data['reply_type'] = 'product';
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        $data['pics'] = json_encode($data['pics']);
+        ProductReplyModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加成功!');
+    }

+ 112 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\store;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\Request;
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\models\store\StoreProductRule as ProductRuleModel;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    JsonService as Json, UtilService
+ * 评论管理 控制器
+ * Class StoreProductReply
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreProductRule extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        if (!$this->request->isAjax()) {
+            return $this->fetch();
+        }
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 15],
+            ['rule_name', '']
+        ]);
+        $list = ProductRuleModel::sysPage($where);
+        return Json::successlayui($list);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 创建
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function create($id = 0)
+    {
+        $this->assign(compact('id'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function save(Request $request, $id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['rule_name', ''],
+            ['rule_value', []]
+        ]);
+        if ($data['rule_name'] == '') return $this->fail('请输入规则名称');
+        if (!$data['rule_value']) return $this->fail('缺少规则值');
+        $data['rule_value'] = json_encode($data['rule_value']);
+        if ($id) {
+            $rule = ProductRuleModel::get($id);
+            if (!$rule) return $this->fail('数据不存在');
+            ProductRuleModel::edit($data, $id);
+            return Json::success('编辑成功!');
+        } else {
+            ProductRuleModel::create($data);
+            return Json::success('规则添加成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示指定的资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function read($id)
+    {
+        return Json::successful(ProductRuleModel::sysInfo($id));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete()
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['ids', '']
+        ]);
+        if ($data['ids'] == '') return $this->fail('请至少选择一条数据');
+        $ids = strval($data['ids']);
+        $res = ProductRuleModel::whereIn('id', $ids)->delete();
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(ProductRuleModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::success('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\CacheService;
+ * 首页控制器
+ * Class Clear
+ * @package app\admin\controller
+ *
+ */
+class Clear extends AuthController
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 刷新数据缓存
+     */
+    public function refresh_cache()
+    {
+        $root       = app()->getRootPath() . 'runtime' . DS;
+        $adminRoute = $root . 'admin';
+        $apiRoute   = $root . 'api';
+        $cacheRoute = $root . 'cache';
+        $cache      = [];
+        if (is_dir($adminRoute))
+            $cache[$adminRoute] = scandir($adminRoute);
+        if (is_dir($apiRoute))
+            $cache[$apiRoute] = scandir($apiRoute);
+        if (is_dir($cacheRoute))
+            $cache[$cacheRoute] = scandir($cacheRoute);
+        foreach ($cache as $p => $list) {
+            foreach ($list as $file) {
+                if (!in_array($file, ['.', '..', 'log', 'schema', 'route.php'])) {
+                    $path = $p . DS . $file;
+                    if (is_file($path)) {
+                        @unlink($path);
+                    } else {
+                        $this->delDirAndFile($path . DS);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        CacheService::clear();
+        return app('json')->successful('数据缓存刷新成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除日志
+     */
+    public function delete_log()
+    {
+        $root = app()->getRootPath() . 'runtime' . DS;
+        $this->delDirAndFile($root . 'admin' . DS . 'log' . DS);
+        $this->delDirAndFile($root . 'api' . DS . 'log' . DS);
+        $this->delDirAndFile($root . 'log' . DS);
+        return app('json')->successful('数据缓存刷新成功!');
+    }
+    /** 递归删除文件
+     * @param $dirName
+     * @param bool $subdir
+     */
+    protected function delDirAndFile($dirName)
+    {
+        $list = glob($dirName . '*');
+        foreach ($list as $file) {
+            if (is_dir($file))
+                $this->delDirAndFile($file . DS);
+            else
+                @unlink($file);
+        }
+        @rmdir($dirName);
+    }

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\Express as ExpressModel;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+ * 物流公司管理控制器
+ * Class SystemMenus
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class Express extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $params = Util::getMore([
+            ['keyword', '']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign(ExpressModel::systemPage($params));
+        $this->assign(compact('params'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create($cid = 0)
+    {
+        $formbuider = [
+            Form::input('name', '公司名称')->required('公司名称名称必填'),
+            Form::input('code', '编码'),
+            Form::number('sort', '排序', 0),
+            Form::radio('is_show', '是否启用', 1)->options([['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏'], ['value' => 1, 'label' => '启用']]),
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加物流公司', $formbuider, Url::buildUrl('save'), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'name',
+            'code',
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0]]);
+        if (!$data['name']) return Json::fail('请输入公司名称');
+        ExpressModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加公司成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $menu = ExpressModel::get($id);
+        if (!$menu) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $formbuider = [
+            Form::input('name', '公司名称', $menu['name']),
+            Form::input('code', '编码', $menu['code']),
+            Form::number('sort', '排序', $menu['sort']),
+            Form::radio('is_show', '是否启用', $menu['is_show'])->options([['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏'], ['value' => 1, 'label' => '启用']])
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加物流公司', $formbuider, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'name',
+            'code',
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0]]);
+        if (!$data['name']) return Json::fail('请输入公司名称');
+        if (!ExpressModel::get($id)) return Json::fail('编辑的记录不存在!');
+        ExpressModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('参数错误,请重新打开');
+        $res = ExpressModel::destroy($id);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(ExpressModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment as SystemAttachmentModel;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+ * 附件管理控制器
+ * Class SystemAttachment
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ *
+ */
+class SystemAttachment extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * TODO 编辑器上传图片
+     */
+    public function upload()
+    {
+        $uploadType = (int)sys_config('upload_type', 1);
+        $upload = new Upload($uploadType, [
+            'accessKey' => sys_config('accessKey'),
+            'secretKey' => sys_config('secretKey'),
+            'uploadUrl' => sys_config('uploadUrl'),
+            'storageName' => sys_config('storage_name'),
+            'storageRegion' => sys_config('storage_region'),
+        ]);
+        $resInfo = $upload->to('editor/' . date('Ymd'))->validate()->move('upfile');
+        if ($resInfo === false) {
+            echo json_encode([
+                'msg' => $upload->getError(),
+                'state' => 'ERROR'
+            ]);
+        } else {
+            $res = $upload->getUploadInfo();
+            $res['image_type'] = $uploadType;
+            SystemAttachmentModel::attachmentAdd($res['name'], $res['size'], $res['type'], $res['dir'], $res['thumb_path'], 0, $res['image_type'], $res['time']);
+            $info["originalName"] = $res['name'];
+            $info["name"] = $res['name'];
+            $info["url"] = $res['dir'];
+            $info["size"] = $res['size'];
+            $info["type"] = $res['type'];
+            $info["state"] = "SUCCESS";
+            if ($res['image_type'] == 1) $info['url'] = sys_config('site_url') . str_replace('\\', '/', $res['dir']);
+            echo json_encode($info);
+        }
+    }

+ 250 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: sugar1569
+ * Date: 2018/5/24
+ * Time: 10:58
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\store\StoreProduct;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use crmeb\services\SystemConfigService;
+use think\facade\Config;
+use think\facade\Db;
+ * 清除默认数据理控制器
+ * Class SystemclearData
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemclearData extends AuthController
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //清除用户数据
+    public function userRelevantData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('user_recharge', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_address', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_bill', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_enter', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_extract', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_notice', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_notice_see', 1);
+        self::clearData('wechat_qrcode', 1);
+        self::clearData('wechat_message', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_visit', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_coupon_user', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_coupon_issue_user', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_bargain_user', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_bargain_user_help', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product_reply', 1);
+        self::clearData('routine_qrcode', 1);
+        self::clearData('routine_form_id', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_sign', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_task_finish', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_level', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_token', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_group', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_spread', 1);
+        self::clearData('user_visit', 1);
+        $this->delDirAndFile('./public/uploads/store/comment');
+        self::clearData('store_product_relation', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除商城数据
+    public function storeData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('store_coupon', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_coupon_issue', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_bargain', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_combination', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product_attr', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product_attr_result', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product_attr_value', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product_description', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product_reply', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_seckill', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_visit', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除产品分类
+    public function categoryData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('store_category', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_product_cate', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除订单数据
+    public function orderData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('store_order', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_order_cart_info', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_order_status', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_pink', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_cart', 1);
+        self::clearData('store_order_status', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除客服数据
+    public function kefuData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('store_service', 1);
+        $this->delDirAndFile('./public/uploads/store/service');
+        self::clearData('store_service_log', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除微信管理数据
+    public function wechatData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('wechat_media', 1);
+        self::clearData('wechat_reply', 1);
+        self::clearData('cache', 1);
+        $this->delDirAndFile('./public/uploads/wechat');
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除所有附件
+    public function uploadData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('system_attachment', 1);
+        self::clearData('system_attachment_category', 1);
+        $this->delDirAndFile('./public/uploads/');
+        return Json::successful('清除上传文件成功!');
+    }
+    //清除微信用户
+    public function wechatuserData()
+    {
+        self::clearData('wechat_user', 1);
+        self::clearData('user', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除内容分类
+    public function articledata()
+    {
+        self::clearData('article_category', 1);
+        self::clearData('article', 1);
+        self::clearData('article_content', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除系统记录
+    public function systemdata()
+    {
+        self::clearData('system_notice_admin', 1);
+        self::clearData('system_log', 1);
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 清除数据
+     * @param int $type
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function undata($type = 1)
+    {
+        switch ((int)$type) {
+            case 1:
+                $fileImage = \app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment::where('module_type', 2)->field(['att_dir', 'satt_dir'])->select();
+                foreach ($fileImage as $image) {
+                    if ($image['att_dir'] && ($imagePath = strstr($image['att_dir'], 'uploads')) !== false) {
+                        if (is_file($imagePath))
+                            unlink($imagePath);
+                        unset($imagePath);
+                    }
+                    if ($image['satt_dir'] && ($imagePath = strstr($image['satt_dir'], 'uploads')) !== false) {
+                        if (is_file($imagePath))
+                            unlink($imagePath);
+                        unset($imagePath);
+                    }
+                }
+                \app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment::where('module_type', 2)->delete();
+                @unlink('uploads/follow/follow.jpg');//删除海报二维码
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                StoreProduct::where('is_del', 1)->delete();
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                $value = $this->request->param('value');
+                if (!$value)
+                    return Json::fail('请输入需要更换的域名');
+                if (!verify_domain($value))
+                    return Json::fail('域名不合法');
+                $siteUrl = SystemConfigService::get('site_url', true);
+                $siteUrlJosn = str_replace('http://', 'http:\\/\\/', $siteUrl);
+                $valueJosn = str_replace('http://', 'http:\\/\\/', $value);
+                $prefix = Config::get('database.connections.' . Config::get('database.default') . '.prefix');
+                $sql = [
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}system_attachment` SET `att_dir` = replace(att_dir ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}'),`satt_dir` = replace(satt_dir ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}store_product` SET `image` = replace(image ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}'),`slider_image` = replace(slider_image ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}store_product_attr_value` SET `image` = replace(image ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}store_seckill` SET `image` = replace(image ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}'),`images` = replace(images,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}store_combination` SET `image` = replace(image ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}'),`images` = replace(images,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}store_bargain` SET `image` = replace(image ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}'),`images` = replace(images,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}system_config` SET `value` = replace(value ,'{$siteUrlJosn}','{$valueJosn}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}article_category` SET `image` = replace(`image` ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}article` SET `image_input` = replace(`image_input` ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}article_content` SET `content` = replace(`content` ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}store_category` SET `pic` = replace(`pic` ,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}system_group_data` SET `value` = replace(value ,'{$siteUrlJosn}','{$valueJosn}')",
+                    "UPDATE `{$prefix}store_product_description` SET `description`= replace(description,'{$siteUrl}','{$value}')"
+                ];
+                try {
+                    foreach ($sql as $item) {
+                        db::execute($item);
+                    }
+                } catch (\Throwable $e) {
+                    return Json::fail('替换失败,失败原因:' . $e->getMessage());
+                }
+                return Json::success('替换成功!');
+                break;
+        }
+        return Json::successful('清除数据成功!');
+    }
+    //清除制定表数据
+    public function clearData($table_name, $status)
+    {
+        $table_name = config('database.connections.' . config('database.default'))['prefix'] . $table_name;
+        if ($status) {
+            @db::execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $table_name);
+        } else {
+            @db::execute('DELETE FROM' . $table_name);
+        }
+    }
+    //递归删除文件
+    function delDirAndFile($dirName, $subdir = true)
+    {
+        if ($handle = @opendir("$dirName")) {
+            while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) {
+                if ($item != "." && $item != "..") {
+                    if (is_dir("$dirName/$item"))
+                        $this->delDirAndFile("$dirName/$item", false);
+                    else
+                        @unlink("$dirName/$item");
+                }
+            }
+            closedir($handle);
+            if (!$subdir) @rmdir($dirName);
+        }
+    }

+ 245 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use \crmeb\services\MysqlBackupService as Backup;
+use think\facade\Config;
+use think\facade\Session;
+use think\facade\Db;
+ * 文件校验控制器
+ * Class SystemDatabackup
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ *
+ */
+class SystemDatabackup extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @var Backup
+     */
+    protected $DB;
+    public function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize();
+        $config = array(
+            //数据库备份卷大小
+            'compress' => 1,
+            //数据库备份文件是否启用压缩 0不压缩 1 压缩
+            'level' => 5,
+        );
+        $this->DB = new Backup($config);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 数据类表列表
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取数据库表
+     */
+    public function tablelist()
+    {
+        $db = $this->DB;
+        return Json::result(0, 'sucess', $db->dataList(), count($db->dataList()));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 查看表结构
+     */
+    public function seetable()
+    {
+        request()->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim', 'htmlspecialchars']);
+        $database = Config::get("database.connections." . Config::get('database.default') . '.database');
+        $tablename = request()->param('tablename');
+        $res = Db::query("select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" . $tablename . "' and table_schema = '" . $database . "'");
+        $html = '';
+        $html .= '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">';
+        $html .= '<tbody><tr><th>字段名</th><th>数据类型</th><th>默认值</th><th>允许非空</th><th>自动递增</th><th>备注</th></tr>';
+        $html .= '';
+        foreach ($res AS $f) {
+            $html .= '<td class="c1">' . $f['COLUMN_NAME'] . '</td>';
+            $html .= '<td class="c2">' . $f['COLUMN_TYPE'] . '</td>';
+            $html .= '<td class="c3">' . $f['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] . '</td>';
+            $html .= '<td class="c4">' . $f['IS_NULLABLE'] . '</td>';
+            $html .= '<td class="c5">' . ($f['EXTRA'] == 'auto_increment' ? '是' : ' ') . '</td>';
+            $html .= '<td class="c6">' . $f['COLUMN_COMMENT'] . '</td>';
+            $html .= '</tr>';
+        }
+        $html .= '</tbody></table></p>';
+        $html .= '<p style="text-align:left;margin:20px auto;">总共:' . count($res) . '个字段</p>';
+        $html .= '</body></html>';
+        echo '<style>
+                body,td,th {font-family:"宋体"; font-size:12px;}
+                table,h1,p{width:960px;margin:0px auto;}
+                table{border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid #CCC;background:#efefef;}
+                table caption{text-align:left; background-color:#fff; line-height:2em; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; }
+                table th{text-align:left; font-weight:bold;height:26px; line-height:26px; font-size:12px; border:1px solid #CCC;padding-left:5px;}
+                table td{height:20px; font-size:12px; border:1px solid #CCC;background-color:#fff;padding-left:5px;}
+                .c1{ width: 150px;}
+                .c2{ width: 150px;}
+                .c3{ width: 80px;}
+                .c4{ width: 100px;}
+                .c5{ width: 100px;}
+                .c6{ width: 300px;}
+            </style>';
+        echo $html;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 优化表
+     */
+    public function optimize()
+    {
+        $tables = request()->post('tables/a');
+        $db = $this->DB;
+        try {
+            $db->optimize($tables);
+            return Json::successful('优化成功');
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修复表
+     */
+    public function repair()
+    {
+        $tables = request()->post('tables/a');
+        $db = $this->DB;
+        try {
+            $db->repair($tables);
+            return Json::successful('修复成功');
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 备份表
+     */
+    public function backup()
+    {
+        $tables = request()->post('tables/a');
+        $db = $this->DB;
+        $data = '';
+        foreach ($tables as $t) {
+            $res = $db->backup($t, 0);
+            if ($res == false && $res != 0) {
+                $data .= $t . '|';
+            }
+        }
+        return Json::successful($data ? '备份失败' . $data : '备份成功');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取备份记录表
+     */
+    public function fileList()
+    {
+        $db = $this->DB;
+        $files = $db->fileList();
+        $data = [];
+        foreach ($files as $key => $t) {
+            $data[$key]['filename'] = $t['filename'];
+            $data[$key]['part'] = $t['part'];
+            $data[$key]['size'] = $t['size'] . 'B';
+            $data[$key]['compress'] = $t['compress'];
+            $data[$key]['backtime'] = $key;
+            $data[$key]['time'] = $t['time'];
+        }
+        krsort($data);//根据时间降序
+        return Json::result(0, 'sucess', $data, count($data));
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param string|null $msg
+     * @param string|null $url
+     * @param array|null $data
+     */
+    public function success(?string $msg = null, ?string $url = null, ?array $data = [])
+    {
+        return Json::success($msg, $data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param string|null $msg
+     */
+    public function error(?string $msg = null)
+    {
+        return Json::fail($msg);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除备份记录表
+     */
+    public function delFile()
+    {
+        $feilname = intval(request()->post('feilname'));
+        $files = $this->DB->delFile($feilname);
+        return Json::result(0, 'sucess');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 导入备份记录表
+     */
+    public function import()
+    {
+        $part = request()->post('part') != '' ? intval(request()->post('part')) : null;
+        $start = request()->post('start') != '' ? intval(request()->post('start')) : null;
+        $time = intval(request()->post('time'));
+        $db = $this->DB;
+        if (is_numeric($time) && is_null($part) && is_null($start)) {
+            $list = $db->getFile('timeverif', $time);
+            if (is_array($list)) {
+                session::set('backup_list', $list);
+                $this->success('初始化完成!', '', array('part' => 1, 'start' => 0));
+            } else {
+                $this->error('备份文件可能已经损坏,请检查!');
+            }
+        } else if (is_numeric($part) && is_numeric($start)) {
+            $list = session::get('backup_list');
+            $start = $db->setFile($list)->import($start);
+            if (false === $start) {
+                $this->error('还原数据出错!');
+            } elseif (0 === $start) {
+                if (isset($list[++$part])) {
+                    $data = array('part' => $part, 'start' => 0);
+                    $this->success("正在还原...#{$part}", '', $data);
+                } else {
+                    session::delete('backup_list');
+                    $this->success('还原完成!');
+                }
+            } else {
+                $data = array('part' => $part, 'start' => $start[0]);
+                if ($start[1]) {
+                    $rate = floor(100 * ($start[0] / $start[1]));
+                    $this->success("正在还原...#{$part}({$rate}%)", '', $data);
+                } else {
+                    $data['gz'] = 1;
+                    $this->success("正在还原...#{$part}", '', $data);
+                }
+                $this->success("正在还原...#{$part}", '');
+            }
+        } else {
+            $this->error('参数错误!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 下载备份记录表
+     */
+    public function downloadFile()
+    {
+        $time = intval(request()->param('feilname'));
+        $this->DB->downloadFile($time);
+    }

+ 303 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemFile as SystemFileModel;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
+use crmeb\services\FileService as FileClass;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+ * 文件校验控制器
+ * Class SystemFile
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ *
+ */
+class SystemFile extends AuthController
+    //打开目录
+    public function opendir($filedir = '')
+    {
+        $fileAll = array('dir' => [], 'file' => []);
+        //根目录
+        $rootdir = app()->getRootPath();
+        //当前目录
+        $request_dir = app('request')->param('dir');
+        //防止查看站点以外的目录
+        if (strpos($request_dir, $rootdir) === false) {
+            $request_dir = $rootdir;
+        }
+        //判断是否是返回上级
+        if (app('request')->param('superior') && !empty($request_dir)) {
+            if (strpos(dirname($request_dir), $rootdir) !== false) {
+                $dir = dirname($request_dir);
+            } else {
+                $dir = $rootdir;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $dir = !empty($request_dir) ? $request_dir : $rootdir;
+            $dir = rtrim($dir, DS) . DS . app('request')->param('filedir');
+        }
+        $list = scandir($dir);
+        foreach ($list as $key => $v) {
+            if ($v != '.' && $v != '..') {
+                if (is_dir($dir . DS . $v)) {
+                    $fileAll['dir'][] = FileClass::list_info($dir . DS . $v);
+                }
+                if (is_file($dir . DS . $v)) {
+                    $fileAll['file'][] = FileClass::list_info($dir . DS . $v);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //兼容windows
+        $uname = php_uname('s');
+        if (strstr($uname, 'Windows') !== false) $dir = ltrim($dir, '\\');
+        $this->assign(compact('fileAll', 'dir'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //读取文件
+    public function openfile($file = '')
+    {
+        $file = $this->request->param('file');
+        if (empty($file)) return Json::fail('出现错误');
+        $filepath = $file;
+        $content = FileClass::read_file($filepath);//防止页面内嵌textarea标签
+        $ext = FileClass::get_ext($filepath);
+        $extarray = [
+            'js' => 'text/javascript'
+            , 'php' => 'text/x-php'
+            , 'html' => 'text/html'
+            , 'sql' => 'text/x-mysql'
+            , 'css' => 'text/x-scss'];
+        $mode = empty($extarray[$ext]) ? '' : $extarray[$ext];
+        $this->assign(compact('content', 'mode', 'filepath'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    //保存文件
+    public function savefile()
+    {
+        $comment = $this->request->post('comment');
+        $filepath = $this->request->post('filepath');
+        if (!empty($comment) && !empty($filepath)) {
+            //兼容windows
+            $uname = php_uname('s');
+            if (strstr($uname, 'Windows') !== false)
+                $filepath = ltrim(str_replace('/', DS, $filepath), '.');
+            if (FileClass::isWritable($filepath)) {
+                $res = FileClass::write_file($filepath, $comment);
+                if ($res) {
+                    return Json::successful('保存成功!');
+                } else {
+                    return Json::fail('保存失败');
+                }
+            } else {
+                return Json::fail('没有权限!');
+            }
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail('出现错误');
+        }
+    }
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $rootPath = app()->getRootPath();
+        $app = $this->getDir($rootPath . 'app');
+        $extend = $this->getDir($rootPath . 'crmeb');
+        $arr = [];
+        $arr = array_merge($app, $extend);
+        $fileAll = [];//本地文件
+        $cha = [];//不同的文件
+        foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
+            $fp = fopen($v, 'r');
+            if (filesize($v)) $ct = fread($fp, filesize($v));
+            else $ct = null;
+            fclose($fp);
+            $cthash = md5($ct);
+            $update_time = stat($v);
+            $fileAll[$k]['cthash'] = $cthash;
+            $fileAll[$k]['filename'] = str_replace($rootPath, '', $v);
+            $fileAll[$k]['atime'] = $update_time['atime'];
+            $fileAll[$k]['mtime'] = $update_time['mtime'];
+            $fileAll[$k]['ctime'] = $update_time['ctime'];
+        }
+        $file = SystemFileModel::all(function ($query) {
+            $query->order('atime', 'desc');
+        })->toArray();//数据库中的文件
+        if (empty($file)) {
+            $data_num = array_chunk($fileAll, 10);
+            SystemFileModel::beginTrans();
+            $res = true;
+            foreach ($data_num as $k => $v) {
+                $res = $res && SystemFileModel::insertAll($v);
+            }
+            SystemFileModel::checkTrans($res);
+            if ($res) {
+                $cha = [];//不同的文件
+            } else {
+                $cha = $fileAll;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $cha = [];//差异文件
+            foreach ($file as $k => $v) {
+                foreach ($fileAll as $ko => $vo) {
+                    if ($v['filename'] == $vo['filename']) {
+                        if ($v['cthash'] != $vo['cthash']) {
+                            $cha[$k]['filename'] = str_replace($rootPath, '', $v['filename']);
+                            $cha[$k]['cthash'] = $v['cthash'];
+                            $cha[$k]['atime'] = $v['atime'];
+                            $cha[$k]['mtime'] = $v['mtime'];
+                            $cha[$k]['ctime'] = $v['ctime'];
+                            $cha[$k]['type'] = '已修改';
+                        }
+                        unset($fileAll[$ko]);
+                        unset($file[$k]);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            foreach ($file as $k => $v) {
+                $cha[$k]['filename'] = str_replace($rootPath, '', $v['filename']);
+                $cha[$k]['cthash'] = $v['cthash'];
+                $cha[$k]['atime'] = $v['atime'];
+                $cha[$k]['mtime'] = $v['mtime'];
+                $cha[$k]['ctime'] = $v['ctime'];
+                $cha[$k]['type'] = '已删除';
+            }
+            foreach ($fileAll as $k => $v) {
+                $cha[$k]['filename'] = str_replace($rootPath, '', $v['filename']);
+                $cha[$k]['cthash'] = $v['cthash'];
+                $cha[$k]['atime'] = $v['atime'];
+                $cha[$k]['mtime'] = $v['mtime'];
+                $cha[$k]['ctime'] = $v['ctime'];
+                $cha[$k]['type'] = '新增的';
+            }
+        }
+//   dump($file);
+//   dump($fileAll);
+        $this->assign('cha', $cha);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取文件夹中的文件 不包括子文件
+     * @param $dir
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function getNextDir()
+    {
+        $dir = './';
+        $list = scandir($dir);
+        $dirlist = [];
+        $filelist = [];
+        foreach ($list as $key => $v) {
+            if ($v != '.' && $v != '..') {
+                if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $v)) {
+                    $dirlist['dir'][$key] = $v;
+                }
+                if (is_file($dir . '/' . $v)) {
+                    $filelist['file'][$key] = $v;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $filesarr = array_merge($dirlist, $filelist);
+        print_r($filesarr);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取文件夹中的文件 包括子文件 不能直接用  直接使用  $this->getDir()方法 P156
+     * @param $path
+     * @param $data
+     */
+    public function searchDir($path, &$data)
+    {
+        if (is_dir($path) && !strpos($path, 'uploads')) {
+            $dp = dir($path);
+            while ($file = $dp->read()) {
+                if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
+                    $this->searchDir($path . '/' . $file, $data);
+                }
+            }
+            $dp->close();
+        }
+        if (is_file($path)) {
+            $data[] = $path;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取文件夹中的文件 包括子文件
+     * @param $dir
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function getDir($dir)
+    {
+        $data = [];
+        $this->searchDir($dir, $data);
+        return $data;
+    }
+    //测试
+    public function ceshi()
+    {
+        //创建form
+        $form = Form::create('/save.php', [
+            Form::input('goods_name', '商品名称')
+            , Form::input('goods_name1', 'password')->type('password')
+            , Form::input('goods_name2', 'textarea')->type('textarea')
+            , Form::input('goods_name3', 'email')->type('email')
+            , Form::input('goods_name4', 'date')->type('date')
+            , Form::city('address', 'cityArea',
+                '陕西省', '西安市'
+            )
+            , Form::dateRange('limit_time', 'dateRange',
+                strtotime('- 10 day'),
+                time()
+            )
+            , Form::dateTime('add_time', 'dateTime')
+            , Form::color('color', 'color', '#ff0000')
+            , Form::checkbox('checkbox', 'checkbox', [1])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '白色'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '红色'], ['value' => 31, 'label' => '黑色']])
+            , Form::date('riqi', 'date', '2018-03-1')
+            , Form::dateTimeRange('dateTimeRange', '区间时间段')
+            , Form::year('year', 'year')
+            , Form::month('month', 'month')
+            , Form::frame('frame', 'frame', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=frame')
+            , Form::frameInputs('frameInputs', 'frameInputs', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=frameInputs')
+            , Form::frameFiles('month1', 'frameFiles', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=month1')
+            , Form::frameImages('fodder1', 'frameImages', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=fodder1')->maxLength(3)->width('800px')->height('400px')
+            , Form::frameImages('fodder11', 'frameImages', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=fodder11')->icon('images')
+            , Form::frameInputOne('month3', 'frameInputOne', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=month3')->icon('ionic')
+            , Form::frameFileOne('month4', 'frameFileOne', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=month4')
+            , Form::frameImageOne('month5', 'frameImageOne', '/admin/system.system_attachment/index.html?fodder=month5')->icon('image')
+            , Form::hidden('month6', 'hidden')
+            , Form::number('month7', 'number')
+//            ,Form::input input输入框,其他type: text类型Form::text,password类型Form::password,textarea类型Form::textarea,url类型Form::url,email类型Form::email,date类型Form::idate
+            , Form::radio('month8', 'radio')->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '白色'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '红色'], ['value' => 31, 'label' => '黑色']])
+            , Form::rate('month9', 'rate')
+            , Form::select('month10', 'select')->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '白色'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '红色'], ['value' => 31, 'label' => '黑色']])
+            , Form::selectMultiple('month11', 'selectMultiple')
+            , Form::selectOne('month12', 'selectOne')
+            , Form::slider('month13', 'slider', 2)
+            , Form::sliderRange('month23', 'sliderRange', 2, 13)
+            , Form::switches('month14', '区间时间段')
+            , Form::timePicker('month15', '区间时间段')
+            , Form::time('month16', '区间时间段')
+            , Form::timeRange('month17', '区间时间段')
+//            ,Form::upload('month','区间时间段')
+//            ,Form::uploadImages('month','区间时间段')
+//            ,Form::uploadFiles('month','区间时间段')
+//            ,Form::uploadImageOne('month','区间时间段')
+//            ,Form::uploadFileOne('month','区间时间段')
+        ]);
+        $html = $form->setMethod('get')->setTitle('编辑商品')->view();
+        echo $html;
+    }

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAdmin;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemLog as LogModel;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+ * 管理员操作记录表控制器
+ * Class SystemLog
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemLog extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示操作记录
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        LogModel::deleteLog();
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['pages', ''],
+            ['path', ''],
+            ['ip', ''],
+            ['admin_id', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $where['level'] = $this->adminInfo['level'];
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('admin', SystemAdmin::getOrdAdmin('id,real_name', $this->adminInfo['level']));
+        $this->assign(LogModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 169 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemStore as SystemStoreModel;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+ * 门店管理控制器
+ * Class SystemAttachment
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ *
+ */
+class SystemStore extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 门店列表
+     */
+    public function list()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['excel', 0],
+            ['type', $this->request->param('type')]
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(SystemStoreModel::getStoreList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 门店设置
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $type = $this->request->param('type');
+        $show = SystemStoreModel::where('is_show', 1)->where('is_del', 0)->count();//显示中的门店
+        $hide = SystemStoreModel::where('is_show', 0)->count();//隐藏的门店
+        $recycle = SystemStoreModel::where('is_del', 1)->count();//删除的门店
+        if ($type == null) $type = 1;
+        $this->assign(compact('type', 'show', 'hide', 'recycle'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 门店添加
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function add($id = 0)
+    {
+        $store = SystemStoreModel::getStoreDispose($id);
+        $this->assign(compact('store'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除恢复门店
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        if (!SystemStoreModel::be(['id' => $id])) return $this->failed('产品数据不存在');
+        if (SystemStoreModel::be(['id' => $id, 'is_del' => 1])) {
+            $data['is_del'] = 0;
+            if (!SystemStoreModel::edit($data, $id))
+                return Json::fail(SystemStoreModel::getErrorInfo('恢复失败,请稍候再试!'));
+            else
+                return Json::successful('恢复门店成功!');
+        } else {
+            $data['is_del'] = 1;
+            if (!SystemStoreModel::edit($data, $id))
+                return Json::fail(SystemStoreModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+            else
+                return Json::successful('删除门店成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置单个门店是否显示
+     * @param string $is_show
+     * @param string $id
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
+    {
+        ($is_show == '' || $id == '') && JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        $res = SystemStoreModel::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
+        if ($res) {
+            return JsonService::successful($is_show == 1 ? '设置显示成功' : '设置隐藏成功');
+        } else {
+            return JsonService::fail($is_show == 1 ? '设置显示失败' : '设置隐藏失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 位置选择
+     * @return string|void
+     */
+    public function select_address()
+    {
+        $key = sys_config('tengxun_map_key');
+        if (!$key) return $this->failed('请前往设置->物流设置->物流配置 配置腾讯地图KEY', '#');
+        $this->assign(compact('key'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存修改门店信息
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['introduction', ''],
+            ['image', ''],
+            ['phone', ''],
+            ['address', ''],
+            ['detailed_address', ''],
+            ['latlng', ''],
+            ['valid_time', []],
+            ['day_time', []],
+        ]);
+        SystemStoreModel::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            $data['address'] = implode(',', $data['address']);
+            $data['latlng'] = is_string($data['latlng']) ? explode(',', $data['latlng']) : $data['latlng'];
+            if (!isset($data['latlng'][0]) || !isset($data['latlng'][1])) return JsonService::fail('请选择门店位置');
+            $data['latitude'] = $data['latlng'][0];
+            $data['longitude'] = $data['latlng'][1];
+            $data['valid_time'] = implode(' - ', $data['valid_time']);
+            $data['day_time'] = implode(' - ', $data['day_time']);
+            unset($data['latlng']);
+            if ($data['image'] && strstr($data['image'], 'http') === false) {
+                $site_url = sys_config('site_url');
+                $data['image'] = $site_url . $data['image'];
+            }
+            if ($id) {
+                if (SystemStoreModel::where('id', $id)->update($data)) {
+                    SystemStoreModel::commitTrans();
+                    return JsonService::success('修改成功');
+                } else {
+                    SystemStoreModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return JsonService::fail('修改失败或者您没有修改什么!');
+                }
+            } else {
+                $data['add_time'] = time();
+                $data['is_show'] = 1;
+                if ($res = SystemStoreModel::create($data)) {
+                    SystemStoreModel::commitTrans();
+                    return JsonService::success('保存成功', ['id' => $res->id]);
+                } else {
+                    SystemStoreModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return JsonService::fail('保存失败!');
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            SystemStoreModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }

+ 198 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemStore as StoreModel;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemStoreStaff as StaffModel;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemStore;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * 店员管理
+ * Class StoreStaff
+ * @package app\store_admin\controller\store
+ */
+class SystemStoreStaff extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 店员列表
+     */
+    public function list()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['store_id', '']
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(StaffModel::lst($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 门店设置
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $store_list = StoreModel::dropList();
+        $this->assign('store_list', $store_list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 店员添加
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $field = [
+            Form::frameImageOne('image', '商城用户', Url::buildUrl('admin/system.SystemStoreStaff/select', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('plus')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::hidden('uid', 0),
+            Form::hidden('avatar', ''),
+            Form::select('store_id', '所属门店')->setOptions(function () {
+                $list = SystemStore::dropList();
+//                $menus[] = ['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级分类'];
+                $menus = [];
+                foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            })->filterable(1),
+            Form::input('staff_name', '店员名称')->col(Form::col(24)),
+            Form::input('phone', '手机号码')->col(Form::col(24)),
+            Form::radio('verify_status', '核销开关', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']]),
+            Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']])
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加评论', $field, Url::buildUrl('save'), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 选择用户
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function select()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 编辑表单
+     * @param $id
+     * @return string|void
+     * @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $service = StaffModel::get($id);
+        if (!$service) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [
+            Form::frameImageOne('image', '商城用户', Url::buildUrl('admin/system.SystemStoreStaff/select', array('fodder' => 'image')), $service['avatar'])->icon('plus')->width('100%')->height('500px'),
+            Form::hidden('uid', $service['uid']),
+            Form::hidden('avatar', $service['avatar']),
+            Form::select('store_id', '所属门店', (string)$service->getData('store_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+                $list = SystemStore::dropList();
+//                $menus[] = ['value' => 0, 'label' => '顶级分类'];
+                foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                    $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+                }
+                return $menus;
+            })->filterable(1),
+            Form::input('staff_name', '店员名称', $service['staff_name'])->col(Form::col(24)),
+            Form::input('phone', '手机号码', $service['phone'])->col(Form::col(24)),
+            Form::radio('verify_status', '统计管理开关', $service['verify_status'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']]),
+            Form::radio('status', '状态', $service['status'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']])
+        ];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('修改数据', $f, Url::buildUrl('save', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除店员
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        if (!StaffModel::be(['id' => $id])) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        if (!StaffModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(StaffModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置单个店员是否开启
+     * @param string $is_show
+     * @param string $id
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
+    {
+        ($is_show == '' || $id == '') && JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        $res = StaffModel::where(['id' => $id])->update(['status' => (int)$is_show]);
+        if ($res) {
+            return JsonService::successful($is_show == 1 ? '开启成功' : '关闭成功');
+        } else {
+            return JsonService::fail($is_show == 1 ? '开启失败' : '关闭失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存店员信息
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['uid', 0],
+            ['avatar', ''],
+            ['store_id', ''],
+            ['staff_name', ''],
+            ['phone', ''],
+            ['verify_status', 1],
+            ['status', 1],
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) {
+            if (StaffModel::where('uid', $data['uid'])->count()) return Json::fail('添加的店员用户已存在!');
+        }
+        if ($data['uid'] == 0) return Json::fail('请选择用户');
+        if ($data['store_id'] == '') return Json::fail('请选择所属门店');
+        if ($id) {
+            $res = StaffModel::edit($data, $id);
+            if ($res) {
+                return Json::successful('编辑成功');
+            } else {
+                return Json::fail('编辑失败');
+            }
+        } else {
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $res = StaffModel::create($data);
+            if ($res) {
+                return Json::successful('店员添加成功');
+            } else {
+                return Json::fail('店员添加失败,请稍后再试');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取user表
+     * @param int $page
+     * @param int $limit
+     * @param string $nickname
+     */
+    public function get_user_list($page = 0, $limit = 10, $nickname = '')
+    {
+        return Json::successlayui(StaffModel::getUserList($page, $limit, $nickname));
+    }

+ 211 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use crmeb\services\UpgradeService as uService;
+use think\facade\Db;
+ * 在线升级控制器
+ * Class SystemUpgradeclient
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ *
+ */
+class SystemUpgradeclient extends AuthController
+    protected $serverweb = array('version' => '1.0', 'version_code' => 0);//本站点信息
+    public function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize();
+        //屏蔽所有错误避免操作文件夹发生错误提示
+        ini_set('display_errors', 0);
+        error_reporting(0);
+        self::snyweninfo();//更新站点信息
+        $this->assign(['auth' => self::isauth(), 'app' => uService::isWritable(app()->getRootPath()), 'extend' => uService::isWritable(EXTEND_PATH), 'public' => uService::isWritable(app()->getRootPath() . 'public')]);
+    }
+    //同步更新站点信息
+    public function snyweninfo()
+    {
+        $this->serverweb['ip'] = $this->request->ip();
+        $this->serverweb['host'] = $this->request->host();
+        $this->serverweb['https'] = !empty($this->request->domain()) ? $this->request->domain() : sys_config('site_url');
+        $this->serverweb['webname'] = sys_config('site_name');
+        $local = uService::getVersion();
+        if ($local['code'] == 200 && isset($local['msg']['version']) && isset($local['msg']['version_code'])) {
+            $this->serverweb['version'] = uService::replace($local['msg']['version']);
+            $this->serverweb['version_code'] = (int)uService::replace($local['msg']['version_code']);
+        }
+        uService::snyweninfo($this->serverweb);
+    }
+    //是否授权
+    public function isauth()
+    {
+        return uService::isauth();
+    }
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $server = uService::start();
+        $version = $this->serverweb['version'];
+        $version_code = $this->serverweb['version_code'];
+        $this->assign(compact('server', 'version', 'version_code'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function get_list()
+    {
+        $list = uService::request_post(uService::$isList, ['page' => input(''), 'limit' => input('post.limit/d')]);
+        if (is_array($list) && isset($list['code']) && isset($list['data']) && $list['code'] == 200) {
+            $list = $list['data'];
+        } else {
+            $list = [];
+        }
+        Json::successful('ok', ['list' => $list, 'page' => input('') + 1]);
+    }
+    //删除备份文件
+    public function setcopydel()
+    {
+        $post = input('post.');
+        if (!isset($post['id'])) Json::fail('删除备份文件失败,缺少参数ID');
+        if (!isset($post['ids'])) Json::fail('删除备份文件失败,缺少参数IDS');
+        $fileservice = new uService;
+        if (is_array($post['ids'])) {
+            foreach ($post['ids'] as $file) {
+                $fileservice->del_dir(app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'copyfile' . $file);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($post['id']) {
+            $copyFile = app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'copyfile' . $post['id'];
+            $fileservice->del_dir($copyFile);
+        }
+        Json::successful('删除成功');
+    }
+    public function get_new_version_conte()
+    {
+        $post = $this->request->post();
+        if (!isset($post['id'])) Json::fail('缺少参数ID');
+        $versionInfo = uService::request_post(uService::$NewVersionCount, ['id' => $post['id']]);
+        if (isset($versionInfo['code']) && isset($versionInfo['data']['count']) && $versionInfo['code'] == 200) {
+            return Json::successful(['count' => $versionInfo['data']['count']]);
+        } else {
+            return Json::fail('服务器异常');
+        }
+    }
+    //一键升级
+    public function auto_upgrad()
+    {
+        $prefix = config('database.prefix');
+        $fileservice = new uService;
+        $post = $this->request->post();
+        if (!isset($post['id'])) Json::fail('缺少参数ID');
+        $versionInfo = $fileservice->request_post(uService::$isNowVersion, ['id' => $post['id']]);
+        if ($versionInfo === null) Json::fail('服务器异常,请稍后再试');
+        if (isset($versionInfo['code']) && $versionInfo['code'] == 400) Json::fail(isset($versionInfo['msg']) ? $versionInfo['msg'] : '您暂时没有权限升级,请联系管理员!');
+        if (is_array($versionInfo) && isset($versionInfo['data'])) {
+            $list = $versionInfo['data'];
+            $id = [];
+            foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
+                $savefile = app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'upgrade_lv';
+                //1,检查远程下载文件,并下载
+                if (($save_path = $fileservice->check_remote_file_exists($val['zip_name'], $savefile)) === false) Json::fail('远程升级包不存在');
+                //2,首先解压文件
+                $savename = app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'upgrade_lv' . DS . time();
+                $fileservice->zipopen($save_path, $savename);
+                //3,执行SQL文件
+                Db::startTrans();
+                try {
+                    //参数3不介意大小写的
+                    $sqlfile = $fileservice->list_dir_info($savename . DS, true, 'sql');
+                    if (is_array($sqlfile) && !empty($sqlfile)) {
+                        foreach ($sqlfile as $file) {
+                            if (file_exists($file)) {
+                                //为一键安装做工作记得表前缀要改为[#DB_PREFIX#]哦
+                                $execute_sql = explode(";\r", str_replace(['[#DB_PREFIX#]', "\n"], [$prefix, "\r"], file_get_contents($file)));
+                                foreach ($execute_sql as $_sql) {
+                                    if ($query_string = trim(str_replace(array(
+                                        "\r",
+                                        "\n",
+                                        "\t"
+                                    ), '', $_sql))) Db::execute($query_string);
+                                }
+                                //执行完sql记得删掉哦
+                                $fileservice->unlink_file($file);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Db::commit();
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    Db::rollback();
+                    //删除解压下的文件
+                    $fileservice->del_dir(app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'upgrade_lv');
+                    //删除压缩包
+                    $fileservice->unlink_file($save_path);
+                    //升级失败发送错误信息
+                    $fileservice->request_post(uService::$isInsertLog, [
+                        'content' => '升级失败,错误信息为:' . $e->getMessage(),
+                        'add_time' => time(),
+                        'ip' => $this->request->ip(),
+                        'http' => $this->request->domain(),
+                        'type' => 'error',
+                        'version' => $val['version']
+                    ]);
+                    return Json::fail('升级失败SQL文件执行有误');
+                }
+                //4,备份文件
+                $copyFile = app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'copyfile' . $val['id'];
+                $copyList = $fileservice->get_dirs($savename . DS);
+                if (isset($copyList['dir'])) {
+                    if ($copyList['dir'][0] == '.' && $copyList['dir'][1] == '..') {
+                        array_shift($copyList['dir']);
+                        array_shift($copyList['dir']);
+                    }
+                    foreach ($copyList['dir'] as $dir) {
+                        if (file_exists(app()->getRootPath() . $dir, $copyFile . DS . $dir)) {
+                            $fileservice->copy_dir(app()->getRootPath() . $dir, $copyFile . DS . $dir);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                //5,覆盖文件
+                $fileservice->handle_dir($savename, app()->getRootPath());
+                //6,删除升级生成的目录
+                $fileservice->del_dir(app()->getRootPath() . 'public' . DS . 'upgrade_lv');
+                //7,删除压缩包
+                $fileservice->unlink_file($save_path);
+                //8,改写本地升级文件
+                $handle = fopen(app()->getRootPath() . '.version', 'w+');
+                if ($handle === false) Json::fail(app()->getRootPath() . '.version' . '无法写入打开');
+                $content = <<<EOT
+                if (fwrite($handle, $content) === false) Json::fail('升级包写入失败');
+                fclose($handle);
+                //9,向服务端发送升级日志
+                $posts = [
+                    'ip' => $this->request->ip(),
+                    'https' => $this->request->domain(),
+                    'update_time' => time(),
+                    'content' => '一键升级成功,升级版本号为:' . $val['version'] . '。版本code为:' . $val['id'],
+                    'type' => 'log',
+                    'versionbefor' => $this->serverweb['version'],
+                    'versionend' => $val['version']
+                ];
+                $inset = $fileservice->request_post(uService::$isInsertLog, $posts);
+                $id[] = $val['id'];
+            }
+            //10,升级完成
+            Json::successful('升级成功', ['code' => end($id), 'version' => $val['version']]);
+        } else {
+            Json::fail('服务器异常,请稍后再试');
+        }
+    }

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\system;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    UtilService as Util,
+    JsonService as Json
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemVerifyOrder as VerifyOrderModel;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemStore as StoreModel;
+ * 核销订单管理控制器
+ * Class SystemVerifyOrder
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class SystemVerifyOrder extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'year' => get_month(),
+            'real_name' => $this->request->get('real_name', ''),
+            'store_list' => StoreModel::dropList()
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取头部订单金额等信息
+     * return json
+     */
+    public function getBadge()
+    {
+        $where = Util::postMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['real_name', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['store_id', ''],
+            ['order', '']
+        ]);
+        return Json::successful(VerifyOrderModel::getBadge($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取订单列表
+     * return json
+     */
+    public function order_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['real_name', $this->request->param('real_name', '')],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['store_id', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(VerifyOrderModel::OrderList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除订单
+     * */
+    public function del_order()
+    {
+        $ids = Util::postMore(['ids'])['ids'];
+        if (!count($ids)) return Json::fail('请选择需要删除的订单');
+        if (VerifyOrderModel::where('is_del', 0)->where('id', 'in', $ids)->count())
+            return Json::fail('您选择的的订单存在用户未删除的订单,无法删除用户未删除的订单');
+        $res = VerifyOrderModel::where('id', 'in', $ids)->update(['is_system_del' => 1]);
+        if ($res)
+            return Json::successful('删除成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('删除失败');
+    }

+ 520 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: Administrator
+ * Date: 2018/4/16 0016
+ * Time: 10:39
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\store\{StoreCategory,
+    StoreDescription,
+    StoreProductAttr,
+    StoreProductAttrResult,
+    StoreProduct as ProductModel,
+    StoreProductAttrValue};
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemAttachment, ShippingTemplates};
+use app\admin\model\ump\StoreBargain as StoreBargainModel;
+use crmeb\services\{UtilService as Util, FormBuilder as Form, JsonService as Json};
+class StoreBargain extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    protected $bindModel = StoreBargainModel::class;
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['store_name', ''],
+            ['export', 0],
+            ['data', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $limitTimeList = [
+            'today' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d'), date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day'))]),
+            'week' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y/m/d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600)),
+                date('Y/m/d', (time() + (7 - (date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w'))) * 24 * 3600))
+            ]),
+            'month' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m') . '/01', date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t')]),
+            'quarter' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3 - 3 + 1) . '/01',
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3) . '/' . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3), 1, date('Y')))
+            ]),
+            'year' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/01/01', date('Y/m/d', strtotime(date('Y') . '/01/01 + 1year -1 day'))
+            ])
+        ];
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('countBargain', StoreBargainModel::getCountBargain());
+        $this->assign('limitTimeList', $limitTimeList);
+        $this->assign(StoreBargainModel::systemPage($where));
+        $this->assign('bargainId', StoreBargainModel::getBargainIdAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 异步获取砍价数据
+     */
+    public function get_bargain_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['export', 0],
+            ['store_name', ''],
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['data', '']
+        ]);
+        $bargainList = StoreBargainModel::systemPage($where);
+        if (is_object($bargainList['list'])) $bargainList['list'] = $bargainList['list']->toArray();
+        $data = $bargainList['list']['data'];
+        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
+            $data[$k]['_stop_time'] = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $v['stop_time']);
+        }
+        return Json::successlayui(['count' => $bargainList['list']['total'], 'data' => $data]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加砍价
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('product', '选择商品', Url::buildUrl('productList', array('fodder' => 'product')))->icon('plus')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('product_id', '');
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '砍价活动名称');
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '砍价活动简介')->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位')->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '砍价运费模板')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateTimeRange('section_time', '活动时间');//->format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('bargain_max_price', '单次砍价的最大金额', 10)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('bargain_min_price', '单次砍价的最小金额', 0.01)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序')->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('give_integral', '赠送积分')->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_hot', '热门推荐', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('开启砍价活动', $f, Url::buildUrl('update'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreBargainModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('product_id','产品ID', $product->getData('product_id'))->disabled(true);
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '砍价活动名称', $product->getData('title'));
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '砍价活动简介', $product->getData('info'))->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位', $product->getData('unit_name'))->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '砍价运费模板', (string)$product->getData('temp_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateTimeRange('section_time', '活动时间', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $product->getData('start_time')), date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $product->getData('stop_time')));//->format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $product->getData('image'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')), json_decode($product->getData('images'), 1))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('bargain_max_price', '单次砍价的最大金额', $product->getData('bargain_max_price'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('bargain_min_price', '单次砍价的最小金额', $product->getData('bargain_min_price'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('stock', $product->getData('stock'));
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('sales', $product->getData('sales'));
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $product->getData('sort'))->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('give_integral', '赠送积分', $product->getData('give_integral'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_hot', '热门推荐', $product->getData('is_hot'))->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('status', $product->getData('status'));
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     * @param string $id
+     */
+    public function update($id = '')
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['info', ''],
+            ['store_name', ''],
+            ['unit_name', ''],
+            ['section_time', []],
+            ['image', ''],
+            ['images', []],
+            ['price', 0],
+            ['min_price', 0],
+            ['bargain_max_price', 0],
+            ['bargain_min_price', 0],
+            ['cost', 0],
+            ['bargain_num', 1],
+            ['stock', 0],
+            ['sales', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['num', 1],
+            ['give_integral', 0],
+            ['postage', 0],
+            ['is_postage', 0],
+            ['is_hot', 0],
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['product_id', 0],
+            ['temp_id', ''],
+            ['weight', ''],
+            ['volume', ''],
+        ]);
+        $data['description'] = StoreDescription::getDescription($data['product_id']);
+        $data['store_name'] = $data['title'];
+        if ($data['title'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入砍价活动名称');
+        if ($data['info'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入砍价活动简介');
+        if ($data['store_name'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入砍价商品名称');
+        if ($data['unit_name'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入商品单位');
+        if (count($data['section_time']) < 1) return Json::fail('请选择活动时间');
+        if (!$data['section_time'][0]) return Json::fail('请选择活动时间');
+        if (!$data['section_time'][1]) return Json::fail('请选择活动时间');
+        $data['start_time'] = strtotime($data['section_time'][0]);
+        $data['stop_time'] = strtotime($data['section_time'][1]);
+        unset($data['section_time']);
+        if (!($data['image'])) return Json::fail('请选择推荐图');
+        if (count($data['images']) < 1) return Json::fail('请选择轮播图');
+        $data['images'] = json_encode($data['images']);
+        if ($data['bargain_max_price'] == '' || $data['bargain_max_price'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入用户单次砍价的最大金额');
+        if ($data['bargain_min_price'] == '' || $data['bargain_min_price'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入用户单次砍价的最小金额');
+        if ($data['bargain_num'] == '' || $data['bargain_num'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入用户单次砍价的次数');
+        if ($data['num'] == '' || $data['num'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入单次购买的砍价商品数量');
+        unset($data['img']);
+        if ($id) {
+            $product = StoreBargainModel::get($id);
+            if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+            $res = StoreBargainModel::edit($data, $id);
+            if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功');
+            else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+        } else {
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $res = StoreBargainModel::create($data);
+            $description['product_id'] = $res['id'];
+            $description['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['description']);
+            $description['type'] = 2;
+            StoreDescription::create($description);
+            if ($res) return Json::successful('添加成功');
+            else return Json::fail('添加成功');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreBargainModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['is_del']) return Json::fail('已删除!');
+        $data['is_del'] = 1;
+        if (StoreBargainModel::edit($data, $id))
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+        else
+            return Json::fail(StoreBargainModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示内容窗口
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function edit_content($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $seckill = StoreBargainModel::get($id);
+        if (!$seckill) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $this->assign([
+            'content' => htmlspecialchars_decode(StoreDescription::getDescription($id, 2)),
+            'field' => 'description',
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('change_field', ['id' => $id, 'field' => 'description'])
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/edit_content');
+    }
+    public function change_field($id, $field)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $bargain = StoreBargainModel::get($id);
+        if (!$bargain) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if($field == 'rule'){
+            $data['rule'] = request()->post('rule');
+        }else{
+            $data['description'] = request()->post('description');
+            StoreDescription::saveDescription($data['description'], $id, 2);
+        }
+        $res = StoreBargainModel::edit($data, $id);
+        if ($res)
+            return Json::successful('添加成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('添加失败');
+    }
+    public function edit_rule($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $seckill = StoreBargainModel::get($id);
+        if (!$seckill) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $this->assign([
+            'content' => htmlspecialchars_decode(StoreBargainModel::where('id', $id)->value('rule')),
+            'field' => 'rule',
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('change_field', ['id' => $id, 'field' => 'rule'])
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/edit_content');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 开启砍价商品
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function bargain($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = ProductModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '砍价活动名称');
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '砍价活动简介')->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('product_id', $product->getData('id'));
+        $f[] = Form::input('store_name', '砍价商品名称', $product->getData('store_name'));
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位', $product->getData('unit_name'))->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '砍价运费模板', (string)$product->getData('temp_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateTimeRange('section_time', '活动时间');//->format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $product->getData('image'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')), json_decode($product->getData('slider_image'), 1))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('price', '砍价金额')->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('min_price', '砍价最低金额', 0)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('bargain_max_price', '单次砍价的最大金额', 10)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('bargain_min_price', '单次砍价的最小金额', 0.01)->min(0)->precision(2)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('cost', '成本价', $product->getData('cost'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('bargain_num', '单次砍价的次数', 1)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('stock', '库存', $product->getData('stock'))->min(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sales', '销量', $product->getData('sales'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $product->getData('sort'))->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('num', '单次购买的砍价商品数量', 1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('give_integral', '赠送积分', $product->getData('give_integral'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('weight', '重量', 0)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('volume', '体积', 0)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_hot', '热门推荐', $product->getData('is_hot'))->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '活动状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('开启砍价活动', $f, Url::buildUrl('update'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改砍价状态
+     * @param $status
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function set_bargain_status($status, $id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $res = StoreProductAttrValue::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', 2)->find();
+        if (!$res) return Json::fail('请先配置规格');
+        $res = StoreBargainModel::edit(['status' => $status], $id);
+        if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功');
+        else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 砍价属性选择页面
+     * @param $id
+     * @return string|void
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function attr_list($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+        $bargainInfo = StoreBargainModel::where('id', $id)->find();
+        $bargainResult = StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', 2)->value('result');
+        $productResult = StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $bargainInfo['product_id'])->where('type', 0)->value('result');
+        if ($productResult) {
+            $attr = json_decode($productResult, true)['attr'];
+            $productAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $bargainInfo['product_id'], 0);
+            $bargainAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $id, 2);
+            foreach ($productAttr as $pk => $pv) {
+                foreach ($bargainAttr as $sv) {
+                    if ($pv['detail'] == $sv['detail']) {
+                        $productAttr[$pk] = $sv;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ($bargainResult) {
+                $attr = json_decode($bargainResult, true)['attr'];
+                $productAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $id, 2);
+            } else {
+                $attr[0]['value'] = '默认';
+                $attr[0]['detailValue'] = '';
+                $attr[0]['attrHidden'] = '';
+                $attr[0]['detail'][0] = '默认';
+                $productAttr[0]['value1'] = '默认';
+                $productAttr[0]['detail'] = json_encode(['默认' => '默认']);
+                $productAttr[0]['pic'] = $bargainInfo['image'];
+                $productAttr[0]['price'] = $bargainInfo['price'];
+                $productAttr[0]['min_price'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['cost'] = $bargainInfo['cost'];
+                $productAttr[0]['ot_price'] = $bargainInfo['ot_price'];
+                $productAttr[0]['stock'] = $bargainInfo['stock'];
+                $productAttr[0]['quota'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['bar_code'] = $bargainInfo['bar_code'];
+                $productAttr[0]['weight'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['volume'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['brokerage'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['brokerage_two'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['check'] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        $attrs['attr'] = $attr;
+        $attrs['value'] = $productAttr;
+        $this->assign('attr', $attrs);
+        $this->assign('id', $id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 砍价属性添加
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function save_attr()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['attr', []],
+            ['ids', []],
+            ['id', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!$data['ids']) return Json::fail('你没有选择任何规格!');
+        $productId = StoreBargainModel::where('id', $data['id'])->value('product_id');
+        $attr = json_decode(StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $productId)->where('type', 0)->value('result'), true)['attr'];
+        foreach ($data['attr'] as $k => $v) {
+            if (in_array($k, $data['ids'])) {
+                $v['detail'] = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($v['detail']), true);
+                $min_price = $v['min_price'];
+                unset($v['min_price']);
+                $detail[$k] = $v;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (min(array_column($detail, 'quota')) == 0) return Json::fail('限购不能为0');
+        $price = min(array_column($detail, 'price'));
+        $quota = array_sum(array_column($detail, 'quota'));
+        $stock = array_sum(array_column($detail, 'stock'));
+        if (!$attr) {
+            $attr[0]['value'] = '默认';
+            $attr[0]['detailValue'] = '';
+            $attr[0]['attrHidden'] = '';
+            $attr[0]['detail'][0] = '默认';
+        }
+        StoreProductAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $data['id'], 2);
+        StoreBargainModel::where('id', $data['id'])->update(['stock' => $stock, 'quota' => $quota, 'quota_show' => $quota, 'price' => $price,'min_price'=>$min_price]);
+        return Json::successful('添加成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加砍价获取商品列表
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function productList()
+    {
+        $cate = StoreCategory::getTierList(null, 1);
+        $this->assign('cate', $cate);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取砍价商品规格
+     * @param $attr
+     * @param $id
+     * @param $type
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function get_attr($attr, $id, $type)
+    {
+        $value = attr_format($attr)[1];
+        $valueNew = [];
+        $count = 0;
+        $min_price = StoreBargainModel::where('id',$id)->value('min_price');
+        foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
+            $detail = $item['detail'];
+//            sort($item['detail'], SORT_STRING);
+            $suk = implode(',', $item['detail']);
+            $sukValue = StoreProductAttrValue::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', $type)->where('suk', $suk)->column('bar_code,cost,price,ot_price,stock,image as pic,weight,volume,brokerage,brokerage_two,quota', 'suk');
+            if (count($sukValue)) {
+                foreach (array_values($detail) as $k => $v) {
+                    $valueNew[$count]['value' . ($k + 1)] = $v;
+                }
+                $valueNew[$count]['detail'] = json_encode($detail);
+                $valueNew[$count]['pic'] = $sukValue[$suk]['pic'] ?? '';
+                $valueNew[$count]['price'] = $sukValue[$suk]['price'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['price']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['min_price'] = $min_price;
+                $valueNew[$count]['cost'] = $sukValue[$suk]['cost'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['cost']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['ot_price'] = isset($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['stock'] = $sukValue[$suk]['stock'] ? intval($sukValue[$suk]['stock']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['quota'] = $sukValue[$suk]['quota'] ? intval($sukValue[$suk]['quota']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['bar_code'] = $sukValue[$suk]['bar_code'] ?? '';
+                $valueNew[$count]['weight'] = $sukValue[$suk]['weight'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['volume'] = $sukValue[$suk]['volume'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['brokerage'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['brokerage_two'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage_two'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['check'] = $type != 0 ? 1 : 0;
+                $count++;
+            }
+        }
+        return $valueNew;
+    }

