@@ -1,151 +1,80 @@
- <!-- 商品-商品列表 -->
- <div class="article-manager">
- <Card :bordered="false" dis-hover class="ivu-mt" :padding="0">
- <div class="new_card_pd">
- <Alert
- v-if="alertShow"
- banner
- closable
- type="warning"
- class="ivu-mt"
- @on-close="closeAlert"
- >
- <router-link :to="`${roterPre}/product/add_product/0`"
- >您有未完成的商品添加操作,点击此处可继续添加操作?</router-link
- >
- </Alert>
- <Alert show-icon closable>
- 温馨提示:1.新增商品时可选统一规格或者多规格,满足商品不同销售属性场景;2.商品销售状态分为销售中且库存足够时才可下单购买
- </Alert>
- <!-- 条件筛选 -->
- <Form
- ref="artFrom"
- inline
- :model="artFrom"
- :label-width="96"
- :label-position="labelPosition"
- @submit.native.prevent
- >
- <FormItem label="商品分类:" prop="cate_id">
- <el-cascader
- placeholder="请选择商品分类"
- class="input-add"
- size="mini"
- v-model="artFrom.cate_id"
- :options="data1"
- :props="props"
- @change="userSearchs"
- filterable
- clearable
- >
- </el-cascader>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem label="供应商:" prop="pid" label-for="pid">
- <Select
- v-model="artFrom.supplier_id"
- @on-change="userSearchs"
- clearable
- class="input-add"
- >
- <Option
- v-for="item in supplierList"
- :value="item.id"
- :key="item.id"
- >{{ item.supplier_name }}</Option
- >
- </Select>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem label="选择门店:">
- <Select
- v-model="artFrom.store_id"
- clearable
- filterable
- @on-change="userSearchs"
- class="input-add"
- >
- <Option v-for="item in staffData" :value="item.id" :key="item.id"
- >{{ item.name }}
- </Option>
- </Select>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem label="商品品牌:" prop="brand_id">
- <Cascader
- :data="brandData"
- placeholder="请选择商品品牌"
- change-on-select
- v-model="artFrom.brand_id"
- filterable
- class="input-add"
- @on-change="userSearchs"
- ></Cascader>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem label="商品标签:" prop="store_label_id" class="labelClass">
- <div class="acea-row row-middle">
- <div class="labelInput acea-row row-between-wrapper" @click="openGoodsLabel">
- <div style="width: 90%;">
- <div v-if="goodsDataLabel.length">
- <Tag closable v-for="(item,index) in goodsDataLabel" :key="index" @on-close="closeStoreLabel(item)">{{item.label_name}}</Tag>
- </div>
- <span class="span" v-else>选择商品标签</span>
- </div>
- <div class="iconfont iconxiayi"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem label="商品搜索:" label-for="store_name">
- <Input
- placeholder="请输入商品名称,关键字,ID"
- v-model="artFrom.store_name"
- class="input-add"
- />
- <Button type="primary" @click="userSearchs">查询</Button>
- </FormItem>
- </Form>
- </div>
- </Card>
- <Card :bordered="false" dis-hover class="ivu-mt">
- <!-- 相关操作 -->
- <div class="new_tab">
- <Tabs v-model="artFrom.type" @on-click="onClickTab">
- <TabPane
- :label="item.name + ' (' + item.count + ')'"
- :name="item.type.toString()"
- v-for="(item, index) in headeNum"
- :key="index"
- />
- </Tabs>
- </div>
- <div class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
- <div class="Button">
- <router-link
- v-auth="['product-product-save']"
- :to="`${roterPre}/product/add_product`"
- ><Button type="primary" class="bnt mr15"
- >添加商品</Button
- ></router-link
- >
- <Button
- v-auth="['product-crawl-save']"
- type="success"
- class="bnt mr15"
- @click="onCopy"
- >商品采集</Button
- >
- <Upload
- ref="upload"
- v-if="openErp"
- :show-upload-list="false"
- :action="erpUrl"
- :before-upload="beforeUpload"
- :headers="header"
- :on-success="upFile"
- :format="['xlsx']"
- :on-format-error="handleFormatError"
- >
- <Button>导入ERP商品</Button>
- </Upload>
- <!-- <Tooltip
+ <!-- 商品-商品列表 -->
+ <div class="article-manager">
+ <Card :bordered="false" dis-hover class="ivu-mt" :padding="0">
+ <div class="new_card_pd">
+ <Alert v-if="alertShow" banner closable type="warning" class="ivu-mt" @on-close="closeAlert">
+ <router-link :to="`${roterPre}/product/add_product/0`">您有未完成的商品添加操作,点击此处可继续添加操作?</router-link>
+ </Alert>
+ <Alert show-icon closable>
+ 温馨提示:1.新增商品时可选统一规格或者多规格,满足商品不同销售属性场景;2.商品销售状态分为销售中且库存足够时才可下单购买
+ </Alert>
+ <!-- 条件筛选 -->
+ <Form ref="artFrom" inline :model="artFrom" :label-width="96" :label-position="labelPosition"
+ @submit.native.prevent>
+ <FormItem label="商品分类:" prop="cate_id">
+ <el-cascader placeholder="请选择商品分类" class="input-add" size="mini" v-model="artFrom.cate_id"
+ :options="data1" :props="props" @change="userSearchs" filterable clearable>
+ </el-cascader>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem label="供应商:" prop="pid" label-for="pid">
+ <Select v-model="artFrom.supplier_id" @on-change="userSearchs" clearable class="input-add">
+ <Option v-for="item in supplierList" :value="item.id" :key="item.id">
+ {{ item.supplier_name }}</Option>
+ </Select>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem label="选择门店:">
+ <Select v-model="artFrom.store_id" clearable filterable @on-change="userSearchs"
+ class="input-add">
+ <Option v-for="item in staffData" :value="item.id" :key="item.id">{{ item.name }}
+ </Option>
+ </Select>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem label="商品品牌:" prop="brand_id">
+ <Cascader :data="brandData" placeholder="请选择商品品牌" change-on-select v-model="artFrom.brand_id"
+ filterable class="input-add" @on-change="userSearchs"></Cascader>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem label="商品标签:" prop="store_label_id" class="labelClass">
+ <div class="acea-row row-middle">
+ <div class="labelInput acea-row row-between-wrapper" @click="openGoodsLabel">
+ <div style="width: 90%;">
+ <div v-if="goodsDataLabel.length">
+ <Tag closable v-for="(item,index) in goodsDataLabel" :key="index"
+ @on-close="closeStoreLabel(item)">{{item.label_name}}</Tag>
+ </div>
+ <span class="span" v-else>选择商品标签</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="iconfont iconxiayi"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem label="商品搜索:" label-for="store_name">
+ <Input placeholder="请输入商品名称,关键字,ID" v-model="artFrom.store_name" class="input-add" />
+ <Button type="primary" @click="userSearchs">查询</Button>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Form>
+ </div>
+ </Card>
+ <Card :bordered="false" dis-hover class="ivu-mt">
+ <!-- 相关操作 -->
+ <div class="new_tab">
+ <Tabs v-model="artFrom.type" @on-click="onClickTab">
+ <TabPane :label="item.name + ' (' + item.count + ')'" :name="item.type.toString()"
+ v-for="(item, index) in headeNum" :key="index" />
+ </Tabs>
+ </div>
+ <div class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
+ <div class="Button">
+ <!-- <router-link v-auth="['product-product-save']" :to="`${roterPre}/product/add_product`"><Button
+ type="primary" class="bnt mr15">添加商品</Button></router-link> -->
+ <!-- <Button v-auth="['product-crawl-save']" type="success" class="bnt mr15"
+ @click="onCopy">商品采集</Button> -->
+ <Upload ref="upload" v-if="openErp" :show-upload-list="false" :action="erpUrl"
+ :before-upload="beforeUpload" :headers="header" :on-success="upFile" :format="['xlsx']"
+ :on-format-error="handleFormatError">
+ <Button>导入ERP商品</Button>
+ </Upload>
+ <!-- <Tooltip
:disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
@@ -157,1860 +86,1896 @@
</Tooltip> -->
- <Tooltip
- content="本页至少选中一项"
- :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- >
- <Button
- v-auth="['product-product-product_show']"
- class="bnt mr15"
- :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- @click="onDismount"
- v-show="artFrom.type === '1'"
- >批量下架</Button
- >
- </Tooltip>
- <Tooltip
- content="本页至少选中一项"
- :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- >
- <Button
- v-auth="['product-product-product_show']"
- class="bnt mr15"
- :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- @click="onShelves"
- v-show="artFrom.type === '2'"
- >批量上架</Button
- >
- </Tooltip>
- <Tooltip
- content="本页至少选中一项"
- :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- >
- <Button
- v-auth="['export-storeProduct']"
- class="export mr15"
- :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- @click="exports"
- >导出</Button
- >
- </Tooltip>
- <Tooltip
- content="本页至少选中一项"
- :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- >
- <Button
- v-auth="['product-product-product_show']"
- class="bnt"
- :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0"
- @click="openBatch"
- >批量设置</Button
- >
- </Tooltip>
- </div>
- <div>
- <Button v-if="openErp" class="bnt mr15" @click="frontDownload"
- >下载erp商品模板</Button
- >
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- 商品列表表格 -->
- <vxe-table
- ref="xTable"
- class="mt25"
- :loading="loading"
- row-id="id"
- :expand-config="{accordion: true}"
- :checkbox-config="{reserve: true}"
- @checkbox-all="checkboxAll"
- @checkbox-change="checkboxItem"
- :data="tableList">
- <vxe-column type="" width="0" v-show="artFrom.type == 1 || artFrom.type == 2"></vxe-column>
- <vxe-column type="expand" width="35" v-if="artFrom.type == 1 || artFrom.type == 2">
- <template #content="{ row }">
- <div class="tdinfo">
- <Row class="expand-row">
- <Col span="8">
- <span class="expand-key">商品分类:</span>
- <span class="expand-value">{{ row.cate_name }}</span>
- </Col>
- <Col span="8">
- <span class="expand-key">商品市场价格:</span>
- <span class="expand-value">{{ row.ot_price }}</span>
- </Col>
- <Col span="8">
- <span class="expand-key">成本价:</span>
- <span class="expand-value">{{ row.cost }}</span>
- </Col>
- </Row>
- <Row class="expand-row">
- <Col span="8">
- <span class="expand-key">收藏:</span>
- <span class="expand-value">{{ row.collect }}</span>
- </Col>
- <Col span="8">
- <span class="expand-key">虚拟销量:</span>
- <span class="expand-value">{{ row.ficti }} {{name}}</span>
- </Col>
- <Col span="8" v-show="row.is_verify === -1">
- <span class="expand-key">审核未通过原因:</span>
- <span class="expand-value">{{ row.refusal }}</span>
- </Col>
- <Col span="8" v-show="row.is_verify === -2">
- <span class="expand-key">强制下架原因:</span>
- <span class="expand-value">{{ row.refusal }}</span>
- </Col>
- </Row>
- </div>
- </template>
- </vxe-column>
- <vxe-column type="checkbox" width="100">
- <template #header>
- <div>
- <Dropdown transfer @on-click="allPages">
- <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="acea-row row-middle">
- <span>全选({{isAll==1?(total-checkUidList.length):checkUidList.length}})</span>
- <Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon>
- </a>
- <template #list>
- <DropdownMenu>
- <DropdownItem name="0">当前页</DropdownItem>
- <DropdownItem name="1">所有页</DropdownItem>
- </DropdownMenu>
- </template>
- </Dropdown>
- </div>
- </template>
- </vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="id" title="商品ID" width="60"></vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="image" title="商品图" width="60">
- <template v-slot="{ row }">
- <viewer>
- <div class="tabBox_img">
- <img v-lazy="row.image" />
- </div>
