(function (global) { var ossUpload = { accessid: '', host: "", expire: 0, uploader: null, data: {}, files: [], key: '', }; /** * 初始化 */ ossUpload.init = function () { } /** * 获取配置签名 * @returns {Promise} */ ossUpload.getSignature = function () { var that = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var now = timestamp = Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000; if (that.expire > now + 3) { return resolve(that.data); } requestGet(getUrl({c: "widget.images", a: 'get_signature'})).then(function (res) { that.accessid = res.data.accessid; that.host = res.data.host; that.expire = parseInt(res.data.expire); that.data = res.data; resolve(res.data); }).catch(function (res) { reject(res); }) }) } /** * 获取key * @param len * @returns {string} */ ossUpload.randomString = function (len) { len = len || 32; var chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678'; var maxPos = chars.length; var pwd = ''; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pwd += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos)); } return pwd; } /** * 设置上传参数 * @param up */ ossUpload.setUploadParam = function (up, fileName) { var that = this; this.getSignature().then(function (res) { that.key = that.randomString(18) + that.getSuffix(fileName); up.setOption({ url: that.host, multipart_params: { key: that.key, policy: res.policy, OSSAccessKeyId: res.accessid, success_action_status: "200", callback: res.callback, signature: res.signature, } }); up.start(); }).catch(function (res) { console.log(res); }) } /** * * @param filename * @returns {string} */ ossUpload.getSuffix = function (filename) { var pos = filename.lastIndexOf('.'), suffix = '' if (pos != -1) { suffix = filename.substring(pos) } return suffix; } /** * 上传文件 * @param opt */ ossUpload.upload = function (opt) { var that = this; if (typeof opt !== 'object') { opt = {}; } var config = { idName: opt.id, mime_types: [ {title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png,bmp"}, {title: "Mp4 files", extensions: "mp4"}, {title: "Mp3 files", extensions: "mp3,wma"} ], max_file_size: '1000mb', prevent_duplicates: true, multi_selection: false, init: function (uploader) { }, FilesAddedSuccess: function (files) { }, uploadIng: function (file) { }, success: function (res) { }, fail: function (err) { } }; Object.assign(config, opt); that.uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ runtimes: 'html5,flash,silverlight,html4', browse_button: config.idName, multi_selection: config.multi_selection, flash_swf_url: 'lib/plupload-2.1.2/js/Moxie.swf', silverlight_xap_url: 'lib/plupload-2.1.2/js/Moxie.xap', url: 'http://oss.aliyuncs.com', filters: { mime_types: config.mime_types, max_file_size: config.max_file_size, //最大只能上传10mb的文件 prevent_duplicates: config.prevent_duplicates //不允许选取重复文件 }, init: { PostInit: function () { config.init(that.uploader); }, FilesAdded: function (up, files) { if (config.multi_selection === false) { that.setUploadParam(up, files[0].name); } config.FilesAddedSuccess(files); that.files = files; }, BeforeUpload: function (up, file) { }, UploadProgress: function (up, file) { config.uploadIng(file); }, FileUploaded: function (up, file, info) { var key = that.key; that.key = ''; if (info.status == 200) { config.success({key: key, host: that.host, url: that.host + '/' + key}) } else if (info.status == 203) { config.fail(info.response) } else { config.success({key: key, host: that.host, url: that.host + '/' + key}) } that.files = []; }, Error: function (up, err) { if (err.code == -600) { config.fail('选择的文件太大了'); } else if (err.code == -601) { config.fail('选择的文件后缀不对'); } else if (err.code == -602) { config.fail('这个文件已经上传过一遍了'); } else { config.fail(err.response); } } } }); that.uploader.init(); return that.uploader; } /** * 手动上传文件 */ ossUpload.start = function () { var that = this; that.files.map(function (file) { that.setUploadParam(that.uploader, file.name); }) } /** * 获取图片html * @param $name * @param inputname * @returns {string} */ ossUpload.getImageHtml = function ($name, inputname, host) { var host = (host !== undefined ? host : this.host + '/') + $name, inputname = inputname || 'image'; return '
\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
\n' + '

\n' + '
\n' + '
'; } /** * 绑定事件 * @constructor */ ossUpload.LoadEvent = function () { $('.upload-image-box').on({ mouseover: function () { $(this).find('.mask').show(); }, mouseout: function () { $(this).find('.mask').hide(); } }) $('.open_image').on('click', function () { $eb.openImage($(this).data('url')); }); } /** * 删除指定资源 * @param key * @returns {Promise} */ ossUpload.delete = function (key, url) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { requestGet(getUrl({ c: "widget.images", a: 'del_oss_key', q: {key: key, url: url ? url : ''} })).then(function (res) { resolve(res); }).cache(function (res) { reject(res); }) }); } /** * 打开一个窗口 * @param title * @param src * @param opt * @returns {*} */ ossUpload.createFrame = function (title, p, opt) { opt === undefined && (opt = {}); var h = 0; if (window.innerHeight < 800 && window.innerHeight >= 700) { h = window.innerHeight - 50; } else if (window.innerHeight < 900 && window.innerHeight >= 800) { h = window.innerHeight - 100; } else if (window.innerHeight < 1000 && window.innerHeight >= 900) { h = window.innerHeight - 150; } else if (window.innerHeight >= 1000) { h = window.innerHeight - 200; } else { h = window.innerHeight; } var src = getUrl({c: 'widget.images', a: 'index', q: p || {}}); var area = [(opt.w || window.innerWidth / 2) + 'px', (!opt.h || opt.h > h ? h : opt.h) + 'px']; return layer.open({ type: 2, title: title, area: area, fixed: false, //不固定 maxmin: true, moveOut: false,//true 可以拖出窗外 false 只能在窗内拖 anim: 5,//出场动画 isOutAnim bool 关闭动画 offset: 'auto',//['100px','100px'],//'auto',//初始位置 ['100px','100px'] t[ 上 左] shade: 0,//遮罩 resize: true,//是否允许拉伸 content: src,//内容 move: '.layui-layer-title' }); } ossUpload.init(); global.ossUpload = ossUpload; return ossUpload; }(this));