+ 569 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\store\{StoreCategory,
+    StoreDescription,
+    StoreProductAttr,
+    StoreProductAttrResult,
+    StoreProduct as ProductModel,
+    StoreProductAttrValue};
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use app\admin\model\ump\{StorePink,
+    StoreCombinationAttr,
+    StoreCombinationAttrResult,
+    StoreCombination as StoreCombinationModel};
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemAttachment, ShippingTemplates};
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+ * 拼团管理
+ * Class StoreCombination
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreCombination extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    protected $bindModel = StoreCombinationModel::class;
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign('countCombination', StoreCombinationModel::getCombinationCount());
+        $this->assign(StoreCombinationModel::getStatistics());
+        $this->assign('combinationId', StoreCombinationModel::getCombinationIdAll());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function save_excel()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['is_show', ''],
+            ['store_name', ''],
+        ]);
+        StoreCombinationModel::SaveExcel($where);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 异步获取拼团数据
+     */
+    public function get_combination_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['export', 0],
+            ['is_show', ''],
+            ['is_host', ''],
+            ['store_name', '']
+        ]);
+        $combinationList = StoreCombinationModel::systemPage($where);
+        if (is_object($combinationList['list'])) $combinationList['list'] = $combinationList['list']->toArray();
+        $data = $combinationList['list']['data'];
+        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
+            $data[$k]['_stop_time'] = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $v['stop_time']);
+        }
+        return Json::successlayui(['count' => $combinationList['list']['total'], 'data' => $data]);
+    }
+    public function combination($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = ProductModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('product_id', $id);
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '拼团名称', $product->getData('store_name'));
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '拼团简介', $product->getData('store_info'))->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位', $product->getData('unit_name'))->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '砍价运费模板', (string)$product->getData('temp_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateTimeRange('section_time', '拼团时间');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $product->getData('image'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')), json_decode($product->getData('slider_image')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('effective_time', '拼团时效(单位 小时)', 24)->placeholder('请输入拼团有效时间,单位:小时');
+        $f[] = Form::number('price', '拼团价')->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('people', '拼团人数')->min(2)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('stock', '库存', $product->getData('stock'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sales', '销量', $product->getData('sales'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序')->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('weight', '重量', 0)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('volume', '体积', 0)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_host', '热门推荐', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_show', '活动状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('product', '选择商品', Url::buildUrl('productList', array('fodder' => 'product')))->icon('plus')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('product_id', '');
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '拼团名称');
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '拼团简介')->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位')->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '秒杀运费模板')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateTimeRange('section_time', '拼团时间');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('effective_time', '拼团时效', '24')->placeholder('请输入拼团订单有效时间,单位:小时')->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('people', '拼团人数', 2)->min(2)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('num', '单次购买商品个数', 1)->min(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序')->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_host', '热门推荐', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'product_id',
+            'title',
+            'info',
+            ['unit_name', '个'],
+            ['image', ''],
+            ['images', []],
+            ['section_time', []],
+            ['effective_time', 0],
+            ['postage', 0],
+            ['price', 0],
+            ['people', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['stock', 0],
+            ['sales', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0],
+            ['is_host', 0],
+            ['is_postage', 0],
+            ['temp_id', ''],
+            ['weight', ''],
+            ['volume', ''],
+            ['num', 1],
+        ]);
+        $data['description'] = StoreDescription::getDescription($data['product_id']);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入拼团名称');
+        if (!$data['info']) return Json::fail('请输入拼团简介');
+        if (!$data['image']) return Json::fail('请上传商品图片');
+        if (count($data['images']) < 1) return Json::fail('请上传商品轮播图');
+        if ($data['effective_time'] == 0 || $data['effective_time'] < 0) return Json::fail('请输入拼团有效时间');
+        if ($data['people'] == '' || $data['people'] < 1) return Json::fail('请输入拼团人数');
+        if (count($data['section_time']) < 1) return Json::fail('请选择活动时间');
+        $data['images'] = json_encode($data['images']);
+        $data['start_time'] = strtotime($data['section_time'][0]);
+        $data['stop_time'] = strtotime($data['section_time'][1]);
+        unset($data['section_time']);
+        if ($id) {
+            unset($data['description']);
+            $product = StoreCombinationModel::get($id);
+            if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+            $data['product_id'] = $product['product_id'];
+            StoreCombinationModel::edit($data, $id);
+            return Json::successful('编辑成功!');
+        } else {
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $res = StoreCombinationModel::create($data);
+            $description['product_id'] = $res['id'];
+            $description['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['description']);
+            $description['type'] = 3;
+            StoreDescription::create($description);
+            return Json::successful('添加拼团成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreCombinationModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('product_id', '产品ID', $product->getData('product_id'))->disabled(true);
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '拼团名称', $product->getData('title'));
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '拼团简介', $product->getData('info'))->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位', $product->getData('unit_name'))->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '砍价运费模板', (string)$product->getData('temp_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateTimeRange('section_time', '拼团时间', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $product->getData('start_time')), date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $product->getData('stop_time')));
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $product->getData('image'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')), json_decode($product->getData('images')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('effective_time', '拼团时效(单位 小时)', $product->getData('effective_time'))->placeholder('请输入拼团订单有效时间,单位:小时')->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('price', $product->getData('price'));
+        $f[] = Form::number('people', '拼团人数', $product->getData('people'))->min(2)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('num', '单次购买商品个数', $product->getData('num'))->min(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('stock', $product->getData('stock'));
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('sales', $product->getData('sales'));
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $product->getData('sort'))->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_host', '热门推荐', $product->getData('is_host'))->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('is_show', $product->getData('is_show'));
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('save', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreCombinationModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['is_del']) return Json::fail('已删除!');
+        $data['is_del'] = 1;
+        if (!StoreCombinationModel::edit($data, $id))
+            return Json::fail(StoreCombinationModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 属性页面
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|void
+     */
+    public function attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+        $result = StoreCombinationAttrResult::getResult($id);
+        $image = StoreCombinationModel::where('id', $id)->value('image');
+        $this->assign(compact('id', 'result', 'product', 'image'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 拼团属性选择页面
+     * @param $id
+     * @return string|void
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function attr_list($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+        $combinationInfo = StoreCombinationModel::where('id', $id)->find();
+        $combinationResult = StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', 3)->value('result');
+        $productResult = StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $combinationInfo['product_id'])->where('type', 0)->value('result');
+        if ($productResult) {
+            $attr = json_decode($productResult, true)['attr'];
+            $productAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $combinationInfo['product_id'], 0);
+            $combinationAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $id, 3);
+            foreach ($productAttr as $pk => $pv) {
+                foreach ($combinationAttr as $sv) {
+                    if ($pv['detail'] == $sv['detail']) {
+                        $productAttr[$pk] = $sv;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ($combinationResult) {
+                $attr = json_decode($combinationResult, true)['attr'];
+                $productAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $id, 3);
+            } else {
+                $attr[0]['value'] = '默认';
+                $attr[0]['detailValue'] = '';
+                $attr[0]['attrHidden'] = '';
+                $attr[0]['detail'][0] = '默认';
+                $productAttr[0]['value1'] = '默认';
+                $productAttr[0]['detail'] = json_encode(['默认' => '默认']);
+                $productAttr[0]['pic'] = $combinationInfo['image'];
+                $productAttr[0]['price'] = $combinationInfo['price'];
+                $productAttr[0]['cost'] = $combinationInfo['cost'];
+                $productAttr[0]['ot_price'] = $combinationInfo['ot_price'];
+                $productAttr[0]['stock'] = $combinationInfo['stock'];
+                $productAttr[0]['quota'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['bar_code'] = $combinationInfo['bar_code'];
+                $productAttr[0]['weight'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['volume'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['brokerage'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['brokerage_two'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['check'] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        $attrs['attr'] = $attr;
+        $attrs['value'] = $productAttr;
+        $this->assign('attr', $attrs);
+        $this->assign('id', $id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 拼团属性添加
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function save_attr()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['attr', []],
+            ['ids', []],
+            ['id', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!$data['ids']) return Json::fail('你没有选择任何规格!');
+        $productId = StoreCombinationModel::where('id', $data['id'])->value('product_id');
+        $attr = json_decode(StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $productId)->where('type', 0)->value('result'), true)['attr'];
+        foreach ($data['attr'] as $k => $v) {
+            if (in_array($k, $data['ids'])) {
+                $v['detail'] = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($v['detail']), true);
+                $detail[$k] = $v;
+            }
+        }
+        if (min(array_column($detail, 'quota')) == 0) return Json::fail('限购不能为0');
+        $price = min(array_column($detail, 'price'));
+        $quota = array_sum(array_column($detail, 'quota'));
+        $stock = array_sum(array_column($detail, 'stock'));
+        if (!$attr) {
+            $attr[0]['value'] = '默认';
+            $attr[0]['detailValue'] = '';
+            $attr[0]['attrHidden'] = '';
+            $attr[0]['detail'][0] = '默认';
+        }
+        StoreProductAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $data['id'], 3);
+        StoreCombinationModel::where('id', $data['id'])->update(['stock' => $stock, 'quota' => $quota, 'quota_show' => $quota, 'price' => $price]);
+        return Json::successful('添加成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 生成属性
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function is_format_attr($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('商品不存在');
+        list($attr, $detail) = Util::postMore([
+            ['items', []],
+            ['attrs', []]
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        $product = StoreCombinationModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('商品不存在');
+        $attrFormat = attr_format($attr)[1];
+        if (count($detail)) {
+            foreach ($attrFormat as $k => $v) {
+                foreach ($detail as $kk => $vv) {
+                    if ($v['detail'] == $vv['detail']) {
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['price'] = $vv['price'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['sales'] = $vv['sales'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['pic'] = $vv['pic'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['check'] = false;
+                        break;
+                    } else {
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['price'] = '';
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['sales'] = '';
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['pic'] = $product['image'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['check'] = true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            foreach ($attrFormat as $k => $v) {
+                $attrFormat[$k]['price'] = $product['price'];
+                $attrFormat[$k]['sales'] = $product['stock'];
+                $attrFormat[$k]['pic'] = $product['image'];
+                $attrFormat[$k]['check'] = false;
+            }
+        }
+        return Json::successful($attrFormat);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加 修改属性
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function set_attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('商品不存在!');
+        list($attr, $detail) = Util::postMore([
+            ['items', []],
+            ['attrs', []]
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        $res = StoreCombinationAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $id);
+        if ($res)
+            return $this->successful('编辑属性成功!');
+        else
+            return $this->failed(StoreCombinationAttr::getErrorInfo());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 清除属性
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function clear_attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('商品不存在!');
+        if (false !== StoreCombinationAttr::clearProductAttr($id) && false !== StoreCombinationAttrResult::clearResult($id))
+            return $this->successful('清空商品属性成功!');
+        else
+            return $this->failed(StoreCombinationAttr::getErrorInfo('清空商品属性失败!'));
+    }
+    public function edit_content($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreCombinationModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign([
+            'content' => htmlspecialchars_decode(StoreDescription::getDescription($id, 3)),
+            'field' => 'description',
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('change_field', ['id' => $id, 'field' => 'description'])
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/edit_content');
+    }
+    public function change_field($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $combination = StoreCombinationModel::get($id);
+        if (!$combination) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $data['description'] = request()->post('description');
+        StoreDescription::saveDescription($data['description'], $id, 3);
+        $res = StoreCombinationModel::edit($data, $id);
+        if ($res)
+            return Json::successful('添加成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('添加失败');
+    }
+    /**拼团列表
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function combina_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(StorePink::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**拼团人列表
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function order_pink($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $StorePink = StorePink::getPinkUserOne($id);
+        if (!$StorePink) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+        $list = StorePink::getPinkMember($id);
+        $list[] = $StorePink;
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改拼团状态
+     * @param $status
+     * @param int $idd
+     */
+    public function set_combination_status($status, $id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $res = StoreProductAttrValue::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', 3)->find();
+        if (!$res) return Json::fail('请先配置规格');
+        $res = StoreCombinationModel::edit(['is_show' => $status], $id);
+        if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功');
+        else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加拼团获取商品列表
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function productList()
+    {
+        $cate = StoreCategory::getTierList(null, 1);
+        $this->assign('cate', $cate);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取拼团商品规格
+     * @param $attr
+     * @param $id
+     * @param $type
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function get_attr($attr, $id, $type)
+    {
+        $value = attr_format($attr)[1];
+        $valueNew = [];
+        $count = 0;
+        foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
+            $detail = $item['detail'];
+//            sort($item['detail'], SORT_STRING);
+            $suk = implode(',', $item['detail']);
+            $sukValue = StoreProductAttrValue::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', $type)->where('suk', $suk)->column('bar_code,cost,price,ot_price,stock,image as pic,weight,volume,brokerage,brokerage_two,quota', 'suk');
+            if (count($sukValue)) {
+                foreach (array_values($detail) as $k => $v) {
+                    $valueNew[$count]['value' . ($k + 1)] = $v;
+                }
+                $valueNew[$count]['detail'] = json_encode($detail);
+                $valueNew[$count]['pic'] = $sukValue[$suk]['pic'] ?? '';
+                $valueNew[$count]['price'] = $sukValue[$suk]['price'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['price']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['cost'] = $sukValue[$suk]['cost'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['cost']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['ot_price'] = isset($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['stock'] = $sukValue[$suk]['stock'] ? intval($sukValue[$suk]['stock']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['quota'] = $sukValue[$suk]['quota'] ? intval($sukValue[$suk]['quota']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['bar_code'] = $sukValue[$suk]['bar_code'] ?? '';
+                $valueNew[$count]['weight'] = $sukValue[$suk]['weight'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['volume'] = $sukValue[$suk]['volume'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['brokerage'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['brokerage_two'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage_two'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['check'] = $type != 0 ? 1 : 0;
+                $count++;
+            }
+        }
+        return $valueNew;
+    }

+ 321 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\store\StoreCategory as CategoryModel;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatUser as UserModel;
+use app\admin\model\ump\{StoreCouponIssue, StoreCoupon as CouponModel};
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+ * 优惠券控制器
+ * Class StoreCategory
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class StoreCoupon extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['type','']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(CouponModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $data = Util::getMore(['type',]);//接收参数
+        $tab_id = !empty(request()->param('tab_id')) ? request()->param('tab_id') : 1;
+        //前面通用字段
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '优惠券名称');
+        //不同类型不同字段
+        $formbuider = [];
+        switch ($data['type']) {
+            case 1://品类券
+                $formbuider = CouponModel::createClassRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+            case 2://商品券
+                $formbuider = CouponModel::createProductRule($tab_id);
+                break;
+        }
+        //后面通用字段
+        $formbuiderfoot = array();
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::number('coupon_price', '优惠券面值', 0)->min(0);
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::number('use_min_price', '最低消费')->min(0);
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::number('coupon_time', '有效期限')->min(0);
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::number('sort', '排序');
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::hidden('type', $data['type']);
+        $formbuiderfoot[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 0)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->value(1);
+        $formbuiders = array_merge($f, $formbuider, $formbuiderfoot);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加优惠券', $formbuiders, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        $this->assign('get', request()->param());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 选择商品
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function select()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'title',
+            ['product_id', []],
+            ['category_id', 0],
+            'coupon_price',
+            'use_min_price',
+            'coupon_time',
+            'sort',
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['type', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!in_array($data['type'],[0,1,2])) return Json::fail('优惠券类型有误');
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入优惠券名称');
+        if (!$data['coupon_price']) return Json::fail('请输入优惠券面值');
+        if (!$data['coupon_time']) return Json::fail('请输入优惠券有效期限');
+        $data['product_id'] = implode(',', $data['product_id']);
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        CouponModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加优惠券成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     * @param $id
+     * @return string|void
+     * @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $coupon = CouponModel::get($id);
+        if (!$coupon) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '优惠券名称', $coupon->getData('title'));
+        $f[] = Form::number('coupon_price', '优惠券面值', $coupon->getData('coupon_price'))->min(0);
+        $f[] = Form::number('use_min_price', '优惠券最低消费', $coupon->getData('use_min_price'))->min(0);
+        $f[] = Form::number('coupon_time', '优惠券有效期限', $coupon->getData('coupon_time'))->min(0);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $coupon->getData('sort'));
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $coupon->getData('status'))->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加优惠券', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存更新的资源
+     *
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'title',
+            'coupon_price',
+            'use_min_price',
+            'coupon_time',
+            'sort',
+            ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入优惠券名称');
+        if (!$data['coupon_price']) return Json::fail('请输入优惠券面值');
+        if (!$data['coupon_time']) return Json::fail('请输入优惠券有效期限');
+        CouponModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $data['is_del'] = 1;
+        if (!CouponModel::edit($data, $id))
+            return Json::fail(CouponModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改优惠券状态
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function status($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!CouponModel::editIsDel($id))
+            return Json::fail(CouponModel::getErrorInfo('修改失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function grant_subscribe()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(CouponModel::systemPageCoupon($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function grant_all()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(CouponModel::systemPageCoupon($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function grant($id)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $nickname = UserModel::where('uid', 'IN', $id)->column('nickname', 'uid');
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('uid', $id);
+        $this->assign('nickname', implode(',', $nickname));
+        $this->assign(CouponModel::systemPageCoupon($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function issue($id)
+    {
+        if (!CouponModel::be(['id' => $id, 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0]))
+            return $this->failed('发布的优惠劵已失效或不存在!');
+        $f = [];
+        $f[] = Form::input('id', '优惠劵ID', $id)->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::dateTimeRange('range_date', '领取时间')->placeholder('不填为永久有效');
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_permanent', '是否不限量', 0)->options([['label' => '限量', 'value' => 0], ['label' => '不限量', 'value' => 1]]);
+        $f[] = Form::number('count', '发布数量', 0)->min(0)->placeholder('不填或填0,为不限量');
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_full_give', '消费满赠', 0)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $f[] = Form::number('full_reduction', '满赠金额')->min(0)->placeholder('赠送优惠券的最低消费金额');
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_give_subscribe', '首次关注赠送', 0)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加优惠券', $f, Url::buildUrl('update_issue', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+//        FormBuilder::text('id','优惠劵ID',$id)->disabled();
+//        FormBuilder::dateTimeRange('range_date','领取时间')->placeholder('不填为永久有效');
+//        FormBuilder::text('count','发布数量')->placeholder('不填或填0,为不限量');
+//        FormBuilder::radio('status','是否开启',[
+//            ['value'=>1,'label'=>'开启'],
+//            ['value'=>0,'label'=>'关闭']
+//        ],1);
+//        $this->assign(['title'=>'发布优惠券','rules'=>FormBuilder::builder()->getContent(),'action'=>Url::buildUrl('update_issue',array('id'=>$id))]);
+//        return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+    }
+    public function update_issue($id)
+    {
+        list($_id, $rangeTime, $count, $status, $is_permanent, $full_reduction, $is_give_subscribe, $is_full_give) = Util::postMore([
+            'id',
+            ['range_date', ['', '']],
+            ['count', 0],
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['is_permanent', 0],
+            ['full_reduction', 0],
+            ['is_give_subscribe', 0],
+            ['is_full_give', 0]
+        ], null, true);
+        if ($_id != $id) return Json::fail('操作失败,信息不对称');
+        if (!$count) $count = 0;
+        if (!CouponModel::be(['id' => $id, 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0])) return Json::fail('发布的优惠劵已失效或不存在!');
+        if (count($rangeTime) != 2) return Json::fail('请选择正确的时间区间');
+        list($startTime, $endTime) = $rangeTime;
+//        echo $startTime;echo $endTime;var_dump($rangeTime);die;
+        if (!$startTime) $startTime = 0;
+        if (!$endTime) $endTime = 0;
+        if (!$startTime && $endTime) return Json::fail('请选择正确的开始时间');
+        if ($startTime && !$endTime) return Json::fail('请选择正确的结束时间');
+        if (StoreCouponIssue::setIssue($id, $count, strtotime($startTime), strtotime($endTime), $count, $status, $is_permanent,$full_reduction, $is_give_subscribe, $is_full_give))
+            return Json::successful('发布优惠劵成功!');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('发布优惠劵失败!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 给分组用户发放优惠券
+     */
+    public function grant_group()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $group = UserModel::getUserGroup();
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('group', json_encode($group));
+        $this->assign(CouponModel::systemPageCoupon($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 给标签用户发放优惠券
+     */
+    public function grant_tag()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_del', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $tag = UserModel::getUserTag();;//获取所有标签
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('tag', json_encode($tag));
+        $this->assign(CouponModel::systemPageCoupon($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2018/01/17
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use crmeb\services\{JsonService, FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util};
+use app\admin\model\ump\{StoreCouponIssue as CouponIssueModel, StoreCouponIssueUser};
+class StoreCouponIssue extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    protected $bindModel = CouponIssueModel::class;
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['coupon_title', ''],
+            ['type','']
+        ]);
+        $this->assign(CouponIssueModel::stsypage($where));
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function delete($id = '')
+    {
+        if (!$id) return JsonService::fail('参数有误!');
+        if (CouponIssueModel::edit(['is_del' => 1], $id, 'id'))
+            return JsonService::successful('删除成功!');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('删除失败!');
+    }
+    public function edit($id = '')
+    {
+        if (!$id) return JsonService::fail('参数有误!');
+        $issueInfo = CouponIssueModel::get($id);
+        if (-1 == $issueInfo['status'] || 1 == $issueInfo['is_del']) return $this->failed('状态错误,无法修改');
+        $f = [Form::radio('status', '是否开启', $issueInfo['status'])->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('状态修改', $f, Url::buildUrl('change_field', array('id' => $id, 'field' => 'status')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function issue_log($id = '')
+    {
+        if (!$id) return JsonService::fail('参数有误!');
+        $this->assign(StoreCouponIssueUser::systemCouponIssuePage($id));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 117 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatUser;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use app\admin\model\ump\StoreCoupon as CouponModel;
+use app\admin\model\ump\StoreCouponUser as CouponUserModel;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatUser as UserModel;
+ * 优惠券发放记录控制器
+ * Class StoreCategory
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class StoreCouponUser extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['is_fail', ''],
+            ['coupon_title', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(CouponUserModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 给已关注的用户发放优惠券
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function grant_subscribe($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $coupon = CouponModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$coupon) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $user = UserModel::getSubscribe('uid');
+        if (!CouponUserModel::setCoupon($coupon, $user))
+            return Json::fail(CouponUserModel::getErrorInfo('发放失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('发放成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 给所有人发放优惠券
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function grant_all($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $coupon = CouponModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$coupon) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $user = UserModel::getUserAll('uid');
+        if (!CouponUserModel::setCoupon($coupon, $user))
+            return Json::fail(CouponUserModel::getErrorInfo('发放失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('发放成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 发放优惠券到指定个人
+     * @param $id
+     * @param $uid
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function grant($id, $uid)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $coupon = CouponModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$coupon) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $user = explode(',', $uid);
+        if (!CouponUserModel::setCoupon($coupon, $user))
+            return Json::fail(CouponUserModel::getErrorInfo('发放失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('发放成功!');
+    }
+    public function grant_group($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['group', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $coupon = CouponModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$coupon) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $user = WechatUser::where('groupid', $data['group'])->column('uid', 'uid');
+        if (!CouponUserModel::setCoupon($coupon, $user))
+            return Json::fail(CouponUserModel::getErrorInfo('发放失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('发放成功!');
+    }
+    public function grant_tag($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['tag', 0]
+        ]);
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $coupon = CouponModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$coupon) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $user = WechatUser::where("tagid_list", "LIKE", "%$data[tag]%")->column('uid', 'uid');
+        if (!CouponUserModel::setCoupon($coupon, $user))
+            return Json::fail(CouponUserModel::getErrorInfo('发放失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('发放成功!');
+    }

+ 592 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\store\{StoreDescription,
+    StoreProductAttr,
+    StoreProductAttrResult,
+    StoreProduct as ProductModel,
+    StoreProductAttrValue};
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use think\Exception;
+use think\exception\ErrorException;
+use think\exception\ValidateException;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemAttachment, SystemGroupData, ShippingTemplates};
+use app\admin\model\ump\{StoreSeckillAttr, StoreSeckillAttrResult, StoreSeckill as StoreSeckillModel, StoreSeckillTime};
+use crmeb\services\{
+    FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json
+use app\admin\model\store\StoreCategory;
+ * 限时秒杀  控制器
+ * Class StoreSeckill
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreSeckill extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    protected $bindModel = StoreSeckillModel::class;
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign('countSeckill', StoreSeckillModel::getSeckillCount());
+        $this->assign('seckillId', StoreSeckillModel::getSeckillIdAll());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function save_excel()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['store_name', '']
+        ]);
+        StoreSeckillModel::SaveExcel($where);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 异步获取砍价数据
+     */
+    public function get_seckill_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['store_name', '']
+        ]);
+        $seckillList = StoreSeckillModel::systemPage($where);
+        if (is_object($seckillList['list'])) $seckillList['list'] = $seckillList['list']->toArray();
+        $data = $seckillList['list']['data'];
+        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
+            $end_time = $v['stop_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $v['stop_time']) : '';
+            if ($end_time) {
+                $config = SystemGroupData::get($v['time_id']);
+                if ($config) {
+                    $arr = json_decode($config->value, true);
+                    $start_hour = $arr['time']['value'];
+                    $continued = $arr['continued']['value'];
+                    $end_hour = $start_hour + $continued;
+                    $end_time = $end_time . ' ' . $end_hour . ':00:00';
+                }
+            }
+            $data[$k]['_stop_time'] = $end_time;
+        }
+        return Json::successlayui(['count' => $seckillList['list']['total'], 'data' => $data]);
+    }
+    public function get_seckill_id()
+    {
+        return Json::successlayui(StoreSeckillModel::getSeckillIdAll());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加秒杀商品
+     * @return form-builder
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('product', '选择商品', Url::buildUrl('productList', array('fodder' => 'product')))->icon('plus')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('product_id', '');
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('description', '');
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '商品标题');
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '秒杀活动简介')->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位')->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '秒杀运费模板')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateRange('section_time', '活动日期');
+        $f[] = Form::select('time_id', '开始时间')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = SystemGroupData::getGroupData('routine_seckill_time', 20);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['time'] . '点开始,持续' . $menu['continued'] . '小时'];//,'disabled'=>$menu['pid']== 0];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序')->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('num', '单次购买商品个数')->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('give_integral', '赠送积分')->min(0)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_hot', '热门推荐', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存秒杀商品
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'title',
+            'product_id',
+            'info',
+            'unit_name',
+            ['image', ''],
+            ['images', []],
+            ['price', 0],
+            ['ot_price', 0],
+            ['cost', 0],
+            ['sales', 0],
+            ['stock', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['give_integral', 0],
+            ['postage', 0],
+            ['section_time', []],
+            ['is_postage', 0],
+            ['cost', 0],
+            ['is_hot', 0],
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['num', 0],
+            'time_id',
+            'temp_id',
+            ['weight', 0],
+            ['volume', 0],
+        ]);
+        $data['description'] = StoreDescription::getDescription($data['product_id']);
+        if (!$data['title']) return Json::fail('请输入商品标题');
+        if (!$data['unit_name']) return Json::fail('请输入商品单位');
+        if (!$data['product_id']) return Json::fail('商品ID不能为空');
+        if (count($data['section_time']) < 1) return Json::fail('请选择活动时间');
+        if (!$data['time_id']) return Json::fail('时间段不能为空');
+        $data['start_time'] = strtotime($data['section_time'][0]);
+        $data['stop_time'] = strtotime($data['section_time'][1]);
+        unset($data['section_time']);
+        if (!$data['image']) return Json::fail('请选择推荐图');
+        if (count($data['images']) < 1) return Json::fail('请选择轮播图');
+        $data['images'] = json_encode($data['images']);
+        if ($data['num'] < 1) return Json::fail('请输入单次秒杀个数');
+        if ($id) {
+            unset($data['description']);
+            $product = StoreSeckillModel::get($id);
+            if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+            StoreSeckillModel::edit($data, $id);
+            return Json::successful('编辑成功!');
+        } else {
+            if(StoreSeckillModel::checkSeckill($data['product_id'],$data['time_id'])) return Json::fail('该商品当前时间段已有秒杀活动');
+            $data['add_time'] = time();
+            $res = StoreSeckillModel::create($data);
+            $description['product_id'] = $res['id'];
+            $description['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['description']);
+            $description['type'] = 1;
+            StoreDescription::create($description);
+            return Json::successful('添加成功!');
+        }
+    }
+    /** 开启秒杀
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|void
+     */
+    public function seckill($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = ProductModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '商品标题', $product->getData('store_name'));
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('product_id', $id);
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '秒杀活动简介', $product->getData('store_info'))->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位', $product->getData('unit_name'))->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '秒杀运费模板', (string)$product->getData('temp_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateRange('section_time', '活动日期');
+        $f[] = Form::select('time_id', '开始时间')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = SystemGroupData::getGroupData('routine_seckill_time', 20);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['time'] . '点开始,持续' . $menu['continued'] . '小时'];//,'disabled'=>$menu['pid']== 0];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $product->getData('image'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')), json_decode($product->getData('slider_image')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('price', '秒杀价')->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('ot_price', '原价', $product->getData('price'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('cost', '成本价', $product->getData('cost'))->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('stock', '库存', $product->getData('stock'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sales', '销量', $product->getData('sales'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $product->getData('sort'))->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('num', '单次购买商品个数', 1)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('give_integral', '赠送积分', $product->getData('give_integral'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('weight', '重量', 0)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('volume', '体积', 0)->min(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_hot', '热门推荐', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '活动状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreSeckillModel::get($id);
+//        $time = StoreSeckillTime::getSeckillTime($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('product_id','产品ID', $product->getData('product_id'))->disabled(true);
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '商品标题', $product->getData('title'));
+        $f[] = Form::input('info', '秒杀活动简介', $product->getData('info'))->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::input('unit_name', '单位', $product->getData('unit_name'))->placeholder('个、位');
+        $f[] = Form::select('temp_id', '秒杀运费模板', (string)$product->getData('temp_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ShippingTemplates::getList(['page' => 1, 'limit' => 20]);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::dateRange('section_time', '活动时间', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)$product->getData('start_time')), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)$product->getData('stop_time')));
+        $f[] = Form::select('time_id', '开始时间', (string)$product->getData('time_id'))->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = SystemGroupData::getGroupData('routine_seckill_time', 20);
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list['data'] as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['time'] . '点开始,持续' . $menu['continued'] . '小时'];//,'disabled'=>$menu['pid']== 0];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '商品主图片(305*305px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $product->getData('image'))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::frameImages('images', '商品轮播图(640*640px)', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'images')), json_decode($product->getData('images')))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $product->getData('sort'))->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('stock', $product->getData('stock'));
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('price', $product->getData('price'));
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('ot_price', $product->getData('ot_price'));
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('sales', $product->getData('sales'));
+        $f[] = Form::number('num', '单次购买商品个数', $product->getData('num'))->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::number('give_integral', '赠送积分', $product->getData('give_integral'))->min(0)->precision(0)->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('is_hot', '热门推荐', $product->getData('is_hot'))->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])->col(12);
+        $f[] = Form::hidden('status', $product->getData('status'));
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('save', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = StoreSeckillModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if ($product['is_del']) return Json::fail('已删除!');
+        $data['is_del'] = 1;
+        if (!StoreSeckillModel::edit($data, $id))
+            return Json::fail(StoreSeckillModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    public function edit_content($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $seckill = StoreSeckillModel::get($id);
+        if (!$seckill) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $this->assign([
+            'content' => htmlspecialchars_decode(StoreDescription::getDescription($id, 1)),
+            'field' => 'description',
+            'action' => Url::buildUrl('change_field', ['id' => $id, 'field' => 'description'])
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/edit_content');
+    }
+    public function change_field($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $seckill = StoreSeckillModel::get($id);
+        if (!$seckill) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $data['description'] = request()->post('description');
+        StoreDescription::saveDescription($data['description'], $id, 1);
+        $res = StoreSeckillModel::edit($data, $id);
+        if ($res)
+            return Json::successful('添加成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('添加失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 属性页面
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|void
+     */
+    public function attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+        $result = StoreSeckillAttrResult::getResult($id);
+        $image = StoreSeckillModel::where('id', $id)->value('image');
+        $this->assign(compact('id', 'result', 'image'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 秒杀属性选择页面
+     * @param $id
+     * @return string|void
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function attr_list($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在!');
+        $seckillInfo = StoreSeckillModel::where('id', $id)->find();
+        $seckillResult = StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', 1)->value('result');
+        $productResult = StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $seckillInfo['product_id'])->where('type', 0)->value('result');
+        if ($productResult) {
+            $attr = json_decode($productResult, true)['attr'];
+            $productAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $seckillInfo['product_id'], 0);
+            $seckillAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $id, 1);
+            foreach ($productAttr as $pk => $pv) {
+                foreach ($seckillAttr as $sv) {
+                    if ($pv['detail'] == $sv['detail']) {
+                        $productAttr[$pk] = $sv;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ($seckillResult) {
+                $attr = json_decode($seckillResult, true)['attr'];
+                $productAttr = $this->get_attr($attr, $id, 1);
+            } else {
+                $attr[0]['value'] = '默认';
+                $attr[0]['detailValue'] = '';
+                $attr[0]['attrHidden'] = '';
+                $attr[0]['detail'][0] = '默认';
+                $productAttr[0]['value1'] = '默认';
+                $productAttr[0]['detail'] = json_encode(['默认' => '默认']);
+                $productAttr[0]['pic'] = $seckillInfo['image'];
+                $productAttr[0]['price'] = $seckillInfo['price'];
+                $productAttr[0]['cost'] = $seckillInfo['cost'];
+                $productAttr[0]['ot_price'] = $seckillInfo['ot_price'];
+                $productAttr[0]['stock'] = $seckillInfo['stock'];
+                $productAttr[0]['quota'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['bar_code'] = $seckillInfo['bar_code'];
+                $productAttr[0]['weight'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['volume'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['brokerage'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['brokerage_two'] = 0;
+                $productAttr[0]['check'] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        $attrs['attr'] = $attr;
+        $attrs['value'] = $productAttr;
+        $this->assign('attr', $attrs);
+        $this->assign('id', $id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 秒杀属性保存页面
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function save_attr()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['attr', []],
+            ['ids', []],
+            ['id', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!$data['ids']) return Json::fail('你没有选择任何规格!');
+        $productId = StoreSeckillModel::where('id', $data['id'])->value('product_id');
+        $attr = json_decode(StoreProductAttrResult::where('product_id', $productId)->where('type', 0)->value('result'), true)['attr'];
+        foreach ($data['attr'] as $k => $v) {
+            if (in_array($k, $data['ids'])) {
+                $v['detail'] = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($v['detail']), true);
+                $detail[$k] = $v;
+            }
+        }
+        if (min(array_column($detail, 'quota')) == 0) return Json::fail('限购不能为0');
+        $price = min(array_column($detail, 'price'));
+        $otPrice = min(array_column($detail, 'ot_price'));
+        $quota = array_sum(array_column($detail, 'quota'));
+        $stock = array_sum(array_column($detail, 'stock'));
+        if (!$attr) {
+            $attr[0]['value'] = '默认';
+            $attr[0]['detailValue'] = '';
+            $attr[0]['attrHidden'] = '';
+            $attr[0]['detail'][0] = '默认';
+        }
+        StoreProductAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $data['id'], 1);
+        StoreSeckillModel::where('id', $data['id'])->update(['stock' => $stock, 'quota' => $quota, 'quota_show' => $quota, 'price' => $price, 'ot_price' => $otPrice]);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 生成属性
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function is_format_attr($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('商品不存在');
+        list($attr, $detail) = Util::postMore([
+            ['items', []],
+            ['attrs', []]
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        $product = StoreSeckillModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('商品不存在');
+        $attrFormat = attr_format($attr)[1];
+        if (count($detail)) {
+            foreach ($attrFormat as $k => $v) {
+                foreach ($detail as $kk => $vv) {
+                    if ($v['detail'] == $vv['detail']) {
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['price'] = $vv['price'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['sales'] = $vv['sales'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['pic'] = $vv['pic'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['check'] = false;
+                        break;
+                    } else {
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['price'] = '';
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['sales'] = '';
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['pic'] = $product['image'];
+                        $attrFormat[$k]['check'] = true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            foreach ($attrFormat as $k => $v) {
+                $attrFormat[$k]['price'] = $product['price'];
+                $attrFormat[$k]['sales'] = $product['stock'];
+                $attrFormat[$k]['pic'] = $product['image'];
+                $attrFormat[$k]['check'] = false;
+            }
+        }
+        return Json::successful($attrFormat);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加 修改属性
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function set_attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('商品不存在!');
+        list($attr, $detail) = Util::postMore([
+            ['items', []],
+            ['attrs', []]
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        $res = StoreSeckillAttr::createProductAttr($attr, $detail, $id);
+        if ($res)
+            return $this->successful('编辑属性成功!');
+        else
+            return $this->failed(StoreSeckillAttr::getErrorInfo());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 清除属性
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function clear_attr($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('商品不存在!');
+        if (false !== StoreSeckillAttr::clearProductAttr($id) && false !== StoreSeckillAttrResult::clearResult($id))
+            return $this->successful('清空商品属性成功!');
+        else
+            return $this->failed(StoreSeckillAttr::getErrorInfo('清空商品属性失败!'));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改秒杀商品状态
+     * @param $status
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function set_seckill_status($status, $id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $res = StoreProductAttrValue::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', 1)->find();
+        if (!$res) return Json::fail('请先配置规格');
+        $res = StoreSeckillModel::edit(['status' => $status], $id);
+        if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功');
+        else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 秒杀获取商品列表
+     * @return string
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function productList()
+    {
+        $cate = StoreCategory::getTierList(null, 1);
+        $this->assign('cate', $cate);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取秒杀商品规格
+     * @param $attr
+     * @param $id
+     * @param $type
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function get_attr($attr, $id, $type)
+    {
+        $value = attr_format($attr)[1];
+        $valueNew = [];
+        $count = 0;
+        foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
+            $detail = $item['detail'];
+//            sort($item['detail'], SORT_STRING);
+            $suk = implode(',', $item['detail']);
+            $sukValue = StoreProductAttrValue::where('product_id', $id)->where('type', $type)->where('suk', $suk)->column('bar_code,cost,price,ot_price,stock,image as pic,weight,volume,brokerage,brokerage_two,quota', 'suk');
+            if (count($sukValue)) {
+                foreach (array_values($detail) as $k => $v) {
+                    $valueNew[$count]['value' . ($k + 1)] = $v;
+                }
+                $valueNew[$count]['detail'] = json_encode($detail);
+                $valueNew[$count]['pic'] = $sukValue[$suk]['pic'] ?? '';
+                $valueNew[$count]['price'] = $sukValue[$suk]['price'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['price']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['cost'] = $sukValue[$suk]['cost'] ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['cost']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['ot_price'] = isset($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) ? floatval($sukValue[$suk]['ot_price']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['stock'] = $sukValue[$suk]['stock'] ? intval($sukValue[$suk]['stock']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['quota'] = $sukValue[$suk]['quota'] ? intval($sukValue[$suk]['quota']) : 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['bar_code'] = $sukValue[$suk]['bar_code'] ?? '';
+                $valueNew[$count]['weight'] = $sukValue[$suk]['weight'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['volume'] = $sukValue[$suk]['volume'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['brokerage'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['brokerage_two'] = $sukValue[$suk]['brokerage_two'] ?? 0;
+                $valueNew[$count]['check'] = $type != 0 ? 1 : 0;
+                $count++;
+            }
+        }
+        return $valueNew;
+    }

