ip(); } protected function setLastTimeAttr($value) { return time(); } protected function setLastIpAttr($value) { return app('request')->ip(); } /** * @param $wechatUser * @param int $spread_uid * @return bool * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException */ public static function setWechatUser($wechatUser, $spread_uid = 0) { $storeBrokerageStatu = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu') ?: 1;//获取后台分销类型 $res = self::create([ 'account' => 'wx' . $wechatUser['uid'] . time(), 'pwd' => md5(123456), 'nickname' => $wechatUser['nickname'] ?: '', 'avatar' => $wechatUser['headimgurl'] ?: '', 'add_time' => time(), 'add_ip' => app('request')->ip(), 'last_time' => time(), 'last_ip' => app('request')->ip(), 'uid' => $wechatUser['uid'], 'is_promoter' => $storeBrokerageStatu != 1 ? 1 : 0, 'user_type' => 'wechat' ]); return $res && UserSpread::setSpread($wechatUser['uid'], $spread_uid); } /** * TODO 获取会员是否被清除过的时间 * @param $uid * @return int|mixed * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws DbException */ public static function getCleanTime($uid) { $user = self::where('uid', $uid)->field(['add_time', 'clean_time'])->find(); if (!$user) return 0; return $user['clean_time'] ? $user['clean_time'] : $user['add_time']; } /** * 更新用户信息 * @param array $wechatUser 用户信息 * @param int $uid 用户uid * @return bool|void * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws DbException */ public static function updateWechatUser($wechatUser, $uid) { $userInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->find(); if (!$userInfo) return; //增加成为分销权限 if (!$userInfo->is_promoter) { $price = StoreOrder::where(['paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => 0, 'uid' => $uid])->sum('pay_price'); $status = is_brokerage_statu($price); } else { $status = false; } if ($userInfo->spread_uid) { return self::edit([ 'nickname' => $wechatUser['nickname'] ?: '', 'avatar' => $wechatUser['headimgurl'] ?: '', 'is_promoter' => $status ? 1 : $userInfo->is_promoter, 'login_type' => isset($wechatUser['login_type']) ? $wechatUser['login_type'] : $userInfo->login_type, ], $uid, 'uid'); } else { $data = [ 'nickname' => $wechatUser['nickname'] ?: '', 'avatar' => $wechatUser['headimgurl'] ?: '', 'is_promoter' => $status ? 1 : $userInfo->is_promoter, 'login_type' => isset($wechatUser['login_type']) ? $wechatUser['login_type'] : $userInfo->login_type, // 'spread_uid' => 0, // 'spread_time' => 0, 'last_time' => time(), 'last_ip' => request()->ip(), ]; //TODO 获取后台分销类型 // $storeBrokerageStatus = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu'); // $storeBrokerageStatus = $storeBrokerageStatus ? $storeBrokerageStatus : 1; // if (isset($wechatUser['code']) && $wechatUser['code'] && $wechatUser['code'] != $uid && $uid != self::where('uid', $wechatUser['code'])->value('spread_uid')) { // if ($storeBrokerageStatus == 1) { // $spreadCount = self::where('uid', $wechatUser['code'])->count(); // if ($spreadCount) { // $spreadInfo = self::where('uid', $wechatUser['code'])->find(); // if ($spreadInfo->is_promoter) { // //TODO 只有扫码才可以获得推广权限 //// if(isset($wechatUser['isPromoter'])) $data['is_promoter'] = $wechatUser['isPromoter'] ? 1 : 0; // } // } // } // $data['spread_uid'] = $wechatUser['code']; // $data['spread_time'] = time(); // } return self::edit($data, $uid, 'uid') && UserSpread::setSpread($uid, $wechatUser['code'] ?? 