* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Stub; /** * Helper for filtering out properties in casters. * * @author Nicolas Grekas
* * @final */ class Caster { const EXCLUDE_VERBOSE = 1; const EXCLUDE_VIRTUAL = 2; const EXCLUDE_DYNAMIC = 4; const EXCLUDE_PUBLIC = 8; const EXCLUDE_PROTECTED = 16; const EXCLUDE_PRIVATE = 32; const EXCLUDE_NULL = 64; const EXCLUDE_EMPTY = 128; const EXCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT = 256; const EXCLUDE_STRICT = 512; const PREFIX_VIRTUAL = "\0~\0"; const PREFIX_DYNAMIC = "\0+\0"; const PREFIX_PROTECTED = "\0*\0"; /** * Casts objects to arrays and adds the dynamic property prefix. * * @param object $obj The object to cast * @param bool $hasDebugInfo Whether the __debugInfo method exists on $obj or not * * @return array The array-cast of the object, with prefixed dynamic properties */ public static function castObject($obj, string $class, bool $hasDebugInfo = false): array { if ($hasDebugInfo) { try { $debugInfo = $obj->__debugInfo(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // ignore failing __debugInfo() $hasDebugInfo = false; } } $a = $obj instanceof \Closure ? [] : (array) $obj; if ($obj instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class) { return $a; } if ($a) { static $publicProperties = []; $i = 0; $prefixedKeys = []; foreach ($a as $k => $v) { if (isset($k[0]) ? "\0" !== $k[0] : \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70200) { if (!isset($publicProperties[$class])) { foreach ((new \ReflectionClass($class))->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $prop) { $publicProperties[$class][$prop->name] = true; } } if (!isset($publicProperties[$class][$k])) { $prefixedKeys[$i] = self::PREFIX_DYNAMIC.$k; } } elseif (isset($k[16]) && "\0" === $k[16] && 0 === strpos($k, "\0class@anonymous\0")) { $prefixedKeys[$i] = "\0".get_parent_class($class).'@anonymous'.strrchr($k, "\0"); } ++$i; } if ($prefixedKeys) { $keys = array_keys($a); foreach ($prefixedKeys as $i => $k) { $keys[$i] = $k; } $a = array_combine($keys, $a); } } if ($hasDebugInfo && \is_array($debugInfo)) { foreach ($debugInfo as $k => $v) { if (!isset($k[0]) || "\0" !== $k[0]) { $k = self::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.$k; } unset($a[$k]); $a[$k] = $v; } } return $a; } /** * Filters out the specified properties. * * By default, a single match in the $filter bit field filters properties out, following an "or" logic. * When EXCLUDE_STRICT is set, an "and" logic is applied: all bits must match for a property to be removed. * * @param array $a The array containing the properties to filter * @param int $filter A bit field of Caster::EXCLUDE_* constants specifying which properties to filter out * @param string[] $listedProperties List of properties to exclude when Caster::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE is set, and to preserve when Caster::EXCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT is set * @param int &$count Set to the number of removed properties * * @return array The filtered array */ public static function filter(array $a, int $filter, array $listedProperties = [], ?int &$count = 0): array { $count = 0; foreach ($a as $k => $v) { $type = self::EXCLUDE_STRICT & $filter; if (null === $v) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_NULL & $filter; $type |= self::EXCLUDE_EMPTY & $filter; } elseif (false === $v || '' === $v || '0' === $v || 0 === $v || 0.0 === $v || [] === $v) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_EMPTY & $filter; } if ((self::EXCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT & $filter) && !\in_array($k, $listedProperties, true)) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT; } if ((self::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE & $filter) && \in_array($k, $listedProperties, true)) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE; } if (!isset($k[1]) || "\0" !== $k[0]) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_PUBLIC & $filter; } elseif ('~' === $k[1]) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_VIRTUAL & $filter; } elseif ('+' === $k[1]) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_DYNAMIC & $filter; } elseif ('*' === $k[1]) { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_PROTECTED & $filter; } else { $type |= self::EXCLUDE_PRIVATE & $filter; } if ((self::EXCLUDE_STRICT & $filter) ? $type === $filter : $type) { unset($a[$k]); ++$count; } } return $a; } public static function castPhpIncompleteClass(\__PHP_Incomplete_Class $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested): array { if (isset($a['__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name'])) { $stub->class .= '('.$a['__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name'].')'; unset($a['__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name']); } return $a; } }