hrjy 2 anos atrás
100 arquivos alterados com 3842 adições e 0 exclusões
  1. 10 0
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+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "directory": "public/assets/libs",
+  "ignoredDependencies": [
+    "es6-promise",
+    "file-saver",
+    "html2canvas",
+    "jspdf",
+    "jspdf-autotable"
+  ]

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+debug = false
+trace = false
+dev = false
+sms_dev = false
+hostname =
+database = xin
+username = xin
+password = ELHMMLrsZEXZJpTa
+hostport = 3306
+prefix = fa_

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@

+ 191 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+Apache License
+Version 2.0, January 2004
+1. Definitions.
+"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and
+distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright
+owner that is granting the License.
+"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities
+that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity.
+For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or
+indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by
+contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising
+permissions granted by this License.
+"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including
+but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration
+"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or
+translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code,
+generated documentation, and conversions to other media types.
+"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made
+available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included
+in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that
+is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions,
+annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an
+original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works
+shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by
+name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version
+of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works
+thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work
+by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit
+on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition,
+"submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and
+issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for
+the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication
+that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright
+owner as "Not a Contribution."
+"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf
+of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently
+incorporated within the Work.
+2. Grant of Copyright License.
+Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby
+grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free,
+irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such
+Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+3. Grant of Patent License.
+Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby
+grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free,
+irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have
+made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where
+such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor
+that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination
+of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was
+submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a
+Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory
+patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License
+for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
+4. Redistribution.
+You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof
+in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form,
+provided that You meet the following conditions:
+You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of
+this License; and
+You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You
+changed the files; and
+You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute,
+all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form
+of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the
+Derivative Works; and
+If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any
+Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the
+attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices
+that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the
+following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the
+Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along
+with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative
+Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of
+the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the
+License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that
+You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work,
+provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as
+modifying the License.
+You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide
+additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or
+distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole,
+provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies
+with the conditions stated in this License.
+5. Submission of Contributions.
+Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted
+for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and
+conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of
+any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding
+such Contributions.
+6. Trademarks.
+This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks,
+service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for
+reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and
+reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+7. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the
+Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE,
+solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or
+redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of
+permissions under this License.
+8. Limitation of Liability.
+In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence),
+contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate
+and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental,
+or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or
+out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to
+damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or
+any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has
+been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability.
+While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to
+offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or
+other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However,
+in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your
+sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You
+agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your
+accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work
+To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate
+notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}" replaced with your own
+identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be
+enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also
+recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on
+the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within
+third-party archives.
+   Copyright 2017 Karson
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# H5盲盒
+## 开发说明
+1. 插件化配置,需要开发人员开启dev环境后访问插件地址进行配置
+    - 短信宝
+    - 支付宝 - 微信支付宝整合插件
+    - 微信支付 - 微信支付宝整合插件
+2. 业务补充
+    - 邀请奖励:application/api/behavior/InviteSuccess.php
+    - 公众号登录:配置wechat表appid、appsecret字段
+    - 节点安全:强烈建议关闭dev!关闭后将禁止访问auth_rule表未记录或状态为hidden或父级状态为hidden的节点
+    - 短信:env.sms_dev可配置是否模拟短信

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use app\common\controller\Backend;
+use fast\Http;
+use think\addons\AddonException;
+use think\addons\Service;
+use think\Cache;
+use think\Config;
+use think\Exception;
+ * 插件管理
+ *
+ * @icon   fa fa-cube
+ * @remark 可在线安装、卸载、禁用、启用插件,同时支持添加本地插件。FastAdmin已上线插件商店 ,你可以发布你的免费或付费插件:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
+ */
+class Addon extends Backend
+    protected $model = null;
+    public function _initialize()
+    {
+        parent::_initialize();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 查看
+     */
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $addons = get_addon_list();
+        foreach ($addons as $k => &$v) {
+            $config = get_addon_config($v['name']);
+            $v['config'] = $config ? 1 : 0;
+            $v['url'] = str_replace($this->request->server('SCRIPT_NAME'), '', $v['url']);
+        }
+        $this->assignconfig(['addons' => $addons]);
+        return $this->view->fetch();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 配置
+     */
+    public function config($ids = null)
+    {
+        $name = $this->request->get("name");
+        if (!$name) {
+            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', $ids ? 'id' : 'name'));
+        }
+        if (!is_dir(ADDON_PATH . $name)) {
+            $this->error(__('Directory not found'));
+        }
+        $info = get_addon_info($name);
+        $config = get_addon_fullconfig($name);
+        if (!$info) {
+            $this->error(__('No Results were found'));
+        }
+        if ($this->request->isPost()) {
+            $params = $this->request->post("row/a");
+            if ($params) {
+                foreach ($config as $k => &$v) {
+                    if (isset($params[$v['name']])) {
+                        if ($v['type'] == 'array') {
+                            $params[$v['name']] = is_array($params[$v['name']]) ? $params[$v['name']] : (array)json_decode($params[$v['name']], true);
+                            $value = $params[$v['name']];
+                        } else {
+                            $value = is_array($params[$v['name']]) ? implode(',', $params[$v['name']]) : $params[$v['name']];
+                        }
+                        $v['value'] = $value;
+                    }
+                }
+                try {
+                    //更新配置文件
+                    set_addon_fullconfig($name, $config);
+                    Service::refresh();
+                    $this->success();
+                } catch (Exception $e) {
+                    $this->error(__($e->getMessage()));
+                }
+            }
+            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', ''));
+        }
+        $tips = [];
+        foreach ($config as $index => &$item) {
+            if ($item['name'] == '__tips__') {
+                $tips = $item;
+                unset($config[$index]);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->view->assign("addon", ['info' => $info, 'config' => $config, 'tips' => $tips]);
+        $configFile = ADDON_PATH . $name . DS . 'config.html';
+        $viewFile = is_file($configFile) ? $configFile : '';
+        return $this->view->fetch($viewFile);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 安装
+     */
+    public function install()
+    {
+        $name = $this->request->post("name");
+        $force = (int)$this->request->post("force");
+        if (!$name) {
+            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'name'));
+        }
+        try {
+            $uid = $this->request->post("uid");
+            $token = $this->request->post("token");
+            $version = $this->request->post("version");
+            $faversion = $this->request->post("faversion");
+            $extend = [
+                'uid'       => $uid,
+                'token'     => $token,
+                'version'   => $version,
+                'faversion' => $faversion
+            ];
+            Service::install($name, $force, $extend);
+            $info = get_addon_info($name);
+            $info['config'] = get_addon_config($name) ? 1 : 0;
+            $info['state'] = 1;
+            $this->success(__('Install successful'), null, ['addon' => $info]);
+        } catch (AddonException $e) {
+            $this->result($e->getData(), $e->getCode(), __($e->getMessage()));
+        } catch (Exception $e) {
+            $this->error(__($e->getMessage()), $e->getCode());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 卸载
+     */
+    public function uninstall()
+    {
+        $name = $this->request->post("name");
+        $force = (int)$this->request->post("force");
+        if (!$name) {
+            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'name'));
+        }
+        try {
+            Service::uninstall($name, $force);
+            $this->success(__('Uninstall successful'));
+        } catch (AddonException $e) {
+            $this->result($e->getData(), $e->getCode(), __($e->getMessage()));
+        } catch (Exception $e) {
+            $this->error(__($e->getMessage()));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 禁用启用
+     */
+    public function state()
+    {
+        $name = $this->request->post("name");
+        $action = $this->request->post("action");
+        $force = (int)$this->request->post("force");
+        if (!$name) {
+            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'name'));
+        }
+        try {
+            $action = $action == 'enable' ? $action : 'disable';
+            //调用启用、禁用的方法
+            Service::$action($name, $force);
+            Cache::rm('__menu__');
+            $this->success(__('Operate successful'));
+        } catch (AddonException $e) {
+            $this->result($e->getData(), $e->getCode(), __($e->getMessage()));
+        } catch (Exception $e) {
+            $this->error(__($e->getMessage()));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 本地上传
+     */
+    public function local()
+    {
+        Config::set('default_return_type', 'json');
+        $file = $this->request->file('file');
+        $addonTmpDir = RUNTIME_PATH . 'addons' . DS;
+        if (!is_dir($addonTmpDir)) {
+            @mkdir($addonTmpDir, 0755, true);
+        }
+        $info = $file->rule('uniqid')->validate(['size' => 10240000, 'ext' => 'zip'])->move($addonTmpDir);
+        if ($info) {
+            $tmpName = substr($info->getFilename(), 0, stripos($info->getFilename(), '.'));
+            $tmpAddonDir = ADDON_PATH . $tmpName . DS;
+            $tmpFile = $addonTmpDir . $info->getSaveName();
+            try {
+                Service::unzip($tmpName);
+                @unlink($tmpFile);
+                $infoFile = $tmpAddonDir . 'info.ini';
+                if (!is_file($infoFile)) {
+                    throw new Exception(__('Addon info file was not found'));
+                }
+                $config = Config::parse($infoFile, '', $tmpName);
+                $name = isset($config['name']) ? $config['name'] : '';
+                if (!$name) {
+                    throw new Exception(__('Addon info file data incorrect'));
+                }
+                $newAddonDir = ADDON_PATH . $name . DS;
+                if (is_dir($newAddonDir)) {
+                    throw new Exception(__('Addon already exists'));
+                }
+                //重命名插件文件夹
+                rename($tmpAddonDir, $newAddonDir);
+                try {
+                    //默认禁用该插件
+                    $info = get_addon_info($name);
+                    if ($info['state']) {
+                        $info['state'] = 0;
+                        set_addon_info($name, $info);
+                    }
+                    //执行插件的安装方法
+                    $class = get_addon_class($name);
+                    if (class_exists($class)) {
+                        $addon = new $class();
+                        $addon->install();
+                    }
+                    //导入SQL
+                    Service::importsql($name);
+                    $info['config'] = get_addon_config($name) ? 1 : 0;
+                    $this->success(__('Offline installed tips'), null, ['addon' => $info]);
+                } catch (Exception $e) {
+                    @rmdirs($newAddonDir);
+                    throw new Exception(__($e->getMessage()));
+                }
+            } catch (Exception $e) {
+                @unlink($tmpFile);
+                @rmdirs($tmpAddonDir);
+                $this->error(__($e->getMessage()));
+            }
+        } else {
+            // 上传失败获取错误信息
+            $this->error(__($file->getError()));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 更新插件
+     */
+    public function upgrade()
+    {
+        $name = $this->request->post("name");
+        if (!$name) {
+            $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'name'));
+        }
+        try {
+            $uid = $this->request->post("uid");
+            $token = $this->request->post("token");
+            $version = $this->request->post("version");
+            $faversion = $this->request->post("faversion");
+            $extend = [
+                'uid'       => $uid,
+                'token'     => $token,
+                'version'   => $version,
+                'faversion' => $faversion
+            ];
+            //调用更新的方法
+            Service::upgrade($name, $extend);
+            Cache::rm('__menu__');
+            $this->success(__('Operate successful'));
+        } catch (AddonException $e) {
+            $this->result($e->getData(), $e->getCode(), __($e->getMessage()));
+        } catch (Exception $e) {
+            $this->error(__($e->getMessage()));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 已装插件
+     */
+    public function downloaded()
+    {
+        $offset = (int)$this->request->get("offset");
+        $limit = (int)$this->request->get("limit");
+        $filter = $this->request->get("filter");
+        $search = $this->request->get("search");
+        $search = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($search));
+        $onlineaddons = Cache::get("onlineaddons");
+        if (!is_array($onlineaddons)) {
+            $onlineaddons = [];
+            $result = Http::sendRequest(config('fastadmin.api_url') . '/addon/index');
+            if ($result['ret']) {
+                $json = (array)json_decode($result['msg'], true);
+                $rows = isset($json['rows']) ? $json['rows'] : [];
+                foreach ($rows as $index => $row) {
+                    $onlineaddons[$row['name']] = $row;
+                }
+            }
+            Cache::set("onlineaddons", $onlineaddons, 600);
+        }
+        $filter = (array)json_decode($filter, true);
+        $addons = get_addon_list();
+        $list = [];
+        foreach ($addons as $k => $v) {
+            if ($search && stripos($v['name'], $search) === false && stripos($v['intro'], $search) === false) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (isset($onlineaddons[$v['name']])) {
+                $v = array_merge($v, $onlineaddons[$v['name']]);
+            } else {
+                $v['category_id'] = 0;
+                $v['flag'] = '';
+                $v['banner'] = '';
+                $v['image'] = '';
+                $v['donateimage'] = '';
+                $v['demourl'] = '';
+                $v['price'] = __('None');
+                $v['screenshots'] = [];
+                $v['releaselist'] = [];
+            }
+            $v['url'] = addon_url($v['name']);
+            $v['url'] = str_replace($this->request->server('SCRIPT_NAME'), '', $v['url']);
+            $v['createtime'] = filemtime(ADDON_PATH . $v['name']);
+            if ($filter && isset($filter['category_id']) && is_numeric($filter['category_id']) && $filter['category_id'] != $v['category_id']) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $list[] = $v;
+        }
+        $total = count($list);
+        if ($limit) {
+            $list = array_slice($list, $offset, $limit);
+        }
+        $result = array("total" => $total, "rows" => $list);
+        $callback = $this->request->get('callback') ? "jsonp" : "json";
+        return $callback($result);
+    }