0); } } /** * 设置推广关系 * @param $spread * @param $uid * @return bool * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws DbException */ public static function setSpread($spread, $uid) { return UserSpread::setSpread($uid, $spread); //当前用户信息 // $userInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->find(); // if (!$userInfo) return true; // //当前用户有上级直接返回 // if ($userInfo->spread_uid) return true; // //没有推广编号直接返回 // if (!$spread) return true; // if ($spread == $uid) return true; // if ($uid == self::where('uid', $spread)->value('spread_uid')) return true; // //TODO 获取后台分销类型 // $storeBrokerageStatus = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu'); // $storeBrokerageStatus = $storeBrokerageStatus ? $storeBrokerageStatus : 1; // if ($storeBrokerageStatus == 1) { // $spreadCount = self::where('uid', $spread)->count(); // if ($spreadCount) { // $spreadInfo = self::where('uid', $spread)->find(); // if ($spreadInfo->is_promoter) { // //TODO 只有扫码才可以获得推广权限 //// if(isset($wechatUser['isPromoter'])) $data['is_promoter'] = $wechatUser['isPromoter'] ? 1 : 0; // } // } // } // $data['spread_uid'] = $spread; // $data['spread_time'] = time(); // return self::edit($data, $uid, 'uid'); } /** * 小程序用户添加 * @param $routineUser * @param int $spread_uid * @return object * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException */ public static function setRoutineUser($routineUser, $spread_uid = 0) { self::beginTrans(); $res1 = true; if ($spread_uid) $res1 = self::where('uid', $spread_uid)->inc('spread_count', 1)->update(); $storeBrokerageStatu = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu') ?: 1;//获取后台分销类型 $res2 = self::create([ 'account' => 'rt' . $routineUser['uid'] . time(), 'pwd' => md5(123456), 'nickname' => $routineUser['nickname'] ?: '', 'avatar' => $routineUser['headimgurl'] ?: '', // 'spread_uid' => $spread_uid, 'is_promoter' => $storeBrokerageStatu != 1 ? 1 : 0, // 'spread_time' => $spread_uid ? time() : 0, 'uid' => $routineUser['uid'], 'add_time' => $routineUser['add_time'], 'add_ip' => request()->ip(), 'last_time' => time(), 'last_ip' => request()->ip(), 'user_type' => $routineUser['user_type'] ]); $res = $res1 && $res2 && UserSpread::setSpread($routineUser['uid'], $spread_uid); self::checkTrans($res); return $res2; } /** * 获得当前登陆用户UID * @return int $uid */ public static function getActiveUid() { $uid = null; $uid = Session::get('LoginUid'); if ($uid) return $uid; else return 0; } /** * TODO 查询当前用户信息 * @param $uid $uid 用户编号 * @param string $field $field 查询的字段 * @return array * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws DbException */ public static function getUserInfo($uid, $field = '') { if (strlen(trim($field))) $userInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->field($field)->find(); else $userInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->find(); if (!$userInfo) return []; return $userInfo->toArray(); } /** * 判断当前用户是否推广员 * @param int $uid * @return bool */ public static function isUserSpread($uid = 0) { if (!$uid) return false; $status = (int)sys_config('store_brokerage_statu'); $isPromoter = true; if ($status == 1) $isPromoter = self::where('uid', $uid)->value('is_promoter'); if ($isPromoter) return true; else return false; } /** * TODO 一级返佣 * @param $orderInfo * @return bool * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws DbException */ public static function backOrderBrokerage($orderInfo, bool $open = true) { //TODO 营销产品不返佣金 if (isset($orderInfo['combination_id']) && $orderInfo['combination_id']) return true; if (isset($orderInfo['seckill_id']) && $orderInfo['seckill_id']) return true; if (isset($orderInfo['bargain_id']) && $orderInfo['bargain_id']) return true; $userInfo = User::getUserInfo($orderInfo['uid']); //TODO 当前用户不存在 没有上级 或者 当用用户上级时自己 直接返回 if (!