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From ", ca: "#date", ZC: "passport_recovery_mail", hJ: "#periods", kK: "Stick Line", SV: "simple", Wr: ".cond_p", BW: "------", cg: "remove", ux: "macd_params", TnKt: "Now", wc: "Initialize Real-time System", FP: "#asks div", Bm: "rgba(64,255,64,0.2)", eg: "#bids div", ld: "#gbids div", dB: "#canvas_main", QI: "account_info", xmsA: "s", yS: "onclose", XooO: "string", qJ: "Eva", cR: "apply sdepth", IX: "3分", nc: "mousemove", GA: "15分", RnYc: ".tablist", pY: "switch to ", xSUF: "2小时", Ym: "K", pj: "gbids", cd: "↗", Uu: "src", CC: "3天", dD: "#slot_estimated", HU: "price_ma_cycles", Ly: "MA%", eI: "volume_ma_cycles", Iq: "Extend premium", dr: "DIF", MU: "DEA", UZ: "data", nU: "#wrapper", Op: "green", rx: "wss://websocket.mtgox.com?Currency=", Rz: "#price", Rf: "PPCUSD", AY: "switch failed ", fl: "BTC", GZ: "locked", fI: "line", yl: "XChange", uq: "cached txes length: ", Ba: "LTCBTC", Ns: "alarm", Uw: "NMCBTC", FM: ":", bB: "POST", Xm: "NMCUSD", ZJ: "LTCRUR", Co: "#canvas_cross", IXIY: "BTCUSD", xA: "BTCCAD", XJ: "BTCEUR", ch: "li", jR: "ticker_green", SX: "Axis Background", nW: "Coinbase", OM: "Mt.Gox", gU: "GET", gO: "barWidth", zq: "sorted txes length: ", ZN: ".dropdown", xU: "BTCAUD", sD: "#orderbook .orderbook", eA: "BTCRUR", UwTG: "#now", Dk: "", Vg: "r", OF: "Axis Text", HT: "Cross", Kl: "↘", jH: "+", QX: "#F63", Wg: "opened", qMvr: "#close_settings", sZ: "Main Text", MH: "submit", Kz: "$&", TW: " bids", Nt: "Green Stroke", ou: "ucp", xhvU: " to ", xC: "none", Vk: "fast", fO: "Background", hl: "ohlc", yF: "candle_stick", Pj: "s ago", gG: "step", na: "Red Area", zR: "realtime opened", Lx: "...", bq: "
", sk: "Red Arrow", uR: "Minor Arrow", Gv: "Show QR Code", hp: "
Tx: ", nF: "left", pv: ".inner .text", jX: ".inner", wO: "#notify .inner", XL: "#0088CC", Xa: "success", RA: "cny", cD: "ticker_red", Ique: '">', XK: "←", cKjf: "D", kw: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)", Gadz: "BTCCNY", sS: ".from", vf: "#B2DF8A", EQ: ".direct_address", WS: "4小时", XI: "active", fp: ".price", mFqN: "#depth", qF: "]", OH: "mode", ao: "#FDBF6F", ZF: "#switch_theme", To: "#gasks", OJ: "#close_ad", hP: "XPMBTC", ts: ".link_", IN: "Hide QR Code", qk: "#close_qr", ug: "#settings", zyHh: "#btn_settings", Cibs: "
Load history failed>
", pC: " button", uN: "#indicator_", qdhh: "normal", Rk: " 价格达到 ", wx: "#333", aO: "get history trades", Wu: "a[mode=", KH: "€", ndlS: "£", ZkFf: "¥", et: "#loading", jq: "#33A02C", KA: "฿", KC: "new", jZ: "#DF8ADF", RT: "http://#{decided_host}:8080/#{path}", DI: "gasks", Io: "&label=RUIZTON", PH: "middle", If: "#slot_difficulty", Oe: "color", BU: "#6C6", PJ: "#F66", Qo: "inherit", Zm: "logout", aesP: ".amount", Lc: "2d", xa: "delete", on: "day", JN: "$", Is: "depth.", fn: " ", Kx: " is not integer.", Fw: "GHSBTC", RD: "Cost", nr: "right", mP: "Receive", rU: ".mode", fH: "draw", lP: ".to_text", hI: ".from_text", YA: "Sell", Kt: "Spend", nN: "ToReceive", kZ: " target=_blank>", Ce: "10px Arial, Sans", Uldv: "years", LB: ".auto_draw", OY: "a.mode", fa: "
You don't have any order yet.
", NV: " %", Dh: "keydown", Hgvn: "Depth", MC: "/kline/ticker.html?sid=", Lk: "&p=1", ae: "#asks", YM: "rgba(255,255,0,0.8)", eD: " successfully.
", Um: "Realtime", cz: "user_history", JB: "trades", Ps: "mtgox.subscribe", ldit: "private", qMoJ: "#sidebar_outer", Lcwk: "%", gn: '"', rT: "#connection", vE: "#help_connection" }; ! function() { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, m, v, x, y, w, b, k, _, T, F, C, M, S, P, I, O, A, D, R, B, N, q, H, Z, U, K, L, W, z, G, X, Y, j, E, J, V, Q, tn, nn, en, rn, on, un, an, ln, sn, cn, fn, hn, dn, pn, gn, mn, vn, xn, yn, wn, bn, kn, _n, $n, Tn, Fn, Cn, Mn, Sn, Pn, In, On, An, Dn, Rn, Bn, Nn, qn, Hn, Zn, Un, Kn, Ln, Wn, zn, Gn, Xn, Yn, jn, En, Jn, Vn, Qn, te, ne, ee, re, oe, ie, ue, ae, le, se, ce, fe, he, de, pe, ge, me, ve, xe, ye, we, be, ke, _e, $e, Te, Fe, Ce, Me, Se, Pe, Ie, Oe, Ae, De, Re, Be, Ne, qe, He, Ze, Ue, Ke, Le, We, ze, Ge, Xe = {}.hasOwnProperty, Ye = [].slice; ! function() { var n, e, r, o, i; $(function() { function u() { var e, r, o, i, u; return i = $(this), i.addClass(t.VW), e = $(t.im, this), u = .5 * (i.outerWidth() - e.outerWidth()), o = i.offset().left + i.outerWidth() - $(window).width(), o > u && (u = o), r = i.offset().left + i.outerWidth() - e.outerWidth(), u > r && (u = r), e.css(t.nr, u), n = this } function a() { var e; return $(this).removeClass(t.VW), e = !1, n = null } function l() { var t = this; return e = !0, n ? (a.call(n), u.call(this), void 0) : this.showing ? void 0 : (this.showing = !0, setTimeout(function() { return e && (n && a.call(n), u.call(t)), t.showing = !1 }, 80)) } function s() { var t = this; return e = !1, this.hiding ? void 0 : (this.hiding = !0, setTimeout(function() { return e || a.call(t), t.hiding = !1 }, 80)) } var c, f, h; for (e = !1, n = null, h = $(t.ZN), c = 0, f = h.length; f > c; c++) r = h[c], o = function() { var n = this; return $(t.KD, this).click(function() { return $(t.im, n).is(t.bzZP) ? a.call(n) : u.call(n) }) }, o.call(r); return window.$is_mobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent), $is_mobile ? void 0 : (i = !1, $(t.ZN).hover(function() { return l.call(this) }, function() { return s.call(this) })) }) } (), function() { var n, e, r; $(function() { var o; o = function(n, e) { var o, i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h; return u = $(t.pO + e.id), c = null != (f = null != (h = $.cookie(e.id)) ? h.toLowerCase() : void 0) ? f: t.vx, i = !1, o = null, s = function() { var n, s; n = e.options, s = []; for (a in n) Xe.call(n, a) && (l = n[a], s.push(function(n, a) { var l; return l = $(t.mv + a + t.qF, u), l.active = function() { return l.addClass(t.XI), e.value = a }, l.click(function() { return $(t.ch, u).removeClass(t.XI), l.active(), $.cookie(e.id, a, { expires: 3650, path: "/" }), e.refresh ? window.location.reload() : (r(), world_draw_main()) }), a === c && (i = !0, l.active()), a === e[t.xh] && (o = l), l } (a, l))); return s } (), i ? void 0 : e[t.xh] && o ? o.active() : s[0].active() }; for (n in $settings) Xe.call($settings, n) && (e = $settings[n], o(n, e)); return (r = function() { var n; return (n = $settings.stick_style.value) === t.fI || n === t.qj ? $(t.rk).show() : $(t.rk).hide() })(), null }) } (), Te = Mn = Re = Cn = _e = on = Fn = Se = ge = c = ie = $e = o = f = tn = me = ne = ee = re = xe = null, function() { var n, e; return Cn = function(t, n) { var e, r, o; return o = !1, r = t, e = function() { function e() { r > 0 ? Re(16, function() { e(r -= 16) }) : i() } function i() { return n(), o = !1 } return r = t, o ? !0 : (o = !0, e(), void 0) } }, Cn.statuses = {}, Te = function() { return console.log.apply(console, arguments) }, Mn = function() { return console.log.apply(console, [new Date].concat(Ye.call(arguments))) }, Re = function(t, n) { return setTimeout(n, t) }, on = function() { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a, l; for (r = arguments[0], o = 3 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 1, i = arguments.length - 1) : (i = 1, []), e = arguments[i++], l = [], u = 0, a = e.length; a > u; u++) n = e[u], typeof n === t.pZ && n.length ? l.push(r.apply(null, Ye.call(o).concat(Ye.call(n)))) : l.push(r.apply(null, Ye.call(o).concat([n]))); return l }, Se = function(n, e) { return null == e && (e = t.AI), (typeof console !== t.xw && null !== console ? console.time: void 0) ? (console.time(e), n(), console.timeEnd(e)) : n() }, ge = function(t) { return t[t.length - 1] }, me = function(t) { var n; return null != (n = ge(t)) ? n: {} }, Fn = function(t) { var n, e, r; if (t.length) return t.slice(0); e = {}; for (n in t) Xe.call(t, n) && (r = t[n], e[n] = r); return e }, n = 0, c = function(t) { var e, r, o; for (o = [], e = r = 0; t >= 0 ? t > r: r > t; e = t >= 0 ? ++r: --r) o.push(n++); return o }, ie = function() { var n, e, r, o, i, u; return n = 1 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 0) : [], e = n.pop(), i = n[0], r = n[1], null == r && (r = {}), i[i.length - 1] !== t.LQ && (r.nonce = Date.now()), typeof XDomainRequest !== t.xw && null !== XDomainRequest ? (i = -1 === i.indexOf(t.LQ) ? i + t.LQ + $.param(r) : i + t.kb + $.param(r), u = new XDomainRequest, u.open(t.gU, i), u.onload = function() { return r = $.parseJSON(u.responseText), r ? e(null, r) : e(new Error(t.th), null) }, u.onerror = function() { return e(t.AYEC, null) }, u.ontimeout = function() {}, u.onprogress = function() {}, u.timeout = 6e4, u.send(), u) : (o = $.ajax({ url: i, type: t.gU, dataType: t.uA, timeout: 6e4, data: r }), o.done(function(t) { return e(null, t) }), o.fail(function(n, r, o) { var i; return r === t.AYEC && (r = t.vx), i = o || r || t.vx, e(new Error(i), null) })) }, $e = function(t) { var n; return n = function() { function n(n) { return n ? t(o) : r.apply(null, e) } var e, r, o, i, u; i = arguments[0], e = 3 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 1, u = arguments.length - 1) : (u = 1, []), r = arguments[u++], i.apply(null, Ye.call(e).concat([function() { n((o = arguments[0], e = 2 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 1) : [], o)) }])) } }, o = function() { function t() { this.push_cbs = [], this.args = [], this.shift_cbs = [] } var n; return t.prototype.push = function() { var t, n, e, r; return t = 2 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 0, r = arguments.length - 1) : (r = 0, []), n = arguments[r++], (e = this.shift_cbs.shift()) ? this.process(t, e, n) : (this.push_cbs.push(n), this.args.push(t)) }, t.prototype.unshift = function() { var t, n, e, r; return t = 2 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 0, r = arguments.length - 1) : (r = 0, []), n = arguments[r++], (e = this.shift_cbs.shift()) ? this.process(t, e, n) : (this.push_cbs.unshift(n), this.args.unshift(t)) }, t.prototype.shift = function(t) { var n, e; return (e = this.push_cbs.shift()) ? (n = this.args.shift(), this.process(n, t, e)) : this.shift_cbs.push(t) }, n = 0, t.prototype.process = function(t, e, r) { function o() { return r(), e.apply(null, t) } 100 === ++n ? (n = 0, Re(0, function() { o() })) : o() }, t } (), e = {}, ne = function() { var t, n, r, o, i; return o = arguments[0], t = 3 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 1, i = arguments.length - 1) : (i = 1, []), n = arguments[i++], (r = e[o]) ? r.channel.push(t, n) : void 0 }, ee = function() { var t, n, r, o, i; return o = arguments[0], t = 3 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 1, i = arguments.length - 1) : (i = 1, []), n = arguments[i++], (r = e[o]) ? r.channel.unshift(t, n) : void 0 }, re = function(t, n) { var r; return (r = e[t]) ? r.actions.push(n) : (r = e[t] = { actions: [n], channel: new o, running: !1 }, function() { function t() { r.channel.shift(function() { function i() { l++, u() } function u() { s > l ? (n = c[l], n.apply(null, Ye.call(e).concat([function(t) { i(t) }]))) : a() } function a() { t(o) } var l, s, c; e = arguments[0], c = r.actions, l = 0, s = c.length, u() }) } var e, o = this; t() } ()) }, xe = function() { function n() { o(i, function() { return r() }) } var e, r, o, i, u, a; return e = 3 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 0, a = arguments.length - 2) : (a = 0, []), o = arguments[a++], r = arguments[a++], u = 2e3, i = $e(function(e) { ne(t.Mz, e, u, function() { Re(u, function() { return u += 2e3, u > 2e4 && (u = 2e4), n() }) }) }), n() }, f = _e, tn = ie, Te = Te, Mn = Mn, Re = Re, Cn = Cn, _e = _e, on = on, Fn = Fn, Se = Se, ge = ge, c = c, ie = ie, $e = $e, o = o, f = f, tn = tn, me = me, ne = ne, ee = ee, re = re, xe = xe, _e = function() { var n, e, r, o, i, u; if (1 === arguments.length) _e(t.vx, arguments[0]); else { if (i = arguments[0], r = arguments[1], u = typeof window !== t.xw && null !== window ? window: global) for (o in r) Xe.call(r, o) && (e = r[o], u[i + o] = e); if (n = typeof module !== t.xw && null !