public function AutoCloseOrder()
$list = M("leverorder")->where(array('status' => 2))->select();
if (!empty($list)) {
$sysinfo = M("leversetting")->where(array('id' => 1))->find();
$lever_fee = $sysinfo['lever_fee'];//费率
$new_close = [];
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$id = $vo['id'];
$uid = $vo['uid'];
$uinfo = M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->field("id,username")->find();
// $minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
// $bond_money_info = M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->find();
$lowercoin = $vo['coinname'];
$user = M('levermoney')->where(['uid' => $uid])->find();
if (!isset($new_close[$vo['coinname']])) {
if ($lowercoin == 'ukbusdt') {
$o_symbol = $vo['symbol'];
$symbol_arr = explode('/', $o_symbol);
$symbol = strtolower($symbol_arr[0]) . "_" . strtolower($symbol_arr[1]);
$mlist = M("market")->where(array('name' => $symbol))->field("new_price,min_price")->find();
$close = $mlist['new_price'];
} else {
$oy_list = do_request(oy_url($vo['coinname'], 'api/v5/market/ticker?instId='), []);
$oy_list = $oy_list->data[0];
// $url = "".$lowercoin;
// $result = $this->getprice($url);
// $pdata = $result['data'][0];
$close = $oy_list->last;//现价
$new_close[$vo['coinname']] = $close;
} else {
$close = $new_close[$vo['coinname']];
if ($close) {
$price = $vo['price']; //开仓价格
$direction = $vo['direction']; //交易方向
$zsprice = $vo['zsprice']; //止损价格
$zyprice = $vo['zyprice']; //止盈价格
if ($zyprice > 0) {
if ($direction == 1) {
// 买多
if ($close >= $zyprice) {
//例:BTC/USDT永续合约开多仓100张,成交价格为10000 USDT,以11000 USDT价格平仓,
//则:平仓盈亏 = 收益(平仓) =( 11000 – 10000 )* 100 * 0.001 = 100 USDT。
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($close - $price) * $vo['num']);
$tprofit = abs($profit);
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 1;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$result = M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $tprofit;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['afternum'] = $user['money'] + $tprofit;
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = L('合约交易止盈平仓盈利收益');
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
$bond_ubill = [
'uid' => $uid,
'username' => $uinfo['username'],
'num' => $vo['bond'],
'coinname' => 'usdt',
'afternum' => $user['money'] + $vo['bond'],
'type' => 25,
'addtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()),
'st' => 1,
'remark' => '合約交易止盈平倉返還佔用合約'
];// 扣除合约保证金
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setInc('money', $vo['bond']);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
if ($result && $ubillre) {
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setInc('money', $tprofit);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止盈平仓=";
} elseif ($direction == 2) {
if ($close <= $zyprice) {
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($price - $close) * $vo['num']);
$tprofit = abs($profit);
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 1;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$result = M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $tprofit;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['afternum'] = $user['money'] + $tprofit;
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = L('合约交易止盈平仓盈利收益');
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
$bond_ubill = [
'uid' => $uid,
'username' => $uinfo['username'],
'num' => $vo['bond'],
'coinname' => 'usdt',
'afternum' => $user['money'] + $vo['bond'],
'type' => 25,
'addtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()),
'st' => 1,
'remark' => '合約交易止盈平倉返還佔用合約'
];// 扣除合约保证金
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setInc('money', $vo['bond']);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
if ($result && $ubillre) {
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setInc('money', $tprofit);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止盈平仓=";
if ($zsprice > 0) {
if ($direction == 1) {
// 买多
if ($close <= $zsprice) {
//例:BTC/USDT永续合约开多仓100张,成交价格为10000 USDT,以11000 USDT价格平仓,
//则:平仓盈亏 = 收益(平仓) =( 11000 – 10000 )* 100 * 0.001 = 100 USDT。
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($close - $price) * $vo['num']);
$tprofit = abs($profit);
if ($tprofit < $user['money']) {
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$bond = ($user['money'] + $vo['bond']) - $tprofit;
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $vo['bond'];
$ubill['afternum'] = $user['money'] + $vo['bond'];
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易止損平倉返回保證金';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
$ubill['num'] = $tprofit;
$ubill['afternum'] = $bond;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['st'] = 2;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易止損平倉虧損';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setInc('money', $vo['bond']);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setDec('money', $tprofit);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止损平仓=";
} else {
if ($user['money'] + $vo['bond'] >= $tprofit) {
$user_bond = $vo['bond'] - ($tprofit - $user['money']);
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$bond = $tprofit - $vo['bond'];
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $user_bond;
$ubill['afternum'] = $user_bond;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易止損平倉退回剩餘保證金';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
$ubill['num'] = $user['money'];
$ubill['afternum'] = 0;
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['st'] = 2;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易手動平倉虧損';
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setInc('money', $user_bond);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('money', $user['money']);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止损平仓=";