+ 201 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+namespace addons\loginmobile;
+use app\common\library\Menu;
+use think\Addons;
+ * 插件
+ */
+class Loginmobile extends Addons
+    /**
+     * 插件安装方法(只需要安装用户表即可)
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    public function install()
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 插件卸载方法
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    public function uninstall()
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 插件启用方法
+     */
+    public function enable()
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 插件禁用方法
+     */
+    public function disable()
+    {
+        return true;
+    }

+ 319 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#  Fastadmin微信小程序授权登录插件+手机号码获取
+## 2021.06.23更新(此更新明文传输数据时候对头像昵称的限制去掉了,因为部分用户存在头像昵称异常的情况导致不能使用小程序,):
+## 2021.06.15更新(此更新仅在markdown补充,不改动插件代码,自行复制下面代码添加即可 )-由于授权登录可能存在解密失败的情况,特新加明文传输API,接口代码如下:
+protected $noNeedLogin = ['code', 'login', 'codev2', 'loginv2'];
+   /**
+     * 登录第一步,获取openid 跟 session_key
+     */
+    public function codev2()
+    {
+        $code = $this->request->param('code');
+        if (!$code) {
+            $this->error('code不能为空');
+        }
+        self::getOpenidv2($code);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $code 用来交换获取openid 跟 session_key
+     */
+    public function getOpenidv2($code)
+    {
+        $url = sprintf($this->loginUrl, $this->appid, $this->secret, $code);
+        $result = Http::get($url);
+        $wxResult = json_decode($result, true);
+        if (empty($wxResult)) {
+            $this->error('获取sessin_key及openID时异常');
+        }
+        if (isset($wxResult['errcode']) && $wxResult['errcode'] != 0) {
+            $this->error($wxResult['errmsg']);
+        }
+        $item = [
+            'openid' => $wxResult['openid'],
+            'session_key' => $wxResult['session_key']
+        ];
+        $ck = \app\admin\model\User::where(['openid' => $wxResult['openid']])->find();
+        if (!$ck) {
+            $user = new \app\admin\model\User;
+            $user->openid = $wxResult['openid'];
+            $user->status = 'normal';
+            $user->save();
+            $this->auth->direct($user->id);
+            $this->success('登录成功', $this->auth->getUserinfo());
+        } else {
+            $this->auth->direct($ck['id']);
+            $this->success('登录成功', $this->auth->getUserinfo());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户登录
+     */
+    public function loginv2()
+    {
+        $nickName = $this->request->post('nickName');
+        $avatarUrl = $this->request->post('avatarUrl');
+        $gender = $this->request->post('gender');
+        $openid = $this->request->post('openid');
+        /**TODO 这个限制不能再用了    if (empty($nickName) || empty($avatarUrl) || empty($gender) || empty($openid)) {
+            $this->error('缺少参数');
+        }*/
+        $userinfo = \app\admin\model\User::where(['openid' => $openid])->find();
+        if ($userinfo) {
+            $userinfo->nickname = $nickName;
+            $userinfo->avatar = $avatarUrl;
+            $userinfo->gender = $gender;
+            $userinfo->save();
+            $this->auth->direct($userinfo['id']);
+        } else {
+            $user = new \app\admin\model\User();
+            $user->data([
+                'nickname' => $nickName,
+                'avatar' => $avatarUrl,
+                'gender' => $gender,
+                'status' => 'normal',
+                'openid' => $openid
+            ]);
+            $user->save();
+            $this->auth->direct($user->id);
+        }
+        $this->success('登录成功', $this->auth->getUserinfo());
+    }
+#### 介绍
+> 旨在方便自己日后做这方面的开发,直接安装就好,省事.本项目是基于2021年4月13日微信小程序授权登录做的整改进行开发的插件
+#### 软件架构
+> 毫无架构可言
+#### 使用说明
+1.  Install_Package目录 是打包过的插件安装包,可以直接用于安装
+2.  接口文档在下方已经贴出
+3.  前端测试demo:在application/api/minapp_v2 里面,使用时只需要修改minapp_v2/utils/api.js 里面的 http地址即可
+4.  使用前还记得要把插件管理里面的配置项的小程appid跟密钥配置好
+![输入图片说明]( "屏幕截图.png")
+#### 参与贡献
+1.  Fork 本仓库
+2.  新建 Feat_xxx 分支
+3.  提交代码
+4.  新建 Pull Request
+![输入图片说明]( "屏幕截图.png")
+![输入图片说明]( "屏幕截图.png")
+## 下面是API文档
+##### API一简要描述
+- code换取openid接口
+##### 请求URL
+- `/api/Auth_login_with_wechat/code`
+##### 请求方式
+##### 参数
+|:----    |:---|:----- |-----   |
+|code |是  |int |wx.login 获取的code   |
+##### 返回示例
+    "code": 1,
+    "msg": "成功",
+    "time": "1618534098",
+    "data": {
+        "openid": "o5rIS5MzaMjZBz3DMzUtsosMZApU",
+        "session_key": "z5kYsGmcb7MaRcS0a1AGPQ=="
+    }
+    "code": 0,
+    "msg": "code been used, hints: [ req_id: YDHBA5yFe-i1q0RA ]",
+    "time": "1618534253",
+    "data": null
+##### 返回参数说明
+|:-----  |:-----|-----                           |
+|code |int   |状态码,1:成功;0:失败  |
+|msg |string   |提示语  |
+|openid |string   |openid  用于后面的登录传值 |
+|session_key |string   |session_key 用于后面的登录传值 |
+##### API二简要描述
+- 登录接口
+##### 请求URL
+- `/api/Auth_login_with_wechat/login`
+##### 请求方式
+##### 参数
+|:----    |:---|:----- |-----   |
+|encryptedData |是  |string |加密串   |
+|iv |是  |string |偏移量   |
+|sessionKey |是  |string |sessionKey   |
+|openid |是  |string |openid   |
+##### 返回示例
+    "code": 1,
+    "msg": "登录成功",
+    "time": "1618535634",
+    "data": {
+        "id": 2,
+        "username": "",
+        "nickname": "Blustant'C 吴伟祥 可乐爸爸",
+        "mobile": "",
+        "avatar": "",
+        "score": 0,
+        "token": "47b64df8-d5ee-43e7-9168-889ea48c11fb",
+        "user_id": 2,
+        "createtime": 1618535634,
+        "expiretime": 1621127634,
+        "expires_in": 2592000
+    }
+##### 返回参数说明
+|:-----  |:-----|-----                           |
+|code |int   |状态码,1:成功;0:失败  |
+|msg |string   |提示语  |
+|token |string   |用于接口请求使用  |
+##### API三简要描述
+- 获取手机号接口
+##### 前端示例代码
+<button open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber">获取手机号</button>
+    console.log(e.detail.errMsg)
+    console.log(e.detail.iv)
+    console.log(e.detail.encryptedData)
+##### 请求URL
+- ` /api/Auth_login_with_wechat/getPhone`
+##### 请求方式
+##### 参数
+|:----    |:---|:----- |-----   |
+|iv |是  |string |偏移量   |
+|encryptedData |是  |string | 加密串    |
+|sessionKey |是  |string | sessionKey    |
+##### 返回示例
+    "code": 1,
+    "msg": "获取成功",
+    "time": "1613125219",
+    "data": {
+        "phoneNumber": "18712377078",
+        "purePhoneNumber": "18712377078",
+        "countryCode": "86",
+        "watermark": {
+            "timestamp": 1613124456,
+            "appid": "wxc17d20f5b4595397"
+        }
+    }
+##### 返回参数说明
+|:-----  |:-----|-----                           |
+|code |int   |1  成功  0 失败 -获取手机号失败就只能手动填写手机号 |
+|data-phoneNumber |string   |手机号  |
+> 解密后的数据格式,并没有openid跟unionID
+    "nickName":"Blustant'C 吴伟祥 可乐爸爸",
+    "gender":1,
+    "language":"zh_CN",
+    "city":"Hefei",
+    "province":"Anhui",
+    "country":"China",
+    "avatarUrl":"",
+    "watermark":{
+        "timestamp":1618498216,
+        "appid":"wx9d9766d500e04dcd"
+    }
+## 获取手机号遇到报错appid没有权限:
+![输入图片说明]( "屏幕截图.png")
+- 解决方案:微信小程序后台首页的微信认证通过了就有权限了 
+![输入图片说明]( "屏幕截图.png")

