 * Swiper 3.4.1
 * Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
 * http://www.idangero.us/swiper/
 * Copyright 2016, Vladimir Kharlampidi
 * The iDangero.us
 * http://www.idangero.us/
 * Licensed under MIT
 * Released on: December 13, 2016
(function () {
    'use strict';
    var $;
    var Swiper = function (container, params) {
        if (!(this instanceof Swiper)) return new Swiper(container, params);

        var defaults = {
            direction: 'horizontal',
            touchEventsTarget: 'container',
            initialSlide: 0,
            speed: 300,
            // autoplay
            autoplay: false,
            autoplayDisableOnInteraction: true,
            autoplayStopOnLast: false,
            // To support iOS's swipe-to-go-back gesture (when being used in-app, with UIWebView).
            iOSEdgeSwipeDetection: false,
            iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold: 20,
            // Free mode
            freeMode: false,
            freeModeMomentum: true,
            freeModeMomentumRatio: 1,
            freeModeMomentumBounce: true,
            freeModeMomentumBounceRatio: 1,
            freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio: 1,
            freeModeSticky: false,
            freeModeMinimumVelocity: 0.02,
            // Autoheight
            autoHeight: false,
            // Set wrapper width
            setWrapperSize: false,
            // Virtual Translate
            virtualTranslate: false,
            // Effects
            effect: 'slide', // 'slide' or 'fade' or 'cube' or 'coverflow' or 'flip'
            coverflow: {
                rotate: 50,
                stretch: 0,
                depth: 100,
                modifier: 1,
                slideShadows : true
            flip: {
                slideShadows : true,
                limitRotation: true
            cube: {
                slideShadows: true,
                shadow: true,
                shadowOffset: 20,
                shadowScale: 0.94
            fade: {
                crossFade: false
            // Parallax
            parallax: false,
            // Zoom
            zoom: false,
            zoomMax: 3,
            zoomMin: 1,
            zoomToggle: true,
            // Scrollbar
            scrollbar: null,
            scrollbarHide: true,
            scrollbarDraggable: false,
            scrollbarSnapOnRelease: false,
            // Keyboard Mousewheel
            keyboardControl: false,
            mousewheelControl: false,
            mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: false,
            mousewheelInvert: false,
            mousewheelForceToAxis: false,
            mousewheelSensitivity: 1,
            mousewheelEventsTarged: 'container',
            // Hash Navigation
            hashnav: false,
            hashnavWatchState: false,
            // History
            history: false,
            // Commong Nav State
            replaceState: false,
            // Breakpoints
            breakpoints: undefined,
            // Slides grid
            spaceBetween: 0,
            slidesPerView: 1,
            slidesPerColumn: 1,
            slidesPerColumnFill: 'column',
            slidesPerGroup: 1,
            centeredSlides: false,
            slidesOffsetBefore: 0, // in px
            slidesOffsetAfter: 0, // in px
            // Round length
            roundLengths: false,
            // Touches
            touchRatio: 1,
            touchAngle: 45,
            simulateTouch: true,
            shortSwipes: true,
            longSwipes: true,
            longSwipesRatio: 0.5,
            longSwipesMs: 300,
            followFinger: true,
            onlyExternal: false,
            threshold: 0,
            touchMoveStopPropagation: true,
            touchReleaseOnEdges: false,
            // Unique Navigation Elements
            uniqueNavElements: true,
            // Pagination
            pagination: null,
            paginationElement: 'span',
            paginationClickable: false,
            paginationHide: false,
            paginationBulletRender: null,
            paginationProgressRender: null,
            paginationFractionRender: null,
            paginationCustomRender: null,
            paginationType: 'bullets', // 'bullets' or 'progress' or 'fraction' or 'custom'
            // Resistance
            resistance: true,
            resistanceRatio: 0.85,
            // Next/prev buttons
            nextButton: null,
            prevButton: null,
            // Progress
            watchSlidesProgress: false,
            watchSlidesVisibility: false,
            // Cursor
            grabCursor: false,
            // Clicks
            preventClicks: true,
            preventClicksPropagation: true,
            slideToClickedSlide: false,
            // Lazy Loading
            lazyLoading: false,
            lazyLoadingInPrevNext: false,
            lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount: 1,
            lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart: false,
            // Images
            preloadImages: true,
            updateOnImagesReady: true,
            // loop
            loop: false,
            loopAdditionalSlides: 0,
            loopedSlides: null,
            // Control
            control: undefined,
            controlInverse: false,
            controlBy: 'slide', //or 'container'
            normalizeSlideIndex: true,
            // Swiping/no swiping
            allowSwipeToPrev: true,
            allowSwipeToNext: true,
            swipeHandler: null, //'.swipe-handler',
            noSwiping: true,
            noSwipingClass: 'swiper-no-swiping',
            // Passive Listeners
            passiveListeners: true,
            // NS
            containerModifierClass: 'swiper-container-', // NEW
            slideClass: 'swiper-slide',
            slideActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-active',
            slideDuplicateActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-active',
            slideVisibleClass: 'swiper-slide-visible',
            slideDuplicateClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate',
            slideNextClass: 'swiper-slide-next',
            slideDuplicateNextClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-next',
            slidePrevClass: 'swiper-slide-prev',
            slideDuplicatePrevClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-prev',
            wrapperClass: 'swiper-wrapper',
            bulletClass: 'swiper-pagination-bullet',
            bulletActiveClass: 'swiper-pagination-bullet-active',
            buttonDisabledClass: 'swiper-button-disabled',
            paginationCurrentClass: 'swiper-pagination-current',
            paginationTotalClass: 'swiper-pagination-total',
            paginationHiddenClass: 'swiper-pagination-hidden',
            paginationProgressbarClass: 'swiper-pagination-progressbar',
            paginationClickableClass: 'swiper-pagination-clickable', // NEW
            paginationModifierClass: 'swiper-pagination-', // NEW
            lazyLoadingClass: 'swiper-lazy',
            lazyStatusLoadingClass: 'swiper-lazy-loading',
            lazyStatusLoadedClass: 'swiper-lazy-loaded',
            lazyPreloaderClass: 'swiper-lazy-preloader',
            notificationClass: 'swiper-notification',
            preloaderClass: 'preloader',
            zoomContainerClass: 'swiper-zoom-container',
            // Observer
            observer: false,
            observeParents: false,
            // Accessibility
            a11y: false,
            prevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide',
            nextSlideMessage: 'Next slide',
            firstSlideMessage: 'This is the first slide',
            lastSlideMessage: 'This is the last slide',
            paginationBulletMessage: 'Go to slide {{index}}',
            // Callbacks
            runCallbacksOnInit: true
            onInit: function (swiper)
            onDestroy: function (swiper)
            onClick: function (swiper, e)
            onTap: function (swiper, e)
            onDoubleTap: function (swiper, e)
            onSliderMove: function (swiper, e)
            onSlideChangeStart: function (swiper)
            onSlideChangeEnd: function (swiper)
            onTransitionStart: function (swiper)
            onTransitionEnd: function (swiper)
            onImagesReady: function (swiper)
            onProgress: function (swiper, progress)
            onTouchStart: function (swiper, e)
            onTouchMove: function (swiper, e)
            onTouchMoveOpposite: function (swiper, e)
            onTouchEnd: function (swiper, e)
            onReachBeginning: function (swiper)
            onReachEnd: function (swiper)
            onSetTransition: function (swiper, duration)
            onSetTranslate: function (swiper, translate)
            onAutoplayStart: function (swiper)
            onAutoplayStop: function (swiper),
            onLazyImageLoad: function (swiper, slide, image)
            onLazyImageReady: function (swiper, slide, image)
        var initialVirtualTranslate = params && params.virtualTranslate;
        params = params || {};
        var originalParams = {};
        for (var param in params) {
            if (typeof params[param] === 'object' && params[param] !== null && !(params[param].nodeType || params[param] === window || params[param] === document || (typeof Dom7 !== 'undefined' && params[param] instanceof Dom7) || (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && params[param] instanceof jQuery))) {
                originalParams[param] = {};
                for (var deepParam in params[param]) {
                    originalParams[param][deepParam] = params[param][deepParam];
            else {
                originalParams[param] = params[param];
        for (var def in defaults) {
            if (typeof params[def] === 'undefined') {
                params[def] = defaults[def];
            else if (typeof params[def] === 'object') {
                for (var deepDef in defaults[def]) {
                    if (typeof params[def][deepDef] === 'undefined') {
                        params[def][deepDef] = defaults[def][deepDef];
        // Swiper
        var s = this;
        // Params
        s.params = params;
        s.originalParams = originalParams;
        // Classname
        s.classNames = [];
          Dom Library and plugins
        if (typeof $ !== 'undefined' && typeof Dom7 !== 'undefined'){
            $ = Dom7;
        if (typeof $ === 'undefined') {
            if (typeof Dom7 === 'undefined') {
                $ = window.Dom7 || window.Zepto || window.jQuery;
            else {
                $ = Dom7;
            if (!$) return;
        // Export it to Swiper instance
        s.$ = $;
        s.currentBreakpoint = undefined;
        s.getActiveBreakpoint = function () {
            //Get breakpoint for window width
            if (!s.params.breakpoints) return false;
            var breakpoint = false;
            var points = [], point;
            for ( point in s.params.breakpoints ) {
                if (s.params.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(point)) {
            points.sort(function (a, b) {
                return parseInt(a, 10) > parseInt(b, 10);
            for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
                point = points[i];
                if (point >= window.innerWidth && !breakpoint) {
                    breakpoint = point;
            return breakpoint || 'max';
        s.setBreakpoint = function () {
            //Set breakpoint for window width and update parameters
            var breakpoint = s.getActiveBreakpoint();
            if (breakpoint && s.currentBreakpoint !== breakpoint) {
                var breakPointsParams = breakpoint in s.params.breakpoints ? s.params.breakpoints[breakpoint] : s.originalParams;
                var needsReLoop = s.params.loop && (breakPointsParams.slidesPerView !== s.params.slidesPerView);
                for ( var param in breakPointsParams ) {
                    s.params[param] = breakPointsParams[param];
                s.currentBreakpoint = breakpoint;
                if(needsReLoop && s.destroyLoop) {
        // Set breakpoint on load
        if (s.params.breakpoints) {
          Preparation - Define Container, Wrapper and Pagination
        s.container = $(container);
        if (s.container.length === 0) return;
        if (s.container.length > 1) {
            var swipers = [];
            s.container.each(function () {
                var container = this;
                swipers.push(new Swiper(this, params));
            return swipers;
        // Save instance in container HTML Element and in data
        s.container[0].swiper = s;
        s.container.data('swiper', s);
        s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + s.params.direction);
        if (s.params.freeMode) {
            s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + 'free-mode');
        if (!s.support.flexbox) {
            s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + 'no-flexbox');
            s.params.slidesPerColumn = 1;
        if (s.params.autoHeight) {
            s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + 'autoheight');
        // Enable slides progress when required
        if (s.params.parallax || s.params.watchSlidesVisibility) {
            s.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;
        // Max resistance when touchReleaseOnEdges
        if (s.params.touchReleaseOnEdges) {
            s.params.resistanceRatio = 0;
        // Coverflow / 3D
        if (['cube', 'coverflow', 'flip'].indexOf(s.params.effect) >= 0) {
            if (s.support.transforms3d) {
                s.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;
                s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + '3d');
            else {
                s.params.effect = 'slide';
        if (s.params.effect !== 'slide') {
            s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + s.params.effect);
        if (s.params.effect === 'cube') {
            s.params.resistanceRatio = 0;
            s.params.slidesPerView = 1;
            s.params.slidesPerColumn = 1;
            s.params.slidesPerGroup = 1;
            s.params.centeredSlides = false;
            s.params.spaceBetween = 0;
            s.params.virtualTranslate = true;
            s.params.setWrapperSize = false;
        if (s.params.effect === 'fade' || s.params.effect === 'flip') {
            s.params.slidesPerView = 1;
            s.params.slidesPerColumn = 1;
            s.params.slidesPerGroup = 1;
            s.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;
            s.params.spaceBetween = 0;
            s.params.setWrapperSize = false;
            if (typeof initialVirtualTranslate === 'undefined') {
                s.params.virtualTranslate = true;
        // Grab Cursor
        if (s.params.grabCursor && s.support.touch) {
            s.params.grabCursor = false;
        // Wrapper
        s.wrapper = s.container.children('.' + s.params.wrapperClass);
        // Pagination
        if (s.params.pagination) {
            s.paginationContainer = $(s.params.pagination);
            if (s.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof s.params.pagination === 'string' && s.paginationContainer.length > 1 && s.container.find(s.params.pagination).length === 1) {
                s.paginationContainer = s.container.find(s.params.pagination);
            if (s.params.paginationType === 'bullets' && s.params.paginationClickable) {
                s.paginationContainer.addClass(s.params.paginationModifierClass + 'clickable');
            else {
                s.params.paginationClickable = false;
            s.paginationContainer.addClass(s.params.paginationModifierClass + s.params.paginationType);
        // Next/Prev Buttons
        if (s.params.nextButton || s.params.prevButton) {
            if (s.params.nextButton) {
                s.nextButton = $(s.params.nextButton);
                if (s.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof s.params.nextButton === 'string' && s.nextButton.length > 1 && s.container.find(s.params.nextButton).length === 1) {
                    s.nextButton = s.container.find(s.params.nextButton);
            if (s.params.prevButton) {
                s.prevButton = $(s.params.prevButton);
                if (s.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof s.params.prevButton === 'string' && s.prevButton.length > 1 && s.container.find(s.params.prevButton).length === 1) {
                    s.prevButton = s.container.find(s.params.prevButton);
        // Is Horizontal
        s.isHorizontal = function () {
            return s.params.direction === 'horizontal';
        // s.isH = isH;
        // RTL
        s.rtl = s.isHorizontal() && (s.container[0].dir.toLowerCase() === 'rtl' || s.container.css('direction') === 'rtl');
        if (s.rtl) {
            s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + 'rtl');
        // Wrong RTL support
        if (s.rtl) {
            s.wrongRTL = s.wrapper.css('display') === '-webkit-box';
        // Columns
        if (s.params.slidesPerColumn > 1) {
            s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + 'multirow');
        // Check for Android
        if (s.device.android) {
            s.classNames.push(s.params.containerModifierClass + 'android');
        // Add classes
        s.container.addClass(s.classNames.join(' '));
        // Translate
        s.translate = 0;
        // Progress
        s.progress = 0;
        // Velocity
        s.velocity = 0;
          Locks, unlocks
        s.lockSwipeToNext = function () {
            s.params.allowSwipeToNext = false;
            if (s.params.allowSwipeToPrev === false && s.params.grabCursor) {
        s.lockSwipeToPrev = function () {
            s.params.allowSwipeToPrev = false;
            if (s.params.allowSwipeToNext === false && s.params.grabCursor) {
        s.lockSwipes = function () {
            s.params.allowSwipeToNext = s.params.allowSwipeToPrev = false;
            if (s.params.grabCursor) s.unsetGrabCursor();
        s.unlockSwipeToNext = function () {
            s.params.allowSwipeToNext = true;
            if (s.params.allowSwipeToPrev === true && s.params.grabCursor) {
        s.unlockSwipeToPrev = function () {
            s.params.allowSwipeToPrev = true;
            if (s.params.allowSwipeToNext === true && s.params.grabCursor) {
        s.unlockSwipes = function () {
            s.params.allowSwipeToNext = s.params.allowSwipeToPrev = true;
            if (s.params.grabCursor) s.setGrabCursor();
          Round helper
        function round(a) {
            return Math.floor(a);
          Set grab cursor
        s.setGrabCursor = function(moving) {
            s.container[0].style.cursor = 'move';
            s.container[0].style.cursor = moving ? '-webkit-grabbing' : '-webkit-grab';
            s.container[0].style.cursor = moving ? '-moz-grabbin' : '-moz-grab';
            s.container[0].style.cursor = moving ? 'grabbing': 'grab';
        s.unsetGrabCursor = function () {
            s.container[0].style.cursor = '';
        if (s.params.grabCursor) {
          Update on Images Ready
        s.imagesToLoad = [];
        s.imagesLoaded = 0;
        s.loadImage = function (imgElement, src, srcset, sizes, checkForComplete, callback) {
            var image;
            function onReady () {
                if (callback) callback();
            if (!imgElement.complete || !checkForComplete) {
                if (src) {
                    image = new window.Image();
                    image.onload = onReady;
                    image.onerror = onReady;
                    if (sizes) {
                        image.sizes = sizes;
                    if (srcset) {
                        image.srcset = srcset;
                    if (src) {
                        image.src = src;
                } else {
            } else {//image already loaded...
        s.preloadImages = function () {
            s.imagesToLoad = s.container.find('img');
            function _onReady() {
                if (typeof s === 'undefined' || s === null || !s) return;
                if (s.imagesLoaded !== undefined) s.imagesLoaded++;
                if (s.imagesLoaded === s.imagesToLoad.length) {
                    if (s.params.updateOnImagesReady) s.update();
                    s.emit('onImagesReady', s);
            for (var i = 0; i < s.imagesToLoad.length; i++) {
                s.loadImage(s.imagesToLoad[i], (s.imagesToLoad[i].currentSrc || s.imagesToLoad[i].getAttribute('src')), (s.imagesToLoad[i].srcset || s.imagesToLoad[i].getAttribute('srcset')), s.imagesToLoad[i].sizes || s.imagesToLoad[i].getAttribute('sizes'), true, _onReady);
        s.autoplayTimeoutId = undefined;
        s.autoplaying = false;
        s.autoplayPaused = false;
        function autoplay() {
            var autoplayDelay = s.params.autoplay;
            var activeSlide = s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex);
            if (activeSlide.attr('data-swiper-autoplay')) {
                autoplayDelay = activeSlide.attr('data-swiper-autoplay') || s.params.autoplay;
            s.autoplayTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
                if (s.params.loop) {
                    s.emit('onAutoplay', s);
                else {
                    if (!s.isEnd) {
                        s.emit('onAutoplay', s);
                    else {
                        if (!params.autoplayStopOnLast) {
                            s.emit('onAutoplay', s);
                        else {
            }, autoplayDelay);
        s.startAutoplay = function () {
            if (typeof s.autoplayTimeoutId !== 'undefined') return false;
            if (!s.params.autoplay) return false;
            if (s.autoplaying) return false;
            s.autoplaying = true;
            s.emit('onAutoplayStart', s);
        s.stopAutoplay = function (internal) {
            if (!s.autoplayTimeoutId) return;
            if (s.autoplayTimeoutId) clearTimeout(s.autoplayTimeoutId);
            s.autoplaying = false;
            s.autoplayTimeoutId = undefined;
            s.emit('onAutoplayStop', s);
        s.pauseAutoplay = function (speed) {
            if (s.autoplayPaused) return;
            if (s.autoplayTimeoutId) clearTimeout(s.autoplayTimeoutId);
            s.autoplayPaused = true;
            if (speed === 0) {
                s.autoplayPaused = false;
            else {
                s.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
                    if (!s) return;
                    s.autoplayPaused = false;
                    if (!s.autoplaying) {
                    else {
          Min/Max Translate
        s.minTranslate = function () {
            return (-s.snapGrid[0]);
        s.maxTranslate = function () {
            return (-s.snapGrid[s.snapGrid.length - 1]);
          Slider/slides sizes
        s.updateAutoHeight = function () {
            var activeSlides = [];
            var newHeight = 0;
            var i;
            // Find slides currently in view
            if(s.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && s.params.slidesPerView > 1) {
                for (i = 0; i < Math.ceil(s.params.slidesPerView); i++) {
                    var index = s.activeIndex + i;
                    if(index > s.slides.length) break;
            } else {
            // Find new height from heighest slide in view
            for (i = 0; i < activeSlides.length; i++) {
                if (typeof activeSlides[i] !== 'undefined') {
                    var height = activeSlides[i].offsetHeight;
                    newHeight = height > newHeight ? height : newHeight;
            // Update Height
            if (newHeight) s.wrapper.css('height', newHeight + 'px');
        s.updateContainerSize = function () {
            var width, height;
            if (typeof s.params.width !== 'undefined') {
                width = s.params.width;
            else {
                width = s.container[0].clientWidth;
            if (typeof s.params.height !== 'undefined') {
                height = s.params.height;
            else {
                height = s.container[0].clientHeight;
            if (width === 0 && s.isHorizontal() || height === 0 && !s.isHorizontal()) {
            //Subtract paddings
            width = width - parseInt(s.container.css('padding-left'), 10) - parseInt(s.container.css('padding-right'), 10);
            height = height - parseInt(s.container.css('padding-top'), 10) - parseInt(s.container.css('padding-bottom'), 10);
            // Store values
            s.width = width;
            s.height = height;
            s.size = s.isHorizontal() ? s.width : s.height;
        s.updateSlidesSize = function () {
            s.slides = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass);
            s.snapGrid = [];
            s.slidesGrid = [];
            s.slidesSizesGrid = [];
            var spaceBetween = s.params.spaceBetween,
                slidePosition = -s.params.slidesOffsetBefore,
                prevSlideSize = 0,
                index = 0;
            if (typeof s.size === 'undefined') return;
            if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string' && spaceBetween.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
                spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * s.size;
            s.virtualSize = -spaceBetween;
            // reset margins
            if (s.rtl) s.slides.css({marginLeft: '', marginTop: ''});
            else s.slides.css({marginRight: '', marginBottom: ''});
            var slidesNumberEvenToRows;
            if (s.params.slidesPerColumn > 1) {
                if (Math.floor(s.slides.length / s.params.slidesPerColumn) === s.slides.length / s.params.slidesPerColumn) {
                    slidesNumberEvenToRows = s.slides.length;
                else {
                    slidesNumberEvenToRows = Math.ceil(s.slides.length / s.params.slidesPerColumn) * s.params.slidesPerColumn;
                if (s.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && s.params.slidesPerColumnFill === 'row') {
                    slidesNumberEvenToRows = Math.max(slidesNumberEvenToRows, s.params.slidesPerView * s.params.slidesPerColumn);
            // Calc slides
            var slideSize;
            var slidesPerColumn = s.params.slidesPerColumn;
            var slidesPerRow = slidesNumberEvenToRows / slidesPerColumn;
            var numFullColumns = slidesPerRow - (s.params.slidesPerColumn * slidesPerRow - s.slides.length);
            for (i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                slideSize = 0;
                var slide = s.slides.eq(i);
                if (s.params.slidesPerColumn > 1) {
                    // Set slides order
                    var newSlideOrderIndex;
                    var column, row;
                    if (s.params.slidesPerColumnFill === 'column') {
                        column = Math.floor(i / slidesPerColumn);
                        row = i - column * slidesPerColumn;
                        if (column > numFullColumns || (column === numFullColumns && row === slidesPerColumn-1)) {
                            if (++row >= slidesPerColumn) {
                                row = 0;
                        newSlideOrderIndex = column + row * slidesNumberEvenToRows / slidesPerColumn;
                                '-webkit-box-ordinal-group': newSlideOrderIndex,
                                '-moz-box-ordinal-group': newSlideOrderIndex,
                                '-ms-flex-order': newSlideOrderIndex,
                                '-webkit-order': newSlideOrderIndex,
                                'order': newSlideOrderIndex
                    else {
                        row = Math.floor(i / slidesPerRow);
                        column = i - row * slidesPerRow;
                            'margin-' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 'top' : 'left'),
                            (row !== 0 && s.params.spaceBetween) && (s.params.spaceBetween + 'px')
                        .attr('data-swiper-column', column)
                        .attr('data-swiper-row', row);
                if (slide.css('display') === 'none') continue;
                if (s.params.slidesPerView === 'auto') {
                    slideSize = s.isHorizontal() ? slide.outerWidth(true) : slide.outerHeight(true);
                    if (s.params.roundLengths) slideSize = round(slideSize);
                else {
                    slideSize = (s.size - (s.params.slidesPerView - 1) * spaceBetween) / s.params.slidesPerView;
                    if (s.params.roundLengths) slideSize = round(slideSize);
                    if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                        s.slides[i].style.width = slideSize + 'px';
                    else {
                        s.slides[i].style.height = slideSize + 'px';
                s.slides[i].swiperSlideSize = slideSize;
                if (s.params.centeredSlides) {
                    slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize / 2 + prevSlideSize / 2 + spaceBetween;
                    if (i === 0) slidePosition = slidePosition - s.size / 2 - spaceBetween;
                    if (Math.abs(slidePosition) < 1 / 1000) slidePosition = 0;
                    if ((index) % s.params.slidesPerGroup === 0) s.snapGrid.push(slidePosition);
                else {
                    if ((index) % s.params.slidesPerGroup === 0) s.snapGrid.push(slidePosition);
                    slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize + spaceBetween;
                s.virtualSize += slideSize + spaceBetween;
                prevSlideSize = slideSize;
                index ++;
            s.virtualSize = Math.max(s.virtualSize, s.size) + s.params.slidesOffsetAfter;
            var newSlidesGrid;
            if (
                s.rtl && s.wrongRTL && (s.params.effect === 'slide' || s.params.effect === 'coverflow')) {
                s.wrapper.css({width: s.virtualSize + s.params.spaceBetween + 'px'});
            if (!s.support.flexbox || s.params.setWrapperSize) {
                if (s.isHorizontal()) s.wrapper.css({width: s.virtualSize + s.params.spaceBetween + 'px'});
                else s.wrapper.css({height: s.virtualSize + s.params.spaceBetween + 'px'});
            if (s.params.slidesPerColumn > 1) {
                s.virtualSize = (slideSize + s.params.spaceBetween) * slidesNumberEvenToRows;
                s.virtualSize = Math.ceil(s.virtualSize / s.params.slidesPerColumn) - s.params.spaceBetween;
                if (s.isHorizontal()) s.wrapper.css({width: s.virtualSize + s.params.spaceBetween + 'px'});
                else s.wrapper.css({height: s.virtualSize + s.params.spaceBetween + 'px'});
                if (s.params.centeredSlides) {
                    newSlidesGrid = [];
                    for (i = 0; i < s.snapGrid.length; i++) {
                        if (s.snapGrid[i] < s.virtualSize + s.snapGrid[0]) newSlidesGrid.push(s.snapGrid[i]);
                    s.snapGrid = newSlidesGrid;
            // Remove last grid elements depending on width
            if (!s.params.centeredSlides) {
                newSlidesGrid = [];
                for (i = 0; i < s.snapGrid.length; i++) {
                    if (s.snapGrid[i] <= s.virtualSize - s.size) {
                s.snapGrid = newSlidesGrid;
                if (Math.floor(s.virtualSize - s.size) - Math.floor(s.snapGrid[s.snapGrid.length - 1]) > 1) {
                    s.snapGrid.push(s.virtualSize - s.size);
            if (s.snapGrid.length === 0) s.snapGrid = [0];
            if (s.params.spaceBetween !== 0) {
                if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                    if (s.rtl) s.slides.css({marginLeft: spaceBetween + 'px'});
                    else s.slides.css({marginRight: spaceBetween + 'px'});
                else s.slides.css({marginBottom: spaceBetween + 'px'});
            if (s.params.watchSlidesProgress) {
        s.updateSlidesOffset = function () {
            for (var i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                s.slides[i].swiperSlideOffset = s.isHorizontal() ? s.slides[i].offsetLeft : s.slides[i].offsetTop;
          Dynamic Slides Per View
        s.currentSlidesPerView = function () {
            var spv = 1, i, j;
            if (s.params.centeredSlides) {
                var size = s.slides[s.activeIndex].swiperSlideSize;
                var breakLoop;
                for (i = s.activeIndex + 1; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                    if (s.slides[i] && !breakLoop) {
                        size += s.slides[i].swiperSlideSize;
                        spv ++;
                        if (size > s.size) breakLoop = true;
                for (j = s.activeIndex - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                    if (s.slides[j] && !breakLoop) {
                        size += s.slides[j].swiperSlideSize;
                        spv ++;
                        if (size > s.size) breakLoop = true;
            else {
                for (i = s.activeIndex + 1; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                    if (s.slidesGrid[i] - s.slidesGrid[s.activeIndex] < s.size) {
            return spv;
          Slider/slides progress
        s.updateSlidesProgress = function (translate) {
            if (typeof translate === 'undefined') {
                translate = s.translate || 0;
            if (s.slides.length === 0) return;
            if (typeof s.slides[0].swiperSlideOffset === 'undefined') s.updateSlidesOffset();
            var offsetCenter = -translate;
            if (s.rtl) offsetCenter = translate;
            // Visible Slides
            for (var i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                var slide = s.slides[i];
                var slideProgress = (offsetCenter + (s.params.centeredSlides ? s.minTranslate() : 0) - slide.swiperSlideOffset) / (slide.swiperSlideSize + s.params.spaceBetween);
                if (s.params.watchSlidesVisibility) {
                    var slideBefore = -(offsetCenter - slide.swiperSlideOffset);
                    var slideAfter = slideBefore + s.slidesSizesGrid[i];
                    var isVisible =
                        (slideBefore >= 0 && slideBefore < s.size) ||
                        (slideAfter > 0 && slideAfter <= s.size) ||
                        (slideBefore <= 0 && slideAfter >= s.size);
                    if (isVisible) {
                slide.progress = s.rtl ? -slideProgress : slideProgress;
        s.updateProgress = function (translate) {
            if (typeof translate === 'undefined') {
                translate = s.translate || 0;
            var translatesDiff = s.maxTranslate() - s.minTranslate();
            var wasBeginning = s.isBeginning;
            var wasEnd = s.isEnd;
            if (translatesDiff === 0) {
                s.progress = 0;
                s.isBeginning = s.isEnd = true;
            else {
                s.progress = (translate - s.minTranslate()) / (translatesDiff);
                s.isBeginning = s.progress <= 0;
                s.isEnd = s.progress >= 1;
            if (s.isBeginning && !wasBeginning) s.emit('onReachBeginning', s);
            if (s.isEnd && !wasEnd) s.emit('onReachEnd', s);
            if (s.params.watchSlidesProgress) s.updateSlidesProgress(translate);
            s.emit('onProgress', s, s.progress);
        s.updateActiveIndex = function () {
            var translate = s.rtl ? s.translate : -s.translate;
            var newActiveIndex, i, snapIndex;
            for (i = 0; i < s.slidesGrid.length; i ++) {
                if (typeof s.slidesGrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') {
                    if (translate >= s.slidesGrid[i] && translate < s.slidesGrid[i + 1] - (s.slidesGrid[i + 1] - s.slidesGrid[i]) / 2) {
                        newActiveIndex = i;
                    else if (translate >= s.slidesGrid[i] && translate < s.slidesGrid[i + 1]) {
                        newActiveIndex = i + 1;
                else {
                    if (translate >= s.slidesGrid[i]) {
                        newActiveIndex = i;
            // Normalize slideIndex
                if (newActiveIndex < 0 || typeof newActiveIndex === 'undefined') newActiveIndex = 0;
            // for (i = 0; i < s.slidesGrid.length; i++) {
                // if (- translate >= s.slidesGrid[i]) {
                    // newActiveIndex = i;
                // }
            // }
            snapIndex = Math.floor(newActiveIndex / s.params.slidesPerGroup);
            if (snapIndex >= s.snapGrid.length) snapIndex = s.snapGrid.length - 1;
            if (newActiveIndex === s.activeIndex) {
            s.snapIndex = snapIndex;
            s.previousIndex = s.activeIndex;
            s.activeIndex = newActiveIndex;
        s.updateRealIndex = function(){
            s.realIndex = parseInt(s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex).attr('data-swiper-slide-index') || s.activeIndex, 10);
        s.updateClasses = function () {
            s.slides.removeClass(s.params.slideActiveClass + ' ' + s.params.slideNextClass + ' ' + s.params.slidePrevClass + ' ' + s.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass + ' ' + s.params.slideDuplicateNextClass + ' ' + s.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass);
            var activeSlide = s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex);
            // Active classes
            if (params.loop) {
                // Duplicate to all looped slides
                if (activeSlide.hasClass(s.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
                    s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + ':not(.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' + s.realIndex + '"]').addClass(s.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass);
                else {
                    s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + s.realIndex + '"]').addClass(s.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass);
            // Next Slide
            var nextSlide = activeSlide.next('.' + s.params.slideClass).addClass(s.params.slideNextClass);
            if (s.params.loop && nextSlide.length === 0) {
                nextSlide = s.slides.eq(0);
            // Prev Slide
            var prevSlide = activeSlide.prev('.' + s.params.slideClass).addClass(s.params.slidePrevClass);
            if (s.params.loop && prevSlide.length === 0) {
                prevSlide = s.slides.eq(-1);
            if (params.loop) {
                // Duplicate to all looped slides
                if (nextSlide.hasClass(s.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
                    s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + ':not(.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' + nextSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index') + '"]').addClass(s.params.slideDuplicateNextClass);
                else {
                    s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + nextSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index') + '"]').addClass(s.params.slideDuplicateNextClass);
                if (prevSlide.hasClass(s.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
                    s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + ':not(.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' + prevSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index') + '"]').addClass(s.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass);
                else {
                    s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + prevSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index') + '"]').addClass(s.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass);
            // Pagination
            if (s.paginationContainer && s.paginationContainer.length > 0) {
                // Current/Total
                var current,
                    total = s.params.loop ? Math.ceil((s.slides.length - s.loopedSlides * 2) / s.params.slidesPerGroup) : s.snapGrid.length;
                if (s.params.loop) {
                    current = Math.ceil((s.activeIndex - s.loopedSlides)/s.params.slidesPerGroup);
                    if (current > s.slides.length - 1 - s.loopedSlides * 2) {
                        current = current - (s.slides.length - s.loopedSlides * 2);
                    if (current > total - 1) current = current - total;
                    if (current < 0 && s.params.paginationType !== 'bullets') current = total + current;
                else {
                    if (typeof s.snapIndex !== 'undefined') {
                        current = s.snapIndex;
                    else {
                        current = s.activeIndex || 0;
                // Types
                if (s.params.paginationType === 'bullets' && s.bullets && s.bullets.length > 0) {
                    if (s.paginationContainer.length > 1) {
                        s.bullets.each(function () {
                            if ($(this).index() === current) $(this).addClass(s.params.bulletActiveClass);
                    else {
                if (s.params.paginationType === 'fraction') {
                    s.paginationContainer.find('.' + s.params.paginationCurrentClass).text(current + 1);
                    s.paginationContainer.find('.' + s.params.paginationTotalClass).text(total);
                if (s.params.paginationType === 'progress') {
                    var scale = (current + 1) / total,
                        scaleX = scale,
                        scaleY = 1;
                    if (!s.isHorizontal()) {
                        scaleY = scale;
                        scaleX = 1;
                    s.paginationContainer.find('.' + s.params.paginationProgressbarClass).transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scaleX(' + scaleX + ') scaleY(' + scaleY + ')').transition(s.params.speed);
                if (s.params.paginationType === 'custom' && s.params.paginationCustomRender) {
                    s.paginationContainer.html(s.params.paginationCustomRender(s, current + 1, total));
                    s.emit('onPaginationRendered', s, s.paginationContainer[0]);
            // Next/active buttons
            if (!s.params.loop) {
                if (s.params.prevButton && s.prevButton && s.prevButton.length > 0) {
                    if (s.isBeginning) {
                        if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.a11y.disable(s.prevButton);
                    else {
                        if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.a11y.enable(s.prevButton);
                if (s.params.nextButton && s.nextButton && s.nextButton.length > 0) {
                    if (s.isEnd) {
                        if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.a11y.disable(s.nextButton);
                    else {
                        if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.a11y.enable(s.nextButton);
        s.updatePagination = function () {
            if (!s.params.pagination) return;
            if (s.paginationContainer && s.paginationContainer.length > 0) {
                var paginationHTML = '';
                if (s.params.paginationType === 'bullets') {
                    var numberOfBullets = s.params.loop ? Math.ceil((s.slides.length - s.loopedSlides * 2) / s.params.slidesPerGroup) : s.snapGrid.length;
                    for (var i = 0; i < numberOfBullets; i++) {
                        if (s.params.paginationBulletRender) {
                            paginationHTML += s.params.paginationBulletRender(s, i, s.params.bulletClass);
                        else {