} else {
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$bond = $tprofit - $vo['bond'];
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $user['money'];
$ubill['afternum'] = 0;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易ID' . $vo['id'] . '止損平倉扣除完保證金,並扣除合約帳戶';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setDec('money', $user['money']);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止损平仓=";
} elseif ($direction == 2) {
if ($close >= $zsprice) {
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($price - $close) * $vo['num']);
$tprofit = abs($profit);
if ($tprofit < $user['money']) {
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$bond = ($user['money'] + $vo['bond']) - $tprofit;
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $vo['bond'];
$ubill['afternum'] = $user['money'] + $vo['bond'];
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易止損平倉返回保證金';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
$ubill['num'] = $tprofit;
$ubill['afternum'] = $bond;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['st'] = 2;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易止損平倉虧損';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setInc('money', $vo['bond']);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setDec('money', $tprofit);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止损平仓=";
} else {
if ($user['money'] + $vo['bond'] >= $tprofit) {
$user_bond = $vo['bond'] - ($tprofit - $user['money']);
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$bond = $tprofit - $vo['bond'];
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $user_bond;
$ubill['afternum'] = $user_bond;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易止損平倉退回剩餘保證金';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
$ubill['num'] = $user['money'];
$ubill['afternum'] = 0;
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['st'] = 2;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易手動平倉虧損';
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setInc('money', $user_bond);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('money', $user['money']);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止损平仓=";
} else {
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 3;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$bond = $tprofit - $vo['bond'];
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $user['money'];
$ubill['afternum'] = 0;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易ID' . $vo['id'] . '止損平倉扣除完保證金,並扣除合約帳戶';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->setDec('money', $user['money']);
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('moneyd', $vo['bond']);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",止损平仓=";
if ($zsprice == 0) {
if ($direction == 1) {
$profit_fd = sprintf("%.2f", ($close - $price) * $vo['num']);
if ($profit_fd < 0) {
if (abs($profit_fd) > ($user['money'] + $user['moneyd'])) {
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 4;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $profit_fd;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $user['money'];
$ubill['afternum'] = 0;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易ID' . $vo['id'] . '爆倉';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->save(['money' => 0, 'moneyd' => 0]);
$pc_list = M('leverorder')->where(['uid' => $uid])->where(['status' => 2])->select();
foreach ($pc_list as $item) {
$direction = $item['direction'];
if ($direction == 1) { //做多
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($close - $item['price']) * $item['num']);
} elseif ($direction == 2) { //做空
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($item['price'] - $close) * $item['num']);
if ($profit >= 0) {
$yk_status = 1;
} else {
$yk_status = 2;
$tprofit = abs($profit);
$datas['pc_price'] = $close;
$datas['status'] = 3;
$datas['yk_status'] = $yk_status;
$datas['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$datas['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$result = M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $item['id'], 'status' => 2))->save($datas);
$user = M('levermoney')->where(['uid' => $uid])->find();
if ($result) {
if ($profit >= 0) {
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setInc('money', $tprofit);
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $tprofit;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['afternum'] = $user['money'] + $tprofit;
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = L('合约交易自動平仓盈利收益');
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",爆仓=";
} elseif ($direction == 2) {
$profit_fd = sprintf("%.2f", ($price - $close) * $vo['num']);
if ($profit_fd < 0) {
if (abs($profit_fd) > ($vo['bond'] + $user['moneyd'])) {
$data['pc_price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 4;
$data['yk_status'] = 2;
$data['ylmoney'] = $profit_fd;
$data['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $user['money'];
$ubill['afternum'] = 0;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = '合約交易ID' . $vo['id'] . '爆倉';
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
M("levermoney")->where(['uid' => $uid])->save(['money' => 0, 'moneyd' => 0]);
$pc_list = M('leverorder')->where(['uid' => $uid])->where(['status' => 2])->select();
foreach ($pc_list as $item) {
$direction = $item['direction'];
if ($direction == 1) { //做多
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($close - $item['price']) * $item['num']);
} elseif ($direction == 2) { //做空
$profit = sprintf("%.2f", ($item['price'] - $close) * $item['num']);
if ($profit >= 0) {
$yk_status = 1;
} else {
$yk_status = 2;
$tprofit = abs($profit);
$datas['pc_price'] = $close;