+ 189 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * Created by 老吴.
+ * UserMsg:砥砺前行,扬帆起航
+ *
+ * QQ:1113249273
+ * QQ群:925283872
+ * 微信:cww0128
+ * Date: 2021/4/15
+ * Time: 23:08
+ */
+namespace app\api\controller;
+use addons\third\model\Third;
+use app\common\controller\Api;
+use fast\Http;
+class AuthLoginWithWechat extends Api
+    protected $noNeedLogin = ['code', 'login'];
+    protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
+    protected $appid;
+    protected $secret;
+    protected $loginUrl;
+    public function __construct()
+    {
+        $this->appid = get_addon_config("loginmobile")['appId'];
+        $this->secret = get_addon_config("loginmobile")['secretId'];
+        $this->loginUrl = get_addon_config("loginmobile")['loginUrl'];
+        parent::__construct();
+    }
+    //
+    /**
+     * 登录第一步,获取openid 跟 session_key
+     */
+    public function code()
+    {
+        $code = $this->request->param('code');
+        if (!$code) {
+            $this->error('code不能为空');
+        }
+        self::getOpenid($code);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param $code 用来交换获取openid 跟 session_key
+     */
+    public function getOpenid($code)
+    {
+        $url = sprintf($this->loginUrl, $this->appid, $this->secret, $code);
+        $result = Http::get($url);
+        $wxResult = json_decode($result, true);
+        if (empty($wxResult)) {
+            $this->error('获取sessin_key及openID时异常');
+        }
+        if (isset($wxResult['errcode']) && $wxResult['errcode'] != 0) {
+            $this->error($wxResult['errmsg']);
+        }
+        $item = [
+            'openid' => $wxResult['openid'],
+            'session_key' => $wxResult['session_key']
+        ];
+        $this->success('成功', $item);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户登录
+     */
+    public function login()
+    {
+        $encryptedData = $this->request->post('encryptedData');
+        $iv = $this->request->post('iv');
+        $sessionKey = $this->request->post('sessionKey');
+        $openid = $this->request->post('openid');
+        if (empty($encryptedData) || empty($iv) || empty($sessionKey) || empty($openid)) {
+            $this->error('缺少参数');
+        }
+        $errCode = self::decryptData($encryptedData, $iv, $data, $sessionKey, $this->appid);
+        if ($errCode == 0) {
+            $result = json_decode($data, true);
+            $userinfo = \app\admin\model\User::where(['openid' => $openid])->find();
+//            $ah = new Auth();
+            if ($userinfo) {
+                $userinfo->nickname = $result['nickName'];
+                $userinfo->avatar = $result['avatarUrl'];
+                $userinfo->gender = $result['gender'];
+                $userinfo->city = $result['city'];
+                $userinfo->province = $result['province'];
+                $userinfo->country = $result['country'];
+                $userinfo->save();
+                $this->auth->direct($userinfo['id']);
+            } else {
+                $user = new \app\admin\model\User();
+                $user->data([
+                    'nickname' => $result['nickName'],
+                    'avatar' => $result['avatarUrl'],
+                    'gender' => $result['gender'],
+                    'city' => $result['city'],
+                    'province' => $result['province'],
+                    'country' => $result['country'],
+                    'status' => 'normal',
+                    'openid' => $openid
+                ]);
+                $user->save();
+                $this->auth->direct($user->id);
+            }
+            $this->success('登录成功', $this->auth->getUserinfo());
+        } else {
+            $this->error('登录失败' . $errCode);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取手机号
+     */
+    public function getPhone()
+    {
+        $iv = $this->request->post("iv", '', 'trim');
+        $encryptedData = $this->request->post("encryptedData", '', 'trim');
+        $sessionKey = $this->request->post('sessionKey');
+        $datainfo = $this->auth->getUserinfo();
+        if (!$iv || !$encryptedData) {
+            $this->error('传参有误');
+        }
+        $errCode = self::decryptData($encryptedData, $iv, $data, $sessionKey, $this->appid);
+        if ($errCode == 0) {
+            $result = json_decode($data, true);
+            if (isset($result['phoneNumber'])) {
+                $user = \app\admin\model\User::get($datainfo['id']);
+                $user->mobile = $result['phoneNumber'];
+                $user->save();
+                $this->success('获取成功', $result);
+            } else {
+                $this->error('号码获取失败');
+            }
+        } else {
+            $this->error('用户信息更新失败');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 检验数据的真实性,并且获取解密后的明文.
+     * @param $encryptedData string 加密的用户数据
+     * @param $iv string 与用户数据一同返回的初始向量
+     * @param $data string 解密后的原文
+     *
+     * @return int 成功0,失败返回对应的错误码
+     */
+    public function decryptData($encryptedData, $iv, &$data, $sessionKey, $appid)
+    {
+        if (strlen($sessionKey) != 24) {
+            return -41001;
+        }
+        $aesKey = base64_decode($sessionKey);
+        if (strlen($iv) != 24) {
+            return -41002;
+        }
+        $aesIV = base64_decode($iv);
+        $aesCipher = base64_decode($encryptedData);
+        $result = openssl_decrypt($aesCipher, "AES-128-CBC", $aesKey, 1, $aesIV);
+        $dataObj = json_decode($result);
+        if ($dataObj == NULL) {
+            return -41003;
+        }
+        if ($dataObj->watermark->appid != $appid) {
+            return -41003;
+        }
+        $data = $result;
+        return 0;
+    }

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Windows
+# macOS
+# Node.js

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+var _api = require('utils/api.js')
+var api = _api.api;
+const request = require('utils/js.js');
+  onLaunch: function (res) {
+    let that = this;
+  },
+  globalData: {
+  },

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "pages": [
+    "pages/index/index",
+    "pages/Authorize/Authorize"
+  ],
+  "window": {
+    "backgroundTextStyle": "dark",
+    "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#28292D",
+    "navigationBarTitleText": "疫康",
+    "navigationBarTextStyle": "white"
+  },
+  "permission": {
+    "scope.userLocation": {
+      "desc": "你的位置信息将用于小程序位置接口的效果展示"
+    }
+  },
+  "sitemapLocation": "sitemap.json"

+ 330 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
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+ animation-direction:alternate;
+-webkit-animation-direction:alternate; /* Safari 和 Chrome */
+  animation-name: err;-webkit-animation-name: err;
+  animation-duration:0.1s;-webkit-animation-duration:0.1s;
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+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  data: {
+  },
+  onLoad: function (options) {
+  },
+  onShow: function () {
+    var that = this;
+  } ,

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "navigationBarTitleText": "授权登录"

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<view class="pup flex-ct font32" id="AuthMap" wx:if='{{!user}}'>
+  <view class="box rd10 bgff tc ">
+    <view class="font35 h00">您还未登录</view>
+    <view class="h99 p1">请先登录再操作</view>
+    <view class="btn-box flex-bect">
+      <view class="btn btn1 flex-ct" bindtap="Authorize">取消</view>
+      <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' bindtap="getUserProfile">立即登录</button>
+      <!-- <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' catchtap="GetUserInfo">立即登录</button> -->
+      <!-- <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' open-type="getUserInfo" bindgetuserinfo='bindGetUserInfo'>立即登录</button> -->
+    </view>
+  </view>
+  <view class="pup-bg"></view>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* 授权 */
+#login .logo{width:180rpx;height:180rpx;display:block;margin:125rpx auto 175rpx;}
+#login .btn_return{background-color:transparent;width:670rpx;height:88rpx;display:block;margin:200rpx auto 30rpx;line-height:75rpx}