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use app\admin\model\user\UserPoint AS UserPointModel;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+ * 优惠券控制器
+ * Class StoreCategory
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class UserPoint extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+//            'sum_point'=>UserBill::where(['category'=>'integral','type'=>'system_add'])->sum('number'),
+//            'count'=>UserBill::where(['category'=>'integral','type'=>'sign'])->group('uid')->count(),
+//            'song_point'=>UserBill::where(['category'=>'integral','type'=>'sign'])->group('uid')->sum('number'),
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'year' => get_month(),
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $this->assign(['title' => '添加优惠券', 'action' => Url::buildUrl('save'), 'rules' => $this->rules()->getContent()]);
+        return $this->fetch('public/common_form');
+    }
+    //异步获取积分列表
+    public function getponitlist()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['start_time', ''],
+            ['end_time', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 10],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(UserPointModel::getpointlist($where));
+    }
+    //导出Excel表格
+    public function export()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['start_time', ''],
+            ['end_time', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+        ]);
+        UserPointModel::SaveExport($where);
+    }
+    //获取积分日志头部信息
+    public function getuserpointbadgelist()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['start_time', ''],
+            ['end_time', ''],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successful(UserPointModel::getUserpointBadgelist($where));
+    }

+ 798 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\user;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\models\vote\UserVote;
+use crmeb\repositories\UserRepository;
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use app\models\user\UserLevel as Level;
+use app\admin\model\order\StoreOrder;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatMessage;
+use app\admin\model\store\{StoreVisit, StoreCouponUser};
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemUserLevel, SystemUserTask};
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+use app\admin\model\user\{User as UserModel, UserBill as UserBillAdmin, UserLevel, UserGroup, UserTaskFinish};
+ * 用户管理控制器
+ * Class User
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class User extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $level = SystemUserLevel::where('is_del', 0)->where('is_show', 1)->order('grade asc')->field(['id', 'name'])->select();
+        $group = UserGroup::select();
+        $this->assign(compact('group'));
+        $this->assign(compact('level'));
+        $this->assign('count_user', UserModel::getcount());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置分组
+     * @param int $uid
+     */
+    public function set_group($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return $this->failed('缺少参数');
+        $userGroup = UserGroup::select();
+        $field[] = Form::select('group_id', '会员分组')->setOptions(function () use ($userGroup) {
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($userGroup as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['group_name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('设置分组', $field, Url::buildUrl('save_set_group', ['uid' => $uid]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function save_set_group($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        list($group_id) = Util::postMore([
+            ['group_id', 0],
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        $uids = explode(',',$uid);
+        $res = UserModel::whereIn('uid', $uids)->update(['group_id' => $group_id]);
+        if ($res) {
+            return Json::successful('设置成功');
+        } else {
+            return Json::successful('设置失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 赠送会员等级
+     * @param int $uid
+     * @return string|void
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     */
+    public function give_level($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return $this->failed('缺少参数');
+        $level = Level::getUserLevel($uid);
+        //获取当前会员等级
+        if ($level === false)
+            $grade = 0;
+        else
+            $grade = Level::getUserLevelInfo($level, 'grade');
+        //查询高于当前会员的所有会员等级
+        $systemLevelList = SystemUserLevel::where('grade', '>', $grade)->where(['is_show' => 1, 'is_del' => 0])->field(['name', 'id'])->select();
+        $field[] = Form::select('level_id', '会员等级')->setOptions(function () use ($systemLevelList) {
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($systemLevelList as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['name']];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('赠送会员', $field, Url::buildUrl('save_give_level', ['uid' => $uid]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function edit_other($uid)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $user = UserModel::get($uid);
+        if (!$user) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::radio('money_status', '修改余额', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '增加'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '减少']]);
+        $f[] = Form::number('money', '余额')->min(0);
+//        $f[] = Form::radio('integration_status', '修改积分', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '增加'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '减少']]);
+//        $f[] = Form::number('integration', '积分')->min(0);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('修改其他', $f, Url::buildUrl('update_other', array('uid' => $uid)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update_other($uid = 0)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['money_status', 0],
+            ['money', 0],
+            ['integration_status', 0],
+            ['integration', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        if (!$uid) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $user = UserModel::get($uid);
+        if (!$user) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        BaseModel::beginTrans();
+        $res1 = false;
+        $res2 = false;
+        $edit = array();
+        if ($data['money_status'] && $data['money']) {//余额增加或者减少
+            if ($data['money_status'] == 1) {//增加
+                $edit['now_money'] = bcadd($user['now_money'], $data['money'], 2);
+                $res1 = UserBillAdmin::income('系统增加余额', $user['uid'], 'now_money', 'system_add', $data['money'], $this->adminId, $edit['now_money'], '系统增加了' . floatval($data['money']) . '余额');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminAddMoney($user, $data['money']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            } else if ($data['money_status'] == 2) {//减少
+                $edit['now_money'] = bcsub($user['now_money'], $data['money'], 2);
+                $res1 = UserBillAdmin::expend('系统减少余额', $user['uid'], 'now_money', 'system_sub', $data['money'], $this->adminId, $edit['now_money'], '系统扣除了' . floatval($data['money']) . '余额');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminSubMoney($user, $data['money']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            $res1 = true;
+        }
+        if ($data['integration_status'] && $data['integration']) {//积分增加或者减少
+            if ($data['integration_status'] == 1) {//增加
+                $edit['integral'] = bcadd($user['integral'], $data['integration'], 2);
+                $res2 = UserBillAdmin::income('系统增加积分', $user['uid'], 'integral', 'system_add', $data['integration'], $this->adminId, $edit['integral'], '系统增加了' . floatval($data['integration']) . '积分');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminAddIntegral($user, $data['integration']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            } else if ($data['integration_status'] == 2) {//减少
+                $edit['integral'] = bcsub($user['integral'], $data['integration'], 2);
+                $res2 = UserBillAdmin::expend('系统减少积分', $user['uid'], 'integral', 'system_sub', $data['integration'], $this->adminId, $edit['integral'], '系统扣除了' . floatval($data['integration']) . '积分');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminSubIntegral($user, $data['integration']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            $res2 = true;
+        }
+        if ($edit) $res3 = UserModel::edit($edit, $uid);
+        else $res3 = true;
+        if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3) $res = true;
+        else $res = false;
+        BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+        if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+        else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 赠送会员等级
+     * @paran int $uid
+     * @return json
+     * */
+    public function save_give_level($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        list($level_id) = Util::postMore([
+            ['level_id', 0],
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        //查询当前选择的会员等级
+        $systemLevel = SystemUserLevel::where(['is_show' => 1, 'is_del' => 0, 'id' => $level_id])->find();
+        if (!$systemLevel) return Json::fail('您选择赠送的会员等级不存在!');
+        //检查是否拥有此会员等级
+        $level = UserLevel::where(['uid' => $uid, 'level_id' => $level_id, 'is_del' => 0])->field('valid_time,is_forever')->find();
+        if ($level) if (!$level['is_forever'] && time() < $level['valid_time']) return Json::fail('此用户已有该会员等级,无法再次赠送');
+        //设置会员过期时间
+        $add_valid_time = (int)$systemLevel->valid_date * 86400;
+        UserModel::commitTrans();
+        try {
+            //保存会员信息
+            $res = UserLevel::create([
+                'is_forever' => $systemLevel->is_forever,
+                'status' => 1,
+                'is_del' => 0,
+                'grade' => $systemLevel->grade,
+                'uid' => $uid,
+                'add_time' => time(),
+                'level_id' => $level_id,
+                'discount' => $systemLevel->discount,
+                'valid_time' => $systemLevel->discount ? $add_valid_time + time() : 0,
+                'mark' => '尊敬的用户【' . UserModel::where('uid', $uid)->value('nickname') . '】在' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . '赠送会员等级成为' . $systemLevel['name'] . '会员',
+            ]);
+            //提取等级任务并记录完成情况
+            $levelIds = [$level_id];
+            $lowGradeLevelIds = SystemUserLevel::where('grade', '<', $systemLevel->grade)->where(['is_show' => 1, 'is_del' => 0])->column('id', 'id');
+            if (count($lowGradeLevelIds)) $levelIds = array_merge($levelIds, $lowGradeLevelIds);
+            $taskIds = SystemUserTask::where('level_id', 'in', $levelIds)->column('id', 'id');
+            $inserValue = [];
+            foreach ($taskIds as $id) {
+                $inserValue[] = ['uid' => $uid, 'task_id' => $id, 'status' => 1, 'add_time' => time()];
+            }
+            $res = $res && UserTaskFinish::insertAll($inserValue) && UserModel::where('uid', $uid)->update(['level' => $level_id]);
+            if ($res) {
+                UserModel::commitTrans();
+                return Json::successful('赠送成功');
+            } else {
+                UserModel::rollbackTrans();
+                return Json::successful('赠送失败');
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            UserModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return Json::fail('赠送失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 清除会员等级
+     * @param int $uid
+     * @return json
+     * */
+    public function del_level($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (UserLevel::cleanUpLevel($uid))
+            return Json::successful('清除成功');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('清除失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改user表状态
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_status($status = '', $uid = 0, $is_echo = 0)
+    {
+        if ($is_echo == 0) {
+            if ($status == '' || $uid == 0) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+            UserModel::where(['uid' => $uid])->update(['status' => $status]);
+        } else {
+            $uids = Util::postMore([
+                ['uids', []]
+            ]);
+            UserModel::destrSyatus($uids['uids'], $status);
+        }
+        return Json::successful($status == 0 ? '禁用成功' : '解禁成功');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取user表
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function get_user_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['pay_count', ''],
+            ['is_promoter', ''],
+            ['order', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['user_type', ''],
+            ['country', ''],
+            ['province', ''],
+            ['city', ''],
+            ['user_time_type', ''],
+            ['user_time', ''],
+            ['sex', ''],
+            ['level', ''],
+            ['group_id', ''],
+        ]);
+        return Json::successlayui(UserModel::getUserList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 编辑模板消息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function edit($uid)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $user = UserModel::get($uid);
+        if (!$user) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('uid', '用户编号', $user->getData('uid'))->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('real_name', '真实姓名', $user->getData('real_name'));
+        $f[] = Form::text('phone', '手机号', $user->getData('phone'));
+        $f[] = Form::text('email', '邮箱', $user->getData('email'));
+//        $f[] = Form::date('birthday', '生日', $user->getData('birthday') ? date('Y-m-d', $user->getData('birthday')) : 0);
+        $f[] = Form::input('card_id', '身份证号', $user->getData('card_id'));
+        $f[] = Form::textarea('mark', '用户备注', $user->getData('mark'));
+//        $f[] = Form::radio('is_promoter', '推广员', $user->getData('is_promoter'))->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']]);
+//        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $user->getData('status'))->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '锁定']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', array('uid' => $uid)), 5);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update($uid)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            ['money_status', 0],
+            ['is_promoter', 1],
+            ['real_name', ''],
+            ['phone', 0],
+            ['card_id', ''],
+            ['birthday', ''],
+            ['mark', ''],
+            ['money', 0],
+            ['integration_status', 0],
+            ['integration', 0],
+            ['status', 0],
+        ]);
+        if (!$uid) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $user = UserModel::get($uid);
+        if (!$user) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        BaseModel::beginTrans();
+        $res1 = false;
+        $res2 = false;
+        $edit = array();
+        if ($data['money_status'] && $data['money']) {//余额增加或者减少
+            if ($data['money_status'] == 1) {//增加
+                $edit['now_money'] = bcadd($user['now_money'], $data['money'], 2);
+                $res1 = UserBillAdmin::income('系统增加余额', $user['uid'], 'now_money', 'system_add', $data['money'], $this->adminId, $edit['now_money'], '系统增加了' . floatval($data['money']) . '余额');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminAddMoney($user, $data['money']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            } else if ($data['money_status'] == 2) {//减少
+                $edit['now_money'] = bcsub($user['now_money'], $data['money'], 2);
+                $res1 = UserBillAdmin::expend('系统减少余额', $user['uid'], 'now_money', 'system_sub', $data['money'], $this->adminId, $edit['now_money'], '系统扣除了' . floatval($data['money']) . '余额');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminSubMoney($user, $data['money']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            $res1 = true;
+        }
+        if ($data['integration_status'] && $data['integration']) {//积分增加或者减少
+            if ($data['integration_status'] == 1) {//增加
+                $edit['integral'] = bcadd($user['integral'], $data['integration'], 2);
+                $res2 = UserBillAdmin::income('系统增加积分', $user['uid'], 'integral', 'system_add', $data['integration'], $this->adminId, $edit['integral'], '系统增加了' . floatval($data['integration']) . '积分');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminAddIntegral($user, $data['integration']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            } else if ($data['integration_status'] == 2) {//减少
+                $edit['integral'] = bcsub($user['integral'], $data['integration'], 2);
+                $res2 = UserBillAdmin::expend('系统减少积分', $user['uid'], 'integral', 'system_sub', $data['integration'], $this->adminId, $edit['integral'], '系统扣除了' . floatval($data['integration']) . '积分');
+                try {
+                    UserRepository::adminSubIntegral($user, $data['integration']);
+                } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                    BaseModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            $res2 = true;
+        }
+        $edit['status'] = $data['status'];
+        $edit['real_name'] = $data['real_name'];
+        $edit['phone'] = $data['phone'];
+        $edit['card_id'] = $data['card_id'];
+        $edit['birthday'] = strtotime($data['birthday']);
+        $edit['mark'] = $data['mark'];
+        $edit['is_promoter'] = $data['is_promoter'];
+        if ($edit) $res3 = UserModel::edit($edit, $uid);
+        else $res3 = true;
+        if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3) $res = true;
+        else $res = false;
+        BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+        if ($res) return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+        else return Json::fail('修改失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户图表
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function user_analysis()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['is_promoter', ''],
+            ['date', ''],
+            ['user_type', ''],
+            ['export', 0]
+        ], $this->request);
+        $user_count = UserModel::consume($where, '', true);
+        //头部信息
+        $header = [
+            [
+                'name' => '新增用户',
+                'class' => 'fa-line-chart',
+                'value' => $user_count,
+                'color' => 'red'
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '用户留存',
+                'class' => 'fa-area-chart',
+                'value' => $this->gethreaderValue(UserModel::consume($where, '', true), $where) . '%',
+                'color' => 'lazur'
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '新增用户总消费',
+                'class' => 'fa-bar-chart',
+                'value' => '¥' . UserModel::consume($where),
+                'color' => 'navy'
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '用户活跃度',
+                'class' => 'fa-pie-chart',
+                'value' => $this->gethreaderValue(UserModel::consume($where, '', true)) . '%',
+                'color' => 'yellow'
+            ],
+        ];
+        $name = ['新增用户', '用户消费'];
+        $dates = $this->get_user_index($where, $name);
+        $user_index = ['name' => json_encode($name), 'date' => json_encode($dates['time']), 'series' => json_encode($dates['series'])];
+        //用户浏览分析
+        $view = StoreVisit::getVisit($where['date'], ['', 'warning', 'info', 'danger']);
+        $view_v1 = WechatMessage::getViweList($where['date'], ['', 'warning', 'info', 'danger']);
+        $view = array_merge($view, $view_v1);
+        $view_v2 = [];
+        foreach ($view as $val) {
+            $view_v2['color'][] = '#' . rand(100000, 339899);
+            $view_v2['name'][] = $val['name'];
+            $view_v2['value'][] = $val['value'];
+        }
+        $view = $view_v2;
+        //消费会员排行用户分析
+        $user_null = UserModel::getUserSpend($where['date']);
+        //消费数据
+        $now_number = UserModel::getUserSpend($where['date'], true);
+        list($paren_number, $title) = UserModel::getPostNumber($where['date']);
+        if ($paren_number == 0) {
+            $rightTitle = [
+                'number' => $now_number > 0 ? $now_number : 0,
+                'icon' => 'fa-level-up',
+                'title' => $title
+            ];
+        } else {
+            $number = (float)bcsub($now_number, $paren_number, 4);
+            if ($now_number == 0) {
+                $icon = 'fa-level-down';
+            } else {
+                $icon = $now_number > $paren_number ? 'fa-level-up' : 'fa-level-down';
+            }
+            $rightTitle = ['number' => $number, 'icon' => $icon, 'title' => $title];
+        }
+        unset($title, $paren_number, $now_number);
+        list($paren_user_count, $title) = UserModel::getPostNumber($where['date'], true, 'add_time', '');
+        if ($paren_user_count == 0) {
+            $count = $user_count == 0 ? 0 : $user_count;
+            $icon = $user_count == 0 ? 'fa-level-down' : 'fa-level-up';
+        } else {
+            $count = (float)bcsub($user_count, $paren_user_count, 4);
+            $icon = $user_count < $paren_user_count ? 'fa-level-down' : 'fa-level-up';
+        }
+        $leftTitle = [
+            'count' => $count,
+            'icon' => $icon,
+            'title' => $title
+        ];
+        unset($count, $icon, $title);
+        $consume = [
+            'title' => '消费金额为¥' . UserModel::consume($where),
+            'series' => UserModel::consume($where, 'xiaofei'),
+            'rightTitle' => $rightTitle,
+            'leftTitle' => $leftTitle,
+        ];
+        $form = UserModel::consume($where, 'form');
+        $grouping = UserModel::consume($where, 'grouping');
+        $this->assign(compact('header', 'user_index', 'view', 'user_null', 'consume', 'form', 'grouping', 'where'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function gethreaderValue($chart, $where = [])
+    {
+        if ($where) {
+            switch ($where['date']) {
+                case null:
+                case 'today':
+                case 'week':
+                case 'year':
+                    if ($where['date'] == null) {
+                        $where['date'] = 'month';
+                    }
+                    $sum_user = UserModel::whereTime('add_time', $where['date'])->count();
+                    if ($sum_user == 0) return 0;
+                    $counts = bcdiv($chart, $sum_user, 4) * 100;
+                    return $counts;
+                    break;
+                case 'quarter':
+                    $quarter = UserModel::getMonth('n');
+                    $quarter[0] = strtotime($quarter[0]);
+                    $quarter[1] = strtotime($quarter[1]);
+                    $sum_user = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between', $quarter)->count();
+                    if ($sum_user == 0) return 0;
+                    $counts = bcdiv($chart, $sum_user, 4) * 100;
+                    return $counts;
+                default:
+                    //自定义时间
+                    $quarter = explode('-', $where['date']);
+                    $quarter[0] = strtotime($quarter[0]);
+                    $quarter[1] = strtotime($quarter[1]);
+                    $sum_user = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between', $quarter)->count();
+                    if ($sum_user == 0) return 0;
+                    $counts = bcdiv($chart, $sum_user, 4) * 100;
+                    return $counts;
+                    break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $num = UserModel::count();
+            $chart = $num != 0 ? bcdiv($chart, $num, 5) * 100 : 0;
+            return $chart;
+        }
+    }
+    public function get_user_index($where, $name)
+    {
+        switch ($where['date']) {
+            case null:
+                $days = date("t", strtotime(date('Y-m', time())));
+                $dates = [];
+                $series = [];
+                $times_list = [];
+                foreach ($name as $key => $val) {
+                    for ($i = 1; $i <= $days; $i++) {
+                        if (!in_array($i . '号', $times_list)) {
+                            array_push($times_list, $i . '号');
+                        }
+                        $time = $this->gettime(date("Y-m", time()) . '-' . $i);
+                        if ($key == 0) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between', $time)->count();
+                        } else if ($key == 1) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::consume(true, $time);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $dates['name'] = $val;
+                    $dates['type'] = 'line';
+                    $series[] = $dates;
+                    unset($dates);
+                }
+                return ['time' => $times_list, 'series' => $series];
+            case 'today':
+                $dates = [];
+                $series = [];
+                $times_list = [];
+                foreach ($name as $key => $val) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i <= 24; $i++) {
+                        $strtitle = $i . '点';
+                        if (!in_array($strtitle, $times_list)) {
+                            array_push($times_list, $strtitle);
+                        }
+                        $time = $this->gettime(date("Y-m-d ", time()) . $i);
+                        if ($key == 0) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between', $time)->count();
+                        } else if ($key == 1) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::consume(true, $time);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $dates['name'] = $val;
+                    $dates['type'] = 'line';
+                    $series[] = $dates;
+                    unset($dates);
+                }
+                return ['time' => $times_list, 'series' => $series];
+            case "week":
+                $dates = [];
+                $series = [];
+                $times_list = [];
+                foreach ($name as $key => $val) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) {
+                        if (!in_array('星期' . ($i + 1), $times_list)) {
+                            array_push($times_list, '星期' . ($i + 1));
+                        }
+                        $time = UserModel::getMonth('h', $i);
+                        if ($key == 0) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between', [strtotime($time[0]), strtotime($time[1])])->count();
+                        } else if ($key == 1) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::consume(true, [strtotime($time[0]), strtotime($time[1])]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $dates['name'] = $val;
+                    $dates['type'] = 'line';
+                    $series[] = $dates;
+                    unset($dates);
+                }
+                return ['time' => $times_list, 'series' => $series];
+            case 'year':
+                $dates = [];
+                $series = [];
+                $times_list = [];
+                $year = date('Y');
+                foreach ($name as $key => $val) {
+                    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
+                        if (!in_array($i . '月', $times_list)) {
+                            array_push($times_list, $i . '月');
+                        }
+                        $t = strtotime($year . '-' . $i . '-01');
+                        $arr = explode('/', date('Y-m-01', $t) . '/' . date('Y-m-', $t) . date('t', $t));
+                        if ($key == 0) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between', [strtotime($arr[0]), strtotime($arr[1])])->count();
+                        } else if ($key == 1) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::consume(true, [strtotime($arr[0]), strtotime($arr[1])]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $dates['name'] = $val;
+                    $dates['type'] = 'line';
+                    $series[] = $dates;
+                    unset($dates);
+                }
+                return ['time' => $times_list, 'series' => $series];
+            case 'quarter':
+                $dates = [];
+                $series = [];
+                $times_list = [];
+                foreach ($name as $key => $val) {
+                    for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
+                        $arr = $this->gettime('quarter', $i);
+                        if (!in_array(implode('--', $arr) . '季度', $times_list)) {
+                            array_push($times_list, implode('--', $arr) . '季度');
+                        }
+                        if ($key == 0) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::where('add_time', 'between', [strtotime($arr[0]), strtotime($arr[1])])->count();
+                        } else if ($key == 1) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserModel::consume(true, [strtotime($arr[0]), strtotime($arr[1])]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $dates['name'] = $val;
+                    $dates['type'] = 'line';
+                    $series[] = $dates;
+                    unset($dates);
+                }
+                return ['time' => $times_list, 'series' => $series];
+            default:
+                $list = UserModel::consume($where, 'default');
+                $dates = [];
+                $series = [];
+                $times_list = [];
+                foreach ($name as $k => $v) {
+                    foreach ($list as $val) {
+                        $date = $val['add_time'];
+                        if (!in_array($date, $times_list)) {
+                            array_push($times_list, $date);
+                        }
+                        if ($k == 0) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = $val['num'];
+                        } else if ($k == 1) {
+                            $dates['data'][] = UserBillAdmin::where(['uid' => $val['uid'], 'type' => 'pay_product'])->sum('number');
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $dates['name'] = $v;
+                    $dates['type'] = 'line';
+                    $series[] = $dates;
+                    unset($dates);
+                }
+                return ['time' => $times_list, 'series' => $series];
+        }
+    }
+    public function gettime($time = '', $season = '')
+    {
+        if (!empty($time) && empty($season)) {
+            $timestamp0 = strtotime($time);
+            $timestamp24 = strtotime($time) + 86400;
+            return [$timestamp0, $timestamp24];
+        } else if (!empty($time) && !empty($season)) {
+            $firstday = date('Y-m-01', mktime(0, 0, 0, ($season - 1) * 3 + 1, 1, date('Y')));
+            $lastday = date('Y-m-t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $season * 3, 1, date('Y')));
+            return [$firstday, $lastday];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 会员等级首页
+     */
+    public function group()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 会员详情
+     */
+    public function see($uid = '')
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'uid' => $uid,
+            'userinfo' => UserModel::getUserDetailed($uid),
+            'is_layui' => true,
+            'headerList' => UserModel::getHeaderList($uid),
+            'count' => UserModel::getCountInfo($uid),
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取某个用户的推广下线
+     * */
+    public function getSpreadList($uid, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return Json::successful(UserModel::getSpreadList($uid, (int)$page, (int)$limit));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取某用户的订单列表
+     */
+    public function getOneorderList($uid, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return Json::successful(UserVote::getOneUserList(compact('uid', 'page', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取某用户的积分列表
+     */
+    public function getOneIntegralList($uid, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return Json::successful(UserBillAdmin::getOneIntegralList(compact('uid', 'page', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取某用户的积分列表
+     */
+    public function getOneSignList($uid, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return Json::successful(UserBillAdmin::getOneSignList(compact('uid', 'page', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取某用户的持有优惠劵
+     */
+    public function getOneCouponsList($uid, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return Json::successful(StoreCouponUser::getOneCouponsList(compact('uid', 'page', 'limit')));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取某用户的余额变动记录
+     */
+    public function getOneBalanceChangList($uid, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        return Json::successful(UserBillAdmin::getOneBalanceChangList(compact('uid', 'page', 'limit')));
+    }

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ *
+ * @author: wuhaotian<>
+ * @day: 2019/12/07
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\user;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\user\UserGroup as GroupModel;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+ * Class UserGroup
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class UserGroup extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 会员分组页面
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 分组列表
+     */
+    public function groupList()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(GroupModel::getList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加/修改分组页面
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function addGroup($id = 0)
+    {
+        $group = GroupModel::get($id);
+        $f = array();
+        if (!$group) {
+            $f[] = Form::input('group_name', '分组名称', '');
+        } else {
+            $f[] = Form::input('group_name', '分组名称', $group->getData('group_name'));
+        }
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('saveGroup', array('id' => $id)));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加/修改
+     * @param int $id
+     */
+    public function saveGroup($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['group_name', ''],
+        ]);
+        if ($id) {
+            if (GroupModel::where('id', $id)->update($data)) {
+                return JsonService::success('修改成功');
+            } else {
+                return JsonService::fail('修改失败或者您没有修改什么!');
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ($res = GroupModel::create($data)) {
+                return JsonService::success('保存成功', ['id' => $res->id]);
+            } else {
+                return JsonService::fail('保存失败!');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除
+     * @param $id
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        if (!GroupModel::be(['id' => $id])) return $this->failed('产品数据不存在');
+        if (!GroupModel::where('id', $id)->delete())
+            return JsonService::fail(GroupModel::getErrorInfo('恢复失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return JsonService::successful('恢复门店成功!');
+    }