$datas['status'] = 3;
$datas['yk_status'] = $yk_status;
$datas['ylmoney'] = $tprofit;
$datas['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$result = M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $item['id'], 'status' => 2))->save($datas);
$user = M('levermoney')->where(['uid' => $uid])->find();
if ($result) {
if ($profit >= 0) {
M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setInc('money', $tprofit);
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $tprofit;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['afternum'] = $user['money'] + $tprofit;
$ubill['type'] = 20;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 1;
$ubill['remark'] = L('合约交易自動平仓盈利收益');
$ubillre = M("bill")->add($ubill);
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",爆仓=";
// echo "正常请求".$close;
} else {
echo "未获取到参数" . $id;
public function AutoCreateOrder()
$list = M("leverorder")->where(array('status' => 1))->select();
if (!empty($list)) {
$sysinfo = M("leversetting")->where(array('id' => 1))->find();
$lever_fee = $sysinfo['lever_fee'];//费率
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$id = $vo['id'];
$uid = $vo['uid'];
$uinfo = M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->field("id,username")->find();
$minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
$usermoney = M('levermoney')->where(['uid' => $uid])->find();
$lowercoin = $vo['coinname'];
if ($lowercoin == 'ukbusdt') {
$o_symbol = $vo['symbol'];
$symbol_arr = explode('/', $o_symbol);
$symbol = strtolower($symbol_arr[0]) . "_" . strtolower($symbol_arr[1]);
$mlist = M("market")->where(array('name' => $symbol))->field("new_price,min_price")->find();
$close = $mlist['new_price'];
} else {
$oy_list = do_request(oy_url($vo['coinname'], 'api/v5/market/ticker?instId='), []);
$oy_list = $oy_list->data[0];
$close = $oy_list->last;//现价
if ($close) {
//手续费计算(开仓价格 * 开仓数量 * 手续费率) ,开仓时扣除手续费
$wt_price = $vo['wt_price']; //委托价格
$direction = $vo['direction']; //交易方向
if ($direction == 1) { //做多(上涨) 当前价小于等于委托价格就开仓 要跌了才开仓
if ($close <= $wt_price) {
$data['fee'] = $fee = $vo['fee'];
if ($usermoney['money'] >= $fee) {
$data['price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 2;
$data['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$re_a = M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
$re_b = M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('money', $fee);
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $fee;
$ubill['coinname'] = "lever";
$ubill['afternum'] = $usermoney['money'] - $fee;
$ubill['type'] = 25;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 2;
$ubill['remark'] = L('合约交易开仓手续费');
$re_c = M("bill")->add($ubill);
if ($re_a && $re_b && $re_c) {
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",开仓成功=";
} else {
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",手续费不足=";
} else {
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",做多,价格不合适=";
} else if ($direction == 2) { //做空(下跌) 当前价大于等于委托价格就开仓 要涨了才开仓
if ($close >= $wt_price) {
$data['fee'] = $fee = $vo['fee'];
if ($usermoney['money'] >= $fee) {
$data['price'] = $close;
$data['status'] = 2;
$data['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$re_a = M("leverorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
$re_b = M("levermoney")->where(array('uid' => $uid))->setDec('money', $fee);
$ubill['uid'] = $uid;
$ubill['username'] = $uinfo['username'];
$ubill['num'] = $fee;
$ubill['coinname'] = "usdt";
$ubill['afternum'] = $usermoney['money'] - $fee;
$ubill['type'] = 25;
$ubill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$ubill['st'] = 2;
$ubill['remark'] = L('合约交易开仓手续费');
$re_c = M("bill")->add($ubill);
if ($re_a && $re_b && $re_c) {
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",开仓成功=";
} else {
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",手续费不足=";
} else {
echo "=订单ID:" . $id . ",做空,价格不合适=";
echo "未获取到参数";
public function releaseissue()
$nowday = date("Y-m-d", time());
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['endday'] = array('elt', $nowday);
$list = M("issue_log")->where($map)->select();
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$id = $vo['id'];
$uid = $vo['uid'];
$num = $vo['num'];
$cname = trim($vo['coinname']);
$cnamed = trim($vo['coinname']) . "d";
$result = M("issue_log")->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('status' => 2));
if ($result) {
$minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setDec($cnamed, $num);
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc($cname, $num);
$data['uid'] = $uid;
$data['username'] = $vo['account'];
$data['num'] = $num;
$data['coinname'] = $cname;
$data['afternum'] = $minfo[$cname] + $num;
$data['type'] = 18;
$data['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$data['st'] = 1;
$data['remark'] = L("认购资产释放");
echo "==认购记录ID:" . $id . "释放成功";
} else {
echo "==认购记录ID:" . $id . "释放失败";
} else {
echo "==没有可释放认购记录==";
public function autoxjtade()
$list = M("bborder")->where(array('ordertype' => 1, 'status' => 1))->select();
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
$type = $v['type'];
$uid = $v['uid'];
$id = $v['id'];
$symbol = strtolower($v['coin']) . 'usdt';
$lowercoin = strtolower($v['coin']);
$xjprice = $v['xjprice'];
$sxfbl = $v['sxfbl'];
if ($lowercoin == "ukb") {
$priceinfo = M("market")->where(array('name' => "ukb_usdt"))->field("new_price")->find();
$newprice = $priceinfo['new_price'];
}else if ($lowercoin == "gcb") {
$priceinfo = M("market")->where(array('name' => "gcb_usdt"))->field("new_price")->find();
$newprice = $priceinfo['new_price'];
} else {
$oy_list = do_request(oy_url(strtolower($v['coin']), 'api/v5/market/ticker?instId='), []);
$oy_list = $oy_list->data[0];
$newprice = $oy_list->last;//现价