$userInfo || !$userInfo['spread_uid'] || $userInfo['spread_uid'] == $orderInfo['uid']) return true; if (!User::be(['uid' => $userInfo['spread_uid'], 'is_promoter' => 1])) return self::backOrderBrokerageTwo($orderInfo, $open); $cartId = is_string($orderInfo['cart_id']) ? json_decode($orderInfo['cart_id'], true) : $orderInfo['cart_id']; list($realBrokeragePrice, $virtualBrokeragePrice) = StoreProduct::getProductBrokerage($cartId); //TODO 返佣金额小于等于0 直接返回不返佣金 if ($realBrokeragePrice <= 0 && $virtualBrokeragePrice <= 0) return true; //TODO 获取上级推广员信息 // $open && self::beginTrans(); $res = true; if ($virtualBrokeragePrice > 0) { $spreadUserInfo = User::getUserInfo($userInfo['spread_uid']); //TODO 上级推广员返佣之后的金额 $balance = bcadd($spreadUserInfo['brokerage_price'], $virtualBrokeragePrice, 2); $mark = $userInfo['nickname'] . '成功消费[虚拟产品]' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']) . '元,奖励推广佣金' . floatval($virtualBrokeragePrice); //TODO 添加推广记录 $res1 = UserBill::income('获得推广佣金', $userInfo['spread_uid'], 'now_money', 'brokerage', $virtualBrokeragePrice, $orderInfo['id'], $balance, $mark); //TODO 添加用户余额 $res2 = self::bcInc($userInfo['spread_uid'], 'brokerage_price', $virtualBrokeragePrice, 'uid'); //TODO 一级返佣成功 跳转二级返佣 $res = $res1 && $res2; } if ($realBrokeragePrice > 0) { $spreadUserInfo = User::getUserInfo($userInfo['spread_uid']); //TODO 上级推广员返佣之后的金额 $mark = $userInfo['nickname'] . '成功消费[实体产品]' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']) . '元,奖励推广佣金' . floatval($realBrokeragePrice); //TODO 添加推广记录 $res = UserBill::income('获得推广佣金', $userInfo['spread_uid'], 'now_money', 'brokerage', $realBrokeragePrice, $orderInfo['id'], $spreadUserInfo['brokerage_price'], $mark, 0); } $res = $res && self::backOrderBrokerageTwo($orderInfo); // $open && self::checkTrans($res); return $res; } /** * TODO 二级推广 * @param $orderInfo * @return bool * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws DbException */ public static function backOrderBrokerageTwo($orderInfo, bool $open = true) { //TODO 获取购买商品的用户 $userInfo = User::getUserInfo($orderInfo['uid']); //TODO 获取上推广人 $userInfoTwo = User::getUserInfo($userInfo['spread_uid']); //TODO 上推广人不存在 或者 上推广人没有上级 或者 当用用户上上级时自己 直接返回 if (!$userInfoTwo || !$userInfoTwo['spread_uid'] || $userInfoTwo['spread_uid'] == $orderInfo['uid']) return true; //TODO 获取后台分销类型 1 指定分销 2 人人分销 if (!User::be(['uid' => $userInfoTwo['spread_uid'], 'is_promoter' => 1])) return true; $cartId = is_string($orderInfo['cart_id']) ? json_decode($orderInfo['cart_id'], true) : $orderInfo['cart_id']; list($realBrokeragePrice, $virtualBrokeragePrice) = StoreProduct::getProductBrokerage($cartId, false); //TODO 返佣金额小于等于0 直接返回不返佣金 if ($realBrokeragePrice <= 0 && $virtualBrokeragePrice <= 0) return true; // $open && self::beginTrans(); $res = true; if ($virtualBrokeragePrice > 0) { $spreadUserInfoTwo = User::getUserInfo($userInfoTwo['spread_uid']); //TODO 上级推广员返佣之后的金额 $balance = bcadd($spreadUserInfoTwo['brokerage_price'], $virtualBrokeragePrice, 2); $mark = '二级推广人' . $userInfo['nickname'] . '成功消费[虚拟产品]' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']) . '元,奖励推广佣金' . floatval($virtualBrokeragePrice); //TODO 添加推广记录 $res1 = UserBill::income('获得推广佣金', $userInfoTwo['spread_uid'], 'now_money', 'brokerage', $virtualBrokeragePrice, $orderInfo['id'], $balance, $mark); //TODO 添加用户余额 $res2 = self::bcInc($userInfoTwo['spread_uid'], 'brokerage_price', $virtualBrokeragePrice, 'uid'); //TODO 一级返佣成功 跳转二级返佣 $res = $res1 && $res2; } if ($realBrokeragePrice > 0) { $spreadUserInfoTwo = User::getUserInfo($userInfoTwo['spread_uid']); //TODO 上级推广员返佣之后的金额 $mark = '二级推广人' . $userInfo['nickname'] . '成功消费[实体产品]' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']) . '元,奖励推广佣金' . floatval($realBrokeragePrice); //TODO 添加推广记录 $res = UserBill::income('获得推广佣金', $userInfoTwo['spread_uid'], 'now_money', 'brokerage', $realBrokeragePrice, $orderInfo['id'], $spreadUserInfoTwo['brokerage_price'], $mark, 0); } // $res = $res && self::backOrderBrokerageTwo($orderInfo); // $open && self::checkTrans($res); return $res; } /** * 发放实际商品佣金 * @param $orderInfo * @return bool * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException */ public static function sendBackOrderBrokerage($orderInfo) { $list = UserBill::where(['link_id' => $orderInfo['id'], 'type' => 'brokerage', 'category' => 'now_money', 'pm' => 1, 'status' => 0])->select(); if ($list) { self::beginTrans(); try { foreach ($list as $v) { self::bcInc($v['uid'], 'brokerage_price', $v['number'], 'uid'); $balance = self::getUserInfo($v['uid'])['brokerage_price']; UserBill::where('id', $v['id'])->update(['add_time' => time(), 'status' => 1, 'balance' => $balance]); } self::commitTrans(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { self::rollbackTrans(); return false; } } return true; } /** * 获取推荐人 暂无使用 * @param $uid * @param $page * @param $limit * @return mixed */ public static function getSpreadList($uid, $page, $limit) { $list = self::where('spread_uid', $uid)->field('uid,nickname,avatar,add_time')->page($page, $limit)->order('add_time DESC')->select(); foreach ($list as $k => $user) { $list[$k]['add_time'] = date('Y/m/d', $user['add_time']); $list[$k]['price'] = StoreOrder::getUserPrice($user['uid']); } $count = self::where('spread_uid', $uid)->field('uid,nickname,avatar,add_time')->count(); $data['count'] = $count; $data['list'] = $list; return $data; } /** * 获取某个用户的下级uid * @param $uid * @return array */ public static function getOneSpreadUid($uid) { return self::where('spread_uid', $uid)->column('uid'); } /** * 修改个人信息 * @param $avatar 头像 * @param $nickname 昵称 * @param $uid 用户uid * @return bool */ public static function editUser($avatar, $nickname, $uid) { return self::edit(['avatar' => $avatar, 'nickname' => $nickname], $uid, 'uid'); } /** * TODO 获取推广人数 一级 * @param int $uid * @return bool|int|string */ public static function getSpreadCount($uid = 0) { if (!$uid) return false; return self::where('spread_uid', $uid)->count(); } /** * 修改当前用户的推广人数 * @param $uid */ public static function setUserSpreadCount($uid) { if (!$uid) return true; if (self::getSpreadCount($uid) > 0) { self::where('uid', $uid)->update(['spread_count' => 0]); } else { self::where('uid', $uid)->update(['spread_count' => 0]); return true; } return self::where('uid', $uid)->update(['spread_count' => self::getSpreadCount($uid)]); } /** * TODO 获取推广人数 二级 * @param int $uid * @return bool|int|string */ public static function getSpreadLevelCount($uid = 0) { if (!