- </viewer>
- </template>
- </vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="store_name" title="商品名称" min-width="250">
- <template v-slot="{ row }">
- <Tooltip
- :transfer="true"
- theme="dark"
- max-width="300"
- :delay="600"
- :content="row.store_name"
- >
- <div class="line2">{{ row.store_name }}</div>
- </Tooltip>
- </template>
- </vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="plate_name" title="商品来源" min-width="150"></vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="product_type" title="商品类型" min-width="100">
- <template v-slot="{ row }">
- <span v-if="row.product_type == 0">普通商品</span>
- <span v-if="row.product_type == 1">卡密商品</span>
- <span v-if="row.product_type == 3">虚拟商品</span>
- <span v-if="row.product_type == 4">次卡商品</span>
- </template>
- </vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="price" title="商品售价" min-width="90"></vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="sales" title="销量" min-width="90"></vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="stock" title="库存" min-width="80" v-show="artFrom.type != 6"></vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="sort" title="排序" min-width="70"></vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="state" title="状态" width="120">
- <template v-slot="{ row }">
- <i-switch
- v-model="row.is_show"
- :value="row.is_show"
- :true-value="1"
- :false-value="0"
- :disabled="artFrom.type == 6 || row.is_verify != 1 ? true : false"
- @on-change="changeSwitch(row)"
- size="large"
- >
- <span slot="open">上架</span>
- <span slot="close">下架</span>
- </i-switch>
- <div v-if="row.auto_off_time" class="style-add">
- 定时下架:<br />{{ row.auto_off_time | timeFormat }}
- </div>
- </template>
- </vxe-column>
- <vxe-column field="action" title="操作" align="center" width="220" fixed="right">
- <template #default="{ row, rowIndex }">
- <a @click="details(row.id)">详情</a>
- <Divider type="vertical" />
- <a @click="edit(row)">编辑</a>
- <Divider type="vertical" />
- <a @click="lookGoods(row.id)">预览</a>
- <Divider type="vertical" />
- <a v-if="artFrom.type === '0'" @click="auditGoods(row)">审核</a>
- <Divider v-if="artFrom.type === '0'" type="vertical" />
- <template>
- <Dropdown
- @on-click="changeMenu(row, $event, rowIndex)"
- :transfer="true"
- >
- <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="acea-row row-middle">
- <span>更多</span>
- <Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon>
- </a>
- <DropdownMenu slot="list">
- <DropdownItem name="1">查看评论</DropdownItem>
- <DropdownItem name="2" v-if="artFrom.type === '6'"
- >恢复商品</DropdownItem
- >
- <DropdownItem name="3" v-if="artFrom.type !== '6' && row.type==0">移到回收站</DropdownItem>
- <DropdownItem
- name="4"
- v-if="row.product_type != 1 && openErp == false"
- >库存管理</DropdownItem
- >
- <DropdownItem
- name="5"
- v-if="artFrom.type === '1' || artFrom.type === '2'"
- >强制下架</DropdownItem
- >
- <DropdownItem name="6">复制商品</DropdownItem>
- </DropdownMenu>
- </Dropdown>
- </template>
- </template>
- </vxe-column>
- </vxe-table>
- <vxe-pager class="mt20" border size="medium" :page-size="artFrom.limit" :current-page="artFrom.page" :total="total"
- :layouts="['PrevPage', 'JumpNumber', 'NextPage', 'FullJump', 'Total']" @page-change="pageChange">
- </vxe-pager>
- <!-- <div class="acea-row row-right page">-->
- <!-- <Page-->
- <!-- :total="total"-->
- <!-- :current="artFrom.page"-->
- <!-- show-elevator-->
- <!-- show-total-->
- <!-- @on-change="pageChange"-->
- <!-- :page-size="artFrom.limit"-->
- <!-- />-->
- <!-- </div>-->
- <attribute
- :attrTemplate="attrTemplate"
- v-on:changeTemplate="changeTemplate"
- ></attribute>
- </Card>
- <!-- 生成淘宝京东表单-->
- <Modal
- v-model="modals"
- :z-index="100"
- class="Box"
- scrollable
- footer-hide
- closable
- title="复制淘宝、天猫、京东、苏宁、1688"
- :mask-closable="false"
- width="1200"
- height="500"
- >
- <tao-bao ref="taobaos" v-if="modals" @on-close="onClose"></tao-bao>
- </Modal>
- <!-- 配送方式 -->
- <Modal
- v-model="modalsType"
- scrollable
- title="配送方式"
- :closable="false"
- class-name="vertical-center-modal"
- >
- <Form :label-width="90" @submit.native.prevent>
- <FormItem label="配送方式:" class="deliveryStyle" required>
- <CheckboxGroup v-model="delivery_type">
- <Checkbox label="1">快递</Checkbox>
- <!-- <Checkbox label="3">门店配送</Checkbox> -->
- <Checkbox label="2">自提</Checkbox>
- </CheckboxGroup>
- </FormItem>
- </Form>
- <div slot="footer">
- <Button type="primary" @click="putDelivery">提交</Button>
- <Button @click="cancelDelivery">取消</Button>
- </div>
- </Modal>
- <!-- 商品弹窗 -->
- <div v-if="isProductBox">
- <div class="bg" @click.stop="isProductBox = false"></div>
- <goodsDetail :goodsId="goodsId" :product="1"></goodsDetail>
- </div>
- <stockEdit ref="stock" @stockChange="stockChange"></stockEdit>
- <!-- 商品详情 -->
- <productDetails :visible.sync="detailsVisible" :product-id="productId" @saved="getDataList"></productDetails>
- <!-- 批量设置 -->
- <Modal v-model="batchModal" title="批量设置" width="750" class-name="batch-modal" @on-visible-change="batchVisibleChange">
- <Alert show-icon>每次只能修改一项,如需修改多项,请多次操作。</Alert>
- <Row type="flex" align="middle">
- <Col span="5">
- <Menu :active-name="menuActive" width="auto" @on-select="menuSelect">
- <MenuItem :name="1">商品分类</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem :name="2">商品标签</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem :name="3">物流设置</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem :name="8">运费设置</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem :name="4">购买即送</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem :name="5">关联用户标签</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem :name="6">活动推荐</MenuItem>
- <MenuItem :name="7">自定义留言</MenuItem>
- </Menu>
- </Col>
- <Col span="19">
- <Form :model="batchData" :label-width="122">
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 1" label="商品分类:">
- <el-cascader
- v-model="batchData.cate_id"
- :options="data1"
- :props="props"
- size="small"
- filterable
- clearable
- :class="{ single: !batchData.cate_id.length }"
- >
- </el-cascader>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 2" label="商品标签:">
- <div class="select-tag" @click="openStoreLabel">
- <div v-if="storeDataLabel.length">
- <Tag v-for="item in storeDataLabel" :key="item.id" closable @on-close="tagClose(item.id)">{{ item.label_name }}</Tag>
- </div>
- <span v-else class="placeholder">请选择</span>
- <Icon type="ios-arrow-down" />
- </div>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 3" label="物流方式:">
- <CheckboxGroup v-model="batchData.delivery_type" size="small">
- <Checkbox :label="1">快递</Checkbox>
- <Checkbox :label="3">门店配送</Checkbox>
- <Checkbox :label="2">自提</Checkbox>
- </CheckboxGroup>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 8" label="运费设置:">
- <RadioGroup v-model="batchData.freight">
- <Radio :label="1">包邮</Radio>
- <Radio :label="2">固定邮费</Radio>
- <Radio :label="3">运费模板</Radio>
- </RadioGroup>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 8 && batchData.freight === 2">
- <div class="input-number">
- <InputNumber v-model="batchData.postage" :min="0"></InputNumber>
- <span class="suffix">元</span>
- </div>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 8 && batchData.freight === 3">
- <Select v-model="batchData.temp_id">
- <Option v-for="item in templateList" :key="item.id" :value="item.id">{{ item.name }}</Option>
- </Select>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 4" label="购买送积分:">
- <InputNumber v-model="batchData.give_integral" :min="0"></InputNumber>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 4" label="购买送优惠券:">
- <div class="select-tag" @click="addCoupon">
- <div v-if="couponName.length">
- <Tag v-for="item in couponName" :key="item.id" closable @on-close="handleClose(item)">{{ item.title }}</Tag>
- </div>
- <span v-else class="placeholder">请选择</span>
- <Icon type="ios-arrow-down" />
- </div>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 5" label="关联用户标签:">
- <div class="select-tag" @click="openLabel">
- <div v-if="dataLabel.length">
- <Tag v-for="item in dataLabel" :key="item.id" closable @on-close="tagClose(item.id)">{{ item.label_name }}</Tag>
- </div>
- <span v-else class="placeholder">请选择</span>
- <Icon type="ios-arrow-down" />
- </div>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 6" label="商品推荐:">
- <CheckboxGroup v-model="batchData.recommend" size="small">
- <Checkbox label="is_hot">热卖单品</Checkbox>
- <Checkbox label="is_benefit">促销单品</Checkbox>
- <Checkbox label="is_best">精品推荐</Checkbox>
- <Checkbox label="is_new">首发新品</Checkbox>
- <Checkbox label="is_good">优品推荐</Checkbox>
- </CheckboxGroup>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 7" label="自定义留言:">
- <i-switch v-model="customBtn" size="large" @on-change="customMessBtn">
- <span slot="open">开启</span>
- <span slot="close">关闭</span>
- </i-switch>
- <div class="mt10" v-if="customBtn">
- <Select
- v-model="batchData.system_form_id"
- filterable
- placeholder="请选择"
- @on-change="changeForm"
- >
- <Option
- v-for="(item, index) in formList"
- :value="item.id"
- :key="item.id"
- >{{ item.name }}</Option
- >
- </Select>
- </div>
- <div v-if="customBtn && batchData.system_form_id">
- <Table border :columns="formColumns" :data="formTypeList" ref="table" class="customTab" width="100%" max-height="260">
- <template slot-scope="{ row }" slot="require">
- <span>{{row.require?'必填':'不必填'}}</span>
- </template>
- </Table>
- </div>
- </FormItem>
-<!-- <template v-if="menuActive === 7">-->
-<!-- <FormItem v-for="(item, index) in batchData.custom_form" :key="item.key">-->
-<!-- <Row :gutter="8">-->
-<!-- <Col span="7">-->
-<!-- <Input v-model="item.title" :placeholder="`留言标题${index + 1}`"></Input>-->
-<!-- </Col>-->
-<!-- <Col span="9">-->
-<!-- <Select v-model="item.label">-->
-<!-- <Option v-for="option in customList" :key="option.value" :value="option.value">{{ option.label }}</Option>-->
-<!-- </Select>-->
-<!-- </Col>-->
-<!-- <Col span="5">-->
-<!-- <Checkbox v-model="item.status" :true-value="1" :false-value="0">必填</Checkbox>-->
-<!-- </Col>-->
-<!-- <Col span="3">-->
-<!-- <Button type="text" size="small" @click="delForm(item)">删除</Button>-->
-<!-- </Col>-->
-<!-- </Row>-->
-<!-- </FormItem>-->
-<!-- </template>-->
-<!-- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 7 && customBtn">-->
-<!-- <Button v-show="batchData.custom_form.length < 10" type="text" icon="md-add" size="small" @click="addForm">添加表单</Button>-->
-<!-- <div>用户下单时需填写的信息,最多可设置10条</div>-->
-<!-- </FormItem>-->
- </Form>
- </Col>
- </Row>
- <div slot="footer">
- <Button @click="cancelBatch">取消</Button>
- <Button type="primary" @click="saveBatch">保存</Button>
- </div>
- </Modal>
- <!-- 用户标签 -->
- <Modal
- v-model="labelShow"
- scrollable
- title="选择用户标签"
- :closable="true"
