@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+ <div class="group-con" :style="colorStyle">
+ <div class="header acea-row row-between-wrapper">
+ <div class="pictrue"><img :src="storeCombination.image" /></div>
+ <div class="text">
+ <div class="line1" v-text="storeCombination.title"></div>
+ <div class="money">
+ {{$t(`¥`)}}
+ <span class="num" v-text="storeCombination.price"></span>
+ <span class="team cart-color" v-text="storeCombination.people + $t(`人拼`)"></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="pinkBool === -1" class="iconfont icon-pintuanshibai"></div>
+ <div v-else-if="pinkBool === 1" class="iconfont icon-pintuanchenggong font-num"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="wrapper">
+ <div class="title acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="pinkBool === 0">
+ <div class="line"></div>
+ <div class="name acea-row row-center-wrapper">
+ {{$t(`剩余`)}}
+ <CountDown :is-day="false" :tip-text="' '" :day-text="' '" :hour-text="' : '" :minute-text="' : '"
+ :second-text="' '" :datatime="pinkT.stop_time"></CountDown>
+ {{$t(`结束`)}}
+ </div>
+ <div class="line"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="tips font-num" v-if="pinkBool === 1">{{$t(`恭喜您拼团成功`)}}</div>
+ <div class="tips" v-else-if="pinkBool === -1">{{$t(`还差`)}}{{ count }}{{$t(`人,拼团失败`)}}</div>
+ <div class="tips font-num" v-else-if="pinkBool === 0">{{$t(`拼团中,还差`)}}{{ count }}{{$t(`人拼团成功`)}}</div>
+ <div class="list acea-row row-middle"
+ :class="[pinkBool === 1 || pinkBool === -1 ? 'result' : '', iShidden ? 'on' : '']">
+ <div class="pictrue"><img :src="pinkT.avatar" /></div>
+ <div class="acea-row row-middle" v-if="pinkAll.length > 0">
+ <div class="pictrue" v-for="(item, index) in pinkAll" :key="index"><img :src="item.avatar" /></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="pictrue" v-for="index in count" :key="index">
+ <image class="img-none" src="../static/vacancy.png"> </image>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="(pinkBool === 1 || pinkBool === -1) && count > 9" class="lookAll acea-row row-center-wrapper"
+ @click="lookAll">
+ {{ iShidden ? $t(`收起`) : $t(`查看更多`) }}
+ <span class="iconfont" :class="iShidden ? 'icon-xiangshang' : 'icon-xiangxia'"></span>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="userBool === 1 && isOk == 0 && pinkBool === 0">
+ <div class="teamBnt bg-color-red" @click="listenerActionSheet">{{$t(`邀请好友参团`)}}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="teamBnt bg-color-red" v-else-if="userBool === 0 && pinkBool === 0 && count > 0" @click="pay">
+ {{$t(`我要参团`)}}</div>
+ <div class="teamBnt bg-color-red" v-if="pinkBool === 1 || pinkBool === -1"
+ @click="goDetail(storeCombination.id)">{{$t(`再次开团`)}}</div>
+ <div class="cancel" @click="getCombinationRemove"
+ v-if="pinkBool === 0 && userBool === 1 && pinkT.uid == userInfo.uid">
+ <span class="iconfont icon-guanbi3"></span>
+ {{$t(`取消开团`)}}
+ </div>
+ <div class="lookOrder" v-if="pinkBool === 1 && orderPid === 0" @click="goOrder">
+ {{$t(`查看订单信息`)}}
+ <span class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="group-recommend">
+ <div class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
+ <div>{{$t(`大家都在拼`)}}</div>
+ <div class="more" @click="goList">
+ {{$t(`更多拼团`)}}
+ <span class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="list acea-row row-middle">
+ <div class="item" v-for="(item, index) in storeCombinationHost" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item.id)">
+ <div class="pictrue">
+ <img :src="item.image" />
+ <div class="team" v-text="item.people + $t(`人团`)"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="name line1" v-text="item.title"></div>
+ <div class="money font-color-red" v-text="$t(`¥`) + item.price"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <product-window :attr="attr" :limitNum="1" :iSbnt="1" @myevent="onMyEvent" @ChangeAttr="ChangeAttr"
+ @ChangeCartNum="ChangeCartNum" @iptCartNum="iptCartNum" @attrVal="attrVal" @goCat="goPay"></product-window>
+ <!-- 分享按钮 -->
+ <view class="generate-posters acea-row row-middle" :class="posters ? 'on' : ''">
+ <!-- #ifndef MP -->
+ <button class="item" hover-class='none' v-if="weixinStatus === true" @click="H5ShareBox = true">
+ <!-- <button class="item" hover-class='none' v-if="weixinStatus === true" @click="setShareInfoStatus"> -->
+ <view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view>
+ <view class="">{{$t(`发送给朋友`)}}</view>
+ </button>
+ <!-- #endif -->
+ <!-- #ifdef MP -->
