- Fix the error when the code value is a string.
- Require Guzzle Version 7.0
- TeaUnableRetryError support get error info.
- Fix the Maximum function nesting level error when repeated network requests.
- Improved validatePattern method.
- Supported set properties of TeaError with
- Add validate method.
- Supported validate maximun&minimun of property.
- Fixed error when class is undefined.
- Fixed error when '$item' of array is null
- TeaUnableRetryError add $lastException param.
- Added some static methods of Model to validate fields of Model.
- Improve Tea::isRetryable method.
- Fixed bug when body is StreamInterface.
- Improve Model.toMap method.
- Improve Tea.merge method.
- Fixed tests.
- Added Tea::merge method.
- Change Tea::isRetryable method.
- Model: added toModel method.
- Model constructor supported array type parameter.
- Fixed bug : set method failed.
- Fixed bug : get empty contents form body.
- TeaUnableRetryError add 'lastRequest' property.
- Change Tea.send() method return.
- Fixed Tea. allowRetry() method.
- Supported
- Design
as a standard PsrRequest
- Added
for Response
- Supported default protocol.
- Added getHeader/getHeaders.