- width="540"
- :footer-hide="true"
- :mask-closable="false"
- >
- <userLabel ref="userLabel" @activeData="activeData" @close="labelClose"></userLabel>
- </Modal>
- <!-- 商品标签 -->
- <Modal
- v-model="storeLabelShow"
- scrollable
- title="选择商品标签"
- :closable="true"
- width="540"
- :footer-hide="true"
- :mask-closable="false"
- >
- <storeLabelList ref="storeLabel" @activeData="activeStoreData" @close="storeLabelClose"></storeLabelList>
- </Modal>
- <coupon-list
- ref="couponTemplates"
- @nameId="nameId"
- :couponids="coupon_ids"
- :updateIds="updateIds"
- :updateName="updateName"
- ></coupon-list>
- </div>
+ <Tooltip content="本页至少选中一项" :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0">
+ <Button v-auth="['product-product-product_show']" class="bnt mr15"
+ :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0" @click="onDismount"
+ v-show="artFrom.type === '1'">批量下架</Button>
+ </Tooltip>
+ <Tooltip content="本页至少选中一项" :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0">
+ <Button v-auth="['product-product-product_show']" class="bnt mr15"
+ :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0" @click="onShelves"
+ v-show="artFrom.type === '2'">批量上架</Button>
+ </Tooltip>
+ <Tooltip content="本页至少选中一项" :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0">
+ <Button v-auth="['export-storeProduct']" class="export mr15"
+ :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0" @click="exports">导出</Button>
+ </Tooltip>
+ <Tooltip content="本页至少选中一项" :disabled="!!checkUidList.length && isAll==0">
+ <Button v-auth="['product-product-product_show']" class="bnt"
+ :disabled="!checkUidList.length && isAll==0" @click="openBatch">批量设置</Button>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <Button v-if="openErp" class="bnt mr15" @click="frontDownload">下载erp商品模板</Button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- 商品列表表格 -->
+ <vxe-table ref="xTable" class="mt25" :loading="loading" row-id="id" :expand-config="{accordion: true}"
+ :checkbox-config="{reserve: true}" @checkbox-all="checkboxAll" @checkbox-change="checkboxItem"
+ :data="tableList">
+ <vxe-column type="" width="0" v-show="artFrom.type == 1 || artFrom.type == 2"></vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column type="expand" width="35" v-if="artFrom.type == 1 || artFrom.type == 2">
+ <template #content="{ row }">
+ <div class="tdinfo">
+ <Row class="expand-row">
+ <Col span="8">
+ <span class="expand-key">商品分类:</span>
+ <span class="expand-value">{{ row.cate_name }}</span>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="8">
+ <span class="expand-key">商品市场价格:</span>
+ <span class="expand-value">{{ row.ot_price }}</span>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="8">
+ <span class="expand-key">成本价:</span>
+ <span class="expand-value">{{ row.cost }}</span>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ <Row class="expand-row">
+ <Col span="8">
+ <span class="expand-key">收藏:</span>
+ <span class="expand-value">{{ row.collect }}</span>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="8">
+ <span class="expand-key">虚拟销量:</span>
+ <span class="expand-value">{{ row.ficti }} {{name}}</span>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="8" v-show="row.is_verify === -1">
+ <span class="expand-key">审核未通过原因:</span>
+ <span class="expand-value">{{ row.refusal }}</span>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="8" v-show="row.is_verify === -2">
+ <span class="expand-key">强制下架原因:</span>
+ <span class="expand-value">{{ row.refusal }}</span>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column type="checkbox" width="100">
+ <template #header>
+ <div>
+ <Dropdown transfer @on-click="allPages">
+ <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="acea-row row-middle">
+ <span>全选({{isAll==1?(total-checkUidList.length):checkUidList.length}})</span>
+ <Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon>
+ </a>
+ <template #list>
+ <DropdownMenu>
+ <DropdownItem name="0">当前页</DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="1">所有页</DropdownItem>
+ </DropdownMenu>
+ </template>
+ </Dropdown>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="id" title="商品ID" width="60"></vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="image" title="商品图" width="60">
+ <template v-slot="{ row }">
+ <viewer>
+ <div class="tabBox_img">
+ <img v-lazy="row.image" />
+ </div>
+ </viewer>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="store_name" title="商品名称" min-width="250">
+ <template v-slot="{ row }">
+ <Tooltip :transfer="true" theme="dark" max-width="300" :delay="600" :content="row.store_name">
+ <div class="line2">{{ row.store_name }}</div>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="plate_name" title="商品来源" min-width="150"></vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="plate_name" title="绑定货架" min-width="150">
+ <template v-slot="{ row }">
+ <span v-for="it in tabList" v-if="row.agent_level==it.id">{{it.name}}</span>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="product_type" title="商品类型" min-width="100">
+ <template v-slot="{ row }">
+ <span v-if="row.product_type == 0">普通商品</span>
+ <span v-if="row.product_type == 1">卡密商品</span>
+ <span v-if="row.product_type == 3">虚拟商品</span>
+ <span v-if="row.product_type == 4">次卡商品</span>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="price" title="商品售价" min-width="90"></vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="sales" title="销量" min-width="90"></vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="stock" title="库存" min-width="80" v-show="artFrom.type != 6"></vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="sort" title="排序" min-width="70"></vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="state" title="状态" width="120">
+ <template v-slot="{ row }">
+ <i-switch v-model="row.is_show" :value="row.is_show" :true-value="1" :false-value="0"
+ :disabled="artFrom.type == 6 || row.is_verify != 1 ? true : false"
+ @on-change="changeSwitch(row)" size="large">
+ <span slot="open">上架</span>
+ <span slot="close">下架</span>
+ </i-switch>
+ <div v-if="row.auto_off_time" class="style-add">
+ 定时下架:<br />{{ row.auto_off_time | timeFormat }}
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ <vxe-column field="action" title="操作" align="center" width="220" fixed="right">
+ <template #default="{ row, rowIndex }">
+ <a @click="details(row.id)">详情</a>
+ <Divider type="vertical" />
+ <a @click="edit(row)">编辑</a>
+ <Divider type="vertical" />
+ <a @click="lookGoods(row.id)">预览</a>
+ <Divider type="vertical" />
+ <a v-if="artFrom.type === '0'" @click="auditGoods(row)">审核</a>
+ <Divider v-if="artFrom.type === '0'" type="vertical" />
+ <template>
+ <Dropdown @on-click="changeMenu(row, $event, rowIndex)" :transfer="true">
+ <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="acea-row row-middle">
+ <span>更多</span>
+ <Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon>
+ </a>
+ <DropdownMenu slot="list">
+ <DropdownItem name="7">修改货架</DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="1">查看评论</DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="2" v-if="artFrom.type === '6'">恢复商品</DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="3" v-if="artFrom.type !== '6' && row.type==0">移到回收站
+ </DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="4" v-if="row.product_type != 1 && openErp == false">库存管理
+ </DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="5" v-if="artFrom.type === '1' || artFrom.type === '2'">强制下架
+ </DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="6">复制商品</DropdownItem>
+ </DropdownMenu>
+ </Dropdown>
+ </template>
+ </template>
+ </vxe-column>
+ </vxe-table>
+ <vxe-pager class="mt20" border size="medium" :page-size="artFrom.limit" :current-page="artFrom.page"
+ :total="total" :layouts="['PrevPage', 'JumpNumber', 'NextPage', 'FullJump', 'Total']"
+ @page-change="pageChange">
+ </vxe-pager>
+ <!-- <div class="acea-row row-right page">-->
+ <!-- <Page-->
+ <!-- :total="total"-->
+ <!-- :current="artFrom.page"-->
+ <!-- show-elevator-->
+ <!-- show-total-->
+ <!-- @on-change="pageChange"-->
+ <!-- :page-size="artFrom.limit"-->
+ <!-- />-->
+ <!-- </div>-->
+ <attribute :attrTemplate="attrTemplate" v-on:changeTemplate="changeTemplate"></attribute>
+ </Card>
+ <!-- 生成淘宝京东表单-->
+ <Modal v-model="modals" :z-index="100" class="Box" scrollable footer-hide closable title="复制淘宝、天猫、京东、苏宁、1688"
+ :mask-closable="false" width="1200" height="500">
+ <tao-bao ref="taobaos" v-if="modals" @on-close="onClose"></tao-bao>
+ </Modal>
+ <!-- 配送方式 -->
+ <Modal v-model="modalsType" scrollable title="配送方式" :closable="false" class-name="vertical-center-modal">
+ <Form :label-width="90" @submit.native.prevent>
+ <FormItem label="配送方式:" class="deliveryStyle" required>
+ <CheckboxGroup v-model="delivery_type">
+ <Checkbox label="1">快递</Checkbox>
+ <!-- <Checkbox label="3">门店配送</Checkbox> -->
+ <Checkbox label="2">自提</Checkbox>
+ </CheckboxGroup>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Form>
+ <div slot="footer">
+ <Button type="primary" @click="putDelivery">提交</Button>
+ <Button @click="cancelDelivery">取消</Button>
+ </div>
+ </Modal>
+ <!-- 商品弹窗 -->
+ <div v-if="isProductBox">
+ <div class="bg" @click.stop="isProductBox = false"></div>
+ <goodsDetail :goodsId="goodsId" :product="1"></goodsDetail>
+ </div>
+ <stockEdit ref="stock" @stockChange="stockChange"></stockEdit>
+ <!-- 商品详情 -->
+ <productDetails :visible.sync="detailsVisible" :product-id="productId" @saved="getDataList"></productDetails>
+ <!-- 批量设置 -->
+ <Modal v-model="batchModal" title="批量设置" width="750" class-name="batch-modal"
+ @on-visible-change="batchVisibleChange">
+ <Alert show-icon>每次只能修改一项,如需修改多项,请多次操作。</Alert>
+ <Row type="flex" align="middle">
+ <Col span="5">
+ <Menu :active-name="menuActive" width="auto" @on-select="menuSelect">
+ <MenuItem :name="1">商品分类</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem :name="2">商品标签</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem :name="3">物流设置</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem :name="8">运费设置</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem :name="4">购买即送</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem :name="5">关联用户标签</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem :name="6">活动推荐</MenuItem>
+ <MenuItem :name="7">自定义留言</MenuItem>
+ </Menu>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="19">
+ <Form :model="batchData" :label-width="122">
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 1" label="商品分类:">
+ <el-cascader v-model="batchData.cate_id" :options="data1" :props="props" size="small" filterable
+ clearable :class="{ single: !batchData.cate_id.length }">
+ </el-cascader>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 2" label="商品标签:">