+ 346 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\user;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use crmeb\traits\CurdControllerTrait;
+use app\admin\model\user\UserLevel as UserLevelModel;
+use app\admin\model\system\{SystemUserLevel,SystemUserTask};
+use crmeb\services\{UtilService,JsonService,FormBuilder as Form};
+ * 会员设置
+ * Class UserLevel
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class UserLevel extends AuthController
+    use CurdControllerTrait;
+    /*
+     * 等级展示
+     * */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /*
+     * 创建form表单
+     * */
+    public function create($id = 0)
+    {
+        if ($id) $vipinfo = SystemUserLevel::get($id);
+        $field[] = Form::input('name', '等级名称', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->name : '')->col(Form::col(24));
+//        $field[] = Form::radio('is_forever', '是否为永久', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->is_forever : 0)->options([['label' => '永久', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '非永久', 'value' => 0]])->col(24);
+        //$field[]= Form::number('money','等级价格',isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->money : 0)->min(0)->col(24);
+        //$field[]= Form::radio('is_pay','是否需要购买',isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->is_pay : 0)->options([['label'=>'需要','value'=>1],['label'=>'免费','value'=>0]])->col(24);
+//        $field[] = Form::number('valid_date', '有效时间(天)', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->valid_date : 0)->min(0)->col(8);
+        $field[] = Form::number('grade', '等级', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->grade : 0)->min(0)->col(8);
+//        $field[] = Form::number('discount', '享受折扣', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->discount : 0)->min(0)->col(8);
+        $field[] = Form::number('layer_award_layer', '团队奖层数', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->layer_award_layer : 0)->min(0)->col(8);
+        $field[] = Form::number('layer_award_ratio', '团队奖百分比', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->layer_award_ratio : 0)->min(0)->col(8);
+        $field[] = Form::number('discount', '享受折扣', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->discount : 0)->min(0)->col(8);
+        $field[] = Form::frameImageOne('icon', '图标', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'icon')), isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->icon : '')->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $field[] = Form::frameImageOne('image', '会员背景', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->image : '')->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $field[] = Form::radio('is_show', '是否显示', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->is_show : 0)->options([['label' => '显示', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '隐藏', 'value' => 0]])->col(8);
+        $field[] = Form::textarea('explain', '等级说明', isset($vipinfo) ? $vipinfo->explain : '');
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加等级设置', $field, Url::buildUrl('save', ['id' => $id]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 会员等级添加或者修改
+     * @param $id 修改的等级id
+     * @return json
+     * */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['is_forever', 1],
+            ['money', 0],
+            ['layer_award_layer', 0],
+            ['layer_award_ratio', 0],
+            ['is_pay', 0],
+            ['valid_date', 0],
+            ['grade', 0],
+            ['discount', 0],
+            ['icon', ''],
+            ['image', ''],
+            ['is_show', ''],
+            ['explain', ''],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['name']) return JsonService::fail('请输入等级名称');
+        if (!$data['grade']) return JsonService::fail('请输入等级');
+        if (!$data['explain']) return JsonService::fail('请输入等级说明');
+        if ($data['is_forever'] == 0 && !$data['valid_date']) return JsonService::fail('请输入有效时间(天)');
+        if ($data['is_pay']) return JsonService::fail('会员等级购买功能正在开发中,暂时关闭可购买功能!');
+        if ($data['is_pay'] && !$data['money']) return JsonService::fail('请输入购买金额');
+        if (!$data['icon']) return JsonService::fail('请上传等级图标');
+        if (!$data['image']) return JsonService::fail('请上传等级背景图标');
+        if (!$id && SystemUserLevel::be(['is_del' => 0, 'grade' => $data['grade']])) return JsonService::fail('已检测到您设置过的会员等级,此等级不可重复');
+        SystemUserLevel::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            //修改
+            if ($id) {
+                if (SystemUserLevel::edit($data, $id)) {
+                    SystemUserLevel::commitTrans();
+                    return JsonService::successful('修改成功');
+                } else {
+                    SystemUserLevel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return JsonService::fail('修改失败');
+                }
+            } else {
+                //新增
+                $data['add_time'] = time();
+                if (SystemUserLevel::create($data)) {
+                    SystemUserLevel::commitTrans();
+                    return JsonService::successful('添加成功');
+                } else {
+                    SystemUserLevel::rollbackTrans();
+                    return JsonService::fail('添加失败');
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            SystemUserLevel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取系统设置的vip列表
+     * @param int page
+     * @param int limit
+     * */
+    public function get_system_vip_list()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 0],
+            ['limit', 10],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['is_show', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(SystemUserLevel::getSytemList($where));
+    }
+    /*
+     * 删除会员等级
+     * @param int $id
+     * */
+    public function delete($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (SystemUserLevel::edit(['is_del' => 1], $id))
+            return JsonService::successful('删除成功');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('删除失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置单个产品上架|下架
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
+    {
+        ($is_show == '' || $id == '') && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        $res = SystemUserLevel::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
+        if ($res) {
+            return JsonService::successful($is_show == 1 ? '显示成功' : '隐藏成功');
+        } else {
+            return JsonService::fail($is_show == 1 ? '显示失败' : '隐藏失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 快速编辑
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_value($field = '', $id = '', $value = '')
+    {
+        $field == '' || $id == '' || $value == '' && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (SystemUserLevel::where(['id' => $id])->update([$field => $value]))
+            return JsonService::successful('保存成功');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('保存失败');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 等级任务列表
+     * @param int $vip_id 等级id
+     * @return json
+     * */
+    public function tash($level_id = 0)
+    {
+        $this->assign('level_id', $level_id);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 快速编辑
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_tash_value($field = '', $id = '', $value = '')
+    {
+        $field == '' || $id == '' || $value == '' && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        if (SystemUserTask::where(['id' => $id])->update([$field => $value]))
+            return JsonService::successful('保存成功');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('保存失败');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置单个产品上架|下架
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_tash_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
+    {
+        ($is_show == '' || $id == '') && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        $res = SystemUserTask::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
+        if ($res) {
+            return JsonService::successful($is_show == 1 ? '显示成功' : '隐藏成功');
+        } else {
+            return JsonService::fail($is_show == 1 ? '显示失败' : '隐藏失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置单个产品上架|下架
+     *
+     * @return json
+     */
+    public function set_tash_must($is_must = '', $id = '')
+    {
+        ($is_must == '' || $id == '') && Json::fail('缺少参数');
+        $res = SystemUserTask::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_must' => (int)$is_must]);
+        if ($res) {
+            return JsonService::successful('设置成功');
+        } else {
+            return JsonService::fail('设置失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 生成任务表单
+     * @param int $id 任务id
+     * @param int $vip_id 会员id
+     * @return html
+     * */
+    public function create_tash($id = 0, $level_id = 0)
+    {
+        if ($id) $tash = SystemUserTask::get($id);
+        $field[] = Form::select('task_type', '任务类型', isset($tash) ? $tash->task_type : '')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = SystemUserTask::getTaskTypeAll();
+            $menus = [];
+            foreach ($list as $menu) {
+                $menus[] = ['value' => $menu['type'], 'label' => $menu['name'] . '----单位[' . $menu['unit'] . ']'];
+            }
+            return $menus;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $field[] = Form::number('number', '限定数量', isset($tash) ? $tash->number : 0)->min(0)->col(24);
+        $field[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', isset($tash) ? $tash->sort : 0)->min(0)->col(24);
+        $field[] = Form::radio('is_show', '是否显示', isset($tash) ? $tash->is_show : 1)->options([['label' => '显示', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '隐藏', 'value' => 0]])->col(24);
+        $field[] = Form::radio('is_must', '是否务必达成', isset($tash) ? $tash->is_must : 1)->options([['label' => '务必达成', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '完成其一', 'value' => 0]])->col(24);
+        $field[] = Form::textarea('illustrate', '任务说明', isset($tash) ? $tash->illustrate : '');
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加任务', $field, Url::buildUrl('save_tash', ['id' => $id, 'level_id' => $level_id]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 保存或者修改任务
+     * @param int $id 任务id
+     * @param int $vip_id 会员id
+     * */
+    public function save_tash($id = 0, $level_id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$level_id) return JsonService::fail('缺少参数');
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['task_type', ''],
+            ['number', 0],
+            ['is_show', 0],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['is_must', 0],
+            ['illustrate', ''],
+        ]);
+        if (!$data['task_type']) return JsonService::fail('请选择任务类型');
+        if ($data['number'] < 1) return JsonService::fail('请输入限定数量,数量不能小于1');
+        $tash = SystemUserTask::getTaskType($data['task_type']);
+        if ($tash['max_number'] != 0 && $data['number'] > $tash['max_number']) return JsonService::fail('您设置的限定数量超出最大限制,最大限制为:' . $tash['max_number']);
+        $data['name'] = SystemUserTask::setTaskName($data['task_type'], $data['number']);
+        try {
+            if ($id) {
+                SystemUserTask::edit($data, $id);
+                return JsonService::successful('修改成功');
+            } else {
+                $data['level_id'] = $level_id;
+                $data['add_time'] = time();
+                $data['real_name'] = $tash['real_name'];
+                if (SystemUserTask::create($data))
+                    return JsonService::successful('添加成功');
+                else
+                    return JsonService::fail('添加失败');
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * 异步获取等级任务列表
+     * @param int $vip_id 会员id
+     * @param int $page 分页
+     * @param int $limit 显示条数
+     * @return json
+     * */
+    public function get_tash_list($level_id = 0)
+    {
+        list($page, $limit) = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 10],
+        ], $this->request, true);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(SystemUserTask::getTashList($level_id, (int)$page, (int)$limit));
+    }
+    /*
+     * 删除任务
+     * @param int 任务id
+     * */
+    public function delete_tash($id = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return JsonService::fail('缺少差参数');
+        if (SystemUserTask::del($id))
+            return JsonService::successful('删除成功');
+        else
+            return JsonService::fail('删除失败');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 会员等级展示
+     *
+     * */
+    public function user_level_list()
+    {
+        $this->assign('level', SystemUserLevel::where('is_del', 0)->where('is_show', 1)->order('grade asc')->field(['id', 'name'])->select());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function get_user_vip_list()
+    {
+        $where = UtilService::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 10],
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['level_id', ''],
+        ]);
+        return JsonService::successlayui(UserLevelModel::getUserVipList($where));
+    }

+ 303 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\user;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json};
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\user\UserNotice as UserNoticeModel;
+use app\admin\model\user\UserNoticeSee as UserNoticeSeeModel;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatUser as UserModel;
+ * 用户通知
+ * Class UserNotice
+ * @package app\admin\controller\user
+ */
+class UserNotice extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
+            $where = Util::getMore([
+                ['page', 1],
+                ['limit', 20]
+            ]);
+            return Json::successlayui(UserNoticeModel::getList($where));
+        } else {
+            return $this->fetch();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('user', '发送人', '系统管理员');
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '通知标题');
+        $f[] = Form::input('content', '通知内容')->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::radio('type', '消息类型', 1)->options([['label' => '系统消息', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '用户通知', 'value' => 2]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加用户通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $params = request()->post();
+        if (!$params["user"]) return Json::fail('请输入发送人!');
+        if (!$params["title"]) return Json::fail('请输入通知标题!');
+        if (!$params["content"]) return Json::fail('请输入通知内容!');
+        if ($params["type"] == 2) {
+            $uids = UserModel::order('uid desc')->column("uid", 'uid');
+            $params["uid"] = count($uids) > 0 ? "," . implode(",", $uids) . "," : "";
+        }
+        $params["add_time"] = time();
+        $params["send_time"] = 0;
+        UserNoticeModel::create($params);
+        return Json::successful('添加成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $notice = UserNoticeModel::get($id);
+        if (!$notice) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('user', '发送人', $notice["user"]);
+        $f[] = Form::input('title', '通知标题', $notice["title"]);
+        $f[] = Form::input('content', '通知内容', $notice["content"])->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::radio('type', '消息类型', $notice["type"])->options([['label' => '系统消息', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '用户通知', 'value' => 2]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑通知', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', ["id" => $id]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $params = request()->post();
+        if (!$params["user"]) return Json::fail('请输入发送人!');
+        if (!$params["title"]) return Json::fail('请输入通知标题!');
+        if (!$params["content"]) return Json::fail('请输入通知内容!');
+        UserNoticeModel::edit($params, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function send($id)
+    {
+        UserNoticeModel::edit(array("is_send" => 1, "send_time" => time()), $id);
+        return Json::successful('发送成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!UserNoticeModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(UserNoticeModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 查询发送信息的用户资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function user($id)
+    {
+        $notice = UserNoticeModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        $model = new UserModel;
+        $model = $model::alias('A');
+        $model = $model->field('A.*');
+        if ($notice["type"] == 2) {
+            if ($notice["uid"] != "") {
+                $uids = explode(",", $notice["uid"]);
+                array_splice($uids, 0, 1);
+                array_splice($uids, count($uids) - 1, 1);
+                $model = $model->where("A.uid", "in", $uids);
+            } else {
+                $model = $model->where("A.uid", $notice['uid']);
+            }
+            $model->order('A.uid desc');
+        } else {
+            $model = $model->join('UserNoticeSee B', 'A.uid = B.uid', 'RIGHT');
+            $model = $model->where("B.nid", $notice['id']);
+            $model->order('B.add_time desc');
+        }
+        $this->assign(UserModel::page($model, function ($item, $key) use ($notice) {
+            $item["is_see"] = UserNoticeSeeModel::where("uid", $item["uid"])->where("nid", $notice["id"])->count() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+        }));
+        $this->assign(compact('notice'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加发送信息的用户
+     *
+     * @param $id
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function user_create($id)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(UserModel::systemPage($where));
+        $this->assign(['title' => '添加发送用户', 'save' => Url::buildUrl('user_save', array('id' => $id))]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function user_save($id)
+    {
+        $notice = UserNoticeModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$notice) return Json::fail('通知信息不存在!');
+        if ($notice["type"] == 1) return Json::fail('系统通知不能管理用户!');
+        //查找当前选中的uid
+        $params = request()->post();
+        if (isset($params["search"])) {
+            $model = new UserModel;
+            if ($params['search']['nickname'] !== '') $model = $model->where('nickname', 'LIKE', "%" . $params['search']['nickname'] . "%");
+            if ($params['search']['data'] !== '') {
+                list($startTime, $endTime) = explode(' - ', $params['search']['data']);
+                $model = $model->where('add_time', '>', strtotime($startTime));
+                $model = $model->where('add_time', '<', strtotime($endTime));
+            }
+            $model = $model->order('uid desc');
+            $uids = $model->column("uid", 'uid');
+        } else {
+            $uids = $params["checked_menus"];
+        }
+        if (count($uids) <= 0) return Json::fail('请选择要添加的用户!');
+        //合并原来和现在的uid
+        if ($notice["uid"] != "") {
+            $now_uids = explode(",", $notice["uid"]);
+            array_splice($now_uids, 0, 1);
+            array_splice($now_uids, count($now_uids) - 1, 1);
+            $now_uids = array_merge($now_uids, $uids);
+        } else {
+            $now_uids = $uids;
+        }
+        //编辑合并之后的uid
+        $res_uids = UserModel::where("uid", "in", $now_uids)->order('uid desc')->column("uid", 'uid');
+        UserNoticeModel::edit(array("uid" => "," . implode(",", $res_uids) . ","), $notice["id"]);
+        return Json::successful('添加成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function user_delete($id, $uid)
+    {
+        $notice = UserNoticeModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$notice) return Json::fail('通知信息不存在!');
+        if ($notice["type"] == 1) return Json::fail('系统通知不能管理用户!');
+        if ($notice["uid"] != "") {
+            $res_uids = explode(",", $notice["uid"]);
+            array_splice($res_uids, 0, 1);
+            array_splice($res_uids, count($res_uids) - 1, 1);
+        }
+        array_splice($res_uids, array_search($uid, $res_uids), 1);
+        $value = count($res_uids) > 0 ? "," . implode(",", $res_uids) . "," : "";
+        UserNoticeModel::edit(array("uid" => $value), $notice["id"]);
+        return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定的资源
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function user_select_delete($id)
+    {
+        $params = request()->post();
+        if (count($params["checked_menus"]) <= 0) return Json::fail('删除数据不能为空!');
+        $notice = UserNoticeModel::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!$notice) return Json::fail('通知信息不存在!');
+        $res_uids = explode(",", $notice["uid"]);
+        array_splice($res_uids, 0, 1);
+        array_splice($res_uids, count($res_uids) - 1, 1);
+        foreach ($params["checked_menus"] as $key => $value) {
+            array_splice($res_uids, array_search($value, $res_uids), 1);
+        }
+        $value = count($res_uids) > 0 ? "," . implode(",", $res_uids) . "," : "";
+        UserNoticeModel::edit(array("uid" => $value), $notice["id"]);
+        return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function notice($id)
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['title', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $nickname = UserModel::where('uid', 'IN', $id)->column('nickname', 'uid');
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('uid', $id);
+        $this->assign('nickname', implode(',', $nickname));
+        $this->assign(UserNoticeModel::getUserList($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 给指定用户发送站内信息
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function send_user($id = 0, $uid = '')
+    {
+        if (!$id || $uid == '') return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $uids = UserNoticeModel::where(['id' => $id])->value('uid');
+        $uid = rtrim($uids, ',') . "," . $uid . ",";
+        UserNoticeModel::edit(array("send_time" => time(), 'uid' => $uid), $id);
+        return Json::successful('发送成功!');
+    }

+ 289 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\vote;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemUserLevel;
+use Exception;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form,
+    JsonService,
+    UtilService as Util,
+    JsonService as Json,
+    UtilService
+use FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\models\vote\{
+    Vote as VoteModel, VoteSub, UserVote
+ * 图文管理
+ * Class WechatNews
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class Vote extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * TODO 显示后台管理员添加的图文
+     * @return mixed
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $money_type = json_encode(sys_data('money_type'));
+        $this->assign(compact('money_type'));
+        $this->assign('count_vote', VoteModel::count());
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取vote表
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function get_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['title', ''],
+            ['status', ''],
+            ['money_type', ''],
+        ]);
+        Json::successlayui(VoteModel::getList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取voteSub表
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function get_sub_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['id', 0],
+        ]);
+        Json::successlayui(VoteSub::getList($where));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 创建form表单
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     * @throws Exception
+     * @throws FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function create($id = 0)
+    {
+        $money_type = sys_data('money_type');
+        $money_type_select = [];
+        foreach ($money_type as $v) {
+            $money_type_select[] = ['label' => $v['name'], 'value' => $v['code']];
+        }
+        if ($id) $info = VoteModel::get($id);
+        $field[] = Form::input('vote_name', '投票标题', isset($info) ? $info->vote_name : '')->col(Form::col(24))->required();
+        $field[] = Form::select('money_type', '投票目标', isset($info) ? $info->money_type : '')->options($money_type_select)->col(24)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('money_precision', '币种精度', isset($info) ? $info->money_precision : 0)->min(0)->col(24)->placeholder('保留x位小数')->required();
+        $field[] = Form::time('day_start', '完成后下一期开始时间', isset($info) ? $info->day_start : 0)->col(24)->placeholder('第二天时间');
+        $field[] = Form::number('start_vote_num', '第一期投票数量', isset($info) ? $info->start_vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.00000001)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('step_vote_num', '投票数量每期增量(%)', isset($info) ? $info->step_vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('start_max_vote_num', '第一期个人投票上限', isset($info) ? $info->start_max_vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.00000001)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('step_max_vote_num', '投票上限每期增加', isset($info) ? $info->step_max_vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.00000001)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('start_still_time', '第一期投票时长(小时)', isset($info) ? $info->start_still_time : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('step_still_time', '投票时长每期增加(小时)', isset($info) ? $info->step_still_time : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('success_back', '投票成功返还(不含本金)(%)', isset($info) ? $info->success_back : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('fail_back_now', '投票失败当期返还(%)', isset($info) ? $info->fail_back_now : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('fail_back_last', '投票失败上期返还(%)', isset($info) ? $info->fail_back_last : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('fail_back_before_last', '投票失败上上期返还(%)', isset($info) ? $info->fail_back_before_last : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::select('other_back_money_type', '未返还部分转化为', isset($info) ? $info->other_back_money_type : '')->options($money_type_select)->col(24);
+        if (isset($info) && $info['status'] != 2)
+            $field[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', isset($info) ? $info->status : 0)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加投票', $field, Url::buildUrl('save', ['id' => $id]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加或者修改
+     * @param $id
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function save($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['vote_name', ''],
+            ['money_type', ''],
+            ['money_precision', 0],
+            ['start_vote_num', 0],
+            ['step_vote_num', 0],
+            ['start_max_vote_num', 0],
+            ['step_max_vote_num', 0],
+            ['start_still_time', 0],
+            ['step_still_time', 0],
+            ['success_back', 0],
+            ['fail_back_now', 0],
+            ['fail_back_last', 0],
+            ['fail_back_before_last', 0],
+            ['other_back_money_type', ''],
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['day_start', '10:00:00'],
+        ]);
+        VoteModel::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            //修改
+            if ($id) {
+                if (VoteModel::edit($data, $id)) {
+                    VoteModel::commitTrans();
+                    JsonService::successful('修改成功');
+                } else {
+                    VoteModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    JsonService::fail('修改失败');
+                }
+            } else {
+                //新增
+                $data['add_time'] = time();
+                $res = VoteModel::create($data);
+                if ($res) {
+                    //生成第一期子投票
+                    VoteSub::create([
+                        'vote_sub_name' => $data['vote_name'] . '第1期',
+                        'vote_id' => $res->id,
+                        'vote_num' => $data['start_vote_num'],
+                        'max_vote_num' => $data['start_max_vote_num'],
+                        'start_time' => time(),
+                        'end_time' => time() + 3600 * $data['start_still_time'],
+                        'loop' => 1,
+                        'status' => 0,
+                        'add_time' => time(),
+                    ]);
+                    VoteModel::commitTrans();
+                    JsonService::successful('添加成功');
+                } else {
+                    VoteModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    JsonService::fail('添加失败');
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            VoteModel::rollbackTrans();
+            JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 会员详情
+     */
+    public function see($id = '')
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'id' => $id,
+            'vote_info' => VoteModel::getInfo($id),
+            'is_layui' => true,
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 创建form表单
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return string
+     * @throws Exception
+     * @throws FormBuilderException
+     */
+    public function create_sub($id = 0, $vid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$id && !$vid) {
+            $this->failed('参数异常');
+        }
+        if ($id) $info = VoteSub::get($id);
+        if (isset($info)) $vid = $info['vote_id'];
+//        var_dump($id);
+        $field[] = Form::hidden('vote_id', $vid);
+        $field[] = Form::input('vote_sub_name', '投票标题', isset($info) ? $info->vote_sub_name : '')->col(Form::col(24))->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('vote_num', '投票数量', isset($info) ? $info->vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.00000001)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::number('max_vote_num', '个人投票上限', isset($info) ? $info->max_vote_num : 0)->min(0)->col(12)->step(0.00000001)->required();
+        $field[] = Form::dateTime('start_time', '开始时间', isset($info) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info->start_time) : '');
+        $field[] = Form::dateTime('end_time', '结束时间', isset($info) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info->end_time) : '');
+        if ((isset($info) && $info['status'] != 2 && $info['status'] != 3) || !isset($info))
+            $field[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', isset($info) ? $info->status : 0)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加子投票', $field, Url::buildUrl('save_sub', ['id' => $id]), 2);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加或者修改
+     * @param $id
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function save_sub($id = 0)
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['vote_sub_name', ''],
+            ['vote_id', ''],
+            ['vote_num', ''],
+            ['max_vote_num', ''],
+            ['end_time', ''],
+            ['start_time', ''],
+            ['status', 0],
+        ]);
+        VoteSub::beginTrans();
+        try {
+            if (!$data['vote_id']) JsonService::fail('请选择投票');
+            if (!$data['start_time']) JsonService::fail('请输入开始时间');
+            if (!$data['end_time']) JsonService::fail('请输入结束时间');
+            $data['start_time'] = strtotime($data['start_time']);
+            $data['end_time'] = strtotime($data['end_time']);
+            if ($data['end_time'] <= $data['start_time']) JsonService::fail('结束时间要大于开始时间');
+            if (!$id) $data['loop'] = VoteSub::where('vote_id', $data['vote_id'])->max('loop') + 1;
+            //修改
+            if ($id) {
+                if (VoteSub::edit($data, $id)) {
+                    VoteSub::commitTrans();
+                    JsonService::successful('修改成功');
+                } else {
+                    VoteSub::rollbackTrans();
+                    JsonService::fail('修改失败');
+                }
+            } else {
+                //新增
+                $data['add_time'] = time();
+                $res = VoteSub::create($data);
+                if ($res) {
+                    VoteModel::commitTrans();
+                    JsonService::successful('添加成功');
+                } else {
+                    VoteModel::rollbackTrans();
+                    JsonService::fail('添加失败');
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            VoteModel::rollbackTrans();
+            JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    public function see_people($id = 0)
+    {
+        $this->assign([
+            'id' => $id,
+        ]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function people_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 20],
+            ['id', 0],
+        ]);
+        Json::successlayui(UserVote::getUserList($where));
+    }

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\wechat;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\models\system\Cache;
+use crmeb\services\WechatService;
+ * 微信菜单  控制器
+ * Class Menus
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class Menus extends AuthController
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $menus = Cache::where('key','wechat_menus')->value('result');
+        $menus = $menus ? : '[]';
+        $this->assign('menus',$menus);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $buttons = request()->post('button/a',[]);
+        if(!count($buttons)) return $this->failed('请添加至少一个按钮');
+        try{
+            WechatService::menuService()->add($buttons);
+            $count = Cache::where('key', 'wechat_menus')->count();
+            if($count){
+                $count = Cache::where('key', 'wechat_menus')->where('result', json_encode($buttons))->count();
+                if(!$count)
+                    Cache::where('key', 'wechat_menus')->update(['result'=>json_encode($buttons),'add_time'=>time()]);
+            }else
+                Cache::insert(['key'=>'wechat_menus','result'=>json_encode($buttons),'add_time'=>time()],true);
+            return $this->successful('修改成功!');
+        }catch (\Exception $e){
+            return $this->failed($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }

+ 195 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\wechat;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatReply;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+ * 关键字管理  控制器
+ * Class Reply
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class Reply extends AuthController
+    /**关注回复
+     * @return mixed|void
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        if (empty(input('key'))) return $this->failed('请输入参数key');
+        if (empty(input('title'))) return $this->failed('请输入参数title');
+        $key = input('key');
+        switch ($key) {
+            case 'subscribe':
+                $title = '编辑关注回复';
+                $type = 0;
+                break;
+            case 'default':
+                $title = '编辑关键字默认回复';
+                $type = 1;
+                break;
+            default:
+                $title = '编辑关键字回复';
+                $type = 1;
+                break;
+        }
+        $this->assign('replay_arr', WechatReply::getDataByKey($key));
+        $this->assign('key', $key);
+        $this->assign('type', $type);
+        $this->assign('title', $title);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function one_reply()
+    {
+        $where = Util::postMore([
+            ['key'],
+            ['add', 0],
+        ], $this->request);
+        if (!empty($where['key'])) $replay_arr = WechatReply::getDataByKey($where['key']);
+        $replay_arr['code'] = 200;
+        if (empty($replay_arr)) {
+            $replay_arr['code'] = 0;
+        }
+        if ($where['add'] && empty($where['key'])) {
+            $replay_arr['code'] = 0;
+        }
+        exit(json_encode($replay_arr));
+    }
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'type',
+            'key',
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['data', []],
+        ]);
+        if (!isset($data['type']) && empty($data['type']))
+            return Json::fail('请选择回复类型');
+        if (!in_array($data['type'], WechatReply::$reply_type))
+            return Json::fail('回复类型有误!');
+        if (!isset($data['data']) || !is_array($data['data']))
+            return Json::fail('回复消息参数有误!');
+        $res = WechatReply::redact($data['data'], $data['key'], $data['type'], $data['status']);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(WechatReply::getErrorInfo());
+        else
+            return Json::successful('保存成功!', $data);
+    }
+    public function upload_img()
+    {
+        $name = $this->request->post('file');
+        if (!$name) return Json::fail('请上传图片');
+        $upload = new Upload('local');
+        $info = $upload->to('wechat/image')->validate()->move($name);
+        if ($info === false) {
+            return Json::fail($upload->getError());
+        }
+        $res = $upload->getUploadInfo();
+        SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($res['name'], $res['size'], $res['type'], $res['dir'], $res['thumb_path'], 0, 1, $res['time'], 2);
+        return Json::successful('上传成功', $res['dir']);
+    }
+    public function upload_file()
+    {
+        $name = $this->request->post('file');
+        if (!$name) return Json::fail('请上传声音');
+        $upload = new Upload('local');
+        $info = $upload->to('wechat/voice')->validate()->move($name);
+        if ($info === false) {
+            return Json::fail($upload->getError());
+        }
+        return Json::successful('上传成功', $info->filePath);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 关键字回复
+     * */
+    public function keyword()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['key', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+        ]);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(WechatReply::getKeyAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加关键字
+     * */
+    public function add_keyword()
+    {
+        $key = input('key');
+        if (empty($key)) $key = '';
+        $this->assign('key', $key);
+        $this->assign('dis', 1);
+        $this->assign('replay_arr', []);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改关键字
+     * */
+    public function info_keyword()
+    {
+        $key = input('key');
+        if (empty($key)) return $this->failed('参数错误,请重新修改');
+        $this->assign('replay_arr', WechatReply::getDataByKey($key));
+        $this->assign('key', $key);
+        $this->assign('dis', 2);
+        return $this->fetch('add_keyword');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存关键字
+     * */
+    public function save_keyword()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'key',
+            'type',
+            ['status', 0],
+            ['data', []],
+        ]);
+        if (!isset($data['key']) && empty($data['key']))
+            return Json::fail('请输入关键字');
+        if (isset($data['key']) && !empty($data['key'])) {
+            if (trim($data['key']) == 'subscribe') return Json::fail('请重新输入关键字');
+            if (trim($data['key']) == 'default') return Json::fail('请重新输入关键字');
+        }
+        if (!isset($data['type']) && empty($data['type']))
+            return Json::fail('请选择回复类型');
+        if (!in_array($data['type'], WechatReply::$reply_type))
+            return Json::fail('回复类型有误!');
+        if (!isset($data['data']) || !is_array($data['data']))
+            return Json::fail('回复消息参数有误!');
+        $res = WechatReply::redact($data['data'], $data['key'], $data['type'], $data['status']);
+        if (!$res)
+            return Json::fail(WechatReply::getErrorInfo());
+        else
+            return Json::successful('保存成功!', $data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除关键字
+     * */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!WechatReply::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(WechatReply::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 168 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\wechat;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
+use crmeb\services\{
+    CacheService,
+    FormBuilder as Form,
+    UtilService as Util,
+    JsonService as Json
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\{
+    StoreService as ServiceModel, StoreServiceLog as StoreServiceLog, WechatUser as UserModel
+ * 客服管理
+ * Class StoreService
+ * @package app\admin\controller\store
+ */
+class StoreService extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $this->assign(ServiceModel::getList(0));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示创建资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['tagid_list', ''],
+            ['groupid', '-1'],
+            ['sex', ''],
+            ['export', ''],
+            ['stair', ''],
+            ['second', ''],
+            ['order_stair', ''],
+            ['order_second', ''],
+            ['subscribe', ''],
+            ['now_money', ''],
+            ['is_promoter', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(UserModel::systemPage($where));
+        $this->assign(['title' => '添加客服', 'save' => Url::buildUrl('save')]);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $params = request()->post();
+        if (count($params["checked_menus"]) <= 0) return Json::fail('请选择要添加的用户!');
+        if (ServiceModel::where('mer_id', 0)->where(array("uid" => array("in", implode(',', $params["checked_menus"]))))->count()) return Json::fail('添加用户中存在已有的客服!');
+        foreach ($params["checked_menus"] as $key => $value) {
+            $now_user = UserModel::get($value);
+            $data[$key]["mer_id"] = 0;
+            $data[$key]["uid"] = $now_user["uid"];
+            $data[$key]["avatar"] = $now_user["headimgurl"];
+            $data[$key]["nickname"] = $now_user["nickname"];
+            $data[$key]["add_time"] = time();
+        }
+        ServiceModel::setAll($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示编辑资源表单页.
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $service = ServiceModel::get($id);
+        if (!$service) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::frameImageOne('avatar', '客服头像', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'avatar')), $service['avatar'])->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
+        $f[] = Form::input('nickname', '客服名称', $service["nickname"]);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('customer', '统计管理', $service['customer'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']]);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('notify', '订单通知', $service['notify'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '开启'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '关闭']]);
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '客服状态', $service['status'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '在线'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '离线']]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('修改数据', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 保存新建的资源
+     *
+     * @param \think\Request $request
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $params = request()->post();
+        if (empty($params["nickname"])) return Json::fail("客服名称不能为空!");
+        $data = array("avatar" => $params["avatar"]
+        , "nickname" => $params["nickname"]
+        , 'status' => $params['status']
+        , 'notify' => $params['notify']
+        , 'customer' => $params['customer']
+        );
+        ServiceModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除指定资源
+     *
+     * @param int $id
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!ServiceModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(ServiceModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 显示资源列表
+     *
+     * @return \think\Response
+     */
+    public function chat_user($id)
+    {
+        $now_service = ServiceModel::get($id);
+        if (!$now_service) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $list = ServiceModel::getChatUser($now_service->toArray(), 0);
+        $this->assign(compact('list', 'now_service'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param int $uid
+     * @param int $to_uid
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function chat_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([['uid', 0], ['to_uid', 0], ['id', 0]]);
+        if ($where['uid'])
+            CacheService::set('admin_chat_list' . $this->adminId, $where);
+        $where = CacheService::get('admin_chat_list' . $this->adminId);
+        $this->assign(StoreServiceLog::getChatList($where, 0));
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\wechat;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatMessage as MessageModel;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+ * 用户扫码点击事件
+ * Class SystemMessage
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ */
+class WechatMessage extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示操作记录
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['type', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('mold', MessageModel::$mold);
+        $this->assign(MessageModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 279 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\wechat;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\article\Article;
+use app\models\article\ArticleContent;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\article\Article as ArticleModel;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\{WechatReply, WechatUser, WechatNewsCategory as WechatNewsCategoryModel};
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, UtilService as Util, JsonService as Json, UtilService, WechatService};
+ * 图文信息
+ * Class WechatNewsCategory
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ *
+ */
+class WechatNewsCategory extends AuthController
+    public function select($callback = '_selectNews$eb')
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['cate_name', ''],
+            ['type', 1]
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('callback', $callback);
+        if ($where['type'] == 1)
+            $list = WechatNewsCategoryModel::getSendAll($where);
+        else
+            $list = WechatNewsCategoryModel::getAll($where);
+        $newList = $list['list']->toArray();
+        $newList = $newList['data'];
+        $this->assign($list);
+        $this->assign('type',$where['type']);
+        $this->assign('newList', $newList);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['cate_name', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(WechatNewsCategoryModel::getAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('cate_name', '分类名称')->autofocus(1);
+        $f[] = Form::select('new_id', '图文列表')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ArticleModel::getNews();
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $roleName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $roleName, 'value' => $id];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->filterable(1)->multiple(1);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑菜单', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'cate_name',
+            ['new_id', []],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['add_time', time()],
+            ['status', 1],]);
+        if (!$data['cate_name']) return Json::fail('请输入图文名称');
+        if (empty($data['new_id'])) return Json::fail('请选择图文列表');
+        $data['new_id'] = array_unique($data['new_id']);
+        if (count($data['new_id']) > 8) {
+            $data['new_id'] = array_slice($data['new_id'], 0, 8);
+        };
+        $data['new_id'] = implode(',', $data['new_id']);
+        WechatNewsCategoryModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加菜单成功!');
+    }
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        $menu = WechatNewsCategoryModel::get($id);
+        if (!$menu) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $arr_new_id = array_unique(explode(',', $menu->new_id));
+        foreach ($arr_new_id as $k => $v) {
+            $arr_new_id[$k] = intval($v);
+        }
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('cate_name', '分类名称', $menu['cate_name'])->autofocus(1);
+        $f[] = Form::select('new_id', '图文列表', $arr_new_id)->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = ArticleModel::getNews();
+            $options = [];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $roleName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $roleName, 'value' => $id];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->filterable(1)->multiple(1);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑图文', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'cate_name',
+            ['new_id', []],
+            ['sort', 0],
+            ['status', 1],]);
+        if (!$data['cate_name']) return Json::fail('请输入图文名称');
+        if (empty($data['new_id'])) return Json::fail('请选择图文列表');
+        if (count($data['new_id']) > 8) {
+            $data['new_id'] = array_slice($data['new_id'], 0, 8);
+        };
+        $data['new_id'] = implode(',', $data['new_id']);;
+        if (!WechatNewsCategoryModel::get($id)) return Json::fail('编辑的记录不存在!');
+        WechatNewsCategoryModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!WechatNewsCategoryModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(WechatNewsCategoryModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 发送消息
+     * @param int $id
+     * @param string $wechat
+     * $wechat  不为空  发消息  /  空 群发消息
+     */
+    public function push($id = 0, $new_id = 0, $wechat = '')
+    {
+        if ((!$id) || (!$new_id)) return Json::fail('参数错误');
+        $list = WechatNewsCategoryModel::getWechatNewsItem($id, $new_id);
+        $wechatNews = [];
+        if ($list) {
+            if ($list['new'] && is_array($list['new'])) {
+                foreach ($list['new'] as $kk => $vv) {
+                    $wechatNews[$kk]['title'] = $vv['title'];
+                    $wechatNews[$kk]['image'] = $vv['image_input'];
+                    $wechatNews[$kk]['date'] = date('m月d日', time());
+                    $wechatNews[$kk]['description'] = $vv['synopsis'];
+                    $wechatNews[$kk]['id'] = $vv['id'];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($wechat != '') {//客服消息
+            $wechatNews = WechatReply::tidyNews($wechatNews);
+            $message = WechatService::newsMessage($wechatNews);
+            $errorLog = [];//发送失败的用户
+            $user = WechatUser::where('uid', 'IN', $wechat)->column('nickname,subscribe,openid', 'uid');
+            if ($user) {
+                foreach ($user as $v) {
+                    if ($v['subscribe'] && $v['openid']) {
+                        try {
+                            WechatService::staffService()->message($message)->to($v['openid'])->send();
+                        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                            $errorLog[] = $v['nickname'] . '发送失败';
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $errorLog[] = $v['nickname'] . '没有关注发送失败(不是微信公众号用户)';
+                    }
+                }
+            } else return Json::fail('发送失败,参数不正确');
+            if (!count($errorLog)) return Json::successful('全部发送成功');
+            else return Json::successful(implode(',', $errorLog) . ',剩余的发送成功');
+        }
+    }
+    public function send_news($id = '')
+    {
+        if ($id == '') return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['cate_name', ''],
+            ['type', 0]
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign('wechat', $id);
+        $this->assign(WechatNewsCategoryModel::getSendAll($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function append()
+    {
+        $this->assign('list', [
+            [
+                'id' => 0,
+                'title' => '',
+                'author' => $this->adminInfo->real_name,
+                'content' => '',
+                'image_input' => '/system/module/wechat/news/images/image.png',
+                'synopsis' => '',
+            ]
+        ]);
+        $this->assign('id', 0);
+        $this->assign('author', $this->adminInfo->real_name);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function append_save()
+    {
+        $data = UtilService::postMore([
+            ['list', []],
+            ['id', 0]
+        ]);
+        $id = [];
+        $countList = count($data['list']);
+        if (!$countList) return Json::fail('请添加图文');
+        Article::beginTrans();
+        foreach ($data['list'] as $k => $v) {
+            if ($v['title'] == '') return Json::fail('标题不能为空');
+            if ($v['author'] == '') return Json::fail('作者不能为空');
+            if ($v['content'] == '') return Json::fail('正文不能为空');
+            if ($v['synopsis'] == '') return Json::fail('摘要不能为空');
+            $v['status'] = 1;
+            $v['add_time'] = time();
+            if ($v['id']) {
+                $idC = $v['id'];
+                unset($v['id']);
+                Article::edit($v, $idC);
+                ArticleContent::where('nid', $idC)->update(['content' => $v['content']]);
+                $data['list'][$k]['id'] = $idC;
+                $id[] = $idC;
+            } else {
+                unset($v['id']);
+                $res = Article::create($v)->toArray();
+                $id[] = $res['id'];
+                $data['list'][$k]['id'] = $res['id'];
+                ArticleContent::insert(['content' => $v['content'], 'nid' => $res['id']]);
+            }
+        }
+        $countId = count($id);
+        if ($countId != $countList) {
+            Article::checkTrans(false);
+            if ($data['id']) return Json::fail('修改失败');
+            else return Json::fail('添加失败');
+        } else {
+            Article::checkTrans(true);
+            $newsCategory['cate_name'] = $data['list'][0]['title'];
+            $newsCategory['new_id'] = implode(',', $id);
+            $newsCategory['sort'] = 0;
+            $newsCategory['add_time'] = time();
+            $newsCategory['status'] = 1;
+            if ($data['id']) {
+                WechatNewsCategoryModel::edit($newsCategory, $data['id']);
+                return Json::successful('修改成功');
+            } else {
+                WechatNewsCategoryModel::create($newsCategory);
+                return Json::successful('添加成功');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public function modify($id)
+    {
+        if (!strlen(trim($id)) || !$id) return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $wechatNews = WechatNewsCategoryModel::get($id);
+        if (!$wechatNews) return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $wechatNews = $wechatNews->toArray();
+        $list = Article::getArticleList($wechatNews['new_id']);
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        $this->assign('id', $id);
+        $this->assign('author', $this->adminInfo->real_name);
+        return $this->fetch('append');
+    }