== module ? module.exports: void 0) for (o in r) Xe.call(r, o) && (e = r[o], n[o.replace(/^_/, t.vx)] = e) } return this } } (), r = n = e = null, yn = $n = gn = wn = bn = Tn = un = an = sn = cn = hn = ln = fn = dn = vn = kn = mn = pn = xn = _n = null, function() { function o(t) { var n, e, r, o, i; for (null == t && (t = []), e = {}, r = [], e[R] = [], o = 0, i = t.length; i > o; o++) n = t[o], e[R][n] = []; return e[A] = [], e[D] = [], e } function i(t) { var n, e; return e = t[R], n = e.length, e[n] = [], [n, e[n]] } function u(t, n, e) { var r; return (null != (r = t[A])[n] ? (r = t[A])[n] : r[n] = []).push(e), e } function a(t, n, e) { return u(t, n, e), t[D][e](0), e } function l(t, n, e) { var r, o, i; return i = function() { var t; t = []; for (r in e) Xe.call(e, r) && (o = e[r], t.push([r, o])); return t } (), Z(t, n, i) } function s(t, n, e) { var r, o, i; return i = function() { var t; t = []; for (r in e) Xe.call(e, r) && (o = e[r], t.push([r, o])); return t } (), L(t, n, i) } function f(t) { var n; return n = function() { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a, l; if (arguments[2].length ? (r = arguments[0], l = arguments[1], a = arguments[2], o = arguments[3]) : (r = arguments[0], l = arguments[1], n = arguments[2], u = arguments[3], o = arguments[4], a = [[n, u]]), e = function() { var e, o, i, s; for (s = [], e = 0, o = a.length; o > e; e++) i = a[e], n = i[0], u = i[1], t(r, l, n, u), s.push(n); return s } (), i = {}, null == o && (o = !0), o) for (n in e) ! i[n] && o && r[A][n] && l >= 0 && h(r, r[A][n], l), i[n] = !0; return e } } function h(n, e, r) { var o, i, u, a; if (i = n[D], typeof e === t.GI) i[e].call(this, r); else for (u = 0, a = e.length; a > u; u++) o = e[u], h(n, o, r); return this } function d(n, e) { var r, o, i, u, a; if (o = n[R], typeof e === t.GI) return o[e]; for (a = [], i = 0, u = e.length; u > i; i++) r = e[i], o[r] || (o[r] = []), a.push(o[r]); return a } function p(t, n, e) { var r, o, i, u, a, l; for (r = mn(t, e), u = {}, i = a = 0, l = e.length; l > a; i = ++a) o = e[i], u[e[i]] = r[i][n]; return u } function g(t, n) { var e, r, o, u, a; return u = t[R], o = t[D], a = i(t), e = a[0], r = a[1], o[e] = function(e) { return m(t, e, function(t) { return r[t] = n(t) }) }, e } function m(t, n, e) { var r, o, i, u; for (o = t[R], r = i = n, u = o[0].length; u >= n ? u > i: i > u; r = u >= n ? ++i: --i) e(r); return null } function v(t, n, e) { var r, o, u, a, l, s; return a = t[R], u = t[D], s = i(t), r = s[0], o = s[1], l = a[n], u[r] = function(t) { var n, r, i, u, a, s, c, f; for (r = l.length, i = l.slice(t - e, t), u = 0, s = 0, f = i.length; f > s; s++) a = i[s], u += a; for (n = c = t; r >= t ? r > c: c > r; n = r >= t ? ++c: --c) a = l[n], i.length >= e && (u -= i.shift()), u += a, i.push(a), o[n] = u / i.length; return this }, r } function x(t, n, e) { var r, o, u, a, l, s; return a = t[R], u = t[D], s = i(t), r = s[0], o = s[1], l = a[n], u[r] = function(n) { return m(t, n, function(t) { var n, r, i; return n = l[t], r = null != (i = o[t - 1]) ? i: n, r = (2 * n + (e - 1) * r) / (e + 1), o[t] = r }) }, r } function y(t, n, e, r) { var o, u, a, l, s, c; return l = t[R], a = t[D], c = i(t), o = c[0], u = c[1], s = l[n], a[o] = function(n) { return m(t, n, function(t) { var n, o, i; return n = s[t], o = null != (i = u[t - 1]) ? i: n, o = (r * n + (e - r) * o) / e, u[t] = o }) }, o } function w(t, n, e) { var r, o, u, a, l; return a = t[R], u = t[D], l = i(t), r = l[0], o = l[1], u[r] = function(r) { return m(t, r, function(t) { var r, i; return i = Math.max(t - e, 0), r = t + 1, o[t] = Math.min.apply(Math, a[n].slice(i, r)) }) }, r } function b(t, n, e) { var r, o, u, a, l; return a = t[R], u = t[D], l = i(t), r = l[0], o = l[1], u[r] = function(r) { return m(t, r, function(t) { var r, i; return i = Math.max(t - e, 0), r = t + 1, o[t] = Math.max.apply(Math, a[n].slice(i, r)) }) }, r } function k(t, n, e, r, o) { function a(t) { return [t, _[t]] } var l, s, c, f, d, p, v, y, w, b, k, _, $, T, F, C, M; return null == e && (e = 12), null == r && (r = 26), null == o && (o = 9), _ = t[R], w = t[D], $ = a(x(t, n, e)), s = $[0], k = $[1], T = a(x(t, n, r)), l = T[0], b = T[1], F = a(g(t, function(t) { return k[t] - b[t] })), f = F[0], y = F[1], C = a(x(t, f, o)), c = C[0], v = C[1], M = i(t), d = M[0], p = M[1], w[d] = function(n) { return h(t, [s, l, f, c], n), m(t, n, function(t) { return p[t] = 2 * (y[t] - v[t]) }) }, w[d](0), u(t, n, d), [f, c, d] } function _(t, n, e, r, o, a) { function l(t) { return X.push(t), [t, j[t]] } var s, c, f, d, p, m, x, k, _, $, T, F, C, M, S, P, I, O, A, B, N, q, H, Z, U, K, L, W, z, G, X, Y, j, E, J, V, Q, tn, nn, en, rn, on, un, an, ln, sn, cn, fn; return null == e && (e = 14), null == r && (r = 14), null == o && (o = 3), null == a && (a = 3), j = t[R], q = t[D], X = [], A = j[n], E = l(g(t, function(t) { var n; return null != (n = A[t - 1]) ? n: A[t] })), k = E[0], U = E[1], rn = l(g(t, function(t) { return Math.max(A[t] - U[t], 0) })), s = rn[0], S = rn[1], on = l(g(t, function(t) { return Math.abs(A[t] - U[t]) })), f = on[0], I = on[1], un = l(y(t, s, e, 1)), c = un[0], P = un[1], an = l(y(t, f, e, 1)), d = an[0], O = an[1], ln = l(g(t, function(t) { return 0 === O[t] ? 100 : 100 * (P[t] / O[t]) })), M = ln[0], Y = ln[1], sn = l(w(t, M, r)), _ = sn[0], K = sn[1], cn = l(b(t, M, r)), m = cn[0], H = cn[1], fn = l(g(t, function(t) { return Y[t] - K[t] })), T = fn[0], W = fn[1], J = l(g(t, function(t) { return H[t] - K[t] })), C = J[0], G = J[1], V = l(v(t, T, o)), $ = V[0], L = V[1], Q = l(v(t, C, o)), F = Q[0], z = Q[1], tn = l(g(t, function(t) { return 0 === z[t] ? 100 : 100 * (L[t] / z[t]) })), x = tn[0], Z = tn[1], nn = l(v(t, x, a)), p = nn[0], N = nn[1], en = i(t), M = en[0], B = en[1], q[M] = function(n) { return h(t, X, n) }, q[M](0), u(t, n, M), [x, p] } function $(t, n, e, r, o) { function a(t) { return A.push(t), [t, N[t]] } var l, s, c, f, d, p, m, v, x, k, _, $, T, F, C, M, S, P, I, O, A, B, N, q, H, Z, U, K, L, W; return f = n[0], x = n[1], l = n[2], null == e && (e = 9), null == r && (r = 3), null == o && (o = 3), N = t[R], T = t[D], A = [], O = N[x], _ = N[l], C = N[f], q = a(w(t, x, e)), v = q[0], I = q[1], H = a(b(t, f, e)), c = H[0], F = H[1], Z = a(g(t, function(t) { return F[t] - I[t] < 1e-8 ? 100 : 100 * ((_[t] - I[t]) / (F[t] - I[t])) })), k = Z[0], B = Z[1], U = a(y(t, k, r, 1)), p = U[0], S = U[1], K = a(y(t, p, o, 1)), s = K[0], $ = K[1], L = a(g(t, function(t) { return 3 * S[t] - 2 * $[t] })), d = L[0], M = L[1], W = i(t), m = W[0], P = W[1], T[m] = function(n) { return h(t, A, n) }, T[m](0), u(t, f, m), u(t, x, m), u(t, l, m), [p, s, d] } function T(t, n) { var e, r, o, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, v, x; for (a = n[0], r = n[1], o = n[2], e = n[3], d = t[R], c = t[D], h = [], v = i(t), l = v[0], s = v[1], c[l] = function(n) { return m(t, n, function(t) { return s[t] = parseFloat(((d[r][t] + d[o][t] + d[e][t]) / 3).toFixed(8)), s[t] }) }, c[l](0), x = arguments[1], p = 0, g = x.length; g > p; p++) f = x[p], u(t, f, l); return [l] } function F(t, n) { var e, r, o, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, v, x; for (a = n[0], r = n[1], o = n[2], e = n[3], d = t[R], c = t[D], h = [], v = i(t), l = v[0], s = v[1], c[l] = function(n) { return m(t, n, function(t) { return s[t] = parseFloat(((d[r][t] + d[o][t]) / 2).toFixed(8)), s[t] }) }, c[l](0), x = arguments[1], p = 0, g = x.length; g > p; p++) f = x[p], u(t, f, l); return [l] } function C(t, n) { return a(t, n, v.apply(null, arguments)) } function M(t, n) { return a(t, n, x.apply(null, arguments)) } function S(t, n) { var e, r, o, u; return o = t[R], u = i(t), e = u[0], r = u[1], o[e] = n, e } function P() { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a, l; for (r = arguments[0], o = 3 <= arguments.length ? Ye.call(arguments, 1, i = arguments.length - 1) : (i = 1, []), e = arguments[i++], l = [], u = 0, a = e.length; a > u; u++) n = e[u], typeof n === t.pZ && n.length ? l.push(r.apply(null, Ye.call(o).concat(Ye.call(n)))) : l.push(r.apply(null, Ye.call(o).concat([n]))); return l } function I() { return P.apply(null, [d].concat(Ye.call(arguments))) } function O(t, n, e, r) { var o; return o = d(t, r), o.slice(n, +e + 1 || 9e9) } var A, D, R, B, N, q, H, Z, U, K, L; return U = c(3), R = U[0], A = U[1], D = U[2], r = R, n = A, e = D, L = f(N = function(t, n, e, r) { return t[R][e][n] = r }), q = f(function(t, n, e) { return t[R][e].push(n) }), Z = f(B = function(t, n, e, r) { return t[R][e].splice(n, 0, r) }), H = f(function(t, n, e) { return t[R][e].splice(n, 1) }), K = L, yn = o, $n = L, gn = H, wn = Z, bn = l, Tn = s, un = S, an = M, sn = C, cn = k, hn = _, ln = $, fn = F, dn = T, vn = p, kn = K, mn = d, pn = P, xn = I, _n = O } (), Dn = qn = Nn = An = Rn = On = Sn = Pn = In = Bn = null, i = a = u = l = null, function() { function n(t, n) { return t[0] - n[0] } function e(t) { var n; return n = { group: t }, r(n), n } function r(t) { return t[x] = new Q({ compare: n }), t[w] = new Q({ compare: n }), t[y] = new Q({ compare: n }), t[b] = new Q({ compare: n }), t } function o(t, n, e) { switch (n) { case w: return Math.floor(e[k] / t.group) * t.group; case x: return Math.ceil(e[k] / t.group) * t.group } } function s(t, n, e) { var r, i; return t[n].insert(e), e[$] ? (e = [o(t, n, e), e[$]], i = n === w ? b: y, (r = t[i].find(e)) ? r[$] += e[$] : (r = e, t[i].insert(r))) : void 0 } function f(n, e, r) { var i, u; if (r && (n[e][t.xa](r), r[$])) return r = [o(n, e, r), r[$]], u = e === w ? b: y, i = n[u].find(r), i && (i[$] -= r[$], i[$] < 1e-12) ? n[u][t.xa](i) : void 0 } function h(n, e) { var r, o, i, u, a, l, c, h, d, p, g; if (p = e.type_str, c = e.price_int, h = e.total_volume_int, o = e.now, d = p === t.cK ? w: x, a = n[d], g = parseInt(h), l = parseInt(c), i = [l, g, o], u = a.find([l]), f(n, d, u), g && s(n, d, i), d === w) for (; (r = n[x].get(0)) && r[k] <= l;) f(n, x, r); else for (; (r = n[w].get( - 1)) && r[k] >= l;) f(n, w, r); return n } function d(n, e, r) { var o, i, u, a, l, c, h, d; if (null == r && (r = !0), c = e[0], o = e[1], d = e[2], h = d === t.cK ? w: x, l = n[h], u = [c, o], a = l.find([c]), f(n, h, a), o && s(n, h, u), !r) return n; if (h === w) for (; (i = n[x].get(0)) && i[k] <= c;) f(n, x, i); else for (; (i = n[w].get( - 1)) && i[k] >= c;) f(n, w, i); return n } function p(n, e) { var r, o, i, u, a, l; if (u = e.price, r = e.amount, a = e.trade_type, a === t.cK) for (l = x, i = n[l]; r > 1e-12 && (o = n[x].get(0)) && o[0] <= u;) { if (o[1] > r) { f(n, l, o), o[1] = o[1] - r, s(n, l, o); break } f(n, x, o), r -= o[1] } else for (l = w; r > 1e-12 && (o = n[w].get( - 1)) && o[0] >= u;) { if (o[1] > r) { f(n, l, o), o[1] = o[1] - r, s(n, l, o); break } f(n, w, o), r -= o[1] } return n } function g(t, n) { var e, r, o; for (e = 0; (o = t[x].get(0)) && o[k] < n;)++e, f(t, x, o); for (r = 0; (o = t[w].get( - 1)) && o[k] > n;)++r, f(t, w, o); return [e, r] } function m(t, n, e, r) { var o, i, u, a, l, s; for (o = 0, i = 0, l = 0, s = 0, u = 0; (a = t[x].at(u)) && a[k] <= e;) a[_] >= r ? (++u, ++l) : (++o, f(t, x, a)); for (u = -1; (a = t[w].at(u)) && a[k] >= n;) a[_] >= r ? (--u, ++s) : (++i, f(t, w, a)); return [o, i, l, s] } function v(t) { var n, e, r, o; return n = t[x], r = t[w], e = n.slice( - 11, -1), o = r.slice(0, 10) } var x, y, w, b, k, _, $, T, F; return T = c(4), w = T[0], x = T[1], b = T[2], y = T[3], F = [0, 1, 2], k = F[0], $ = F[1], _ = F[2], Dn = e, qn = h, Nn = d, An = v, Rn = s, On = f, Sn = g, Pn = m, In = r, Bn = p, i = x, a = w, u = y, l = b } (), Jn = Qn = Vn = Xn = Gn = te = En = null, Hn = Zn = null, Kn = Un = Wn = zn = Ln = Yn = jn = null, function() { function n(t, n, e, o, i, u) { var a, l, s; return s = Ue(n, o, i), a = s[0], l = s[1], l > e ? r(t, a, e, u, l - e) : r(t, a, l, u, e - l) } function e(t, n, e, o, i, u) { var a, l, s; return a = Ke(n, e), l = Le(n, o), s = Le(n, i), r(t, a, s, u, l - s) } function r(t, n, e, r, o) { return 0 > o && (e += o, o = -o), 0 === o && (o = 1), t.fillStyle === t.strokeStyle ? t.fillRect(n, e, r, o) : o > 1 ? (t.fillRect(n, e, r, o), t.strokeRect(n + .5, e + .5, r - 1, o - 1)) : 1 === o ? (t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(n, e + .5), t.lineTo(n + r, e + .5), t.stroke()) : void 0 } function o(t, n, e, r) { var o, i, u, a, l, s, c; for (t.beginPath(), u = l = 0, s = e.length; s > l; u = ++l) a = e[u], c = Ue(n, u, a), o = c[0], i = c[1], r && (o += r), u ? t.lineTo(o, i) : t.moveTo(o, i); return t.stroke() } function i(t, n, e, r, o) { return t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(n, e), t.lineTo(n, e - o), t.lineTo(n + .866 * o, e - .5 * o), t.fill() } function u(t, n, e, r, o) { return t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(n, e), t.lineTo(n, e - o), t.lineTo(n - .866 * o, e - .5 * o), t.fill() } function a(t, n, e, r, o, i) { var u, a, l; return u = Ke(n, e), a = Le(n, r), l = Le(n, o), i && (u += i), t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(u + .5, l), t.lineTo(u + .5, a), t.stroke() } function l(t, n, e, r) { return t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(e, n), t.lineTo(r, n), t.stroke() } function s(t, n, e, r) { return t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(n, e), t.lineTo(n, r), t.stroke() } function c(t, n, e) { var r, o, i, u, a, s, c, f; for (r = Fn(n[nn]), u = Fn(n[en]), n = Ge(r, u), s = e(r, u), c = 0, f = s.length; f > c; c++) a = s[c], i = Le(n, a), o = r.w, t.fillText(a, o - 8, i + .5), l(t, i + .5, r.w - 4, r.w); return null } function f(t, n) { return c(t, n, function(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l; for (r = Math.floor(t.h / 32), u = n.h / r, i = n.y, l = [], e = a = 0; r >= 0 ? r >= a: a >= r; e = r >= 0 ? ++a: --a) o = i + e * u, l.push(parseFloat(o.toPrecision(5))); return l }) } function h(t, n) { return c(t, n, function(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c; for (o = Math.abs(t.h / 32), a = n.h / o, c = function() { var t, n, o, i; for (o = [1, 2, 5], i = [], t = 0, n = o.length; n > t; t++) e = o[t], r = a / e, s = Math.ceil(Math.log(r) / Math.log(10)).toFixed(2), s = Math.pow(10, s), s = e * s, i.push(s); return i } (), l = Math.min.apply(Math, c), i = Math.ceil(n.y / l) * l, u = []; i < n.y + n.h;) u.push(parseFloat(i.toPrecision(5))), i += l; return u }), null } function d(n, e, r, o) { var i, u, a, s, c, f, h, d; for (i = Fn(e[nn]), s = Fn(e[en]), e = Ge(i, s, e[rn]), f = o(i, s), n.textAlign = t.ak, h = 0, d = f.length; d > h; h++) c = f[h], a = Le(e, c), u = i.x, r && r !== t.Lb || n.fillText(c, u + 50, a + .5), r && r !== t.mg || (l(n, a + .5, u, u + 6), l(n, a + .5, u + i.w - 6, u + i.w)); return n.textAlign = t.nF, null } function p(t, n) { return d(t, n, null, function(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l; for (r = Math.floor(t.h / 32), u = n.h / r, i = n.y, l = [], e = a = 0; r >= 0 ? r >= a: a >= r; e = r >= 0 ? ++a: --a) o = i + e * u, l.push(parseFloat(o.toPrecision(5))); return l }) } function g(t, n, e) { return d(t, n, null, function() { return e }) } function m(t, n, e) { return d(t, n, e, function(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c; for (o = Math.abs(t.h / 32), a = n.h / o, c = function() { var t, n, o, i; for (o = [1, 2, 5], i = [], t = 0, n = o.length; n > t; t++) e = o[t], r = a / e, s = Math.ceil(Math.log(r) / Math.log(10)).toFixed(2), s = Math.pow(10, s), s = e * s, i.push(s); return i } (), l = Math.min.apply(Math, c), i = Math.ceil(n.y / l) * l, u = []; i < n.y + n.h;) u.push(parseFloat(i.toPrecision(5))), i += l; return u }), null } function v(t, n) { var e; return t.save(), t.beginPath(), e = Fn(n[nn]), e.y += 8, e.h -= 16, t.moveTo(e.x, e.y), t.lineTo(e.x + e.w, e.y), t.lineTo(e.x + e.w, e.y + e.h), t.lineTo(e.x, e.y + e.h), t.clip() } function x(t, n, e) { return v(t, n), e(), t.restore() } return Jn = o, Qn = n, Vn = e, Xn = r, Gn = l, te = a, En = s, Hn = f, Zn = h, Kn = p, Un = m, Wn = v, zn = x, Ln = g, Yn = u, jn = i } (), Q = null, function() { var n; return n = function() { function n(n) { this.options = null != n ? n: {}, this.id = ++u, this.min = 0, this.max = 0, this.count = 0, this.type = i, this.total = 0, this.parent = null, this.children = [], this.next = null, this.prev = null, this.compare = this.options[t.XIYd], this.multimap = this.options[t.PA], null == this.compare && (this.compare = function(t, n) { return t - n }) } var e, r, o, i, u; return e = 8, r = e << 1, o = 0, i = 1, u = 0, n.prototype.insert_value_ = function(t) { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a; for (e = this.count, n = this.children, r = a = 0; e >= 0 ? e > a: a > e; r = e >= 0 ? ++a: --a) { if (u = n[r], i = this.compare(u, t), 0 === i) { if (this.multimap) break; return } if (i > 0) break } if (0 === r) for (this.min = t, o = this; (o = o.parent) && this.compare(o.min, t) > 0;) o.min = t; if (r === e) for (this.max = t, o = this; (o = o.parent) && this.compare(o.max, t) < 0;) o.max = t; for (this.children.splice(r, 0, t), this.count += 1, o = this; o;) o.total += 1, o = o.parent; return this.rebuild_(), this }, n.prototype.insert_node_ = function(t, n) { var e, r, o; for (e = this.count, r = o = 0; (e >= 0 ? e > o: o > e) && this.children[r].min !== t; r = e >= 0 ? ++o: --o); return n.parent = this, this.count += 1, this.children.splice(r + 1, 0, n), this.rebuild_() }, n.prototype.find_node_ = function(t) { var n, e, r, i, u; for (i = this; i.type === o;) { if (n = i.children, e = i.count, this.compare(t, n[0].min) <= 0) r = 0; else if (this.compare(t, n[e - 1].max) >= 0) r = e - 1; else for (r = u = 0; (e >= 0 ? e > u: u > e) && !(this.compare(n[r].max, t) >= 0); r = e >= 0 ? ++u: --u); i = n[r] } return i }, n.prototype.has = function(t) { var n; return n = this.find_node_(t), -1 !== n.children.indexOf(t) }, n.prototype.replace_value = function(t) { var n, e, r, o, i, u; for (r = this.find_node_(t), n = r.children, e = i = 0, u = n.length; u > i; e = ++i) o = n[e], 0 === this.compare(o, t) && (n[e] = t); return this }, n.prototype.get_node_ = function(t) { var n, e, r, i, u; if (r = this, t >= this.total) return [null, null]; if (0 > t) return [null, null]; for (; r.type === o;) for (e = r.children, i = 0, u = e.length; u > i; i++) { if (n = e[i], !(t >= n.total)) { r = n; break } t -= n.total } return [r, t] }, n.prototype.set_min_ = function(t) { var n, e; for (e = this, n = this.min; e && 0 === this.compare(e.min, n);) e.min = t, e = e.parent; return this }, n.prototype.set_max_ = function(t) { var n, e; for (e = this, n = this.max; e && 0 === this.compare(e.max, n);) e.max = t, e = e.parent; return this }, n.prototype.inc_total_ = function() { var t; for (t = this; t;) t.total += 1, t = t.parent; return this }, n.prototype.dec_total_ = function() { var t; for (t = this; t;) t.total -= 1, t = t.parent; return this }, n.prototype.clean_node_ = function() { var t, n; return this.parent ? (this.parent.delete_node_(this), this.type === i ? (null != (t = this.prev) && (t.next = this.next), null != (n = this.next) ? n.prev = this.prev: void 0) : void 0) : this.type = i }, n.prototype.delete_node_ = function(t) { var n; return n = this.children.indexOf(t), this.children.splice(n, 1), this.count -= 1, 0 === this.count ? this.clean_node_() : (0 === n && this.set_min_(this.children[0].min), n === this.count ? this.set_max_(this.children[this.count - 1].max) : void 0) }, n.prototype.delete_value_ = function(t) { var n, e; return n = this.children, e = this.indexOf_(t), -1 !== e && (n.splice(e, 1), this.count -= 1, this.dec_total_(), 0 === this.count ? this.clean_node_() : (0 === e && this.set_min_(n[0]), e === this.count && this.set_max_(n[this.count - 1]))), this }, n.prototype.rebuild_ = function() { var t, n, u; if (! (this.count < r)) return null != this.parent ? (n = this.slice_(e, r - 1), n.parent = this.parent, this.count = e, this.total = this.total - n.total, this.children.splice(e, e), this.max = this.type === i ? this.children[e - 1] : this.children[e - 1].max, this.parent.insert_node_(this.min, n), this.type === i && (this.next && (this.next.prev = n), n.next = this.next, this.next = n)) : (t = this.slice_(0, e - 1), u = this.slice_(e, r - 1), t.parent = this, u.parent = this, t.next = u, u.prev = t, this.count = 2, this.children = [t, u], this.type = o), this }, n.prototype.slice_ = function(t, e) { var r, o, u, a, l, s, c, f; if (u = e - t + 1, a = new n(this.options), a.count = u, a.type = this.type, o = this.children, this.type === i) a.min = o[t], a.max = o[e], a.children = o.slice(t, +e + 1 || 9e9), a.total = u; else { for (a.min = o[t].min, a.max = o[e].max, a.children = o.slice(t, +e + 1 || 9e9), l = 0, f = a.children, s = 0, c = f.length; c > s; s++) r = f[s], r.parent = a, l += r.total; a.total = l } return a }, n.prototype.atom = function() { var t; for (t = this; t.type === o;) t = t.children[0]; return t }, n.prototype.indexOf_ = function(t) { var n, e, r, o, i, u; for (u = this.children, n = o = 0, i = u.length; i > o; n = ++o) { if (r = u[n], e = this.compare(r, t), 0 === e) return n; if (e > 0) return - 1 } return - 1 }, n.prototype.insert = function(t) { var n; return n = this.find_node_(t), n.insert_value_(t), this }, n.prototype[t.xa] = function(t) { var n; return n = this.find_node_(t), n.delete_value_(t) }, n.prototype.replace = function(n) { return this[t.xa](n), this.insert(n) }, n.prototype.get = function(t) { var n, e, r; return 0 > t && (t += this.size()), r = this.get_node_(t), n = r[0], e = r[1], n ? n.children[e] : null }, n.prototype.at = function(t) { var n, e, r; return 0 > t && (t += this.size()), r = this.get_node_(t), n = r[0], e = r[1], n ? n.children[e] : null }, n.prototype.find = function(t) { return this.find_all(t)[0] }, n.prototype.find_all = function(t) { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a; if (o = [], n = this.find_node_(t), this.compare(t, n.min) < 0) return []; if (this.compare(t, n.max) > 0) return []; for (a = n.children, i = 0, u = a.length; u > i; i++) if (r = a[i], e = this.compare(r, t), 0 === e) o.push(r); else if (e > 0) break; return o }, n.prototype.slice = function(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u; if (null == n && (n = this.total - 1), 0 > t && (t += this.total), 0 > n && (n += this.total), 0 > t && (t = 0), n >= this.total && (n = this.total - 1), u = this.get_node_(t), r = u[0], i = u[1], !r) return []; for (o = n - t + 1, e = []; o && r;) i < r.count ? (e.push(r.children[i++]), --o) : (r = r.next, i = 0); return e }, n.prototype.flatten = function() { var t, n, e, r, o, i; for (r = [], o = this.atom(); o;) { for (n = o.count, t = o.children, e = i = 0; n >= 0 ? n > i: i > n; e = n >= 0 ? ++i: --i) r.push(t[e]); o = o.next } return r }, n.prototype.dump = function(n) { var e, r, o, u, a, l, s; for (null == n && (n = 0), o = process.stdout, e = u = 0, s = this.count; s >= 0 ? s > u: u > s; e = s >= 0 ? ++u: --u) if (this.type === i) { for (r = a = 0; n >= 0 ? n > a: a > n; r = n >= 0 ? ++a: --a) o.write(t.PP); o.write(this.children[e] + t.PP) } else this.children[e].dump(n + 1); for (r = l = 0; n >= 0 ? n > l: l > n; r = n >= 0 ? ++l: --l) o.write(t.PP); return o.write(t.dI + this.min + t.CI + this.max + t.Ci + this.count + t.fo + this.total + t.Er), this }, n.prototype.delete_if = function() {}, n.prototype.size = function() { return this.total }, n } (), Q = n, null != _e && (Q = Q), typeof module !== t.xw && null !== module ? module.exports = Q: void 0 } (), ce = fe = he = ue = ae = le = de = pe = se = null, s = null, oe = null, function() { function n(t) { var n; return n = t.getHours() } function e(n) { var e; return e = n.getMinutes(), t.vx + e + t.sn } function r(t) { return f[t.getMonth()] } function o(n) { var e, r; return r = n.getMonth(), e = n.getDate(), t.vx + f[r] + t.PP + e } function i(n) { return n.getHours() + t.FM + n.getMinutes() } function u(n) { return oe(n.getHours()) + t.FM + oe(n.getMinutes()) + t.FM + oe(n.getSeconds()) } function a(n) { var e, r, o, i, u; return e = n.getFullYear(), u = oe(n.getMonth() + 1), r = oe(n.getDate()), o = oe(n.getHours()), i = oe(n.getMinutes()), t.vx + e + t.Hm + u + t.Hm + r + t.PP + o + t.FM + i } function l(n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s; return r = n.getFullYear(), a = n.getMonth() + 1, o = n.getDate(), i = oe(n.getHours()), u = oe(n.getMinutes()), l = oe(n.getSeconds()), s = h[n.getDay()], e = f[n.getMonth()], t.vx + s + t.ir + o + t.PP + e + t.PP + i + t.FM + u + t.FM + l } function c(n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s; for (i = [[86400, 86400, t.on], [3600, 3600, t.uZ], [60, 60, t.xW], [0, 1, t.MA]], a = 0, l = i.length; l > a; a++) if (s = i[a], e = s[0], r = s[1], o = s[2], n >= e) return u = parseFloat((n / r).toFixed(1)), u > 1 ? u + t.PP + o + t.Pj: u + t.PP + o + t.ql; return null } var f, h; return f = t.dL.split(t.PP), h = t.Za.split(t.PP), oe = function(n) { return n = n.toString(), 1 === n.length ? t.ay + n: n }, ce = n, fe = e, he = r, ue = o, ae = a, le = l, de = i, pe = u, se = c, s = h, oe = oe } (), be = ke = ye = we = null, function() { function t(n, e) { var r; return n[0] && n[0].length ? (n = function() { var o, i, u; for (u = [], o = 0, i = n.length; i > o; o++) r = n[o], u.push(t(r, e)); return u } (), t(n, e)) : e.apply(null, n) } function n(n) { return t(n, Math.max) } function e(n) { return t(n, Math.min) } function r(t) { var e, r; return r = function() { var n, o, i; for (i = [], n = 0, o = t.length; o > n; n++) r = t[n], i.push(function() { var t, n, o; for (o = [], t = 0, n = r.length; n > t; t++) e = r[t], o.push(Math.abs(e)); return o } ()); return i } (), n(r) } return be = ke = ye = null, be = n, ke = e, ye = r, we = t } (), h = x = b = null, k = m = x = w = d = v = y = _ = p = g = null, Me = Fe = Ce = null, function() { function t() { var t, n; return n = {}, t = yn(a), n[o] = t, n[F] = 0, n } function n(t, n) { var e, c, h, d, p, g, m, v, x, y, w, b; if (e = t[o], n = Fn(n), n[E] = n[E] - n[E] % t[F], y = r(t, n[E]), h = y[0], d = y[1], h) return p = vn(e, d, a), p[l] > n[J] && (p[T] = n[j], p[l] = n[J]), p[f] < n[J] && (p[i] = n[j], p[f] = n[J]), p[s] < n[j] && (p[s] = n[j]), p[$] > n[j] && (p[$] = n[j]), p[M] += n[X], Tn(e, d, p); for (p = {}, p[C] = n[E], w = [l, f], g = 0, v = w.length; v > g; g++) c = w[g], p[c] = n[J]; for (b = [T, i, s, $], m = 0, x = b.length; x > m; m++) c = b[m], p[c] = n[j]; return p[M] = n[X], p[u] = new Date(1e3 * p[C]), bn(e, d, p) } function e(n, e) { var r, a, c, h, d, p, g, m, v, x, y, w, b; for (c = t(), r = c[o], h = p = 0, v = e.length; v > p; h = ++p) { for (d = e[h], d = Fn(d), d[C] = parseInt(d[C]), w = [T, i, s, $], g = 0, x = w.length; x > g; g++) a = w[g], d[a] = parseFloat(d[a]); for (b = [C, l, f], m = 0, y = b.length; y > m; m++) a = b[m], d[a] = parseInt(d[a]); d[M] = parseFloat(d[M]), d[u] = new Date(1e3 * d[C]), bn(r, h, d) } return c[F] = parseInt(n), c } function r(t, n) { var e, r, i; if (e = t[o], !(i = mn(e, C))) return [!1, 0]; for (r = i.length; r--;) if (! (i[r] > n)) { if (i[r] < n) break; return [!0, r] } return [!1, r + 1] } var o, i, u, a, l, s, f, $, T, F, C, M, S, P; return S = c(3), o = S[0], f = S[1], F = S[2], h = o, x = f, b = F, P = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], C = P[0], l = P[1], f = P[2], T = P[3], i = P[4], s = P[5], $ = P[6], M = P[7], u = P[8], a = P, k = C, m = l, x = f, w = T, d = i, v = s, y = $, _ = M, p = u, g = a, Me = t, Fe = n, Ce = e } (), J = j = X = E = Y = V = null, Ne = Be = null, function() { function t(t) { var n; return n = {}, n[u] = parseInt(t.tid), n[o] = parseFloat(t.price), n[e] = parseFloat(t.amount), n[i] = parseInt(t.date), n[r] = Date.now(), n[a] = t.trade_type, n } function n(t) { var n; return n = {}, n[u] = parseInt(t.tid), n[o] = parseFloat(t.price), n[e] = parseFloat(t.amount), n[i] = parseInt(t.date), n[r] = Date.now(), n[a] = t.trade_type, n } var e, r, o, i, u, a, l; return l = c(7), u = l[0], o = l[1], e = l[2], i = l[3], r = l[4], a = l[5], J = u, j = o, X = e, E = i, Y = r, V = a, Ne = t, Be = n } (), Ge = He = Ze = qe = Ke = Le = Ue = We = ze = null, nn = en = rn = null, function() { return function() { function t(t, n, e) { var r; return null == e && (e = !1), r = [], r[f] = Fn(t), r[h] = Fn(n), r[d] = e, r } function n(t, n) { var e, r; return e = t[f], r = t[h], (n - r.x) / r.w * e.w + e.x } function e(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a; return e = t[f], r = t[h], t[d] ? (a = r.y, u = r.y + r.h, i = 0, o = Math.log(u / a), n = Math.log(n / a), (n - i) / o * e.h + e.y) : (n - r.y) / r.h * e.h + e.y } function r(t, r, o) { return [n(t, r), e(t, o)] } function o(t, e) { return Math.round(n(t, e)) } function i(t, n) { return Math.round(e(t, n)) } function u(t, n, e) { return [o(t, n), i(t, e)] } function a(t, e) { return Math.round(n(t, e)) + .5 } function l(t, n) { return Math.round(e(t, n)) + .5 } function s(t, n, e) { return [a(t, n), l(t, e)] } var f, h, d, p; return p = c(3), f = p[0], h = p[1], d = p[2], Ge = t, He = a, Ze = l, qe = s, Ke = o, Le = i, Ue = u, We = r, ze = e, nn = f, en = h, rn = d } () } (), function() { $(function(t) { return t }) } (), function() { return window.$theme_dark = { Background: t.Zz, "Background Mask": t.Bh, "Main Text": t.OG, "Minor Text": t.wx, "Highlight Text": t.ln, Border: t.wx, Link: t.TD, "Activated Link": t.QX, "Green Stroke": t.gx, "Green Fill": t.xS, "Red Stroke": t.Iy, "Red Fill": t.vg, "Axis Background": t.Bh, "Axis Key Text": t.gnTC, "Axis Text": t.hS, "Green Arrow": t.qO, "Red Arrow": t.fIQY, "Arrow Text": t.YM, Cross: t.UP, "Stick Line": t.Vv, Colors: [t.JE, t.ao, t.jZ, t.Tn, t.vf, t.LX], "Green Area": t.bb, "Red Area": t.Yj, "Minor Arrow": t.MO, Shape: t.tX, ShapeHint: "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" }, window.$theme_light = { Background: t.gnTC, "Background Mask": t.Jj, "Main Text": t.wx, "Minor Text": t.OG, "Highlight Text": t.tp, Border: t.OG, Link: t.KR, "Activated Link": t.Xo, "Green Stroke": t.jq, "Green Fill": t.jq, "Red Stroke": t.yP, "Red Fill": t.yP, "Axis Background": t.Jj, "Axis Key Text": t.wx, "Axis Text": t.uFgO, "Red Arrow": t.wq, "Green Arrow": t.vH, "Arrow Text": t.tp, Cross: t.BhAp, "Stick Line": t.XL, Colors: [t.Ub, t.Lg, t.jZ, t.VWdP, t.vf, t.LX], "Green Area": t.Bm, "Red Area": t.tb, "Minor Arrow": t.hS, Shape: t.kw, ShapeHint: "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)" } } (), function() { /* var n, e, r, o, i, u; $(function() { function a() { Re(6e4, function() { ie( $host + t.iK + n,//diffi function() { r = arguments[0], e = arguments[1], !r && (null != e ? e.ok: void 0) ? (o.text(e.difficulty), u.text(e.hash_rate_504), a(i.text(e.estimated))) : a() }) }) } n = -1 !== $symbol.indexOf(t.dd) ? t.xm: t.Wy, o = $(t.If), i = $(t.dD), u = $(t.rK), a() })*/ } (), H = W = N = D = z = A = O = S = C = U = q = I = M = G = F = K = Z = L = R = B = T = P = null, Ae = Pe = De = Ie = Oe = null, function() { function n(t, n, e) { var r; switch (null == n && (n = []), null == e && (e = j), r = {}, r[un] = t, r[Q] = n, r[m] = e, r[en] = V, r[tn] = !0, t) { case w: r[tn] = !1; break; case b: r[tn] = !1; break; case y: r[tn] = !1 } return r } function e() {} function r(n, e, r, o) { var i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, x, y, w, b, k, _, $, T, F; if (k = n[Q], _ = k[0], f = _[0], p = _[1], $ = k[1], h = $[0], g = $[1], e.beginPath(), i = r[nn], h === f) { for (i = r[nn], l = y = 0, b = o.length; b > y && (c = o[l], c !== f); l = ++y); u = We(r, l, 0)[0], e.moveTo(u + n[ln] + .5, i.y), e.lineTo(u + n[ln] + .5, i.y + i.h) } else for (n[m] === E && (p = Math.log(p), g = Math.log(g)), s = (g - p) / (h - f), c = 0, x = [], l = w = 0, T = n[v]; T >= 0 ? T >= w: w >= T; l = T >= 0 ? ++w: --w) null != o[l] ? c = o[l] : c += n[rn], d = s * (c - f) + p, n[m] === E && (d = Math.exp(d)), F = We(r, l, d), u = F[0], a = F[1], a > -1e4 && a < 2 * i.y && e.lineTo(u + n[ln], a); return e.strokeStyle = n[on][t.cH], e.stroke() } function o() {} function i() {} function u(n) { return function(e, r, o) { var i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, m, v, x, y; for (v = e[Q], x = v[0], c = x[0], d = x[1], y = v[1], f = y[0], p = y[1], i = o[nn], g = 0, m = n.length; m > g; g++) h = n[g], a = d + (p - d) * h, u = Ze(o, a), r.beginPath(), r.moveTo(i.x, u), r.lineTo(i.x + i.w, u), r.strokeStyle = e[on][t.nX], r.stroke(), r.textAlign = t.nF, r.textBaseline = t.LA, r.font = t.mT, l = t.vx + (100 * h).toFixed(1) + t.cC + a.toPrecision(5), s = r.measureText(l).width, r.fillStyle = e[on][t.gq], r.fillRect(i.x, u - 1 - 4 - 10, s + 8, 14), r.fillStyle = e[on][t.cH], r.fillText(l, i.x + 4, u - 1 - 2); return this } } function a() {} function l() {} function s() {} function f(n, e, r, o) { var i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, x, y, w, b, k, _, $, T, F, C, M; if (_ = n[Q], $ = _[0], f = $[0], p = $[1], T = _[1], h = T[0], g = T[1], i = r[nn], h === f) { for (e.beginPath(), i = r[nn], l = x = 0, b = o.length; b > x && (c = o[l], c !== f); l = ++x); u = We(r, l, 0)[0], e.moveTo(u + n[ln] + .5, i.y), e.lineTo(u + n[ln] + .5, i.y + i.h), e.strokeStyle = n[on][t.cH], e.stroke() } else for (n[m] === E && (p = Math.log(p), g = Math.log(g)), c = 0, s = (g - p) / (h - f), F = [.382, .5, .618, 1], y = 0, k = F.length; k > y; y++) { for (Te = F[y], e.beginPath(), l = w = 0, C = n[v]; C >= 0 ? C >= w: w >= C; l = C >= 0 ? ++w: --w) null != o[l] ? c = o[l] : c += n[rn], h > f && f > c || f > h && c > f || (d = Te * s * (c - f) + p, n[m] === E && (d = Math.exp(d)), M = We(r, l, d), u = M[0], a = M[1], a > -1e4 && a < 2 * i.y && e.lineTo(u + n[ln], a)); e.strokeStyle = n[on][t.cH], e.stroke() } return this } function h(t, n, e, r) { return sn[t[un]][t[Q].length](t, n, e, r) } function d(t, n) { var e; return e = t[Q], e.push(n) } function p(n) { var e; return e = n[Q], e.length === sn[n[un]][t.MCXr] ? !0 : (e.push(e[e.length - 1]), !1) } function g(t, n) { var e; return e = t[Q], 0 === e.length ? e.push(n) : e.splice( - 1, 1, n), t } var m, v, x, y, w, b, k, _, $, X, Y, j, E, J, V, Q, tn, en, rn, on, un, an, ln, sn, cn, fn, hn, dn; return cn = c(12), un = cn[0], Q = cn[1], J = cn[2], m = cn[3], _ = cn[4], en = cn[5], ln = cn[6], v = cn[7], rn = cn[8], tn = cn[9], on = cn[10], fn = c(2), V = fn[0], k = fn[1], hn = c(2), j = hn[0], E = hn[1], dn = c(7), Y = dn[0], an = dn[1], X = dn[2], $ = dn[3], w = dn[4], x = dn[5], y = dn[6], b = dn[7], sn = {}, sn[Y] = { 1 : e, 2 : r, m: 2 }, sn[an] = { 1 : o, m: 1 }, sn[X] = { 1 : i, m: 1 }, sn[w] = { 1 : function() {}, 2 : u([0, .236, .382, .5, .618, 1]), m: 2 }, sn[b] = { 1 : function() {}, 2 : u([0, .236, .382, .5, .618, 1, 1.618, 2.618, 4.236]), m: 2 }, sn[$] = { 1 : a, 2 : l, m: 2 }, sn[y] = { 1 : s, 2 : f, m: 2 }, H = Q, W = un, N = J, D = Y, z = an, A = X, O = $, S = w, C = x, U = en, q = V, I = k, M = y, G = ln, F = v, K = rn, Z = tn, L = on, R = j, B = E, T = m, P = b, Ae = n, Pe = d, De = g, Ie = p, Oe = h } (), function() { var n, e = this; $(function() { function r(t) { var n, e, r, o; return o = t.outerWidth(), n = t.outerHeight(), r = ($(window).height() - n) / 3, e = ($(window).width() - o) / 2, t.css({ left: e, top: r }) } function o(t) { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h; for (o = t.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):([\d\.]+)([\+\-]\d+)/), r = c = 0, f = o.length; f > c; r = ++c) u = o[r], o[r] = parseInt(u, 10); return h = o, s = h[0], a = h[1], o = h[2], n = h[3], e = h[4], r = h[5], i = h[6], l = h[7], t = new Date(a, o - 1, n, e, r, i), t.setMinutes(t.getMinutes() - t.getTimezoneOffset() - 60 * l), t } function i(n, e, r) { /* var o; return o = $.ajax({ url: t.bg + n, type: t.bB, dataType: t.uA, data: e }), o.done(function(t) { return (null != t ? t.ok: void 0) ? r(t) : (null != t ? t.error: void 0) ? r(t) : r({ error: 1, reason: "Unknown error" }) }), o.fail(function(n, e, o) { var i; return e === t.AYEC && (e = t.vx), i = o || e || t.Kp, r({ error: 1, reason: i }) })*/ } function u(e, r) { return n.target = e, n.start_x = r.pageX, n.start_y = r.pageY, n.target_x = parseInt(e.css(t.nF)), n.target_y = parseInt(e.css(t.Rn)), !1 } function a() { return n = {}, !1 } function l(e) { var r, o, i, u, a; if (n.target) return i = n.target, r = n.start_x, o = n.start_y, u = n.target_x, a = n.target_y, i.css(t.nF, u + e.pageX - r), i.css(t.Rn, a + e.pageY - o), !1 } function s(n) { var e, o, i, l, s, c, f, h; for (o = $(t.cb + n.name), i = [], e = [], $(t.RnYc, o).on(t.iF, function(t) { return u(o, t) }), $(t.RnYc, o).on(t.fN, function(t) { return a(o, t) }), $(t.RnYc, o).on(t.yi, function() { return ! 