                            paginationHTML += '<' + s.params.paginationElement+' class="' + s.params.bulletClass + '"></' + s.params.paginationElement + '>';
                    s.bullets = s.paginationContainer.find('.' + s.params.bulletClass);
                    if (s.params.paginationClickable && s.params.a11y && s.a11y) {
                if (s.params.paginationType === 'fraction') {
                    if (s.params.paginationFractionRender) {
                        paginationHTML = s.params.paginationFractionRender(s, s.params.paginationCurrentClass, s.params.paginationTotalClass);
                    else {
                        paginationHTML =
                            '<span class="' + s.params.paginationCurrentClass + '"></span>' +
                            ' / ' +
                            '<span class="' + s.params.paginationTotalClass+'"></span>';
                if (s.params.paginationType === 'progress') {
                    if (s.params.paginationProgressRender) {
                        paginationHTML = s.params.paginationProgressRender(s, s.params.paginationProgressbarClass);
                    else {
                        paginationHTML = '<span class="' + s.params.paginationProgressbarClass + '"></span>';
                if (s.params.paginationType !== 'custom') {
                    s.emit('onPaginationRendered', s, s.paginationContainer[0]);
          Common update method
        s.update = function (updateTranslate) {
            if (!s) return;
            if (s.params.scrollbar && s.scrollbar) {
            function forceSetTranslate() {
                var translate = s.rtl ? -s.translate : s.translate;
                newTranslate = Math.min(Math.max(s.translate, s.maxTranslate()), s.minTranslate());
            if (updateTranslate) {
                var translated, newTranslate;
                if (s.controller && s.controller.spline) {
                    s.controller.spline = undefined;
                if (s.params.freeMode) {
                    if (s.params.autoHeight) {
                else {
                    if ((s.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || s.params.slidesPerView > 1) && s.isEnd && !s.params.centeredSlides) {
                        translated = s.slideTo(s.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);
                    else {
                        translated = s.slideTo(s.activeIndex, 0, false, true);
                    if (!translated) {
            else if (s.params.autoHeight) {
          Resize Handler
        s.onResize = function (forceUpdatePagination) {
            if (s.params.breakpoints) {
            // Disable locks on resize
            var allowSwipeToPrev = s.params.allowSwipeToPrev;
            var allowSwipeToNext = s.params.allowSwipeToNext;
            s.params.allowSwipeToPrev = s.params.allowSwipeToNext = true;
            if (s.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || s.params.freeMode || forceUpdatePagination) s.updatePagination();
            if (s.params.scrollbar && s.scrollbar) {
            if (s.controller && s.controller.spline) {
                s.controller.spline = undefined;
            var slideChangedBySlideTo = false;
            if (s.params.freeMode) {
                var newTranslate = Math.min(Math.max(s.translate, s.maxTranslate()), s.minTranslate());
                if (s.params.autoHeight) {
            else {
                if ((s.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || s.params.slidesPerView > 1) && s.isEnd && !s.params.centeredSlides) {
                    slideChangedBySlideTo = s.slideTo(s.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);
                else {
                    slideChangedBySlideTo = s.slideTo(s.activeIndex, 0, false, true);
            if (s.params.lazyLoading && !slideChangedBySlideTo && s.lazy) {
            // Return locks after resize
            s.params.allowSwipeToPrev = allowSwipeToPrev;
            s.params.allowSwipeToNext = allowSwipeToNext;
        //Define Touch Events
        s.touchEventsDesktop = {start: 'mousedown', move: 'mousemove', end: 'mouseup'};
        if (window.navigator.pointerEnabled) s.touchEventsDesktop = {start: 'pointerdown', move: 'pointermove', end: 'pointerup'};
        else if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) s.touchEventsDesktop = {start: 'MSPointerDown', move: 'MSPointerMove', end: 'MSPointerUp'};
        s.touchEvents = {
            start : s.support.touch || !s.params.simulateTouch  ? 'touchstart' : s.touchEventsDesktop.start,
            move : s.support.touch || !s.params.simulateTouch ? 'touchmove' : s.touchEventsDesktop.move,
            end : s.support.touch || !s.params.simulateTouch ? 'touchend' : s.touchEventsDesktop.end
        // WP8 Touch Events Fix
        if (window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
            (s.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? s.container : s.wrapper).addClass('swiper-wp8-' + s.params.direction);
        // Attach/detach events
        s.initEvents = function (detach) {
            var actionDom = detach ? 'off' : 'on';
            var action = detach ? 'removeEventListener' : 'addEventListener';
            var touchEventsTarget = s.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? s.container[0] : s.wrapper[0];
            var target = s.support.touch ? touchEventsTarget : document;
            var moveCapture = s.params.nested ? true : false;
            //Touch Events
            if (s.browser.ie) {
                touchEventsTarget[action](s.touchEvents.start, s.onTouchStart, false);
                target[action](s.touchEvents.move, s.onTouchMove, moveCapture);
                target[action](s.touchEvents.end, s.onTouchEnd, false);
            else {
                if (s.support.touch) {
                    var passiveListener = s.touchEvents.start === 'touchstart' && s.support.passiveListener && s.params.passiveListeners ? {passive: true, capture: false} : false;
                    touchEventsTarget[action](s.touchEvents.start, s.onTouchStart, passiveListener);
                    touchEventsTarget[action](s.touchEvents.move, s.onTouchMove, moveCapture);
                    touchEventsTarget[action](s.touchEvents.end, s.onTouchEnd, passiveListener);
                if ((params.simulateTouch && !s.device.ios && !s.device.android) || (params.simulateTouch && !s.support.touch && s.device.ios)) {
                    touchEventsTarget[action]('mousedown', s.onTouchStart, false);
                    document[action]('mousemove', s.onTouchMove, moveCapture);
                    document[action]('mouseup', s.onTouchEnd, false);
            window[action]('resize', s.onResize);
            // Next, Prev, Index
            if (s.params.nextButton && s.nextButton && s.nextButton.length > 0) {
                s.nextButton[actionDom]('click', s.onClickNext);
                if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.nextButton[actionDom]('keydown', s.a11y.onEnterKey);
            if (s.params.prevButton && s.prevButton && s.prevButton.length > 0) {
                s.prevButton[actionDom]('click', s.onClickPrev);
                if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.prevButton[actionDom]('keydown', s.a11y.onEnterKey);
            if (s.params.pagination && s.params.paginationClickable) {
                s.paginationContainer[actionDom]('click', '.' + s.params.bulletClass, s.onClickIndex);
                if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.paginationContainer[actionDom]('keydown', '.' + s.params.bulletClass, s.a11y.onEnterKey);
            // Prevent Links Clicks
            if (s.params.preventClicks || s.params.preventClicksPropagation) touchEventsTarget[action]('click', s.preventClicks, true);
        s.attachEvents = function () {
        s.detachEvents = function () {
          Handle Clicks
        // Prevent Clicks
        s.allowClick = true;
        s.preventClicks = function (e) {
            if (!s.allowClick) {
                if (s.params.preventClicks) e.preventDefault();
                if (s.params.preventClicksPropagation && s.animating) {
        // Clicks
        s.onClickNext = function (e) {
            if (s.isEnd && !s.params.loop) return;
        s.onClickPrev = function (e) {
            if (s.isBeginning && !s.params.loop) return;
        s.onClickIndex = function (e) {
            var index = $(this).index() * s.params.slidesPerGroup;
            if (s.params.loop) index = index + s.loopedSlides;
          Handle Touches
        function findElementInEvent(e, selector) {
            var el = $(e.target);
            if (!el.is(selector)) {
                if (typeof selector === 'string') {
                    el = el.parents(selector);
                else if (selector.nodeType) {
                    var found;
                    el.parents().each(function (index, _el) {
                        if (_el === selector) found = selector;
                    if (!found) return undefined;
                    else return selector;
            if (el.length === 0) {
                return undefined;
            return el[0];
        s.updateClickedSlide = function (e) {
            var slide = findElementInEvent(e, '.' + s.params.slideClass);
            var slideFound = false;
            if (slide) {
                for (var i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                    if (s.slides[i] === slide) slideFound = true;
            if (slide && slideFound) {
                s.clickedSlide = slide;
                s.clickedIndex = $(slide).index();
            else {
                s.clickedSlide = undefined;
                s.clickedIndex = undefined;
            if (s.params.slideToClickedSlide && s.clickedIndex !== undefined && s.clickedIndex !== s.activeIndex) {
                var slideToIndex = s.clickedIndex,
                    slidesPerView = s.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? s.currentSlidesPerView() : s.params.slidesPerView;
                if (s.params.loop) {
                    if (s.animating) return;
                    realIndex = parseInt($(s.clickedSlide).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
                    if (s.params.centeredSlides) {
                        if ((slideToIndex < s.loopedSlides - slidesPerView/2) || (slideToIndex > s.slides.length - s.loopedSlides + slidesPerView/2)) {
                            slideToIndex = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + realIndex + '"]:not(.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')').eq(0).index();
                            setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 0);
                        else {
                    else {
                        if (slideToIndex > s.slides.length - slidesPerView) {
                            slideToIndex = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + realIndex + '"]:not(.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')').eq(0).index();
                            setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 0);
                        else {
                else {
        var isTouched,
            // Form elements to match
            formElements = 'input, select, textarea, button, video',
            // Last click time
            lastClickTime = Date.now(), clickTimeout,
            velocities = [],
        // Animating Flag
        s.animating = false;
        // Touches information
        s.touches = {
            startX: 0,
            startY: 0,
            currentX: 0,
            currentY: 0,
            diff: 0
        // Touch handlers
        var isTouchEvent, startMoving;
        s.onTouchStart = function (e) {
            if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
            isTouchEvent = e.type === 'touchstart';
            if (!isTouchEvent && 'which' in e && e.which === 3) return;
            if (s.params.noSwiping && findElementInEvent(e, '.' + s.params.noSwipingClass)) {
                s.allowClick = true;
            if (s.params.swipeHandler) {
                if (!findElementInEvent(e, s.params.swipeHandler)) return;
            var startX = s.touches.currentX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
            var startY = s.touches.currentY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
            // Do NOT start if iOS edge swipe is detected. Otherwise iOS app (UIWebView) cannot swipe-to-go-back anymore
            if(s.device.ios && s.params.iOSEdgeSwipeDetection && startX <= s.params.iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold) {
            isTouched = true;
            isMoved = false;
            allowTouchCallbacks = true;
            isScrolling = undefined;
            startMoving = undefined;
            s.touches.startX = startX;
            s.touches.startY = startY;
            touchStartTime = Date.now();
            s.allowClick = true;
            s.swipeDirection = undefined;
            if (s.params.threshold > 0) allowThresholdMove = false;
            if (e.type !== 'touchstart') {
                var preventDefault = true;
                if ($(e.target).is(formElements)) preventDefault = false;
                if (document.activeElement && $(document.activeElement).is(formElements)) {
                if (preventDefault) {
            s.emit('onTouchStart', s, e);
        s.onTouchMove = function (e) {
            if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
            if (isTouchEvent && e.type === 'mousemove') return;
            if (e.preventedByNestedSwiper) {
                s.touches.startX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
                s.touches.startY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
            if (s.params.onlyExternal) {
                // isMoved = true;
                s.allowClick = false;
                if (isTouched) {
                    s.touches.startX = s.touches.currentX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
                    s.touches.startY = s.touches.currentY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
                    touchStartTime = Date.now();
            if (isTouchEvent && s.params.touchReleaseOnEdges && !s.params.loop) {
                if (!s.isHorizontal()) {
                    // Vertical
                    if (
                        (s.touches.currentY < s.touches.startY && s.translate <= s.maxTranslate()) ||
                        (s.touches.currentY > s.touches.startY && s.translate >= s.minTranslate())
                        ) {
                else {
                    if (
                        (s.touches.currentX < s.touches.startX && s.translate <= s.maxTranslate()) ||
                        (s.touches.currentX > s.touches.startX && s.translate >= s.minTranslate())
                        ) {
            if (isTouchEvent && document.activeElement) {
                if (e.target === document.activeElement && $(e.target).is(formElements)) {
                    isMoved = true;
                    s.allowClick = false;
            if (allowTouchCallbacks) {
                s.emit('onTouchMove', s, e);
            if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length > 1) return;
            s.touches.currentX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
            s.touches.currentY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
            if (typeof isScrolling === 'undefined') {
                var touchAngle;
                if (s.isHorizontal() && s.touches.currentY === s.touches.startY || !s.isHorizontal() && s.touches.currentX === s.touches.startX) {
                    isScrolling = false;
                else {
                    touchAngle = Math.atan2(Math.abs(s.touches.currentY - s.touches.startY), Math.abs(s.touches.currentX - s.touches.startX)) * 180 / Math.PI;
                    isScrolling = s.isHorizontal() ? touchAngle > s.params.touchAngle : (90 - touchAngle > s.params.touchAngle);
            if (isScrolling) {
                s.emit('onTouchMoveOpposite', s, e);
            if (typeof startMoving === 'undefined' && s.browser.ieTouch) {
                if (s.touches.currentX !== s.touches.startX || s.touches.currentY !== s.touches.startY) {
                    startMoving = true;
            if (!isTouched) return;
            if (isScrolling)  {
                isTouched = false;
            if (!startMoving && s.browser.ieTouch) {
            s.allowClick = false;
            s.emit('onSliderMove', s, e);
            if (s.params.touchMoveStopPropagation && !s.params.nested) {
            if (!isMoved) {
                if (params.loop) {
                startTranslate = s.getWrapperTranslate();
                if (s.animating) {
                    s.wrapper.trigger('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd');
                if (s.params.autoplay && s.autoplaying) {
                    if (s.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction) {
                    else {
                allowMomentumBounce = false;
                //Grab Cursor
                if (s.params.grabCursor && (s.params.allowSwipeToNext === true || s.params.allowSwipeToPrev === true)) {
            isMoved = true;
            var diff = s.touches.diff = s.isHorizontal() ? s.touches.currentX - s.touches.startX : s.touches.currentY - s.touches.startY;
            diff = diff * s.params.touchRatio;
            if (s.rtl) diff = -diff;
            s.swipeDirection = diff > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next';
            currentTranslate = diff + startTranslate;
            var disableParentSwiper = true;
            if ((diff > 0 && currentTranslate > s.minTranslate())) {
                disableParentSwiper = false;
                if (s.params.resistance) currentTranslate = s.minTranslate() - 1 + Math.pow(-s.minTranslate() + startTranslate + diff, s.params.resistanceRatio);
            else if (diff < 0 && currentTranslate < s.maxTranslate()) {
                disableParentSwiper = false;
                if (s.params.resistance) currentTranslate = s.maxTranslate() + 1 - Math.pow(s.maxTranslate() - startTranslate - diff, s.params.resistanceRatio);
            if (disableParentSwiper) {
                e.preventedByNestedSwiper = true;
            // Directions locks
            if (!s.params.allowSwipeToNext && s.swipeDirection === 'next' && currentTranslate < startTranslate) {
                currentTranslate = startTranslate;
            if (!s.params.allowSwipeToPrev && s.swipeDirection === 'prev' && currentTranslate > startTranslate) {
                currentTranslate = startTranslate;
            // Threshold
            if (s.params.threshold > 0) {
                if (Math.abs(diff) > s.params.threshold || allowThresholdMove) {
                    if (!allowThresholdMove) {
                        allowThresholdMove = true;
                        s.touches.startX = s.touches.currentX;
                        s.touches.startY = s.touches.currentY;
                        currentTranslate = startTranslate;
                        s.touches.diff = s.isHorizontal() ? s.touches.currentX - s.touches.startX : s.touches.currentY - s.touches.startY;
                else {
                    currentTranslate = startTranslate;
            if (!s.params.followFinger) return;
            // Update active index in free mode
            if (s.params.freeMode || s.params.watchSlidesProgress) {
            if (s.params.freeMode) {
                if (velocities.length === 0) {
                        position: s.touches[s.isHorizontal() ? 'startX' : 'startY'],
                        time: touchStartTime
                    position: s.touches[s.isHorizontal() ? 'currentX' : 'currentY'],
                    time: (new window.Date()).getTime()
            // Update progress
            // Update translate
        s.onTouchEnd = function (e) {
            if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
            if (allowTouchCallbacks) {
                s.emit('onTouchEnd', s, e);
            params._iscroll == undefined ||  params._iscroll._end(e);
            allowTouchCallbacks = false;
            if (!isTouched) return;
            //Return Grab Cursor
            if (s.params.grabCursor && isMoved && isTouched  && (s.params.allowSwipeToNext === true || s.params.allowSwipeToPrev === true)) {
            // Time diff
            var touchEndTime = Date.now();
            var timeDiff = touchEndTime - touchStartTime;
            // Tap, doubleTap, Click
            if (s.allowClick) {
                s.emit('onTap', s, e);
                if (timeDiff < 300 && (touchEndTime - lastClickTime) > 300) {
                    if (clickTimeout) clearTimeout(clickTimeout);
                    clickTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
                        if (!s) return;
                        if (s.params.paginationHide && s.paginationContainer.length > 0 && !$(e.target).hasClass(s.params.bulletClass)) {
                        s.emit('onClick', s, e);
                    }, 300);
                if (timeDiff < 300 && (touchEndTime - lastClickTime) < 300) {
                    if (clickTimeout) clearTimeout(clickTimeout);
                    s.emit('onDoubleTap', s, e);
            lastClickTime = Date.now();
            setTimeout(function () {
                if (s) s.allowClick = true;
            }, 0);
            if (!isTouched || !isMoved || !s.swipeDirection || s.touches.diff === 0 || currentTranslate === startTranslate) {
                isTouched = isMoved = false;
            isTouched = isMoved = false;
            var currentPos;
            if (s.params.followFinger) {
                currentPos = s.rtl ? s.translate : -s.translate;
            else {
                currentPos = -currentTranslate;
            if (s.params.freeMode) {
                if (currentPos < -s.minTranslate()) {
                else if (currentPos > -s.maxTranslate()) {
                    if (s.slides.length < s.snapGrid.length) {
                        s.slideTo(s.snapGrid.length - 1);
                    else {
                        s.slideTo(s.slides.length - 1);
                if (s.params.freeModeMomentum) {
                    if (velocities.length > 1) {
                        var lastMoveEvent = velocities.pop(), velocityEvent = velocities.pop();
                        var distance = lastMoveEvent.position - velocityEvent.position;
                        var time = lastMoveEvent.time - velocityEvent.time;
                        s.velocity = distance / time;
                        s.velocity = s.velocity / 2;
                        if (Math.abs(s.velocity) < s.params.freeModeMinimumVelocity) {
                            s.velocity = 0;
                        // this implies that the user stopped moving a finger then released.
                        // There would be no events with distance zero, so the last event is stale.
                        if (time > 150 || (new window.Date().getTime() - lastMoveEvent.time) > 300) {
                            s.velocity = 0;
                    } else {
                        s.velocity = 0;
                    s.velocity = s.velocity * s.params.freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio;
                    velocities.length = 0;
                    var momentumDuration = 1000 * s.params.freeModeMomentumRatio;
                    var momentumDistance = s.velocity * momentumDuration;
                    var newPosition = s.translate + momentumDistance;
                    if (s.rtl) newPosition = - newPosition;
                    var doBounce = false;
                    var afterBouncePosition;
                    var bounceAmount = Math.abs(s.velocity) * 20 * s.params.freeModeMomentumBounceRatio;
                    if (newPosition < s.maxTranslate()) {
                        if (s.params.freeModeMomentumBounce) {
                            if (newPosition + s.maxTranslate() < -bounceAmount) {
                                newPosition = s.maxTranslate() - bounceAmount;
                            afterBouncePosition = s.maxTranslate();
                            doBounce = true;
                            allowMomentumBounce = true;
                        else {
                            newPosition = s.maxTranslate();
                    else if (newPosition > s.minTranslate()) {
                        if (s.params.freeModeMomentumBounce) {
                            if (newPosition - s.minTranslate() > bounceAmount) {
                                newPosition = s.minTranslate() + bounceAmount;
                            afterBouncePosition = s.minTranslate();
                            doBounce = true;
                            allowMomentumBounce = true;
                        else {
                            newPosition = s.minTranslate();
                    else if (s.params.freeModeSticky) {
                        var j = 0,
                        for (j = 0; j < s.snapGrid.length; j += 1) {
                            if (s.snapGrid[j] > -newPosition) {
                                nextSlide = j;
                        if (Math.abs(s.snapGrid[nextSlide] - newPosition) < Math.abs(s.snapGrid[nextSlide - 1] - newPosition) || s.swipeDirection === 'next') {
                            newPosition = s.snapGrid[nextSlide];
                        } else {
                            newPosition = s.snapGrid[nextSlide - 1];
                        if (!s.rtl) newPosition = - newPosition;
                    //Fix duration
                    if (s.velocity !== 0) {
                        if (s.rtl) {
                            momentumDuration = Math.abs((-newPosition - s.translate) / s.velocity);
                        else {
                            momentumDuration = Math.abs((newPosition - s.translate) / s.velocity);
                    else if (s.params.freeModeSticky) {
                    if (s.params.freeModeMomentumBounce && doBounce) {
                        s.animating = true;
                        s.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
                            if (!s || !allowMomentumBounce) return;
                            s.emit('onMomentumBounce', s);
                            s.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
                                if (!s) return;
                    } else if (s.velocity) {
                        if (!s.animating) {
                            s.animating = true;
                            s.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
                                if (!s) return;
                    } else {
                if (!s.params.freeModeMomentum || timeDiff >= s.params.longSwipesMs) {
            // Find current slide
            var i, stopIndex = 0, groupSize = s.slidesSizesGrid[0];
            for (i = 0; i < s.slidesGrid.length; i += s.params.slidesPerGroup) {
                if (typeof s.slidesGrid[i + s.params.slidesPerGroup] !== 'undefined') {
                    if (currentPos >= s.slidesGrid[i] && currentPos < s.slidesGrid[i + s.params.slidesPerGroup]) {
                        stopIndex = i;
                        groupSize = s.slidesGrid[i + s.params.slidesPerGroup] - s.slidesGrid[i];
                else {
                    if (currentPos >= s.slidesGrid[i]) {
                        stopIndex = i;
                        groupSize = s.slidesGrid[s.slidesGrid.length - 1] - s.slidesGrid[s.slidesGrid.length - 2];
            // Find current slide size
            var ratio = (currentPos - s.slidesGrid[stopIndex]) / groupSize;
            if (timeDiff > s.params.longSwipesMs) {
                // Long touches
                if (!s.params.longSwipes) {
                if (s.swipeDirection === 'next') {
                    if (ratio >= s.params.longSwipesRatio) s.slideTo(stopIndex + s.params.slidesPerGroup);
                    else s.slideTo(stopIndex);
                if (s.swipeDirection === 'prev') {
                    if (ratio > (1 - s.params.longSwipesRatio)) s.slideTo(stopIndex + s.params.slidesPerGroup);
                    else s.slideTo(stopIndex);
            else {
                // Short swipes
                if (!s.params.shortSwipes) {
                if (s.swipeDirection === 'next') {
                    s.slideTo(stopIndex + s.params.slidesPerGroup);
                if (s.swipeDirection === 'prev') {
        s._slideTo = function (slideIndex, speed) {
            return s.slideTo(slideIndex, speed, true, true);
        s.slideTo = function (slideIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
            if (typeof runCallbacks === 'undefined') runCallbacks = true;
            if (typeof slideIndex === 'undefined') slideIndex = 0;
            if (slideIndex < 0) slideIndex = 0;
            s.snapIndex = Math.floor(slideIndex / s.params.slidesPerGroup);
            if (s.snapIndex >= s.snapGrid.length) s.snapIndex = s.snapGrid.length - 1;
            var translate = - s.snapGrid[s.snapIndex];
            // Stop autoplay
            if (s.params.autoplay && s.autoplaying) {
                if (internal || !s.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction) {
                else {
            // Update progress
            // Normalize slideIndex
                for (var i = 0; i < s.slidesGrid.length; i++) {
                    if (- Math.floor(translate * 100) >= Math.floor(s.slidesGrid[i] * 100)) {
                        slideIndex = i;
            // Directions locks
            if (!s.params.allowSwipeToNext && translate < s.translate && translate < s.minTranslate()) {
                return false;
            if (!s.params.allowSwipeToPrev && translate > s.translate && translate > s.maxTranslate()) {
                if ((s.activeIndex || 0) !== slideIndex ) return false;
            // Update Index
            if (typeof speed === 'undefined') speed = s.params.speed;
            s.previousIndex = s.activeIndex || 0;
            s.activeIndex = slideIndex;
            if ((s.rtl && -translate === s.translate) || (!s.rtl && translate === s.translate)) {
                // Update Height
                if (s.params.autoHeight) {
                if (s.params.effect !== 'slide') {
                return false;
            if (speed === 0 || s.browser.lteIE9) {
            else {
                if (!s.animating) {
                    s.animating = true;
                    s.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
                        if (!s) return;
            return true;
        s.onTransitionStart = function (runCallbacks) {
            if (typeof runCallbacks === 'undefined') runCallbacks = true;
            if (s.params.autoHeight) {
            if (s.lazy) s.lazy.onTransitionStart();
            if (runCallbacks) {
                s.emit('onTransitionStart', s);
                if (s.activeIndex !== s.previousIndex) {
                    s.emit('onSlideChangeStart', s);
                    if (s.activeIndex > s.previousIndex) {
                        s.emit('onSlideNextStart', s);
                    else {
                        s.emit('onSlidePrevStart', s);
        s.onTransitionEnd = function (runCallbacks) {
            s.animating = false;
            if (typeof runCallbacks === 'undefined') runCallbacks = true;
            if (s.lazy) s.lazy.onTransitionEnd();
            if (runCallbacks) {
                s.emit('onTransitionEnd', s);
                if (s.activeIndex !== s.previousIndex) {
                    s.emit('onSlideChangeEnd', s);
                    if (s.activeIndex > s.previousIndex) {
                        s.emit('onSlideNextEnd', s);
                    else {
                        s.emit('onSlidePrevEnd', s);
            if (s.params.history && s.history) {
                s.history.setHistory(s.params.history, s.activeIndex);
            if (s.params.hashnav && s.hashnav) {
        s.slideNext = function (runCallbacks, speed, internal) {
            if (s.params.loop) {
                if (s.animating) return false;
                var clientLeft = s.container[0].clientLeft;
                return s.slideTo(s.activeIndex + s.params.slidesPerGroup, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
            else return s.slideTo(s.activeIndex + s.params.slidesPerGroup, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
        s._slideNext = function (speed) {
            return s.slideNext(true, speed, true);
        s.slidePrev = function (runCallbacks, speed, internal) {
            if (s.params.loop) {
                if (s.animating) return false;
                var clientLeft = s.container[0].clientLeft;
                return s.slideTo(s.activeIndex - 1, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
            else return s.slideTo(s.activeIndex - 1, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
        s._slidePrev = function (speed) {
            return s.slidePrev(true, speed, true);
        s.slideReset = function (runCallbacks, speed, internal) {
            return s.slideTo(s.activeIndex, speed, runCallbacks);
        s.disableTouchControl = function () {
            s.params.onlyExternal = true;
            return true;
        s.enableTouchControl = function () {
            s.params.onlyExternal = false;
            return true;
          Translate/transition helpers
        s.setWrapperTransition = function (duration, byController) {
            if (s.params.effect !== 'slide' && s.effects[s.params.effect]) {
            if (s.params.parallax && s.parallax) {
            if (s.params.scrollbar && s.scrollbar) {
            if (s.params.control && s.controller) {
                s.controller.setTransition(duration, byController);
            s.emit('onSetTransition', s, duration);
        s.setWrapperTranslate = function (translate, updateActiveIndex, byController) {
            var x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
            if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                x = s.rtl ? -translate : translate;
            else {
                y = translate;
            if (s.params.roundLengths) {
                x = round(x);
                y = round(y);
            if (!s.params.virtualTranslate) {
                if (s.support.transforms3d) s.wrapper.transform('translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, ' + z + 'px)');
                else s.wrapper.transform('translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)');
            s.translate = s.isHorizontal() ? x : y;
            // Check if we need to update progress
            var progress;
            var translatesDiff = s.maxTranslate() - s.minTranslate();
            if (translatesDiff === 0) {
                progress = 0;
            else {
                progress = (translate - s.minTranslate()) / (translatesDiff);
            if (progress !== s.progress) {
            if (updateActiveIndex) s.updateActiveIndex();
            if (s.params.effect !== 'slide' && s.effects[s.params.effect]) {
            if (s.params.parallax && s.parallax) {
            if (s.params.scrollbar && s.scrollbar) {
            if (s.params.control && s.controller) {
                s.controller.setTranslate(s.translate, byController);
            s.emit('onSetTranslate', s, s.translate);
        s.getTranslate = function (el, axis) {
            var matrix, curTransform, curStyle, transformMatrix;
            // automatic axis detection
            if (typeof axis === 'undefined') {
                axis = 'x';
            if (s.params.virtualTranslate) {
                return s.rtl ? -s.translate : s.translate;
            curStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el, null);
            if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) {
                curTransform = curStyle.transform || curStyle.webkitTransform;
                if (curTransform.split(',').length > 6) {
                    curTransform = curTransform.split(', ').map(function(a){
                        return a.replace(',','.');
                    }).join(', ');
                // Some old versions of Webkit choke when 'none' is passed; pass
                // empty string instead in this case
                transformMatrix = new window.WebKitCSSMatrix(curTransform === 'none' ? '' : curTransform);
            else {
                transformMatrix = curStyle.MozTransform || curStyle.OTransform || curStyle.MsTransform || curStyle.msTransform  || curStyle.transform || curStyle.getPropertyValue('transform').replace('translate(', 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,');
                matrix = transformMatrix.toString().split(',');
            if (axis === 'x') {
                //Latest Chrome and webkits Fix
                if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix)
                    curTransform = transformMatrix.m41;
                //Crazy IE10 Matrix
                else if (matrix.length === 16)
                    curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[12]);
                //Normal Browsers
                    curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[4]);
            if (axis === 'y') {
                //Latest Chrome and webkits Fix
                if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix)
                    curTransform = transformMatrix.m42;
                //Crazy IE10 Matrix
                else if (matrix.length === 16)
                    curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[13]);
                //Normal Browsers
                    curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[5]);
            if (s.rtl && curTransform) curTransform = -curTransform;
            return curTransform || 0;
        s.getWrapperTranslate = function (axis) {
            if (typeof axis === 'undefined') {
                axis = s.isHorizontal() ? 'x' : 'y';
            return s.getTranslate(s.wrapper[0], axis);
        s.observers = [];
        function initObserver(target, options) {
            options = options || {};
            // create an observer instance
            var ObserverFunc = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver;
            var observer = new ObserverFunc(function (mutations) {
                mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
                    s.emit('onObserverUpdate', s, mutation);
            observer.observe(target, {
                attributes: typeof options.attributes === 'undefined' ? true : options.attributes,
                childList: typeof options.childList === 'undefined' ? true : options.childList,
                characterData: typeof options.characterData === 'undefined' ? true : options.characterData
        s.initObservers = function () {
            if (s.params.observeParents) {
                var containerParents = s.container.parents();
                for (var i = 0; i < containerParents.length; i++) {
            // Observe container
            initObserver(s.container[0], {childList: false});
            // Observe wrapper
            initObserver(s.wrapper[0], {attributes: false});
        s.disconnectObservers = function () {
            for (var i = 0; i < s.observers.length; i++) {
            s.observers = [];
        // Create looped slides
        s.createLoop = function () {
            // Remove duplicated slides
            s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass).remove();
            var slides = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass);
            if(s.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && !s.params.loopedSlides) s.params.loopedSlides = slides.length;
            s.loopedSlides = parseInt(s.params.loopedSlides || s.params.slidesPerView, 10);
            s.loopedSlides = s.loopedSlides + s.params.loopAdditionalSlides;
            if (s.loopedSlides > slides.length) {
                s.loopedSlides = slides.length;
            var prependSlides = [], appendSlides = [], i;
            slides.each(function (index, el) {
                var slide = $(this);
                if (index < s.loopedSlides) appendSlides.push(el);
                if (index < slides.length && index >= slides.length - s.loopedSlides) prependSlides.push(el);
                slide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index', index);
            for (i = 0; i < appendSlides.length; i++) {
            for (i = prependSlides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        s.destroyLoop = function () {
            s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass).remove();
        s.reLoop = function (updatePosition) {
            var oldIndex = s.activeIndex - s.loopedSlides;
            if (updatePosition) {
                s.slideTo(oldIndex + s.loopedSlides, 0, false);
        s.fixLoop = function () {
            var newIndex;
            //Fix For Negative Oversliding
            if (s.activeIndex < s.loopedSlides) {
                newIndex = s.slides.length - s.loopedSlides * 3 + s.activeIndex;
                newIndex = newIndex + s.loopedSlides;
                s.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false, true);
            //Fix For Positive Oversliding
            else if ((s.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && s.activeIndex >= s.loopedSlides * 2) || (s.activeIndex > s.slides.length - s.params.slidesPerView * 2)) {
                newIndex = -s.slides.length + s.activeIndex + s.loopedSlides;
                newIndex = newIndex + s.loopedSlides;
                s.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false, true);
          Append/Prepend/Remove Slides
        s.appendSlide = function (slides) {
            if (s.params.loop) {
            if (typeof slides === 'object' && slides.length) {
                for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
                    if (slides[i]) s.wrapper.append(slides[i]);
            else {
            if (s.params.loop) {
            if (!(s.params.observer && s.support.observer)) {
        s.prependSlide = function (slides) {
            if (s.params.loop) {
            var newActiveIndex = s.activeIndex + 1;
            if (typeof slides === 'object' && slides.length) {
                for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
                    if (slides[i]) s.wrapper.prepend(slides[i]);
                newActiveIndex = s.activeIndex + slides.length;
            else {
            if (s.params.loop) {
            if (!(s.params.observer && s.support.observer)) {
            s.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
        s.removeSlide = function (slidesIndexes) {
            if (s.params.loop) {
                s.slides = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass);
            var newActiveIndex = s.activeIndex,
            if (typeof slidesIndexes === 'object' && slidesIndexes.length) {
                for (var i = 0; i < slidesIndexes.length; i++) {
                    indexToRemove = slidesIndexes[i];
                    if (s.slides[indexToRemove]) s.slides.eq(indexToRemove).remove();
                    if (indexToRemove < newActiveIndex) newActiveIndex--;
                newActiveIndex = Math.max(newActiveIndex, 0);
            else {
                indexToRemove = slidesIndexes;
                if (s.slides[indexToRemove]) s.slides.eq(indexToRemove).remove();
                if (indexToRemove < newActiveIndex) newActiveIndex--;
                newActiveIndex = Math.max(newActiveIndex, 0);
            if (s.params.loop) {
            if (!(s.params.observer && s.support.observer)) {
            if (s.params.loop) {
                s.slideTo(newActiveIndex + s.loopedSlides, 0, false);
            else {
                s.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
        s.removeAllSlides = function () {
            var slidesIndexes = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {

        s.effects = {
            fade: {
                setTranslate: function () {
                    for (var i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                        var slide = s.slides.eq(i);
                        var offset = slide[0].swiperSlideOffset;
                        var tx = -offset;
                        if (!s.params.virtualTranslate) tx = tx - s.translate;
                        var ty = 0;
                        if (!s.isHorizontal()) {
                            ty = tx;
                            tx = 0;
                        var slideOpacity = s.params.fade.crossFade ?
                                Math.max(1 - Math.abs(slide[0].progress), 0) :
                                1 + Math.min(Math.max(slide[0].progress, -1), 0);
                                opacity: slideOpacity
                            .transform('translate3d(' + tx + 'px, ' + ty + 'px, 0px)');
                setTransition: function (duration) {
                    if (s.params.virtualTranslate && duration !== 0) {
                        var eventTriggered = false;
                        s.slides.transitionEnd(function () {
                            if (eventTriggered) return;
                            if (!s) return;
                            eventTriggered = true;
                            s.animating = false;
                            var triggerEvents = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'transitionend', 'oTransitionEnd', 'MSTransitionEnd', 'msTransitionEnd'];
                            for (var i = 0; i < triggerEvents.length; i++) {
            flip: {
                setTranslate: function () {
                    for (var i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                        var slide = s.slides.eq(i);
                        var progress = slide[0].progress;
                        if (s.params.flip.limitRotation) {
                            progress = Math.max(Math.min(slide[0].progress, 1), -1);
                        var offset = slide[0].swiperSlideOffset;
                        var rotate = -180 * progress,
                            rotateY = rotate,
                            rotateX = 0,
                            tx = -offset,
                            ty = 0;
                        if (!s.isHorizontal()) {
                            ty = tx;
                            tx = 0;
                            rotateX = -rotateY;
                            rotateY = 0;
                        else if (s.rtl) {
                            rotateY = -rotateY;
                        slide[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(progress)) + s.slides.length;
                        if (s.params.flip.slideShadows) {
                            //Set shadows
                            var shadowBefore = s.isHorizontal() ? slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
                            var shadowAfter = s.isHorizontal() ? slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
                            if (shadowBefore.length === 0) {
                                shadowBefore = $('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top') + '"></div>');
                            if (shadowAfter.length === 0) {
                                shadowAfter = $('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 'right' : 'bottom') + '"></div>');
                            if (shadowBefore.length) shadowBefore[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-progress, 0);
                            if (shadowAfter.length) shadowAfter[0].style.opacity = Math.max(progress, 0);
                            .transform('translate3d(' + tx + 'px, ' + ty + 'px, 0px) rotateX(' + rotateX + 'deg) rotateY(' + rotateY + 'deg)');
                setTransition: function (duration) {
                    s.slides.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration);
                    if (s.params.virtualTranslate && duration !== 0) {
                        var eventTriggered = false;
                        s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex).transitionEnd(function () {
                            if (eventTriggered) return;
                            if (!s) return;
                            if (!$(this).hasClass(s.params.slideActiveClass)) return;
                            eventTriggered = true;
                            s.animating = false;
                            var triggerEvents = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'transitionend', 'oTransitionEnd', 'MSTransitionEnd', 'msTransitionEnd'];
                            for (var i = 0; i < triggerEvents.length; i++) {
            cube: {
                setTranslate: function () {
                    var wrapperRotate = 0, cubeShadow;
                    if (s.params.cube.shadow) {
                        if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                            cubeShadow = s.wrapper.find('.swiper-cube-shadow');
                            if (cubeShadow.length === 0) {
                                cubeShadow = $('<div class="swiper-cube-shadow"></div>');
                            cubeShadow.css({height: s.width + 'px'});
                        else {
                            cubeShadow = s.container.find('.swiper-cube-shadow');
                            if (cubeShadow.length === 0) {
                                cubeShadow = $('<div class="swiper-cube-shadow"></div>');
                    for (var i = 0; i < s.slides.length; i++) {
                        var slide = s.slides.eq(i);
                        var slideAngle = i * 90;
                        var round = Math.floor(slideAngle / 360);
                        if (s.rtl) {
                            slideAngle = -slideAngle;
                            round = Math.floor(-slideAngle / 360);
                        var progress = Math.max(Math.min(slide[0].progress, 1), -1);
                        var tx = 0, ty = 0, tz = 0;
                        if (i % 4 === 0) {
                            tx = - round * 4 * s.size;
                            tz = 0;
                        else if ((i - 1) % 4 === 0) {
                            tx = 0;
                            tz = - round * 4 * s.size;
                        else if ((i - 2) % 4 === 0) {
                            tx = s.size + round * 4 * s.size;
                            tz = s.size;
                        else if ((i - 3) % 4 === 0) {
                            tx = - s.size;
                            tz = 3 * s.size + s.size * 4 * round;
                        if (s.rtl) {
                            tx = -tx;
                        if (!s.isHorizontal()) {
                            ty = tx;
                            tx = 0;
                        var transform = 'rotateX(' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 0 : -slideAngle) + 'deg) rotateY(' + (s.isHorizontal() ? slideAngle : 0) + 'deg) translate3d(' + tx + 'px, ' + ty + 'px, ' + tz + 'px)';
                        if (progress <= 1 && progress > -1) {
                            wrapperRotate = i * 90 + progress * 90;
                            if (s.rtl) wrapperRotate = -i * 90 - progress * 90;
                        if (s.params.cube.slideShadows) {
                            //Set shadows
                            var shadowBefore = s.isHorizontal() ? slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
                            var shadowAfter = s.isHorizontal() ? slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
                            if (shadowBefore.length === 0) {
                                shadowBefore = $('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top') + '"></div>');
                            if (shadowAfter.length === 0) {
                                shadowAfter = $('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 'right' : 'bottom') + '"></div>');
                            if (shadowBefore.length) shadowBefore[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-progress, 0);
                            if (shadowAfter.length) shadowAfter[0].style.opacity = Math.max(progress, 0);
                        '-webkit-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (s.size / 2) + 'px',
                        '-moz-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (s.size / 2) + 'px',
                        '-ms-transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (s.size / 2) + 'px',
                        'transform-origin': '50% 50% -' + (s.size / 2) + 'px'
                    if (s.params.cube.shadow) {
                        if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                            cubeShadow.transform('translate3d(0px, ' + (s.width / 2 + s.params.cube.shadowOffset) + 'px, ' + (-s.width / 2) + 'px) rotateX(90deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(' + (s.params.cube.shadowScale) + ')');
                        else {
                            var shadowAngle = Math.abs(wrapperRotate) - Math.floor(Math.abs(wrapperRotate) / 90) * 90;
                            var multiplier = 1.5 - (Math.sin(shadowAngle * 2 * Math.PI / 360) / 2 + Math.cos(shadowAngle * 2 * Math.PI / 360) / 2);
                            var scale1 = s.params.cube.shadowScale,
                                scale2 = s.params.cube.shadowScale / multiplier,
                                offset = s.params.cube.shadowOffset;
                            cubeShadow.transform('scale3d(' + scale1 + ', 1, ' + scale2 + ') translate3d(0px, ' + (s.height / 2 + offset) + 'px, ' + (-s.height / 2 / scale2) + 'px) rotateX(-90deg)');
                    var zFactor = (s.isSafari || s.isUiWebView) ? (-s.size / 2) : 0;
                    s.wrapper.transform('translate3d(0px,0,' + zFactor + 'px) rotateX(' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 0 : wrapperRotate) + 'deg) rotateY(' + (s.isHorizontal() ? -wrapperRotate : 0) + 'deg)');
                setTransition: function (duration) {
                    s.slides.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration);
                    if (s.params.cube.shadow && !s.isHorizontal()) {
            coverflow: {
                setTranslate: function () {
                    var transform = s.translate;
                    var center = s.isHorizontal() ? -transform + s.width / 2 : -transform + s.height / 2;
                    var rotate = s.isHorizontal() ? s.params.coverflow.rotate: -s.params.coverflow.rotate;
                    var translate = s.params.coverflow.depth;
                    //Each slide offset from center
                    for (var i = 0, length = s.slides.length; i < length; i++) {
                        var slide = s.slides.eq(i);
                        var slideSize = s.slidesSizesGrid[i];
                        var slideOffset = slide[0].swiperSlideOffset;
                        var offsetMultiplier = (center - slideOffset - slideSize / 2) / slideSize * s.params.coverflow.modifier;
                        var rotateY = s.isHorizontal() ? rotate * offsetMultiplier : 0;
                        var rotateX = s.isHorizontal() ? 0 : rotate * offsetMultiplier;
                        // var rotateZ = 0
                        var translateZ = -translate * Math.abs(offsetMultiplier);
                        var translateY = s.isHorizontal() ? 0 : s.params.coverflow.stretch * (offsetMultiplier);
                        var translateX = s.isHorizontal() ? s.params.coverflow.stretch * (offsetMultiplier) : 0;
                        //Fix for ultra small values
                        if (Math.abs(translateX) < 0.001) translateX = 0;
                        if (Math.abs(translateY) < 0.001) translateY = 0;
                        if (Math.abs(translateZ) < 0.001) translateZ = 0;
                        if (Math.abs(rotateY) < 0.001) rotateY = 0;
                        if (Math.abs(rotateX) < 0.001) rotateX = 0;
                        var slideTransform = 'translate3d(' + translateX + 'px,' + translateY + 'px,' + translateZ + 'px)  rotateX(' + rotateX + 'deg) rotateY(' + rotateY + 'deg)';
                        slide[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(offsetMultiplier)) + 1;
                        if (s.params.coverflow.slideShadows) {
                            //Set shadows
                            var shadowBefore = s.isHorizontal() ? slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
                            var shadowAfter = s.isHorizontal() ? slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : slide.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
                            if (shadowBefore.length === 0) {
                                shadowBefore = $('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top') + '"></div>');
                            if (shadowAfter.length === 0) {
                                shadowAfter = $('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (s.isHorizontal() ? 'right' : 'bottom') + '"></div>');
                            if (shadowBefore.length) shadowBefore[0].style.opacity = offsetMultiplier > 0 ? offsetMultiplier : 0;
                            if (shadowAfter.length) shadowAfter[0].style.opacity = (-offsetMultiplier) > 0 ? -offsetMultiplier : 0;
                    //Set correct perspective for IE10
                    if (s.browser.ie) {
                        var ws = s.wrapper[0].style;
                        ws.perspectiveOrigin = center + 'px 50%';
                setTransition: function (duration) {
                    s.slides.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration);

          Images Lazy Loading
        s.lazy = {
            initialImageLoaded: false,
            loadImageInSlide: function (index, loadInDuplicate) {
                if (typeof index === 'undefined') return;
                if (typeof loadInDuplicate === 'undefined') loadInDuplicate = true;
                if (s.slides.length === 0) return;
                var slide = s.slides.eq(index);
                var img = slide.find('.' + s.params.lazyLoadingClass + ':not(.' + s.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass + '):not(.' + s.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass + ')');
                if (slide.hasClass(s.params.lazyLoadingClass) && !slide.hasClass(s.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass) && !slide.hasClass(s.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass)) {
                    img = img.add(slide[0]);
                if (img.length === 0) return;
                img.each(function () {
                    var _img = $(this);
                    var background = _img.attr('data-background');
                    var src = _img.attr('data-src'),
                        srcset = _img.attr('data-srcset'),
                        sizes = _img.attr('data-sizes');
                    s.loadImage(_img[0], (src || background), srcset, sizes, false, function () {
                        if (background) {
                            _img.css('background-image', 'url("' + background + '")');
                        else {
                            if (srcset) {
                                _img.attr('srcset', srcset);
                            if (sizes) {
                                _img.attr('sizes', sizes);
                            if (src) {
                                _img.attr('src', src);
                        slide.find('.' + s.params.lazyPreloaderClass + ', .' + s.params.preloaderClass).remove();
                        if (s.params.loop && loadInDuplicate) {
                            var slideOriginalIndex = slide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index');
                            if (slide.hasClass(s.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
                                var originalSlide = s.wrapper.children('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + slideOriginalIndex + '"]:not(.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')');
                                s.lazy.loadImageInSlide(originalSlide.index(), false);
                            else {
                                var duplicatedSlide = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + slideOriginalIndex + '"]');
                                s.lazy.loadImageInSlide(duplicatedSlide.index(), false);
                        s.emit('onLazyImageReady', s, slide[0], _img[0]);
                    s.emit('onLazyImageLoad', s, slide[0], _img[0]);
            load: function () {
                var i;
                var slidesPerView = s.params.slidesPerView;
                if (slidesPerView === 'auto') {
                    slidesPerView = 0;
                if (!s.lazy.initialImageLoaded) s.lazy.initialImageLoaded = true;
                if (s.params.watchSlidesVisibility) {
                    s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideVisibleClass).each(function () {
                else {
                    if (slidesPerView > 1) {
                        for (i = s.activeIndex; i < s.activeIndex + slidesPerView ; i++) {
                            if (s.slides[i]) s.lazy.loadImageInSlide(i);
                    else {
                if (s.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNext) {
                    if (slidesPerView > 1 || (s.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount && s.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount > 1)) {
                        var amount = s.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount;
                        var spv = slidesPerView;
                        var maxIndex = Math.min(s.activeIndex + spv + Math.max(amount, spv), s.slides.length);
                        var minIndex = Math.max(s.activeIndex - Math.max(spv, amount), 0);
                        // Next Slides
                        for (i = s.activeIndex + slidesPerView; i < maxIndex; i++) {
                            if (s.slides[i]) s.lazy.loadImageInSlide(i);
                        // Prev Slides
                        for (i = minIndex; i < s.activeIndex ; i++) {
                            if (s.slides[i]) s.lazy.loadImageInSlide(i);
                    else {
                        var nextSlide = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideNextClass);
                        if (nextSlide.length > 0) s.lazy.loadImageInSlide(nextSlide.index());
                        var prevSlide = s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slidePrevClass);
                        if (prevSlide.length > 0) s.lazy.loadImageInSlide(prevSlide.index());
            onTransitionStart: function () {
                if (s.params.lazyLoading) {
                    if (s.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart || (!s.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart && !s.lazy.initialImageLoaded)) {
            onTransitionEnd: function () {
                if (s.params.lazyLoading && !s.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart) {

        s.scrollbar = {
            isTouched: false,
            setDragPosition: function (e) {
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                var x = 0, y = 0;
                var translate;
                var pointerPosition = s.isHorizontal() ?
                    ((e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove') ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX || e.clientX) :
                    ((e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove') ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY || e.clientY) ;
                var position = (pointerPosition) - sb.track.offset()[s.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] - sb.dragSize / 2;
                var positionMin = -s.minTranslate() * sb.moveDivider;
                var positionMax = -s.maxTranslate() * sb.moveDivider;
                if (position < positionMin) {
                    position = positionMin;
                else if (position > positionMax) {
                    position = positionMax;
                position = -position / sb.moveDivider;
                s.setWrapperTranslate(position, true);
            dragStart: function (e) {
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                sb.isTouched = true;
                if (s.params.scrollbarHide) {
                    sb.track.css('opacity', 1);
                s.emit('onScrollbarDragStart', s);
            dragMove: function (e) {
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                if (!sb.isTouched) return;
                if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                else e.returnValue = false;
                s.emit('onScrollbarDragMove', s);
            dragEnd: function (e) {
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                if (!sb.isTouched) return;
                sb.isTouched = false;
                if (s.params.scrollbarHide) {
                    sb.dragTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
                        sb.track.css('opacity', 0);
                    }, 1000);
                s.emit('onScrollbarDragEnd', s);
                if (s.params.scrollbarSnapOnRelease) {
            draggableEvents: (function () {
                if ((s.params.simulateTouch === false && !s.support.touch)) return s.touchEventsDesktop;
                else return s.touchEvents;
            enableDraggable: function () {
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                var target = s.support.touch ? sb.track : document;
                $(sb.track).on(sb.draggableEvents.start, sb.dragStart);
                $(target).on(sb.draggableEvents.move, sb.dragMove);
                $(target).on(sb.draggableEvents.end, sb.dragEnd);
            disableDraggable: function () {
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                var target = s.support.touch ? sb.track : document;
                $(sb.track).off(sb.draggableEvents.start, sb.dragStart);
                $(target).off(sb.draggableEvents.move, sb.dragMove);
                $(target).off(sb.draggableEvents.end, sb.dragEnd);
            set: function () {
                if (!s.params.scrollbar) return;
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                sb.track = $(s.params.scrollbar);
                if (s.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof s.params.scrollbar === 'string' && sb.track.length > 1 && s.container.find(s.params.scrollbar).length === 1) {
                    sb.track = s.container.find(s.params.scrollbar);
                sb.drag = sb.track.find('.swiper-scrollbar-drag');
                if (sb.drag.length === 0) {
                    sb.drag = $('<div class="swiper-scrollbar-drag"></div>');
                sb.drag[0].style.width = '';
                sb.drag[0].style.height = '';
                sb.trackSize = s.isHorizontal() ? sb.track[0].offsetWidth : sb.track[0].offsetHeight;
                sb.divider = s.size / s.virtualSize;
                sb.moveDivider = sb.divider * (sb.trackSize / s.size);
                sb.dragSize = sb.trackSize * sb.divider;
                if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                    sb.drag[0].style.width = sb.dragSize + 'px';
                else {
                    sb.drag[0].style.height = sb.dragSize + 'px';
                if (sb.divider >= 1) {
                    sb.track[0].style.display = 'none';
                else {
                    sb.track[0].style.display = '';
                if (s.params.scrollbarHide) {
                    sb.track[0].style.opacity = 0;
            setTranslate: function () {
                if (!s.params.scrollbar) return;
                var diff;
                var sb = s.scrollbar;
                var translate = s.translate || 0;
                var newPos;
                var newSize = sb.dragSize;
                newPos = (sb.trackSize - sb.dragSize) * s.progress;
                if (s.rtl && s.isHorizontal()) {
                    newPos = -newPos;
                    if (newPos > 0) {
                        newSize = sb.dragSize - newPos;
                        newPos = 0;
                    else if (-newPos + sb.dragSize > sb.trackSize) {
                        newSize = sb.trackSize + newPos;
                else {
                    if (newPos < 0) {
                        newSize = sb.dragSize + newPos;
                        newPos = 0;
                    else if (newPos + sb.dragSize > sb.trackSize) {
                        newSize = sb.trackSize - newPos;
                if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                    if (s.support.transforms3d) {
                        sb.drag.transform('translate3d(' + (newPos) + 'px, 0, 0)');
                    else {
                        sb.drag.transform('translateX(' + (newPos) + 'px)');
                    sb.drag[0].style.width = newSize + 'px';
                else {
                    if (s.support.transforms3d) {
                        sb.drag.transform('translate3d(0px, ' + (newPos) + 'px, 0)');
                    else {
                        sb.drag.transform('translateY(' + (newPos) + 'px)');
                    sb.drag[0].style.height = newSize + 'px';
                if (s.params.scrollbarHide) {
                    sb.track[0].style.opacity = 1;
                    sb.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
                        sb.track[0].style.opacity = 0;
                    }, 1000);
            setTransition: function (duration) {
                if (!s.params.scrollbar) return;