+ 218 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+const _api = require('../../utils/api.js')
+const request = require('../../utils/js.js');
+const api = _api.api;
+const app = getApp()
+const globalData = app.globalData
+  data: {
+    tel:''
+  },
+  /**  生命周期函数--监听页面加载 **/
+  onLoad: function (options) {
+    var that = this;
+    that.setKey(that)
+  },
+ /********************  微信授权  *****************************/
+  AuthMap() { app.AuthMap(this) },
+  //授权登录
+  Authorize() { app.Authorize(this) },
+  bindGetUserInfo(e){
+    var that = this
+    app.login(that,e,function(res){
+    })
+  },
+   /******************** 微信授权  *****************************/
+  onPullDownRefresh(e){
+  },
+  /** 页面上拉触底事件 **/
+  onReachBottom: function () {
+    var that = this;
+  },
+  /** 用户点击右上角分享 **/
+  onShareAppMessage: function () {
+    return {
+      title: globalData.share.title,
+      path: globalData.share.path,
+      imageUrl: globalData.share.imageUrl // 图片 URL
+    }
+  },
+  getUserProfile(_that, sessionKey,sucFun) {
+    var that=this
+    wx.getUserProfile({
+        desc: '用于完善会员资料', // 声明获取用户个人信息后的用途,后续会展示在弹窗中,请谨慎填写
+      success:function(res2){
+        // console.log('获取成功: ',res2)
+          //调用登录接口
+          var code = ''
+          request.login().then(function (d) {
+            code = d.code
+            console.log(code) 
+          }).then(function (e) {
+            that.ajaxget(api.code + '?code=' + code, {}, {}, function (res) {
+              if (res.code == 1) {
+                // that.saveUserInfo(_that,, sucFun)
+                that.ajaxpost(api.login, {}, {
+                  'encryptedData': res2.encryptedData,
+                  'iv': res2.iv,
+                  'sessionKey':,
+                  'openid':
+                }, function (e) {
+                  console.log(e)
+                  if (e.code == 1) {
+                    console.log('成功啦')
+                    wx.setStorageSync('user',
+                    wx.setStorageSync('sessionKey',
+                    wx.setStorageSync('token',
+                    that.setData({ Authorize: true, user:, token: })
+                    // sucFun(
+                  }
+                }, function (e) {
+                }, function () { })
+              } else {
+                that.showToast(res.msg)
+                console.log('失败')
+              }
+            }, function (res) { }, function (res) { })
+          });
+        },
+        fail:function(err){
+          console.log("获取失败: ",err)
+        }
+    })
+  },
+  setKey(_that){
+    var that=this
+    _that.setData({
+      token: wx.getStorageSync('token')
+      , user: wx.getStorageSync('user')
+      , Authorize: false
+    })
+  },
+  //post请求-token
+  ajaxget: function (url, header, data, successFunc, errFunc) {
+    let that = this;
+    var _errFunc = function (msg) {
+      if (!!errMsg) {
+        wx.showToast({
+          title: msg || errMsg,
+          icon: 'none'
+        })
+      }
+    };
+    let _data = data || {};//数据类型
+    let token = wx.getStorageSync('token');//授权后的用户唯一码(openid)
+    let _header = {//请求头
+      'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+      'token': token,
+    };
+    wx.request({
+      url: url,
+      data: _data,
+      method: 'get',
+      header: _header,
+      success(res) {
+        if (res) {
+          res =;
+          successFunc(res);
+        }
+        if (!res) {
+          _errFunc(res)
+          return;
+        }
+      },
+      fail() {
+        _errFunc(res);
+      }
+    })
+  },
+  //post请求-token
+  ajaxpost: function (url, header, data, successFunc, errFunc) {
+    let that = this;
+    var _errFunc = function (msg) {
+      if (!!errMsg) {
+        wx.showToast({
+          title: msg || errMsg,
+          icon: 'none'
+        })
+      }
+    };
+    let _data = data || {};//数据类型
+    let token = wx.getStorageSync('token');//授权后的用户唯一码(openid)
+    let _header = {//请求头
+      'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+      'token': token,
+      lat: wx.getStorageSync('location').lat,
+      lng: wx.getStorageSync('location').lng
+    };
+    wx.request({
+      url: url,
+      data: _data,
+      method: 'post',
+      header: _header,
+      success(res) {
+        if (res) {
+          res =;
+          successFunc(res);
+        }
+        if (!res) {
+          _errFunc(res)
+          return;
+        }
+      },
+      fail() {
+        _errFunc(res);
+      }
+    })
+  },
+  getPhoneNumber(res){
+    console.log(res)
+    let that = this
+    let _data = {
+      encryptedData:res.detail.encryptedData,
+      iv:res.detail.iv,
+      sessionKey:wx.getStorageSync('sessionKey')
+    }
+    that.ajaxpost(api.getPhone, {}, _data, function (e) {
+      console.log(e)
+      if (e.code == 1) {
+        console.log('成功啦')
+        that.setData({
+        })
+      }
+    })
+  },
+   /**  生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 **/
+  onReady: function () {
+  },
+  /** 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 **/
+  onHide: function () {
+  },
+  /** 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 **/
+  onUnload: function () {
+  }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  "navigationBarTitleText": "福田戴姆勒",
+  "backgroundColor":"#252A2D",
+  "enablePullDownRefresh":true

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<block><include src="../../pages/Authorize/Authorize.wxml" /></block>
+<image src="{{user.avatar}}" class="ico100 rd50" style="margin:180rpx auto 30rpx;display:block"></image>
+<view class="tc redff font40">{{user.nickname}}</view>
+<view class="pup flex-ct font32" id="AuthMap" wx:if='{{user}}'>
+  <view class="box rd10 bgff tc ">
+    <view wx:if="{{tel}}"   class="phoneColor" >{{tel}}</view>
+    <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' wx:if="{{!tel}}" style="border-radius:40rpx" open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber">获取手机号</button>
+    <!-- <view class="h99 p1">请先登录再操作</view> -->
+    <view class="btn-box flex-bect">
+      <!-- <view class="btn btn1 flex-ct" bindtap="Authorize">取消</view>
+      <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' bindtap="getUserProfile">立即登录</button> -->
+      <!-- <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber">获取手机号</button> -->
+      <!-- <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' catchtap="GetUserInfo">立即登录</button> -->
+      <!-- <button class='btn btn2 flex-ct bg1' open-type="getUserInfo" bindgetuserinfo='bindGetUserInfo'>立即登录</button> -->
+    </view>
+  </view>
+  <view class="pup-bg"></view>

+ 28 - 0

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+ .bottom .submit{margin-top:105rpx;}
+ /* 授权 */
+#login .logo{width:180rpx;height:180rpx;display:block;margin:125rpx auto 175rpx;}
+#login .btn_return{background-color:transparent;width:670rpx;height:88rpx;display:block;margin:200rpx auto 30rpx;line-height:75rpx}
+.phoneColor{color: rgb(8, 8, 8);font-weight: 600;}

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
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+    "checkInvalidKey": true,
+    "checkSiteMap": true,
+    "uploadWithSourceMap": true,
+    "compileHotReLoad": false,
+    "useMultiFrameRuntime": true,
+    "useApiHook": true,
+    "useApiHostProcess": true,
+    "babelSetting": {
+      "ignore": [],
+      "disablePlugins": [],
+      "outputPath": ""
+    },
+    "enableEngineNative": false,
+    "useIsolateContext": true,
+    "useCompilerModule": true,
+    "userConfirmedUseCompilerModuleSwitch": false,
+    "userConfirmedBundleSwitch": false,
+    "packNpmManually": false,
+    "packNpmRelationList": [],
+    "minifyWXSS": true
+  },
+  "compileType": "miniprogram",
+  "libVersion": "2.16.1",
+  "appid": "wx436f3c5d196b94e7",
+  "projectname": "%E6%8E%88%E6%9D%83%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95",
+  "isGameTourist": false,
+  "simulatorType": "wechat",
+  "simulatorPluginLibVersion": {},
+  "condition": {
+    "search": {
+      "list": []
+    },
+    "conversation": {
+      "list": []
+    },
+    "plugin": {
+      "list": []
+    },
+    "game": {
+      "currentL": -1,
+      "list": []
+    },
+    "gamePlugin": {
+      "list": []
+    },
+    "miniprogram": {
+      "list": []
+    }
+  }

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  "desc": "关于本文件的更多信息,请参考文档",
+  "rules": [{
+  "action": "allow",
+  "page": "*"
+  }]

