index.vue 30 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <view v-if="pageShow" class="page"
  3. :class="bgTabVal==2?'fullsize noRepeat':bgTabVal==1?'repeat ysize':'noRepeat ysize'"
  4. :style="'background-color:'+bgColor+';background-image: url('+bgPic+');min-height:'+windowHeight+'px;'">
  5. <view v-if="!errorNetwork" :style="colorStyle">
  6. <skeleton :show="showSkeleton" :isNodes="isNodes" ref="skeleton" loading="chiaroscuro" selector="skeleton"
  7. bgcolor="#FFF"></skeleton>
  8. <view class="index skeleton" :style="{visibility: showSkeleton ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}">
  9. <!-- #ifdef H5 -->
  10. <view v-for="(item, index) in styleConfig" :key="index">
  11. <component :is="" :index="index" :dataConfig="item" @changeBarg="changeBarg"
  12. @changeTab="changeTab" :tempArr="tempArr" :iSshowH="iSshowH" @detail="goDetail"
  13. :isSortType="isSortType" @bindSortId="bindSortId" @bindHeight="bindHeight" :isFixed="isFixed">
  14. </component>
  15. </view>
  16. <!-- #endif -->
  17. <!-- #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS -->
  18. <block v-for="(item, index) in styleConfig" :key="index">
  19. <activeParty v-if=" == 'activeParty'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType">
  20. </activeParty>
  21. <articleList v-if=" == 'articleList'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType">
  22. </articleList>
  23. <bargain v-if=" == 'bargain'" :dataConfig="item" @changeBarg="changeBarg"
  24. :isSortType="isSortType"></bargain>
  25. <blankPage v-if=" == 'blankPage'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></blankPage>
  26. <combination v-if=" == 'combination'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType">
  27. </combination>
  28. <coupon v-if=" == 'coupon'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></coupon>
  29. <customerService v-if=" == 'customerService'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType">
  30. </customerService>
  31. <goodList v-if=" == 'goodList'" :dataConfig="item" @detail="goDetail"
  32. :isSortType="isSortType"></goodList>
  33. <guide v-if=" == 'guide'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></guide>
  34. <headerSerch v-if=" == 'headerSerch'" :dataConfig="item"></headerSerch>
  35. <liveBroadcast v-if=" == 'liveBroadcast'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType">
  36. </liveBroadcast>
  37. <menus v-if=" == 'menus'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></menus>
  38. <news v-if=" == 'news'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></news>
  39. <pictureCube v-if=" == 'pictureCube'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType">
  40. </pictureCube>
  41. <promotionList v-if=" == 'promotionList'" :dataConfig="item" @changeTab="changeTab"
  42. :tempArr="tempArr" :iSshowH="iSshowH" @detail="goDetail" :isSortType="isSortType">
  43. </promotionList>
  44. <richText v-if=" == 'richText'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></richText>
  45. <seckill v-if=" == 'seckill'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></seckill>
  46. <swiperBg v-if=" == 'swiperBg'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></swiperBg>
  47. <swipers v-if=" == 'swipers'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></swipers>
  48. <tabNav v-if=" == 'tabNav'" :dataConfig="item" @bindHeight="bindHeighta"
  49. @bindSortId="bindSortId" :isFixed="isFixed"></tabNav>
  50. <titles v-if=" == 'titles'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></titles>
  51. </block>
  52. <!-- #endif -->
  53. <!-- 分类商品模块 -->
  54. <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
  55. <view class="sort-product" v-if="isSortType == 1" style="margin-top: 0;">
  56. <scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="background: #fff;">
  57. <view class="sort-box" v-if="sortList.children && sortList.children.length">
  58. <view class="sort-item" v-for="(item, index) in sortList.children" :key="index"
  59. @click="changeSort(item, index)" :class="{ on: curSort == index }">
  60. <image :src="item.pic" mode="" v-if="item.pic"></image>
  61. <image src="/static/images/sort-img.png" mode="" v-else></image>
  62. <view class="txt">{{ $t(item.cate_name) }}</view>
  63. </view>
  64. </view>
  65. </scroll-view>
  66. <view class="product-list" v-if="goodList.length">
