(function (global) { var layList = { table: null, laydate: null, layer: null, form: null, tableIns: null, laypage: null, upload: null, element: null, elemOdj: [], boxids: 'ids', index: null, odj: '', initialize: function () { var that = this; layui.use(['form', 'table', 'laydate', 'layer', 'laypage', 'upload'], function () { that.form = layui.form; that.table = layui.table; that.laydate = layui.laydate; that.layer = layui.layer; that.laypage = layui.laypage; that.upload = layui.upload; }) $('.layui-input-block').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('type'); if ($(this).data('type') != undefined) { var input = $(this).find('input[name="' + name + '"]'); $(this).children('button').each(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { $(this).removeClass('layui-btn-primary').siblings().addClass('layui-btn-primary'); input.val($(this).data('value')); }) }); } }); }, inintclass: function ($names) { var that = this; $names.find('button').each(function () { var type = $names.data('type'); $(this).on('click', function () { var value = $(this).data('value'); $(this).addClass('layui-btn-radius').siblings().removeClass('layui-btn-primary'); $names.find('input[name="' + type + '"]').val(value); that.reload({[type]: value}) }) }); } }; //ajax POST layList.basePost = function (url, data, successCallback, errorCallback) { var that = this; $.ajax({ headers: this.headers(), url: url, data: data, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (rem) { if (rem.code == 200 || rem.status == 200) successCallback && successCallback(rem); else errorCallback && errorCallback(rem); }, error: function (err) { errorCallback && errorCallback(err); that.msg(err); } }) } //ajax GET layList.baseGet = function (url, successCallback, errorCallback) { var that = this; $.ajax({ headers: this.headers(), url: url, type: 'get', dataType: 'json', success: function (rem) { if (rem.code == 200 || rem.status == 200) successCallback && successCallback(rem); else errorCallback && errorCallback(rem); }, error: function (err) { errorCallback && errorCallback(err); that.msg('服务器异常'); } }); }; //设置headers头 layList.headers = function () { return { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', }; }; //初始化 layui table layList.tableList = function (odj, url, data, limit, size, boxids, is_tables) { var limit = limit || 20, size = size || 'sm', $data = [], that = this, boxids = boxids || this.boxids, done = null; var eb = '', toob = ''; if (typeof odj == 'object') { eb = odj.o || ''; toob = odj.t || ''; done = odj.done || null; } else { eb = odj; } if (toob != '') toob = '#' + toob; switch (typeof data) { case 'object': $data = data; break; case "function": data && ($data = data()); break; } if (is_tables != true) this.odj = eb; if (that.elemOdj[eb] == undefined) that.elemOdj[eb] = eb; var elemOdj = that.elemOdj[this.odj]; that.tableIns = that.table.render({ id: boxids, elem: '#' + elemOdj, url: url, page: { theme: '#0092DC' }, limit: limit, toolbar: toob, cols: [$data], done: done }); return that.tableIns; }; layList.loadFFF = function () { this.index = this.layer.load(1, {shade: [0.1, '#fff']}); } layList.loadClear = function () { var that = this; setTimeout(function () { that.layer.close(that.index); }, 250); } //获得url PHP获取当前模块 和控制器 layList.Url = function (opt) { var m = opt.m || window.module, c = opt.c || window.controlle, a = opt.a || 'index', q = opt.q || '', p = opt.p || {}, params = '', gets = ''; params = Object.keys(p).map(function (key) { return key + '/' + p[key]; }).join('/'); gets = Object.keys(q).map(function (key) { return key + '=' + q[key]; }).join('&'); return '/' + m + '/' + c + '/' + a + (params == '' ? '' : '/' + params) + (gets == '' ? '' : '?' + gets); }; layList.U = function (obj) { return this.Url(obj); } //表单重构 where 搜索条件 join,page 是否返回到第一页,tableIns 多table时 this.tableList 返回的参数 layList.reload = function (where, page, tableIns, initSort) { var whereOdJ = {where: where || {}}; if (initSort) whereOdJ.initSort = initSort; if (page == true) whereOdJ.page = {curr: 1}; if (typeof tableIns == 'Object') { tableIns.reload(whereOdJ); } else { this.tableIns.reload(whereOdJ); } } //获取排序字符串 layList.order = function (type, filde) { switch (type) { case 'desc': return filde + '-desc'; break; case 'asc': return filde + '-asc'; break; case null: return ''; break; } } layList.toolbar = function (EventFn, name) { var elemOdj = name || this.elemOdj[this.odj]; this.table.on('toolbar(' + elemOdj + ')', function (obj) { var data = obj.data, layEvent = obj.event; if (typeof EventFn == 'function') { EventFn(layEvent, data, obj); } }) } //监听列表 layList.tool = function (EventFn, fieldStr, odj) { var that = this; // var elemOdj=elemOdj || that.elemOdj var elemOdj = odj || that.elemOdj[this.odj]; this.table.on('tool(' + elemOdj + ')', function (obj) { var data = obj.data, layEvent = obj.event; if (typeof EventFn == 'function') { EventFn(layEvent, data, obj); } else if (EventFn && (typeof fieldStr == 'function')) { switch (layEvent) { case EventFn: fieldStr(data); break; default: console.log('暂未监听到事件'); break } } }); } //监听排序 EventFn 需要监听的值 || 函数,page 是否回到第1页,tableIns 多table时 this.tableList 返回的参数 layList.sort = function (EventFn, page, tableIns, odj) { var that = this; // var elemOdj=elemOdj || that.elemOdj; var elemOdj = that.elemOdj[odj || this.odj]; this.table.on('sort(' + elemOdj + ')', function (obj) { var layEvent = obj.field; var type = obj.type; if (typeof EventFn == 'function') { EventFn(obj); } else if (typeof EventFn == 'object') { for (value in EventFn) { switch (layEvent) { case EventFn[value]: if (page == true) that.reload({order: that.order(type, EventFn[value])}, true, tableIns, obj); else that.reload({order: that.order(type, EventFn[value])}, null, tableIns, obj); continue; } } } else if (EventFn) { switch (layEvent) { case EventFn: if (page == true) that.reload({order: that.order(type, EventFn)}, true, tableIns, obj); else that.reload({order: that.order(type, EventFn)}, null, tableIns, obj); break; default: console.log('暂未监听到事件'); break } } }); } layList.msg = function (msg, successFn) { var msg = msg || '未知错误'; try { return this.layer.msg(msg, successFn); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } //时间选择器 layList.date = function (IdName) { if (typeof IdName == 'string' && $('#' + IdName).length == 0) return console.info('并没有找到此元素'); var json = typeof IdName == 'object' ? IdName : {elem: '#' + IdName, range: true, theme: '#0092DC'}; this.laydate.render(json); } //监听复选框 layList.switch = function (switchname, successFn) { this.form.on('switch(' + switchname + ')', function (obj) { successFn && successFn(obj, this.value, this.name); }); } //监听select layList.select = function (switchname, successFn) { this.form.on('select(' + switchname + ')', function (obj) { successFn && successFn(obj, this.value, this.name); }); } //获取复选框选中的数组 layList.getCheckData = function (boxids) { var boxids = boxids || this.boxids; return this.table.checkStatus(boxids).data; } //搜索 layList.search = function (btnname, successFn) { var name = typeof btnname == 'string' ? btnname : ''; var that = this; if (name == '') return false; this.form.on('submit(' + btnname + ')', function (data) { if (typeof successFn == "function") { successFn(data.field); } else { that.reload(data.field); } return false; }) } layList.codeType = function (name, type) { switch (name) { // case : } } layList.edit = function (name, successFn, odj) { var that = this; var elemOdj = that.elemOdj[odj || this.odj]; this.table.on('edit(' + elemOdj + ')', function (obj) { var value = obj.value //得到修改后的值 , data = obj.data //得到所在行所有键值 , field = obj.field; //得到字段 if (typeof name == "function") { name && name(obj); } else { switch (field) { case name: successFn && successFn(obj); break; default: console.log('未检测到指定字段' + name); break; } } }); } //页面有多个table请用此函数包裹起来 layList.tables = function (odj, data, value, successFn) { var url = data.url || '', limit = data.limit || 20, size = data.size || 'lg', that = this; this.tableList(odj, url, value, limit, size); } layList.createModalFrame = function (title, src, opt) { opt === undefined && (opt = {}); var h = 0; if (window.innerHeight < 800 && window.innerHeight >= 700) { h = window.innerHeight - 50; } else if (window.innerHeight < 900 && window.innerHeight >= 800) { h = window.innerHeight - 100; } else if (window.innerHeight < 1000 && window.innerHeight >= 900) { h = window.innerHeight - 150; } else if (window.innerHeight >= 1000) { h = window.innerHeight - 200; } else { h = window.innerHeight; } var area = [(opt.w || window.innerWidth / 2.4) + 'px', (opt.h || h) + 'px']; return this.layer.open({ type: 2, title: title, area: area, fixed: false, //不固定 maxmin: true, moveOut: false,//true 可以拖出窗外 false 只能在窗内拖 anim: 5,//出场动画 isOutAnim bool 关闭动画 offset: 'auto',//['100px','100px'],//'auto',//初始位置 ['100px','100px'] t[ 上 左] shade: 0,//遮罩 resize: true,//是否允许拉伸 content: src,//内容 move: '.layui-layer-title',// 默认".layui-layer-title",// 触发拖动的元素 moveEnd: function () {//拖动之后回调 console.log(this); } }); }; //提取主键 Array.prototype.getIds = function (field) { var ids = []; $.each(this, function (name, value) { if (value[field] != undefined) ids.push(value[field]); }); return ids; } //初始化layui layList.initialize(); global.layList = layList; return layList; }(this));