+ 260 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+var t = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) {
+    return typeof t;
+} : function(t) {
+    return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
+!function(e, n) {
+    "object" == ("undefined" == typeof exports ? "undefined" : t(exports)) && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = n() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(n) : e.ES6Promise = n();
+}(void 0, function() {
+    function e(e) {
+        var n = void 0 === e ? "undefined" : t(e);
+        return null !== e && ("object" === n || "function" === n);
+    }
+    function n(t) {
+        return "function" == typeof t;
+    }
+    function r() {
+        return void 0 !== D ? function() {
+            D(i);
+        } : o();
+    }
+    function o() {
+        var t = setTimeout;
+        return function() {
+            return t(i, 1);
+        };
+    }
+    function i() {
+        for (var t = 0; t < F; t += 2) (0, G[t])(G[t + 1]), G[t] = void 0, G[t + 1] = void 0;
+        F = 0;
+    }
+    function s(t, e) {
+        var n = arguments, r = this, o = new this.constructor(c);
+        void 0 === o[I] && x(o);
+        var i = r._state;
+        return i ? function() {
+            var t = n[i - 1];
+            L(function() {
+                return j(i, o, t, r._result);
+            });
+        }() : w(r, o, t, e), o;
+    }
+    function u(e) {
+        var n = this;
+        if (e && "object" == (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : t(e)) && e.constructor === n) return e;
+        var r = new n(c);
+        return _(r, e), r;
+    }
+    function c() {}
+    function f() {
+        return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself");
+    }
+    function a() {
+        return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");
+    }
+    function l(t) {
+        try {
+            return t.then;
+        } catch (t) {
+            return V.error = t, V;
+        }
+    }
+    function h(t, e, n, r) {
+        try {
+  , n, r);
+        } catch (t) {
+            return t;
+        }
+    }
+    function d(t, e, n) {
+        L(function(t) {
+            var r = !1, o = h(n, e, function(n) {
+                r || (r = !0, e !== n ? _(t, n) : m(t, n));
+            }, function(e) {
+                r || (r = !0, b(t, e));
+            }, "Settle: " + (t._label || " unknown promise"));
+            !r && o && (r = !0, b(t, o));
+        }, t);
+    }
+    function p(t, e) {
+        e._state === Q ? m(t, e._result) : e._state === R ? b(t, e._result) : w(e, void 0, function(e) {
+            return _(t, e);
+        }, function(e) {
+            return b(t, e);
+        });
+    }
+    function v(t, e, r) {
+        e.constructor === t.constructor && r === s && e.constructor.resolve === u ? p(t, e) : r === V ? (b(t, V.error), 
+        V.error = null) : void 0 === r ? m(t, e) : n(r) ? d(t, e, r) : m(t, e);
+    }
+    function _(t, n) {
+        t === n ? b(t, f()) : e(n) ? v(t, n, l(n)) : m(t, n);
+    }
+    function y(t) {
+        t._onerror && t._onerror(t._result), g(t);
+    }
+    function m(t, e) {
+        t._state === J && (t._result = e, t._state = Q, 0 !== t._subscribers.length && L(g, t));
+    }
+    function b(t, e) {
+        t._state === J && (t._state = R, t._result = e, L(y, t));
+    }
+    function w(t, e, n, r) {
+        var o = t._subscribers, i = o.length;
+        t._onerror = null, o[i] = e, o[i + Q] = n, o[i + R] = r, 0 === i && t._state && L(g, t);
+    }
+    function g(t) {
+        var e = t._subscribers, n = t._state;
+        if (0 !== e.length) {
+            for (var r = void 0, o = void 0, i = t._result, s = 0; s < e.length; s += 3) r = e[s], 
+            o = e[s + n], r ? j(n, r, o, i) : o(i);
+            t._subscribers.length = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    function A() {
+        this.error = null;
+    }
+    function S(t, e) {
+        try {
+            return t(e);
+        } catch (t) {
+            return X.error = t, X;
+        }
+    }
+    function j(t, e, r, o) {
+        var i = n(r), s = void 0, u = void 0, c = void 0, f = void 0;
+        if (i) {
+            if ((s = S(r, o)) === X ? (f = !0, u = s.error, s.error = null) : c = !0, e === s) return void b(e, a());
+        } else s = o, c = !0;
+        e._state !== J || (i && c ? _(e, s) : f ? b(e, u) : t === Q ? m(e, s) : t === R && b(e, s));
+    }
+    function E(t, e) {
+        try {
+            e(function(e) {
+                _(t, e);
+            }, function(e) {
+                b(t, e);
+            });
+        } catch (e) {
+            b(t, e);
+        }
+    }
+    function T() {
+        return Z++;
+    }
+    function x(t) {
+        t[I] = Z++, t._state = void 0, t._result = void 0, t._subscribers = [];
+    }
+    function M(t, e) {
+        this._instanceConstructor = t, this.promise = new t(c), this.promise[I] || x(this.promise), 
+        q(e) ? (this.length = e.length, this._remaining = e.length, this._result = new Array(this.length), 
+        0 === this.length ? m(this.promise, this._result) : (this.length = this.length || 0, 
+        this._enumerate(e), 0 === this._remaining && m(this.promise, this._result))) : b(this.promise, P());
+    }
+    function P() {
+        return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array");
+    }
+    function C() {
+        throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor");
+    }
+    function O() {
+        throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
+    }
+    function k(t) {
+        this[I] = T(), this._result = this._state = void 0, this._subscribers = [], c !== t && ("function" != typeof t && C(), 
+        this instanceof k ? E(this, t) : O());
+    }
+    var Y = void 0, q = Y = Array.isArray ? Array.isArray : function(t) {
+        return "[object Array]" ===;
+    }, F = 0, D = void 0, K = void 0, L = function(t, e) {
+        G[F] = t, G[F + 1] = e, 2 === (F += 2) && (K ? K(i) : H());
+    }, N = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0, U = N || {}, W = U.MutationObserver || U.WebKitMutationObserver, z = "undefined" == typeof self && "undefined" != typeof process && "[object process]" === {}, B = "undefined" != typeof Uint8ClampedArray && "undefined" != typeof importScripts && "undefined" != typeof MessageChannel, G = new Array(1e3), H = void 0;
+    H = z ? function() {
+        return process.nextTick(i);
+    } : W ? function() {
+        var t = 0, e = new W(i), n = document.createTextNode("");
+        return e.observe(n, {
+            characterData: !0
+        }), function() {
+   = t = ++t % 2;
+        };
+    }() : B ? function() {
+        var t = new MessageChannel();
+        return t.port1.onmessage = i, function() {
+            return t.port2.postMessage(0);
+        };
+    }() : void 0 === N && "function" == typeof require ? function() {
+        try {
+            var t = require("vertx");
+            return D = t.runOnLoop || t.runOnContext, r();
+        } catch (t) {
+            return o();
+        }
+    }() : o();
+    var I = Math.random().toString(36).substring(16), J = void 0, Q = 1, R = 2, V = new A(), X = new A(), Z = 0;
+    return M.prototype._enumerate = function(t) {
+        for (var e = 0; this._state === J && e < t.length; e++) this._eachEntry(t[e], e);
+    }, M.prototype._eachEntry = function(t, e) {
+        var n = this._instanceConstructor, r = n.resolve;
+        if (r === u) {
+            var o = l(t);
+            if (o === s && t._state !== J) this._settledAt(t._state, e, t._result); else if ("function" != typeof o) this._remaining--, 
+            this._result[e] = t; else if (n === k) {
+                var i = new n(c);
+                v(i, t, o), this._willSettleAt(i, e);
+            } else this._willSettleAt(new n(function(e) {
+                return e(t);
+            }), e);
+        } else this._willSettleAt(r(t), e);
+    }, M.prototype._settledAt = function(t, e, n) {
+        var r = this.promise;
+        r._state === J && (this._remaining--, t === R ? b(r, n) : this._result[e] = n), 
+        0 === this._remaining && m(r, this._result);
+    }, M.prototype._willSettleAt = function(t, e) {
+        var n = this;
+        w(t, void 0, function(t) {
+            return n._settledAt(Q, e, t);
+        }, function(t) {
+            return n._settledAt(R, e, t);
+        });
+    }, k.all = function(t) {
+        return new M(this, t).promise;
+    }, k.race = function(t) {
+        var e = this;
+        return new e(q(t) ? function(n, r) {
+            for (var o = t.length, i = 0; i < o; i++) e.resolve(t[i]).then(n, r);
+        } : function(t, e) {
+            return e(new TypeError("You must pass an array to race."));
+        });
+    }, k.resolve = u, k.reject = function(t) {
+        var e = new this(c);
+        return b(e, t), e;
+    }, k._setScheduler = function(t) {
+        K = t;
+    }, k._setAsap = function(t) {
+        L = t;
+    }, k._asap = L, k.prototype = {
+        constructor: k,
+        then: s,
+        catch: function(t) {
+            return this.then(null, t);
+        }
+    }, k.polyfill = function() {
+        var t = void 0;
+        if ("undefined" != typeof global) t = global; else if ("undefined" != typeof self) t = self; else try {
+            t = Function("return this")();
+        } catch (t) {
+            throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment");
+        }
+        var e = t.Promise;
+        if (e) {
+            var n = null;
+            try {
+                n =;
+            } catch (t) {}
+            if ("[object Promise]" === n && !e.cast) return;
+        }
+        t.Promise = k;
+    }, k.Promise = k, k;

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+var http = '';
+var index = http + 'index/'  //首页
+var map = http + 'map/'
+var subscribe = http + 'subscribe/'
+var user = http + 'user/'
+var activity = http + 'activity/'
+var api = {
+  http: http
+  , code: http + 'auth_login_with_wechat/code' //获取openid跟session_key接口
+  , login: http + 'auth_login_with_wechat/login'//确认授权登录接口
+  , getPhone: http + 'auth_login_with_wechat/getPhone'//获取手机号接口
+  , sendMsg: http + 'sms/sendMsg'// 发送验证码接口
+  , get_city: http + 'subscribe/get_city' //获取城市
+  // 首页
+  , index: index + 'index'// 获取首页信息
+  , content: index + 'content'// 底部提示信息
+  , indexDetail: index + 'detail'// 获取首页详情
+  , map: map + 'map'// 地图
+  , mapIndex: map + 'index'// 地图列表
+  , mapDetail: map + 'detail'// 地图列表详情
+  , car_list: subscribe + 'car_list'// 获取预约选车列表
+  , subscribe: subscribe + 'subscribe'// 用户预约
+  , user_info: user + 'user_info'// 获取用户信息
+  , my_subscribe: user + 'my_subscribe'// 我的预约
+  , lottery: user + 'lottery'// 我的礼品卡
+  , distributor: map + 'distributor'// 经销商端
+  , distributor_list: map + 'distributor_list'// 经销商端数据
+  , scan_code: map + 'scan_code'// 扫码获取详情
+  , confirm: map + 'confirm'// 确认核销
+  // 活动
+  , activeIndex: activity + 'index1'// 获取活动列表
+  , activeDetail: activity + 'detail'// 活动详情
+  , activeSubject: activity + 'subject'// 获取模块的题目
+  , activation: activity + 'activation'// 用户答对当前模块的所有题目
+  , answer: activity + 'answer'// 判断用户是否已完成所有问题
+  , register: activity + 'register'// 用户注册
+  , is_register: activity + 'is_register'// 判断用户是否注册
+  , receive: activity + 'receive'// 领取奖品
+  , is_gift: activity + 'is_gift'// 是否领取
+  , receive_prize: activity + 'receive_prize'// 用户领奖
+  , accept: user + 'accept'// 收下奖品
+  , know: user + 'know'// 
+var reg = {
+  phone: /^[1][3,4,5,6,7,8][0-9]{9}$/,//电话
+  email: /^[A-Za-z\d]+([-_.][A-Za-z\d]+)*@([A-Za-z\d]+[-.])+[A-Za-z\d]{2,4}$/,//邮箱
+  zph: /^0\d{2,3}-\d{7,8}$/,//座机
+  money : /(^[1-9]([0-9]+)?(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$)|(^(0){1}$)|(^[0-9]\.[0-9]([0-9])?$)/,//金额
+  card: /(^[1-9]\d{5}(18|19|([23]\d))\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}[0-9Xx]$)|(^[1-9]\d{5}\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{2}[0-9Xx]$)/,  //身份证号
+module.exports = {
+  api: api,
+  reg: reg,

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+function timeFormat(param) {//小于10的格式化函数
+  return param < 10 ? '0' + param : param;
+function dateNum(date) {
+  date = date.substring(0, 19);
+  date = date.replace(/-/g, '/');
+  var timestamp = new Date(date).getTime();
+  return timestamp
+function countDown(_that, endTimeList) {
+  // 获取当前时间,同时得到活动结束时间数组
+  let newTime = new Date().getTime();
+  let countDownArr = [];
+  var len = endTimeList.length
+  // 对结束时间进行处理渲染到页面
+  for (let i = 0; i < len;i++){
+    let endTime = dateNum(endTimeList[i])
+    let obj = null;
+    // 如果活动未结束,对时间进行处理
+    if (endTime - newTime > 0) {
+      let time = (endTime - newTime) / 1000;
+      // 获取天、时、分、秒
+      let day = parseInt(time / (60 * 60 * 24));
+      let hou = parseInt(time % (60 * 60 * 24) / 3600);
+      let min = parseInt(time % (60 * 60 * 24) % 3600 / 60);
+      let sec = parseInt(time % (60 * 60 * 24) % 3600 % 60);
+      obj = {
+        day: timeFormat(day),
+        hou: timeFormat(hou),
+        min: timeFormat(min),
+        sec: timeFormat(sec),
+        status:true
+      }
+    } else {//活动已结束,全部设置为'00'
+      obj = {
+        day: '00',
+        hou: '00',
+        min: '00',
+        sec: '00',
+        status: false
+      }
+    }
+    countDownArr.push(obj);
+  }
+  // 渲染,然后每隔一秒执行一次倒计时函数
+  _that.setData({ countDownList: countDownArr })
+module.exports = {
+  countDown: countDown //倒计时函数