$uid) return false; $uidSubordinate = self::where('spread_uid', $uid)->column('uid'); if (!count($uidSubordinate)) return 0; return self::where('spread_uid', 'IN', implode(',', $uidSubordinate))->count(); } /** * 获取用户下级推广人 * @param int $uid 当前用户 * @param int $grade 等级 0 一级 1 二级 * @param string $orderBy 排序 * @param string $keyword * @param int $page * @param int $limit * @return array|bool */ public static function getUserSpreadGrade($uid = 0, $grade = 0, $orderBy = '', $keyword = '', $page = 0, $limit = 20) { if (!$uid) return []; $gradeGroup = [0, 1]; if (!in_array($grade, $gradeGroup)) return self::setErrorInfo('等级错误'); $userStair = self::where('spread_uid', $uid)->column('uid'); if (!count($userStair)) return []; if ($grade == 0) return self::getUserSpreadCountList(implode(',', $userStair), $orderBy, $keyword, $page, $limit); $userSecondary = self::where('spread_uid', 'in', implode(',', $userStair))->column('uid'); return self::getUserSpreadCountList(implode(',', $userSecondary), $orderBy, $keyword, $page, $limit); } /** * 获取团队信息 * @param $uid * @param string $orderBy * @param string $keyword * @param int $page * @param int $limit * @return array */ public static function getUserSpreadCountList($uid, $orderBy = '', $keyword = '', $page = 0, $limit = 20) { $model = new self; if ($orderBy === '') $orderBy = 'u.add_time desc'; $model = $model->alias(' u'); $sql = StoreOrder::where('o.paid', 1)->group('o.uid')->field(['SUM(o.pay_price) as numberCount', 'o.uid', 'o.order_id']) ->where('o.is_del', 0)->where('o.is_system_del', 0)->alias('o')->fetchSql(true)->select(); $model = $model->join("(" . $sql . ") p", 'u.uid = p.uid', 'LEFT'); $model = $model->where('u.uid', 'IN', $uid); $model = $model->field("u.uid,u.nickname,u.avatar,from_unixtime(u.add_time,'%Y/%m/%d') as time,u.spread_count as childCount,u.pay_count as orderCount,p.numberCount"); if (strlen(trim($keyword))) $model = $model->where('u.nickname|u.phone', 'like', "%$keyword%"); $model = $model->group('u.uid'); $model = $model->order($orderBy); $model = $model->page($page, $limit); $list = $model->select(); if ($list) return $list->toArray(); else return []; } /** * 设置用户的上级关系 * @param $uid 用户uid * @param $spreadUid 上级用户uid * @return User|bool * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws DbException */ public static function setSpreadUid($uid, $spreadUid) { return UserSpread::setSpread($uid, $spreadUid); // 自己不能绑定自己为上级 // if ($uid == $spreadUid) return false; // //TODO 获取后台分销类型 // $storeBrokerageStatus = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu'); // $storeBrokerageStatus = $storeBrokerageStatus ? $storeBrokerageStatus : 1; // if ($storeBrokerageStatus == 1) { // $spreadCount = self::where('uid', $spreadUid)->count(); // if ($spreadCount) { // $spreadInfo = self::where('uid', $spreadUid)->find(); // if ($spreadInfo->is_promoter) { // //TODO 只有扫码才可以获得推广权限 // if (isset($wechatUser['isPromoter'])) $data['is_promoter'] = 1; // } // } // } // return self::where('uid', $uid)->update(['spread_uid' => $spreadUid, 'spread_time' => time()]); } /** * 判断上下级关系是否存在 * @param $uid * @param $spreadUid * @return bool|int */ public static function validSpread($uid, $spreadUid) { if (!$uid || !$spreadUid) return false; return self::where('uid', $uid)->where('spread_uid', $spreadUid)->count(); } /** * H5用户注册 * @param $account * @param $password * @param $spread * @return bool * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException */ public static function register($account, $password, $spread) { $storeBrokerageStatu = sys_config('store_brokerage_statu') ?: 1;//获取后台分销类型 if (self::be(['account' => $account])) return self::setErrorInfo('用户已存在'); $phone = $account; $data['account'] = $account; $data['pwd'] = md5($password); $data['phone'] = $phone; // if ($spread) { // $data['spread_uid'] = $spread; // $data['spread_time'] = time(); // } $data['real_name'] = ''; $data['birthday'] = 0; $data['card_id'] = ''; $data['mark'] = ''; $data['addres'] = ''; $data['user_type'] = 'h5'; $data['add_time'] = time(); $data['add_ip'] = app('request')->ip(); $data['last_time'] = time(); $data['last_ip'] = app('request')->ip(); $data['nickname'] = substr(md5($account . time()), 0, 12); $data['avatar'] = $data['headimgurl'] = sys_config('h5_avatar'); $data['city'] = ''; $data['language'] = ''; $data['province'] = ''; $data['country'] = ''; $data['is_promoter'] = $storeBrokerageStatu != 1 ? 1 : 0; self::beginTrans(); $res2 = WechatUser::create($data); $data['uid'] = $res2->uid; $res1 = self::create($data); $res3 = UserBill::income('注册赠送消费券', $res1['uid'], 'consumption', 'register_consumption', 2000, $spread, 2000, '注册赠送2000消费券'); $res = $res1 && $res2 && UserSpread::setSpread($data['uid'], $spread) && $res3; self::checkTrans($res); return $res; } /** * 密码修改 * @param $account * @param $password * @return User|bool */ public static function reset($account, $password) { if (!self::be(['account' => $account])) return self::setErrorInfo('用户不存在'); $count = self::where('account', $account)->where('pwd', md5($password))->count(); if ($count) return true; return self::where('account', $account)->update(['pwd' => md5($password)]); } /** * 获取手机号是否注册 * @param $phone * @return bool */ public static function checkPhone($phone) { return self::be(['account' => $phone]); } /** * 获取推广人 * @param $data 查询条件 * @return array * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException */ public static function getRankList($data) { switch ($data['type']) { case 'week': $startTime = strtotime('this week'); $endTime = time(); break; case 'month': $startTime = strtotime('last month'); $endTime = time(); break; } $list = self::alias('t0') ->field('t0.uid,t0.spread_uid,count(t1.spread_uid) AS count,t0.add_time,t0.nickname,t0.avatar') ->join('user t1', 't0.uid = t1.spread_uid', 'LEFT') ->where('t1.spread_uid', '<>', 0) ->order('count desc') ->order('t0.uid desc') ->where('t1.add_time', 'BETWEEN', [$startTime, $endTime]) ->page($data['page'], $data['limit']) ->group('t0.uid') ->select(); return count($list) ? $list->toArray() : []; } /** * 获取佣金排行 * @param $data * @return array */ public static function brokerageRank($data) { $model = self::where('status', 1); switch ($data['type']) { case 'week': $model = $model->whereIn('uid', function ($query) { $query->name('user_bill')->where('category', 'now_money')->where('type', 'brokerage') ->whereWeek('add_time')->field('uid'); }); break; case 'month': $model = $model->whereIn('uid', function ($query) { $query->name('user_bill')->where('category', 'now_money')->where('type', 'brokerage') ->whereMonth('add_time')->field('uid'); }); break; } $users = $model->field('uid,nickname,avatar,brokerage_price')->order('brokerage_price desc') ->page((int)$data['page'], (int)$data['limit'])->select(); return count($users) ? $users->toArray() : []; } /** * 获取当前用户的佣金排行位置 * @param $uid * @return int */ public static function currentUserRank($type, $brokerage_price) { $model = self::where('status', 1); switch ($type) { case 'week': $model = $model->whereIn('uid', function ($query) { $query->name('user_bill')->where('category', 'now_money')->where('type', 'brokerage') ->whereWeek('add_time')->field('uid'); }); break; case 'month': $model = $model->whereIn('uid', function ($query) { $query->name('user_bill')->where('category', 'now_money')->where('type', 'brokerage') ->whereMonth('add_time')->field('uid'); }); break; } return $model->where('brokerage_price', '>', $brokerage_price)->count('uid'); } /** * 直推释放 * @param $uid * @param $number * @return void * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException */ public static function release_push($uid, $number) { $user = self::where('uid', $uid)->find(); $number = $number * 0.3; $release = StoreOrderRelease::where('uid', $uid)->where('status', 0)->select(); if ($release) { foreach ($release as $item) { if ($number > 0) { if ($item['already'] + $number > $item['to_release']) { $n1 = $item['to_release'] - $item['already'];// 释放量 $number -= $n1; $integral = $n1;// 积分 $item['already'] += $n1; $item['status'] = 1; } else { $n1 = $number; $integral = $n1;// 积分 $number = 0; $item['already'] += $n1; } User::where('uid', $user['uid'])->inc('dynamic_integral', $integral)->update(); UserBill::income('直推奖励释放动态积分', $user['uid'], 'dynamic_integral', 'zt_dynamic_integral', $integral, 0, $user['dynamic_integral'] + $integral, '直推奖励释放订单' . $item['order_id'] . '动态积分'); StoreOrderRelease::where('id', $item['id'])->update(['already' => $item['already'], 'status' => $item['status']]); } } } } /** * 释放积分 * @return void * @throws DataNotFoundException * @throws DbException * @throws ModelNotFoundException */ public static function release_today() { $order_release = StoreOrderRelease::where([['status', '=', 0], ['create_time', '<', strtotime('today')], ['release_time', '<', strtotime('yesterday')]])->select(); if ($order_release) { foreach ($order_release as $item) { if ($item['already'] + $item['release'] > $item['to_release']) { $number = $item['to_release'] - $item['already'];// 释放量 $item['already'] += $number; $item['status'] = 1; } else { $number = $item['release']; $item['already'] += $number; } StoreOrderRelease::where('id', $item['id'])->update(['already' => $item['already'], 'status' => $item['status'], 'release_time' => strtotime('yesterday')]); } } } /** * 团队奖励 * @return void * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public static function push() { if (!Push::where('add_time', strtotime('today'))->find()){ $user = User::select(); foreach ($user as $item) { $price = UserRelease::whereBetweenTime('create_time', strtotime('yesterday'), strtotime('today'))->where('uid', $item['uid'])->sum('release');// 昨天释放收益 if ($item['spread_uid'] > 0 and $price > 0){ $spread = getParent($item['spread_uid'], $user->toArray());// 找到所有上级 $v1 = 0; $v2 = 0; $v3 = 0; $one = sys_config('one_release')/100; // v1团队比例 $one_level = sys_config('one_level')/100; // v1平级比例 $tow = sys_config('tow_release')/100; // v2团队比例 $tow_level = sys_config('tow_level')/100;// v2平级比例 $three = sys_config('tr_release')/100;// v3比例 $three_level = sys_config('tr_level')/100;// v3比例 foreach ($spread as $value) { $details = User::where('uid', $value)->find(); $release = StoreOrderRelease::where('uid', $details['uid'])->where('status', 