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\wechat;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
+use crmeb\services\UtilService as Util;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService as Json;
+use crmeb\services\WechatTemplateService;
+use think\facade\Cache;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatTemplate as WechatTemplateModel;
+ * 微信模板消息控制器
+ * Class WechatTemplate
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class WechatTemplate extends AuthController
+    protected $cacheTag = '_system_wechat';
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['name', ''],
+            ['status', '']
+        ], $this->request);
+        $this->assign('where', $where);
+        $this->assign(WechatTemplateModel::SystemPage($where));
+        $industry = Cache::tag($this->cacheTag)->remember('_wechat_industry', function () {
+            try {
+                $cache = WechatTemplateService::getIndustry();
+                if (!$cache) return [];
+                Cache::tag($this->cacheTag, ['_wechat_industry']);
+                return $cache->toArray();
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                return $e->getMessage();
+            }
+        }, 0) ?: [];
+        !is_array($industry) && $industry = [];
+        $this->assign('industry', $industry);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加模板消息
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create()
+    {
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempkey', '模板编号');
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempid', '模板ID');
+        $f[] = Form::input('name', '模板名');
+        $f[] = Form::input('content', '回复内容')->type('textarea');
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加模板消息', $f, Url::buildUrl('save'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function save()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'tempkey',
+            'tempid',
+            'name',
+            'content',
+            ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        if ($data['tempkey'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板编号');
+        if ($data['tempkey'] != '' && WechatTemplateModel::be($data['tempkey'], 'tempkey'))
+            return Json::fail('请输入模板编号已存在,请重新输入');
+        if ($data['tempid'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板ID');
+        if ($data['name'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板名');
+        if ($data['content'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入回复内容');
+        $data['add_time'] = time();
+        $data['type'] = 1;
+        WechatTemplateModel::create($data);
+        return Json::successful('添加模板消息成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 编辑模板消息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
+     */
+    public function edit($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = WechatTemplateModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $f = array();
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempkey', '模板编号', $product->getData('tempkey'))->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('name', '模板名', $product->getData('name'))->disabled(1);
+        $f[] = Form::input('tempid', '模板ID', $product->getData('tempid'));
+        $f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $product->getData('status'))->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑模板消息', $f, Url::buildUrl('update', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'tempid',
+            ['status', 0]
+        ]);
+        if ($data['tempid'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入模板ID');
+        if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
+        $product = WechatTemplateModel::get($id);
+        if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        WechatTemplateModel::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除模板消息
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function delete($id)
+    {
+        if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        if (!WechatTemplateModel::del($id))
+            return Json::fail(WechatTemplateModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
+        else
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+    }

+ 390 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\wechat;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use app\admin\model\user\User;
+use app\models\user\UserBill;
+use think\Collection;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatUser as UserModel;
+use crmeb\services\{FormBuilder as Form, JsonService, UtilService as Util, WechatService};
+ * 管理员操作记录表控制器
+ * Class WechatUser
+ * @package app\admin\controller\wechat
+ */
+class WechatUser extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 显示操作记录
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['nickname', ''],
+            ['data', ''],
+            ['tagid_list', ''],
+            ['groupid', '-1'],
+            ['sex', ''],
+            ['export', ''],
+            ['stair', ''],
+            ['second', ''],
+            ['order_stair', ''],
+            ['order_second', ''],
+            ['subscribe', ''],
+            ['now_money', ''],
+            ['is_promoter', ''],
+        ], $this->request);
+        $tagidList = explode(',', $where['tagid_list']);
+        foreach ($tagidList as $k => $v) {
+            if (!$v) {
+                unset($tagidList[$k]);
+            }
+        }
+        $tagidList = array_unique($tagidList);
+        $where['tagid_list'] = implode(',', $tagidList);
+        try {
+            $groupList = UserModel::getUserGroup();
+            $tagList = UserModel::getUserTag();
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            $groupList = [];
+            $tagList = [];
+        }
+        $this->assign([
+            'where' => $where,
+            'groupList' => $groupList,
+            'tagList' => $tagList
+        ]);
+        $limitTimeList = [
+            'today' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d'), date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day'))]),
+            'week' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y/m/d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600)),
+                date('Y-m-d', (time() + (7 - (date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w'))) * 24 * 3600))
+            ]),
+            'month' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m') . '/01', date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t')]),
+            'quarter' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3 - 3 + 1) . '/01',
+                date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3) . '/' . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3), 1, date('Y')))
+            ]),
+            'year' => implode(' - ', [
+                date('Y') . '/01/01', date('Y/m/d', strtotime(date('Y') . '/01/01 + 1year -1 day'))
+            ])
+        ];
+        $uidAll = UserModel::getAll($where);
+        $this->assign(compact('limitTimeList', 'uidAll'));
+        $this->assign(UserModel::systemPage($where));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    public function edit_user_tag($openid)
+    {
+        if (!$openid) return JsonService::fail('参数错误!');
+        $list = Collection::make(UserModel::getUserTag())->each(function ($item) {
+            return ['value' => $item['id'], 'label' => $item['name']];
+        });
+        $tagList = UserModel::where('openid', $openid)->value('tagid_list');
+        $tagList = explode(',', $tagList) ?: [];
+        $f = [Form::select('tag_id', '用户标签', $tagList)->setOptions($list->toArray())->multiple(1)];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('标签名称', $f, Url::buildUrl('update_user_tag', compact('openid')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update_user_tag($openid)
+    {
+        if (!$openid) return JsonService::fail('参数错误!');
+        $tagId = request()->post('tag_id/a', []);
+        if (!$tagId) return JsonService::fail('请选择用户标签!');
+        $tagList = explode(',', UserModel::where('openid', $openid)->value('tagid_list')) ?: [];
+        UserModel::edit(['tagid_list' => $tagId], $openid, 'openid');
+        if (!$tagId[0]) unset($tagId[0]);
+        UserModel::edit(['tagid_list' => $tagId], $openid, 'openid');
+        try {
+            foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
+                if ($tag) WechatService::userTagService()->batchUntagUsers([$openid], $tag);
+            }
+            foreach ($tagId as $tag) {
+                WechatService::userTagService()->batchTagUsers([$openid], $tag);
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            UserModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::commitTrans();
+        return JsonService::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    public function edit_user_group($openid)
+    {
+        if (!$openid) return JsonService::fail('参数错误!');
+        $list = Collection::make(UserModel::getUserGroup())->each(function ($item) {
+            return ['value' => $item['id'], 'label' => $item['name']];
+        });
+        $groupId = UserModel::where('openid', $openid)->value('groupid');
+        $f = [Form::select('group_id', '用户分组', (string)$groupId)->setOptions($list->toArray())];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('用户分组', $f, Url::buildUrl('update_user_group', compact('openid')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    public function update_user_group($openid)
+    {
+        if (!$openid) return JsonService::fail('参数错误!');
+        $groupId = request()->post('group_id');
+//        if(!$groupId) return JsonService::fail('请选择用户分组!');
+        UserModel::beginTrans();
+        UserModel::edit(['groupid' => $groupId], $openid, 'openid');
+        try {
+            WechatService::userGroupService()->moveUser($openid, $groupId);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            UserModel::rollbackTrans();
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::commitTrans();
+        return JsonService::successful('修改成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户标签列表
+     */
+    public function tag($refresh = 0)
+    {
+        $list = [];
+        if ($refresh == 1) {
+            UserModel::clearUserTag();
+            $this->redirect(Url::buildUrl('tag')->suffix(false)->build());
+        }
+        try {
+            $list = UserModel::getUserTag();
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+        }
+        $this->assign(compact('list'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加标签
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create_tag()
+    {
+        $f = [Form::input('name', '标签名称')];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('标签名称', $f, Url::buildUrl('save_tag'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加
+     */
+    public function save_tag()
+    {
+        $tagName = request()->post('name');
+        if (!$tagName) return JsonService::fail('请输入标签名称!');
+        try {
+            WechatService::userTagService()->create($tagName);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::clearUserTag();
+        return JsonService::successful('添加标签成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改标签
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function edit_tag($id)
+    {
+        $f = [Form::input('name', '标签名称')];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('标签名称', $f, Url::buildUrl('update_tag', ['id' => $id]));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改标签
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update_tag($id)
+    {
+        $tagName = request()->post('name');
+        if (!$tagName) return JsonService::fail('请输入标签名称!');
+        try {
+            WechatService::userTagService()->update($id, $tagName);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::clearUserTag();
+        return JsonService::successful('修改标签成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除标签
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function delete_tag($id)
+    {
+        try {
+            WechatService::userTagService()->delete($id);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::clearUserTag();
+        return JsonService::successful('删除标签成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户分组列表
+     */
+    public function group($refresh = 0)
+    {
+        $list = [];
+        try {
+            if ($refresh == 1) {
+                UserModel::clearUserGroup();
+                $this->redirect(Url::buildUrl('group')->suffix(false)->build());
+            }
+            $list = UserModel::getUserGroup();
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+        }
+        $this->assign(compact('list'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加分组
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function create_group()
+    {
+        $f = [Form::input('name', '分组名称')];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('标签名称', $f, Url::buildUrl('save_group'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加
+     */
+    public function save_group()
+    {
+        $tagName = request()->post('name');
+        if (!$tagName) return JsonService::fail('请输入分组名称!');
+        try {
+            WechatService::userGroupService()->create($tagName);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::clearUserGroup();
+        return JsonService::successful('添加分组成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改分组
+     * @param $id
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function edit_group($id)
+    {
+        $f = [Form::input('name', '分组名称')];
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('标签名称', $f, Url::buildUrl('update_group', compact('id')));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 修改分组
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function update_group($id)
+    {
+        $tagName = request()->post('name');
+        if (!$tagName) return JsonService::fail('请输入分组名称!');
+        try {
+            WechatService::userGroupService()->update($id, $tagName);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::clearUserGroup();
+        return JsonService::successful('修改分组成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除分组
+     * @param $id
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function delete_group($id)
+    {
+        try {
+            WechatService::userTagService()->delete($id);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+        }
+        UserModel::clearUserGroup();
+        return JsonService::successful('删除分组成功!');
+    }
+    public function synchro_tag($openid)
+    {
+        if (!$openid) return JsonService::fail('参数错误!');
+        $data = array();
+        if (UserModel::be($openid, 'openid')) {
+            try {
+                $tag = WechatService::userTagService()->userTags($openid)->toArray();
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                return JsonService::fail($e->getMessage());
+            }
+            if ($tag['tagid_list']) $data['tagid_list'] = implode(',', $tag['tagid_list']);
+            else $data['tagid_list'] = '';
+            $res = UserModel::edit($data, $openid, 'openid');
+            if ($res) return JsonService::successful('同步成功');
+            else return JsonService::fail('同步失败!');
+        } else  return JsonService::fail('参数错误!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 一级推荐人页面
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function stair($uid = '')
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $list = User::alias('u')
+            ->where('u.spread_uid', $uid)
+            ->field('u.avatar,u.nickname,u.now_money,u.add_time,u.uid')
+            ->where('u.status', 1)
+            ->order('u.add_time DESC')
+            ->select()
+            ->toArray();
+        foreach ($list as $key => $value) $list[$key]['orderCount'] = StoreOrder::getOrderCount($value['uid']);
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 个人资金详情页面
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public function now_money($uid = '')
+    {
+        if ($uid == '') return $this->failed('参数错误');
+        $list = UserBill::where('uid', $uid)->where('category', 'now_money')
+            ->field('mark,pm,number,add_time')
+            ->where('status', 1)->order('add_time DESC')->select()->toArray();
+        foreach ($list as &$v) {
+            $v['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['add_time']);
+        }
+        $this->assign('list', $list);
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: Administrator
+ * Date: 2018/4/18 0018
+ * Time: 上午 10:44
+ */

+ 278 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\widget;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\admin\model\system\{
+    SystemAttachment as SystemAttachmentModel, SystemAttachmentCategory as Category
+use crmeb\services\{JsonService as Json, JsonService, UtilService as Util, FormBuilder as Form};
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+ * TODO 附件控制器
+ * Class Images
+ * @package app\admin\controller\widget
+ */
+class Images extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 附件列表
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $pid = request()->param('pid');
+        if ($pid === NULL) {
+            $pid = session('pid') ? session('pid') : 0;
+        }
+        session('pid', $pid);
+        $this->assign('pid', $pid);
+////       //TODO 分类标题
+//       $typearray = Category::getAll();
+//       $this->assign(compact('typearray'));
+//       $this->assign(SystemAttachmentModel::getAll($pid));
+        return $this->fetch('widget/images');
+    }
+    /**获取图片列表
+     *
+     */
+    public function get_image_list()
+    {
+        $where = Util::getMore([
+            ['page', 1],
+            ['limit', 18],
+            ['pid', 0]
+        ]);
+        return Json::successful(SystemAttachmentModel::getImageList($where));
+    }
+    /**获取分类
+     * @param string $name
+     */
+    public function get_image_cate($name = '')
+    {
+        return Json::successful(Category::getAll($name));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 图片管理上传图片
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function upload()
+    {
+        $pid = $this->request->param('pid', session('pid'));
+        $upload_type = $this->request->get('upload_type', sys_config('upload_type', 1));
+        try {
+            $path = make_path('attach', 2, true);
+            $upload = new Upload((int)$upload_type, [
+                'accessKey' => sys_config('accessKey'),
+                'secretKey' => sys_config('secretKey'),
+                'uploadUrl' => sys_config('uploadUrl'),
+                'storageName' => sys_config('storage_name'),
+                'storageRegion' => sys_config('storage_region'),
+            ]);
+            $res = $upload->to($path)->validate()->move();
+            if ($res === false) {
+                return JsonService::fail('上传失败:' . $upload->getError());
+            } else {
+                $fileInfo = $upload->getUploadInfo();
+                if ($fileInfo) {
+                    SystemAttachmentModel::attachmentAdd($fileInfo['name'], $fileInfo['size'], $fileInfo['type'], $fileInfo['dir'], $fileInfo['thumb_path'], $pid, $upload_type, $fileInfo['time']);
+                }
+                return JsonService::successful('上传成功', ['src' => $res->filePath]);
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return JsonService::fail('上传失败:' . $e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * ajax 提交删除
+     */
+    public function delete()
+    {
+        $request = app('request');
+        $post = $request->post();
+        if (empty($post['imageid']))
+            Json::fail('还没选择要删除的图片呢?');
+        foreach ($post['imageid'] as $v) {
+            if ($v) self::deleteimganddata($v);
+        }
+        Json::successful('删除成功');
+    }
+    /**删除图片和数据记录
+     * @param $att_id
+     */
+    public function deleteimganddata($att_id)
+    {
+        $attinfo = SystemAttachmentModel::get($att_id);
+        if ($attinfo) {
+            try {
+                $upload = new Upload((int)$attinfo['image_type'], [
+                    'accessKey' => sys_config('accessKey'),
+                    'secretKey' => sys_config('secretKey'),
+                    'uploadUrl' => sys_config('uploadUrl'),
+                    'storageName' => sys_config('storage_name'),
+                    'storageRegion' => sys_config('storage_region'),
+                ]);
+                if ($attinfo['image_type'] == 1) {
+                    if (strpos($attinfo['att_dir'], '/') == 0) {
+                        $attinfo['att_dir'] = substr($attinfo['att_dir'], 1);
+                    }
+                    $upload->delete($attinfo['att_dir']);
+                } else {
+                    $upload->delete($attinfo['name']);
+                }
+            } catch (\Throwable $e) {
+            }
+            SystemAttachmentModel::where('att_id', $att_id)->delete();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 移动图片分类显示
+     */
+    public function moveimg($imgaes)
+    {
+        $formbuider = [];
+        $formbuider[] = Form::hidden('imgaes', $imgaes);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::select('pid', '选择分类')->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = Category::getCateList();
+            $options = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '所有分类']];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $cateName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $cateName['html'] . $cateName['name'], 'value' => $cateName['id']];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑分类', $formbuider, Url::buildUrl('moveImgCecate'));
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 移动图片分类操作
+     */
+    public function moveImgCecate()
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'pid',
+            'imgaes'
+        ]);
+        if ($data['imgaes'] == '') return Json::fail('请选择图片');
+        if (!$data['pid']) return Json::fail('请选择分类');
+        $res = SystemAttachmentModel::where('att_id', 'in', $data['imgaes'])->update(['pid' => $data['pid']]);
+        if ($res)
+            Json::successful('移动成功');
+        else
+            Json::fail('移动失败!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * ajax 添加分类
+     */
+    public function addcate($id = 0)
+    {
+        $formbuider = [];
+        $formbuider[] = Form::select('pid', '上级分类', (string)$id)->setOptions(function () {
+            $list = Category::getCateList(0);
+            $options = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '所有分类']];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $cateName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $cateName['html'] . $cateName['name'], 'value' => $cateName['id']];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::input('name', '分类名称');
+        $jsContent = <<<SCRIPT
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('添加分类', $formbuider, Url::buildUrl('saveCate'), $jsContent);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 添加分类
+     */
+    public function saveCate()
+    {
+        $request = app('request');
+        $post = $request->post();
+        $data['pid'] = $post['pid'];
+        $data['name'] = $post['name'];
+        if (empty($post['name']))
+            Json::fail('分类名称不能为空!');
+        $res = Category::create($data);
+        if ($res)
+            Json::successful('添加成功');
+        else
+            Json::fail('添加失败!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 编辑分类
+     */
+    public function editcate($id)
+    {
+        $Category = Category::get($id);
+        if (!$Category) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
+        $formbuider = [];
+        $formbuider[] = Form::hidden('id', $id);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::select('pid', '上级分类', (string)$Category->getData('pid'))->setOptions(function () use ($id) {
+            $list = Category::getCateList();
+            $options = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '所有分类']];
+            foreach ($list as $id => $cateName) {
+                $options[] = ['label' => $cateName['html'] . $cateName['name'], 'value' => $cateName['id']];
+            }
+            return $options;
+        })->filterable(1);
+        $formbuider[] = Form::input('name', '分类名称', $Category->getData('name'));
+        $jsContent = <<<SCRIPT
+        $form = Form::make_post_form('编辑分类', $formbuider, Url::buildUrl('updateCate'), $jsContent);
+        $this->assign(compact('form'));
+        return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 更新分类
+     * @param $id
+     */
+    public function updateCate($id)
+    {
+        $data = Util::postMore([
+            'pid',
+            'name'
+        ]);
+        if ($data['pid'] == '') return Json::fail('请选择父类');
+        if (!$data['name']) return Json::fail('请输入分类名称');
+        Category::edit($data, $id);
+        return Json::successful('分类编辑成功!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除分类
+     */
+    public function deletecate($id)
+    {
+        $chdcount = Category::where('pid', $id)->count();
+        if ($chdcount) return Json::fail('有子栏目不能删除');
+        $chdcount = SystemAttachmentModel::where('pid', $id)->count();
+        if ($chdcount) return Json::fail('栏目内有图片不能删除');
+        if (Category::del($id))
+            return Json::successful('删除成功!');
+        else
+            return Json::fail('删除失败');
+    }

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: wuhaotian
+ * Date: 2020-02-24
+ * Time: 17:57
+ */
+namespace app\admin\controller\widget;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+use crmeb\services\JsonService;
+use crmeb\services\upload\Upload;
+use think\facade\Config;
+class Video extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * 上传类型
+     * @var int
+     */
+    protected $uploadInfo;
+    /**
+     * 获取配置信息
+     * Video constructor.
+     */
+    public function initialize()
+    {
+        parent::initialize();
+        $this->uploadInfo['accessKey'] = sys_config('accessKey');
+        $this->uploadInfo['secretKey'] = sys_config('secretKey');
+        $this->uploadInfo['uploadUrl'] = sys_config('uploadUrl');
+        $this->uploadInfo['storageName'] = sys_config('storage_name');
+        $this->uploadInfo['storageRegion'] = sys_config('storage_region');
+        $this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] = sys_config('upload_type');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取密钥签名
+     */
+    public function get_signature()
+    {
+        if ($this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] == 1) {
+            if (!$this->uploadInfo['accessKey'] || !$this->uploadInfo['secretKey']) {
+                return JsonService::fail('视频上传需要上传到云端,默认使用阿里云OSS上传请配置!');
+            } else {
+                $this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] = 3;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] == 2) {
+            $upload = new Upload('Qiniu', $this->uploadInfo);
+            $res = $upload->getSystem();
+            $this->uploadInfo['uploadToken'] = $res['token'];
+            $this->uploadInfo['domain'] = $res['domain'];
+            $this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] = 'QINIU';
+        } elseif ($this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] == 3) {
+            $this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] = 'OSS';
+            if (($leng = strpos($this->uploadInfo['storageRegion'], '')) !== false) {
+                $this->uploadInfo['storageRegion'] = substr($this->uploadInfo['storageRegion'], 0, $leng - 1);
+            }
+        } elseif ($this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] == 4) {
+            $this->uploadInfo['uploadType'] = 'COS';
+        }
+        return JsonService::successful($this->uploadInfo);
+    }
+    public function index($fodder = '')
+    {
+        $this->assign(compact('fodder'));
+        return $this->fetch();
+    }

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller\widget;
+use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
+ * 文件校验控制器
+ * Class SystemFile
+ * @package app\admin\controller\system
+ *
+ */
+class Widgets extends AuthController
+    /**
+     * icon
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function icon()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch('widget/icon');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 会员列页面
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function userlist()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch('widget/icon');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 产品列表页
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function productlist()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch('widget/icon');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 图文列表页
+     * @return \think\response\Json
+     */
+    public function newtlist()
+    {
+        return $this->fetch('widget/icon');
+    }

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 All rights reserved.
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Licensed ( )
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Author: liu21st <>
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 事件定义文件
+return [
+    'listen'    => [
+        'AppInit'  => [],
+        'HttpRun'  => [],
+        'HttpEnd'  => [],
+        'LogLevel' => [],
+        'LogWrite' => [],
+    ]

+ 166 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/02
+ */
+namespace app\admin\model\article;
+use app\admin\model\store\StoreProduct;
+use app\admin\model\system\SystemAdmin;
+use app\models\article\ArticleContent;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+ * 图文管理 Model
+ * Class WechatNews
+ * @package app\admin\model\wechat
+ */
+class Article extends BaseModel
+    use ModelTrait;
+    protected $pk = 'id';
+    protected $name = 'article';
+    public function profile()
+    {
+        return $this->hasOne(StoreProduct::class, 'id', 'product_id')->field('store_name');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取配置分类
+     * @param array $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getAll($where = [])
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+//        if($where['status'] !== '') $model = $model->where('status',$where['status']);
+//        if($where['access'] !== '') $model = $model->where('access',$where['access']);
+        if ($where['title'] !== '') $model = $model->where('title', 'LIKE', "%$where[title]%");
+        if ($where['cid'] !== '')
+            $model = $model->where('cid', 'in', $where['cid']);
+        else
+            if ($where['merchant'])
+                $model = $model->where('mer_id', '>', 0);
+            else
+                $model = $model->where('mer_id', 0);
+        $model = $model->where('status', 1)->where('hide', 0)->order('id desc');
+        return self::page($model, function ($item) {
+            if (!$item['mer_id']) $item['admin_name'] = '总后台管理员---》' . SystemAdmin::where('id', $item['admin_id'])->value('real_name');
+            else $item['admin_name'] = Merchant::where('id', $item['mer_id'])->value('mer_name') . '---》' . MerchantAdmin::where('id', $item['admin_id'])->value('real_name');
+            $item['content'] = ArticleContent::where('nid', $item['id'])->value('content');
+            $item['catename'] = ArticleCategory::where('id', $item['cid'])->value('title');
+            $item['store_name'] = $item->profile->store_name ?? '';
+        }, $where);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除图文
+     * @param $id
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    public static function del($id)
+    {
+        return self::edit(['status' => 0], $id, 'id');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取指定字段的值
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getNews()
+    {
+        return self::where('status', 1)->where('hide', 0)->order('id desc')->column('title', 'id');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 给表中的字符串类型追加值
+     * 删除所有有当前分类的id之后重新添加
+     * @param $cid
+     * @param $id
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    public static function saveBatchCid($cid, $id)
+    {
+        $res_all = self::where('cid', 'LIKE', "%$cid%")->select();//获取所有有当前分类的图文
+        foreach ($res_all as $k => $v) {
+            $cid_arr = explode(',', $v['cid']);
+            if (in_array($cid, $cid_arr)) {
+                $key = array_search($cid, $cid_arr);
+                array_splice($cid_arr, $key, 1);
+            }
+            if (empty($cid_arr)) {
+                $data['cid'] = 0;
+                self::edit($data, $v['id']);
+            } else {
+                $data['cid'] = implode(',', $cid_arr);
+                self::edit($data, $v['id']);
+            }
+        }
+        $res = self::where('id', 'IN', $id)->select();
+        foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
+            if (!in_array($cid, explode(',', $v['cid']))) {
+                if (!$v['cid']) {
+                    $data['cid'] = $cid;
+                } else {
+                    $data['cid'] = $v['cid'] . ',' . $cid;
+                }
+                self::edit($data, $v['id']);
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    public static function setContent($id, $content)
+    {
+        $count = ArticleContent::where('nid', $id)->count();
+        $data['nid'] = $id;
+        $data['content'] = $content;
+        if ($count) {
+            $contentSql = ArticleContent::where('nid', $id)->value('content');
+            if ($contentSql == $content) $res = true;
+            else $res = ArticleContent::where('nid', $id)->update(['content' => $content]);
+            if ($res !== false) $res = true;
+        } else {
+            $res = ArticleContent::insert($data);
+        }
+        return $res;
+    }
+    public static function merchantPage($where = [])
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        if ($where['title'] !== '') $model = $model->where('title', 'LIKE', "%$where[title]%");
+        if ($where['cid'] !== '') $model = $model->where('cid', 'LIKE', "%$where[cid]%");
+        $model = $model
+            ->where('status', 1)
+            ->where('hide', 0)
+            ->where('admin_id', $where['admin_id'])
+            ->where('mer_id', $where['mer_id']);
+        return self::page($model, function ($item) {
+            $item['content'] = ArticleContent::where('nid', $item['id'])->value('content');
+        }, $where);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取指定文章列表  图文管理使用
+     * @param string $id
+     * @param string $field
+     * @return false|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection
+     */
+    public static function getArticleList($id = '', $field = 'title,author,image_input,synopsis,id')
+    {
+        $list = self::where('id', 'IN', $id)->field($field)->select();
+        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
+            $list[$k]['content'] = ArticleContent::where('nid', $v['id'])->value('content');
+        }
+        return $list;
+    }