+ 1131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1131 @@
+ * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)
+ * @license   Licensed under MIT license
+ *            See
+ * @version   v4.2.4+314e4831
+ */
+(function (global, factory) {
+  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+    typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+      (global.ES6Promise = factory());
+}(this, (function () {
+  'use strict';
+  function objectOrFunction(x) {
+    var type = typeof x;
+    return x !== null && (type === 'object' || type === 'function');
+  }
+  function isFunction(x) {
+    return typeof x === 'function';
+  }
+  var _isArray = void 0;
+  if (Array.isArray) {
+    _isArray = Array.isArray;
+  } else {
+    _isArray = function (x) {
+      return === '[object Array]';
+    };
+  }
+  var isArray = _isArray;
+  var len = 0;
+  var vertxNext = void 0;
+  var customSchedulerFn = void 0;
+  var asap = function asap(callback, arg) {
+    queue[len] = callback;
+    queue[len + 1] = arg;
+    len += 2;
+    if (len === 2) {
+      // If len is 2, that means that we need to schedule an async flush.
+      // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they
+      // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling.
+      if (customSchedulerFn) {
+        customSchedulerFn(flush);
+      } else {
+        scheduleFlush();
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  function setScheduler(scheduleFn) {
+    customSchedulerFn = scheduleFn;
+  }
+  function setAsap(asapFn) {
+    asap = asapFn;
+  }
+  var browserWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : undefined;
+  var browserGlobal = browserWindow || {};
+  var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver;
+  var isNode = typeof self === 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]';
+  // test for web worker but not in IE10
+  var isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' && typeof importScripts !== 'undefined' && typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined';
+  // node
+  function useNextTick() {
+    // node version 0.10.x displays a deprecation warning when nextTick is used recursively
+    // see for details
+    return function () {
+      return process.nextTick(flush);
+    };
+  }
+  // vertx
+  function useVertxTimer() {
+    if (typeof vertxNext !== 'undefined') {
+      return function () {
+        vertxNext(flush);
+      };
+    }
+    return useSetTimeout();
+  }
+  function useMutationObserver() {
+    var iterations = 0;
+    var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush);
+    var node = document.createTextNode('');
+    observer.observe(node, { characterData: true });
+    return function () {
+ = iterations = ++iterations % 2;
+    };
+  }
+  // web worker
+  function useMessageChannel() {
+    var channel = new MessageChannel();
+    channel.port1.onmessage = flush;
+    return function () {
+      return channel.port2.postMessage(0);
+    };
+  }
+  function useSetTimeout() {
+    // Store setTimeout reference so es6-promise will be unaffected by
+    // other code modifying setTimeout (like sinon.useFakeTimers())
+    var globalSetTimeout = setTimeout;
+    return function () {
+      return globalSetTimeout(flush, 1);
+    };
+  }
+  var queue = new Array(1000);
+  function flush() {
+    for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
+      var callback = queue[i];
+      var arg = queue[i + 1];
+      callback(arg);
+      queue[i] = undefined;
+      queue[i + 1] = undefined;
+    }
+    len = 0;
+  }
+  function attemptVertx() {
+    try {
+      var vertx = Function('return this')().require('vertx');
+      vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext;
+      return useVertxTimer();
+    } catch (e) {
+      return useSetTimeout();
+    }
+  }
+  var scheduleFlush = void 0;
+  // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks:
+  if (isNode) {
+    scheduleFlush = useNextTick();
+  } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) {
+    scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver();
+  } else if (isWorker) {
+    scheduleFlush = useMessageChannel();
+  } else if (browserWindow === undefined && typeof require === 'function') {
+    scheduleFlush = attemptVertx();
+  } else {
+    scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout();
+  }
+  function then(onFulfillment, onRejection) {
+    var parent = this;
+    var child = new this.constructor(noop);
+    if (child[PROMISE_ID] === undefined) {
+      makePromise(child);
+    }
+    var _state = parent._state;
+    if (_state) {
+      var callback = arguments[_state - 1];
+      asap(function () {
+        return invokeCallback(_state, child, callback, parent._result);
+      });
+    } else {
+      subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection);
+    }
+    return child;
+  }
+  /**
+    `Promise.resolve` returns a promise that will become resolved with the
+    passed `value`. It is shorthand for the following:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+      resolve(1);
+    });
+    promise.then(function(value){
+      // value === 1
+    });
+    ```
+    Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise = Promise.resolve(1);
+    promise.then(function(value){
+      // value === 1
+    });
+    ```
+    @method resolve
+    @static
+    @param {Any} value value that the returned promise will be resolved with
+    Useful for tooling.
+    @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given
+    `value`
+  */
+  function resolve$1(object) {
+    /*jshint validthis:true */
+    var Constructor = this;
+    if (object && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Constructor) {
+      return object;
+    }
+    var promise = new Constructor(noop);
+    resolve(promise, object);
+    return promise;
+  }
+  var PROMISE_ID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
+  function noop() { }
+  var PENDING = void 0;
+  var FULFILLED = 1;
+  var REJECTED = 2;
+  var TRY_CATCH_ERROR = { error: null };
+  function selfFulfillment() {
+    return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself");
+  }
+  function cannotReturnOwn() {
+    return new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.');
+  }
+  function getThen(promise) {
+    try {
+      return promise.then;
+    } catch (error) {
+      TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = error;
+      return TRY_CATCH_ERROR;
+    }
+  }
+  function tryThen(then$$1, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) {
+    try {
+      then$$, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler);
+    } catch (e) {
+      return e;
+    }
+  }
+  function handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then$$1) {
+    asap(function (promise) {
+      var sealed = false;
+      var error = tryThen(then$$1, thenable, function (value) {
+        if (sealed) {
+          return;
+        }
+        sealed = true;
+        if (thenable !== value) {
+          resolve(promise, value);
+        } else {
+          fulfill(promise, value);
+        }
+      }, function (reason) {
+        if (sealed) {
+          return;
+        }
+        sealed = true;
+        reject(promise, reason);
+      }, 'Settle: ' + (promise._label || ' unknown promise'));
+      if (!sealed && error) {
+        sealed = true;
+        reject(promise, error);
+      }
+    }, promise);
+  }
+  function handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) {
+    if (thenable._state === FULFILLED) {
+      fulfill(promise, thenable._result);
+    } else if (thenable._state === REJECTED) {
+      reject(promise, thenable._result);
+    } else {
+      subscribe(thenable, undefined, function (value) {
+        return resolve(promise, value);
+      }, function (reason) {
+        return reject(promise, reason);
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  function handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1) {
+    if (maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor && then$$1 === then && maybeThenable.constructor.resolve === resolve$1) {
+      handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable);
+    } else {
+      if (then$$1 === TRY_CATCH_ERROR) {
+        reject(promise, TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error);
+        TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = null;
+      } else if (then$$1 === undefined) {
+        fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
+      } else if (isFunction(then$$1)) {
+        handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1);
+      } else {
+        fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  function resolve(promise, value) {
+    if (promise === value) {
+      reject(promise, selfFulfillment());
+    } else if (objectOrFunction(value)) {
+      handleMaybeThenable(promise, value, getThen(value));
+    } else {
+      fulfill(promise, value);
+    }
+  }
+  function publishRejection(promise) {
+    if (promise._onerror) {
+      promise._onerror(promise._result);
+    }
+    publish(promise);
+  }
+  function fulfill(promise, value) {
+    if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
+      return;
+    }
+    promise._result = value;
+    promise._state = FULFILLED;
+    if (promise._subscribers.length !== 0) {
+      asap(publish, promise);
+    }
+  }
+  function reject(promise, reason) {
+    if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
+      return;
+    }
+    promise._state = REJECTED;
+    promise._result = reason;
+    asap(publishRejection, promise);
+  }
+  function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {
+    var _subscribers = parent._subscribers;
+    var length = _subscribers.length;
+    parent._onerror = null;
+    _subscribers[length] = child;
+    _subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment;
+    _subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection;
+    if (length === 0 && parent._state) {
+      asap(publish, parent);
+    }
+  }
+  function publish(promise) {
+    var subscribers = promise._subscribers;
+    var settled = promise._state;
+    if (subscribers.length === 0) {
+      return;
+    }
+    var child = void 0,
+      callback = void 0,
+      detail = promise._result;
+    for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) {
+      child = subscribers[i];
+      callback = subscribers[i + settled];
+      if (child) {
+        invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail);
+      } else {
+        callback(detail);
+      }
+    }
+    promise._subscribers.length = 0;
+  }
+  function tryCatch(callback, detail) {
+    try {
+      return callback(detail);
+    } catch (e) {
+      TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e;
+      return TRY_CATCH_ERROR;
+    }
+  }
+  function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {
+    var hasCallback = isFunction(callback),
+      value = void 0,
+      error = void 0,
+      succeeded = void 0,
+      failed = void 0;
+    if (hasCallback) {
+      value = tryCatch(callback, detail);
+      if (value === TRY_CATCH_ERROR) {
+        failed = true;
+        error = value.error;
+        value.error = null;
+      } else {
+        succeeded = true;
+      }
+      if (promise === value) {
+        reject(promise, cannotReturnOwn());
+        return;
+      }
+    } else {
+      value = detail;
+      succeeded = true;
+    }
+    if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
+      // noop
+    } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) {
+      resolve(promise, value);
+    } else if (failed) {
+      reject(promise, error);
+    } else if (settled === FULFILLED) {
+      fulfill(promise, value);
+    } else if (settled === REJECTED) {
+      reject(promise, value);
+    }
+  }
+  function initializePromise(promise, resolver) {
+    try {
+      resolver(function resolvePromise(value) {
+        resolve(promise, value);
+      }, function rejectPromise(reason) {
+        reject(promise, reason);
+      });
+    } catch (e) {
+      reject(promise, e);
+    }
+  }
+  var id = 0;
+  function nextId() {
+    return id++;
+  }
+  function makePromise(promise) {
+    promise[PROMISE_ID] = id++;
+    promise._state = undefined;
+    promise._result = undefined;
+    promise._subscribers = [];
+  }
+  function validationError() {
+    return new Error('Array Methods must be provided an Array');
+  }
+  var Enumerator = function () {
+    function Enumerator(Constructor, input) {
+      this._instanceConstructor = Constructor;