// $coinapi = "" . $symbol;
// $newprice = $this->getnewprice($coinapi);
if ($newprice){
$minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
if ($type == 1) {
$usdtnum = $v['usdtnum'];
if ($newprice <= $xjprice) {
$buy_coinnum = sprintf("%.8f", ($usdtnum / $newprice));
$fee = $buy_coinnum * $sxfbl / 100;
$tcoinnum = $buy_coinnum - $fee;
$data['coinnum'] = $tcoinnum;
$data['price'] = $newprice;
$data['tradetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$data['fee'] = $fee;
$data['status'] = 2;
$savere = M("bborder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
$incre = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc($lowercoin, $tcoinnum);
$cincbill['uid'] = $uid;
$cincbill['username'] = $v['account'];
$cincbill['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$cincbill['coinname'] = $lowercoin;
$cincbill['afternum'] = $minfo[$lowercoin] + $tcoinnum;
$cincbill['type'] = 10;
$cincbill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$cincbill['st'] = 1;
$cincbill['remark'] = L('币币交易限价购买委托成交');
$cincre = M("bill")->add($cincbill);
$decre = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setDec("usdtd", $usdtnum);
$uincbill['uid'] = $uid;
$uincbill['username'] = $v['account'];
$uincbill['num'] = $usdtnum;
$uincbill['coinname'] = "usdt";
$uincbill['afternum'] = $minfo['usdt'];
$uincbill['type'] = 9;
$uincbill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$uincbill['st'] = 2;
$uincbill['remark'] = L('币币交易限价购买委托成交');
$uincre = M("bill")->add($uincbill);
if ($savere && $cincre && $uincre) {
$notice['uid'] = $uid;
$notice['account'] = $v['account'];
$notice['title'] = L('币币交易限价委托交易');
$notice['content'] = L('币币交易限价购买委托订单购买成功');
$notice['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$notice['status'] = 1;
echo "==委托订单ID:" . $id . ",购买成功==";
} else {
echo "==委托订单ID:" . $id . ",没有达到限价购买价格==";
} elseif ($type == 2) {
$coinnum = $v['coinnum'];
if ($newprice >= $xjprice) {
$allusdt = sprintf("%.8f", ($coinnum * $newprice));
$fee = $allusdt * $sxfbl / 100;
$tusdtnum = $allusdt - $fee;
$data['usdtnum'] = $tusdtnum;
$data['price'] = $newprice;
$data['tradetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$data['fee'] = $fee;
$data['status'] = 2;
$savere = M("bborder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data);
$incre = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $tusdtnum);
$uincbill['uid'] = $uid;
$uincbill['username'] = $v['account'];
$uincbill['num'] = $tusdtnum;
$uincbill['coinname'] = 'usdt';
$uincbill['afternum'] = $minfo['usdt'] + $tusdtnum;
$uincbill['type'] = 9;
$uincbill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$uincbill['st'] = 1;
$uincbill['remark'] = L('币币交易限价出售委托成交');
$uincre = M("bill")->add($uincbill);
$decre = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setDec($lowercoin . "d", $coinnum);
$cincbill['uid'] = $uid;
$cincbill['username'] = $v['account'];
$cincbill['num'] = $coinnum;
$cincbill['coinname'] = $lowercoin;
$cincbill['afternum'] = $minfo[$lowercoin] - $coinnum;
$cincbill['type'] = 10;
$cincbill['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$cincbill['st'] = 2;
$cincbill['remark'] = L('币币交易限价出售委托成交');
$cincre = M("bill")->add($cincbill);
if ($savere && $cincre && $uincre) {
$notice['uid'] = $uid;
$notice['account'] = $v['account'];
$notice['title'] = L('币币交易限价委托交易');
$notice['content'] = L('币币交易限价购买委托订单出售成功');
$notice['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$notice['status'] = 1;
echo "==委托订单ID:" . $id . ",出售成功==";
} else {
echo "==委托订单ID:" . $id . ",没有达到限价出售价格==";
echo "未获取到参数";
} else {
echo "没有限价委托可交易!";
public function releasedjprofit()
$nowday = date("Y-m-d", time());
$where['thawday'] = array('elt', $nowday);
$where['status'] = array('eq', 1);
$list = M("djprofit")->where($where)->select();
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$id = $vo['id'];
$uid = $vo['uid'];
$username = $vo['username'];
$num = $vo['num'];
$coinname = trim($vo['coin']);
$minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
M("djprofit")->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('status' => 2));
$billdata['uid'] = $uid;
$billdata['username'] = $username;
$billdata['num'] = $num;
$billdata['coinname'] = $coinname;
$billdata['afternum'] = $minfo[$coinname] + $num;
$billdata['type'] = 8;
$billdata['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$billdata['st'] = 1;
$billdata['remark'] = L('释放冻结收益');
$coinname_d = $coinname . "d";
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setDec($coinname_d, $num);
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc($coinname, $num);
$notice['uid'] = $uid;
$notice['account'] = $username;
$notice['title'] = L('释放冻结收益');
$notice['content'] = L('您冻结的矿机收益释放成功,可以交易');
$notice['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$notice['status'] = 1;
echo "==ID:" . $id . "释放" . $num . $coinname . "成功==";
echo "
} else {
echo "====没有可释放的冻结记录====";
public function authsharesjsy()
$kjlist = M("kjorder")->where(array('status' => 1, 'type' => 2))->select();
if (!empty($kjlist)) {
foreach ($kjlist as $key => $vo) {
$id = $vo['id'];
$uid = $vo['uid'];
$username = $vo['username'];
$minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
$kid = $vo['kid'];
$nowdate = date("Y-m-d", time());
$profitinfo = M("kjprofit")->where(array('uid' => $uid, 'kid' => $id, 'day' => $nowdate))->find();
if (empty($profitinfo)) {
$sharbltxt = $vo['sharbltxt'];
if ($sharbltxt <= 0) {
echo "===共享矿机ID" . $id . "共享码有误===";
} else {
$sharekj = M("kjorder")->where(array('sharbltxt' => $sharbltxt))->count();
if ($sharekj >= 2) {
$outtype = $vo['outtype'];
if ($outtype == 1) {//按产值需要查找产出币种的最新行情
$coinname = strtolower(trim($vo['outcoin']));
$outnum = $vo['outusdt'];
$symbol = $coinname . 'usdt';
$coinapi = "" . $symbol;
$newprice = $this->getnewprice($coinapi);
$tcoinnum = sprintf("%.6f", ($outnum / $newprice)); //实际产生的币量,保留6位小数
} elseif ($outtype == 2) {
$coinname = strtolower(trim($vo['outcoin']));
$tcoinnum = $vo['outnum'];
$djout = $vo['djout'];//1冻结2不冻结
$djday = $vo['djnum'];//冻结天数
$kjprofit_d['uid'] = $uid;
$kjprofit_d['username'] = $username;
$kjprofit_d['kid'] = $id;
$kjprofit_d['ktitle'] = $vo['kjtitle'];
$kjprofit_d['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$kjprofit_d['coin'] = $coinname;
$kjprofit_d['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$kjprofit_d['day'] = date("Y-m-d", time());
if ($djout == 2) {
$coin_d = $coinname . "d";
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc($coin_d, $tcoinnum);
$djprofit_d['uid'] = $uid;
$djprofit_d['username'] = $username;
$djprofit_d['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$djprofit_d['coin'] = $coinname;
$djprofit_d['status'] = 1;
$djprofit_d['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$djprofit_d['addday'] = date("Y-m-d", time());
$djprofit_d['thawtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", (time() + 86400 * $djday));
$djprofit_d['thawday'] = date("Y-m-d", (time() + 86400 * $djday));
$djprofit_d['remark'] = L('冻结矿机释放收益');
$billdata['uid'] = $uid;
$billdata['username'] = $username;
$billdata['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$billdata['coinname'] = $coinname;
$billdata['afternum'] = $minfo[$coin_d] + $tcoinnum;
$billdata['type'] = 7;
$billdata['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$billdata['st'] = 1;
$billdata['remark'] = L('矿机收益释放冻结');
$notice['uid'] = $uid;
$notice['account'] = $username;
$notice['title'] = L('矿机收益');
$notice['content'] = L('今日矿机收益已成功到账,请注册查收');
$notice['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$notice['status'] = 1;
} elseif ($djout == 1) {
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc($coinname, $tcoinnum);
$billdata['uid'] = $uid;
$billdata['username'] = $username;
$billdata['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$billdata['coinname'] = $coinname;
$billdata['afternum'] = $minfo[$coinname] + $tcoinnum;
$billdata['type'] = 8;
$billdata['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$billdata['st'] = 1;
$billdata['remark'] = L('矿机收益释放');
M("kjorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->setDec("synum", 1);
$reinfo = M("kjorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->find();
if ($reinfo['synum'] < 1) {
M("kjorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('status' => 3));
echo "==共享矿机ID:" . $kid . "收益成功==";
echo "
} else {
echo "===共享矿机ID" . $id . "另一部分没有购买,不能收益===";
} else {
echo "==矿机ID:" . $kid . "不能重复收益==";
echo "
public function autokjsy()
$kjlist = M("kjorder")->where(array('status' => 1, 'type' => 1))->select();
if (!empty($kjlist)) {
foreach ($kjlist as $key => $vo) {
$id = $vo['id'];
$uid = $vo['uid'];
$username = $vo['username'];
$minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
$kid = $vo['kid'];
$nowdate = date("Y-m-d", time());
$profitinfo = M("kjprofit")->where(array('uid' => $uid, 'kid' => $id, 'day' => $nowdate))->find();
if (empty($profitinfo)) {
$outtype = $vo['outtype'];
if ($outtype == 1) {//按产值需要查找产出币种的最新行情
$coinname = strtolower(trim($vo['outcoin']));
$outnum = $vo['outusdt'];
$symbol = $coinname . 'usdt';
$coinapi = "" . $symbol;
$newprice = $this->getnewprice($coinapi);
$tcoinnum = sprintf("%.6f", ($outnum / $newprice)); //实际产生的币量,保留6位小数
} elseif ($outtype == 2) {
$coinname = strtolower(trim($vo['outcoin']));
$tcoinnum = $vo['outnum'];
$djout = $vo['djout'];//1冻结2不冻结
$djday = $vo['djnum'];//冻结天数
$kjprofit_d['uid'] = $uid;
$kjprofit_d['username'] = $username;
$kjprofit_d['kid'] = $id;
$kjprofit_d['ktitle'] = $vo['kjtitle'];
$kjprofit_d['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$kjprofit_d['coin'] = $coinname;
$kjprofit_d['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$kjprofit_d['day'] = date("Y-m-d", time());
if ($djout == 2) {
$coin_d = $coinname . "d";
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc($coin_d, $tcoinnum);
$djprofit_d['uid'] = $uid;
$djprofit_d['username'] = $username;
$djprofit_d['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$djprofit_d['coin'] = $coinname;
$djprofit_d['status'] = 1;
$djprofit_d['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$djprofit_d['addday'] = date("Y-m-d", time());
$djprofit_d['thawtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", (time() + 86400 * $djday));
$djprofit_d['thawday'] = date("Y-m-d", (time() + 86400 * $djday));
$djprofit_d['remark'] = L('冻结矿机释放收益');
$billdata['uid'] = $uid;
$billdata['username'] = $username;
$billdata['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$billdata['coinname'] = $coinname;
$billdata['afternum'] = $minfo[$coin_d] + $tcoinnum;
$billdata['type'] = 7;
$billdata['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$billdata['st'] = 1;
$billdata['remark'] = L('矿机收益释放冻结');
$notice['uid'] = $uid;
$notice['account'] = $username;
$notice['title'] = L('矿机收益');
$notice['content'] = L('今日矿机收益已成功到账,请注册查收');
$notice['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$notice['status'] = 1;
} elseif ($djout == 1) {
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc($coinname, $tcoinnum);
$billdata['uid'] = $uid;
$billdata['username'] = $username;
$billdata['num'] = $tcoinnum;
$billdata['coinname'] = $coinname;
$billdata['afternum'] = $minfo[$coinname] + $tcoinnum;
$billdata['type'] = 8;
$billdata['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$billdata['st'] = 1;
$billdata['remark'] = L('矿机收益释放');
M("kjorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->setDec("synum", 1);
$reinfo = M("kjorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->find();
if ($reinfo['synum'] < 1) {
M("kjorder")->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('status' => 3));
echo "==矿机ID:" . $kid . "收益成功==";
echo "
} else {
echo "==矿机ID:" . $kid . "不能重复收益==";
echo "
} else {
echo "++||没有正常运行的矿机||++";
public function setwl_ty()
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['kongyk'] = 0;
$orderobj = M("tyhyorder");
$count = $orderobj->where($map)->count();
$setting = M("hysetting")->where(array('id' => 1))->field("hy_fkgl")->find();
if ($setting['hy_fkgl'] > 0) {
$ylcount = intval($count * $setting['hy_fkgl'] / 100);
$kscount = $count - $ylcount;
if ($ylcount > 0) {
$yllist = $orderobj->where($map)->order("num asc")->limit($ylcount)->select();
if (!empty($yllist)) {
foreach ($yllist as $k => $v) {
$yid = $v['id'];
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $yid))->save(array('kongyk' => 1));
echo "订单ID:" . $yid . "设为盈利==";
if ($kscount > 0) {
$kslist = $orderobj->where($map)->order("num asc")->limit($kscount)->select();
if (!empty($kslist)) {
foreach ($kslist as $k => $v) {
$kid = $v['id'];
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $kid))->save(array('kongyk' => 2));
echo "订单ID:" . $kid . "设为亏损==";
echo "操作成功";
public function setwl()
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['kongyk'] = 0;
$orderobj = M("hyorder");
$count = $orderobj->where($map)->count();
$setting = M("hysetting")->where(array('id' => 1))->field("hy_fkgl")->find();
if ($setting['hy_fkgl'] > 0) {
$ylcount = intval($count * $setting['hy_fkgl'] / 100);
$kscount = $count - $ylcount;
if ($ylcount > 0) {
$yllist = $orderobj->where($map)->order("num asc")->limit($ylcount)->select();
if (!empty($yllist)) {
foreach ($yllist as $k => $v) {
$yid = $v['id'];
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $yid))->save(array('kongyk' => 1));
echo "订单ID:" . $yid . "设为盈利==";
if ($kscount > 0) {
$kslist = $orderobj->where($map)->order("num asc")->limit($kscount)->select();
if (!empty($kslist)) {
foreach ($kslist as $k => $v) {
$kid = $v['id'];
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $kid))->save(array('kongyk' => 2));
echo "订单ID:" . $kid . "设为亏损==";
echo "操作成功";
public function hycarryout_ty()
$nowtime = time();
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['intselltime'] = array('elt', $nowtime);
$orderobj = M("tyhyorder");
$list = $orderobj->where($map)->select();
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$coinname = $vo['coinname'];
$coinarr = explode("/", $coinname);
$symbol = strtolower($coinarr[0]) . strtolower($coinarr[1]);
$coinapi = "" . $symbol;
$newprice = $this->getnewprice($coinapi);
$randnum = "0." . rand(1000, 9999);
$buyprice = $vo['buyprice'];
$otype = $vo['hyzd']; //合约方向
$dkong = $vo['kongyk']; //单控设置
$uid = $vo['uid'];//会员ID
$id = $vo['id'];//记录ID
$num = $vo['num'];
$hybl = $vo['hybl']; //收益比例
$ylnum = $num * ($hybl / 100); //盈利金额
$money = $num + $ylnum;//本金+盈利金额
//$dkong分三种情况 1、0表示随行情,1表示盈利 2 表示亏损
if ($dkong == 0) {
if ($otype == 1) { //买跌
if ($newprice > $buyprice) { //盈利
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} else {//亏损
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($otype == 2) { //买跌
if ($newprice < $buyprice) { //盈利
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} else {//亏损
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($dkong == 1) {//单控盈利
if ($otype == 1) {//买涨
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($otype == 2) {//买跌
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($dkong == 2) {
if ($otype == 1) {//买涨
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($otype == 2) {//买跌
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
echo "==订单ID:" . $id . "出售成功==";
} else {
echo "没有订单可以结算!";
public function hycarryout_ty_old()
$nowtime = time();
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['intselltime'] = array('elt', $nowtime);
$orderobj = M("tyhyorder");
$list = $orderobj->where($map)->select();
$setting = M("hysetting")->where(array('id' => 1))->field("hy_ksid,hy_ylid,hy_fkgl")->find();
$winarr = explode(',', $setting['hy_ylid']);
$lossarr = explode(',', $setting['hy_ksid']);
$fkarr = explode(',', $setting['hy_fkgl']);
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$coinname = $vo['coinname'];
$coinarr = explode("/", $coinname);
$symbol = strtolower($coinarr[0]) . strtolower($coinarr[1]);
$coinapi = "" . $symbol;
$newprice = $this->getnewprice($coinapi);
$randnum = "0." . rand(1000, 9999);
$buyprice = $vo['buyprice'];
$otype = $vo['hyzd']; //合约方向
$dkong = $vo['kongyk']; //单控设置
$uid = $vo['uid'];//会员ID
$id = $vo['id'];//记录ID
$num = $vo['num'];
$hybl = $vo['hybl'];
$ylnum = $num * ($hybl / 100);
$money = $num + $ylnum;//盈利金额
if ($otype == 1) {
if (in_array($uid, $winarr)) {//如果有指定盈利ID,则按盈利结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif (in_array($uid, $lossarr)) {//如果有指定亏损ID,则按亏损结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} else {//如果未指定盈利和亏损,则按单控的计算
if ($dkong == 1) {//盈利
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
// echo '买入价格:'.$buyprice;
// echo "
// echo '结算价格:'.$sellprice;die;
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($dkong == 2) {//亏损
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
// echo '买入价格:'.$buyprice;
// echo "
// echo '结算价格:'.$sellprice;die;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($otype == 2) {
if (in_array($uid, $winarr)) {//如果有指定盈利ID,则按盈利结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif (in_array($uid, $lossarr)) {//如果有指定亏损ID,则按亏损结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} else {//如果未指定盈利和亏损,则按单控的计算
if ($dkong == 1) {//盈利
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
M("user")->where(array('id' => $uid))->setInc("money", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($dkong == 2) {//亏损