0)->select(); if (count($release) > 0 and $details['level'] > 0){ if ($details['level'] == 1){ if ($v2 == 0 and $v3 == 0){ // 没有发放v2和v3的奖励 if ($v1 == 0) { // 没有发放v1的奖励 $jl = $price * $one; $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v1团队奖励 $v1++; }elseif ($v1 == 1){// 发放v1奖励1次 $jl = ($price*$one)*$one_level;//平级的百分之五 $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v1团队奖励平级 $v1++; } } }elseif ($details['level'] == 2){ if ($v3 == 0){ // 没有发放v3的奖励 if ($v1 == 0 and $v2 == 0) { // 没有发放v1和v2的奖励的奖励 $jl = $price * $tow; $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v2团队奖励 $v2++; }elseif($v1 == 0 and $v2 == 1) { // 没有发放v1和v2的奖励的奖励 $jl = ($price * $tow)*$tow_level; $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v2团队奖励平级 $v2++; }elseif ($v1 > 0 and $v2 == 0){// 发放v1奖励,没有发放v2的奖励 $jl = $price * ($tow - $one); $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v2团队奖励 $v2++; }elseif ($v1 > 0 and $v2 == 1){// 发放v1奖励,发放v2的奖励一次 $jl = ($price * ($tow - $one))*$tow_level; // 拿到平级的百分之五 $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v2团队奖励平级 $v2++; } } }elseif ($details['level'] == 3){ if ($v1 == 0 and $v2 == 0 and $v3 == 0) { // 没有发放v1和v2v3的奖励的奖励 $jl = $price * $three; $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励 $v3++; }elseif ($v1 == 0 and $v2 == 0 and $v3 == 1) {// 没有发放v1和v2的奖励的奖励 $jl = ($price * $three) * $three_level; // 拿到平级的百分之五 $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励平级 $v3++; }elseif ($v1 > 0 and $v2 == 0 and $v3 == 0){// 发放v1奖励,没有发放v2v3的奖励 $jl = $price * ($three - $one); $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励 $v3++; }elseif ($v1 > 0 and $v2 == 0 and $v3 == 1){// 发放v1奖励,没有发放v2v3的奖励 $jl = ($price * ($three - $one)) * $three_level; $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励平级 $v3++; }elseif ($v1 == 0 and $v2 > 0 and $v3 == 0){// 发放v1奖励,发放v2的奖励,没有发放v3的奖励 $jl = ($price * ($three - $tow)); $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励 $v3++; }elseif ($v1 == 0 and $v2 > 0 and $v3 == 1){// 发放v1奖励,发放v2的奖励,发放v3的奖励 $jl = ($price * ($three - $tow)) * $three_level; // 拿到平级的百分之五 $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励 $v3++; }elseif ($v1 > 0 and $v2 > 0 and $v3 == 0){// 发放v1奖励,发放v2的奖励,发放v3的奖励 $jl = ($price * ($three - $tow)); $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励 $v3++; }elseif ($v1 > 0 and $v2 > 0 and $v3 == 1){// 发放v1奖励,发放v2的奖励,发放v3的奖励 $jl = ($price * ($three - $tow)) *$three_level; $details['dynamic_integral'] += $jl; // v3团队奖励平级 $v3++; } } if ($jl > 0){ $bill = $jl; foreach ($release as $item) { if ($jl > 0) { if ($item['already'] + $jl > $item['to_release']) { $integral = $item['to_release'] - $item['already'];// 释放量 $jl -= $integral; $item['already'] += $integral; $item['status'] = 1; } else { $integral = $jl; $jl = 0; $item['already'] += $integral; } StoreOrderRelease::where('id', $item['id'])->update(['already' => $item['already'], 'status' => $item['status']]); } } $details->save(); UserBill::income('团队奖励释放动态积分', $details['uid'], 'dynamic_integral', 'team', $jl==0?$bill:$jl, 0,$details['dynamic_integral'], 'v'.$details['level'].'团队奖励释放动态积分'); } $jl = 0; } } } } } } /** * 更新推送时间 * @return void * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public static function time() { if (!Push::where('add_time', strtotime('today'))->find()) { Push::create(['add_time' => strtotime('today')]); //存入数据库信息 } } }