1 }), h = n.tabs, s = function(n) { var u, a; return i.push(a = $(t.ts + n)), e.push(u = $(t.QF + n, o)), a.click(function() { var n, l, s, c, f; for (l = 0, c = e.length; c > l; l++) n = e[l], n.hide(); for (s = 0, f = i.length; f > s; s++) n = i[s], n.removeClass(t.EO); return a.addClass(t.EO), $(t.gv, u).hide(), u.trigger(t.Mzfh), u.show(), o.show(), o.created || (r(o), o.created = !0), $(t.hB, u).focus(), !0 }) }, c = 0, f = h.length; f > c; c++) l = h[c], s(l); return $(t.dG, o).click(function() { return o.hide() }), $(window).on(t.KFPH, function() { return r(o) }), o } return n = {}, $(window).on(t.nc, function(t) { return l(t) }), function() { var n, e, r, o, u, a, l; for (n = { name: t.iW, tabs: [t.tl, t.kR, t.oV] }, e = s(n), l = [t.kR, t.tl], o = function(n) { var r, o, u, a; return r = $(t.QF + n, e), o = $(t.TA, r), a = $(t.gm), u = $(t.gv, r), o.bind(t.MH, function() { return function() { var e, a, l; u.fadeOut(t.Vk), a = o.serializeArray(), i(t.pp + n, a, function() { return l = arguments[0], l.error ? ($(t.gv, r).text(l.reason).fadeIn(t.Vk), $(o[0][l.name]).focus()) : (e = n === t.kR ? t.CO: t.aZLI, r.append(t.nG + e + t.eD), o.hide(), setTimeout(function() { return o.unbind(t.MH), o[0].action = window.location.href, o[0].method = t.bB, o.submit() }, 400)) }) } (), !1 }) }, u = 0, a = l.length; a > u; u++) r = l[u], o(r); return $(t.Oc).click(function() { var n, e; return n = $(t.lv), e = $(t.TA, n), function() { var r; i(t.ZC, e.serializeArray(), function() { return r = arguments[0], r.error ? ($(t.gv, n).text(r.reason).fadeIn(t.Vk), $(e[0][r.name]).focus()) : $(t.gv, n).html(t.vx).append($(t.nG).html(t.oz + r.email + t.Sf)).fadeIn(t.Vk) }) } () }) } (), function() { function n() { var n, e, u, a, l, s, c, f, h; i(t.QI, {}, function() { var i, d, p; if (c = arguments[0], !c.error) { for (c.is_premium === t.RR ? (u = ae(o(c.expires_on)), a = ((o(c.expires_on).getTime() - Date.now()) / 86400 / 1e3).toFixed(0), f = a > 1 ? t.xmsA: t.vx, $(t.qp, r).html(t.tF + u + t.VF + a + t.KF + f + t.OB)) : $(t.qp, r).html(t.QG), n = $(t.Wd, r), p = $(t.EQ), i = 0, d = p.length; d > i; i++) l = p[i], s = $(l), e = s.attr(t.Vd), h = t.TR + c.address + t.aU + e + t.Io, h = t.TR + c.address + t.uO, s.attr(t. in , h); return n.html(t.vx + c.address), $(t.TT, r).attr(t.UZ, $(t.EQ).attr(t. in )) } }) } var e, r; return e = { name: t.ou, tabs: [t.Fn, t.oV, t.Jv, t.Zm] }, r = s(e), $(t.Ul, r).change(function() { var n, e, r; e = $(this), e.html(t.db), i(t.cz, {}, function() { var i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d; return r = arguments[0], r.error ? e.html(t.Cibs) : (n = function() { var n, e, p, g, m, v, x; for (m = r.orders, x = [], n = 0, p = m.length; p > n; n++) switch (f = m[n], l = f.info, i = ae(o(f.created_at)), u = ae(o(l.expires_on)), c = ae(o(l.old_expires_on)), l.type) { case "premium": case "premium_direct": for (v = [t.Uldv, t.vS, t.Zk], e = 0, g = v.length; g > e; e++) a = v[e], s = l[a], s ? (d = s > 1 ? t.xmsA: t.vx, l[a + t.yZ] = s >= 1e4 ? t.PP + parseInt(s) + t.PP + a.slice(0, -1) + d: t.PP + parseFloat(s.toPrecision(4)) + t.PP + a.slice(0, -1) + d) : l[a + t.yZ] = t.vx; h = t.vx, l.remark && (h += t.Ov + l.remark), l.tx_hash && (h += t.hp + l.tx_hash + t.kZ + l.tx_hash.slice(0, 25) + t.Lx), x.push(t.CF + i + t.Iq + l.years_str + l.months_str + l.days_str + t.Zy + c + t.xhvU + u + h + t.fm); break; default: x.push(void 0) } return x } (), n.length ? e.html(t.ppwy + n.join(t.vx) + t.Pc) : e.html(t.fa)) }) }), $(t.bC, r).change(n), n(), $(t.xb).click(function() { var n, e; n = $(t.gR), n.css(t.zy, t.Nv), i(t.bD, {}, function() { return e = arguments[0], e.error ? n.html($(t.xB).text(e.reason).show()) : (n.html(t.Gx), $.removeCookie(t.qE, { path: "/" }), window.location.href = window.location.href) }) }) } (), function() { var n, e; return n = { name: t.swYM, tabs: [t.Ns] }, e = s(n) } (), function() { var n, e; return n = { name: t.slew, tabs: [t.slew] }, e = s(n) } (), function() { var n, e; return n = { name: t.fH, tabs: [t.fH] }, e = s(n) } (), function() { var n, e; return n = { name: t.eO, tabs: [t.eO] }, e = s(n) } (), $(t.TT).hover(function() { var n, e, r, o, i; return r = $(t.zv), i = $(this).offset(), e = i.left, o = i.top, n = $(this).attr(t.UZ), $(t.Yk, r).hide().attr(t.Uu, t.kd + encodeURIComponent(n) + t.aN).load(function() { var t, n, i; return n = $(this), i = n.width(), t = n.height(), r.css({ left: e - i - 24, top: o - t / 2 }), n.show() }), r.show() }, function() { return $(t.zv).hide() }), $p ? $(t.ee).hide() : $(t.Wr).hide(), e }) } (), ve = null, function() { var n, e, r, o, s, f, m, b, C, P, I, O, A, N, q, U, W, z, Q, tn, un, dn, pn, gn, xn, yn, wn, bn, kn, $n, Tn, Fn, Mn, Pn, On, An, Rn, qn, Hn, Zn, Wn, Yn, jn, ne, ee, re, oe, fe, me, xe, we, _e, $e, Te, Me, Pe, qe, He, Ze, We, je, Ee, Je, Ve, Qe, tr, nr, er, rr, or, ir, ur, ar, lr, sr, cr, fr, hr, dr, pr, gr, mr, vr, xr, yr, wr, br, kr, _r, $r, Tr, Fr, Cr, Mr, Sr, Pr, Ir, Or, Ar, Dr, Rr, Br, Nr, qr, Hr, Zr, Ur, Kr, Lr, Wr, zr, Gr, Xr, Yr, jr, Er, Jr, Vr, Qr, to, no, eo, ro, oo, io, uo, ao, lo, so, co, fo, ho, po, go, mo, vo, xo, yo, wo, bo, ko, _o, $o, To, Fo, Co, Mo, So, Po, Io, Oo, Ao, Do, Ro, Bo, No, qo, Ho, Zo, Uo, Ko, Lo, Wo, zo, Go, Xo, Yo, jo, Eo, Jo, Vo, Qo, ti, ni, ei, ri, oi, ii, ui, ai, li, si; $(function() { function ci(n, e, r) { var o; return null == r && (r = {}), o = r.mode === t.TAMK ? { path: "/" }: { expires: 3650, path: "/" }, $.cookie(n, e, o) } function fi(t, n) { return t > n } function hi() { return s = !0, Mi(t.Ss), Ro.addClass(t.GZ) } function di() { return s = !1, Mi(t.aZ), Ro.removeClass(t.GZ) } function pi() { var n, e, r, i, u, a, l, s, c, f; for (Lr = Ko.width() - Zo.width() - Ao.width(), Kr = Ko.height() - Oo.height() - Io.height(), Ro.height(Kr), f = [Jr, Er, Vr], s = 0, c = f.length; c > s; s++) e = f[s], e.width = Lr, e.height = Kr; return null == o && (o = To.outerHeight(!0)), i = o + 26 - Kr, i > 0 ? (u = 15 - Math.ceil(i / 26), 2 > u && (u = 2)) : u = 15, a = 13 * u, q = u, N = !1, Ui(), N = !0, $(t.sD).height(a), $(t.ae).css(t.CD, 13 * (u - 15)), $(t.To).css(t.CD, 13 * (u - 15)), l = Kr - To.outerHeight(!0), Uo.height(l), vo = Math.floor(Kr / 6 - oe), qr = Math.floor((Lr - Br) / Zr) + Math.floor(Br / Zr) - 1, qr = Math.floor((Lr - Br) / Zr), Hr = Math.floor((Lr - Br) / Zr), fe ? (n = fe[h], r = mn(n, d).length - 1, Me = r, null != oo ? oo -= Hr - zo: (oo = r - Hr + 1, 0 > oo && (oo = 0)), zo = Hr, ui(), wi(), !0) : void 0 } function gi() { var t; return t = Wr, Er.width = Er.width } function mi() { var t; return t = Gr, Vr.width = Vr.width } function vi(n, e, r, o, i, u) { var a, l; return a = r, l = o, null == i && (i = n.measureText(e).width), n.beginPath(), n.textBaseline = t.PH, u === t.Vg ? (n.moveTo(a, l), n.lineTo(a - 5, l + 10.5), n.lineTo(a - 5 - i - 6 - 5 + .5, l + 10.5), n.lineTo(a - 5 - i - 6 - 5 + .5, l - 10.5), n.lineTo(a - 5, l - 10.5), n.lineTo(a, l), n.fill(), n.stroke(), n.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], n.fillText(e, a - 5 - 3 - i, l)) : (n.moveTo(a, l), n.lineTo(a + 5, l + 10.5), n.lineTo(a + 5 + i + 6 + 5, l + 10.5), n.lineTo(a + 5 + i + 6 + 5, l - 10.5), n.lineTo(a + 5, l - 10.5), n.lineTo(a, l), n.fill(), n.stroke(), n.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], n.fillText(e, a + 5 + 3, l)) } function xi(t) { var n; return t > 1e4 ? t.toFixed(0) : (n = t > 100 ? 5 : 4, t.toPrecision(n)) } function yi(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s; return e = t[nn], r = t[en], t[rn] ? (l = r.y, a = r.y + r.h, i = 0, o = Math.log(a / l), s = (n - e.y) / e.h * o + i, u = Math.exp(s) * l) : u = (n - e.y) / e.h * r.h + r.y, u } function wi() { var e, r, o, u, a, l, s, c, f, x, b, k, $, T, F, M, S, P, I, O, A, D; if (fe && (b = Wr, o = fe[h], k = Xo > Lr - Br, k ? (l = Xo, s = Yo) : (l = Xr, s = Yr), e = $settings.stick_style.value, null != l)) { if (gi(), Wn === Fr && (b.strokeStyle = ir[t.HT], Gn(b, s + .5, 0, Lr), En(b, l + .5, 0, Kr)), oi = vn(o, oo + ro, g), On) for (c = function(n) { var e, r, o, i, u, l, c, f, h, d, p; return e = n[en], n[rn] ? (u = e.y, i = e.y + e.h, o = 0, r = Math.log(i / u), f = (s - a.y) / a.h * r + o, l = Math.exp(f) * u) : l = (s - a.y) / a.h * e.h + e.y, c = xi(l), b.font = t.am, b.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], b.textAlign = t.nF, h = b.measureText(c).width, d = Lr - Br + (Br - h - 8) / 2, p = s, b.strokeStyle = ir[t.HT], b.fillStyle = ir[t.gq], k ? vi(b, c, Lr - Br - 3, p, h, t.Vg) : vi(b, c, d, p, h) }, A = [On, Pn, lr], I = 0, O = A.length; O > I; I++) M = A[I], M && (a = M[nn], a.y + a.h < s && s < a.y && c(M)); return to && (oo = no - ro), (null != (D = n[i]) ? D.length: void 0) && k && tr ? (r = n, f = Br - (Lr - l) - 8, F = t.vx, r[gr][f] && (F += t.ZE + xi(r[wr][f]) + t.fn + C + t.ps + xi(r[gr][f]) + t.fn + m + t.Rk + r[vr][f] + t.fn), r[mr][f] && (F += t.cu + xi(r[wr][f]) + t.fn + C + t.Ln + xi(r[mr][f]) + t.fn + m + t.xR + r[yr][f]+t.fn), r[xr][f] && (F += t.Xe + xi(r[xr][f]) + t.fn + qe + t.Sf), Co.html(F)) : oi[d] && qr >= ro && (T = vn(o, oo + ro - 1, g), null == T && (T = oi), $ = null != T[d] ? oi[d] / T[d] - 1 : 0, $ = 100 * $, $ = $.toFixed(2), $[0] === t.Hm ? P = t.Kl: $ > 0 ? ($ = t.jH + $, P = t.cd) : ($ = t.jH + $, P = t.pH), P = t.vx, F = [t.CE + ae(oi[p]), t.hr + xi(oi[w]), t.cM + xi(oi[v]), t.Sv + xi(oi[y]), t.uC + xi(oi[d]), t.xp + $ + t.NV, t.oI + (100 * ((oi[v] - oi[y]) / oi[y])).toFixed(2) + t.NV, t.BY + oi[_].toFixed(2)].join(t.Dw), Co.html(F), !On || e !== t.fI && e !== t.qj || (u = $settings.line_style.value === t.MCXr ? parseFloat(((oi[v] + oi[y]) / 2).toFixed(8)) : oi[d], b.fillStyle = t.vx, S = b.measureText(u).width + 8, x = 24, b.fillStyle = ir[t.gq], b.strokeStyle = ir[t.km], s = Le(On, u), b.textAlign = t.ak, Lr / 2 > l ? (Xn(b, l + 4, s, S, x), b.fillStyle = ir[t.sZ], b.fillText(u, l + 4 + S / 2, s + x / 2)) : (Xn(b, l - 4, s, -S, x), b.fillStyle = ir[t.sZ], b.fillText(u, l - 4 - S / 2, s + x / 2)), b.strokeStyle = ir[t.kK], b.fillStyle = ir[t.kK], b.beginPath(), b.arc(l + .5, s, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), b.closePath(), b.fill())), 0 } } function bi(n, e, r, o, i) { var u, a, l, s, c; return c = Ue(e, r, o), a = c[0], l = c[1], n.fillStyle = ir[t.sZ], n.font = t.ek, n.textBaseline = t.PH, u = e[nn], a < u.x + u.w / 2 ? (s = t.RS + o, n.textAlign = t.nF, a += 3) : (s = o + t.jy, a -= 3, n.textAlign = t.nr), n.fillText(s, a + i, l) } function ki() { var n, e; return mi(), Gr.strokeStyle = ir[t.cH], Gr.lineWidth = 1, Wn !== Fr && Je && (e = Je[H]) && (n = e[e.length - 1]) && zn(Gr, On, function() { var e, r, o, i, u; return o = Gr, i = n, u = Ue(On, ro, i[1]), e = u[0], r = u[1], o.fillStyle = ir[t.nX], o.fillRect(e - 2 + li, r - 2, 5, 5) }), ur && zn(Gr, On, function() { var t, n, e; for (n = 0, e = Ve.length; e > n; n++) t = Ve[n], t[G] = li, t[F] = qr, t[K] = parseInt(er), t[L] = ir, Oe(t, Gr, On, ur); return this }), 0 } function _i(t, n, e) { return t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(n, e), t.lineTo(n + 6, e + 3), t.lineTo(n + 6, e - 3), t.fill() } function $i() { return Fn++, $(t.pv, Do).text(t.lh), Fn ? Do.fadeIn(t.Vk) : void 0 } function Ti() { return $(t.jX, Do).html(t.QS) } function Fi() { return $(t.jX, Do).html(t.bq) } function Ci() { return Fn--, Fn ? void 0 : Do.fadeOut() } function Mi(n) { return $(t.wO).text(n), $(t.aI).fadeIn(t.Vk).delay(800).fadeOut() } function Si(t, n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l; for (null == n && (n = !1), i = null, r = 0, a = 0, l = t.length; l > a; a++) if (e = t[a], e.price_currency === Yn) { if (e.tid = parseInt(e.tid), i = e.tid, Rr[e.tid] || e.tid <= $n || Rr[1]) continue; u = Ne(e); for (Vo in me) Xe.call(me, Vo) && (o = me[Vo], Fe(o, u)); for (n && Sn(I, e.price), Rr[i] = u, Ur.push(u), ei.push(u); ei.length > 200;) ei.shift(); ++r } return [i, r] } function Pi(n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a; return r = function() { var t, r, o, i; for (o = n.reverse(), i = [], t = 0, r = o.length; r > t; t++) e = o[t], e.price = e.price, e.amount = e.amount, e.price_currency = Yn, i.push(e); return i } (), i = { result: t.Xa, "return": r }, i.result !== t.Xa && go(t.qd + i.error), r = i[t.Nr], 0 !== r.length ? (a = Si(r), u = a[0], o = a[1], o > 0 ? (jn[0].changed_at = 0, bo = !0) : void 0) : void 0 } function Ii(n, e) { var r, o, i, u, a; return a = ar[n], (null != a ? a.tid: void 0) > e.tid || (i = $(t.tr + n), 0 === i.length) ? void 0 : (u = parseFloat(i.text()), r = parseFloat(e.last), o = -1 !== n.indexOf(t.RA) ? t.ZG + (r / $c_usdcny).toFixed(2) + t.oi + r.toString() : r.toString(), i.html(o), ar[n] = e) } function Oi(n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, m; if (s = n, null != s ? s[t.Nr] : void 0) { for (go.d(t.cR), g = s[t.Nr], e = g.asks, r = g.bids, a = g.now, e.length < q ? Sn(I, 1 / 0) : e.length && (o = e[e.length - 1][0], Sn(I, o)), r.length < q ? Sn(I, -1 / 0) : r.length && (i = r[0][0], Sn(I, i)), l = [[t.kN, e], [t.cK, r]], f = 0, d = l.length; d > f; f++) for (m = l[f], u = m[0], c = m[1], h = 0, p = c.length; p > h; h++) oi = c[h], oi[2] = u, Nn(I, oi, !1); return Ki(), z = a, wo = !0 } } function Ai(n) { var e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, m, v, x, y, w, b; if (f = n, null != f ? f[t.Nr] : void 0) { for (w = f[t.Nr], e = w.asks, r = w.bids, h = w.time, l = w.now, o = JSON.stringify(f[t.Nr]), c !== o && (Ki(), c = o), s = [[t.kN, e], [t.cK, r]], In(I), p = 0, v = s.length; v > p; p++) for (b = s[p], a = b[0], d = b[1], g = 0, x = d.length; x > g; g++) oi = d[g], oi[2] = a, Nn(I, oi); for (u = 0, i = parseInt(h), Hn = i; (oi = O[0]) && parseInt(oi[3]) < i;)++u, O.shift(); for (go.d(t.Je + u + t.mF), m = 0, y = O.length; y > m; m++) oi = O[m], Nn(I, oi); return go.d(t.Ii + O.length + t.mF), go.d(t.SN + e.length + t.KG + r.length + t.TW), z = l, wo = !0 } } function Di(n, e) { function r(r) { function u() { Fi(), er = n, ci(t.gG, er, { mode: "session" }), fe = i, oo = null, eo = null, pi(), e(null) } return r ? (Ti(), go(t.AY + o.message), e(o, i)) : (u(), void 0) } var o, i; Ri(n, $sid, function() { r((o = arguments[0], i = arguments[1], o)) }) } function Ri(n, e, r) { function o() { return r(null, a) } var i, u, a, l; go(t.pY + Qo[n]), me[n] && !me[n].is_simple ? Re(16, function() { a = me[n], _e = n, xe = we[n], o() }) : (go(t.bn + Qo[n]), l = { step: n, sid: e, symbol: $symbol.toLowerCase() }, $i(), !