@@ -186,6 +186,12 @@
+ <div class="layui-col-lg12" id="app1">
+ <button @click="excel" type="button"
+ class="layui-btn layui-btn-warm layui-btn-sm export" type="button">
+ <i class="fa fa-floppy-o" style="margin-right: 3px;"></i>导出
+ </button>
+ </div>
<div class="layui-form-item">
<label class="layui-form-label">
<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-normal" lay-submit="" lay-filter="search" >
@@ -214,7 +220,7 @@
<table class="layui-hide" id="userList" lay-filter="userList"></table>
<script type="text/html" id="nickname">
- {{d.nickname}}
+ <a href="{:Url('water.water_query/index')}?uid={{d.uid}}" class="opFrames" data-name="计算列表" data-href="{:Url('water.water_query/index')}?name={{d.uid}}">{{d.nickname}}</a>
{{# if(d.vip_name){ }}
<p style="color:#dab176">{{d.vip_name}}</p>
{{# } }}
@@ -322,6 +328,7 @@
{field: 'data_time', title: '访问日期',align:'center',width:'12%',templet:'#data_time'},
// {field: 'status', title: '状态',templet:"#checkboxstatus",width:'6%',align:'center'},
{field: 'user_type', title: '用户类型',width:'6%',align:'center'},
+ {field: 'query_count', title: '计算次数',width:'6%',align:'center'},
{field: 'operate', title: '操作', width: '10%', align: 'center', toolbar: '#barDemo'}
@@ -428,7 +435,7 @@
if(where['user_time_type'] != '' && where['user_time'] == '') return layList.msg('请选择选择时间');
- if(where['user_time_type'] == '' && where['user_time'] != '') return layList.msg('请选择访问情况');
+ // if(where['user_time_type'] == '' && where['user_time'] != '') return layList.msg('请选择访问情况');
@@ -547,5 +554,97 @@
+ require(['vue'], function (Vue) {
+ new Vue({
+ el: "#app1",
+ data: {
+ badge: [],
+ where: {
+ nickname: '',
+ group: '',
+ excel: 0,
+ },
+ showtime: false,
+ },
+ watch: {
+ 'where.status': function () {
+ this.where.excel = 0;
+ this.getBadge();
+ layList.reload(this.where, true);
+ },
+ 'where.data': function () {
+ this.where.excel = 0;
+ this.getBadge();
+ layList.reload(this.where, true);
+ },
+ 'where.type': function () {
+ this.where.excel = 0;
+ this.getBadge();
+ layList.reload(this.where, true);
+ },
+ 'where.pay_type': function () {
+ this.where.excel = 0;
+ this.getBadge();
+ layList.reload(this.where, true);
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ setData: function (item) {
+ var that = this;
+ if (item.is_zd == true) {
+ that.showtime = true;
+ this.where.data = this.$refs.date_time.innerText;
+ } else {
+ this.showtime = false;
+ this.where.data = item.value;
+ }
+ },
+ getBadge: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ layList.basePost(layList.Url({c: 'order.store_order', a: 'getBadge'}), this.where, function (rem) {
+ that.badge = rem.data;
+ });
+ },
+ search: function () {
+ this.where.excel = 0;
+ this.getBadge();
+ layList.reload(this.where, true);
+ },
+ refresh: function () {
+ layList.reload();
+ this.getBadge();
+ },
+ excel: function () {
+ var nickname = $('#nickname').val();
+ var group = $('#group').val();
+ var user_time = $('#user_time').val();
+ this.where['nickname'] = nickname;
+ this.where['group'] = group;
+ this.where['user_time'] = user_time;
+ this.where.excel = 1;
+ location.href = layList.U({c: 'user.user', a: 'get_user_list', q: this.where});
+ this.where.excel = 0;
+ }
+ },
+ mounted: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.getBadge();
+ window.formReload = this.search;
+ layList.laydate.render({
+ elem: this.$refs.date_time,
+ trigger: 'click',
+ eventElem: this.$refs.time,
+ range: true,
+ change: function (value) {
+ that.where.data = value;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ });