add.php 13 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="zh-CN">
  3. <head>
  4. {include file="public/head"}
  5. <link href="/system/frame/css/bootstrap.min.css?v=3.4.0" rel="stylesheet">
  6. <link href="/system/frame/css/style.min.css?v=3.0.0" rel="stylesheet">
  7. <title>{$title|default=''}</title>
  8. <style></style>
  9. </head>
  10. <body>
  11. <div class="wrapper wrapper-content">
  12. <div class="row">
  13. <div class="col-sm-12">
  14. <div class="ibox float-e-margins">
  15. <div class="ibox-title">
  16. <h5>门店设置</h5>
  17. </div>
  18. <div id="store-attr" class="mp-form" v-cloak="">
  19. <i-Form :label-width="80" style="width: 100%">
  20. <template>
  21. <Alert type="warning">除门店简介外其他选项都是必填项</Alert>
  22. <Form-Item>
  23. <Row>
  24. <i-Col span="13">
  25. <span>门店名称:</span>
  26. <i-Input placeholder="门店名称" v-model="" style="width: 80%" type="text"></i-Input>
  27. </i-Col>
  28. </Row>
  29. </Form-Item>
  30. <Form-Item>
  31. <Row>
  32. <i-Col span="13">
  33. <span>门店简介:</span>
  34. <i-Input placeholder="门店简介" v-model="form.introduction" style="width: 80%" type="text"></i-Input>
  35. </i-Col>
  36. </Row>
  37. </Form-Item>
  38. {if ($role == 1)}
  39. <Form-Item>
  40. <Row>
  41. <i-Col span="13">
  42. <span>门店积分:</span>
  43. <i-Input placeholder="门店积分" v-model="form.integral" style="width: 80%" type="number"></i-Input>
  44. </i-Col>
  45. </Row>
  46. </Form-Item>
  47. {/if}
  48. <Form-Item>
  49. <Row>
  50. <i-Col span="13">
  51. <span>门店手机号:</span>
  52. <i-Input placeholder="门店手机号" v-model="" style="width: 80%" type="text"></i-Input>
  53. </i-Col>
  54. </Row>
  55. </Form-Item>
  56. <Form-Item>
  57. <Row>
  58. <i-Col span="13">
  59. <span>门店地址:</span>
  60. <Cascader :data="addresData" :value.sync="form.address" @on-change="handleChange" style="width: 80%;display: inline-block;"></Cascader>
  61. </i-Col>
  62. </Row>
  63. </Form-Item>
  64. <Form-Item>
  65. <Row>
  66. <i-Col span="13">
  67. <span>详细地址:</span>
  68. <i-Input placeholder="详细地址" v-model="form.detailed_address" style="width: 80%" type="text"></i-Input>
  69. </i-Col>
  70. </Row>
  71. </Form-Item>
  72. <!-- <Form-Item>-->
  73. <!-- <Row>-->
  74. <!-- <i-Col span="13">-->
  75. <!-- <span>核销时效:</span>-->
  76. <!-- <Date-picker type="daterange" @on-change="changeValidTime" placeholder="选择日期" :value="form.valid_time"></Date-picker>-->
  77. <!-- </i-Col>-->
  78. <!-- </Row>-->
  79. <!-- </Form-Item>-->
  80. <Form-Item>
  81. <Row>
  82. <i-Col span="13">
  83. <span>营业时间:</span>
  84. <Time-picker type="timerange" @on-change="changeDayTime" placement="bottom-end" :value="form.day_time" placeholder="选择时间"></Time-picker>
  85. </i-Col>
  86. </Row>
  87. </Form-Item>
  88. <Form-Item>
  89. <Row>
  90. <i-Col span="13">
  91. <span>门店logo:</span>
  92. <div class="demo-upload-list" v-if="form.image">
  93. <template>
  94. <img :src="form.image">
  95. <div class="demo-upload-list-cover">
  96. <Icon type="ios-eye-outline" @click="visible = true "></Icon>
  97. <Icon type="ios-trash-outline" @click="form.image=''"></Icon>
  98. </div>
  99. </template>
  100. </div>
  101. <div class="ivu-upload" style="display: inline-block; width: 58px;" @click="openWindows('选择图片','{:Url('widget.images/index',['fodder'=>'image'])}',{w:900,h:550})" v-if="!form.image">
  102. <div class="ivu-upload ivu-upload-drag">
  103. <div style="width: 58px; height: 58px; line-height: 58px;">
  104. <i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-camera" style="font-size: 20px;"></i>
  105. </div>
  106. </div>
  107. </div>
  108. <Modal title="查看图片" :visible.sync="visible">
  109. <img :src="form.image" v-if="visible" style="width: 100%">
  110. </Modal>
  111. </i-Col>
  112. </Row>
  113. </Form-Item>
  114. <Form-Item>
  115. <Row>
  116. <i-Col span="13">
  117. <span style="float: left">经纬度:</span>
  118. <Tooltip content="请点击查找位置进行选择位置">
  119. <i-Input placeholder="经纬度" v-model="form.latlng" :readonly="true" style="width: 80%" >