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/02
+ */
+namespace app\admin\model\article;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use app\admin\model\article\Article as ArticleModel;
+ * 文章分类model
+ * Class ArticleCategory
+ * @package app\admin\model\wechat
+ */
+class ArticleCategory extends BaseModel
+    use ModelTrait;
+    protected $pk = 'id';
+    protected $name = 'article_category';
+    /**
+     * 获取系统分页数据   分类
+     * @param array $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function systemPage($where = [])
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        if ($where['title'] !== '') $model = $model->where('title', 'LIKE', "%$where[title]%");
+        if ($where['status'] !== '') $model = $model->where('status', $where['status']);
+        $model = $model->where('is_del', 0);
+        $model = $model->where('hidden', 0);
+        return self::page($model);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除分类
+     * @param $id
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    public static function delArticleCategory($id)
+    {
+        if (count(self::getArticle($id, '*')) > 0)
+            return self::setErrorInfo('请先删除改分类下的文章!');
+        return self::edit(['is_del' => 1], $id, 'id');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取分类名称和id
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getField()
+    {
+        return self::where('is_del', 0)->where('status', 1)->where('hidden', 0)->column('title', 'id');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 分级排序列表
+     * @param null $model
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getTierList($model = null)
+    {
+        if ($model === null) $model = new self();
+        return sort_list_tier($model->where('is_del', 0)->where('status', 1)->select()->toArray());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取分类底下的文章
+     * id  分类表中的分类id
+     * return array
+     * */
+    public static function getArticle($id, $field)
+    {
+        $res     = ArticleModel::where('status', 1)->where('hide', 0)->column($field, 'id');
+        $new_res = array();
+        foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
+            $cid_arr = explode(',', $v['cid']);
+            if (in_array($id, $cid_arr)) {
+                $new_res[$k] = $res[$k];
+            }
+        }
+        return $new_res;
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 获取文章分类
+     * @return array
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public static function getArticleCategoryList()
+    {
+        $list = self::where('is_del', 0)->where('status', 1)->select();
+        if ($list) return $list->toArray();
+        return [];
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 获取文章分类信息
+     * @param $id
+     * @param string $field
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public static function getArticleCategoryInfo($id, $field = 'title')
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        if ($id) $model = $model->where('id', $id);
+        $model = $model->where('is_del', 0);
+        $model = $model->where('status', 1);
+        return $model->column($field, 'id');
+    }

+ 291 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+namespace app\admin\model\finance;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use app\models\user\UserBill;
+use app\admin\model\user\User;
+use crmeb\services\PHPExcelService;
+ * 数据统计处理
+ * Class FinanceModel
+ * @package app\admin\model\finance
+ */
+class FinanceModel extends BaseModel
+    /**
+     * 数据表主键
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $pk = 'id';
+    /**
+     * 模型名称
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $name = 'user_bill';
+    use ModelTrait;
+    /**
+     * 处理金额
+     * @param $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function systemPage($where)
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        //翻页
+        $limit = $where['limit'];
+        $offset = $where['offset'];
+        $limit = $offset . ',' . $limit;
+        //排序
+        $order = '';
+        if (!empty($where['sort']) && !empty($where['sortOrder'])) {
+            $order = $where['sort'] . ' ' . $where['sortOrder'];
+        }
+        unset($where['limit']);
+        unset($where['offset']);
+        unset($where['sort']);
+        unset($where['sortOrder']);
+        if (!empty($where['add_time'])) {
+//            list($startTime, $endTime) = explode(' - ', $where['add_time']);
+//            $where['add_time'] = array('between', [strtotime($startTime), strtotime($endTime)]);
+//        } else {
+//            $where['add_time'] = array('between', [strtotime(date('Y/m') . '/01'), strtotime(date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t'))]);
+            $model = self::getModelTime($where, $model, 'add_time');
+        }
+        if (empty($where['title'])) {
+            unset($where['title']);
+        }
+        $total = $model->where($where)->count();
+        $rows = $model->where($where)->order($order)->limit($limit)->select()->each(function ($e) {
+            return $e['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $e['add_time']);
+        })->toArray();
+        return compact('total', 'rows');
+    }
+    public static function getBillList($where)
+    {
+        $data = ($data = self::setWhereList($where)->page((int)$where['page'], (int)$where['limit'])->select()) && count($data) ? $data->toArray() : [];
+        $count = self::setWhereList($where)->count();
+        return compact('data', 'count');
+    }
+    public static function SaveExport($where)
+    {
+        $data = ($data = self::setWhereList($where)->select()) && count($data) ? $data->toArray() : [];
+        $export = [];
+        foreach ($data as $value) {
+            $export[] = [
+                $value['uid'],
+                $value['nickname'],
+                $value['pm'] == 0 ? '-' . $value['number'] : $value['number'],
+                $value['title'],
+                $value['mark'],
+                $value['add_time'],
+            ];
+        }
+        PHPExcelService::setExcelHeader(['会员ID', '昵称', '金额/积分', '类型', '备注', '创建时间'])
+            ->setExcelTile('资金监控', '资金监控', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))
+            ->setExcelContent($export)
+            ->ExcelSave();
+    }
+    public static function setWhereList($where)
+    {
+        $time['data'] = '';
+        if ($where['start_time'] != '' && $where['end_time'] != '') {
+            $time['data'] = $where['start_time'] . ' - ' . $where['end_time'];
+        }
+        $model = self::getModelTime($time, self::alias('A')
+            ->join('user B', 'B.uid=A.uid')
+            ->where('A.category', 'not in', 'integral')
+            ->order('A.add_time desc'), 'A.add_time');
+        if (trim($where['type']) != '') {
+            $model = $model->where('A.type', $where['type']);
+        } else {
+            $model = $model->where('A.type', 'not in', 'gain,system_sub,deduction,sign');
+        }
+        if ($where['nickname'] != '') {
+            $model = $model->where('B.nickname|B.uid', 'like', "%$where[nickname]%");
+        }
+        return $model->field(['A.*', 'FROM_UNIXTIME(A.add_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as add_time', 'B.uid', 'B.nickname']);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取营业数据
+     */
+    public static function getOrderInfo($where)
+    {
+        $orderinfo = self::getTimeWhere($where)
+            ->field('sum(total_price) total_price,sum(cost) cost,sum(pay_postage) pay_postage,sum(pay_price) pay_price,sum(coupon_price) coupon_price,sum(deduction_price) deduction_price,from_unixtime(pay_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\') pay_time')
+            ->order('pay_time')
+            ->group('from_unixtime(pay_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\')')
+            ->select()
+            ->toArray();
+        $price = 0;
+        $postage = 0;
+        $deduction = 0;
+        $coupon = 0;
+        $cost = 0;
+        foreach ($orderinfo as $info) {
+            $price = bcadd($price, $info['total_price'], 2);//应支付
+            $postage = bcadd($postage, $info['pay_postage'], 2);//邮费
+            $deduction = bcadd($deduction, $info['deduction_price'], 2);//抵扣
+            $coupon = bcadd($coupon, $info['coupon_price'], 2);//优惠券
+            $cost = bcadd($cost, $info['cost'], 2);//成本
+        }
+        return compact('orderinfo', 'price', 'postage', 'deduction', 'coupon', 'cost');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 处理where条件
+     */
+    public static function statusByWhere($status, $model = null)
+    {
+        if ($model == null) $model = new self;
+        if ('' === $status)
+            return $model;
+        else if ($status == 'weixin')//微信支付
+            return $model->where('pay_type', 'weixin');
+        else if ($status == 'yue')//余额支付
+            return $model->where('pay_type', 'yue');
+        else if ($status == 'offline')//线下支付
+            return $model->where('pay_type', 'offline');
+        else
+            return $model;
+    }
+    public static function getTimeWhere($where, $model = null)
+    {
+        return self::getTime($where)->where('paid', 1)->where('refund_status', 0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取时间区间
+     */
+    public static function getTime($where, $model = null, $prefix = 'add_time')
+    {
+        if ($model == null) $model = new self;
+        if ($where['data'] == '') {
+            switch ($where['date']) {
+                case 'today':
+                case 'week':
+                case 'month':
+                case 'year':
+                    $model = $model->whereTime($prefix, $where['date']);
+                    break;
+                case 'quarter':
+                    list($startTime, $endTime) = User::getMonth('n');
+                    $model = $model->where($prefix, '>', strtotime($startTime));
+                    $model = $model->where($prefix, '<', strtotime($endTime));
+                    break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            list($startTime, $endTime) = explode(' - ', $where['data']);
+            $model = $model->where($prefix, '>', strtotime($startTime));
+            $model = $model->where($prefix, '<', strtotime($endTime));
+        }
+        return $model;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取新增消费
+     */
+    public static function getConsumption($where)
+    {
+        $consumption = self::getTime($where, new UserBill, 'b.add_time')->alias('a')->join('user b', 'a.uid = b.uid')
+            ->field('sum(a.number) number')
+            ->where('a.type', 'pay_product')->find()->toArray();
+        return $consumption;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取拼团商品
+     */
+    public static function getPink($where)
+    {
+        $pink = self::getTimeWhere($where)->where('pink_id', '<>', 0)->sum('pay_price');
+        return $pink;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取秒杀商品
+     */
+    public static function getSeckill($where)
+    {
+        $seckill = self::getTimeWhere($where)->where('seckill_id', '<>', 0)->sum('pay_price');
+        return $seckill;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取普通商品数
+     */
+    public static function getOrdinary($where)
+    {
+        $ordinary = self::getTimeWhere($where)->where('pink_id', 0)->where('seckill_id', 0)->sum('pay_price');
+        return $ordinary;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取用户充值
+     */
+    public static function getRecharge($where)
+    {
+        $Recharge = self::getTime($where, new UserBill)->where('type', 'system_add')->where('category', 'now_money')->sum('number');
+        return $Recharge;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取推广金
+     */
+    public static function getExtension($where)
+    {
+        $extension = self::getTime($where, new UserBill)->where('type', 'brokerage')->where('category', 'now_money')->sum('number');
+        return $extension;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 最近交易
+     */
+    public static function trans()
+    {
+        $trans = self::alias('a')
+            ->join('user b', 'a.uid=b.uid')
+            ->join('store_order_cart_info c', '')
+            ->join('store_product d', '')
+            ->field('b.nickname,a.pay_price,d.store_name')
+            ->order('a.add_time DESC')
+            ->limit('6')
+            ->select()->toArray();
+        return $trans;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 导出表格
+     */
+    public static function systemTable($where)
+    {
+        $orderinfos = self::getOrderInfo($where);
+        if ($where['export'] == 1) {
+            $export = [];
+            $orderinfo = $orderinfos['orderinfo'];
+            foreach ($orderinfo as $info) {
+                $time = $info['pay_time'];
+                $price = $info['total_price'] + $info['pay_postage'];
+                $zhichu = $info['coupon_price'] + $info['deduction_price'] + $info['cost'];
+                $profit = ($info['total_price'] + $info['pay_postage']) - ($info['coupon_price'] + $info['deduction_price'] + $info['cost']);
+                $deduction = $info['deduction_price'];//积分抵扣
+                $coupon = $info['coupon_price'];//优惠
+                $cost = $info['cost'];//成本
+                $export[] = [$time, $price, $zhichu, $cost, $coupon, $deduction, $profit];
+            }
+//            ExportService::exportCsv($export,'统计'.time(),['时间','营业额(元)','支出(元)','成本','优惠','积分抵扣','盈利(元)']);
+            PHPExcelService::setExcelHeader(['时间', '营业额(元)', '支出(元)', '成本', '优惠', '积分抵扣', '盈利(元)'])->setExcelTile('财务统计', '财务统计', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))->setExcelContent($export)->ExcelSave();
+        }
+    }