        s.controller = {
            LinearSpline: function (x, y) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                this.lastIndex = x.length - 1;
                // Given an x value (x2), return the expected y2 value:
                // (x1,y1) is the known point before given value,
                // (x3,y3) is the known point after given value.
                var i1, i3;
                var l = this.x.length;
                this.interpolate = function (x2) {
                    if (!x2) return 0;
                    // Get the indexes of x1 and x3 (the array indexes before and after given x2):
                    i3 = binarySearch(this.x, x2);
                    i1 = i3 - 1;
                    // We have our indexes i1 & i3, so we can calculate already:
                    // y2 := ((x2−x1) × (y3−y1)) ÷ (x3−x1) + y1
                    return ((x2 - this.x[i1]) * (this.y[i3] - this.y[i1])) / (this.x[i3] - this.x[i1]) + this.y[i1];
                var binarySearch = (function() {
                    var maxIndex, minIndex, guess;
                    return function(array, val) {
                        minIndex = -1;
                        maxIndex = array.length;
                        while (maxIndex - minIndex > 1)
                            if (array[guess = maxIndex + minIndex >> 1] <= val) {
                                minIndex = guess;
                            } else {
                                maxIndex = guess;
                        return maxIndex;
            //xxx: for now i will just save one spline function to to
            getInterpolateFunction: function(c){
                if(!s.controller.spline) s.controller.spline = s.params.loop ?
                    new s.controller.LinearSpline(s.slidesGrid, c.slidesGrid) :
                    new s.controller.LinearSpline(s.snapGrid, c.snapGrid);
            setTranslate: function (translate, byController) {
               var controlled = s.params.control;
               var multiplier, controlledTranslate;
               function setControlledTranslate(c) {
                    // this will create an Interpolate function based on the snapGrids
                    // x is the Grid of the scrolled scroller and y will be the controlled scroller
                    // it makes sense to create this only once and recall it for the interpolation
                    // the function does a lot of value caching for performance
                    translate = c.rtl && c.params.direction === 'horizontal' ? -s.translate : s.translate;
                    if (s.params.controlBy === 'slide') {
                        // i am not sure why the values have to be multiplicated this way, tried to invert the snapGrid
                        // but it did not work out
                        controlledTranslate = -s.controller.spline.interpolate(-translate);
                    if(!controlledTranslate || s.params.controlBy === 'container'){
                        multiplier = (c.maxTranslate() - c.minTranslate()) / (s.maxTranslate() - s.minTranslate());
                        controlledTranslate = (translate - s.minTranslate()) * multiplier + c.minTranslate();
                    if (s.params.controlInverse) {
                        controlledTranslate = c.maxTranslate() - controlledTranslate;
                    c.setWrapperTranslate(controlledTranslate, false, s);
               if (s.isArray(controlled)) {
                   for (var i = 0; i < controlled.length; i++) {
                       if (controlled[i] !== byController && controlled[i] instanceof Swiper) {
               else if (controlled instanceof Swiper && byController !== controlled) {
            setTransition: function (duration, byController) {
                var controlled = s.params.control;
                var i;
                function setControlledTransition(c) {
                    c.setWrapperTransition(duration, s);
                    if (duration !== 0) {
                            if (!controlled) return;
                            if (c.params.loop && s.params.controlBy === 'slide') {
                if (s.isArray(controlled)) {
                    for (i = 0; i < controlled.length; i++) {
                        if (controlled[i] !== byController && controlled[i] instanceof Swiper) {
                else if (controlled instanceof Swiper && byController !== controlled) {

          Hash Navigation
        s.hashnav = {
            onHashCange: function (e, a) {
                var newHash = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
                var activeSlideHash = s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex).attr('data-hash');
                if (newHash !== activeSlideHash) {
                    s.slideTo(s.wrapper.children('.' + s.params.slideClass + '[data-hash="' + (newHash) + '"]').index());
            attachEvents: function (detach) {
                var action = detach ? 'off' : 'on';
                $(window)[action]('hashchange', s.hashnav.onHashCange);
            setHash: function () {
                if (!s.hashnav.initialized || !s.params.hashnav) return;
                if (s.params.replaceState && window.history && window.history.replaceState) {
                    window.history.replaceState(null, null, ('#' + s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex).attr('data-hash') || ''));
                } else {
                    var slide = s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex);
                    var hash = slide.attr('data-hash') || slide.attr('data-history');
                    document.location.hash = hash || '';
            init: function () {
                if (!s.params.hashnav || s.params.history) return;
                s.hashnav.initialized = true;
                var hash = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
                if (hash) {
                    var speed = 0;
                    for (var i = 0, length = s.slides.length; i < length; i++) {
                        var slide = s.slides.eq(i);
                        var slideHash = slide.attr('data-hash') || slide.attr('data-history');
                        if (slideHash === hash && !slide.hasClass(s.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
                            var index = slide.index();
                            s.slideTo(index, speed, s.params.runCallbacksOnInit, true);
                if (s.params.hashnavWatchState) s.hashnav.attachEvents();
            destroy: function () {
                if (s.params.hashnavWatchState) s.hashnav.attachEvents(true);

          History Api with fallback to Hashnav
        s.history = {
            init: function () {
                if (!s.params.history) return;
                if (!window.history || !window.history.pushState) {
                    s.params.history = false;
                    s.params.hashnav = true;
                s.history.initialized = true;
                this.paths = this.getPathValues();
                if (!this.paths.key && !this.paths.value) return;
                this.scrollToSlide(0, this.paths.value, s.params.runCallbacksOnInit);
                if (!s.params.replaceState) {
                    window.addEventListener('popstate', this.setHistoryPopState);
            setHistoryPopState: function() {
                s.history.paths = s.history.getPathValues();
                s.history.scrollToSlide(s.params.speed, s.history.paths.value, false);
            getPathValues: function() {
                var pathArray = window.location.pathname.slice(1).split('/');
                var total = pathArray.length;
                var key = pathArray[total - 2];
                var value = pathArray[total - 1];
                return { key: key, value: value };
            setHistory: function (key, index) {
                if (!s.history.initialized || !s.params.history) return;
                var slide = s.slides.eq(index);
                var value = this.slugify(slide.attr('data-history'));
                if (!window.location.pathname.includes(key)) {
                    value = key + '/' + value;
                if (s.params.replaceState) {
                    window.history.replaceState(null, null, value);
                } else {
                    window.history.pushState(null, null, value);
            slugify: function(text) {
                return text.toString().toLowerCase()
                    .replace(/\s+/g, '-')
                    .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '')
                    .replace(/\-\-+/g, '-')
                    .replace(/^-+/, '')
                    .replace(/-+$/, '');
            scrollToSlide: function(speed, value, runCallbacks) {
                if (value) {
                    for (var i = 0, length = s.slides.length; i < length; i++) {
                        var slide = s.slides.eq(i);
                        var slideHistory = this.slugify(slide.attr('data-history'));
                        if (slideHistory === value && !slide.hasClass(s.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
                            var index = slide.index();
                            s.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks);
                } else {
                    s.slideTo(0, speed, runCallbacks);

          Keyboard Control
        function handleKeyboard(e) {
            if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent; //jquery fix
            var kc = e.keyCode || e.charCode;
            // Directions locks
            if (!s.params.allowSwipeToNext && (s.isHorizontal() && kc === 39 || !s.isHorizontal() && kc === 40)) {
                return false;
            if (!s.params.allowSwipeToPrev && (s.isHorizontal() && kc === 37 || !s.isHorizontal() && kc === 38)) {
                return false;
            if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
            if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName && (document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' || document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea')) {
            if (kc === 37 || kc === 39 || kc === 38 || kc === 40) {
                var inView = false;
                //Check that swiper should be inside of visible area of window
                if (s.container.parents('.' + s.params.slideClass).length > 0 && s.container.parents('.' + s.params.slideActiveClass).length === 0) {
                var windowScroll = {
                    left: window.pageXOffset,
                    top: window.pageYOffset
                var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
                var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
                var swiperOffset = s.container.offset();
                if (s.rtl) swiperOffset.left = swiperOffset.left - s.container[0].scrollLeft;
                var swiperCoord = [
                    [swiperOffset.left, swiperOffset.top],
                    [swiperOffset.left + s.width, swiperOffset.top],
                    [swiperOffset.left, swiperOffset.top + s.height],
                    [swiperOffset.left + s.width, swiperOffset.top + s.height]
                for (var i = 0; i < swiperCoord.length; i++) {
                    var point = swiperCoord[i];
                    if (
                        point[0] >= windowScroll.left && point[0] <= windowScroll.left + windowWidth &&
                        point[1] >= windowScroll.top && point[1] <= windowScroll.top + windowHeight
                    ) {
                        inView = true;
                if (!inView) return;
            if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                if (kc === 37 || kc === 39) {
                    if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                    else e.returnValue = false;
                if ((kc === 39 && !s.rtl) || (kc === 37 && s.rtl)) s.slideNext();
                if ((kc === 37 && !s.rtl) || (kc === 39 && s.rtl)) s.slidePrev();
            else {
                if (kc === 38 || kc === 40) {
                    if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                    else e.returnValue = false;
                if (kc === 40) s.slideNext();
                if (kc === 38) s.slidePrev();
        s.disableKeyboardControl = function () {
            s.params.keyboardControl = false;
            $(document).off('keydown', handleKeyboard);
        s.enableKeyboardControl = function () {
            s.params.keyboardControl = true;
            $(document).on('keydown', handleKeyboard);