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
echo "==订单ID:" . $id . "出售成功==";
} else {
echo "没有订单可以结算!";
public function hycarryout()
$nowtime = time();
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['intselltime'] = array('elt', $nowtime);
$orderobj = M("hyorder");
$list = $orderobj->where($map)->select();
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$coinname = $vo['coinname'];
$coinarr = explode("/", $coinname);
$symbol = strtolower($coinarr[0]) . strtolower($coinarr[1]);
$coinapi = "" . $symbol;
$newprice = $this->getnewprice($coinapi);
$randnum = "0." . rand(1000, 9999);
$buyprice = $vo['buyprice'];
$otype = $vo['hyzd']; //合约方向
$dkong = $vo['kongyk']; //单控设置
$uid = $vo['uid'];//会员ID
$id = $vo['id'];//记录ID
$num = $vo['num'];
$hybl = $vo['hybl']; //收益比例
$ylnum = $num * ($hybl / 100); //盈利金额
$money = $num + $ylnum;//本金+盈利金额
//$dkong分三种情况 1、0表示随行情,1表示盈利 2 表示亏损
if ($dkong == 0) {
if ($otype == 1) { //买跌
if ($newprice > $buyprice) { //盈利
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} else {//亏损
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($otype == 2) { //买跌
if ($newprice < $buyprice) { //盈利
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} else {//亏损
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $newprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($dkong == 1) {//单控盈利
if ($otype == 1) {//买涨
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} elseif ($otype == 2) {//买跌
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} elseif ($dkong == 2) {
if ($otype == 1) {//买涨
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($otype == 2) {//买跌
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
echo "==订单ID:" . $id . "出售成功==";
} else {
echo "没有订单可以结算!";
public function hycarryout____old()
$nowtime = time();
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['intselltime'] = array('elt', $nowtime);
$orderobj = M("hyorder");
$list = $orderobj->where($map)->select();
$setting = M("hysetting")->where(array('id' => 1))->field("hy_ksid,hy_ylid,hy_fkgl")->find();
$winarr = explode(',', $setting['hy_ylid']);
$lossarr = explode(',', $setting['hy_ksid']);
$fkarr = explode(',', $setting['hy_fkgl']);
if (!empty($list)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $vo) {
$coinname = $vo['coinname'];
$coinarr = explode("/", $coinname);
$symbol = strtolower($coinarr[0]) . strtolower($coinarr[1]);
$coinapi = "" . $symbol;
$newprice = $this->getnewprice($coinapi);
$randnum = "0." . rand(1000, 9999);
$buyprice = $vo['buyprice'];
$otype = $vo['hyzd']; //合约方向
$dkong = $vo['kongyk']; //单控设置
$uid = $vo['uid'];//会员ID
$id = $vo['id'];//记录ID
$num = $vo['num'];
$hybl = $vo['hybl'];
$ylnum = $num * ($hybl / 100);
$money = $num + $ylnum;//盈利金额
if ($otype == 1) {
if (in_array($uid, $winarr)) {//如果有指定盈利ID,则按盈利结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} elseif (in_array($uid, $lossarr)) {//如果有指定亏损ID,则按亏损结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} else {//如果未指定盈利和亏损,则按单控的计算
if ($dkong == 1) {//盈利
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
// echo '买入价格:'.$buyprice;
// echo "
// echo '结算价格:'.$sellprice;die;
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} elseif ($dkong == 2) {//亏损
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
// echo '买入价格:'.$buyprice;
// echo "
// echo '结算价格:'.$sellprice;die;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} elseif ($otype == 2) {
if (in_array($uid, $winarr)) {//如果有指定盈利ID,则按盈利结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} elseif (in_array($uid, $lossarr)) {//如果有指定亏损ID,则按亏损结算
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
} else {//如果未指定盈利和亏损,则按单控的计算
if ($dkong == 1) {//盈利
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice - $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->setInc("usdt", $money);
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 1;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $ylnum;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
$this->addlog($uid, $vo['username'], $money);
} elseif ($dkong == 2) {//亏损
if ($newprice > $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $newprice;
} elseif ($newprice == $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
} elseif ($newprice < $buyprice) {
$sellprice = $buyprice + $randnum;
$sd['status'] = 2;
$sd['is_win'] = 2;
$sd['sellprice'] = $sellprice;
$sd['ploss'] = $num;
$orderobj->where(array('id' => $id))->save($sd);
echo "==订单ID:" . $id . "出售成功==";
} else {
echo "没有订单可以结算!";
public function addlog($uid, $username, $money)
$minfo = M("user_coin")->where(array('userid' => $uid))->find();
$data['uid'] = $uid;
$data['username'] = $username;
$data['num'] = $money;
$data['coinname'] = "usdt";
$data['afternum'] = $minfo['usdt'] + $money;
$data['type'] = 4;
$data['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$data['st'] = 1;
$data['remark'] = L('合约出售');
$notice['uid'] = $uid;
$notice['account'] = $username;
$notice['title'] = L('快速合约交易');
$notice['content'] = L('快速合约已平仓,请及时加仓');
$notice['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$notice['status'] = 1;
public function getnewprice($api)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $api);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
$result = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
$price_arr = $result['data'][0];
$close = $price_arr['close'];//现价
return $close;
public function ups_and_downs()
$coin = M('coin')->where(['type' => 2, 'status' => 1])->select();
$delete = M('trade_log')->where('addtime < '.(time()-600))->delete();
foreach ($coin as $item) {
$name = $item['name'] . '_' . 'usdt';
$market = M('market')->where(['name' => $name])->find();
$trade_list = M('trade_json')->where(['type' => 1])->order('id DESC')->find();// k线15分钟