+ 1280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1280 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\model\order;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+use think\facade\Route as Url;
+use app\models\store\StoreCart;
+use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatUser;
+use app\admin\model\store\StoreProduct;
+use app\models\routine\RoutineTemplate;
+use app\admin\model\user\{User, UserBill};
+use app\admin\model\ump\{StoreCouponUser, StorePink};
+use crmeb\services\{PHPExcelService, WechatTemplateService};
+ * 订单管理Model
+ * Class StoreOrder
+ * @package app\admin\model\store
+ */
+class StoreOrder extends BaseModel
+    /**
+     * 数据表主键
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $pk = 'id';
+    /**
+     * 模型名称
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $name = 'store_order';
+    use ModelTrait;
+    public static function orderCount()
+    {
+        $data['ys'] = self::statusByWhere(9, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['wz'] = self::statusByWhere(0, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['wf'] = self::statusByWhere(1, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0, 'shipping_type' => 1])->count();
+        $data['ds'] = self::statusByWhere(2, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0, 'shipping_type' => 1])->count();
+        $data['dp'] = self::statusByWhere(3, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['jy'] = self::statusByWhere(4, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['tk'] = self::statusByWhere(-1, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['yt'] = self::statusByWhere(-2, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['del'] = self::statusByWhere(-4, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['write_off'] = self::statusByWhere(5, new self())->where(['is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['general'] = self::where(['pink_id' => 0, 'combination_id' => 0, 'seckill_id' => 0, 'bargain_id' => 0, 'is_system_del' => 0])->count();
+        $data['pink'] = self::where('pink_id|combination_id', '>', 0)->where('is_system_del', 0)->count();
+        $data['seckill'] = self::where('seckill_id', '>', 0)->where('is_system_del', 0)->count();
+        $data['bargain'] = self::where('bargain_id', '>', 0)->where('is_system_del', 0)->count();
+        return $data;
+    }
+    public static function OrderList($where)
+    {
+        $model = self::getOrderWhere($where, self::alias('a')
+            ->join('user r', 'r.uid=a.uid', 'LEFT'), 'a.', 'r')
+            ->field('a.*,r.nickname,,r.spread_uid');
+        if ($where['order'] != '') {
+            $model = $model->order(self::setOrder($where['order']));
+        } else {
+            $model = $model->order(' desc');
+        }
+        if (isset($where['excel']) && $where['excel'] == 1) {
+            $data = ($data = $model->select()) && count($data) ? $data->toArray() : [];
+        } else {
+            $data = ($data = $model->page((int)$where['page'], (int)$where['limit'])->select()) && count($data) ? $data->toArray() : [];
+        }
+        foreach ($data as &$item) {
+            $_info = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $item['id'])->field('cart_info')->select();
+            $_info = count($_info) ? $_info->toArray() : [];
+            foreach ($_info as $k => $v) {
+                $cart_info = json_decode($v['cart_info'], true);
+                if (!isset($cart_info['productInfo'])) $cart_info['productInfo'] = [];
+                $_info[$k]['cart_info'] = $cart_info;
+                unset($cart_info);
+            }
+            $item['_info'] = $_info;
+            $item['spread_nickname'] = User::where('uid', $item['spread_uid'])->value('nickname');
+            $item['add_time'] = $item['add_time'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['add_time']) : '';
+            $item['back_integral'] = $item['back_integral'] ?: 0;
+            if ($item['pink_id'] || $item['combination_id']) {
+                $pinkStatus = StorePink::where('order_id_key', $item['id'])->value('status');
+                switch ($pinkStatus) {
+                    case 1:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]正在进行中';
+                        $item['color'] = '#f00';
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]已完成';
+                        $item['color'] = '#00f';
+                        break;
+                    case 3:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]未完成';
+                        $item['color'] = '#f0f';
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]历史订单';
+                        $item['color'] = '#457856';
+                        break;
+                }
+            } elseif ($item['seckill_id']) {
+                $item['pink_name'] = '[秒杀订单]';
+                $item['color'] = '#32c5e9';
+            } elseif ($item['bargain_id']) {
+                $item['pink_name'] = '[砍价订单]';
+                $item['color'] = '#12c5e9';
+            } else {
+                if ($item['shipping_type'] == 1) {
+                    $item['pink_name'] = '[普通订单]';
+                    $item['color'] = '#895612';
+                } else if ($item['shipping_type'] == 2) {
+                    $item['pink_name'] = '[核销订单]';
+                    $item['color'] = '#8956E8';
+                }
+            }
+            if ($item['paid'] == 1) {
+                switch ($item['pay_type']) {
+                    case 'weixin':
+                        $item['pay_type_name'] = '微信支付';
+                        break;
+                    case 'yue':
+                        $item['pay_type_name'] = '余额支付';
+                        break;
+                    case 'offline':
+                        $item['pay_type_name'] = '线下支付';
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        $item['pay_type_name'] = '其他支付';
+                        break;
+                }
+            } else {
+                switch ($item['pay_type']) {
+                    default:
+                        $item['pay_type_name'] = '未支付';
+                        break;
+                    case 'offline':
+                        $item['pay_type_name'] = '线下支付';
+                        $item['pay_type_info'] = 1;
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+            if ($item['paid'] == 0 && $item['status'] == 0) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '未支付';
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 0 && $item['shipping_type'] == 1 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '未发货';
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 0 && $item['shipping_type'] == 2 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '未核销';
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 1 && $item['shipping_type'] == 1 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '待收货';
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 1 && $item['shipping_type'] == 2 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '未核销';
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 2 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '待评价';
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 3 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '已完成';
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['refund_status'] == 1) {
+                $refundReasonTime = date('Y-m-d H:i', $item['refund_reason_time']);
+                $refundReasonWapImg = json_decode($item['refund_reason_wap_img'], true);
+                $refundReasonWapImg = $refundReasonWapImg ? $refundReasonWapImg : [];
+                $img = '';
+                if (count($refundReasonWapImg)) {
+                    foreach ($refundReasonWapImg as $itemImg) {
+                        if (strlen(trim($itemImg)))
+                            $img .= '<img style="height:50px;" src="' . $itemImg . '" />';
+                    }
+                }
+                if (!strlen(trim($img))) $img = '无';
+                if (isset($where['excel']) && $where['excel'] == 1) {
+                    $refundImageStr = implode(',', $refundReasonWapImg);
+                    $item['status_name'] = <<<TEXT
+                    unset($refundImageStr);
+                } else {
+                    $item['status_name'] = <<<HTML
+<b style="color:#f124c7">申请退款</b><br/>
+                }
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['refund_status'] == 2) {
+                $item['status_name'] = '已退款';
+            }
+            if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 0 && $item['shipping_type'] == 2) {
+                $item['_status'] = 0;
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 0 && $item['status'] == 0 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['_status'] = 1;
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 0 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['_status'] = 2;
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['refund_status'] == 1) {
+                $item['_status'] = 3;
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 1 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['_status'] = 4;
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 2 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['_status'] = 5;
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['status'] == 3 && $item['refund_status'] == 0) {
+                $item['_status'] = 6;
+            } else if ($item['paid'] == 1 && $item['refund_status'] == 2) {
+                $item['_status'] = 7;
+            }
+        }
+        if (isset($where['excel']) && $where['excel'] == 1) {
+            self::SaveExcel($data);
+        }
+        $count = self::getOrderWhere($where, self::alias('a')->join('user r', 'r.uid=a.uid', 'LEFT'), 'a.', 'r')->count();
+        return compact('count', 'data');
+    }
+    /*
+     * 保存并下载excel
+     * $list array
+     * return
+     */
+    public static function SaveExcel($list)
+    {
+        $export = [];
+        foreach ($list as $index => $item) {
+            $_info = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $item['id'])->column('cart_info');
+            $goodsName = [];
+            foreach ($_info as $k => $v) {
+                $v = json_decode($v, true);
+                $suk = '';
+                if (isset($v['productInfo']['attrInfo'])) {
+                    if (isset($v['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'])) {
+                        $suk = '(' . $v['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'] . ')';
+                    }
+                }
+                $goodsName[] = implode(
+                    [$v['productInfo']['store_name'],
+                        $suk,
+                        "[{$v['cart_num']} * {$v['truePrice']}]"
+                    ], ' ');
+            }
+            $item['cartInfo'] = $_info;
+            $sex = WechatUser::where('uid', $item['uid'])->value('sex');
+            if ($sex == 1) $sex_name = '男';
+            else if ($sex == 2) $sex_name = '女';
+            else $sex_name = '未知';
+            $export[] = [
+                $item['order_id'],
+                $sex_name,
+                $item['phone'],
+                $item['real_name'],
+                $item['user_phone'],
+                $item['user_address'],
+                $goodsName,
+                $item['total_price'],
+                $item['pay_price'],
+                $item['pay_postage'],
+                $item['coupon_price'],
+                $item['pay_type_name'],
+                $item['pay_time'] > 0 ? date('Y/m-d H:i', $item['pay_time']) : '暂无',
+                $item['status_name'],
+                $item['add_time'],
+                $item['mark']
+            ];
+        }
+        PHPExcelService::setExcelHeader(['订单号', '性别', '电话', '收货人姓名', '收货人电话', '收货地址', '商品信息',
+            '总价格', '实际支付', '邮费', '优惠金额', '支付状态', '支付时间', '订单状态', '下单时间', '用户备注'])
+            ->setExcelTile('订单导出' . date('YmdHis', time()), '订单信息' . time(), ' 生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))
+            ->setExcelContent($export)
+            ->ExcelSave();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function systemPage($where, $userid = false)
+    {
+        $model = self::getOrderWhere($where, self::alias('a')
+            ->join('user r', 'r.uid=a.uid', 'LEFT'), 'a.', 'r')
+            ->field('a.*,r.nickname');
+        if ($where['order']) {
+            $model = $model->order('a.' . $where['order']);
+        } else {
+            $model = $model->order(' desc');
+        }
+        if ($where['export'] == 1) {
+            $list = $model->select()->toArray();
+            $export = [];
+            foreach ($list as $index => $item) {
+                if ($item['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+                    $payType = '微信支付';
+                } elseif ($item['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+                    $payType = '余额支付';
+                } elseif ($item['pay_type'] == 'offline') {
+                    $payType = '线下支付';
+                } else {
+                    $payType = '其他支付';
+                }
+                $_info = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $item['id'])->column('cart_info', 'oid');
+                $goodsName = [];
+                foreach ($_info as $k => $v) {
+                    $v = json_decode($v, true);
+                    $goodsName[] = implode(
+                        [$v['productInfo']['store_name'],
+                            isset($v['productInfo']['attrInfo']) ? '(' . $v['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'] . ')' : '',
+                            "[{$v['cart_num']} * {$v['truePrice']}]"
+                        ], ' ');
+                }
+                $item['cartInfo'] = $_info;
+                $export[] = [
+                    $item['order_id'], $payType,
+                    $item['total_num'], $item['total_price'], $item['total_postage'], $item['pay_price'], $item['refund_price'],
+                    $item['mark'], $item['remark'],
+                    [$item['real_name'], $item['user_phone'], $item['user_address']],
+                    $goodsName,
+                    [$item['paid'] == 1 ? '已支付' : '未支付', '支付时间: ' . ($item['pay_time'] > 0 ? date('Y/md H:i', $item['pay_time']) : '暂无')]
+                ];
+                $list[$index] = $item;
+            }
+            PHPExcelService::setExcelHeader(['订单号', '支付方式', '商品总数', '商品总价', '邮费', '支付金额', '退款金额', '用户备注', '管理员备注', '收货人信息', '商品信息', '支付状态'])
+                ->setExcelTile('订单导出', '订单信息' . time(), ' 生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))
+                ->setExcelContent($export)
+                ->ExcelSave();
+        }
+        return self::page($model, function ($item) {
+            $_info = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $item['id'])->field('cart_info')->select();
+            foreach ($_info as $k => $v) {
+                $_info[$k]['cart_info'] = json_decode($v['cart_info'], true);
+            }
+            $item['_info'] = $_info;
+            if ($item['pink_id'] && $item['combination_id']) {
+                $pinkStatus = StorePink::where('order_id_key', $item['id'])->value('status');
+                switch ($pinkStatus) {
+                    case 1:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]正在进行中';
+                        $item['color'] = '#f00';
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]已完成';
+                        $item['color'] = '#00f';
+                        break;
+                    case 3:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]未完成';
+                        $item['color'] = '#f0f';
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        $item['pink_name'] = '[拼团订单]历史订单';
+                        $item['color'] = '#457856';
+                        break;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if ($item['seckill_id']) {
+                    $item['pink_name'] = '[秒杀订单]';
+                    $item['color'] = '#32c5e9';
+                } elseif ($item['bargain_id']) {
+                    $item['pink_name'] = '[砍价订单]';
+                    $item['color'] = '#12c5e9';
+                } else {
+                    $item['pink_name'] = '[普通订单]';
+                    $item['color'] = '#895612';
+                }
+            }
+        }, $where);
+    }
+    public static function statusByWhere($status, $model = null, $alert = '')
+    {
+        if ($model == null) $model = new self;
+        if ('' === $status)
+            return $model;
+        else if ($status == 8)
+            return $model;
+        else if ($status == 0)//未支付
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 0)->where($alert . 'status', 0)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 0)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == 1)//已支付 未发货
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'status', 0)->where($alert . 'shipping_type', 1)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 0)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == 2)//已支付  待收货
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'status', 1)->where($alert . 'shipping_type', 1)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 0)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == 5)//已支付  待核销
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'status', 0)->where($alert . 'shipping_type', 2)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 0)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == 3)// 已支付  已收货  待评价
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'status', 2)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 0)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == 4)// 交易完成
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'status', 3)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 0)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == -1)//退款中
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 1)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == -2)//已退款
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 2)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == -3)//退款
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 'in', '1,2')->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else if ($status == -4)//已删除
+            return $model->where($alert . 'is_del', 1);
+        else if ($status == 9)//已卖出
+            return $model->where($alert . 'paid', 1)->where($alert . 'refund_status', 0)->where($alert . 'is_del', 0);
+        else
+            return $model;
+    }
+    public static function timeQuantumWhere($startTime = null, $endTime = null, $model = null)
+    {
+        if ($model === null) $model = new self;
+        if ($startTime != null && $endTime != null)
+            $model = $model->where('add_time', '>', strtotime($startTime))->where('add_time', '<', strtotime($endTime));
+        return $model;
+    }
+    public static function changeOrderId($orderId)
+    {
+        $ymd = substr($orderId, 2, 8);
+        $key = substr($orderId, 16);
+        return 'wx' . $ymd . date('His') . $key;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 线下付款
+     * @param $id
+     * @return $this
+     */
+    public static function updateOffline($id)
+    {
+        $count = self::where('id', $id)->count();
+        if (!$count) return self::setErrorInfo('订单不存在');
+        $count = self::where('id', $id)->where('paid', 0)->count();
+        if (!$count) return self::setErrorInfo('订单已支付');
+        $res = self::where('id', $id)->update(['paid' => 1, 'pay_time' => time()]);
+        return $res;
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 公众号退款发送模板消息
+     * @param $oid
+     * $oid 订单id  key
+     */
+    public static function refundTemplate($data, $oid)
+    {
+        $order = self::where('id', $oid)->find();
+        WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate(WechatUser::where('uid', $order['uid'])->value('openid'), WechatTemplateService::ORDER_REFUND_STATUS, [
+            'first' => '亲,您购买的商品已退款,本次退款' . $data['refund_price'] . '金额',
+            'keyword1' => $order['order_id'],
+            'keyword2' => $order['pay_price'],
+            'keyword3' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['add_time']),
+            'remark' => '点击查看订单详情'
+        ], Url::buildUrl('/order/detail/' . $order['order_id'])->suffix('')->domain(true)->build());
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 小程序余额退款模板消息
+     * @param $oid
+     * @return bool|mixed
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public static function refundRoutineTemplate($oid)
+    {
+        $order = self::where('id', $oid)->find();
+        return RoutineTemplate::sendOrderRefundSuccess($order);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 处理where条件
+     * @param $where
+     * @param $model
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public static function getOrderWhere($where, $model, $aler = '', $join = '')
+    {
+//        $model = $model->where('combination_id',0);
+        $model = $model->where('is_system_del', 0);
+        if (isset($where['status']) && $where['status'] != '') {
+            $model = self::statusByWhere($where['status'], $model, $aler);
+        }
+        if (isset($where['is_del']) && $where['is_del'] != '' && $where['is_del'] != -1) $model = $model->where($aler . 'is_del', $where['is_del']);
+        if (isset($where['combination_id'])) {
+            if ($where['combination_id'] == '普通订单') {
+                $model = $model->where($aler . 'combination_id', 0)->where($aler . 'seckill_id', 0)->where($aler . 'bargain_id', 0);
+            }
+            if ($where['combination_id'] == '拼团订单') {
+                $model = $model->where($aler . 'combination_id', ">", 0)->where($aler . 'pink_id', ">", 0);
+            }
+            if ($where['combination_id'] == '秒杀订单') {
+                $model = $model->where($aler . 'seckill_id', ">", 0);
+            }
+            if ($where['combination_id'] == '砍价订单') {
+                $model = $model->where($aler . 'bargain_id', ">", 0);
+            }
+        }
+        if (isset($where['pay_type'])) {
+            switch ($where['pay_type']) {
+                case 1:
+                    $model = $model->where($aler . 'pay_type', 'weixin');
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    $model = $model->where($aler . 'pay_type', 'yue');
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    $model = $model->where($aler . 'pay_type', 'offline');
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (isset($where['type'])) {
+            switch ($where['type']) {
+                case 1:
+                    $model = $model->where($aler . 'combination_id', 0)->where($aler . 'seckill_id', 0)->where($aler . 'bargain_id', 0);
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+//                    $model = $model->where($aler.'combination_id',">",0)->where($aler.'pink_id',">",0);
+                    $model = $model->where($aler . 'combination_id', ">", 0);
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    $model = $model->where($aler . 'seckill_id', ">", 0);
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    $model = $model->where($aler . 'bargain_id', ">", 0);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (isset($where['real_name']) && $where['real_name'] != '') {
+            $model = $model->where($aler . 'order_id|' . $aler . 'real_name|' . $aler . 'user_phone' . ($join ? '|' . $join . '.nickname|' . $join . '.uid|' . $join . '.phone' : ''), 'LIKE', "%$where[real_name]%");
+        }
+        if (isset($where['data']) && $where['data'] !== '') {
+            $model = self::getModelTime($where, $model, $aler . 'add_time');
+        }
+        return $model;
+    }
+    public static function getBadge($where)
+    {
+        $price = self::getOrderPrice($where);
+        return [
+            [
+                'name' => '订单数量',
+                'field' => '件',
+                'count' => $price['count_sum'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '售出商品',
+                'field' => '件',
+                'count' => $price['total_num'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '订单金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['pay_price'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '退款金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['refund_price'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '微信支付金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['pay_price_wx'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '余额支付金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['pay_price_yue'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '运费金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['pay_postage'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '分佣金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['brokerage'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '线下支付金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['pay_price_offline'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '积分抵扣',
+                'field' => '分',
+                'count' => $price['use_integral'] . '(抵扣金额:¥' . $price['deduction_price'] . ')',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '退回积分',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => $price['back_integral'],
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-blue',
+                'col' => 2
+            ]
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * 处理订单金额
+     * @param $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getOrderPrice($where)
+    {
+        $where['is_del'] = 0;//删除订单不统计
+        $model = new self;
+        $price = [];
+        $price['pay_price'] = 0;//支付金额
+        $price['refund_price'] = 0;//退款金额
+        $price['pay_price_wx'] = 0;//微信支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_yue'] = 0;//余额支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_offline'] = 0;//线下支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_other'] = 0;//其他支付金额
+        $price['use_integral'] = 0;//用户使用积分
+        $price['back_integral'] = 0;//退积分总数
+        $price['deduction_price'] = 0;//抵扣金额
+        $price['total_num'] = 0; //商品总数
+        $price['count_sum'] = 0; //商品总数
+        $price['brokerage'] = 0;
+        $price['pay_postage'] = 0;
+        $whereData = ['is_del' => 0];
+        if ($where['status'] == '') {
+            $whereData['paid'] = 1;
+            $whereData['refund_status'] = 0;
+        }
+        $ids = self::getOrderWhere($where, $model)->where($whereData)->column('id');
+        if (count($ids)) {
+            $price['brokerage'] = UserBill::where(['category' => 'now_money', 'type' => 'brokerage'])->where('link_id', 'in', $ids)->sum('number');
+        }
+        $price['refund_price'] = self::getOrderWhere($where, $model)->where(['is_del' => 0, 'paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 2])->sum('refund_price');
+        $sumNumber = self::getOrderWhere($where, $model)->where($whereData)->field([
+            'sum(total_num) as sum_total_num',
+            'count(id) as count_sum',
+            'sum(pay_price) as sum_pay_price',
+            'sum(pay_postage) as sum_pay_postage',
+            'sum(use_integral) as sum_use_integral',
+            'sum(back_integral) as sum_back_integral',
+            'sum(deduction_price) as sum_deduction_price'
+        ])->find();
+        if ($sumNumber) {
+            $price['count_sum'] = $sumNumber['count_sum'];
+            $price['total_num'] = $sumNumber['sum_total_num'];
+            $price['pay_price'] = $sumNumber['sum_pay_price'];
+            $price['pay_postage'] = $sumNumber['sum_pay_postage'];
+            $price['use_integral'] = $sumNumber['sum_use_integral'];
+            $price['back_integral'] = $sumNumber['sum_back_integral'];
+            $price['deduction_price'] = $sumNumber['sum_deduction_price'];
+        }
+        $list = self::getOrderWhere($where, $model)->where($whereData)->group('pay_type')->column('sum(pay_price) as sum_pay_price,pay_type', 'id');
+        foreach ($list as $v) {
+            if ($v['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+                $price['pay_price_wx'] = $v['sum_pay_price'];
+            } elseif ($v['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+                $price['pay_price_yue'] = $v['sum_pay_price'];
+            } elseif ($v['pay_type'] == 'offline') {
+                $price['pay_price_offline'] = $v['sum_pay_price'];
+            } else {
+                $price['pay_price_other'] = $v['sum_pay_price'];
+            }
+        }
+        return $price;
+    }
+    public static function systemPagePink($where)
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        $model = self::getOrderWherePink($where, $model);
+        $model = $model->order('id desc');
+        if ($where['export'] == 1) {
+            $list = $model->select()->toArray();
+            $export = [];
+            foreach ($list as $index => $item) {
+                if ($item['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+                    $payType = '微信支付';
+                } elseif ($item['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+                    $payType = '余额支付';
+                } elseif ($item['pay_type'] == 'offline') {
+                    $payType = '线下支付';
+                } else {
+                    $payType = '其他支付';
+                }
+                $_info = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $item['id'])->column('cart_info', 'oid');
+                $goodsName = [];
+                foreach ($_info as $k => $v) {
+                    $v = json_decode($v, true);
+                    $goodsName[] = implode(
+                        [$v['productInfo']['store_name'],
+                            isset($v['productInfo']['attrInfo']) ? '(' . $v['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'] . ')' : '',
+                            "[{$v['cart_num']} * {$v['truePrice']}]"
+                        ], ' ');
+                }
+                $item['cartInfo'] = $_info;
+                $export[] = [
+                    $item['order_id'], $payType,
+                    $item['total_num'], $item['total_price'], $item['total_postage'], $item['pay_price'], $item['refund_price'],
+                    $item['mark'], $item['remark'],
+                    [$item['real_name'], $item['user_phone'], $item['user_address']],
+                    $goodsName,
+                    [$item['paid'] == 1 ? '已支付' : '未支付', '支付时间: ' . ($item['pay_time'] > 0 ? date('Y/md H:i', $item['pay_time']) : '暂无')]
+                ];
+                $list[$index] = $item;
+            }
+            ExportService::exportCsv($export, '订单导出' . time(), ['订单号', '支付方式', '商品总数', '商品总价', '邮费', '支付金额', '退款金额', '用户备注', '管理员备注', '收货人信息', '商品信息', '支付状态']);
+        }
+        return self::page($model, function ($item) {
+            $item['nickname'] = WechatUser::where('uid', $item['uid'])->value('nickname');
+            $_info = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $item['id'])->field('cart_info')->select();
+            foreach ($_info as $k => $v) {
+                $_info[$k]['cart_info'] = json_decode($v['cart_info'], true);
+            }
+            $item['_info'] = $_info;
+        }, $where);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 处理where条件
+     * @param $where
+     * @param $model
+     * @return mixed
+     */
+    public static function getOrderWherePink($where, $model)
+    {
+        $model = $model->where('combination_id', '>', 0);
+        if ($where['status'] != '') $model = $model::statusByWhere($where['status']);
+//        if($where['is_del'] != '' && $where['is_del'] != -1) $model = $model->where('is_del',$where['is_del']);
+        if ($where['real_name'] != '') {
+            $model = $model->where('order_id|real_name|user_phone', 'LIKE', "%$where[real_name]%");
+        }
+        if ($where['data'] !== '') {
+            $model = self::getModelTime($where, $model, 'add_time');
+        }
+        return $model;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 处理订单金额
+     * @param $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getOrderPricePink($where)
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        $price = [];
+        $price['pay_price'] = 0;//支付金额
+        $price['refund_price'] = 0;//退款金额
+        $price['pay_price_wx'] = 0;//微信支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_yue'] = 0;//余额支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_offline'] = 0;//线下支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_other'] = 0;//其他支付金额
+        $price['use_integral'] = 0;//用户使用积分
+        $price['back_integral'] = 0;//退积分总数
+        $price['deduction_price'] = 0;//抵扣金额
+        $price['total_num'] = 0; //商品总数
+        $model = self::getOrderWherePink($where, $model);
+        $list = $model->select()->toArray();
+        foreach ($list as $v) {
+            $price['total_num'] = bcadd($price['total_num'], $v['total_num'], 0);
+            $price['pay_price'] = bcadd($price['pay_price'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            $price['refund_price'] = bcadd($price['refund_price'], $v['refund_price'], 2);
+            $price['use_integral'] = bcadd($price['use_integral'], $v['use_integral'], 2);
+            $price['back_integral'] = bcadd($price['back_integral'], $v['back_integral'], 2);
+            $price['deduction_price'] = bcadd($price['deduction_price'], $v['deduction_price'], 2);
+            if ($v['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+                $price['pay_price_wx'] = bcadd($price['pay_price_wx'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            } elseif ($v['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+                $price['pay_price_yue'] = bcadd($price['pay_price_yue'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            } elseif ($v['pay_type'] == 'offline') {
+                $price['pay_price_offline'] = bcadd($price['pay_price_offline'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            } else {
+                $price['pay_price_other'] = bcadd($price['pay_price_other'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            }
+        }
+        return $price;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取昨天的订单   首页在使用
+     * @param int $preDay
+     * @param int $day
+     * @return $this|StoreOrder
+     */
+    public static function isMainYesterdayCount($preDay = 0, $day = 0)
+    {
+        $model = new self();
+        $model = $model->where('add_time', '>', $preDay);
+        $model = $model->where('add_time', '<', $day);
+        return $model;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取用户购买次数
+     * @param int $uid
+     * @return int|string
+     */
+    public static function getUserCountPay($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return 0;
+        return self::where('uid', $uid)->where('paid', 1)->count();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取单个用户购买列表
+     * @param array $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getOneorderList($where)
+    {
+        return self::where('uid', $where['uid'])
+            ->order('add_time desc')
+            ->page((int)$where['page'], (int)$where['limit'])
+            ->field(['order_id,real_name,total_num,total_price,pay_price,FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time,"%Y-%m-%d") as pay_time,paid,pay_type,pink_id,seckill_id,bargain_id'
+            ])->select()
+            ->toArray();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置订单统计图搜索
+     * @param array $where 条件
+     * @param null $status
+     * @param null $time
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function setEchatWhere($where, $status = null, $time = null)
+    {
+        $model = self::statusByWhere($where['status'])->where('is_system_del', 0);
+        if ($status !== null) $where['type'] = $status;
+        if ($time === true) $where['data'] = '';
+        switch ($where['type']) {
+            case 1:
+                //普通商品
+                $model = $model->where('combination_id', 0)->where('seckill_id', 0)->where('bargain_id', 0);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                //拼团商品
+                $model = $model->where('combination_id', ">", 0)->where('pink_id', ">", 0);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                //秒杀商品
+                $model = $model->where('seckill_id', ">", 0);
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                //砍价商品
+                $model = $model->where('bargain_id', '>', 0);
+                break;
+        }
+        return self::getModelTime($where, $model);
+    }
+    /*
+     * 获取订单数据统计图
+     * $where array
+     * $limit int
+     * return array
+     */
+    public static function getEchartsOrder($where, $limit = 20)
+    {
+        $orderlist = self::setEchatWhere($where)->field(
+            'FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time,"%Y-%m-%d") as _add_time,sum(total_num) total_num,count(*) count,sum(total_price) total_price,sum(refund_price) refund_price,group_concat(cart_id SEPARATOR "|") cart_ids'
+        )->group('_add_time')->order('_add_time asc')->select();
+        count($orderlist) && $orderlist = $orderlist->toArray();
+        $legend = ['商品数量', '订单数量', '订单金额', '退款金额'];
+        $seriesdata = [
+            [
+                'name' => $legend[0],
+                'type' => 'line',
+                'data' => [],
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => $legend[1],
+                'type' => 'line',
+                'data' => []
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => $legend[2],
+                'type' => 'line',
+                'data' => []
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => $legend[3],
+                'type' => 'line',
+                'data' => []
+            ]
+        ];
+        $xdata = [];
+        $zoom = '';
+        foreach ($orderlist as $item) {
+            $xdata[] = $item['_add_time'];
+            $seriesdata[0]['data'][] = $item['total_num'];
+            $seriesdata[1]['data'][] = $item['count'];
+            $seriesdata[2]['data'][] = $item['total_price'];
+            $seriesdata[3]['data'][] = $item['refund_price'];
+        }
+        count($xdata) > $limit && $zoom = $xdata[$limit - 5];
+        $badge = self::getOrderBadge($where);
+        $bingpaytype = self::setEchatWhere($where)->group('pay_type')->field('count(*) as count,pay_type')->select();
+        count($bingpaytype) && $bingpaytype = $bingpaytype->toArray();
+        $bing_xdata = ['微信支付', '余额支付', '其他支付'];
+        $color = ['#ffcccc', '#99cc00', '#fd99cc', '#669966'];
+        $bing_data = [];
+        foreach ($bingpaytype as $key => $item) {
+            if ($item['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+                $value['name'] = $bing_xdata[0];
+            } else if ($item['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+                $value['name'] = $bing_xdata[1];
+            } else {
+                $value['name'] = $bing_xdata[2];
+            }
+            $value['value'] = $item['count'];
+            $value['itemStyle']['color'] = isset($color[$key]) ? $color[$key] : $color[0];
+            $bing_data[] = $value;
+        }
+        return compact('zoom', 'xdata', 'seriesdata', 'badge', 'legend', 'bing_data', 'bing_xdata');
+    }
+    public static function getOrderBadge($where)
+    {
+        return [
+            [
+                'name' => '拼团订单数量',
+                'field' => '个',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 2)->count(),
+                'content' => '拼团总订单数量',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 2, true)->count(),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-line-chart',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '砍价订单数量',
+                'field' => '个',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 4)->count(),
+                'content' => '砍价总订单数量',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 4, true)->count(),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-line-chart',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '秒杀订单数量',
+                'field' => '个',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 3)->count(),
+                'content' => '秒杀总订单数量',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 3, true)->count(),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-line-chart',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '普通订单数量',
+                'field' => '个',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 1)->count(),
+                'content' => '普通总订单数量',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, 1, true)->count(),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-line-chart',
+                'col' => 2,
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '使用优惠卷金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->sum('coupon_price'),
+                'content' => '普通总订单数量',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->sum('coupon_price'),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-line-chart',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '积分消耗数',
+                'field' => '个',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->sum('use_integral'),
+                'content' => '积分消耗总数',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->sum('use_integral'),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-line-chart',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '积分抵扣金额',
+                'field' => '个',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->sum('deduction_price'),
+                'content' => '积分抵扣总金额',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->sum('deduction_price'),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-money',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '在线支付金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->where(['paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 0])->where('pay_type', 'weixin')->sum('pay_price'),
+                'content' => '在线支付总金额',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->where(['paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 0])->where('pay_type', 'weixin')->sum('pay_price'),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-weixin',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '余额支付金额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->where('pay_type', 'yue')->where(['paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 0])->sum('pay_price'),
+                'content' => '余额支付总金额',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->where(['paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 0])->where('pay_type', 'yue')->sum('pay_price'),
+                'class' => 'fa  fa-balance-scale',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '赚取积分',
+                'field' => '分',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->sum('gain_integral'),
+                'content' => '赚取总积分',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->sum('gain_integral'),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-gg-circle',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '交易额',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->where(['paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 0])->sum('pay_price'),
+                'content' => '总交易额',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->where(['paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 0])->sum('pay_price'),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-jpy',
+                'col' => 2
+            ],
+            [
+                'name' => '订单商品数量',
+                'field' => '元',
+                'count' => self::setEchatWhere($where)->sum('total_num'),
+                'content' => '订单商品总数量',
+                'background_color' => 'layui-bg-cyan',
+                'sum' => self::setEchatWhere($where, null, true)->sum('total_num'),
+                'class' => 'fa fa-cube',
+                'col' => 2
+            ]
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * 微信 订单发货
+     * @param $oid
+     * @param array $postageData
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public static function orderPostageAfter($oid, $postageData = [])
+    {
+        $order = self::where('id', $oid)->find();
+        $url = Url::buildUrl('/order/detail/' . $order['order_id'])->suffix('')->domain(true)->build();
+        $group = [
+            'first' => '亲,您的订单已发货,请注意查收',
+            'remark' => '点击查看订单详情'
+        ];
+        if ($postageData['delivery_type'] == 'send') {//送货
+            $goodsName = StoreOrderCartInfo::getProductNameList($order['id']);
+            if ($order['is_channel'] == 1) {
+                //小程序送货模版消息
+                RoutineTemplate::sendOrderPostage($order);
+            } else {//公众号
+                $openid = WechatUser::where('uid', $order['uid'])->value('openid');
+                $group = array_merge($group, [
+                    'keyword1' => $goodsName,
+                    'keyword2' => $order['pay_type'] == 'offline' ? '线下支付' : date('Y/m/d H:i', $order['pay_time']),
+                    'keyword3' => $order['user_address'],
+                    'keyword4' => $postageData['delivery_name'],
+                    'keyword5' => $postageData['delivery_id']
+                ]);
+                WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate($openid, WechatTemplateService::ORDER_DELIVER_SUCCESS, $group, $url);
+            }
+        } else if ($postageData['delivery_type'] == 'express') {//发货
+            if ($order['is_channel'] == 1) {
+                //小程序发货模版消息
+                RoutineTemplate::sendOrderPostage($order, 1);
+            } else {//公众号
+                $openid = WechatUser::where('uid', $order['uid'])->value('openid');
+                $group = array_merge($group, [
+                    'keyword1' => $order['order_id'],
+                    'keyword2' => $postageData['delivery_name'],
+                    'keyword3' => $postageData['delivery_id']
+                ]);
+                WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate($openid, WechatTemplateService::ORDER_POSTAGE_SUCCESS, $group, $url);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /** 收货后发送模版消息
+     * @param $order
+     */
+    public static function orderTakeAfter($order)
+    {
+        $title = '';
+        $cartInfo = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $order['id'])->column('cart_info', 'oid');
+        if (count($cartInfo)) {
+            foreach ($cartInfo as $key => &$cart) {
+                $cart = json_decode($cart, true);
+                $title .= $cart['productInfo']['store_name'] . ',';
+            }
+        }
+        if (strlen(trim($title)))
+            $title = substr($title, 0, bcsub(strlen($title), 1, 0));
+        else {
+            $cartInfo = StoreCart::alias('a')->where('', 'in', implode(',', json_decode($order['cart_id'], true)))->find();
+            $title = StoreProduct::where('id', $cartInfo['product_id'])->value('store_name');
+        }
+        if ($order['is_channel'] == 1) {//小程序
+            RoutineTemplate::sendOrderTakeOver($order, $title);
+        } else {
+            $openid = WechatUser::where('uid', $order['uid'])->value('openid');
+            WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate($openid, WechatTemplateService::ORDER_TAKE_SUCCESS, [
+                'first' => '亲,您的订单已收货',
+                'keyword1' => $order['order_id'],
+                'keyword2' => '已收货',
+                'keyword3' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()),
+                'keyword4' => $title,
+                'remark' => '感谢您的光临!'
+            ]);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 不退款发送模板消息
+     * @param int $id 订单id
+     * @param array $data 退款详情
+     * */
+    public static function refundNoPrieTemplate($id, $data)
+    {
+        $order = self::get($id);
+        if ($order) return false;
+        //小程序模板消息
+        $cartInfo = StoreOrderCartInfo::where('oid', $order['id'])->column('product_id', 'oid') ?: [];
+        $title = '';
+        foreach ($cartInfo as $k => $productId) {
+            $store_name = StoreProduct::where('id', $productId)->value('store_name');
+            $title .= $store_name . ',';
+        }
+        if ($order->is_channel == 1) {
+            RoutineTemplate::sendOrderRefundFail($order, $title);
+        } else {
+            WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate(WechatUser::where('uid', $order->uid)->value('openid'), WechatTemplateService::ORDER_REFUND_STATUS, [
+                'first' => '很抱歉您的订单退款失败,失败原因:' . $data,
+                'keyword1' => $order->order_id,
+                'keyword2' => $order->pay_price,
+                'keyword3' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()),
+                'remark' => '给您带来的不便,请谅解!'
+            ], Url::buildUrl('/order/detail/' . $order['order_id'])->suffix('')->domain(true)->build());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取订单总数
+     * @param int $uid
+     * @return int|string
+     */
+    public static function getOrderCount($uid = 0)
+    {
+        if (!$uid) return 0;
+        return self::where('uid', $uid)->where('paid', 1)->where('refund_status', 0)->where('status', 2)->count();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取已支付的订单
+     * @param int $is_promoter
+     * @return int|string
+     */
+    public static function getOrderPayCount($is_promoter = 0)
+    {
+        return self::where('o.paid', 1)->alias('o')->join('User u', 'u.uid=o.uid')->where('u.is_promoter', $is_promoter)->count();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取最后一个月已支付的订单
+     * @param int $is_promoter
+     * @return int|string
+     */
+    public static function getOrderPayMonthCount($is_promoter = 0)
+    {
+        return self::where('o.paid', 1)->alias('o')->whereTime('o.pay_time', 'last month')->join('User u', 'u.uid=o.uid')->where('u.is_promoter', $is_promoter)->count();
+    }
+    /** 订单收货处理积分
+     * @param $order
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    public static function gainUserIntegral($order, bool $open = true)
+    {
+        if ($order['gain_integral'] > 0) {
+            $userInfo = User::get($order['uid']);
+            $open && BaseModel::beginTrans();
+            $integral = bcadd($userInfo['integral'], $order['gain_integral'], 2);
+            $res1 = false != User::where('uid', $userInfo['uid'])->update(['integral' => $integral]);
+            $res2 = false != UserBill::income('购买商品赠送积分', $order['uid'], 'integral', 'gain', $order['gain_integral'], $order['id'], bcadd($userInfo['integral'], $order['gain_integral'], 2), '购买商品赠送' . floatval($order['gain_integral']) . '积分');
+            $res = $res1 && $res2;
+            $open && BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+            RoutineTemplate::sendUserIntegral($order['uid'], $order, $order['gain_integral'], $integral);
+            return $res;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    public static function integralBack($id)
+    {
+        $order = self::get($id)->toArray();
+        if (!(float)bcsub($order['use_integral'], 0, 2) && !$order['back_integral']) return true;
+        if ($order['back_integral'] && !(int)$order['use_integral']) return true;
+        BaseModel::beginTrans();
+        $data['back_integral'] = bcsub($order['use_integral'], $order['use_integral'], 0);
+        if (!$data['back_integral']) return true;
+        $data['use_integral'] = 0;
+        $data['deduction_price'] = 0.00;
+        $data['pay_price'] = 0.00;
+        $data['coupon_id'] = 0.00;
+        $data['coupon_price'] = 0.00;
+        $res4 = true;
+        $integral = User::where('uid', $order['uid'])->value('integral');
+        $res1 = User::bcInc($order['uid'], 'integral', $data['back_integral'], 'uid');
+        $res2 = UserBill::income('商品退积分', $order['uid'], 'integral', 'pay_product_integral_back', $data['back_integral'], $order['id'], bcadd($integral, $data['back_integral'], 2), '订单退积分' . floatval($data['back_integral']) . '积分到用户积分');
+        $res3 = self::edit($data, $id);
+        if ($order['coupon_id']) $res4 = StoreCouponUser::recoverCoupon($order['coupon_id']);
+        StoreOrderStatus::setStatus($id, 'integral_back', '商品退积分:' . $data['back_integral']);
+        $res = $res1 && $res2 && $res3 && $res4;
+        BaseModel::checkTrans($res);
+        return $res;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 订单数量 支付方式
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function payTypeCount()
+    {
+        $where['status'] = 8;
+        $where['is_del'] = 0;
+        $where['real_name'] = '';
+        $where['data'] = '';
+        $where['type'] = '';
+        $where['order'] = '';
+        $where['pay_type'] = 1;
+        $weixin = self::getOrderWhere($where, new self)->count();
+        $where['pay_type'] = 2;
+        $yue = self::getOrderWhere($where, new self)->count();
+        $where['pay_type'] = 3;
+        $offline = self::getOrderWhere($where, new self)->count();
+        return compact('weixin', 'yue', 'offline');
+    }

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/12/26
+ */
+namespace app\admin\model\order;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+class StoreOrderCartInfo extends BaseModel
+    /**
+     * 模型名称
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $name = 'store_order_cart_info';
+    use ModelTrait;
+    /** 获取订单产品列表
+     * @param $oid
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getProductNameList($oid)
+    {
+        $cartInfo = self::where('oid',$oid)->select();
+        $goodsName = [];
+        foreach ($cartInfo as $cart){
+            if(isset($cart['cart_info']['productInfo'])){
+                $suk = isset($cart['cart_info']['productInfo']['attrInfo']) ? '('.$cart['cart_info']['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'].')' : '';
+                $goodsName[] = $cart['cart_info']['productInfo']['store_name'].$suk;
+            }else{
+                $goodsName[] = '';
+            }
+        }
+        return $goodsName;
+    }

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\model\order;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+ * 订单操作纪律model
+ * Class StoreOrderStatus
+ * @package app\admin\model\store
+ */
+class StoreOrderStatus extends BaseModel
+    /**
+     * 模型名称
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $name = 'store_order_status';
+    use ModelTrait;
+    /**
+     * @param $oid
+     * @param $type
+     * @param $message
+     */
+    public static function setStatus($oid, $type, $message)
+    {
+        $data['oid'] = (int)$oid;
+        $data['change_type'] = $type;
+        $data['change_message'] = $message;
+        $data['change_time'] = time();
+        self::create($data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function systemPage($oid)
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        $model = $model->where('oid', $oid);
+        $model = $model->order('change_time asc');
+        return self::page($model);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function systemPageMer($oid)
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        $model = $model->where('oid', $oid);
+//        $model = $model->where('change_type','LIKE','mer_%');
+        $model = $model->order('change_time asc');
+        return self::page($model);
+    }

+ 230 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+namespace app\admin\model\record;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use app\models\user\UserBill;
+use crmeb\services\PHPExcelService;
+class StoreStatistics extends BaseModel
+    /**
+     * 数据表主键
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $pk = 'id';
+    /**
+     * 模型名称
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $name = 'store_order';
+    use ModelTrait;
+    /**
+     * 处理金额
+     * @param $where
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public static function getOrderPrice($where)
+    {
+        $model = new self;
+        $price = array();
+        $price['pay_price_wx'] = 0;//微信支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_yue'] = 0;//余额支付金额
+        $price['pay_price_offline'] = 0;//线下支付金额
+        $list = self::getTimeWhere($where, $model)->field('pay_price,total_price,deduction_price,coupon_price,total_postage,pay_type,pay_time')->select()->toArray();
+        if (empty($list)) {
+            $price['pay_price_wx'] = 0;
+            $price['pay_price_yue'] = 0;
+            $price['pay_price_offline'] = 0;
+        }
+        foreach ($list as $v) {
+            if ($v['pay_type'] == 'weixin') {
+                $price['pay_price_wx'] = bcadd($price['pay_price_wx'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            } elseif ($v['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
+                $price['pay_price_yue'] = bcadd($price['pay_price_yue'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            } elseif ($v['pay_type'] == 'offline') {
+                $price['pay_price_offline'] = bcadd($price['pay_price_offline'], $v['pay_price'], 2);
+            }
+        }
+        return $price;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取营业数据
+     */
+    public static function getOrderInfo($where)
+    {
+        $orderinfo = self::getTimeWhere($where)
+            ->field('sum(total_price) total_price,sum(cost) cost,sum(pay_postage) pay_postage,sum(pay_price) pay_price,sum(coupon_price) coupon_price,sum(deduction_price) deduction_price,from_unixtime(pay_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\') pay_time')
+            ->order('pay_time')->where('paid', 1)->where('refund_status', 0)
+            ->group('from_unixtime(pay_time,\'%Y-%m-%d\')')->select()->toArray();
+        $price = 0;
+        $postage = 0;
+        $deduction = 0;
+        $coupon = 0;
+        $cost = 0;
+        foreach ($orderinfo as $info) {
+            $price = bcadd($price, $info['total_price'], 2);//应支付
+            $postage = bcadd($postage, $info['pay_postage'], 2);//邮费
+            $deduction = bcadd($deduction, $info['deduction_price'], 2);//抵扣
+            $coupon = bcadd($coupon, $info['coupon_price'], 2);//优惠券
+            $cost = bcadd($cost, $info['cost'], 2);//成本
+        }
+        return compact('orderinfo', 'price', 'postage', 'deduction', 'coupon', 'cost');
+    }
+    /**
+     * 处理where条件
+     */
+    public static function statusByWhere($status, $model = null)
+    {
+        if ($model == null) $model = new self;
+        if ('' === $status)
+            return $model;
+        else if ($status == 'weixin')//微信支付
+            return $model->where('pay_type', 'weixin');
+        else if ($status == 'yue')//余额支付
+            return $model->where('pay_type', 'yue');
+        else if ($status == 'offline')//线下支付
+            return $model->where('pay_type', 'offline');
+        else
+            return $model;
+    }
+    public static function getTimeWhere($where, $model = null)
+    {
+        return self::getTime($where, $model)->where('paid', 1)->where('refund_status', 0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取时间区间
+     */
+    public static function getTime($where, $model = null, $prefix = 'add_time')
+    {
+        if ($model == null) $model = new self;
+        if (!$where['date']) return $model;
+        if ($where['data'] == '') {
+            $limitTimeList = [
+                'today' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m/d'), date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+1 day'))]),
+                'week' => implode(' - ', [
+                    date('Y/m/d', (time() - ((date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w')) - 1) * 24 * 3600)),
+                    date('Y-m-d', (time() + (7 - (date('w') == 0 ? 7 : date('w'))) * 24 * 3600))
+                ]),
+                'month' => implode(' - ', [date('Y/m') . '/01', date('Y/m') . '/' . date('t')]),
+                'quarter' => implode(' - ', [
+                    date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3 - 3 + 1) . '/01',
+                    date('Y') . '/' . (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3) . '/' . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, (ceil((date('n')) / 3) * 3), 1, date('Y')))
+                ]),
+                'year' => implode(' - ', [
+                    date('Y') . '/01/01', date('Y/m/d', strtotime(date('Y') . '/01/01 + 1year -1 day'))
+                ])
+            ];
+            $where['data'] = $limitTimeList[$where['date']];
+        }
+        list($startTime, $endTime) = explode(' - ', $where['data']);
+        $model = $model->where($prefix, '>', strtotime($startTime));
+        $model = $model->where($prefix, '<', strtotime($endTime));
+        return $model;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取新增消费
+     */
+    public static function getConsumption($where)
+    {
+        $consumption = self::getTime($where, new UserBill, 'b.add_time')->alias('a')->join('user b', 'a.uid = b.uid')
+            ->field('sum(a.number) number')
+            ->where('a.type', 'pay_product')->find()->toArray();
+        return $consumption;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取拼团商品
+     */
+    public static function getPink($where)
+    {
+        $pink = self::getTimeWhere($where)->where('pink_id', '<>', 0)->sum('pay_price');
+        return $pink;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取秒杀商品
+     */
+    public static function getSeckill($where)
+    {
+        $seckill = self::getTimeWhere($where)->where('seckill_id', '<>', 0)->sum('pay_price');
+        return $seckill;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取普通商品数
+     */
+    public static function getOrdinary($where)
+    {
+        $ordinary = self::getTimeWhere($where)->where('pink_id', 0)->where('seckill_id', '0')->sum('pay_price');
+        return $ordinary;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取用户充值
+     */
+    public static function getRecharge($where)
+    {
+        $Recharge = self::getTime($where, new UserBill)->where('type', 'system_add')->where('category', 'now_money')->sum('number');
+        return $Recharge;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取推广金
+     */
+    public static function getExtension($where)
+    {
+        $extension = self::getTime($where, new UserBill)->where('type', 'brokerage')->where('category', 'now_money')->sum('number');
+        return $extension;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 最近交易
+     */
+    public static function trans()
+    {
+        $trans = self::alias('a')
+            ->join('user b', 'a.uid=b.uid', 'left')
+            ->join('store_order_cart_info c', '')
+            ->join('store_product d', '')
+            ->field('b.nickname,a.pay_price,d.store_name')
+            ->order('a.add_time DESC')
+            ->limit('6')
+            ->select()->toArray();
+        return $trans;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 导出表格
+     */
+    public static function systemTable($where)
+    {
+        $orderinfos = self::getOrderInfo($where);
+        if ($where['export'] == 1) {
+            $export = [];
+            $orderinfo = $orderinfos['orderinfo'];
+            foreach ($orderinfo as $info) {
+                $time = $info['pay_time'];
+                $price = $info['total_price'] + $info['pay_postage'];
+                $zhichu = $info['coupon_price'] + $info['deduction_price'] + $info['cost'];
+                $profit = ($info['total_price'] + $info['pay_postage']) - ($info['coupon_price'] + $info['deduction_price'] + $info['cost']);
+                $deduction = $info['deduction_price'];//积分抵扣
+                $coupon = $info['coupon_price'];//优惠
+                $cost = $info['cost'];//成本
+                $export[] = [$time, $price, $zhichu, $cost, $coupon, $deduction, $profit];
+            }
+//            ExportService::exportCsv($export,'统计'.time(),['时间','营业额(元)','支出(元)','成本','优惠','积分抵扣','盈利(元)']);
+            dump($export);
+            PHPExcelService::setExcelHeader(['时间', '营业额(元)', '支出(元)', '成本', '优惠', '积分抵扣', '盈利(元)'])->setExcelTile('财务统计', '财务统计', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))->setExcelContent($export)->ExcelSave();
+        }
+    }

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * @author: xaboy<>
+ * @day: 2017/11/11
+ */
+namespace app\admin\model\store;
+use crmeb\traits\ModelTrait;
+use crmeb\basic\BaseModel;
+use app\admin\model\user\User;
+ * TODO 产品浏览记录
+ * Class StoreVisit
+ * @package app\admin\model\store
+ */
+class StoreVisit extends BaseModel
+    /**
+     * 数据表主键
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $pk = 'id';
+    /**
+     * 模型名称
+     * @var string
+     */
+    protected $name = 'store_visit';
+    use ModelTrait;
+    /**
+     * @param $date
+     * @param array $class
+     * @return array
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public static function getVisit($date,$class=[]){
+        $model=new self();
+        switch ($date){
+            case null:case 'today':case 'week':case 'year':
+                if($date==null) $date='month';
+                $model=$model->whereTime('add_time',$date);
+                break;
+            case 'quarter':
+                list($startTime,$endTime)=User::getMonth('n');
+                $model = $model->where('add_time','>',$startTime);
+                $model = $model->where('add_time','<',$endTime);
+                break;
+            default:
+                list($startTime,$endTime)=explode('-',$date);
+                $model = $model->where('add_time','>',strtotime($startTime));
+                $model = $model->where('add_time','<',strtotime($endTime));
+                break;
+        }
+        $list=$model->group('type')->field('sum(count) as sum,product_id,cate_id,type,content')->order('sum desc')->limit(0,10)->select()->toArray();
+        $view=[];
+        foreach ($list as $key=>$val){
+            $now_list['name']=$val['type']=='viwe'?'浏览量':'搜索';
+            $now_list['value']=$val['sum'];
+            $now_list['class']=isset($class[$key])?$class[$key]:'';
+            $view[]=$now_list;
+        }
+        if(empty($list)){
+            $view=[['name'=>'暂无数据', 'value'=>100, 'class'=>'']];
+        }
+        return $view;
+    }

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff