(function (global,factory) { typeof define && define.amd && define(['vue'],factory); })(this,function(Vue){ var template = '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '

' + '¥' + '

' + '' + '库存' + '件' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; var shopCard = Vue.extend({ template:template, props:{ onShow:Function, onClose:Function, onChange:Function, onBuy:Function, onCart:Function, cart:{ type:Boolean, default:true }, buy:{ type:Boolean, default:true }, product:{ type:Object, default:function(){ return { image:'', price:'', stock:0 } } }, attrList:{ type:Array, default:function (){ return []; } }, show:Boolean }, data:function(){ return { cartNum:1 } }, watch:{ cartNum:function(v){ if(this.product.stock <= 0) this.cartNum = 0; else if(v > this.product.stock) this.cartNum = this.product.stock; else if(v < 1) this.cartNum = 1; }, attrList:{ handler:function (v) { this.$nextTick(function(){ this.onChange && this.onChange(this.getCheckedValue()); }) }, deep:true }, product:function(){ this.cartNum = 1; } }, methods:{ changeProduct:function(product){ this.product = product; }, getCheckedValue:function(){ return this.attrList.map(function(attr){ return attr.checked; }); }, close:function(){ this.show = false; this.onClose && this.onClose(); }, active:function(){ this.show = true; this.onShow && this.onShow(); }, incCartNum:function(){ if(this.product.num <= this.cartNum){ $h.pushMsg('每次购买数量不能超过'+this.product.num+'个') this.cartNum = this.product.num; }else{ this.cartNum+=1; } }, descCartNum:function(){ this.cartNum-=1; }, changeChecked:function(value,attr,index){ attr.checked = value; this.$set(this.attrList,index,attr); }, goCart:function(){ if(this.cartNum > this.product.stock || this.cartNum <= 0) return false; this.onCart && this.onCart(this.getCheckedValue(),this.cartNum,this.product) == true && this.init(); }, goBuy:function(){ if(this.cartNum > this.product.stock || this.cartNum <= 0) return false; this.onBuy && this.onBuy(this.getCheckedValue(),this.cartNum,this.product) == true && this.init(); }, init:function(){ var that = this; this.attrList.map(function(attr,index){ attr.checked = attr.attr_values[0]; that.$set(that.attrList,index,attr); }); this.cartNum = this.product.stock >=1 ? 1 : 0; }, _setData:function(opt){ this.product = opt.product; this.attrList = opt.attrList == undefined ? [] : opt.attrList; this.onChange = opt.onChange; this.onClose = opt.onClose; this.onCart = opt.onCart; this.onBuy = opt.onBuy; this.cart = opt.cart == undefined ? true : opt.cart; this.buy = opt.buy == undefined ? true : opt.buy; this.init(); } }, mounted:function(){ var that = this; this.init(); this.$el.reload = function(){ that.init(); }; } }); shopCard.install = function(Vue){ Vue.prototype.$shopCard = function(opt){ var $vm = new shopCard().$mount(),$el = $vm.$el; document.body.appendChild($el); $vm._setData(opt); $vm.remove = function(){ document.body.removeChild($el); }; this.$nextTick(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ opt.show == true && $vm.active(); },0); }); return $vm; }; }; return shopCard; });