+ <button class="item" open-type="share" hover-class='none' @click="goFriend">
+ <view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view>
+ <view class="">{{$t(`发送给朋友`)}}</view>
+ </button>
+ <!-- #endif -->
+ <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
+ <view class="item" @click="appShare('WXSceneSession')">
+ <view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view>
+ <view class="">{{$t(`微信好友`)}}</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="item" @click="appShare('WXSenceTimeline')">
+ <view class="iconfont icon-pengyouquan"></view>
+ <view class="">{{$t(`微信朋友圈`)}}</view>
+ </view>
+ <!-- #endif -->
+ <!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
+ <button class="item" hover-class='none' @tap="goPoster">
+ <view class="iconfont icon-haibao"></view>
+ <view class="">{{$t(`生成海报`)}}</view>
+ </button>
+ <!-- #endif -->
+ </view>
+ <view class="mask" v-if="posters" @click="listenerActionClose"></view>
+ <!-- 发送给朋友图片 -->
+ <view class="share-box" v-if="H5ShareBox">
+ <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/share-info.png'" @click="H5ShareBox = false"></image>
+ </view>
+ <!-- #ifdef MP -->
+ <!-- <authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse"></authorize> -->
+ <!-- #endif -->
+ <!-- <Product-window v-on:changeFun="changeFun" :attr="attr" :limitNum='1' :iSbnt='1'></Product-window> -->
+ <!-- #ifndef MP -->
+ <home></home>
+ <!-- #endif -->
+ </div>
+ import CountDown from '@/components/countDown';
+ import ProductWindow from '@/components/productWindow';
+ import util from '../../../utils/util.js';
+ import {
+ toLogin
+ } from '@/libs/login.js';
+ import {
+ mapGetters
+ } from 'vuex';
+ import {
+ getCombinationPink,
+ postCombinationRemove
+ } from '@/api/activity';
+ import {
+ postCartAdd
+ } from '@/api/store';
+ // #ifdef MP
+ import authorize from '@/components/Authorize';
+ // #endif
+ import home from '@/components/home';
+ const NAME = 'GroupRule';
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ import {
+ } from '@/config/app.js';
+ // #endif
+ const app = getApp();
+ import colors from '@/mixins/color.js';
+ import {HTTP_REQUEST_URL} from '@/config/app';
+ export default {
+ name: NAME,
+ components: {
+ CountDown,
+ ProductWindow,
+ home,
+ // #ifdef MP
+ authorize
+ // #endif
+ },
+ props: {},
+ mixins: [colors],
+ data: function() {
+ return {
+ currentPinkOrder: '', //当前拼团订单
+ isOk: 0, //判断拼团是否完成
+ pinkBool: 0, //判断拼团是否成功|0=失败,1=成功
+ userBool: 0, //判断当前用户是否在团内|0=未在,1=在
+ pinkAll: [], //团员
+ pinkT: [], //团长信息
+ storeCombination: [], //拼团产品
+ storeCombinationHost: [], //拼团推荐
+ pinkId: 0,
+ count: 0, //拼团剩余人数
+ iShidden: false,
+ isOpen: false, //是否打开属性组件
+ attr: {
+ cartAttr: false,
+ productSelect: {
+ image: '',
+ store_name: '',
+ price: '',
+ quota: 0,
+ unique: '',
+ cart_num: 1,
+ quota_show: 0,
+ product_stock: 0,
+ num: 0
+ },
+ productAttr: []
+ },
+ cart_num: '',
+ userInfo: {},
+ posters: false,
+ weixinStatus: false,
+ H5ShareBox: false, //公众号分享图片
+ isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
+ isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
+ attrTxt: this.$t(`请选择`), //属性页面提示
+ attrValue: '' ,//已选属性,
+ orderPid: 0
+ };
+ },
+ computed: mapGetters({
+ 'isLogin': 'isLogin',
+ 'userData': 'userInfo'
+ }),
+ watch: {
+ isLogin: {
+ handler: function(newV, oldV) {
+ if (newV) {
+ this.getCombinationPink();
+ } else {
+ toLogin();
+ }
+ },
+ deep: true
+ },
+ userData: {
+ handler: function(newV, oldV) {
+ if (newV) {
+ this.userInfo = newV;
+ app.globalData.openPages = '/pages/activity/goods_combination_status/index?id=' + this.pinkId;
+ }
+ },
+ deep: true
+ }
+ },
+ onLoad(options) {
+ var that = this;
+ // #ifdef MP
+ if (options.scene) {
+ var value = util.getUrlParams(decodeURIComponent(options.scene));
+ if (typeof value === 'object') {
+ if (value.id) options.id = value.id;
+ //记录推广人uid
+ if (value.pid) app.globalData.spid = value.pid;
+ }
+ }
+ // #endif
+ if (options.id) {
+ that.pinkId = options.id;
+ }
+ if (that.isLogin == false) {
+ this.$Cache.set('login_back_url', `/pages/activity/goods_combination_status/index?id=${options.id}`);
+ toLogin();
+ }
+ },
+ //#ifdef MP
+ /**
+ * 用户点击右上角分享
+ */
+ onShareAppMessage: function() {
+ let that = this;
+ return {
+ title: that.$t(`您的好友`) + that.userInfo.nickname + this.$t(`邀请您参团`) + that.storeCombination.title,
+ path: app.globalData.openPages,
+ imageUrl: that.storeCombination.image
+ };
+ },
+ //#endif
+ mounted() {
+ this.getCombinationPink();