$trade_list1 = M('trade_json')->where(['type' => 15])->order('id DESC')->find();// k线15分钟
$trade_list2 = M('trade_json')->where(['type' => 30])->order('id DESC')->find();// k线30分钟
$trade_list3 = M('trade_json')->where(['type' => 60])->order('id DESC')->find();// k线1小时
$trade_list4 = M('trade_json')->where(['type' => 240])->order('id DESC')->find();// k线4小时
$trade_list5 = M('trade_json')->where(['type' => 1440])->order('id DESC')->find();// k线1天
if ($market['zhang'] and $market['die']) {
$zd = rand(1, 2); //1涨幅2下跌
if ($zd == 1) {
$zf = $this->randomFloat(0, $market['zhang']); // 涨幅价格
$price = $market['new_price'] + ($market['new_price'] * ($zf / 100));//最新涨幅价格
if ($market['max_price'] < $price) {
$market['max_price'] = $price;
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['max_price' => $price]);
} else {
$xd = $this->randomFloat(0, $market['die']); // 下跌价格
$price = $market['new_price'] - ($market['new_price'] * ($xd / 100));//最新下跌价格
if ($market['min_price'] > $price) {
$market['min_price'] = $price;
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['min_price' => $price]);
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['new_price' => $price]);
if ($market['hou_time'] < strtotime('today')) {
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['hou_price' => $price, 'hou_time' => strtotime('today'), 'max_day' => $price, 'min_day' => $price]);
if ($market['zhang'] > 0 and $market['die'] == 0){
$zf = $this->randomFloat(0, $market['zhang']); // 涨幅价格
$price = $market['new_price'] + ($market['new_price'] * ($zf / 100));//最新涨幅价格
if ($market['max_price'] < $price) {
$market['max_price'] = $price;
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['max_price' => $price]);
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['new_price' => $price]);
if ($market['hou_time'] < strtotime('today')) {
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['hou_price' => $price, 'hou_time' => strtotime('today'), 'max_day' => $price, 'min_day' => $price]);
if ($market['zhang'] == 0 and $market['die'] > 0){
$xd = $this->randomFloat(0, $market['die']); // 下跌价格
$price = $market['new_price'] - ($market['new_price'] * ($xd / 100));//最新下跌价格
if ($market['min_price'] > $price) {
$market['min_price'] = $price;
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['min_price' => $price]);
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['new_price' => $price]);
if ($market['hou_time'] < strtotime('today')) {
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['hou_price' => $price, 'hou_time' => strtotime('today'), 'max_day' => $price, 'min_day' => $price]);
if ($price){
$price = round($price, 6);
$sd = $this->randomFloat($market['sdlow_num'], $market['sdhigh_num']);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $sd; $i ++){
'market' => $name,
'price' => $price,
'num' => $this->randomFloat(0, 1),
'mum' => $this->randomFloat(0, 1),
'addtime' => time() - rand(1, 10),
'type' => rand(1, 2)
if ($price > $market['max_day']){
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['max_day' => $price]);
if ($price < $market['min_day']){
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['min_day' => $price]);
if ($price > $market['max_price']){
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['max_price' => $price]);
$market['max_price'] = $price;
if ($price < $market['min_price']){
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['min_price' => $price]);
$market['min_price'] = $price;
if ($trade_list) {
$data = json_decode($trade_list['data']);
$time = $trade_list['addtime'] + ($trade_list['type'] * 60);
if ($time <= time()) {
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['max_price' => $price]);
M('market')->where(['id' => $market['id']])->save(['min_price' => $price]);
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 1,
'addtime' => time()
} else {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 1,
'addtime' => time()
if ($trade_list1) {
$data = json_decode($trade_list1['data']);
$time = $trade_list1['addtime'] + ($trade_list1['type'] * 60);
if ($time <= time()) {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 15,
'addtime' => time()
} else {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 15,
'addtime' => time()
if ($trade_list2) {
$data = json_decode($trade_list2['data']);
$time = $trade_list2['addtime'] + ($trade_list2['type'] * 60);
if ($time <= time()) {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 30,
'addtime' => time()
} else {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 30,
'addtime' => time()
if ($trade_list3) {
$data = json_decode($trade_list3['data']);
$time = $trade_list3['addtime'] + ($trade_list3['type'] * 60);
if ($time <= time()) {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 60,
'addtime' => time()
} else {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 60,
'addtime' => time()
if ($trade_list4) {
$data = json_decode($trade_list4['data']);
$time = $trade_list4['addtime'] + ($trade_list4['type'] * 60);
if ($time <= time()) {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 240,
'addtime' => time()
} else {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 240,
'addtime' => time()
if ($trade_list5) {
$data = json_decode($trade_list5['data']);
$time = $trade_list5['addtime'] + ($trade_list5['type'] * 60);
if ($time <= time()) {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 1440,
'addtime' => time()
} else {
$json = [
'market' => $name,
'data' => json_encode([
time() * 1000,
$this->randomFloat(0, $market['sdhigh_num'])
'type' => 1440,
'addtime' => time()
echo '自动增长';
function randomFloat($min = 0, $max = 1)
$num = $min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min);
return sprintf("%.4f", $num); //控制小数后几位