+ <div class="select-tag" @click="openStoreLabel">
+ <div v-if="storeDataLabel.length">
+ <Tag v-for="item in storeDataLabel" :key="item.id" closable
+ @on-close="tagClose(item.id)">{{ item.label_name }}</Tag>
+ </div>
+ <span v-else class="placeholder">请选择</span>
+ <Icon type="ios-arrow-down" />
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 3" label="物流方式:">
+ <CheckboxGroup v-model="batchData.delivery_type" size="small">
+ <Checkbox :label="1">快递</Checkbox>
+ <Checkbox :label="3">门店配送</Checkbox>
+ <Checkbox :label="2">自提</Checkbox>
+ </CheckboxGroup>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 8" label="运费设置:">
+ <RadioGroup v-model="batchData.freight">
+ <Radio :label="1">包邮</Radio>
+ <Radio :label="2">固定邮费</Radio>
+ <Radio :label="3">运费模板</Radio>
+ </RadioGroup>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 8 && batchData.freight === 2">
+ <div class="input-number">
+ <InputNumber v-model="batchData.postage" :min="0"></InputNumber>
+ <span class="suffix">元</span>
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 8 && batchData.freight === 3">
+ <Select v-model="batchData.temp_id">
+ <Option v-for="item in templateList" :key="item.id" :value="item.id">{{ item.name }}
+ </Option>
+ </Select>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 4" label="购买送积分:">
+ <InputNumber v-model="batchData.give_integral" :min="0"></InputNumber>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 4" label="购买送优惠券:">
+ <div class="select-tag" @click="addCoupon">
+ <div v-if="couponName.length">
+ <Tag v-for="item in couponName" :key="item.id" closable @on-close="handleClose(item)">
+ {{ item.title }}</Tag>
+ </div>
+ <span v-else class="placeholder">请选择</span>
+ <Icon type="ios-arrow-down" />
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 5" label="关联用户标签:">
+ <div class="select-tag" @click="openLabel">
+ <div v-if="dataLabel.length">
+ <Tag v-for="item in dataLabel" :key="item.id" closable @on-close="tagClose(item.id)">
+ {{ item.label_name }}</Tag>
+ </div>
+ <span v-else class="placeholder">请选择</span>
+ <Icon type="ios-arrow-down" />
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 6" label="商品推荐:">
+ <CheckboxGroup v-model="batchData.recommend" size="small">
+ <Checkbox label="is_hot">热卖单品</Checkbox>
+ <Checkbox label="is_benefit">促销单品</Checkbox>
+ <Checkbox label="is_best">精品推荐</Checkbox>
+ <Checkbox label="is_new">首发新品</Checkbox>
+ <Checkbox label="is_good">优品推荐</Checkbox>
+ </CheckboxGroup>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 7" label="自定义留言:">
+ <i-switch v-model="customBtn" size="large" @on-change="customMessBtn">
+ <span slot="open">开启</span>
+ <span slot="close">关闭</span>
+ </i-switch>
+ <div class="mt10" v-if="customBtn">
+ <Select v-model="batchData.system_form_id" filterable placeholder="请选择"
+ @on-change="changeForm">
+ <Option v-for="(item, index) in formList" :value="item.id" :key="item.id">
+ {{ item.name }}</Option>
+ </Select>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="customBtn && batchData.system_form_id">
+ <Table border :columns="formColumns" :data="formTypeList" ref="table" class="customTab"
+ width="100%" max-height="260">
+ <template slot-scope="{ row }" slot="require">
+ <span>{{row.require?'必填':'不必填'}}</span>
+ </template>
+ </Table>
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <!-- <template v-if="menuActive === 7">-->
+ <!-- <FormItem v-for="(item, index) in batchData.custom_form" :key="item.key">-->
+ <!-- <Row :gutter="8">-->
+ <!-- <Col span="7">-->
+ <!-- <Input v-model="item.title" :placeholder="`留言标题${index + 1}`"></Input>-->
+ <!-- </Col>-->
+ <!-- <Col span="9">-->
+ <!-- <Select v-model="item.label">-->
+ <!-- <Option v-for="option in customList" :key="option.value" :value="option.value">{{ option.label }}</Option>-->
+ <!-- </Select>-->
+ <!-- </Col>-->
+ <!-- <Col span="5">-->
+ <!-- <Checkbox v-model="item.status" :true-value="1" :false-value="0">必填</Checkbox>-->
+ <!-- </Col>-->
+ <!-- <Col span="3">-->
+ <!-- <Button type="text" size="small" @click="delForm(item)">删除</Button>-->
+ <!-- </Col>-->
+ <!-- </Row>-->
+ <!-- </FormItem>-->
+ <!-- </template>-->
+ <!-- <FormItem v-if="menuActive === 7 && customBtn">-->
+ <!-- <Button v-show="batchData.custom_form.length < 10" type="text" icon="md-add" size="small" @click="addForm">添加表单</Button>-->
+ <!-- <div>用户下单时需填写的信息,最多可设置10条</div>-->
+ <!-- </FormItem>-->
+ </Form>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ <div slot="footer">
+ <Button @click="cancelBatch">取消</Button>
+ <Button type="primary" @click="saveBatch">保存</Button>
+ </div>
+ </Modal>
+ <!-- 用户标签 -->
+ <Modal v-model="labelShow" scrollable title="选择用户标签" :closable="true" width="540" :footer-hide="true"
+ :mask-closable="false">
+ <userLabel ref="userLabel" @activeData="activeData" @close="labelClose"></userLabel>
+ </Modal>
+ <!-- 商品标签 -->
+ <Modal v-model="storeLabelShow" scrollable title="选择商品标签" :closable="true" width="540" :footer-hide="true"
+ :mask-closable="false">
+ <storeLabelList ref="storeLabel" @activeData="activeStoreData" @close="storeLabelClose"></storeLabelList>
+ </Modal>
+ <coupon-list ref="couponTemplates" @nameId="nameId" :couponids="coupon_ids" :updateIds="updateIds"
+ :updateName="updateName"></coupon-list>
+ <Modal v-model="openLevel" scrollable footer-hide closable title="绑定货架" :z-index="1" width="700"
+ @on-cancel="openLevel=false">
+ <div class="article-manager">
+ <Card :bordered="false" dis-hover>
+ <Form ref="levelChange" :model="formItem" @submit.native.prevent>
+ <Row type="flex" :gutter="24">
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col>
+ <FormItem label="门店货架:" prop="agent_level" label-for="agent_level">
+ <Select v-model="formItem.agent_level" placeholder="请选择" clearable class="input-add">
+ <Option :value="0">未绑定</Option>
+ <Option v-for="item in tabList" :value="item.id">{{item.name}}</Option>
+ </Select>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ <Row style="justify-content: space-around;">
+ <Col>
+ <Button type="primary" class="btn" @click="handleSubmit()">修改</Button>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ </Form>
+ </Card>
+ </div>
+ </Modal>
+ </div>
-import goodsDetail from "@/pages/kefu/pc/components/goods_detail";
-import stockEdit from "../components/stockEdit.vue";
-import expandRow from "./tableExpand.vue";
-import productDetails from '../components/productDetails.vue';
-import storeLabelList from "@/components/storeLabelList";
-import userLabel from "@/components/labelList";
-import couponList from "@/components/couponList";
-import attribute from "./attribute";
-import toExcel from "../../../utils/Excel.js";
-import { mapState } from "vuex";
-import taoBao from "./taoBao";
-import dayjs from "dayjs";
-import Setting from "@/setting";
-import util from "@/libs/util";
-import { staffListInfo } from "@/api/store";
-import {
- getGoodHeade,
- getGoods,
- PostgoodsIsShow,
- treeListApi,
- productShowApi,
- productUnshowApi,
- storeProductApi,
- cascaderListApi,
- productCache,
- cacheDelete,
- setDeliveryType,
- productReviewApi,
- forcedRemovalApi,
- batchProcess,
- productGetTemplateApi,
- brandList,
- allSystemForm
-} from '@/api/product';
-import { systemFormInfo } from '@/api/setting'
-import { getSupplierList } from "@/api/supplier";
-import { erpConfig, erpProduct } from "@/api/erp";
-import exportExcel from "@/utils/newToExcel.js";
-export default {
- name: "product_productList",
- components: { expandRow, attribute, taoBao, goodsDetail, stockEdit, productDetails, storeLabelList, userLabel, couponList },
- filters: {
- timeFormat: (value) => dayjs(value * 1000).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"),
- },
- computed: {
- ...mapState("admin/layout", ["isMobile"]),
- ...mapState("admin/userLevel", ["categoryId"]),
- labelWidth() {
- return this.isMobile ? undefined : 75;
- },
- labelPosition() {
- return this.isMobile ? "top" : "right";
- },
- },
- data() {
- return {
- formTypeList: [],
- formColumns: [
- {
- title: '表单标题',
- key: 'title',
- // align:'center',
- minWidth: 100
- },
- {
- title: '表单类型',
- key: 'name',
- // align:'center',
- minWidth: 100
- },
- {
- title: '是否必填',
- slot: 'require',
- // align:'center',
- minWidth: 100
- }
- ],
- roterPre: Setting.roterPre,
- supplierList: [],
- header: {}, //请求头部信息
- erpUrl: Setting.apiBaseURL + "/file/upload/1",
- template: false,
- modals: false,
- modalsType: false,
- delivery_type: [],
- grid: {
- xl: 7,
- lg: 8,
- md: 12,
- sm: 24,
- xs: 24,
- },
- // 订单列表
- orderData: {
- page: 1,
- limit: 10,
- type: 6,
- status: "",
- time: "",
- real_name: "",
- store_id: "",
- },
- artFrom: {
- page: 1,
- limit: 15,
- cate_id: "",
- type: "1",
- store_name: "",
- excel: 0,
- supplier_id: "",
- store_id:"",
- brand_id:[],
- store_label_id:[]
- },
- list: [],
- tableList: [],
- headeNum: [],
- treeSelect: [],
- isProductBox: false,
- loading: false,
- data: [],
- total: 0,
- props: { emitPath: false, multiple: true, checkStrictly: true },
- attrTemplate: false,
- ids: [],
- display: "none",
- formSelection: [],
- selectionCopy: [],
- checkBox: false,
- isAll: 0,
- data1: [],
- value1: [],
- alertShow: false,
- goodsId: "",
- columns3: [],
- openErp: false,
- // activeKey:1
- productId: 0,
- detailsVisible: false,
- batchModal: false,
- menuActive: 1,
- storeLabelShow: false,
- storeDataLabel: [],
- labelShow: false,
- dataLabel: [],
- coupon_ids: [],
- updateIds: [],
- updateName: [],
- couponName: [],
- //自定义留言下拉选择
- customList: [
- {
- value: "text",
- label: "文本框",
- },
- {
- value: "number",
- label: "数字",
- },
- {
- value: "email",
- label: "邮件",
- },
- {
- value: "data",
- label: "日期",
- },
- {
- value: "time",
- label: "时间",
- },
- {
- value: "id",
- label: "身份证",
- },
- {
- value: "phone",
- label: "手机号",
- },
- {
- value: "img",
- label: "图片",
- },
- ],
- customBtn: false,
- batchData: {
- system_form_id:0,//自定义表单id
- cate_id: [],
- store_label_id: [],
- delivery_type: [],
- freight: 1,
- postage: 0,
- temp_id: 0,
- give_integral: 0,
- coupon_ids: [],
- label_id: [],
- recommend: [],
- custom_form: []
- },
- templateList: [],
- brandData:[],
- goodsDataLabel:[],
- isLabel:0,
- checkUidList:[],
- isCheckBox: false,
- staffData:[],
- formList:[]
- };
- },
- watch: {
- $route() {
- if (this.$route.fullPath === "/product/product_list?type=5") {
- this.getPath();
- }
- },
- formSelection(value) {
- // this.checkBox = value.length === this.tableList.length;
- },
- tableList: {
- deep: true,
- handler(value) {
- value.forEach((item) => {
- this.formSelection.forEach((itm) => {
- if (itm.id === item.id) {
- item.checkBox = true;
- }
- });
- });
- const arr = this.tableList.filter((item) => item.checkBox);
- if (this.tableList.length) {
- this.checkBox = this.tableList.length === arr.length;
- } else {
- this.checkBox = false;
- }
- },
- },
- storeDataLabel(value) {
- this.batchData.store_label_id = value.map(item => item.id);
- this.artFrom.store_label_id = value.map(item => item.id);
- },
- couponName(value) {
- this.batchData.coupon_ids = value.map(item => item.id);
- },
- dataLabel(value) {
- this.batchData.label_id = value.map(item => item.id);
- },
- 'batchData.system_form_id'(value){
- this.customBtn = !!value;
- },
- 'batchData.freight'(value) {
- switch (value) {
- case 1:
- this.batchData.postage = 0;
- this.batchData.temp_id = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- this.batchData.temp_id = 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- this.batchData.postage = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- created() {
- this.getToken();
- this.staffList();
- productCache()
- .then((res) => {
- const info = res.data.info;
- if (!Array.isArray(info)) {
- this.alertShow = true;
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- });
- this.getErpConfig();
- this.getBrandList();
- this.allFormList();
- },
- mounted() {
- this.goodsCategory();
- this.getSupplierList();
- if (this.$route.fullPath === "/product/product_list?type=5") {
- this.getPath();
- } else {
- this.getDataList();
- }
- // this.getDataList();
- this.productGetTemplate();
- this.goodHeade();
- },
- activated(e) {
- this.getDataList();
- this.goodHeade();
- },
- beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
- next((vm) => {
- if (from.path.indexOf("/product/add_product") != -1) {
- document.documentElement.scrollTop = to.meta.scollTopPosition;
- }else{
- if(vm.artFrom.page != 1 || vm.artFrom.cate_id != "" || vm.artFrom.type != "1" || vm.artFrom.store_name != ""
- || vm.artFrom.supplier_id != "" || vm.artFrom.brand_id.length !=0 || vm.goodsDataLabel.length !=0){
- vm.artFrom = {
- page: 1,
- limit: 15,
- cate_id: "",
- type: "1",
- store_name: "",
- excel: 0,
- supplier_id: "",
- store_id:"",
- brand_id:[],
- store_label_id:[]
+ import goodsDetail from "@/pages/kefu/pc/components/goods_detail";
+ import stockEdit from "../components/stockEdit.vue";
+ import expandRow from "./tableExpand.vue";
+ import productDetails from '../components/productDetails.vue';
+ import storeLabelList from "@/components/storeLabelList";
+ import userLabel from "@/components/labelList";
+ import couponList from "@/components/couponList";
+ import attribute from "./attribute";
+ import toExcel from "../../../utils/Excel.js";
+ import {
+ mapState
+ } from "vuex";
+ import taoBao from "./taoBao";
+ import dayjs from "dayjs";
+ import Setting from "@/setting";
+ import util from "@/libs/util";
+ import {
+ staffListInfo
+ } from "@/api/store";
+ import {
+ getGoodHeade,
+ getGoods,
+ PostgoodsIsShow,
+ treeListApi,
+ productShowApi,
+ productUnshowApi,
+ storeProductApi,
+ cascaderListApi,
+ productCache,
+ cacheDelete,
+ setDeliveryType,
+ productReviewApi,
+ forcedRemovalApi,
+ batchProcess,
+ productGetTemplateApi,
+ brandList,
+ allSystemForm,
+ productBindLevel
+ } from '@/api/product';
+ import {
+ systemFormInfo
+ } from '@/api/setting'
+ import {
+ getSupplierList
+ } from "@/api/supplier";
+ import {
+ erpConfig,
+ erpProduct
+ } from "@/api/erp";
+ import {
+ membershipDataListApi,
+ } from "@/api/membershipLevel";
+ import exportExcel from "@/utils/newToExcel.js";
+ export default {
+ name: "product_productList",
+ components: {
+ expandRow,
+ attribute,
+ taoBao,
+ goodsDetail,
+ stockEdit,
+ productDetails,
+ storeLabelList,
+ userLabel,
+ couponList
+ },
+ filters: {
+ timeFormat: (value) => dayjs(value * 1000).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"),
+ },
+ computed: {
+ ...mapState("admin/layout", ["isMobile"]),
+ ...mapState("admin/userLevel", ["categoryId"]),
+ labelWidth() {
+ return this.isMobile ? undefined : 75;
+ },
+ labelPosition() {
+ return this.isMobile ? "top" : "right";
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ // 门店弹窗Start
+ tabList:[],
+ formItem: {
+ id: '',
+ agent_level: ''
+ },
+ openLevel: false,
+ // 门店修改弹窗End
+ formTypeList: [],
+ formColumns: [{
+ title: '表单标题',
+ key: 'title',
+ // align:'center',
+ minWidth: 100
+ },
+ {
+ title: '表单类型',
+ key: 'name',
+ // align:'center',
+ minWidth: 100
+ },
+ {
+ title: '是否必填',
+ slot: 'require',
+ // align:'center',
+ minWidth: 100
+ }
+ ],
+ roterPre: Setting.roterPre,
+ supplierList: [],
+ header: {}, //请求头部信息
+ erpUrl: Setting.apiBaseURL + "/file/upload/1",
+ template: false,
+ modals: false,
+ modalsType: false,
+ delivery_type: [],
+ grid: {
+ xl: 7,
+ lg: 8,
+ md: 12,
+ sm: 24,
+ xs: 24,
+ },
+ // 订单列表
+ orderData: {
+ page: 1,
+ limit: 10,
+ type: 6,
+ status: "",
+ time: "",
+ real_name: "",
+ store_id: "",
+ },
+ artFrom: {
+ page: 1,
+ limit: 15,
+ cate_id: "",
+ type: "1",
+ store_name: "",
+ excel: 0,
+ supplier_id: "",
+ store_id: "",
+ brand_id: [],
+ store_label_id: []
+ },
+ list: [],
+ tableList: [],
+ headeNum: [],
+ treeSelect: [],
+ isProductBox: false,
+ loading: false,
+ data: [],
+ total: 0,
+ props: {
+ emitPath: false,
+ multiple: true,
+ checkStrictly: true
+ },
+ attrTemplate: false,
+ ids: [],
+ display: "none",
+ formSelection: [],
+ selectionCopy: [],
+ checkBox: false,
+ isAll: 0,
+ data1: [],
+ value1: [],
+ alertShow: false,
+ goodsId: "",
+ columns3: [],
+ openErp: false,
+ // activeKey:1
+ productId: 0,
+ detailsVisible: false,
+ batchModal: false,
+ menuActive: 1,
+ storeLabelShow: false,
+ storeDataLabel: [],
+ labelShow: false,
+ dataLabel: [],
+ coupon_ids: [],
+ updateIds: [],
+ updateName: [],
+ couponName: [],
+ //自定义留言下拉选择
+ customList: [{
+ value: "text",
+ label: "文本框",
+ },
+ {
+ value: "number",
+ label: "数字",
+ },
+ {
+ value: "email",
+ label: "邮件",
+ },
+ {
+ value: "data",
+ label: "日期",
+ },
+ {
+ value: "time",
+ label: "时间",
+ },
+ {
+ value: "id",
+ label: "身份证",
+ },
+ {
+ value: "phone",
+ label: "手机号",
+ },
+ {
+ value: "img",
+ label: "图片",
+ },
+ ],
+ customBtn: false,
+ batchData: {
+ system_form_id: 0, //自定义表单id
+ cate_id: [],
+ store_label_id: [],
+ delivery_type: [],
+ freight: 1,
+ postage: 0,
+ temp_id: 0,
+ give_integral: 0,
+ coupon_ids: [],
+ label_id: [],
+ recommend: [],
+ custom_form: []
+ },
+ templateList: [],
+ brandData: [],
+ goodsDataLabel: [],
+ isLabel: 0,
+ checkUidList: [],
+ isCheckBox: false,
+ staffData: [],
+ formList: []
+ };
+ },
+ watch: {
+ $route() {
+ if (this.$route.fullPath === "/product/product_list?type=5") {
+ this.getPath();
+ }
+ },
+ formSelection(value) {
+ // this.checkBox = value.length === this.tableList.length;
+ },
+ tableList: {
+ deep: true,
+ handler(value) {
+ value.forEach((item) => {
+ this.formSelection.forEach((itm) => {
+ if (itm.id === item.id) {
+ item.checkBox = true;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ const arr = this.tableList.filter((item) => item.checkBox);
+ if (this.tableList.length) {
+ this.checkBox = this.tableList.length === arr.length;
+ } else {
+ this.checkBox = false;
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ storeDataLabel(value) {
+ this.batchData.store_label_id = value.map(item => item.id);
+ this.artFrom.store_label_id = value.map(item => item.id);
+ },
+ couponName(value) {
+ this.batchData.coupon_ids = value.map(item => item.id);
+ },
+ dataLabel(value) {
+ this.batchData.label_id = value.map(item => item.id);
+ },
+ 'batchData.system_form_id'(value) {
+ this.customBtn = !!value;
+ },
+ 'batchData.freight'(value) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case 1:
+ this.batchData.postage = 0;
+ this.batchData.temp_id = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.batchData.temp_id = 0;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.batchData.postage = 0;
+ break;
+ }
- vm.goodsDataLabel = []
- let that = vm;
- setTimeout(function(){
- that.userSearchs();
- },500)
- }
- }
- });
- },
- beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
- if (from.meta.keepAlive) {
- from.meta.scollTopPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- }
- next();
- },
- methods: {
- allReset(){
- this.isAll = 0;
- this.isCheckBox = false;
- this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
- this.checkUidList = [];
- },
- changeForm(e){
- this.getSystemFormInfo(e,{type:1});
- },
- getSystemFormInfo(e,data){
- systemFormInfo(e,data).then(res=>{
- this.formTypeList = res.data.info;
- }).catch(err=>{
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- })
- },
- allFormList(){
- allSystemForm().then(res=>{
- this.formList = res.data;
- }).catch(err=>{
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- })
- },
- checkboxItem(e){
- let id = parseInt(e.rowid);
- let index = this.checkUidList.indexOf(id);
- if(index !== -1){
- this.checkUidList = this.checkUidList.filter((item)=> item !== id);
- }else{
- this.checkUidList.push(id);
- }
- },
- checkboxAll(){
- // 获取选中当前值
- let obj2 = this.$refs.xTable.getCheckboxRecords(true);
- // 获取之前选中值
- let obj = this.$refs.xTable.getCheckboxReserveRecords(true);
- if(this.isAll == 0 && this.checkUidList.length <= obj.length && !this.isCheckBox){
- obj = [];
- }
- obj = obj.concat(obj2);
- let ids = [];
- obj.forEach((item)=>{
- ids.push(parseInt(item.id))
- })
- this.checkUidList = ids;
- if(!obj2.length){
- this.isCheckBox = false;
- }
- },
- allPages(e){
- this.isAll = e;
- if(e==0){
- this.$refs.xTable.toggleAllCheckboxRow();
- // this.checkboxAll();
- }else{
- if(!this.isCheckBox){
- this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(true);
- this.isCheckBox = true;
- this.isAll = 1;
- }else{
- this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
- this.isCheckBox = false;
- this.isAll = 0;
- }
- this.checkUidList = []
- }
- },
- closeStoreLabel(label){
- let index = this.goodsDataLabel.indexOf(this.goodsDataLabel.filter(d=>d.id == label.id)[0]);
- this.goodsDataLabel.splice(index,1);
- // 商品标签id
- let storeActiveIds = [];
- this.goodsDataLabel.forEach((item)=>{
- storeActiveIds.push(item.id)
- });
- this.artFrom.store_label_id = storeActiveIds;
- this.userSearchs();
- },
- // 品牌列表
- getBrandList(){
- brandList().then(res=>{
- this.brandData = res.data
- }).catch(err=>{
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- })
- },
- //获取供应商列表;
- getSupplierList() {
- getSupplierList()
- .then(async (res) => {
- this.supplierList = res.data;
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- },
- // 审核
- auditGoods (row) {
- this.$modalForm(productReviewApi(row.id)).then(() => {
- this.getDataList();
- this.goodHeade();
- })
- },
- // 强制下架
- forcedRemoval (row) {
- this.$modalForm(forcedRemovalApi(row.id)).then(() => this.getDataList())
- },
- frontDownload() {
- let a = document.createElement("a"); //创建一个<a></a>标签
- a.href = "/statics/ERP商品导入模板.xlsx"; // 给a标签的href属性值加上地址,注意,这里是绝对路径,不用加 点.
- a.download = "ERP商品导入模板.xlsx"; //设置下载文件文件名,这里加上.xlsx指定文件类型,pdf文件就指定.fpd即可
- a.style.display = "none"; // 障眼法藏起来a标签
- document.body.appendChild(a); // 将a标签追加到文档对象中
- a.click(); // 模拟点击了a标签,会触发a标签的href的读取,浏览器就会自动下载了
- a.remove(); // 一次性的,用完就删除a标签
- },
- handleFormatError(file) {
- return this.$Message.error("必须上传xlsx格式文件");
- },
- // 上传头部token
- getToken() {
- this.header["Authori-zation"] = "Bearer " + util.cookies.get("token");
- },
- upFile(res) {
- erpProduct({ path: res.data.src })
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- this.getDataList();
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- return this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- });
- },
- beforeUpload() {
- let promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
- this.$nextTick(function () {
- resolve(true);
- });
- });
- return promise;
- },
- //erp配置
- getErpConfig() {
- erpConfig()
- .then((res) => {
- this.openErp = res.data.open_erp;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- });
- },
- stockChange(stock) {
- this.tableList.forEach((item) => {
- if (this.goodsId == item.id) {
- item.stock = stock;
- }
- });
- },
- // 库存管理
- stockControl(row) {
- this.goodsId = row.id;
- this.$refs.stock.modals = true;
- this.$refs.stock.productAttrs(row);
- },
- cancelDelivery() {
- this.modalsType = false;
- this.delivery_type = [];
- },
- deliveryType() {
- this.modalsType = true;
- },
- putDelivery() {
- if (this.delivery_type.length === 0) {
- this.$Message.error("请选择要配送的商品");
- } else {
- let data = {
- all: this.isAll,
- delivery_type: this.delivery_type,
- ids:this.checkUidList
- };
- // if (this.isAll == 0) {
- // data.ids = this.checkUidList;
- // }
- setDeliveryType(data)
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- this.modalsType = false;
- this.delivery_type = [];
- this.isAll = 0;
- this.getDataList();
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- }
- },
- // 商品详情
- lookGoods(id) {
- this.goodsId = id;
- this.isProductBox = true;
- },
- closeAlert() {
- cacheDelete()
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- });
- },
- getPath() {
- this.columns2 = [...this.columns];
- if (name !== "1" && name !== "2") {
- this.columns2.shift();
- }
- this.artFrom.page = 1;
- this.artFrom.type = this.$route.query.type.toString();
- this.getDataList();
- },
- changeMenu(row, name, index) {
- switch (name) {
- case "1":
- this.$router.push({ path: this.roterPre + "/product/product_reply/" + row.id });
- break;
- case "2":
- this.del(row, "恢复商品", index, name);
- break;
- case "3":
- this.del(row, "移入回收站", index, name);
- break;
- case "4":
- this.stockControl(row);
- break;
- case "5":
- this.$modalForm(forcedRemovalApi(row.id)).then(() => {
- this.getDataList();
- this.goodHeade();
- })
- break;
- case "6":
- this.$router.push({ path: this.roterPre + "/product/add_product/", query: { copy: row.id } });
- break;
- }
- },
- // 数据导出;
- async exports() {
- let [th, filekey, data, fileName] = [[], [], [], ""];
- let formValidate = this.artFrom;
- let excelData = {};
- excelData.ids = this.checkUidList.join();
- if (this.isAll == 1) {
- excelData.cate_id = formValidate.cate_id;
- excelData.type = formValidate.type;
- excelData.store_name = formValidate.store_name;
- }
- excelData.page = 1;
- for (let i = 0; i < excelData.page + 1; i++) {
- let lebData = await this.getExcelData(excelData);
- if (!fileName) fileName = lebData.filename;
- if (!filekey.length) {
- filekey = lebData.filekey;
- }
- if (!th.length) th = lebData.header;
- if (lebData.export.length) {
- data = data.concat(lebData.export);
- excelData.page++;
- } else {
- exportExcel(th, filekey, fileName, data);
- return;
- }
- }
- },
- getExcelData(excelData) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- storeProductApi(excelData).then((res) => {
- return resolve(res.data);
- });
- });
- },
- changeTemplate(e) {
- // this.template = e;
- },
- freight() {
- this.$refs.template.isTemplate = true;
- },
- // 批量上架
- onShelves() {
- if (this.isAll != 1 && this.checkUidList.length === 0) {
- this.$Message.warning("请选择要上架的商品");
- } else {
- let data = {
- all: this.isAll,
- ids: this.checkUidList
- };
- if (this.isAll == 1) {
- data.where = {
- cate_id: this.artFrom.cate_id,
- excel: this.artFrom.excel,
- store_name: this.artFrom.store_name,
- type: this.artFrom.type,
- };
- }
- productShowApi(data)
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- this.goodHeade();
- this.getDataList();
- this.allReset();
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- }
- },
- // 批量下架
- onDismount() {
- if (this.isAll != 1 && this.checkUidList.length === 0) {
- this.$Message.warning("请选择要下架的商品");
- } else {
- let data = {
- all: this.isAll,
- ids:this.checkUidList
- };
- if (this.isAll == 1) {
- data.where = {
- cate_id: this.artFrom.cate_id,
- excel: this.artFrom.excel,
- store_name: this.artFrom.store_name,
- type: this.artFrom.type,
- };
- }
- productUnshowApi(data)
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- this.goodHeade();
- this.getDataList();
- this.allReset();
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- }
- },
- // 添加淘宝商品成功
- onClose() {
- this.modals = false;
- },
- // 复制淘宝
- onCopy() {
- this.$router.push({
- path: this.roterPre + "/product/add_product",
- query: { type: -1 },
- });
- // this.modals = true;
- },
- // tab选择
- onClickTab(name) {
- this.allReset();
- this.artFrom.type = name;
- // this.columns2 = [...this.columns];
- // if (name !== "1" && name !== "2") {
- // this.columns2.shift();
- // }
- // let obj = [...this.columns];
- // obj.shift();
- // obj.splice(8, 1);
- // this.columns3 = obj;
- // this.checkBox = false;
- this.artFrom.page = 1;
- this.getDataList();
- this.goodHeade();
- },
- // 下拉树
- handleCheckChange(data) {
- let value = "";
- let title = "";
- this.list = [];
- this.artFrom.cate_id = 0;
- data.forEach((item, index) => {
- value += `${item.id},`;
- title += `${item.title},`;
- });
- value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
- title = title.substring(0, title.length - 1);
- this.list.push({
- value,
- title,
- });
- this.artFrom.cate_id = value;
- this.getDataList();
- },
- // 获取商品表单头数量
- goodHeade() {
- // let data = {
- // store_name: this.artFrom.store_name,
- // cate_id: this.artFrom.cate_id || "",
- // supplier_id: this.artFrom.supplier_id || "",
- // store_id: this.artFrom.store_id || "",
- // brand_id: this.artFrom.brand_id || [],
- // store_label_id: this.artFrom.store_label_id || []
- // };
- getGoodHeade(this.artFrom)
- .then((res) => {
- this.headeNum = res.data.list;
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- },
- // 商品分类;
- goodsCategory() {
- // treeListApi(1).then(res => {
- // this.treeSelect = res.data;
- // }).catch(res => {
- // this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- // })
- cascaderListApi(1)
- .then((res) => {
- this.data1 = res.data;
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- },
- // 商品列表;
- getDataList() {
- this.loading = true;
- this.artFrom.cate_id = this.artFrom.cate_id || "";
- getGoods(this.artFrom)
- .then((res) => {
- let data = res.data;
- this.tableList = data.list;
- this.total = data.count;
- this.loading = false;
- this.$nextTick(function(){
- if (this.isAll == 1) {
- if(this.isCheckBox){
- this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(true);
- }else{
- this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
- }
- }else{
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.getVipList();
+ this.getToken();
+ this.staffList();
+ productCache()
+ .then((res) => {
+ const info = res.data.info;
+ if (!Array.isArray(info)) {
+ this.alertShow = true;
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ });
+ this.getErpConfig();
+ this.getBrandList();
+ this.allFormList();
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ this.goodsCategory();
+ this.getSupplierList();
+ if (this.$route.fullPath === "/product/product_list?type=5") {
+ this.getPath();
+ } else {
+ this.getDataList();
+ }
+ // this.getDataList();
+ this.productGetTemplate();
+ this.goodHeade();
+ },
+ activated(e) {
+ this.getDataList();
+ this.goodHeade();
+ },
+ beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
+ next((vm) => {
+ if (from.path.indexOf("/product/add_product") != -1) {
+ document.documentElement.scrollTop = to.meta.scollTopPosition;
+ } else {
+ if (vm.artFrom.page != 1 || vm.artFrom.cate_id != "" || vm.artFrom.type != "1" || vm.artFrom
+ .store_name != "" ||
+ vm.artFrom.supplier_id != "" || vm.artFrom.brand_id.length != 0 || vm.goodsDataLabel
+ .length != 0) {
+ vm.artFrom = {
+ page: 1,
+ limit: 15,
+ cate_id: "",
+ type: "1",
+ store_name: "",
+ excel: 0,
+ supplier_id: "",
+ store_id: "",
+ brand_id: [],
+ store_label_id: []
+ }
+ vm.goodsDataLabel = []
+ let that = vm;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ that.userSearchs();
+ }, 500)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
+ if (from.meta.keepAlive) {
+ from.meta.scollTopPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ }
+ next();
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // 获取门店等级
+ getVipList(){
+ const that = this;
+ membershipDataListApi({})
+ .then(({data}) => {
+ that.tabList = data.list;
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ that.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ // 提交修改门店等级
+ handleSubmit() {
+ this.$refs.levelChange.validate((valid) => {
+ if (valid) {
+ productBindLevel(this.formItem).then(async res => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.openLevel = false;
+ this.userSearchs();
+ }).catch(res => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ })
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ allReset() {
+ this.isAll = 0;
+ this.isCheckBox = false;
+ this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
+ this.checkUidList = [];
+ },
+ changeForm(e) {
+ this.getSystemFormInfo(e, {
+ type: 1
+ });
+ },
+ getSystemFormInfo(e, data) {
+ systemFormInfo(e, data).then(res => {
+ this.formTypeList = res.data.info;
+ }).catch(err => {
+ this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ })
+ },
+ allFormList() {
+ allSystemForm().then(res => {
+ this.formList = res.data;
+ }).catch(err => {
+ this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ })
+ },
+ checkboxItem(e) {
+ let id = parseInt(e.rowid);
+ let index = this.checkUidList.indexOf(id);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ this.checkUidList = this.checkUidList.filter((item) => item !== id);
+ } else {
+ this.checkUidList.push(id);
+ }
+ },
+ checkboxAll() {
+ // 获取选中当前值
+ let obj2 = this.$refs.xTable.getCheckboxRecords(true);
+ // 获取之前选中值
let obj = this.$refs.xTable.getCheckboxReserveRecords(true);
- if(!this.checkUidList.length || this.checkUidList.length <= obj.length){
- this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
+ if (this.isAll == 0 && this.checkUidList.length <= obj.length && !this.isCheckBox) {
+ obj = [];
+ }
+ obj = obj.concat(obj2);
+ let ids = [];
+ obj.forEach((item) => {
+ ids.push(parseInt(item.id))
+ })
+ this.checkUidList = ids;
+ if (!obj2.length) {
+ this.isCheckBox = false;
+ }
+ },
+ allPages(e) {
+ this.isAll = e;
+ if (e == 0) {
+ this.$refs.xTable.toggleAllCheckboxRow();
+ // this.checkboxAll();
+ } else {
+ if (!this.isCheckBox) {
+ this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(true);
+ this.isCheckBox = true;
+ this.isAll = 1;
+ } else {
+ this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
+ this.isCheckBox = false;
+ this.isAll = 0;
+ }
+ this.checkUidList = []
+ }
+ },
+ closeStoreLabel(label) {
+ let index = this.goodsDataLabel.indexOf(this.goodsDataLabel.filter(d => d.id == label.id)[0]);
+ this.goodsDataLabel.splice(index, 1);
+ // 商品标签id
+ let storeActiveIds = [];
+ this.goodsDataLabel.forEach((item) => {
+ storeActiveIds.push(item.id)
+ });
+ this.artFrom.store_label_id = storeActiveIds;
+ this.userSearchs();
+ },
+ // 品牌列表
+ getBrandList() {
+ brandList().then(res => {
+ this.brandData = res.data
+ }).catch(err => {
+ this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ })
+ },
+ //获取供应商列表;
+ getSupplierList() {
+ getSupplierList()
+ .then(async (res) => {
+ this.supplierList = res.data;
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ // 审核
+ auditGoods(row) {
+ this.$modalForm(productReviewApi(row.id)).then(() => {
+ this.getDataList();
+ this.goodHeade();
+ })
+ },
+ // 强制下架
+ forcedRemoval(row) {
+ this.$modalForm(forcedRemovalApi(row.id)).then(() => this.getDataList())
+ },
+ frontDownload() {
+ let a = document.createElement("a"); //创建一个<a></a>标签
+ a.href = "/statics/ERP商品导入模板.xlsx"; // 给a标签的href属性值加上地址,注意,这里是绝对路径,不用加 点.
+ a.download = "ERP商品导入模板.xlsx"; //设置下载文件文件名,这里加上.xlsx指定文件类型,pdf文件就指定.fpd即可
+ a.style.display = "none"; // 障眼法藏起来a标签
+ document.body.appendChild(a); // 将a标签追加到文档对象中
+ a.click(); // 模拟点击了a标签,会触发a标签的href的读取,浏览器就会自动下载了
+ a.remove(); // 一次性的,用完就删除a标签
+ },
+ handleFormatError(file) {
+ return this.$Message.error("必须上传xlsx格式文件");
+ },
+ // 上传头部token
+ getToken() {
+ this.header["Authori-zation"] = "Bearer " + util.cookies.get("token");
+ },
+ upFile(res) {
+ erpProduct({
+ path: res.data.src
+ })
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.getDataList();
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ return this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ beforeUpload() {
+ let promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
+ this.$nextTick(function() {
+ resolve(true);
+ });
+ });
+ return promise;
+ },
+ //erp配置
+ getErpConfig() {
+ erpConfig()
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.openErp = res.data.open_erp;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ stockChange(stock) {
+ this.tableList.forEach((item) => {
+ if (this.goodsId == item.id) {
+ item.stock = stock;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // 库存管理
+ stockControl(row) {
+ this.goodsId = row.id;
+ this.$refs.stock.modals = true;
+ this.$refs.stock.productAttrs(row);
+ },
+ cancelDelivery() {
+ this.modalsType = false;
+ this.delivery_type = [];
+ },
+ deliveryType() {
+ this.modalsType = true;
+ },
+ putDelivery() {
+ if (this.delivery_type.length === 0) {
+ this.$Message.error("请选择要配送的商品");
+ } else {
+ let data = {
+ all: this.isAll,
+ delivery_type: this.delivery_type,
+ ids: this.checkUidList
+ };
+ // if (this.isAll == 0) {
+ // data.ids = this.checkUidList;
+ // }
+ setDeliveryType(data)
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.modalsType = false;
+ this.delivery_type = [];
+ this.isAll = 0;
+ this.getDataList();
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // 商品详情
+ lookGoods(id) {
+ this.goodsId = id;
+ this.isProductBox = true;
+ },
+ closeAlert() {
+ cacheDelete()
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ getPath() {
+ this.columns2 = [...this.columns];
+ if (name !== "1" && name !== "2") {
+ this.columns2.shift();
+ }
+ this.artFrom.page = 1;
+ this.artFrom.type = this.$route.query.type.toString();
+ this.getDataList();
+ },
+ changeMenu(row, name, index) {
+ switch (name) {
+ case "1":
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: this.roterPre + "/product/product_reply/" + row.id
+ });
+ break;
+ case "2":
+ this.del(row, "恢复商品", index, name);
+ break;
+ case "3":
+ this.del(row, "移入回收站", index, name);
+ break;
+ case "4":
+ this.stockControl(row);
+ break;
+ case "5":
+ this.$modalForm(forcedRemovalApi(row.id)).then(() => {
+ this.getDataList();
+ this.goodHeade();
+ })
+ break;
+ case "6":
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: this.roterPre + "/product/add_product/",
+ query: {
+ copy: row.id
+ }
+ });
+ break;
+ case "7":
+ this.formItem.id = row.id;
+ this.formItem.agent_level = row.agent_level;
+ this.openLevel = true;
+ break;
- }
- })
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.loading = false;
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- },
- pageChange(currentPage) {
- this.artFrom.page = currentPage.currentPage;
- this.getDataList();
- // this.$refs.table.clearCurrentRow();
- },
- // cascaderSearchs(value, selectedData) {
- // this.artFrom.cate_id = value[value.length - 1];
- // this.userSearchs();
- // },
- // 表格搜索
- userSearchs(e) {
- this.allReset();
- this.artFrom.page = 1;
- this.formSelection = [];
- this.goodHeade();
- this.getDataList();
- },
- // 上下架
- changeSwitch(row) {
- PostgoodsIsShow(row.id, row.is_show)
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- this.goodHeade();
- this.getDataList();
- this.allReset();
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- this.goodHeade();
- this.getDataList();
- });
- },
- // 数据导出;
- exportData: function () {
- let th = [
- "商品名称",
- "商品简介",
- "商品分类",
- "价格",
- "库存",
- "销量",
- "收藏人数",
- ];
- let filterVal = [
- "store_name",
- "store_info",
- "cate_name",
- "price",
- "stock",
- "sales",
- "collect",
- ];
- this.where.page = "nopage";
- getGoods(this.where).then((res) => {
- let data = res.data.map((v) => filterVal.map((k) => v[k]));
- let fileTime = Date.parse(new Date());
- let [fileName, fileType, sheetName] = [
- "商户数据_" + fileTime,
- "xlsx",
- "商户数据",
- ];
- toExcel({ th, data, fileName, fileType, sheetName });
- });
- },
- // 属性弹出;
- attrTap() {
- this.attrTemplate = true;
- },
- changeTemplate(msg) {
- this.attrTemplate = msg;
- },
- // 编辑
- edit(row) {
- this.$router.push({ path: this.roterPre + "/product/add_product/" + row.id });
- },
- // 确认
- del(row, tit, num, name) {
- let delfromData = {
- title: tit,
- num: num,
- url: `product/product/${row.id}`,
- method: "DELETE",
- ids: "",
- tips: `确定要移${ name == 2 ? '出' : '入' }回收站吗?`,
- };
- this.$modalSure(delfromData)
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- this.tableList.splice(num, 1);
- this.goodHeade();
- this.allReset();
- })
- .catch((res) => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- },
- // 删除成功
- // submitModel () {
- // this.tableList.splice(this.delfromData.num, 1);
- // this.goodHeade();
- // }
- staffList() {
- staffListInfo()
- .then((res) => {
- this.staffData = res.data;
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- });
- },
- // 商品详情
- details(id) {
- this.productId = id;
- this.detailsVisible = true;
- },
- openBatch() {
- this.isLabel = 0;
- this.batchModal = true;
- },
- menuSelect(name) {
- this.menuActive = name;
- },
- activeStoreData(storeDataLabel){
- this.storeLabelShow = false;
- if(this.isLabel){
- this.goodsDataLabel = storeDataLabel;
- // 商品标签id
- let storeActiveIds = [];
- storeDataLabel.forEach((item)=>{
- storeActiveIds.push(item.id)
- });
- this.artFrom.store_label_id = storeActiveIds;
- this.userSearchs();
- }else{
- this.storeDataLabel = storeDataLabel;
- }
- },
- // 标签弹窗关闭
- storeLabelClose() {
- this.storeLabelShow = false;
- },
- openStoreLabel(row) {
- this.storeLabelShow = true;
- this.$refs.storeLabel.storeLabel(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.storeDataLabel)));
- },
- openGoodsLabel(row){
- this.storeLabelShow = true;
- this.$refs.storeLabel.storeLabel(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.goodsDataLabel)));
- this.isLabel = 1;
- },
- tagClose(id) {
- if (this.menuActive == 2) {
- let index = this.storeDataLabel.findIndex(item => item.id === id);
- this.storeDataLabel.splice(index, 1);
- } else {
- let index = this.dataLabel.findIndex(item => item.id === id);
- this.dataLabel.splice(index, 1);
- }
- },
- activeData(dataLabel){
- this.labelShow = false;
- this.dataLabel = dataLabel;
- },
- // 标签弹窗关闭
- labelClose() {
- this.labelShow = false;
- },
- openLabel() {
- this.labelShow = true;
- this.$refs.userLabel.userLabel(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.dataLabel)));
- },
- // 添加优惠券
- addCoupon() {
- this.$refs.couponTemplates.isTemplate = true;
- this.$refs.couponTemplates.tableList();
- },
- nameId(id, names) {
- this.coupon_ids = id;
- this.couponName = this.unique(names);
- },
- handleClose(name) {
- let index = this.couponName.indexOf(name);
- this.couponName.splice(index, 1);
- let couponIds = this.coupon_ids;
- couponIds.splice(index, 1);
- this.updateIds = couponIds;
- this.updateName = this.couponName;
- },
- //对象数组去重;
- unique(arr) {
- const res = new Map();
- return arr.filter((arr) => !res.has(arr.id) && res.set(arr.id, 1));
- },
- // 添加表单
- addForm() {
- this.batchData.custom_form.push({
- key: Date.now(),
- title: '',
- label: '',
- status: 0
- });
- },
- // 删除表单
- delForm(item) {
- let index = this.batchData.custom_form.findIndex(val => val === item);
- if (index !== -1) {
- this.batchData.custom_form.splice(index, 1);
- }
- },
- cancelBatch() {
- this.batchModal = false;
- },
- saveBatch() {
- if(this.customBtn && this.batchData.system_form_id == 0){
- return this.$Message.warning('请选择自定义表单模板');
- }
- let data = {
- type: this.menuActive,
- ids: this.checkUidList,
- all: this.isAll,
- where: this.artFrom,
- data: this.batchData,
- };
- batchProcess(data).then(res => {
- this.$Message.success(res.msg);
- this.batchModal = false;
- }).catch(res => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- });
- },
- // 获取运费模板;
- productGetTemplate() {
- productGetTemplateApi().then((res) => {
- this.templateList = res.data;
- });
- },
- customMessBtn(e) {
- if (!e) {
- this.batchData.system_form_id = 0;
- }
- },
- batchVisibleChange() {
- this.batchData = {
- cate_id: [],
- store_label_id: [],
- delivery_type: [],
- freight: 1,
- postage: 0,
- temp_id: 0,
- give_integral: 0,
- coupon_ids: [],
- label_id: [],
- recommend: [],
- custom_form: [],
- system_form_id: 0
- };
- this.storeDataLabel = [];
- this.couponName = [];
- this.dataLabel = [];
- this.menuActive = 1;
- }
- },
+ },
+ // 数据导出;
+ async exports() {
+ let [th, filekey, data, fileName] = [
+ [],
+ [],
+ [], ""
+ ];
+ let formValidate = this.artFrom;
+ let excelData = {};
+ excelData.ids = this.checkUidList.join();
+ if (this.isAll == 1) {
+ excelData.cate_id = formValidate.cate_id;
+ excelData.type = formValidate.type;
+ excelData.store_name = formValidate.store_name;
+ }
+ excelData.page = 1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < excelData.page + 1; i++) {
+ let lebData = await this.getExcelData(excelData);
+ if (!fileName) fileName = lebData.filename;
+ if (!filekey.length) {
+ filekey = lebData.filekey;
+ }
+ if (!th.length) th = lebData.header;
+ if (lebData.export.length) {
+ data = data.concat(lebData.export);
+ excelData.page++;
+ } else {
+ exportExcel(th, filekey, fileName, data);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getExcelData(excelData) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ storeProductApi(excelData).then((res) => {
+ return resolve(res.data);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ changeTemplate(e) {
+ // this.template = e;
+ },
+ freight() {
+ this.$refs.template.isTemplate = true;
+ },
+ // 批量上架
+ onShelves() {
+ if (this.isAll != 1 && this.checkUidList.length === 0) {
+ this.$Message.warning("请选择要上架的商品");
+ } else {
+ let data = {
+ all: this.isAll,
+ ids: this.checkUidList
+ };
+ if (this.isAll == 1) {
+ data.where = {
+ cate_id: this.artFrom.cate_id,
+ excel: this.artFrom.excel,
+ store_name: this.artFrom.store_name,
+ type: this.artFrom.type,
+ };
+ }
+ productShowApi(data)
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.goodHeade();
+ this.getDataList();
+ this.allReset();
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // 批量下架
+ onDismount() {
+ if (this.isAll != 1 && this.checkUidList.length === 0) {
+ this.$Message.warning("请选择要下架的商品");
+ } else {
+ let data = {
+ all: this.isAll,
+ ids: this.checkUidList
+ };
+ if (this.isAll == 1) {
+ data.where = {
+ cate_id: this.artFrom.cate_id,
+ excel: this.artFrom.excel,
+ store_name: this.artFrom.store_name,
+ type: this.artFrom.type,
+ };
+ }
+ productUnshowApi(data)
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.goodHeade();
+ this.getDataList();
+ this.allReset();
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // 添加淘宝商品成功
+ onClose() {
+ this.modals = false;
+ },
+ // 复制淘宝
+ onCopy() {
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: this.roterPre + "/product/add_product",
+ query: {
+ type: -1
+ },
+ });
+ // this.modals = true;
+ },
+ // tab选择
+ onClickTab(name) {
+ this.allReset();
+ this.artFrom.type = name;
+ // this.columns2 = [...this.columns];
+ // if (name !== "1" && name !== "2") {
+ // this.columns2.shift();
+ // }
+ // let obj = [...this.columns];
+ // obj.shift();
+ // obj.splice(8, 1);
+ // this.columns3 = obj;
+ // this.checkBox = false;
+ this.artFrom.page = 1;
+ this.getDataList();
+ this.goodHeade();
+ },
+ // 下拉树
+ handleCheckChange(data) {
+ let value = "";
+ let title = "";
+ this.list = [];
+ this.artFrom.cate_id = 0;
+ data.forEach((item, index) => {
+ value += `${item.id},`;
+ title += `${item.title},`;
+ });
+ value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
+ title = title.substring(0, title.length - 1);
+ this.list.push({
+ value,
+ title,
+ });
+ this.artFrom.cate_id = value;
+ this.getDataList();
+ },
+ // 获取商品表单头数量
+ goodHeade() {
+ // let data = {
+ // store_name: this.artFrom.store_name,
+ // cate_id: this.artFrom.cate_id || "",
+ // supplier_id: this.artFrom.supplier_id || "",
+ // store_id: this.artFrom.store_id || "",
+ // brand_id: this.artFrom.brand_id || [],
+ // store_label_id: this.artFrom.store_label_id || []
+ // };
+ getGoodHeade(this.artFrom)
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.headeNum = res.data.list;
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ // 商品分类;
+ goodsCategory() {
+ // treeListApi(1).then(res => {
+ // this.treeSelect = res.data;
+ // }).catch(res => {
+ // this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ // })
+ cascaderListApi(1)
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.data1 = res.data;
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ // 商品列表;
+ getDataList() {
+ this.loading = true;
+ this.artFrom.cate_id = this.artFrom.cate_id || "";
+ getGoods(this.artFrom)
+ .then((res) => {
+ let data = res.data;
+ this.tableList = data.list;
+ this.total = data.count;
+ this.loading = false;
+ this.$nextTick(function() {
+ if (this.isAll == 1) {
+ if (this.isCheckBox) {
+ this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(true);
+ } else {
+ this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ let obj = this.$refs.xTable.getCheckboxReserveRecords(true);
+ if (!this.checkUidList.length || this.checkUidList.length <= obj.length) {
+ this.$refs.xTable.setAllCheckboxRow(false);
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.loading = false;
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ pageChange(currentPage) {
+ this.artFrom.page = currentPage.currentPage;
+ this.getDataList();
+ // this.$refs.table.clearCurrentRow();
+ },
+ // cascaderSearchs(value, selectedData) {
+ // this.artFrom.cate_id = value[value.length - 1];
+ // this.userSearchs();
+ // },
+ // 表格搜索
+ userSearchs(e) {
+ this.allReset();
+ this.artFrom.page = 1;
+ this.formSelection = [];
+ this.goodHeade();
+ this.getDataList();
+ },
+ // 上下架
+ changeSwitch(row) {
+ PostgoodsIsShow(row.id, row.is_show)
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.goodHeade();
+ this.getDataList();
+ this.allReset();
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ this.goodHeade();
+ this.getDataList();
+ });
+ },
+ // 数据导出;
+ exportData: function() {
+ let th = [
+ "商品名称",
+ "商品简介",
+ "商品分类",
+ "价格",
+ "库存",
+ "销量",
+ "收藏人数",
+ ];
+ let filterVal = [
+ "store_name",
+ "store_info",
+ "cate_name",
+ "price",
+ "stock",
+ "sales",
+ "collect",
+ ];
+ this.where.page = "nopage";
+ getGoods(this.where).then((res) => {
+ let data = res.data.map((v) => filterVal.map((k) => v[k]));
+ let fileTime = Date.parse(new Date());
+ let [fileName, fileType, sheetName] = [
+ "商户数据_" + fileTime,
+ "xlsx",
+ "商户数据",
+ ];
+ toExcel({
+ th,
+ data,
+ fileName,
+ fileType,
+ sheetName
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ // 属性弹出;
+ attrTap() {
+ this.attrTemplate = true;
+ },
+ changeTemplate(msg) {
+ this.attrTemplate = msg;
+ },
+ // 编辑
+ edit(row) {
+ this.$router.push({
+ path: this.roterPre + "/product/add_product/" + row.id
+ });
+ },
+ // 确认
+ del(row, tit, num, name) {
+ let delfromData = {
+ title: tit,
+ num: num,
+ url: `product/product/${row.id}`,
+ method: "DELETE",
+ ids: "",
+ tips: `确定要移${ name == 2 ? '出' : '入' }回收站吗?`,
+ };
+ this.$modalSure(delfromData)
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.tableList.splice(num, 1);
+ this.goodHeade();
+ this.allReset();
+ })
+ .catch((res) => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ // 删除成功
+ // submitModel () {
+ // this.tableList.splice(this.delfromData.num, 1);
+ // this.goodHeade();
+ // }
+ staffList() {
+ staffListInfo()
+ .then((res) => {
+ this.staffData = res.data;
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ // 商品详情
+ details(id) {
+ this.productId = id;
+ this.detailsVisible = true;
+ },
+ openBatch() {
+ this.isLabel = 0;
+ this.batchModal = true;
+ },
+ menuSelect(name) {
+ this.menuActive = name;
+ },
+ activeStoreData(storeDataLabel) {
+ this.storeLabelShow = false;
+ if (this.isLabel) {
+ this.goodsDataLabel = storeDataLabel;
+ // 商品标签id
+ let storeActiveIds = [];
+ storeDataLabel.forEach((item) => {
+ storeActiveIds.push(item.id)
+ });
+ this.artFrom.store_label_id = storeActiveIds;
+ this.userSearchs();
+ } else {
+ this.storeDataLabel = storeDataLabel;
+ }
+ },
+ // 标签弹窗关闭
+ storeLabelClose() {
+ this.storeLabelShow = false;
+ },
+ openStoreLabel(row) {
+ this.storeLabelShow = true;
+ this.$refs.storeLabel.storeLabel(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.storeDataLabel)));
+ },
+ openGoodsLabel(row) {
+ this.storeLabelShow = true;
+ this.$refs.storeLabel.storeLabel(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.goodsDataLabel)));
+ this.isLabel = 1;
+ },
+ tagClose(id) {
+ if (this.menuActive == 2) {
+ let index = this.storeDataLabel.findIndex(item => item.id === id);
+ this.storeDataLabel.splice(index, 1);
+ } else {
+ let index = this.dataLabel.findIndex(item => item.id === id);
+ this.dataLabel.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ },
+ activeData(dataLabel) {
+ this.labelShow = false;
+ this.dataLabel = dataLabel;
+ },
+ // 标签弹窗关闭
+ labelClose() {
+ this.labelShow = false;
+ },
+ openLabel() {
+ this.labelShow = true;
+ this.$refs.userLabel.userLabel(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.dataLabel)));
+ },
+ // 添加优惠券
+ addCoupon() {
+ this.$refs.couponTemplates.isTemplate = true;
+ this.$refs.couponTemplates.tableList();
+ },
+ nameId(id, names) {
+ this.coupon_ids = id;
+ this.couponName = this.unique(names);
+ },
+ handleClose(name) {
+ let index = this.couponName.indexOf(name);
+ this.couponName.splice(index, 1);
+ let couponIds = this.coupon_ids;
+ couponIds.splice(index, 1);
+ this.updateIds = couponIds;
+ this.updateName = this.couponName;
+ },
+ //对象数组去重;
+ unique(arr) {
+ const res = new Map();
+ return arr.filter((arr) => !res.has(arr.id) && res.set(arr.id, 1));
+ },
+ // 添加表单
+ addForm() {
+ this.batchData.custom_form.push({
+ key: Date.now(),
+ title: '',
+ label: '',
+ status: 0
+ });
+ },
+ // 删除表单
+ delForm(item) {
+ let index = this.batchData.custom_form.findIndex(val => val === item);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ this.batchData.custom_form.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ },
+ cancelBatch() {
+ this.batchModal = false;
+ },
+ saveBatch() {
+ if (this.customBtn && this.batchData.system_form_id == 0) {
+ return this.$Message.warning('请选择自定义表单模板');
+ }
+ let data = {
+ type: this.menuActive,
+ ids: this.checkUidList,
+ all: this.isAll,
+ where: this.artFrom,
+ data: this.batchData,
+ };
+ batchProcess(data).then(res => {
+ this.$Message.success(res.msg);
+ this.batchModal = false;
+ }).catch(res => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ });
+ },
+ // 获取运费模板;
+ productGetTemplate() {
+ productGetTemplateApi().then((res) => {
+ this.templateList = res.data;
+ });
+ },
+ customMessBtn(e) {
+ if (!e) {
+ this.batchData.system_form_id = 0;
+ }
+ },
+ batchVisibleChange() {
+ this.batchData = {
+ cate_id: [],
+ store_label_id: [],
+ delivery_type: [],
+ freight: 1,
+ postage: 0,
+ temp_id: 0,
+ give_integral: 0,
+ coupon_ids: [],
+ label_id: [],
+ recommend: [],
+ custom_form: [],
+ system_form_id: 0
+ };
+ this.storeDataLabel = [];
+ this.couponName = [];
+ this.dataLabel = [];
+ this.menuActive = 1;
+ }
+ },
+ };
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+ }
+ }
+ .tabBox_img {
+ width: 40px;
+ height: 40px;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ img {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+ }
+ /deep/.ivu-table-cell-expand-expanded {
+ margin-top: -6px;
+ margin-right: 33px;
+ transition: none;
+ .ivu-icon {
+ vertical-align: 2px;
+ }
+ }
+ /deep/.ivu-table-header {
+ // overflow visible
+ }
+ /deep/.ivu-table th {
+ overflow: visible;
+ }
+ /deep/.select-item:hover {
+ background-color: #f3f3f3;
+ }
+ /deep/.select-on {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ /deep/.select-item.on {
+ /* background: #f3f3f3; */
+ }
+ .new_tab {
+ >>>.ivu-tabs-nav .ivu-tabs-tab {
+ padding: 4px 16px 20px !important;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ }
+ }
+ .select-tag {
+ position: relative;
+ min-height: 32px;
+ padding: 0 24px 0 4px;
+ border: 1px solid #dcdee2;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ line-height: normal;
+ user-select: none;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ &:hover {
+ border-color: #57a3f3;
+ }
+ .ivu-icon {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ right: 8px;
+ line-height: 1;
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ font-size: 14px;
+ color: #808695;
+ transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
+ }
+ .ivu-tag {
+ position: relative;
+ max-width: 99%;
+ height: 24px;
+ margin: 3px 4px 3px 0;
+ line-height: 22px;
+ }
+ .placeholder {
+ display: block;
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ color: #c5c8ce;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ padding-right: 22px;
+ }
+ }
+ .input-number {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ >>>.ivu-input-number-handler-wrap {
+ right: 32px;
+ }
+ .ivu-input-number {
+ width: 144px;
+ margin-right: 32px;
+ }
+ .suffix {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 1;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 100%;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ }
+ .ivu-checkbox-wrapper,
+ .ivu-radio-wrapper {
+ margin-right: 30px;
+ }
+ >>>.batch-modal {
+ .ivu-modal-body {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ .ivu-alert {
+ margin: 12px 24px;
+ }
+ .ivu-col-span-5 {
+ flex: none;
+ width: 130px;
+ }
+ .ivu-col-span-19 {
+ padding-right: 37px;
+ }
+ .ivu-input-number {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .ivu-menu-light.ivu-menu-vertical .ivu-menu-item-active:not(.ivu-menu-submenu) {
+ z-index: auto;
+ }
+ .ivu-menu-light.ivu-menu-vertical .ivu-menu-item-active:not(.ivu-menu-submenu):after {
+ right: auto;
+ left: 0;
+ }
+ .el-cascader {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .ivu-btn-text {
+ color: #2D8CF0;
+ }
+ .ivu-btn-text:focus {
+ box-shadow: none;
+ }
+ .ivu-menu-item {
+ padding-right: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ >>>.el-cascader {
+ &.el-cascader--small {
+ vertical-align: bottom;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ }
+ &.single {
+ .el-input__inner {
+ height: 32px !important;
+ }
+ }
+ .el-input__inner {
+ padding-left: 7px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ .el-cascader__search-input {
+ margin-left: 9px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ .el-input__suffix {
+ right: 4px;
+ }
+ .el-input__icon {
+ color: #808695;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ // display: inline-block;
+ // font-family: "Ionicons" !important;
+ // speak: none;
+ // font-style: normal;
+ // font-weight: normal;
+ // font-variant: normal;
+ // text-transform: none;
+ // text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+ // line-height: 1;
+ // -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ // -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
+ // vertical-align: -0.125em;
+ // text-align: center;
+ // line-height: 32px;
+ }
+ // .el-icon-arrow-down:before {
+ // content: "\F116";
+ // }
+ }