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // app分享
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ appShare(scene) {
+ let that = this
+ let routes = getCurrentPages(); // 获取当前打开过的页面路由数组
+ let curRoute = routes[routes.length - 1].$page.fullPath // 获取当前页面路由,也就是最后一个打开的页面路由
+ uni.share({
+ provider: "weixin",
+ scene: scene,
+ type: 0,
+ href: `${HTTP_REQUEST_URL}${curRoute}`,
+ title: that.$t(`您的好友`) + that.userInfo.nickname + that.$t(`邀请您参团`) + that.storeCombination.title,
+ imageUrl: that.storeCombination.small_image,
+ success: function(res) {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: that.$t(`分享成功`),
+ icon: 'success'
+ })
+ that.posters = false;
+ },
+ fail: function(err) {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: that.$t(`分享失败`),
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 2000
+ })
+ that.posters = false;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // #endif
+ // 授权关闭
+ authColse: function(e) {
+ this.isShowAuth = e;
+ },
+ // 授权后回调
+ onLoadFun: function(e) {
+ this.userInfo = e;
+ app.globalData.openPages = '/pages/activity/goods_combination_status/index?id=' + this.pinkId;
+ this.getCombinationPink();
+ },
+ /**
+ * 分享打开
+ *
+ */
+ listenerActionSheet: function() {
+ if (this.isLogin == false) {
+ toLogin();
+ } else {
+ // #ifdef H5
+ if (this.$wechat.isWeixin() === true) {
+ this.weixinStatus = true;
+ }
+ // #endif
+ this.posters = true;
+ }
+ },
+ // 分享关闭
+ listenerActionClose: function() {
+ this.posters = false;
+ },
+ // 小程序关闭分享弹窗;
+ goFriend: function() {
+ this.posters = false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * 购物车手动填写
+ *
+ */
+ iptCartNum: function(e) {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', e);
+ this.$set(this, 'cart_num', e);
+ },
+ attrVal(val) {
+ this.attr.productAttr[val.indexw].index = this.attr.productAttr[val.indexw].attr_values[val.indexn];
+ },
+ onMyEvent: function() {
+ this.$set(this.attr, 'cartAttr', false);
+ this.$set(this, 'isOpen', false);
+ },
+ //将父级向子集多次传送的函数合二为一;
+ // changeFun: function(opt) {
+ // if (typeof opt !== "object") opt = {};
+ // let action = opt.action || "";
+ // let value = opt.value === undefined ? "" : opt.value;
+ // this[action] && this[action](value);
+ // },
+ // changeattr: function(res) {
+ // var that = this;
+ // that.attr.cartAttr = res;
+ // },
+ //选择属性;
+ ChangeAttr: function(res) {
+ this.$set(this, 'cart_num', 1);
+ let productSelect = this.productValue[res];
+ if (productSelect) {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'image', productSelect.image);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'price', productSelect.price);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota', productSelect.quota);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'unique', productSelect.unique);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', 1);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'product_stock', productSelect.product_stock);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota_show', productSelect.quota_show);
+ this.$set(this, 'attrValue', res);
+ this.$set(this, 'attrTxt', this.$t(`已选择`));
+ } else {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'image', this.storeCombination.image);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'price', this.storeCombination.price);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'unique', '');
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota_show', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'product_stock', 0);
+ this.$set(this, 'attrValue', '');
+ this.$set(this, 'attrTxt', this.$t(`请选择`));
+ }
+ },
+ ChangeCartNum: function(res) {
+ //changeValue:是否 加|减
+ //获取当前变动属性
+ let productSelect = this.productValue[this.attrValue];
+ if (this.cart_num) {
+ productSelect.cart_num = this.cart_num;
+ this.attr.productSelect.cart_num = this.cart_num;
+ }
+ //如果没有属性,赋值给商品默认库存
+ if (productSelect === undefined && !this.attr.productAttr.length) productSelect = this.attr
+ .productSelect;
+ if (productSelect === undefined) return;
+ let stock = productSelect.stock || 0;
+ let quotaShow = productSelect.quota_show || 0;
+ let quota = productSelect.quota || 0;
+ let productStock = productSelect.product_stock || 0;
+ let num = this.attr.productSelect;
+ let nums = this.storeCombination.num || 0;
+ //设置默认数据
+ if (productSelect.cart_num == undefined) productSelect.cart_num = 1;
+ if (res) {
+ num.cart_num++;
+ let arrMin = [];
+ arrMin.push(nums);
+ arrMin.push(quota);
+ arrMin.push(productStock);
+ let minN = Math.min.apply(null, arrMin);
+ if (num.cart_num >= minN) {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', minN ? minN : 1);
+ this.$set(this, 'cart_num', minN ? minN : 1);
+ }
+ // if(quotaShow >= productStock){
+ // if (num.cart_num > productStock) {
+ // this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", productStock);
+ // this.$set(this, "cart_num", productStock);
+ // }
+ // }else{
+ // if (num.cart_num > quotaShow) {
+ // this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", quotaShow);
+ // this.$set(this, "cart_num", quotaShow);
+ // }
+ // }
+ this.$set(this, 'cart_num', num.cart_num);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', num.cart_num);
+ } else {
+ num.cart_num--;
+ if (num.cart_num < 1) {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', 1);
+ this.$set(this, 'cart_num', 1);
+ }
+ this.$set(this, 'cart_num', num.cart_num);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', num.cart_num);
+ }
+ // if (res) {
+ // num.cart_num++;
+ // if (num.cart_num > quota) {
+ // this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", quota);
+ // this.$set(this, "cart_num", quota);
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // num.cart_num--;
+ // if (num.cart_num < 1) {
+ // this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
+ // this.$set(this, "cart_num", 1);
+ // }
+ // }
+ },
+ //默认选中属性;
+ DefaultSelect() {
+ let productAttr = this.attr.productAttr,
+ value = [];
+ for (var key in this.productValue) {
+ if (this.productValue[key].quota > 0) {
+ value = this.attr.productAttr.length ? key.split(',') : [];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < productAttr.length; i++) {
+ this.$set(productAttr[i], 'index', value[i]);
+ }
+ //sort();排序函数:数字-英文-汉字;
+ let productSelect = this.productValue[value.join(',')];
+ if (productSelect && productAttr.length) {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'store_name', this.storeCombination.title);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'image', productSelect.image);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'price', productSelect.price);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota', productSelect.quota);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'unique', productSelect.unique);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', 1);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'product_stock', productSelect.product_stock);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota_show', productSelect.quota_show);
+ this.$set(this, 'attrValue', value.join(','));
+ this.attrValue = value.join(',');
+ this.$set(this, 'attrTxt', this.$t(`已选择`));
+ } else if (!productSelect && productAttr.length) {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'store_name', this.storeCombination.title);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'image', this.storeCombination.image);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'price', this.storeCombination.price);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'unique', '');
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'product_stock', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota_show', 0);
+ this.$set(this, 'attrValue', '');
+ this.$set(this, 'attrTxt', this.$t(`请选择`));
+ } else if (!productSelect && !productAttr.length) {
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'store_name', this.storeCombination.title);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'image', this.storeCombination.image);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'price', this.storeCombination.price);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'unique', this.storeCombination.unique || '');
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', 1);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'quota_show', 0);
+ this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'product_stock', 0);
+ this.$set(this, 'attrValue', '');
+ this.$set(this, 'attrTxt', this.$t(`请选择`));
+ }
+ },
+ setProductSelect: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ var attr = that.attr;
+ attr.productSelect.image = that.storeCombination.image;
+ attr.productSelect.store_name = that.storeCombination.title;
+ attr.productSelect.price = that.storeCombination.price;
+ attr.productSelect.quota = 0;
+ attr.productSelect.quota_show = 0;
+ attr.productSelect.product_stock = 0;
+ attr.cartAttr = false;