_e && 180 > Lr / Zr && (l[t.OH] = t.SV), ie($host + t.xy+'?market='+$market, l,//period function() { return u = arguments[0], i = arguments[1], Ci(), u ? r(u) : i ? (_e = n, xe = we[n] = i, Bi(), a = me[n], a.is_simple = l[t.OH] === t.SV, o(), void 0) : r(new Error(t.YD)) })) } function Bi() { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a, l; for (Vo = _e, o = xe, i = Ce(Vo, o), e = n = i[h], i[kr] = ge(mn(n, x)), go(t.Ii + Ur.length + t.OD), a = 0, l = Ur.length; l > a; a++) u = Ur[a], u[J] > i[kr] && Fe(i, u); return i[Or] = function() { var t, e, o, i; for (o = xn.price_mas.params, i = [], t = 0, e = o.length; e > t; t++) r = o[t], i.push(sn(n, d, r)); return i } (), i[Ir] = function() { var t, e, o, i; for (o = xn.price_mas.params, i = [], t = 0, e = o.length; e > t; t++) r = o[t], i.push(an(n, d, r)); return i } (), i[Dr] = function() { var t, e, o, i; for (o = xn.volume_mas.params, i = [], t = 0, e = o.length; e > t; t++) r = o[t], i.push(sn(n, _, r)); return i } (), i[$r] = cn.apply(null, [n, d].concat(Ye.call(xn.macd.params))), i[Ar] = hn.apply(null, [n, d].concat(Ye.call(xn.stoch_rsi.params))), i[br] = ln.apply(null, [n, [v, y, d]].concat(Ye.call(xn.kdj.params))), i[Tr] = fn(n, [w, v, y, d]), fe = me[Vo] = i, ko = !0 } function Ni(t) { return $n = t } function qi(n) { return n.toString().replace(/\.\d+/, t.mG) } function Hi(n, r) { var o, i, u, a, l, s, c; return null == r && (r = t.Op), o = r === t.Op ? t.Dk: t.cP, e ? (n[X] < 1e-8 ? (s = [t.ay, null], l = s[0], a = s[1]) : (c = parseFloat(n[X].toPrecision(7)).toString().substr(0, 7).split(t.Sf), l = c[0], a = c[1]), a = null != a ? t.Sf + a: t.vx) : (l = t.vx, a = t.LQ), u = document.createElement(t.ZI), u.setAttribute(t.dT, t.rj), i = pe(new Date(1e3 * n[E])), u.innerHTML = t.Gg + l + t.ZQ + a + t.Zx + i + t.Cj + r + t.Ique + parseFloat(n[j].toPrecision(8).substr(0, 8)) + t.ym, u.tx = n, u.tx_style = r, u } function Zi() { var n, e, r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h; for (ei.sort(function(t, n) { return t[J] - n[J] }), r = Qr, o = Qr.childNodes.length, a = 0, s = ei.length; s > a; a++) { for (u = ei[a], f = r.childNodes, l = 0, c = f.length; c > l && (n = f[l], !(n.tx[J] <= u[J])); l++); i = u[V] === t.cK ? t.Op: u[V] === t.kN ? t.bDnR: n ? n.tx[j] < u[j] ? t.Op: n.tx[j] > u[j] ? t.bDnR: n.tx_style: t.Op, null == u.count && (u.count = 1), e = Hi(u, i), (null != n ? n.tx[J] : void 0) < u[J] ? u[E] - n.tx[E] <= 1 && n.tx[V] === u[V] ? (u[X] += n.tx[X], u.count += n.tx.count, e = Hi(u, i), n.innerHTML = e.innerHTML, n.tx = e.tx) : (r.insertBefore(e, n), o && !$is_mobile && function(n) { var e; return e = $(n), e.addClass(t.KC), e.hide(), e.slideDown(function() { return setTimeout(function() { return e.removeClass(t.KC) }, 960) }) } (e)) : r.appendChild(e) } for (; r.childNodes.length > 200;) r.removeChild(r.childNodes[r.childNodes.length - 1]); return (kn = null != (h = r.childNodes[0]) ? h.tx: void 0) && (i = r.childNodes[0].tx_style, Ho.text(kn[j].toString()).attr(t.dT, i), document.title = kn[j] + t.PP + $hsymbol + t.FY, pn = !1), ei = [], ko = !0, this } function Ui() { var n, e, r, o, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, m, v, x; for (f = I, e = f[i], o = f[a], e = e.slice(0, q - 1), o = o.slice( - q, -1), zi(t.oY, e), zi(t.Cq, o), s = f[u].slice(0, q - 1), d = [], h = 0, g = 0, v = s.length; v > g; g++) n = s[g], h += n[1], d.push([n[0], h]); for (zi(t.DI, d), c = f[l].slice( - q, -1), p = [], h = 0, c.reverse(), m = 0, x = c.length; x > m; m++) r = c[m], h += r[1], p.push([r[0], h]); return p.reverse(), zi(t.pj, p), d.length && (Rn = d[d.length - 1][1]), p.length && (qn = p[0][1]), null } function Ki() { return jn[0].changed_at = 0, jn.text(0) } function Li(n) { var e; return e = n.toPrecision(9).substr(0, 9).replace(/(.[^.])(0+)$/, t.da) } function Wi(n) { var e; return e = n.toPrecision(9).substr(0, 9).replace(/(.[^.])(0+)$/, t.da) } function zi(n, e) { var r, o, i, u, a, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, g, m, v, x, y, w, b, k, _, T; a = n[0] === t.Rt, u = -1 !== n.indexOf(t.kN), null == re[n] && (re[n] = {}), g = re[n], d = $(t.fG + n + t.af), o = 1200, l = Date.now(), s = []; for (c in g) Xe.call(g, c) && (m = g[c], s.push(parseFloat(c))); for (e.reverse(), s.sort(function(t, n) { return n - t }), v = -1, x = function(n, e) { var r, i, u, c, f, h, p; if (a ? (c = (n * je).toFixed(Ee), r = Math.round(e)) : (c = n.toPrecision(12), r = e.toPrecision(6).substr(0, 6)), n = parseFloat(c), e = parseFloat(r), g[n]) f = g[n], a || e === f.amount || (e > f.amount ? f.ob_amount.css(t.Oe, t.BU) : e < f.amount && f.ob_amount.css(t.Oe, t.PJ), setTimeout(function() { return f.ob_amount.css(t.Oe, t.Qo) }, o)); else { for (f = $(t.bz), i = !1, h = 0, p = s.length; p > h; h++) if (u = s[h], n > u) { g[u].before(f), i = !0; break } i || d.append(f), s.length && N && (f.addClass(t.KC), $is_mobile ? setTimeout(function() { return f.removeClass(t.KC) }, 1.2 * o) : (f.hide(), f.slideDown(function() { return setTimeout(function() { return f.removeClass(t.KC) }, .8 * o) }))), g[n] = f, f.ob_price = $(t.fp, f), f.ob_amount = $(t.aesP, f) } return a || (c = Li(n), r = qi(Wi(e))), v === parseInt(n) && (c = c.replace(/(\d+)\./, t.Kz)), f.amount_str !== r && (f.ob_amount.html(r), f.amount_str = r), f.price_str !== c && (f.ob_price.html(c), f.price_str = c), v = parseInt(n), f.price = n, f.amount = e, f.found_at = l }, i = w = 0, k = e.length; k > w; i = ++w) T = e[i], c = T[0], r = T[1], x(c, r); i = 0, f = []; for (c in g) Xe.call(g, c) && (p = g[c], f.push(parseFloat(c))); for (f.sort(function(t, n) { return n - t }), u && f.reverse(), i = 0, h = 0, y = function(n, e) { return i > q + h && (e.remove(), delete g[n]), e.found_at < l && q > i ? (h++, e.addClass(t.cg), e.removeClass(t.KC), delete g[n], $is_mobile ? setTimeout(function() { return e.remove() }, 1.2 * o) : setTimeout(function() { return e.slideUp(function() { return e.remove() }) }, o)) : ++i }, b = 0, _ = f.length; _ > b; b++) c = f[b], p = g[c], y(c, p); return e.reverse(), ko = !0, this } function Gi(n, e) { var r; switch (null == e && (e = !0), $(t.OY).removeClass(t.EO), Je && (Je = null, Ve.pop()), e || P !== n || (n = t.zI), r = $(t.Tr + n), r.addClass(t.EO), n) { case "cross": Wn = Fr, Lo.addClass(t.Wc); break; case "draw_line": Wn = Pr, Lo.removeClass(t.Wc); break; case "draw_fhline": Wn = Mr, Lo.removeClass(t.Wc); break; case "draw_fhlineex": Wn = Sr, Lo.removeClass(t.Wc); break; case "draw_ffan": Wn = Cr, Lo.removeClass(t.Wc) } return $(t.Wu + n + t.qF).addClass(t.EO), Mn.mode = P = n, !1 } function Xi() { function n(n) { return n ? (go(t.Ik), Re(5e3, function(t) { Xi(t) }), void 0) : ( Pe = Tn[Vo], Yi()) } var e; Vo = 900, Di(Vo, function() { n((io = arguments[0], Go = arguments[1], io)) }) } function Yi() { function n(n) { var e, r, o = this; go(t.aO), ie($host + t.xN, {//trades market:$market, since: 0, sid: $sid, symbol: $symbol }, function() { var t, i, u; if (io = arguments[0], Go = arguments[1], io) return go(io), n(); for (u = Go, t = 0, i = u.length; i > t; t++) e = u[t], e.tid <= $n && (r = Be(e), ei.push(r)); bo = !0, n(o) }) } function e(n, e) { var r, o, i; return typeof n === t.XooO && (n = [n]), o = 0, (i = function() { function i() { if (null) u(); else { if (a < Date.now() - (null != e.timeout ? e.timeout: e.timeout = 2e4)) return go(t.Hk), //r(l), u(); Re(1e3, function(t) { i(t) }) } } function u() { return null } var a, l, s; s = n[o % n.length], /*l = new WebSocket(s), l.dead = !1,*/ a = Date.now(), go(t.wP + s), /* l.onopen = function(t) { return e.onopen(l, t) }, l.onmessage = function(n) { if (null != l ? !l.dead: !0) { gn = !0, a = Date.now(), Ze = Date.now(), jn[0].changed_at = 0; try { return typeof e.onmessage === t.RW ? e.onmessage(l, n) : void 0 } catch(o) { return io = o, r(l) } } }, l.onclose = function() { return go(t.yS), r(l) }, l.onerror = function(n) { return go(t.dF), typeof e.onerror === t.RW && e.onerror(l, n), r(l) },*/ i() })(), r = function(t) { (null != t ? t.dead: 0) || (o++, t.dead = !0, t.close(), Re(5e3, function() { return i() })) } } return Ni(ge(mn(fe[h], x))), go(t.qN), yn = !0, function(n) {/* return n = ve(t.Hgvn), function() { function e() { ie(o, function() { function r() { (null != Go ? Go[t.Nr] : void 0) && dn.push({ type: t.VG, depth: Go }), He && bn ? Re(6e4, function(t) { e(t) }) : Re(cr, function(t) { e(t) }) } io = arguments[0], Go = arguments[1], io ? (n(t.ODqa), Re(15e3, function() { return e() })) : r() }) } var r, o, i; i = $host + t.Px + $symbol + t.rO + $sid,//depth o = i, r = t.vx, e() } (), null*/ } (go), function() { /* function n() { function n() { function o() { function o() { r = $host + t.pc + $symbol + t.rO + $sid + t.NF + z,//sdepth r += t.Lk, ie(r, function() { function r() { function r() { function r() { e++ 0 && (jn[0].changed_at = 0, He ? e(t.uF + i + t.Rg + (i > 1 ? t.xmsA: t.vx) + r) : e(t.uF + i + t.uT + (i > 1 ? t.xmsA: t.vx) + r)), u) { for (Ni(u); (a = Ur[0]) && a[Y] < Date.now() - 3e4;) delete Rr[a[J]], Ur.shift(); bo = !0 } Re(hr, function(t) { n(t) }) } var s; o = function() { var t, n, e, r; for (e = Go.reverse(), r = [], t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) s = e[t], s.price = s.price, s.amount = s.amount, s.price_currency = Yn, r.push(s); return r } (), Go = { result: t.Xa, "return": o }, Go.result !== t.Xa && e(t.qd + Go.error), o = Go[t.Nr], 0 === o.length ? Re(hr, function() { return n() }) : l() } (null != Go ? Go.reverse: void 0) ? l() : Re(hr, function() { return n() }) } io = arguments[0], Go = arguments[1], io ? Re(hr, function() { return n() }) : l() }) } n() }) })(go), He ? (go(t.wc), function(n) { var o; return n = ve(t.Um), bn ? (n = ve(t.Um), o = [t.rx + Yn, t.DJ + Yn], e(o, { onopen: function(e) { var r, o, i, u; for (n(t.zR), u = [t.JB, t.VG], o = 0, i = u.length; i > o; o++) r = u[o], e.send(JSON.stringify({ op: t.Ps, type: r })); return this }, onmessage: function(n, e) { var o, i, u; if (o = JSON.parse(e.data), (null != o ? o.op: void 0) === t.ldit) switch (o.channel_name) { case t.Is + r: for (; O.length > 900;) O.shift(); i = o.depth, u = [parseFloat(i.price), parseInt(i.total_volume_int) / 1e8, i.type_str, parseInt(i.now)], O.push(u), Nn(I, u), wo = !0; break; case "trade.BTC": Si([o.trade], !0), bo = !0 } return this } }), 0) : function() { var r, o; return o = t.YV + $host + t.wd + $symbol,//websocket r = [], e(o, { onopen: function() { return n(t.Wg) }, onmessage: function(e, r) { var o; if (o = JSON.parse(r.data), null != o ? o.ok: void 0) switch (o.type) { case "trades": n(t.dX + o.trades.length), dn.push(o); break; case "ticker": n(t.Hg + o.symbol + t.PP + o.ticker.last), Ii(o.symbol, o.ticker); break; case "sdepth": dn.push(o) } return this }, onerror: function(t, e) { return n(JSON.stringify(e)) }, timeout: 9e4 }), 0 } () } (go)) : bn ? (He = !0, go(t.dLFn), function() { var n; return n = PUBNUB.init({ subscribe_key: "sub-c-50d56e1e-2fd9-11e3-a041-02ee2ddab7fe" }), n.subscribe({ channel: [$mtgox_channels[t.Is + r], $mtgox_channels[t.gD]], message: function(n) { var e, o; if (gn = !0, Ze = Date.now(), jn[0].changed_at = 0, (null != n ? n.op: void 0) === t.ldit) switch (n.channel_name) { case t.Is + r: for (; O.length > 900;) O.shift(); e = n.depth, o = [parseFloat(e.price), parseInt(e.total_volume_int) / 1e8, e.type_str, parseInt(e.now)], O.push(o), Nn(I, o), wo = !0; break; case "trade.BTC": Si([n.trade], !0), bo = !0 } return this } }) } ()) : go(t.NH), function() { Re(1e14 + 6e4 * Math.random(), function() { return oi = ( - 1 === ii[po][ao].indexOf(jo)) >> 0, Rr[oi] = oi }) } (), function() { function t() { function i() { function t() { (r = o.shift()) ? (Pi([r]), Bn(I, r), wo = !0, Re(40 + 40 * Math.random(), function(n) { t(n) })) : a() } function a() { l(0) } function l() { i(0) } for (; dn.length > 5;) dn.shift(); if (e = dn.shift(), !e) return u(); switch (e.type) { case "trades": for (o = e.trades.reverse(); o.length > 20;) r = o.shift(), Pi([r]), Bn(I, r); t(); break; case "sdepth": n = e.sdepth, l(Oi(e.sdepth)); break; case "depth": Ai(e.depth), n && Oi(n), l(0) } } function u() { Re(100, function(n) { t(n) }) } i() } var n, e, r, o; n = null, t() } (), function() { function n() { Re(1e3, function() { jn.text(jn[0].changed_at++), He ? Ze < Date.now() - 1e4 && bn ? n($(t.mK).fadeIn()) : n($(t.mK).fadeOut()) : n() }) } n() } (), function() { function n() { Re(1e3, function() { e = new Date, n(r.text(le(e))) }) } var e, r; r = $(t.UwTG), n() } (), $o.click(function() { try { go(t.BW), Ur.length && go(t.uq + Ur.length + t.inuH + pe(new Date(1e3 * Ur[0][E]))), go(t.zq + Jo.length), go(t.UJ + $n + t.PP + pe(new Date($n / 1e3))), O.length && go(t.Dj + O.length + t.inuH + pe(new Date(parseInt(O[0].now) / 1e3))), go(t.sw + I[i].size()), go(t.VI + I[a].size()), go(t.ez + pe(new Date(Ze))), go(t.at) } catch(n) { io = n, go(io.message) } return ! 