// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace app\common\dao\user; use app\common\dao\BaseDao; use app\common\model\BaseModel; use app\common\model\user\User; use think\Collection; use think\db\BaseQuery; use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException; use think\db\exception\DbException; use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException; use think\facade\Db; use think\Model; /** * Class UserDao * @package app\common\dao\user * @author xaboy * @day 2020-04-28 */ class UserDao extends BaseDao { /** * @return BaseModel * @author xaboy * @day 2020-03-30 */ protected function getModel(): string { return User::class; } /** * @return string * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function defaultPwd() { return '12345678'; } /** * @param array $where * @return BaseQuery * @author xaboy * @day 2020-05-07 */ public function search(array $where) { if (isset($where['province']) && $where['province'] !== '') { $query = User::hasWhere('wechat', function ($query) use ($where) { $query->where('province', $where['province']); if ($where['city'] !== '') $query->where('city', $where['city']); }); } else { $query = User::getDB()->alias('User'); } $query->when(isset($where['keyword']) && $where['keyword'], function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->where('User.uid|User.real_name|User.nickname|User.phone', 'like', '%' . $where['keyword'] . '%'); })->when(isset($where['user_type']) && $where['user_type'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->where('User.user_type', $where['user_type']); })->when(isset($where['status']) && $where['status'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->where('User.status', intval($where['status'])); })->when(isset($where['group_id']) && $where['group_id'], function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->where('User.group_id', intval($where['group_id'])); })->when(isset($where['label_id']) && $where['label_id'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->whereRaw('CONCAT(\',\',User.label_id,\',\') LIKE \'%,' . $where['label_id'] . ',%\''); })->when(isset($where['sex']) && $where['sex'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->where('User.sex', intval($where['sex'])); })->when(isset($where['is_promoter']) && $where['is_promoter'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->where('User.is_promoter', $where['is_promoter']); })->when(isset($where['nickname']) && $where['nickname'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->whereLike('User.nickname', "%{$where['nickname']}%"); })->when(isset($where['spread_time']) && $where['spread_time'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { getModelTime($query, $where['spread_time'], 'User.spread_time'); })->when(isset($where['date']) && $where['date'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { getModelTime($query, $where['date'], 'User.create_time'); })->when(isset($where['promoter_date']) && $where['promoter_date'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { getModelTime($query, $where['promoter_date'], 'User.promoter_time'); })->when(isset($where['spread_uid']) && $where['spread_uid'] !== '', function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->where('User.spread_uid', intval($where['spread_uid'])); })->when(isset($where['spread_uids']), function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->whereIn('User.spread_uid', $where['spread_uids']); })->when(isset($where['uids']), function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { return $query->whereIn('User.uid', $where['uids']); })->when(isset($where['pay_count']) && $where['pay_count'] !== '', function ($query) use ($where) { if ($where['pay_count'] == -1) { $query->where('User.pay_count', 0); } else { $query->where('User.pay_count', '>', $where['pay_count']); } })->when(isset($where['user_time_type']) && $where['user_time_type'] !== '' && $where['user_time'] != '', function ($query) use ($where) { if ($where['user_time_type'] == 'visit') { getModelTime($query, $where['user_time'], 'User.last_time'); } if ($where['user_time_type'] == 'add_time') { getModelTime($query, $where['user_time'], 'User.create_time'); } })->when(isset($where['sort']) && in_array($where['sort'], ['pay_count ASC', 'pay_count DESC', 'pay_price DESC', 'pay_price ASC', 'spread_count ASC', 'spread_count DESC']), function (BaseQuery $query) use ($where) { $query->order('User.' . $where['sort']); }, function ($query) { $query->order('User.uid DESC'); }); return $query; } /** * @param $keyword * @return BaseQuery * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function searchMerUser($keyword) { return User::getDB()->whereLike('nickname', "%$keyword%")->where('status', 1); } /** * @param array $ids * @param int $group_id * @return int * @throws DbException * @author xaboy * @day 2020-05-07 */ public function batchChangeGroupId(array $ids, int $group_id) { return User::getDB()->whereIn($this->getPk(), $ids)->update(compact('group_id')); } /** * @param array $ids * @param array $label_id * @return int * @throws DbException * @author xaboy * @day 2020-05-07 */ public function batchChangeLabelId(array $ids, array $label_id) { $label_id = implode(',', $label_id); return User::getDB()->whereIn($this->getPk(), $ids)->update(compact('label_id')); } /** * @param int $id * @return array|Model|null * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @author xaboy * @day 2020-04-28 */ public function wechatUserIdBytUser(int $id) { return User::getDB()->where('wechat_user_id', $id)->find(); } /** * @param $id * @return mixed * @author xaboy * @day 2020-04-28 */ public function wechatUserIdByUid($id) { return User::getDB()->where('wechat_user_id', $id)->value('uid'); } /** * @param $id * @return mixed * @author xaboy * @day 2020/7/7 */ public function uidByWechatUserId($id) { return User::getDB()->where('uid', $id)->value('wechat_user_id'); } /** * @param $account * @return array|Model|null * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function accountByUser($account) { return User::getDB()->where('account', $account)->find(); } /** * @param $uid * @return array * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function getSubIds($uid) { return User::getDB()->where('spread_uid', $uid)->column('uid'); } /** * @param $uid * @return int * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function getOneLevelCount($uid) { return User::getDB()->where('spread_uid', $uid)->count(); } /** * @param $uid * @return int * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function getTwoLevelCount($uid) { $ids = $this->getSubIds($uid); return count($ids) ? User::getDB()->whereIn('spread_uid', $ids)->count() : 0; } /** * @param $ids * @return array * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function getSubAllIds(array $ids) { return User::getDB()->whereIn('spread_uid', $ids)->column('uid'); } /** * @param array $ids * @param string $field * @return Collection * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @author xaboy * @day 2020/6/22 */ public function users(array $ids, $field = '*') { return User::getDB()->whereIn('uid', $ids)->field($field)->select(); } public function newUserNum($date) { return User::getDB()->when($date, function ($query, $date) { getModelTime($query, $date, 'create_time'); })->count(); } public function userOrderDetail($uid) { return User::getDB()->alias('A') ->join('StoreOrder B', 'A.uid = B.uid and B.paid = 1 and B.pay_time between \'' . date('Y/m/d', strtotime('first day of')) . ' 00:00:00\' and \'' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s') . '\'') ->join('PresellOrder C', 'C.order_id = B.order_id and C.paid = 1', 'LEFT') ->field('A.uid,A.avatar,A.nickname,A.now_money,A.pay_price,A.pay_count, sum(B.pay_price + IFNULL(C.pay_price,0)) as total_pay_price, count(B.order_id) as total_pay_count') ->where('A.uid', $uid) ->find(); } public function userNumGroup($date) { return User::getDB()->when($date, function ($query, $date) { getModelTime($query, $date, 'create_time'); })->field(Db::raw('from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(create_time),\'%m-%d\') as time, count(uid) as new')) ->group('time')->order('time ASC')->select(); } public function idsByPayCount(array $ids) { return User::getDB()->whereIn('uid', $ids)->column('pay_count', 'uid'); } public function beforeUserNum($date) { return User::getDB()->where('create_time', '<', $date)->count(); } public function selfUserList($phone) { return User::getDB()->where('phone', $phone)->field('uid,nickname,avatar,user_type')->select(); } public function initSpreadLimitDay(int $day) { return User::getDB()->where('spread_uid', '>', 0)->update(['spread_limit' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+ $day day"))]); } public function clearSpreadLimitDay() { return User::getDB()->where('spread_uid', '>', 0)->update(['spread_limit' => null]); } public function updateSpreadLimitDay(int $day) { User::getDB()->where('spread_uid', '>', 0)->whereNull('spread_limit')->update(['spread_limit' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+ $day day"))]); return User::getDB()->where('spread_uid', '>', 0)->whereNotNull('spread_limit')->update(['spread_limit' => Db::raw('TIMESTAMPADD(DAY, ' . $day . ', `spread_limit`)')]); } public function syncSpreadStatus() { return User::getDB()->where('spread_uid', '>', 0)->whereNotNull('spread_limit')->where('spread_limit', '<=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->update(['spread_time' => null, 'spread_uid' => 0, 'spread_limit' => null]); } }