+      this.promise = new Constructor(noop);
+      if (!this.promise[PROMISE_ID]) {
+        makePromise(this.promise);
+      }
+      if (isArray(input)) {
+        this.length = input.length;
+        this._remaining = input.length;
+        this._result = new Array(this.length);
+        if (this.length === 0) {
+          fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
+        } else {
+          this.length = this.length || 0;
+          this._enumerate(input);
+          if (this._remaining === 0) {
+            fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        reject(this.promise, validationError());
+      }
+    }
+    Enumerator.prototype._enumerate = function _enumerate(input) {
+      for (var i = 0; this._state === PENDING && i < input.length; i++) {
+        this._eachEntry(input[i], i);
+      }
+    };
+    Enumerator.prototype._eachEntry = function _eachEntry(entry, i) {
+      var c = this._instanceConstructor;
+      var resolve$$1 = c.resolve;
+      if (resolve$$1 === resolve$1) {
+        var _then = getThen(entry);
+        if (_then === then && entry._state !== PENDING) {
+          this._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result);
+        } else if (typeof _then !== 'function') {
+          this._remaining--;
+          this._result[i] = entry;
+        } else if (c === Promise$2) {
+          var promise = new c(noop);
+          handleMaybeThenable(promise, entry, _then);
+          this._willSettleAt(promise, i);
+        } else {
+          this._willSettleAt(new c(function (resolve$$1) {
+            return resolve$$1(entry);
+          }), i);
+        }
+      } else {
+        this._willSettleAt(resolve$$1(entry), i);
+      }
+    };
+    Enumerator.prototype._settledAt = function _settledAt(state, i, value) {
+      var promise = this.promise;
+      if (promise._state === PENDING) {
+        this._remaining--;
+        if (state === REJECTED) {
+          reject(promise, value);
+        } else {
+          this._result[i] = value;
+        }
+      }
+      if (this._remaining === 0) {
+        fulfill(promise, this._result);
+      }
+    };
+    Enumerator.prototype._willSettleAt = function _willSettleAt(promise, i) {
+      var enumerator = this;
+      subscribe(promise, undefined, function (value) {
+        return enumerator._settledAt(FULFILLED, i, value);
+      }, function (reason) {
+        return enumerator._settledAt(REJECTED, i, reason);
+      });
+    };
+    return Enumerator;
+  }();
+  /**
+    `Promise.all` accepts an array of promises, and returns a new promise which
+    is fulfilled with an array of fulfillment values for the passed promises, or
+    rejected with the reason of the first passed promise to be rejected. It casts all
+    elements of the passed iterable to promises as it runs this algorithm.
+    Example:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise1 = resolve(1);
+    let promise2 = resolve(2);
+    let promise3 = resolve(3);
+    let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+    Promise.all(promises).then(function(array){
+      // The array here would be [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+    });
+    ```
+    If any of the `promises` given to `all` are rejected, the first promise
+    that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's
+    rejection handler. For example:
+    Example:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise1 = resolve(1);
+    let promise2 = reject(new Error("2"));
+    let promise3 = reject(new Error("3"));
+    let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+    Promise.all(promises).then(function(array){
+      // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
+    }, function(error) {
+      // error.message === "2"
+    });
+    ```
+    @method all
+    @static
+    @param {Array} entries array of promises
+    @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+    Useful for tooling.
+    @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all `promises` have been
+    fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.
+    @static
+  */
+  function all(entries) {
+    return new Enumerator(this, entries).promise;
+  }
+  /**
+    `Promise.race` returns a new promise which is settled in the same way as the
+    first passed promise to settle.
+    Example:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        resolve('promise 1');
+      }, 200);
+    });
+    let promise2 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        resolve('promise 2');
+      }, 100);
+    });
+    Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
+      // result === 'promise 2' because it was resolved before promise1
+      // was resolved.
+    });
+    ```
+    `Promise.race` is deterministic in that only the state of the first
+    settled promise matters. For example, even if other promises given to the
+    `promises` array argument are resolved, but the first settled promise has
+    become rejected before the other promises became fulfilled, the returned
+    promise will become rejected:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        resolve('promise 1');
+      }, 200);
+    });
+    let promise2 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        reject(new Error('promise 2'));
+      }, 100);
+    });
+    Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
+      // Code here never runs
+    }, function(reason){
+      // reason.message === 'promise 2' because promise 2 became rejected before
+      // promise 1 became fulfilled
+    });
+    ```
+    An example real-world use case is implementing timeouts:
+    ```javascript
+    Promise.race([ajax('foo.json'), timeout(5000)])
+    ```
+    @method race
+    @static
+    @param {Array} promises array of promises to observe
+    Useful for tooling.
+    @return {Promise} a promise which settles in the same way as the first passed
+    promise to settle.
+  */
+  function race(entries) {
+    /*jshint validthis:true */
+    var Constructor = this;
+    if (!isArray(entries)) {
+      return new Constructor(function (_, reject) {
+        return reject(new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'));
+      });
+    } else {
+      return new Constructor(function (resolve, reject) {
+        var length = entries.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+          Constructor.resolve(entries[i]).then(resolve, reject);
+        }
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+    `Promise.reject` returns a promise rejected with the passed `reason`.
+    It is shorthand for the following:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+      reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));
+    });
+    promise.then(function(value){
+      // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
+    }, function(reason){
+      // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'
+    });
+    ```
+    Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:
+    ```javascript
+    let promise = Promise.reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));
+    promise.then(function(value){
+      // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
+    }, function(reason){
+      // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'
+    });
+    ```
+    @method reject
+    @static
+    @param {Any} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with.
+    Useful for tooling.
+    @return {Promise} a promise rejected with the given `reason`.
+  */
+  function reject$1(reason) {
+    /*jshint validthis:true */
+    var Constructor = this;
+    var promise = new Constructor(noop);
+    reject(promise, reason);
+    return promise;
+  }
+  function needsResolver() {
+    throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor');
+  }
+  function needsNew() {
+    throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
+  }
+  /**
+    Promise objects represent the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The
+    primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method, which
+    registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason
+    why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
+    Terminology
+    -----------
+    - `promise` is an object or function with a `then` method whose behavior conforms to this specification.
+    - `thenable` is an object or function that defines a `then` method.
+    - `value` is any legal JavaScript value (including undefined, a thenable, or a promise).
+    - `exception` is a value that is thrown using the throw statement.
+    - `reason` is a value that indicates why a promise was rejected.
+    - `settled` the final resting state of a promise, fulfilled or rejected.
+    A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.
+    Promises that are fulfilled have a fulfillment value and are in the fulfilled
+    state.  Promises that are rejected have a rejection reason and are in the
+    rejected state.  A fulfillment value is never a thenable.
+    Promises can also be said to *resolve* a value.  If this value is also a
+    promise, then the original promise's settled state will match the value's
+    settled state.  So a promise that *resolves* a promise that rejects will
+    itself reject, and a promise that *resolves* a promise that fulfills will
+    itself fulfill.
+    Basic Usage:
+    ------------
+    ```js
+    let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+      // on success
+      resolve(value);
+      // on failure
+      reject(reason);
+    });
+    promise.then(function(value) {
+      // on fulfillment
+    }, function(reason) {
+      // on rejection
+    });
+    ```
+    Advanced Usage:
+    ---------------
+    Promises shine when abstracting away asynchronous interactions such as
+    `XMLHttpRequest`s.
+    ```js
+    function getJSON(url) {
+      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+        let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', url);
+        xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;
+        xhr.responseType = 'json';
+        xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
+        xhr.send();
+        function handler() {
+          if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
+            if (this.status === 200) {
+              resolve(this.response);
+            } else {
+              reject(new Error('getJSON: `' + url + '` failed with status: [' + this.status + ']'));
+            }
+          }
+        };
+      });
+    }
+    getJSON('/posts.json').then(function(json) {
+      // on fulfillment
+    }, function(reason) {
+      // on rejection
+    });
+    ```
+    Unlike callbacks, promises are great composable primitives.
+    ```js
+    Promise.all([
+      getJSON('/posts'),
+      getJSON('/comments')
+    ]).then(function(values){
+      values[0] // => postsJSON
+      values[1] // => commentsJSON
+      return values;
+    });
+    ```
+    @class Promise
+    @param {Function} resolver
+    Useful for tooling.
+    @constructor
+  */
+  var Promise$2 = function () {
+    function Promise(resolver) {
+      this[PROMISE_ID] = nextId();
+      this._result = this._state = undefined;
+      this._subscribers = [];
+      if (noop !== resolver) {
+        typeof resolver !== 'function' && needsResolver();
+        this instanceof Promise ? initializePromise(this, resolver) : needsNew();
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+    The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method,
+    which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the
+    reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
+     ```js
+    findUser().then(function(user){
+      // user is available
+    }, function(reason){
+      // user is unavailable, and you are given the reason why
+    });
+    ```
+     Chaining
+    --------
+     The return value of `then` is itself a promise.  This second, 'downstream'
+    promise is resolved with the return value of the first promise's fulfillment
+    or rejection handler, or rejected if the handler throws an exception.
+     ```js
+    findUser().then(function (user) {
+      return;
+    }, function (reason) {
+      return 'default name';
+    }).then(function (userName) {
+      // If `findUser` fulfilled, `userName` will be the user's name, otherwise it
+      // will be `'default name'`
+    });
+     findUser().then(function (user) {
+      throw new Error('Found user, but still unhappy');
+    }, function (reason) {
+      throw new Error('`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy');
