// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- defined('THINK_PATH') or exit(); /** * MSsql数据库驱动 要求sqlserver2005 * @category Extend * @package Extend * @subpackage Driver.Db * @author liu21st */ class DbMssql extends Db{ protected $selectSql = 'SELECT T1.* FROM (SELECT thinkphp.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (%ORDER%) AS ROW_NUMBER FROM (SELECT %DISTINCT% %FIELD% FROM %TABLE%%JOIN%%WHERE%%GROUP%%HAVING%) AS thinkphp) AS T1 %LIMIT%%COMMENT%'; /** * 架构函数 读取数据库配置信息 * @access public * @param array $config 数据库配置数组 */ public function __construct($config=''){ if ( !function_exists('mssql_connect') ) { throw_exception(L('_NOT_SUPPERT_').':mssql'); } if(!empty($config)) { $this->config = $config; if(empty($this->config['params'])) { $this->config['params'] = array(); } } } /** * 连接数据库方法 * @access public */ public function connect($config='',$linkNum=0) { if ( !isset($this->linkID[$linkNum]) ) { if(empty($config)) $config = $this->config; $pconnect = !empty($config['params']['persist'])? $config['params']['persist']:$this->pconnect; $conn = $pconnect ? 'mssql_pconnect':'mssql_connect'; // 处理不带端口号的socket连接情况 $sepr = IS_WIN ? ',' : ':'; $host = $config['hostname'].($config['hostport']?$sepr."{$config['hostport']}":''); $this->linkID[$linkNum] = $conn( $host, $config['username'], $config['password']); if ( !$this->linkID[$linkNum] ) throw_exception("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $host"); if ( !empty($config['database']) && !mssql_select_db($config['database'], $this->linkID[$linkNum]) ) { throw_exception("Couldn't open database '".$config['database']); } // 标记连接成功 $this->connected = true; //注销数据库安全信息 if(1 != C('DB_DEPLOY_TYPE')) unset($this->config); } return $this->linkID[$linkNum]; } /** * 释放查询结果 * @access public */ public function free() { mssql_free_result($this->queryID); $this->queryID = null; } /** * 执行查询 返回数据集 * @access public * @param string $str sql指令 * @return mixed */ public function query($str) { $this->initConnect(false); if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false; $this->queryStr = $str; //释放前次的查询结果 if ( $this->queryID ) $this->free(); N('db_query',1); // 记录开始执行时间 G('queryStartTime'); $this->queryID = mssql_query($str, $this->_linkID); $this->debug(); if ( false === $this->queryID ) { $this->error(); return false; } else { $this->numRows = mssql_num_rows($this->queryID); return $this->getAll(); } } /** * 执行语句 * @access public * @param string $str sql指令 * @return integer */ public function execute($str) { $this->initConnect(true); if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false; $this->queryStr = $str; //释放前次的查询结果 if ( $this->queryID ) $this->free(); N('db_write',1); // 记录开始执行时间 G('queryStartTime'); $result = mssql_query($str, $this->_linkID); $this->debug(); if ( false === $result ) { $this->error(); return false; } else { $this->numRows = mssql_rows_affected($this->_linkID); $this->lastInsID = $this->mssql_insert_id(); return $this->numRows; } } /** * 用于获取最后插入的ID * @access public * @return integer */ public function mssql_insert_id() { $query = "SELECT @@IDENTITY as last_insert_id"; $result = mssql_query($query, $this->_linkID); list($last_insert_id) = mssql_fetch_row($result); mssql_free_result($result); return $last_insert_id; } /** * 启动事务 * @access public * @return void */ public function startTrans() { $this->initConnect(true); if ( !$this->_linkID ) return false; //数据rollback 支持 if ($this->transTimes == 0) { mssql_query('BEGIN TRAN', $this->_linkID); } $this->transTimes++; return ; } /** * 用于非自动提交状态下面的查询提交 * @access public * @return boolen */ public function commit() { if ($this->transTimes > 0) { $result = mssql_query('COMMIT TRAN', $this->_linkID); $this->transTimes = 0; if(!$result){ $this->error(); return false; } } return true; } /** * 事务回滚 * @access public * @return boolen */ public function rollback() { if ($this->transTimes > 0) { $result = mssql_query('ROLLBACK TRAN', $this->_linkID); $this->transTimes = 0; if(!$result){ $this->error(); return false; } } return true; } /** * 获得所有的查询数据 * @access private * @return array */ private function getAll() { //返回数据集 $result = array(); if($this->numRows >0) { while($row = mssql_fetch_assoc($this->queryID)) $result[] = $row; } return $result; } /** * 取得数据表的字段信息 * @access public * @return array */ public function getFields($tableName) { $result = $this->query("SELECT column_name, data_type, column_default, is_nullable FROM information_schema.tables AS t JOIN information_schema.columns AS c ON t.table_catalog = c.table_catalog AND t.table_schema = c.table_schema AND t.table_name = c.table_name WHERE t.table_name = '$tableName'"); $info = array(); if($result) { foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $info[$val['column_name']] = array( 'name' => $val['column_name'], 'type' => $val['data_type'], 'notnull' => (bool) ($val['is_nullable'] === ''), // not null is empty, null is yes 'default' => $val['column_default'], 'primary' => false, 'autoinc' => false, ); } } return $info; } /** * 取得数据表的字段信息 * @access public * @return array */ public function getTables($dbName='') { $result = $this->query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' "); $info = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $info[$key] = current($val); } return $info; } /** * order分析 * @access protected * @param mixed $order * @return string */ protected function parseOrder($order) { return !empty($order)? ' ORDER BY '.$order:' ORDER BY rand()'; } /** * limit * @access public * @return string */ public function parseLimit($limit) { if(empty($limit)) return ''; $limit = explode(',',$limit); if(count($limit)>1) $limitStr = '(T1.ROW_NUMBER BETWEEN '.$limit[0].' + 1 AND '.$limit[0].' + '.$limit[1].')'; else $limitStr = '(T1.ROW_NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND '.$limit[0].")"; return 'WHERE '.$limitStr; } /** * 更新记录 * @access public * @param mixed $data 数据 * @param array $options 表达式 * @return false | integer */ public function update($data,$options) { $this->model = $options['model']; $sql = 'UPDATE ' .$this->parseTable($options['table']) .$this->parseSet($data) .$this->parseWhere(!empty($options['where'])?$options['where']:'') .$this->parseLock(isset($options['lock'])?$options['lock']:false) .$this->parseComment(!empty($options['comment'])?$options['comment']:''); return $this->execute($sql); } /** * 删除记录 * @access public * @param array $options 表达式 * @return false | integer */ public function delete($options=array()) { $this->model = $options['model']; $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' .$this->parseTable($options['table']) .$this->parseWhere(!empty($options['where'])?$options['where']:'') .$this->parseLock(isset($options['lock'])?$options['lock']:false) .$this->parseComment(!empty($options['comment'])?$options['comment']:''); return $this->execute($sql); } /** * 关闭数据库 * @access public */ public function close() { if ($this->_linkID){ mssql_close($this->_linkID); } $this->_linkID = null; } /** * 数据库错误信息 * 并显示当前的SQL语句 * @access public * @return string */ public function error() { $this->error = mssql_get_last_message(); if('' != $this->queryStr){ $this->error .= "\n [ SQL语句 ] : ".$this->queryStr; } trace($this->error,'','ERR'); return $this->error; } }