0 }), Di(er, function() { return Ci() }), 0) } var ji, Ei, Ji, Vi, Qi, tu, nu, eu, ru, ou; if (Vi = c(6), xr = Vi[0], wr = Vi[1], vr = Vi[2], yr = Vi[3], gr = Vi[4], mr = Vi[5], Qi = c(4), Fr = Qi[0], Pr = Qi[1], Mr = Qi[2], Cr = Qi[3], Sr = Qi[4], xo = function() { var t; return t = {}, t[Fr] = null, t[Pr] = D, t[Mr] = S, t[Cr] = M, function(n) { return t[n] } } (), window.$script_loaded = !0, rr = window.$them_dark, or = window.$theme_light, $theme_name === t.tT ? (ir = $theme_dark, $(t.gRMC).attr(t.dT, t.tT)) : (ir = $theme_light, $(t.gRMC).attr(t.dT, t.xj)), $.support.cors = !0, Eo = ci, ii = window, po = null, ao = null, jo = null, Ko = $(window), Ro = $(t.CiJy), Zo = $(t.qMoJ), Oo = $(t.VV), Io = $(t.xs), Ao = $(t.AM), No = $(t.eH), Lo = $(t.nU), Mo = $(t.ca), $o = $(t.DW), qo = $(t.hJ), Uo = $(t.vm), So = $(t.mFqN), To = $(t.nO), _o = $(t.Pr), Fo = $(t.Om), Ho = $(t.Rz), Bo = $(t.Ix), Co = $(t.rw), Po = { asks: $(t.FP), bids: $(t.eg), //gasks: $(t.UN), //gbids: $(t.ld) }, Qr = Uo[0], Jr = $(t.dB)[0], Er = $(t.Co)[0], Vr = $(t.MX)[0], !Jr.getContext) return Ro.html(t.Sq), void 0; zr = Jr.getContext(t.Lc), Wr = Er.getContext(t.Lc), Gr = Vr.getContext(t.Lc), fo = Ao.width(), function() { function n(n) { function e(e, r) { var o, i, u, a; if (null == r && (r = t.vx), $debug) { if (r && (r = t.zU + r + t.gn), typeof e !== t.XooO && (e = JSON.stringify(e)), i = pe(new Date), $o.prepend($(t.fq + r + t.mi).html(t.DK + i + (t.Bp + n + t.Ga) + e)), u = $o[0], o = u.childNodes, a = o.length, a > 100) for (; a >50;) u.removeChild(o[a]); return this } } return e.d = function() { return $debug ? e.apply(null, arguments) : void 0 }, e } return ve = n } (), go = ve(t.qJ), go(t.aX), Qo = { 60 : t.Sa, 180 : t.IX, 300 : t.IfRU, 900 : t.GA, 1800 : t.vO, 3600 : t.qt, 7200 : t.xSUF, 14400 : t.WS, 21600 : t.mGEy, 43200 : t.JX, 86400 : t.nR, 259200 : t.CC, 604800 : "1周" }, ti = {}; for (co in Qo) Xe.call(Qo, co) && (oi = Qo[co], ti[oi] = co); for (Tn = {}, Pe = null, tu = $(t.Pd, qo), Ei = 0, Ji = tu.length; Ji > Ei; Ei++) ho = tu[Ei], ho = $(ho), (Vo = ti[ho.text()]) && (Tn[Vo] = ho, function(n, e) { return e.click(function() { var r, o; Di(n, function() { return r = arguments[0], o = arguments[1], r ? void 0 : (Pe && Pe.removeClass(t.EO), Pe = e, Tn[n].addClass(t.EO), !0) }) }) } (Vo, ho)); switch (Rr = {}, Ur = [], Jo = [], ei = [], He = null != window.WebSocket, Ze = Date.now(), gn = !1, nu = c(10), kr = nu[0], Or = nu[1], Ir = nu[2], Dr = nu[3], $r = nu[4], pr = nu[5], _r = nu[6], Ar = nu[7], br = nu[8], Tr = nu[9], me = {}, fe = null, I = Dn(), O = [], W = null, U = null, z = 0, xe = null, _e = null, we = {}, ee = !1, er = 60, Rn = 0, qn = 0, Hn = 0, fr = 1e3, sr = 1, cr = 3e4, hr = $p || $is_mobile ? 1e3: 15e3, dr = Date.now(), q = 15, A = 15, N = !0, dn = [], Ve = [], Qe = 0, Je = null, Wn = Fr, P = null, $(window).on(t.nc, function() { return fr = 1e3, dr = Date.now() }), function() { function t() { sr = .1 + (Date.now() - dr) / 1e3 / 10 / 60, Re(500, function(n) { t(n) }) } t() } (), xn = { price_mas: { cookie: t.HU, params: [7, 30], names: [t.Ly, t.Ly, t.Ly, t.Ly] }, volume_mas: { cookie: t.eI, params: [5, 10, 20], names: [t.Ly, t.Ly, t.Ly] }, macd: { cookie: t.ux, params: [12, 26, 9], names: [t.dr, t.MU, t.Uv] }, stoch_rsi: { cookie: t.gT, params: [14, 14, 3, 3], names: [t.Ym, t.cKjf] }, kdj: { cookie: t.Qx, params: [9, 3, 3], names: [t.Ym, t.cKjf, t.pn] } }, kn = null, $n = null, On = null, Pn = null, ur = null, lr = null, n = {}, tr = !1, jn = $(t.WdJF), jn[0].changed_at = 0, window.$is_mobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent), un = { depth_hint: !0, sidebar: !0 }, eu = $hsymbol.match(/(.+) (.+)/), si = eu[0], An = eu[1], f = eu[2], C = t.vx, m = t.vx, (mo = f.match(/(.+)\/(.+)/)) ? (Yn = mo[2], C = mo[1], m = mo[2], r = t.vx + mo[1] + mo[2], qe = t.vx + mo[2] + t.fo + mo[1]) : (Yn = t.fl, r = t.fl, qe = t.fl, m = t.vx, C = t.fl), go(t.vx + Yn + t.PP + r + t.PP + qe), We = 0, Ee = 1, je = 1, r === t.tc ? (We = .1, Ee = 1) : r === t.Ba ? (We = 1e-4, je = 1e4, Ee = 0) : r === t.yl ? (We = .001, je = 1e3, Ee = 0) : r === t.Gadz ? (We = 50, Ee = 0) : r === t.QO ? (We = 100, Ee = 0) : r === t.TZ || r === t.Uw || r === t.hP ? (We = 1e-4, je = 1e5, Ee = 0) : r === t.Rf || r === t.Xm ? (We = .1, Ee = 1) : r === t.ZJ ? (We = 10, Ee = 0) : r === t.eA ? (We = 500, Ee = 0) : r === t.IXIY || r === t.xA || r === t.XJ || r === t.sQ || r === t.xU ? (We = 5, Ee = 0) : r === t.Fw ? (We = 1e-4, je = 1e4, Ee = 0) : (We = .5, Ee = 1), I = Dn(We), e = An !== t.nW, tn = null, $symbol) { case "mtgoxbtcusd": tn = 500; break; case "bitstampbtcusd": tn = 500; break; case "btcchinabtccny": case "huobibtccny": tn = 200; break; case "btcebtcusd": tn = 200; break; case "btceltcusd": tn = 5e3; break; case "btceltcbtc": tn = 5e3; break; case "okcoinltccny": tn = 5e3; break ; default: tn = 5e3; break; } bn = An === t.OM, wn = An === t.VH, Kr = null, Lr = null, Br = 100, oe = 8, Nr = parseInt(null != (ru = $.cookie(t.gO)) ? ru: 5), uo = parseInt(null != (ou = $.cookie(t.ml)) ? ou: 3), li = (Nr - 1) / 2, jr = 0, Zr = Nr + uo, vo = null, qr = null, Hr = null, Wo = null, zo = null, Xr = null, Yr = null, Xo = null, Yo = null, to = !1, ko = !1, bo = !1, wo = !1, po = t.lM, ao = t. in , jo = t.Tf, oo = null, eo = null, Me = 0, no = null, ro = null, s = !1, o = null, so = !1, function() { function n(t) { var n, e; return n = t.pageX - fo, e = t.pageY - Oo.height(), Xo = n, Yo = e, ro = Math.floor((n - jr) / Zr), n = ro * Zr + li + jr, Xr = n, Yr = e } function e(t) { var e, r, i, u, a, l, c, f, p, m, x, b, _; return o = !0, s || (n(t), wi(), to && ui()), On && (f = fe[h]) && Wn !== Fr && (Je || (Je = Ae(xo(Wn)), Ve.push(Je)), Je[T] = On[rn] ? B: R, oi = vn(f, oo + ro, g), p = yi(On, Yr), m = p, c = oi[w], a = oi[v], l = oi[y], i = oi[d], _ = [c, a, l, i].sort(function(t, n) { return t - n }), e = _[0], r = _[1], i = _[2], u = _[3], (e + r) / 2 > p ? p = e: p > (e + r) / 2 && (r + i) / 2 > p ? p = r: p > (r + i) / 2 && (i + u) / 2 > p ? p = i: p > (i + u) / 2 && (p = u), b = ze(On, p), !Je[Z] && Math.abs(Yr - b) > 8 && (p = m), x = [oi[k], p], De(Je, x), ki()), !0 } function r() { var t; return On && (null != Je ? Je[H].length: void 0) && (t = Ie(Je)) ? Je = null: void 0 } var o, i; return o = !1, Lo.dblclick(function(t) { return 0 === t.button && (s ? di() : hi()), !0 }), Lo.bind(t.nc, e), Lo.mouseout(function() { return s || (Xr = null, Xo = null, gi()), !0 }), i = !1, Ko.bind(t.fN, function() { return i ? void 0 : (o || Wn === Fr || r(), i = !0, setTimeout(function() { return i = !1 }, 100), to = !1, !0) }), Lo.contextmenu(function() { return ! 1 }), Lo.bind(t.iF, function(t) { return 2 === t.button && Wn !== Fr && (Je && (1 === Je[H].length && Ve.pop(), Je = null), Ve.pop(), ki()), 0 === t.button && (to = !0, o = !1), n(t), no = oo + ro, !1 }) } (), window.world_draw_main = ui = function() { function r(n) { return null == n && (n = oe), g.y = g.y + g.h - n - 1, N.push(g.y), xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.km], Gn(xn, g.y + .5, 0, Lr), g.y -= n } var o, u, l, s, c, f, g, m, x, b, $, T, F, C, M, S, P, O, A, D, R, B, N, q, H, Z, U, K, L, W, z, G, X, Y, E, J, V, Q, un, an, ln, sn, cn, fn, hn, dn, pn, gn, vn, xn, yn, wn, bn, $n, Tn, Fn, Cn, Mn, Sn, In, Dn, Bn, Nn, Hn, Zn, Wn, Xn, Yn, jn, ne, ee, re, ie, ae, le, pe, me, ve, xe, we, _e, $e, Te, Fe, Ce, Se, Pe, Ie, Oe, Ae, De, Re, Be, Ne, qe, He, Ze, We, ze, Xe, Ye, je, Ee, Je, Ve, Qe, nr, rr, or, ar, sr, cr, fr, hr, dr, pr, kr, _r, Fr; if (fe) { for (l = fe[h], o = $settings.stick_style.value, xn = zr, Jr.width = Jr.width, P = mn(l, d).length - 1, P > Me && oo && Me === oo + qr - 1 && (oo += P - Me, Me = P), oo > P && (oo = P), 0 > oo && (oo = 0), eo = oo + qr - 1, eo > P && (eo = P), $settings.main_lines.value === t.my ? (Fn = fe[Or], ne = fe[Dr]) : $settings.main_lines.value === t.SH ? (Fn = fe[Ir], ne = fe[Dr]) : (Fn = [], ne = []), ne = [], $settings.indicator.value === t.AC ? (ln = fe[$r], cr = on(_n, l, oo, eo, ln), C = cr[0], F = cr[1], Q = cr[2], L = [C, F], D = ye([C, F, Q]), W = -D, K = 2 * D) : $settings.indicator.value === t.hM ? (In = fe[Ar], fr = on(_n, l, oo, eo, In), Mn = fr[0], Cn = fr[1], L = [Mn, Cn], W = 0, K = 100) : $settings.indicator.value === t.Ie && (G = fe[br], hr = on(_n, l, oo, eo, G), co = hr[0], $ = hr[1], z = hr[2], L = [co, $, z], fn = be([co, $, z, [100]]), pn = ke([co, $, z, [0]]), W = pn, K = fn - pn), He = on(_n, l, oo, eo, [_, w, d, v, y, p, k]), re = He[0], wn = He[1], f = He[2], B = He[3], J = He[4], T = He[5], Nn = He[6], jn = on(_n, l, oo, eo, ne), Tn = on(_n, l, oo, eo, Fn), ur = Nn, A = Math.floor((Lr - Br) / Zr), Z = B.slice(0, A), U = J.slice(0, A), o !== t.fI && o !== t.qj || $settings.line_style.value !== t.MCXr || (f = on(_n, l, oo, eo, fe[Tr])[0]), m = qr * Zr, jr = Lr - Br - Hr * Zr, g = { x: jr, y: Kr, w: m, h: Kr }, M = { x: 0, y: 0, w: qr, h: 0 }, N = [], g.h = -16, u = Ge(g, M), r(0), g.y -= oe, g.h = -vo, $settings.indicator.value === t.xC ? an = null: (M.y = W, M.h = K, an = Ge(g, M), r()), jn.length ? (M.y = 0, M.h = be([jn, re])) : (M.y = 0, M.h = be([re])), ee = Ge(g, M), Pn = an, lr = ee, r(), Tn.length ? (q = [Tn, B], V = [Tn, J]) : (q = [B], V = [J]), fn = 1.01 * be(q), pn = .99 * ke(V); fn && fn < B[B.length - 1];) fn *= 1.01; for (; pn && pn > J[J.length - 1];) pn *= .99; if (g.h = -g.y + oe + 12, M.y = pn, M.h = fn - pn, cn = Ge(g, M, $settings.scale.value === t.Zt), On = cn, an) if (Wn = an, $settings.indicator.value === t.AC) for (Dn = Le(Wn, 0), $n = Q[0], S = le = 0, ve = Q.length; ve > le; S = ++le) O = Q[S], O > 0 ? (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.jb], xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.Nt]) : (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.lT], xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.yM]), fi(O, $n) && (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.fO]), Qn(xn, Wn, Dn, S, O, Nr), $n = O; else if ((Ze = $settings.indicator.value) === t.hM || Ze === t.Ie) for (We = [20, 80], pe = 0, $e = We.length; $e > pe; pe++) oi = We[pe], Dn = Le(Wn, oi), Gn(xn, Dn + .5, 0, Lr); for (Dn = Le(ee, 0), bn = f[0], S = me = 0, Te = f.length; Te > me; S = ++me) { switch (O = f[S], o) { case "candle_stick_hlc": yn = null != (ze = f[S - 1]) ? ze: wn[S], c = f[S]; break; default: yn = wn[S], c = f[S] } if (E = J[S], R = B[S], c > yn ? (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.jb], xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.Nt]) : (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.lT], xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.yM]), fi(c, yn) && (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.fO]), An !== t.nW && Qn(xn, ee, Dn, S, re[S], Nr), o === t.hl || o === t.yF || o === t.Kpzq) switch (te(xn, cn, S, E, R, li), o) { case "ohlc": x = Ke(cn, S), b = Le(cn, yn), Gn(xn, b + .5, x, x + li), b = Le(cn, c), Gn(xn, b + .5, x + li, x + Nr); break; case "candle_stick": Vn(xn, cn, S, yn, c, Nr); break; case "candle_stick_hlc": Vn(xn, cn, S, yn, c, Nr) } bn = O } if (o === t.fI || o === t.qj) { for (xn.beginPath(), xn.fillStyle = ir[t.zb], Xe = Ue(cn, 0, B[0]), x = Xe[0], b = Xe[1], xn.moveTo(x + li, b), S = Ae = 0, Fe = B.length; Fe > Ae; S = ++Ae) O = B[S], Ye = Ue(cn, S, O), x = Ye[0], b = Ye[1], xn.lineTo(x + li, b); for (S = De = je = f.length - 1; 0 >= je ? 0 >= De: De >= 0; S = 0 >= je ? ++De: --De) O = f[S], Ee = Ue(cn, S, O), x = Ee[0], b = Ee[1], xn.lineTo(x + li, b); for (xn.fill(), xn.beginPath(), xn.fillStyle = ir[t.na], Je = Ue(cn, 0, J[0]), x = Je[0], b = Je[1], xn.moveTo(x + li, b), S = Re = 0, Ce = J.length; Ce > Re; S = ++Re) O = J[S], Ve = Ue(cn, S, O), x = Ve[0], b = Ve[1], xn.lineTo(x + li, b); for (S = Be = Qe = f.length - 1; 0 >= Qe ? 