          Mousewheel Control
        s.mousewheel = {
            event: false,
            lastScrollTime: (new window.Date()).getTime()
        if (s.params.mousewheelControl) {
             * The best combination if you prefer spinX + spinY normalization.  It favors
             * the older DOMMouseScroll for Firefox, as FF does not include wheelDelta with
             * 'wheel' event, making spin speed determination impossible.
            s.mousewheel.event = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('firefox') > -1) ?
                'DOMMouseScroll' :
                isEventSupported() ?
                    'wheel' : 'mousewheel';
        function isEventSupported() {
            var eventName = 'onwheel';
            var isSupported = eventName in document;
            if (!isSupported) {
                var element = document.createElement('div');
                element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;');
                isSupported = typeof element[eventName] === 'function';
            if (!isSupported &&
                document.implementation &&
                document.implementation.hasFeature &&
                    // always returns true in newer browsers as per the standard.
                    // @see http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-domimplementation-hasfeature
                document.implementation.hasFeature('', '') !== true ) {
                // This is the only way to test support for the `wheel` event in IE9+.
                isSupported = document.implementation.hasFeature('Events.wheel', '3.0');
            return isSupported;
        function handleMousewheel(e) {
            if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent; //jquery fix
            var delta = 0;
            var rtlFactor = s.rtl ? -1 : 1;
            var data = normalizeWheel( e );
            if (s.params.mousewheelForceToAxis) {
                if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                    if (Math.abs(data.pixelX) > Math.abs(data.pixelY)) delta = data.pixelX * rtlFactor;
                    else return;
                else {
                    if (Math.abs(data.pixelY) > Math.abs(data.pixelX)) delta = data.pixelY;
                    else return;
            else {
                delta = Math.abs(data.pixelX) > Math.abs(data.pixelY) ? - data.pixelX * rtlFactor : - data.pixelY;
            if (delta === 0) return;
            if (s.params.mousewheelInvert) delta = -delta;
            if (!s.params.freeMode) {
                if ((new window.Date()).getTime() - s.mousewheel.lastScrollTime > 60) {
                    if (delta < 0) {
                        if ((!s.isEnd || s.params.loop) && !s.animating) {
                            s.emit('onScroll', s, e);
                        else if (s.params.mousewheelReleaseOnEdges) return true;
                    else {
                        if ((!s.isBeginning || s.params.loop) && !s.animating) {
                            s.emit('onScroll', s, e);
                        else if (s.params.mousewheelReleaseOnEdges) return true;
                s.mousewheel.lastScrollTime = (new window.Date()).getTime();
            else {
                //Freemode or scrollContainer:
                var position = s.getWrapperTranslate() + delta * s.params.mousewheelSensitivity;
                var wasBeginning = s.isBeginning,
                    wasEnd = s.isEnd;
                if (position >= s.minTranslate()) position = s.minTranslate();
                if (position <= s.maxTranslate()) position = s.maxTranslate();
                if (!wasBeginning && s.isBeginning || !wasEnd && s.isEnd) {
                if (s.params.freeModeSticky) {
                    s.mousewheel.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 300);
                else {
                    if (s.params.lazyLoading && s.lazy) {
                // Emit event
                s.emit('onScroll', s, e);
                // Stop autoplay
                if (s.params.autoplay && s.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction) s.stopAutoplay();
                // Return page scroll on edge positions
                if (position === 0 || position === s.maxTranslate()) return;
            if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
            else e.returnValue = false;
            return false;
        s.disableMousewheelControl = function () {
            if (!s.mousewheel.event) return false;
            var target = s.container;
            if (s.params.mousewheelEventsTarged !== 'container') {
                target = $(s.params.mousewheelEventsTarged);
            target.off(s.mousewheel.event, handleMousewheel);
            return true;
        s.enableMousewheelControl = function () {
            if (!s.mousewheel.event) return false;
            var target = s.container;
            if (s.params.mousewheelEventsTarged !== 'container') {
                target = $(s.params.mousewheelEventsTarged);
            target.on(s.mousewheel.event, handleMousewheel);
            return true;
         * Mouse wheel (and 2-finger trackpad) support on the web sucks.  It is
         * complicated, thus this doc is long and (hopefully) detailed enough to answer
         * your questions.
         * If you need to react to the mouse wheel in a predictable way, this code is
         * like your bestest friend. * hugs *
         * As of today, there are 4 DOM event types you can listen to:
         *   'wheel'                -- Chrome(31+), FF(17+), IE(9+)
         *   'mousewheel'           -- Chrome, IE(6+), Opera, Safari
         *   'MozMousePixelScroll'  -- FF(3.5 only!) (2010-2013) -- don't bother!
         *   'DOMMouseScroll'       -- FF(0.9.7+) since 2003
         * So what to do?  The is the best:
         *   normalizeWheel.getEventType();
         * In your event callback, use this code to get sane interpretation of the
         * deltas.  This code will return an object with properties:
         *   spinX   -- normalized spin speed (use for zoom) - x plane
         *   spinY   -- " - y plane
         *   pixelX  -- normalized distance (to pixels) - x plane
         *   pixelY  -- " - y plane
         * Wheel values are provided by the browser assuming you are using the wheel to
         * scroll a web page by a number of lines or pixels (or pages).  Values can vary
         * significantly on different platforms and browsers, forgetting that you can
         * scroll at different speeds.  Some devices (like trackpads) emit more events
         * at smaller increments with fine granularity, and some emit massive jumps with
         * linear speed or acceleration.
         * This code does its best to normalize the deltas for you:
         *   - spin is trying to normalize how far the wheel was spun (or trackpad
         *     dragged).  This is super useful for zoom support where you want to
         *     throw away the chunky scroll steps on the PC and make those equal to
         *     the slow and smooth tiny steps on the Mac. Key data: This code tries to
         *     resolve a single slow step on a wheel to 1.
         *   - pixel is normalizing the desired scroll delta in pixel units.  You'll
         *     get the crazy differences between browsers, but at least it'll be in
         *     pixels!
         *   - positive value indicates scrolling DOWN/RIGHT, negative UP/LEFT.  This
         *     should translate to positive value zooming IN, negative zooming OUT.
         *     This matches the newer 'wheel' event.
         * Why are there spinX, spinY (or pixels)?
         *   - spinX is a 2-finger side drag on the trackpad, and a shift + wheel turn
         *     with a mouse.  It results in side-scrolling in the browser by default.
         *   - spinY is what you expect -- it's the classic axis of a mouse wheel.
         *   - I dropped spinZ/pixelZ.  It is supported by the DOM 3 'wheel' event and
         *     probably is by browsers in conjunction with fancy 3D controllers .. but
         *     you know.
         * Implementation info:
         * Examples of 'wheel' event if you scroll slowly (down) by one step with an
         * average mouse:
         *   OS X + Chrome  (mouse)     -    4   pixel delta  (wheelDelta -120)
         *   OS X + Safari  (mouse)     -  N/A   pixel delta  (wheelDelta  -12)
         *   OS X + Firefox (mouse)     -    0.1 line  delta  (wheelDelta  N/A)
         *   Win8 + Chrome  (mouse)     -  100   pixel delta  (wheelDelta -120)
         *   Win8 + Firefox (mouse)     -    3   line  delta  (wheelDelta -120)
         * On the trackpad:
         *   OS X + Chrome  (trackpad)  -    2   pixel delta  (wheelDelta   -6)
         *   OS X + Firefox (trackpad)  -    1   pixel delta  (wheelDelta  N/A)
         * On other/older browsers.. it's more complicated as there can be multiple and
         * also missing delta values.
         * The 'wheel' event is more standard:
         * http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#events-wheelevents
         * The basics is that it includes a unit, deltaMode (pixels, lines, pages), and
         * deltaX, deltaY and deltaZ.  Some browsers provide other values to maintain
         * backward compatibility with older events.  Those other values help us
         * better normalize spin speed.  Example of what the browsers provide:
         *                          | event.wheelDelta | event.detail
         *        ------------------+------------------+--------------
         *          Safari v5/OS X  |       -120       |       0
         *          Safari v5/Win7  |       -120       |       0
         *         Chrome v17/OS X  |       -120       |       0
         *         Chrome v17/Win7  |       -120       |       0
         *                IE9/Win7  |       -120       |   undefined
         *         Firefox v4/OS X  |     undefined    |       1
         *         Firefox v4/Win7  |     undefined    |       3
        function normalizeWheel( /*object*/ event ) /*object*/ {
            // Reasonable defaults
            var PIXEL_STEP = 10;
            var LINE_HEIGHT = 40;
            var PAGE_HEIGHT = 800;
            var sX = 0, sY = 0,       // spinX, spinY
                pX = 0, pY = 0;       // pixelX, pixelY
            // Legacy
            if( 'detail' in event ) {
                sY = event.detail;
            if( 'wheelDelta' in event ) {
                sY = -event.wheelDelta / 120;
            if( 'wheelDeltaY' in event ) {
                sY = -event.wheelDeltaY / 120;
            if( 'wheelDeltaX' in event ) {
                sX = -event.wheelDeltaX / 120;
            // side scrolling on FF with DOMMouseScroll
            if( 'axis' in event && event.axis === event.HORIZONTAL_AXIS ) {
                sX = sY;
                sY = 0;
            pX = sX * PIXEL_STEP;
            pY = sY * PIXEL_STEP;
            if( 'deltaY' in event ) {
                pY = event.deltaY;
            if( 'deltaX' in event ) {
                pX = event.deltaX;
            if( (pX || pY) && event.deltaMode ) {
                if( event.deltaMode === 1 ) {          // delta in LINE units
                    pX *= LINE_HEIGHT;
                    pY *= LINE_HEIGHT;
                } else {                             // delta in PAGE units
                    pX *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
                    pY *= PAGE_HEIGHT;
            // Fall-back if spin cannot be determined
            if( pX && !sX ) {
                sX = (pX < 1) ? -1 : 1;
            if( pY && !sY ) {
                sY = (pY < 1) ? -1 : 1;
            return {
                spinX: sX,
                spinY: sY,
                pixelX: pX,
                pixelY: pY

        function setParallaxTransform(el, progress) {
            el = $(el);
            var p, pX, pY;
            var rtlFactor = s.rtl ? -1 : 1;
            p = el.attr('data-swiper-parallax') || '0';
            pX = el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-x');
            pY = el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-y');
            if (pX || pY) {
                pX = pX || '0';
                pY = pY || '0';
            else {
                if (s.isHorizontal()) {
                    pX = p;
                    pY = '0';
                else {
                    pY = p;
                    pX = '0';
            if ((pX).indexOf('%') >= 0) {
                pX = parseInt(pX, 10) * progress * rtlFactor + '%';
            else {
                pX = pX * progress * rtlFactor + 'px' ;
            if ((pY).indexOf('%') >= 0) {
                pY = parseInt(pY, 10) * progress + '%';
            else {
                pY = pY * progress + 'px' ;
            el.transform('translate3d(' + pX + ', ' + pY + ',0px)');
        s.parallax = {
            setTranslate: function () {
                s.container.children('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]').each(function(){
                    setParallaxTransform(this, s.progress);
                s.slides.each(function () {
                    var slide = $(this);
                    slide.find('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]').each(function () {
                        var progress = Math.min(Math.max(slide[0].progress, -1), 1);
                        setParallaxTransform(this, progress);
            setTransition: function (duration) {
                if (typeof duration === 'undefined') duration = s.params.speed;
                s.container.find('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]').each(function(){
                    var el = $(this);
                    var parallaxDuration = parseInt(el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-duration'), 10) || duration;
                    if (duration === 0) parallaxDuration = 0;

        s.zoom = {
            // "Global" Props
            scale: 1,
            currentScale: 1,
            isScaling: false,
            gesture: {
                slide: undefined,
                slideWidth: undefined,
                slideHeight: undefined,
                image: undefined,
                imageWrap: undefined,
                zoomMax: s.params.zoomMax
            image: {
                isTouched: undefined,
                isMoved: undefined,
                currentX: undefined,
                currentY: undefined,
                minX: undefined,
                minY: undefined,
                maxX: undefined,
                maxY: undefined,
                width: undefined,
                height: undefined,
                startX: undefined,
                startY: undefined,
                touchesStart: {},
                touchesCurrent: {}
            velocity: {
                x: undefined,
                y: undefined,
                prevPositionX: undefined,
                prevPositionY: undefined,
                prevTime: undefined
            // Calc Scale From Multi-touches
            getDistanceBetweenTouches: function (e) {
                if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) return 1;
                var x1 = e.targetTouches[0].pageX,
                    y1 = e.targetTouches[0].pageY,
                    x2 = e.targetTouches[1].pageX,
                    y2 = e.targetTouches[1].pageY;
                var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
                return distance;
            // Events
            onGestureStart: function (e) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (!s.support.gestures) {
                    if (e.type !== 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchstart' && e.targetTouches.length < 2) {
                    z.gesture.scaleStart = z.getDistanceBetweenTouches(e);
                if (!z.gesture.slide || !z.gesture.slide.length) {
                    z.gesture.slide = $(this);
                    if (z.gesture.slide.length === 0) z.gesture.slide = s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex);
                    z.gesture.image = z.gesture.slide.find('img, svg, canvas');
                    z.gesture.imageWrap = z.gesture.image.parent('.' + s.params.zoomContainerClass);
                    z.gesture.zoomMax = z.gesture.imageWrap.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || s.params.zoomMax ;
                    if (z.gesture.imageWrap.length === 0) {
                        z.gesture.image = undefined;
                z.isScaling = true;
            onGestureChange: function (e) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (!s.support.gestures) {
                    if (e.type !== 'touchmove' || e.type === 'touchmove' && e.targetTouches.length < 2) {
                    z.gesture.scaleMove = z.getDistanceBetweenTouches(e);
                if (!z.gesture.image || z.gesture.image.length === 0) return;
                if (s.support.gestures) {
                    z.scale = e.scale * z.currentScale;
                else {
                    z.scale = (z.gesture.scaleMove / z.gesture.scaleStart) * z.currentScale;
                if (z.scale > z.gesture.zoomMax) {
                    z.scale = z.gesture.zoomMax - 1 + Math.pow((z.scale - z.gesture.zoomMax + 1), 0.5);
                if (z.scale < s.params.zoomMin) {
                    z.scale =  s.params.zoomMin + 1 - Math.pow((s.params.zoomMin - z.scale + 1), 0.5);
                z.gesture.image.transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(' + z.scale + ')');
            onGestureEnd: function (e) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (!s.support.gestures) {
                    if (e.type !== 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchend' && e.changedTouches.length < 2) {
                if (!z.gesture.image || z.gesture.image.length === 0) return;
                z.scale = Math.max(Math.min(z.scale, z.gesture.zoomMax), s.params.zoomMin);
                z.gesture.image.transition(s.params.speed).transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(' + z.scale + ')');
                z.currentScale = z.scale;
                z.isScaling = false;
                if (z.scale === 1) z.gesture.slide = undefined;
            onTouchStart: function (s, e) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (!z.gesture.image || z.gesture.image.length === 0) return;
                if (z.image.isTouched) return;
                if (s.device.os === 'android') e.preventDefault();
                z.image.isTouched = true;
                z.image.touchesStart.x = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
                z.image.touchesStart.y = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
            onTouchMove: function (e) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (!z.gesture.image || z.gesture.image.length === 0) return;
                s.allowClick = false;
                if (!z.image.isTouched || !z.gesture.slide) return;
                if (!z.image.isMoved) {
                    z.image.width = z.gesture.image[0].offsetWidth;
                    z.image.height = z.gesture.image[0].offsetHeight;
                    z.image.startX = s.getTranslate(z.gesture.imageWrap[0], 'x') || 0;
                    z.image.startY = s.getTranslate(z.gesture.imageWrap[0], 'y') || 0;
                    z.gesture.slideWidth = z.gesture.slide[0].offsetWidth;
                    z.gesture.slideHeight = z.gesture.slide[0].offsetHeight;
                    if (s.rtl) z.image.startX = -z.image.startX;
                    if (s.rtl) z.image.startY = -z.image.startY;
                // Define if we need image drag
                var scaledWidth = z.image.width * z.scale;
                var scaledHeight = z.image.height * z.scale;
                if (scaledWidth < z.gesture.slideWidth && scaledHeight < z.gesture.slideHeight) return;
                z.image.minX = Math.min((z.gesture.slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2), 0);
                z.image.maxX = -z.image.minX;
                z.image.minY = Math.min((z.gesture.slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2), 0);
                z.image.maxY = -z.image.minY;
                z.image.touchesCurrent.x = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
                z.image.touchesCurrent.y = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
                if (!z.image.isMoved && !z.isScaling) {
                    if (s.isHorizontal() &&
                        (Math.floor(z.image.minX) === Math.floor(z.image.startX) && z.image.touchesCurrent.x < z.image.touchesStart.x) ||
                        (Math.floor(z.image.maxX) === Math.floor(z.image.startX) && z.image.touchesCurrent.x > z.image.touchesStart.x)
                        ) {
                        z.image.isTouched = false;
                    else if (!s.isHorizontal() &&
                        (Math.floor(z.image.minY) === Math.floor(z.image.startY) && z.image.touchesCurrent.y < z.image.touchesStart.y) ||
                        (Math.floor(z.image.maxY) === Math.floor(z.image.startY) && z.image.touchesCurrent.y > z.image.touchesStart.y)
                        ) {
                        z.image.isTouched = false;
                z.image.isMoved = true;
                z.image.currentX = z.image.touchesCurrent.x - z.image.touchesStart.x + z.image.startX;
                z.image.currentY = z.image.touchesCurrent.y - z.image.touchesStart.y + z.image.startY;
                if (z.image.currentX < z.image.minX) {
                    z.image.currentX =  z.image.minX + 1 - Math.pow((z.image.minX - z.image.currentX + 1), 0.8);
                if (z.image.currentX > z.image.maxX) {
                    z.image.currentX = z.image.maxX - 1 + Math.pow((z.image.currentX - z.image.maxX + 1), 0.8);
                if (z.image.currentY < z.image.minY) {
                    z.image.currentY =  z.image.minY + 1 - Math.pow((z.image.minY - z.image.currentY + 1), 0.8);
                if (z.image.currentY > z.image.maxY) {
                    z.image.currentY = z.image.maxY - 1 + Math.pow((z.image.currentY - z.image.maxY + 1), 0.8);
                if (!z.velocity.prevPositionX) z.velocity.prevPositionX = z.image.touchesCurrent.x;
                if (!z.velocity.prevPositionY) z.velocity.prevPositionY = z.image.touchesCurrent.y;
                if (!z.velocity.prevTime) z.velocity.prevTime = Date.now();
                z.velocity.x = (z.image.touchesCurrent.x - z.velocity.prevPositionX) / (Date.now() - z.velocity.prevTime) / 2;
                z.velocity.y = (z.image.touchesCurrent.y - z.velocity.prevPositionY) / (Date.now() - z.velocity.prevTime) / 2;
                if (Math.abs(z.image.touchesCurrent.x - z.velocity.prevPositionX) < 2) z.velocity.x = 0;
                if (Math.abs(z.image.touchesCurrent.y - z.velocity.prevPositionY) < 2) z.velocity.y = 0;
                z.velocity.prevPositionX = z.image.touchesCurrent.x;
                z.velocity.prevPositionY = z.image.touchesCurrent.y;
                z.velocity.prevTime = Date.now();
                z.gesture.imageWrap.transform('translate3d(' + z.image.currentX + 'px, ' + z.image.currentY + 'px,0)');
            onTouchEnd: function (s, e) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (!z.gesture.image || z.gesture.image.length === 0) return;
                if (!z.image.isTouched || !z.image.isMoved) {
                    z.image.isTouched = false;
                    z.image.isMoved = false;
                z.image.isTouched = false;
                z.image.isMoved = false;
                var momentumDurationX = 300;
                var momentumDurationY = 300;
                var momentumDistanceX = z.velocity.x * momentumDurationX;
                var newPositionX = z.image.currentX + momentumDistanceX;
                var momentumDistanceY = z.velocity.y * momentumDurationY;
                var newPositionY = z.image.currentY + momentumDistanceY;
                //Fix duration
                if (z.velocity.x !== 0) momentumDurationX = Math.abs((newPositionX - z.image.currentX) / z.velocity.x);
                if (z.velocity.y !== 0) momentumDurationY = Math.abs((newPositionY - z.image.currentY) / z.velocity.y);
                var momentumDuration = Math.max(momentumDurationX, momentumDurationY);
                z.image.currentX = newPositionX;
                z.image.currentY = newPositionY;
                // Define if we need image drag
                var scaledWidth = z.image.width * z.scale;
                var scaledHeight = z.image.height * z.scale;
                z.image.minX = Math.min((z.gesture.slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2), 0);
                z.image.maxX = -z.image.minX;
                z.image.minY = Math.min((z.gesture.slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2), 0);
                z.image.maxY = -z.image.minY;
                z.image.currentX = Math.max(Math.min(z.image.currentX, z.image.maxX), z.image.minX);
                z.image.currentY = Math.max(Math.min(z.image.currentY, z.image.maxY), z.image.minY);
                z.gesture.imageWrap.transition(momentumDuration).transform('translate3d(' + z.image.currentX + 'px, ' + z.image.currentY + 'px,0)');
            onTransitionEnd: function (s) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (z.gesture.slide && s.previousIndex !== s.activeIndex) {
                    z.gesture.image.transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)');
                    z.gesture.slide = z.gesture.image = z.gesture.imageWrap = undefined;
                    z.scale = z.currentScale = 1;
            // Toggle Zoom
            toggleZoom: function (s, e) {
                var z = s.zoom;
                if (!z.gesture.slide) {
                    z.gesture.slide = s.clickedSlide ? $(s.clickedSlide) : s.slides.eq(s.activeIndex);
                    z.gesture.image = z.gesture.slide.find('img, svg, canvas');
                    z.gesture.imageWrap = z.gesture.image.parent('.' + s.params.zoomContainerClass);
                if (!z.gesture.image || z.gesture.image.length === 0) return;
                var touchX, touchY, offsetX, offsetY, diffX, diffY, translateX, translateY, imageWidth, imageHeight, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, translateMinX, translateMinY, translateMaxX, translateMaxY, slideWidth, slideHeight;
                if (typeof z.image.touchesStart.x === 'undefined' && e) {
                    touchX = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
                    touchY = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
                else {
                    touchX = z.image.touchesStart.x;
                    touchY = z.image.touchesStart.y;
                if (z.scale && z.scale !== 1) {
                    // Zoom Out
                    z.scale = z.currentScale = 1;
                    z.gesture.image.transition(300).transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)');
                    z.gesture.slide = undefined;
                else {
                    // Zoom In
                    z.scale = z.currentScale = z.gesture.imageWrap.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || s.params.zoomMax;
                    if (e) {
                        slideWidth = z.gesture.slide[0].offsetWidth;
                        slideHeight = z.gesture.slide[0].offsetHeight;
                        offsetX = z.gesture.slide.offset().left;
                        offsetY = z.gesture.slide.offset().top;
                        diffX = offsetX + slideWidth/2 - touchX;
                        diffY = offsetY + slideHeight/2 - touchY;
                        imageWidth = z.gesture.image[0].offsetWidth;
                        imageHeight = z.gesture.image[0].offsetHeight;
                        scaledWidth = imageWidth * z.scale;
                        scaledHeight = imageHeight * z.scale;
                        translateMinX = Math.min((slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2), 0);
                        translateMinY = Math.min((slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2), 0);
                        translateMaxX = -translateMinX;
                        translateMaxY = -translateMinY;
                        translateX = diffX * z.scale;
                        translateY = diffY * z.scale;
                        if (translateX < translateMinX) {
                            translateX =  translateMinX;
                        if (translateX > translateMaxX) {
                            translateX = translateMaxX;
                        if (translateY < translateMinY) {
                            translateY =  translateMinY;
                        if (translateY > translateMaxY) {
                            translateY = translateMaxY;
                    else {
                        translateX = 0;
                        translateY = 0;
                    z.gesture.imageWrap.transition(300).transform('translate3d(' + translateX + 'px, ' + translateY + 'px,0)');
                    z.gesture.image.transition(300).transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(' + z.scale + ')');
            // Attach/Detach Events
            attachEvents: function (detach) {
                var action = detach ? 'off' : 'on';
                if (s.params.zoom) {
                    var target = s.slides;
                    var passiveListener = s.touchEvents.start === 'touchstart' && s.support.passiveListener && s.params.passiveListeners ? {passive: true, capture: false} : false;
                    // Scale image
                    if (s.support.gestures) {
                        s.slides[action]('gesturestart', s.zoom.onGestureStart, passiveListener);
                        s.slides[action]('gesturechange', s.zoom.onGestureChange, passiveListener);
                        s.slides[action]('gestureend', s.zoom.onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
                    else if (s.touchEvents.start === 'touchstart') {
                        s.slides[action](s.touchEvents.start, s.zoom.onGestureStart, passiveListener);
                        s.slides[action](s.touchEvents.move, s.zoom.onGestureChange, passiveListener);
                        s.slides[action](s.touchEvents.end, s.zoom.onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
                    // Move image
                    s[action]('touchStart', s.zoom.onTouchStart);
                    s.slides.each(function (index, slide){
                        if ($(slide).find('.' + s.params.zoomContainerClass).length > 0) {
                            $(slide)[action](s.touchEvents.move, s.zoom.onTouchMove);
                    s[action]('touchEnd', s.zoom.onTouchEnd);
                    // Scale Out
                    s[action]('transitionEnd', s.zoom.onTransitionEnd);
                    if (s.params.zoomToggle) {
                        s.on('doubleTap', s.zoom.toggleZoom);
            init: function () {
            destroy: function () {