+ that.$set(that, 'attr', attr);
+ },
+ pay: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ that.attr.cartAttr = true;
+ that.isOpen = true;
+ },
+ goPay() {
+ var that = this;
+ var data = {};
+ // that.attr.cartAttr = res;
+ data.productId = that.storeCombination.product_id;
+ data.cartNum = that.attr.productSelect.cart_num;
+ data.uniqueId = that.attr.productSelect.unique;
+ data.combinationId = that.storeCombination.id;
+ data.new = 1;
+ postCartAdd(data)
+ .then(res => {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/goods/order_confirm/index?new=1&cartId=' + res.data.cartId +
+ '&pinkId=' + that.pinkId
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(res => {
+ that.$util.Tips({
+ title: res
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ goPoster: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ that.posters = false;
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/activity/poster-poster/index?type=2&id=' + that.pinkId
+ });
+ },
+ goOrder: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/goods/order_details/index?order_id=' + that.currentPinkOrder
+ });
+ },
+ //拼团列表
+ goList: function() {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/activity/goods_combination/index'
+ });
+ },
+ //拼团详情
+ goDetail: function(id) {
+ this.pinkId = id;
+ // this.getCombinationPink();
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id=' + id
+ });
+ // this.$router.push({
+ // path: "/activity/group_detail/" + id
+ // });
+ },
+ //拼团信息
+ getCombinationPink: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ getCombinationPink(that.pinkId)
+ .then(res => {
+ that.$set(that, 'storeCombinationHost', res.data.store_combination_host);
+ res.data.pinkT.stop_time = parseInt(res.data.pinkT.stop_time);
+ that.$set(that, 'storeCombination', res.data.store_combination);
+ that.$set(that.attr.productSelect, 'num', res.data.store_combination.num);
+ that.$set(that, 'pinkT', res.data.pinkT);
+ that.$set(that, 'pinkAll', res.data.pinkAll);
+ that.$set(that, 'count', res.data.count);
+ that.$set(that, 'userBool', res.data.userBool);
+ that.$set(that, 'pinkBool', res.data.pinkBool);
+ that.$set(that, 'isOk', res.data.is_ok);
+ that.$set(that, 'currentPinkOrder', res.data.current_pink_order);
+ that.$set(that, 'userInfo', res.data.userInfo);
+ that.$set(that, 'orderPid', res.data.order_pid);
+ that.attr.productAttr = res.data.store_combination.productAttr;
+ that.productValue = res.data.store_combination.productValue;
+ //#ifdef H5
+ that.setOpenShare();
+ //#endif
+ that.setProductSelect();
+ if (that.attr.productAttr != 0) that.DefaultSelect();
+ if (res.data.is_ok == 1 && res.data.userBool == 0) {
+ return this.$util.Tips({
+ title: that.$t(`你不是该团的成员`),
+ }, () => {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/activity/goods_combination/index'
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ return this.$util.Tips({
+ title: err,
+ }, () => {
+ uni.navigateBack()
+ // uni.switchTab({
+ // url: '/pages/index/index'
+ // })
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ //#ifdef H5
+ setOpenShare() {
+ let that = this;
+ let configTimeline = {
+ title: that.$t(`您的好友`) + that.userInfo.nickname + that.$t(`邀请您参团`) + that.storeCombination.title,
+ desc: that.storeCombination.title,
+ link: window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host +
+ '/pages/activity/goods_combination_status/index?id=' + that.pinkId,
+ imgUrl: that.storeCombination.image
+ };
+ if (this.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
+ this.$wechat
+ .wechatEvevt(['updateAppMessageShareData', 'updateTimelineShareData', 'onMenuShareAppMessage',
+ 'onMenuShareTimeline'
+ ], configTimeline)
+ .then(res => {})
+ .catch(res => {
+ if (res.is_ready) {
+ res.wx.updateAppMessageShareData(configTimeline);
+ res.wx.updateTimelineShareData(configTimeline);
+ res.wx.onMenuShareAppMessage(configTimeline);
+ res.wx.onMenuShareTimeline(configTimeline);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ //#endif
+ //拼团取消
+ getCombinationRemove: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ postCombinationRemove({
+ id: that.pinkId,
+ cid: that.storeCombination.id
+ })
+ .then(res => {
+ that.$util.Tips({
+ title: res.msg
+ }, {
+ tab: 3
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(res => {
+ that.$util.Tips({
+ title: res
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ lookAll: function() {
+ this.iShidden = !this.iShidden;
+ }
+ }
+ };
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