0 >= Be: Be >= 0; S = 0 >= Qe ? ++Be: --Be) O = f[S], nr = Ue(cn, S, O), x = nr[0], b = nr[1], xn.lineTo(x + li, b); if (xn.fill(), xn.lineWidth = 2, xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.kK], Jn(xn, cn, f, li + .5), o === t.qj) for (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.fO], xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.kK], S = Ne = 0, Se = f.length; Se > Ne; S = ++Ne) O = f[S], rr = Ue(cn, S, O), x = rr[0], b = rr[1], xn.beginPath(), xn.arc(x + li + .5, b, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), xn.closePath(), xn.fill(), xn.stroke(); xn.lineWidth = 1, B = f, J = f } for (xn.lineWidth = 1, s = [[cn, Tn, !0], [ee, jn, !0]], an && s.unshift([an, L, !0]), qe = 0, Pe = s.length; Pe > qe; qe++) if (or = s[qe], Wn = or[0], ae = or[1], Sn = or[2], Sn) for (H = dr = 0, Ie = ae.length; Ie > dr; H = ++dr) ie = ae[H], xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.Tc][H], Jn(xn, Wn, ie, li + .5); for (xn.lineWidth = 1, hn = 0, dn = 0, H = pr = 0, Oe = Z.length; Oe > pr; H = ++pr) oi = Z[H], oi > hn && (hn = oi, dn = H); for (gn = 1 / 0, vn = 0, H = kr = 0, xe = U.length; xe > kr; H = ++kr) oi = U[H], gn > oi && (gn = oi, vn = H); for (bi(xn, cn, dn, hn, li), bi(xn, cn, vn, gn, li), function() { function n(t, n) { var e; return e = 60 * t.getTimezoneOffset(), (t.getTime() / 1e3 - e) % n < er } var e, r, o, i, a, s, c, f, h, d, m, v, y, w, b, k, _; if (Vo = er, o = null, i = null, e = null, r = null, f = { 60 : { cond: n, key_cond: function(t) { return 0 === t.getMinutes() }, text: function(t) { return de(t) }, key_text: function(t) { return ce(t) }, over: function(t) { return ue(t) } }, 3600 : { cond: n, key_cond: function(t) { return 0 === t.getHours() && t.getDate() !== e }, text: function(t) { return ce(t) }, key_text: function(t) { return e = t.getDate(), ue(t) }, over: function(t) { return ue(t) } }, 86400 : { cond: n, key_cond: function(t) { return ! 1 }, text: function(t) { return ue(t) }, key_text: function(t) { return ue(t) }, over: function(t) { return t.getFullYear() } }, 604800 : { cond: function(t) { return t.getDate() < 8 && t.getMonth() !== o }, key_cond: function(t) { return 0 === t.getMonth() && t.getFullYear() !== i }, text: function(t) { return o = t.getMonth(), he(t) }, key_text: function(t) { return i = t.getFullYear(), o = t.getMonth(), t.getFullYear() }, over: function(t) { return t.getFullYear() } } }, Vo >= 86400) c = 604800, h = 604800; else for (h = Vo * (80 / Zr), 1800 >= h ? (c = 60, v = [10, 30]) : 28800 >= h ? (c = 3600, v = [1, 2, 3, 6, 8]) : 1296e3 >= h ? (c = 86400, v = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]) : (c = 604800, v = 1), k = 0, w = v.length; w > k; k++) if (H = v[k], c * H > h) { h = c * H; break } if (g = u[nn], s = f[c]) { for (xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.km], xn.textAlign = t.ak, xn.textBaseline = t.PH, T = mn(l, p), m = _ = b = oo - 1; eo >= b ? eo >= _: _ >= eo; m = eo >= b ? ++_: --_)(a = T[m]) && (H = m - oo, s.cond(a, h) && (s.key_cond(a) ? (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], xn.font = t.qFXZ, y = s.key_text(a)) : (xn.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], xn.font = t.ek, y = s.text(a)), x = jr + H * Zr + li + .5, En(xn, x, g.y + g.h, g.y + g.h + 4), xn.fillText(y, x, g.y + g.h + 8.5))); if (T[oo]) return d = s.over(T[oo]), Mo.text(d) } } (), x = Lr - Br, xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.km], xn.textAlign = t.nF, xn.textBaseline = t.PH, xn.font = t.ek, xn.fillStyle = ir[t.SX], xn.fillRect(x, 0, x + Br, Kr), xn.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], Xn = e ? [an, cn, ee] : [an, cn], ar = function() { var t, n, e; for (n = [], e = 0, t = Xn.length; t > e; e++) Wn = Xn[e], Wn ? (Wn = Ge(Wn[nn], Wn[en], Wn[rn]), Wn[nn].w = Br, Wn[nn].x = x, n.push(Wn)) : n.push(void 0); return n } (), un = ar[0], sn = ar[1], Yn = ar[2], _r = 0, we = N.length; we > _r; _r++) b = N[_r], Gn(xn, b + .5, x, x + Br); for (Un(xn, sn, t.mg), Hn = 0, Zn = 0, tr = kn && 3600 > er && Rn && qn, tr && (oi = Ge(sn[nn], sn[en], sn[rn]), oi[nn].x += 8, oi[nn].w -= 8, oi[en].x = 0, oi[en].w = tn ? tn: Math.floor(Math.min(Rn, qn) / 5), Y = oi[en].w, zn(xn, sn, function() { var e, r, o, u, l, s, c, f, h, d, p, m, v, y, w, k, _, $, T, F, C, M, S, P, O, A, D, R, B, N, q, Z, U; for (xn.save(), xn.lineWidth = 2, n = {}, Vo = Y / oi[nn].w, v = Br, A = [[i, 0, 500, ir[t.nd], vr], [a, -1, -500, ir[t.sk], yr]], N = 0, O = A.length; O > N; N++) { for (D = A[N], S = D[0], $ = D[1], f = D[2], l = D[3], h = D[4], w = n[S] = [], n[h] = [], H = q = 0; Br >= 0 ? Br >= q: q >= Br; H = Br >= 0 ? ++q: --q) w[H] = 0; for (s = [], F = 0, m = 0, xn.beginPath(), xn.fillStyle = l, xn.strokeStyle = l, p = oi[nn].x, T = 0, _ = 0, k = 0, c = !1, H = Z = $; (f >= $ ? f >= Z: Z >= f) && (o = I[S].at(H)); H = f >= $ ? ++Z: --Z) { if (P = o[1], y = o[0], F += P, R = Ue(oi, F, y), x = R[0], b = R[1], H === $ && xn.moveTo(oi[nn].x, b), xn.fillRect(p, b - 1, x - p + 1, 2), p = x, F > Y && (P = Y - (F - P), c = !0), Zn += P, Hn += y * P, Vo > _ + P) w[T] += y * P, n[h][T] = y, _ += P; else { for (w[T] += y * (Vo - _), n[h][T] = y, T++, _ = P + _ - Vo; _ > Vo;) _ -= Vo, w[T] += y * Vo, n[h][T] = y, T++; w[T] += y * _, n[h][T] = y } if (c) break } v = Math.min(v, T) } for (C = 0, M = 0, xn.beginPath(), xn.lineWidth = 1.5, xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.uR], n[xr] = [], n[wr] = [], n[gr] = [], n[mr] = [], e = 0, r = 0, g = oi[nn], d = U = 0; (v >= 0 ? v > U: U > v) && (C += n[i][d] + n[a][d], e += n[i][d], r += n[a][d], !isNaN(C)); d = v >= 0 ? ++U: --U) M += Vo, u = C / M / 2, n[xr][d] = u, n[wr][d] = M, n[gr][d] = e, n[mr][d] = r, B = Ue(oi, M, u), x = B[0], b = B[1], xn.lineTo(x, b); return xn.stroke(), xn.restore() })), an && ($settings.indicator.value === t.AC ? Kn(xn, un) : Ln(xn, un, [0, 20, 50, 80, 100])), Un(xn, sn, t.Lb), e && Un(xn, Yn), tr && (g = sn[nn], function() { var n, e; n = kn[j], e = n, b = Le(cn, n), x = g.x, xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.Vy], xn.fillStyle = ir[t.Vy], _i(xn, x, b), xn.fillStyle = ir[t.uR], b = Le(cn, Hn / Zn) } (), e && zn(xn, Yn, function() { var n, e; return xn.font = t.ek, n = ge(mn(l, _)), e = Ue(ee, eo - oo + 1, n), x = e[0], b = e[1], mo = xn.measureText(n.toFixed(5)), xn.fillStyle = ir[t.gq], xn.fillRect(g.x + 12, b - 6, mo.width, 12), xn.fillStyle = ir[t.Ro], xn.fillText(t.XK, g.x, b), xn.fillText(n.toFixed(5), g.x + 12, b) })), e || (g = ee[nn], xn.textAlign = t.ak, xn.fillText(t.bt, Lr / 2, g.y + g.h / 2)), g = u[nn], X = eo - oo, ie = [[X, T[eo]]], xn.font = t.Ce, Fr = 0, _e = ie.length; _e > Fr; Fr++) sr = ie[Fr], H = sr[0], $ = sr[1], $ && (0 === H && 120 / Zr > X || (x = g.x + g.w, b = g.y + g.h + 8.5, xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.km], xn.fillStyle = ir[t.km], xn.strokeStyle = ir[t.OF], xn.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], xn.beginPath(), xn.arc(x, b, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), xn.closePath(), xn.fillStyle = ir[t.OF], Bn = oo + H === P ? t.TnKt: se(parseInt((ge(T) - $) / 1e3)), xn.textAlign = t.nF, mo = xn.measureText(Bn), xn.fillText(Bn, x + (Br - mo.width) / 2, b))); return ki(), null } }, ai = Cn(150, function() { return Se(pi) }), Do = $(t.et), Fn = 1, ar = {}, $(t.FJ + window.$symbol).addClass(t.XI), function() { var n; return n = 0, function() { function e() { /*ie(t.IQ + $host + t.MC + $sid,//ticker function() { if (r = arguments[0], a = arguments[1], null != a) { u = a.now, n = Date.now(); for (i in a) Xe.call(a, i) && (o = a[i], Ii(i, o), u - o.date > 60 ? $(t.FJ + i).addClass(t.pnqk) : $(t.FJ + i).removeClass(t.pnqk)) } Re(2e4, function(t) { e(t) }) })*/ } var r, o, i, u, a; e() } (), function() { var e; Re(3e3, function() { function r() { e = Date.now() - n, e > 3e4 ? $(t.cY).attr(t.dT, t.aORv) : e > 15e3 ? $(t.cY).attr(t.dT, t.qdhh) : $(t.cY).attr(t.dT, t.ZtQW), Re(1e3, function(t) { r(t) }) } r() }) } (), null } (), Ko.resize(function() { return s && di(), ai() }), $o.hover(function() { return $o.height(320) }, function() { return $o.height(32) }), // Lo.mousewheel(function(n, e) { // return e > 0 ? Nr += 2 : Nr -= 2, // 3 > Nr && (Nr = 3), // Nr > 27 && (Nr = 27), // uo = Math.round(.2 * Nr), // 3 > uo && (uo = 3), // 3 === Nr && (uo = 2), // Zr = Nr + uo, // li = (Nr - 1) / 2, // ci(t.gO, Nr), // ci(t.ml, uo), // pi(), // !1 // }), $(t.ZF).click(function() { var n; return n = $(this).text(), $.cookie(t.KB, n, { expires: 365, path: "/" }), window.location.reload(), !0 }), $(t.OJ).click(function() { return Ao.hide(), fo = 0, pi(), !0 }), $(t.jD).click(function() { var n; return n = $(t.zv), n.is(t.bzZP) ? ($(this).text(t.Gv), n.hide()) : ($(this).text(t.IN), n.show()), !0 }), $(t.qk).click(function() { return $(t.jD).text(t.Gv), $(t.zv).hide(), !0 }), ne = $(t.ug), $(t.zyHh).click(function() { return ne.is(t.bzZP) ? ne.hide() : ne.show(), !0 }), $(t.qMvr).click(function() { return ne.is(t.bzZP) ? ne.hide() : ne.show(), !0 }), ji = function(n, e) { function r() { var t, e, r, o, u, a; for (r = xn[n].params, a = [], t = o = 0, u = i.length; u > o; t = ++o) e = i[t], a.push($(e).val(r[t])); return a } var o, i, u, a; if (e.default_params = e.params, o = e.cookie, i = $(t.uj + n + t.qF), i.change(function() { var e, r, u, a; for (r = [], u = 0, a = i.length; a > u; u++) { if (e = i[u], oi = $(e).val(), !oi.match(/^\d+$/)) { if (n === t.WV && oi === t.vx) continue; return alert(oi + t.Kx), void 0 } r.push(parseInt(oi)) } return $.cookie(o, JSON.stringify(r), { expires: 3650, path: "/" }), xn[n].params = r, me = {}, me[_e] = xe, Bi() }), $(t.uN + n + t.pC).click(function() { return xn[n].params = xn[n].default_params, r(), $(i[0]).change() }), a = $.cookie(o)) try { u = JSON.parse(a), xn[n].params = u } catch(l) {} return r() }; for (yo in xn) Xe.call(xn, yo) && (lo = xn[yo], ji(yo, lo)); pn = !0, b = { USD: t.JN, EUR: t.KH, GBP: t.ndlS, CNY: t.ZkFf, JPY: t.ZkFf, AUD: t.SZ, CAD: t.Kw, BTC: t.KA, LTC: "Ł" }, nr = {}, $e = {}, Q = {}, Zn = null, Te = {}, re = {}, function() { function t() { ko && (wi(), ui(), ko = !1), Re(80, function(n) { t(n) }) } t() } (), function() { function t() { bo && (Zi(), bo = !1), wo && (Ui(), wo = !1), Re(120, function(n) { t(n) }) } t() } (), function() { return $(t.CiJy).show(), $(t.nM).show() } (), pi(), function() { function n(n) { return n >= 0 ? t.jH + n.toFixed(2) + t.Lcwk: n.toFixed(2) + t.Lcwk } function e(t, n) { return n = n.toString(), t.text() !== n ? t.text(n) : void 0 } function o() { var r, o, l, c, h, p, g, m, v, x, y, w, b, k, _, T, F, M, S, P, O, A; for (l = [[t.kKjb, i], [t.xH, a]], F = 0, S = l.length; S > F; F++) { for (O = l[F], T = O[0], o = O[1], x = I[o].flatten(), o === a && x.reverse(), b = parseFloat(s.val()), w = b, _ = 0, k = 0, m = $(t.Sf + T + t.uQ, u), c = $(t.Sf + T + t.zZ, u), v = $(t.Sf + T + t.NQ, u), h = $(t.Sf + T + t.nw, u), p = $(t.Sf + T + t.qM, u), g = $(t.Sf + T + t.sl, u), g.html(f), M = 0, P = x.length; P > M; M++) if (A = x[M], y = A[0], r = A[1], d === C) { if (! (w > r)) { _ += y * w, k += w; break } _ += y * r, k += r, w -= r } else { if (! (w > y * r)) { _ += w, k += w / y; break } _ += y * r, k += r, w -= y * r } kn && y && !isNaN(b) && (d === C && Math.abs(k - b) < 1e-6 || Math.abs(_ - b) < 1e-6) ? (e(m, y), e(v, n(100 * (y / kn[j]) - 100)), e(c, parseFloat((_ / k).toPrecision(6))), e(h, n(100 * (_ / k / kn[j]) - 100)), d === C ? e(p, parseFloat(_.toPrecision(6))) : e(p, parseFloat(k.toPrecision(6)))) : (m.text(t.sI), c.text(t.sI), p.text(t.vx), g.text(t.vx), v.text(t.vx), h.text(t.vx)) } return ! 0 } var u, l, s, c, f, h, d, p; return u = $(t.Ts), s = $(t.aesP, u), s.keyup(o), -1 !== r.indexOf(t.fl) ? s.val(10) : s.val(100), d = C, f = m, p = $(t.za, u), h = p[0], l = p[1], $(h).text(C), $(l).text(m), $(t.za, u).click(function() { var n; if (!$(this).hasClass(t.EO)) return $(t.za, u).removeClass(t.EO), $(this).addClass(t.EO), d = $(this).text(), n = $(t.FQ, u).text(), n !== t.vx && $(t.aesP).val(parseFloat(parseFloat(n).toPrecision(5))), d === C ? (f = m, $(t.Vn, u).text(t.RD), $(t.sS, u).text(t.mP), $(t.rU, u).text(t.xf), $(t.lP, u).text(t.xf), $(t.hI, u).text(t.YA)) : (f = C, $(t.Vn, u).text(t.mP), $(t.sS, u).text(t.YA), $(t.rU, u).text(t.YA), $(t.lP, u).text(t.Kt), $(t.hI, u).text(t.nN)), o() }), (c = function() { return o(), setTimeout(c, 1e3) })(), 0 } (), $(t.rU).click(function() { return Gi($(this).attr(t.OH)) }), $(t.LB).click(function() {}), Mn = window.localStorage, (null != Mn ? Mn.mode: void 0) ? Gi(Mn.mode) : Gi(t.zI), $(document).on(t.Dh, function() { return ! 0 }), Xi() }) } (), function() { return $(t.rT).hover(function() { var n, e, r; return e = $(this), r = e.offset(), n = $(t.vE), n.css({ left: r.left - (n.width() - e.width()) / 2, top: r.top - n.outerHeight() }), n.show() }, function() { var n; return n = $(t.vE), n.hide() }) } () }.call(this) }.call(this);