          Plugins API. Collect all and init all plugins
        s._plugins = [];
        for (var plugin in s.plugins) {
            var p = s.plugins[plugin](s, s.params[plugin]);
            if (p) s._plugins.push(p);
        // Method to call all plugins event/method
        s.callPlugins = function (eventName) {
            for (var i = 0; i < s._plugins.length; i++) {
                if (eventName in s._plugins[i]) {
                    s._plugins[i][eventName](arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]);

          Events/Callbacks/Plugins Emitter
        function normalizeEventName (eventName) {
            if (eventName.indexOf('on') !== 0) {
                if (eventName[0] !== eventName[0].toUpperCase()) {
                    eventName = 'on' + eventName[0].toUpperCase() + eventName.substring(1);
                else {
                    eventName = 'on' + eventName;
            return eventName;
        s.emitterEventListeners = {
        s.emit = function (eventName) {
            // Trigger callbacks
            if (s.params[eventName]) {
                s.params[eventName](arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]);
            var i;
            // Trigger events
            if (s.emitterEventListeners[eventName]) {
                for (i = 0; i < s.emitterEventListeners[eventName].length; i++) {
                    s.emitterEventListeners[eventName][i](arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]);
            // Trigger plugins
            if (s.callPlugins) s.callPlugins(eventName, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]);
        s.on = function (eventName, handler) {
            eventName = normalizeEventName(eventName);
            if (!s.emitterEventListeners[eventName]) s.emitterEventListeners[eventName] = [];
            return s;
        s.off = function (eventName, handler) {
            var i;
            eventName = normalizeEventName(eventName);
            if (typeof handler === 'undefined') {
                // Remove all handlers for such event
                s.emitterEventListeners[eventName] = [];
                return s;
            if (!s.emitterEventListeners[eventName] || s.emitterEventListeners[eventName].length === 0) return;
            for (i = 0; i < s.emitterEventListeners[eventName].length; i++) {
                if(s.emitterEventListeners[eventName][i] === handler) s.emitterEventListeners[eventName].splice(i, 1);
            return s;
        s.once = function (eventName, handler) {
            eventName = normalizeEventName(eventName);
            var _handler = function () {
                handler(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4]);
                s.off(eventName, _handler);
            s.on(eventName, _handler);
            return s;

        // Accessibility tools
        s.a11y = {
            makeFocusable: function ($el) {
                $el.attr('tabIndex', '0');
                return $el;
            addRole: function ($el, role) {
                $el.attr('role', role);
                return $el;
            addLabel: function ($el, label) {
                $el.attr('aria-label', label);
                return $el;
            disable: function ($el) {
                $el.attr('aria-disabled', true);
                return $el;
            enable: function ($el) {
                $el.attr('aria-disabled', false);
                return $el;
            onEnterKey: function (event) {
                if (event.keyCode !== 13) return;
                if ($(event.target).is(s.params.nextButton)) {
                    if (s.isEnd) {
                    else {
                else if ($(event.target).is(s.params.prevButton)) {
                    if (s.isBeginning) {
                    else {
                if ($(event.target).is('.' + s.params.bulletClass)) {
            liveRegion: $('<span class="' + s.params.notificationClass + '" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true"></span>'),
            notify: function (message) {
                var notification = s.a11y.liveRegion;
                if (notification.length === 0) return;
            init: function () {
                // Setup accessibility
                if (s.params.nextButton && s.nextButton && s.nextButton.length > 0) {
                    s.a11y.addRole(s.nextButton, 'button');
                    s.a11y.addLabel(s.nextButton, s.params.nextSlideMessage);
                if (s.params.prevButton && s.prevButton && s.prevButton.length > 0) {
                    s.a11y.addRole(s.prevButton, 'button');
                    s.a11y.addLabel(s.prevButton, s.params.prevSlideMessage);
            initPagination: function () {
                if (s.params.pagination && s.params.paginationClickable && s.bullets && s.bullets.length) {
                    s.bullets.each(function () {
                        var bullet = $(this);
                        s.a11y.addRole(bullet, 'button');
                        s.a11y.addLabel(bullet, s.params.paginationBulletMessage.replace(/{{index}}/, bullet.index() + 1));
            destroy: function () {
                if (s.a11y.liveRegion && s.a11y.liveRegion.length > 0) s.a11y.liveRegion.remove();

        s.init = function () {
            if (s.params.loop) s.createLoop();
            if (s.params.scrollbar && s.scrollbar) {
                if (s.params.scrollbarDraggable) {
            if (s.params.effect !== 'slide' && s.effects[s.params.effect]) {
                if (!s.params.loop) s.updateProgress();
            if (s.params.loop) {
                s.slideTo(s.params.initialSlide + s.loopedSlides, 0, s.params.runCallbacksOnInit);
            else {
                s.slideTo(s.params.initialSlide, 0, s.params.runCallbacksOnInit);
                if (s.params.initialSlide === 0) {
                    if (s.parallax && s.params.parallax) s.parallax.setTranslate();
                    if (s.lazy && s.params.lazyLoading) {
                        s.lazy.initialImageLoaded = true;
            if (s.params.observer && s.support.observer) {
            if (s.params.preloadImages && !s.params.lazyLoading) {
            if (s.params.zoom && s.zoom) {
            if (s.params.autoplay) {
            if (s.params.keyboardControl) {
                if (s.enableKeyboardControl) s.enableKeyboardControl();
            if (s.params.mousewheelControl) {
                if (s.enableMousewheelControl) s.enableMousewheelControl();
            // Deprecated hashnavReplaceState changed to replaceState for use in hashnav and history
            if (s.params.hashnavReplaceState) {
                s.params.replaceState = s.params.hashnavReplaceState;
            if (s.params.history) {
                if (s.history) s.history.init();
            if (s.params.hashnav) {
                if (s.hashnav) s.hashnav.init();
            if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.a11y.init();
            s.emit('onInit', s);
        // Cleanup dynamic styles
        s.cleanupStyles = function () {
            // Container
            s.container.removeClass(s.classNames.join(' ')).removeAttr('style');
            // Wrapper
            // Slides
            if (s.slides && s.slides.length) {
                    ].join(' '))
            // Pagination/Bullets
            if (s.paginationContainer && s.paginationContainer.length) {
            if (s.bullets && s.bullets.length) {
            // Buttons
            if (s.params.prevButton) $(s.params.prevButton).removeClass(s.params.buttonDisabledClass);
            if (s.params.nextButton) $(s.params.nextButton).removeClass(s.params.buttonDisabledClass);
            // Scrollbar
            if (s.params.scrollbar && s.scrollbar) {
                if (s.scrollbar.track && s.scrollbar.track.length) s.scrollbar.track.removeAttr('style');
                if (s.scrollbar.drag && s.scrollbar.drag.length) s.scrollbar.drag.removeAttr('style');
        // Destroy
        s.destroy = function (deleteInstance, cleanupStyles) {
            // Detach evebts
            // Stop autoplay
            // Disable draggable
            if (s.params.scrollbar && s.scrollbar) {
                if (s.params.scrollbarDraggable) {
            // Destroy loop
            if (s.params.loop) {
            // Cleanup styles
            if (cleanupStyles) {
            // Disconnect observer
            // Destroy zoom
            if (s.params.zoom && s.zoom) {
            // Disable keyboard/mousewheel
            if (s.params.keyboardControl) {
                if (s.disableKeyboardControl) s.disableKeyboardControl();
            if (s.params.mousewheelControl) {
                if (s.disableMousewheelControl) s.disableMousewheelControl();
            // Disable a11y
            if (s.params.a11y && s.a11y) s.a11y.destroy();
            // Delete history popstate
            if (s.params.history && !s.params.replaceState) {
                window.removeEventListener('popstate', s.history.setHistoryPopState);
            if (s.params.hashnav && s.hashnav)  {
            // Destroy callback
            // Delete instance
            if (deleteInstance !== false) s = null;

        // Return swiper instance
        return s;

    Swiper.prototype = {
        isSafari: (function () {
            var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
            return (ua.indexOf('safari') >= 0 && ua.indexOf('chrome') < 0 && ua.indexOf('android') < 0);
        isUiWebView: /(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent),
        isArray: function (arr) {
            return Object.prototype.toString.apply(arr) === '[object Array]';
        browser: {
            ie: window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled,
            ieTouch: (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 1) || (window.navigator.pointerEnabled && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1),
            lteIE9: (function() {
                // create temporary DIV
                var div = document.createElement('div');
                // add content to tmp DIV which is wrapped into the IE HTML conditional statement
                div.innerHTML = '<!--[if lte IE 9]><i></i><![endif]-->';
                // return true / false value based on what will browser render
                return div.getElementsByTagName('i').length === 1;
        device: (function () {
            var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
            var android = ua.match(/(Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/);
            var ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/);
            var ipod = ua.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\s([\d_]+))?/);
            var iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhone\sOS|iOS)\s([\d_]+)/);
            return {
                ios: ipad || iphone || ipod,
                android: android
        Feature Detection
        support: {
            touch : (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.touch === true) || (function () {
                return !!(('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch);
            transforms3d : (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.csstransforms3d === true) || (function () {
                var div = document.createElement('div').style;
                return ('webkitPerspective' in div || 'MozPerspective' in div || 'OPerspective' in div || 'MsPerspective' in div || 'perspective' in div);
            flexbox: (function () {
                var div = document.createElement('div').style;
                var styles = ('alignItems webkitAlignItems webkitBoxAlign msFlexAlign mozBoxAlign webkitFlexDirection msFlexDirection mozBoxDirection mozBoxOrient webkitBoxDirection webkitBoxOrient').split(' ');
                for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
                    if (styles[i] in div) return true;
            observer: (function () {
                return ('MutationObserver' in window || 'WebkitMutationObserver' in window);
            passiveListener: (function () {
                var supportsPassive = false;
                try {
                    var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
                        get: function() {
                            supportsPassive = true;
                    window.addEventListener('testPassiveListener', null, opts);
                } catch (e) {}
                return supportsPassive;
            gestures: (function () {
                return 'ongesturestart' in window;
        plugins: {}

     Get Dom libraries
    var swiperDomPlugins = ['jQuery', 'Zepto', 'Dom7'];
    for (var i = 0; i < swiperDomPlugins.length; i++) {
    	if (window[swiperDomPlugins[i]]) {
    // Required DOM Plugins
    var domLib;
    if (typeof Dom7 === 'undefined') {
    	domLib = window.Dom7 || window.Zepto || window.jQuery;
    else {
    	domLib = Dom7;

    Add .swiper plugin from Dom libraries
    function addLibraryPlugin(lib) {
        lib.fn.swiper = function (params) {
            var firstInstance;
            lib(this).each(function () {
                var s = new Swiper(this, params);
                if (!firstInstance) firstInstance = s;
            return firstInstance;
    if (domLib) {
        if (!('transitionEnd' in domLib.fn)) {
            domLib.fn.transitionEnd = function (callback) {
                var events = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'transitionend', 'oTransitionEnd', 'MSTransitionEnd', 'msTransitionEnd'],
                    i, j, dom = this;
                function fireCallBack(e) {
                    /*jshint validthis:true */
                    if (e.target !== this) return;
                    callback.call(this, e);
                    for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
                        dom.off(events[i], fireCallBack);
                if (callback) {
                    for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
                        dom.on(events[i], fireCallBack);
                return this;
        if (!('transform' in domLib.fn)) {
            domLib.fn.transform = function (transform) {
                for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
                    var elStyle = this[i].style;
                    elStyle.webkitTransform = elStyle.MsTransform = elStyle.msTransform = elStyle.MozTransform = elStyle.OTransform = elStyle.transform = transform;
                return this;
        if (!('transition' in domLib.fn)) {
            domLib.fn.transition = function (duration) {
                if (typeof duration !== 'string') {
                    duration = duration + 'ms';
                for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
                    var elStyle = this[i].style;
                    elStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = elStyle.MsTransitionDuration = elStyle.msTransitionDuration = elStyle.MozTransitionDuration = elStyle.OTransitionDuration = elStyle.transitionDuration = duration;
                return this;
        if (!('outerWidth' in domLib.fn)) {
            domLib.fn.outerWidth = function (includeMargins) {
                if (this.length > 0) {
                    if (includeMargins)
                        return this[0].offsetWidth + parseFloat(this.css('margin-right')) + parseFloat(this.css('margin-left'));
                        return this[0].offsetWidth;
                else return null;

    window.Swiper = Swiper;
Swiper AMD Export
if (typeof(module) !== 'undefined')
    module.exports = window.Swiper;
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    define([], function () {
        'use strict';
        return window.Swiper;
//# sourceMappingURL=maps/swiper.jquery.js.map