+    }).then(function (value) {
+      // never reached
+    }, function (reason) {
+      // if `findUser` fulfilled, `reason` will be 'Found user, but still unhappy'.
+      // If `findUser` rejected, `reason` will be '`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy'.
+    });
+    ```
+    If the downstream promise does not specify a rejection handler, rejection reasons will be propagated further downstream.
+     ```js
+    findUser().then(function (user) {
+      throw new PedagogicalException('Upstream error');
+    }).then(function (value) {
+      // never reached
+    }).then(function (value) {
+      // never reached
+    }, function (reason) {
+      // The `PedgagocialException` is propagated all the way down to here
+    });
+    ```
+     Assimilation
+    ------------
+     Sometimes the value you want to propagate to a downstream promise can only be
+    retrieved asynchronously. This can be achieved by returning a promise in the
+    fulfillment or rejection handler. The downstream promise will then be pending
+    until the returned promise is settled. This is called *assimilation*.
+     ```js
+    findUser().then(function (user) {
+      return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
+    }).then(function (comments) {
+      // The user's comments are now available
+    });
+    ```
+     If the assimliated promise rejects, then the downstream promise will also reject.
+     ```js
+    findUser().then(function (user) {
+      return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
+    }).then(function (comments) {
+      // If `findCommentsByAuthor` fulfills, we'll have the value here
+    }, function (reason) {
+      // If `findCommentsByAuthor` rejects, we'll have the reason here
+    });
+    ```
+     Simple Example
+    --------------
+     Synchronous Example
+     ```javascript
+    let result;
+     try {
+      result = findResult();
+      // success
+    } catch(reason) {
+      // failure
+    }
+    ```
+     Errback Example
+     ```js
+    findResult(function(result, err){
+      if (err) {
+        // failure
+      } else {
+        // success
+      }
+    });
+    ```
+     Promise Example;
+     ```javascript
+    findResult().then(function(result){
+      // success
+    }, function(reason){
+      // failure
+    });
+    ```
+     Advanced Example
+    --------------
+     Synchronous Example
+     ```javascript
+    let author, books;
+     try {
+      author = findAuthor();
+      books  = findBooksByAuthor(author);
+      // success
+    } catch(reason) {
+      // failure
+    }
+    ```
+     Errback Example
+     ```js
+     function foundBooks(books) {
+     }
+     function failure(reason) {
+     }
+     findAuthor(function(author, err){
+      if (err) {
+        failure(err);
+        // failure
+      } else {
+        try {
+          findBoooksByAuthor(author, function(books, err) {
+            if (err) {
+              failure(err);
+            } else {
+              try {
+                foundBooks(books);
+              } catch(reason) {
+                failure(reason);
+              }
+            }
+          });
+        } catch(error) {
+          failure(err);
+        }
+        // success
+      }
+    });
+    ```
+     Promise Example;
+     ```javascript
+    findAuthor().
+      then(findBooksByAuthor).
+      then(function(books){
+        // found books
+    }).catch(function(reason){
+      // something went wrong
+    });
+    ```
+     @method then
+    @param {Function} onFulfilled
+    @param {Function} onRejected
+    Useful for tooling.
+    @return {Promise}
+    */
+    /**
+    `catch` is simply sugar for `then(undefined, onRejection)` which makes it the same
+    as the catch block of a try/catch statement.
+    ```js
+    function findAuthor(){
+    throw new Error('couldn't find that author');
+    }
+    // synchronous
+    try {
+    findAuthor();
+    } catch(reason) {
+    // something went wrong
+    }
+    // async with promises
+    findAuthor().catch(function(reason){
+    // something went wrong
+    });
+    ```
+    @method catch
+    @param {Function} onRejection
+    Useful for tooling.
+    @return {Promise}
+    */
+    Promise.prototype.catch = function _catch(onRejection) {
+      return this.then(null, onRejection);
+    };
+    /**
+      `finally` will be invoked regardless of the promise's fate just as native
+      try/catch/finally behaves
+      Synchronous example:
+      ```js
+      findAuthor() {
+        if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
+          throw new Error();
+        }
+        return new Author();
+      }
+      try {
+        return findAuthor(); // succeed or fail
+      } catch(error) {
+        return findOtherAuther();
+      } finally {
+        // always runs
+        // doesn't affect the return value
+      }
+      ```
+      Asynchronous example:
+      ```js
+      findAuthor().catch(function(reason){
+        return findOtherAuther();
+      }).finally(function(){
+        // author was either found, or not
+      });
+      ```
+      @method finally
+      @param {Function} callback
+      @return {Promise}
+    */
+    Promise.prototype.finally = function _finally(callback) {
+      var promise = this;
+      var constructor = promise.constructor;
+      return promise.then(function (value) {
+        return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function () {
+          return value;
+        });
+      }, function (reason) {
+        return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function () {
+          throw reason;
+        });
+      });
+    };
+    return Promise;
+  }();
+  Promise$2.prototype.then = then;
+  Promise$2.all = all;
+  Promise$2.race = race;
+  Promise$2.resolve = resolve$1;
+  Promise$2.reject = reject$1;
+  Promise$2._setScheduler = setScheduler;
+  Promise$2._setAsap = setAsap;
+  Promise$2._asap = asap;
+  /*global self*/
+  function polyfill() {
+    var local = void 0;
+    if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
+      local = global;
+    } else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
+      local = self;
+    } else {
+      try {
+        local = Function('return this')();
+      } catch (e) {
+        throw new Error('polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment');
+      }
+    }
+    var P = local.Promise;
+    if (P) {
+      var promiseToString = null;
+      try {
+        promiseToString =;
+      } catch (e) {
+        // silently ignored
+      }
+      if (promiseToString === '[object Promise]' && !P.cast) {
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    local.Promise = Promise$2;
+  }
+  // Strange compat..
+  Promise$2.polyfill = polyfill;
+  Promise$2.Promise = Promise$2;
+  Promise$2.polyfill();
+  return Promise$2;

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+var Promise = require('./');
+var token = wx.getStorageSync('token')
+function wxPromisify(fn) {
+  return function (obj = {}) {
+    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+      obj.success = function (res) {
+        //成功
+        resolve(res)
+      }
+ = function (res) {
+        //失败
+        reject(res)
+      }
+      fn(obj)
+    })
+  }
+Promise.prototype.finally = function (callback) {
+  let P = this.constructor;
+  return this.then(
+    value => P.resolve(callback()).then(() => value),
+    reason => P.resolve(callback()).then(() => { throw reason })
+  );
+/** get请求方法 **/
+function syncGet(url, data) {
+  var syncGet = wxPromisify(wx.request)
+  return syncGet({
+    url: url,
+    method: 'GET',
+    data: data,
+    header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
+  })
+/** post请求方法封装 **/
+function syncPost(url, data) {
+  var syncPost = wxPromisify(wx.request)
+  return syncPost({
+    url: url,
+    method: 'POST',
+    data: data,
+    header: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'token': token},
+  })
+function login() {
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => wx.login({
+    success: resolve,
+    fail: reject
+  }))
+function getUserInfo() {
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => wx.getUserInfo({
+    success: resolve,
+    fail: reject
+  }))
+function getLocation(){
+  var getLocation = wxPromisify(wx.getLocation)
+  return getLocation({
+    type: 'gcj02',
+  })
+function getScale(){
+  return getScale = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+    //做一些异步操作
+    var mapCtx = wx.createMapContext("map");
+    mapCtx.getScale({
+      type: 'gcj02',
+      success: resolve,
+      fail: reject
+    })
+  });
+function getScale() {
+  return getScale = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+    //做一些异步操作
+    var mapCtx = wx.createMapContext("map");
+    mapCtx.getScale({
+      type: 'gcj02',
+      success: resolve,
+      fail: reject
+    })
+  });
+module.exports = {
+  syncPost: syncPost,
+  syncGet: syncGet,
+  login: login,
+  getUserInfo: getUserInfo,
+  getLocation: getLocation,
+  getScale: getScale,

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+var days = []
+const formatNumber = n => {
+  n = n.toString()
+  return n[1] ? n : '0' + n
+//当前时间-数组模式 年月日 时分秒
+const nowDateTime = date => {
+  const year = date.getFullYear()
+  const month = date.getMonth() + 1
+  const day = date.getDate()
+  const hour = date.getHours()
+  const minute = date.getMinutes()
+  const second = date.getSeconds()
+  const nowTime = [year, month, day].map(formatNumber).join('-') + ' ' + [hour, minute, second].map(formatNumber).join(':')//整合时间
+  const time = {
+    'year': year, 'month': month, 'day': day, 'hour': hour, 'minute': minute, 'second': second, 'nowTime': nowTime
+  }
+  return time
+//当前时间-数组模式 年月日
+const nowDate = date => {
+  const year = date.getFullYear()
+  const month = date.getMonth() + 1
+  const day = date.getDate()
+  return [year, month, day].map(formatNumber).join('-')
+// 从 todate 开始计算 days 天的日期数组
+function dateArry(todate,days) {
+  var dateArry = [];
+  for (var i = 0; i < days; i++) {
+    var dateObj = dateLater(todate, i);
+    dateArry.push(dateObj)
+  }
+  return dateArry;
+function dateLater(dates, later) {
+  let dateObj = {};
+  let day_week = new Array('周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六');
+  let day_index = new Array(7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
+  let date = new Date(dates);
+  date.setDate(date.getDate() + later);
+  let day = date.getDay();
+  let yearDate = date.getFullYear();
+  let month = ((date.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)) : date.getMonth() + 1);
+  let dayFormate = (date.getDate() < 10 ? ("0" + date.getDate()) : date.getDate());
+  days = days.concat(dayFormate)
+ = yearDate + '-' + month + '-' + dayFormate;
+  dateObj.week = day_week[day];
+  dateObj.num = day_index[day];
+ = days[day];
+  return dateObj;
+function delayDate(today, addDayCount) {
+  var dd;
+  if (today) {
+    dd = new Date(today);
+  } else {
+    dd = new Date();
+  }
+  dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + addDayCount);//获取addDayCount天后的日期 
+  var y = dd.getFullYear();
+  var m = dd.getMonth() + 1;//获取当前月份的日期 
+  var d = dd.getDate();
+  if (m < 10) {
+    m = '0' + m;
+  };
+  if (d < 10) {
+    d = '0' + d;
+  };
+  var newDay = y + '-' + m + '-' + d
+  return newDay;
+function nowWeek(day) {
+  var nowWeekArry = {}
+    , nowDate = day //当前日期
+    , num = dateArry(nowDate,1)[0].num //当前周几
+    , monday = delayDate(nowDate, -(num - 1)) //本周一的 日期
+    , sunday = delayDate(nowDate, 7 - num) //本周日的 日期
+    , nowWeek = dateArry(monday,7) //本周列表
+  console.log(num)
+  nowWeekArry = {
+    'nowDate': nowDate //当前日期
+    , 'num': num //当前周几
+    , 'nowWeek': nowWeek //本周列表
+  }
+  return nowWeekArry
+function weekData(weekData) {
+  var weekData = weekData
+  for (let i = 0; i < weekData.length; i++) {
+    var day = weekData[i].date
+    weekData[i].day = day.substr(8, 2)
+  }
+  return weekData;
+function date(date) {
+  var a = parseInt(date.substr(0, 4) + date.substr(5, 2) + date.substr(8, 2))
+  return a;
+function toFix(value) {
+  return value.toFixed(2) // 此处2为保留两位小数,保留几位小数,这里写几    
+module.exports = {
+  nowDateTime: nowDateTime //年月日 时分秒
+  , nowDate: nowDate //年月日
+  , dateArry: dateArry // 从 todate 开始计算 days 天的日期数组
+  , delayDate: delayDate //往后/前推几天的日期
+  , date: date  //日期转整型
+  , weekData: weekData //一周的几号重组
+  , nowWeek: nowWeek
+  , toFix: toFix
+  //,box: box































































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