.travis.yml 1.3 KB

  1. language: php
  2. php:
  3. - 7.0
  4. - 7.1
  5. - 7.2
  6. - nightly
  7. env:
  8. # The default env behaviour: phpunit, no coverage, no style checks
  9. - PHPUNIT=true
  10. matrix:
  11. fast_finish: true
  12. exclude:
  13. # Disable standard phpunit test on 7.0, reenable with FULL, and with COVERAGE
  14. - php: 7.2
  15. env: PHPUNIT=true
  16. include:
  17. # This reenables php7.0/phpunit test with COVERAGE
  18. - php: 7.2
  20. # This reenables php7.0/phpunit test with extended tests (wycheproof)
  21. - php: 7.2
  22. env: FULL=true
  23. # This runs phpcs on php7.0 - only code style and examples
  24. - php: 7.0
  25. env: CODESTYLE=true EXAMPLES=true
  26. sudo: false
  27. before_script:
  28. - travis_retry composer selfupdate
  29. - travis_retry composer install --prefer-source
  30. - if [ "${COVERAGE}" != "true" ] && [ "${TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION}" != "nightly" ]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini && echo "xdebug disabled"; fi
  31. script:
  32. - if [ "${PHPUNIT}" = "true" ]; then make phpunit-ci; fi
  33. - if [ "${FULL}" = "true" ]; then make phpunit-full-ci; fi
  34. - if [ "${CODESTYLE}" = "true" ]; then make phpcs && echo "PHPCS OK"; fi
  35. - if [ "${EXAMPLES}" = "true" ]; then make test-examples && echo "Examples OK"; fi
  36. after_success:
  37. - if [ "${COVERAGE}" = "true" ]; then make scrutinizer; fi