  120. <span slot="append" @click="openWindows('查找位置','{:Url('select_address')}',{w:400,h:700})" style="cursor:pointer">查找位置</span>
  121. </i-Input>
  122. </Tooltip>
  123. </i-Col>
  124. </Row>
  125. </Form-Item>
  126. </template>
  127. <Form-Item>
  128. <Row>
  129. <i-Col span="8" offset="6">
  130. <i-Button type="primary" @click="submit">提交</i-Button>
  131. </i-Col>
  132. </Row>
  133. </Form-Item>
  134. </i-Form>
  135. </div>
  136. </div>
  137. </div>
  138. </div>
  139. </div>
  140. <script src="{__PLUG_PATH}city.js"></script>
  141. <script>
  142. var storeData={:json_encode($store)};
  143. mpFrame.start(function(Vue) {
  144. $.each(city,function (key,item) {
  145. city[key].value = item.label;
  146. if(item.children && item.children.length){
  147. $.each(item.children,function (i,v) {
  148. city[key].children[i].value=v.label;
  149. if(v.children && v.children.length){
  150. $.each(v.children,function (k,val) {
  151. city[key].children[i].children[k].value=val.label;
  152. });
  153. }
  154. });
  155. }
  156. });
  157. new Vue({
  158. data:function() {
  159. return {
  160. || 0,
  161. addresData:city,
  162. form:{
  163. || '',
  164. introduction:storeData.introduction || '',
  165. || '',
  166. address:storeData.address || [],
  167. image:storeData.image || '',
  168. detailed_address:storeData.detailed_address || '',
  169. latlng:storeData.latlng || '',
  170. valid_time:storeData.valid_time || [],
  171. day_time:storeData.day_time || [],
  172. integral:storeData.integral || []
  173. },
  174. visible:false,
  175. }
  176. },
  177. methods:{
  178. changeDayTime:function(date){
  179. this.$set(this.form,'day_time',date);
  180. },
  181. changeValidTime:function(date){
  182. this.$set(this.form,'valid_time',date);
  183. },
  184. createFrame:function(title,src,opt){
  185. opt === undefined && (opt = {});
  186. var h = parent.document.body.clientHeight - 100;
  187. return{
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  192. maxmin: true,
  193. moveOut:false,//true 可以拖出窗外 false 只能在窗内拖
  194. anim:5,//出场动画 isOutAnim bool 关闭动画
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  198. content: src,//内容
  199. move:'.layui-layer-title'
  200. });
  201. },
  202. handleChange:function(value,selectedData){
  203. var that = this;
  204. that.form.address = [];
  205. $.each(selectedData,function (key,item) {
  206. that.form.address.push(item.label);
  207. });
  208. that.$set(that.form,'address',that.form.address);
  209. },
  210. openWindows:function(title,url,opt){
  211. return this.createFrame(title,url,opt);
  212. },
  213. changeIMG:function(name,url){
  214. this.form[name]=url;
  215. },
  216. isPhone:function(test){
  217. var reg = /^1[3456789]\d{9}$/;
  218. return reg.test(test);
  219. },
  220. submit:function () {
  221. var that = this;
  222. if(! return $eb.message('error','请填写门店行名称');
  223. if(! return $eb.message('error','请输入手机号码');
  224. if(!that.isPhone( return $eb.message('error','请输入正确的手机号码');
  225. if(!that.form.address) return $eb.message('error','请选择门店地址');
  226. if(!that.form.detailed_address) return $eb.message('error','请填写门店详细地址');
  227. if(!that.form.image) return $eb.message('error','请选择门店logo');
  228. if(!that.form.valid_time) return $eb.message('error','请选择核销时效');
  229. if(!that.form.day_time) return $eb.message('error','请选择门店营业时间');
  230. if(!that.form.latlng) return $eb.message('error','请选择门店经纬度!');
  231. var index = layer.load(1, {
  232. shade: [0.5,'#fff']
  233. });
  234. $'{:Url("save")}'+( ? '?id=' : ''),that.form).then(function (res) {
  235. layer.close(index);
  236. layer.msg(;
  237. if(;
  238. }).catch(function (err) {
  239. console.log(err);
  240. layer.close(index);
  241. })
  242. },
  243. selectAdderss:function (data) {
  244. //lat 纬度 lng 经度
  246. }
  247. },
  248. mounted:function () {
  249. window.changeIMG=this.changeIMG;
  250. window.selectAdderss=this.selectAdderss;
  251. }
  252. }).$mount(document.getElementById('store-attr'))
  253. })
  254. </script>