  67. <view class="product-item" v-for="(item, index) in goodList" @click="goGoodsDetail(item)">
  68. <image :src="item.image"></image>
  69. <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class"
  70. v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1'">{{$t(`秒杀`)}}</span>
  71. <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class"
  72. v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2'">{{$t(`砍价`)}}</span>
  73. <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class"
  74. v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3'">{{$t(`拼团`)}}</span>
  75. <view class="info">
  76. <view class="title line1">{{ item.store_name }}</view>
  77. <view class="price-box">
  78. <text>{{$t(`¥`)}}</text>
  79. {{ item.price }}
  80. </view>
  81. </view>
  82. </view>
  83. </view>
  84. <Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
  85. <view class="" v-if="goodList.length == 0 && loaded">
  86. <view class="emptyBox">
  87. <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/no-thing.png'"></image>
  88. <view class="tips">{{$t(`暂无商品,去看点别的吧`)}}</view>
  89. </view>
  90. <recommend :hostProduct="hostProduct"></recommend>
  91. </view>
  92. </view>
  93. <!-- #endif -->
  94. <!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
  95. <view class="sort-product" v-if="isSortType == 1" :style="{ marginTop: sortMpTop + 'px' }">
  96. <scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="background: #fff;">
  97. <view class="sort-box" v-if="sortList.children && sortList.children.length">
  98. <view class="sort-item" v-for="(item, index) in sortList.children" :key="index"
  99. @click="changeSort(item, index)" :class="{ on: curSort == index }">
  100. <image :src="item.pic" mode="" v-if="item.pic"></image>
  101. <image src="/static/images/sort-img.png" mode="" v-else></image>
  102. <view class="txt">{{ $t(item.cate_name) }}</view>
  103. </view>
  104. </view>
  105. </scroll-view>
  106. <view class="product-list" v-if="goodList.length">
  107. <view class="product-item" v-for="(item, index) in goodList" @click="goGoodsDetail(item)">
  108. <image :src="item.image"></image>
  109. <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class"
  110. v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1'">{{$t(`秒杀`)}}</span>
  111. <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class"
  112. v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2'">{{$t(`砍价`)}}</span>
  113. <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class"
  114. v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3'">{{$t(`拼团`)}}</span>
  115. <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.checkCoupon">{{$t(`券`)}}</span>
  116. <view class="info">
  117. <view class="title line2">{{ item.store_name }}</view>
  118. <view class="price-box">
  119. <text>{{$t(`¥`)}}</text>
  120. {{ item.price }}
  121. </view>
  122. </view>
  123. </view>
  124. </view>
  125. <Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
  126. <view class="" v-if="goodList.length == 0 && loaded">
  127. <view class="emptyBox">
  128. <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/no-thing.png'"></image>
  129. <view class="tips">{{$t(`暂无数据`)}}</view>
  130. </view>
  131. <recommend :hostProduct="hostProduct"></recommend>
  132. </view>
  133. </view>
  134. <!-- #endif -->
  135. <!-- <view class="loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="tempArr.length && styleConfig[styleConfig.length - 1].name == 'promotionList'">
  136. <text class="loading iconfont icon-jiazai" :hidden="loading == false"></text>
  137. {{ loadTitle }}
  138. </view> -->
  139. <!-- #ifdef MP -->
  140. <!-- <authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" :isGoIndex="false"></authorize> -->
  141. <!-- #endif -->
  142. <couponWindow :window="isCouponShow" @onColse="couponClose" :couponImage="couponObj.image"
  143. :couponList="couponObj.list"></couponWindow>
  144. <!-- #ifndef MP -->
  145. <view v-if="site_config" class="site-config" @click="goICP">{{ site_config }}</view>
  146. <!-- #endif -->
  147. <view class="uni-p-b-98"></view>
  148. <pageFoot></pageFoot>
  149. </view>
  150. </view>
  151. <view v-else>
  152. <view class="error-network">
  153. <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/error-network.png'"></image>
  154. <view class="title">{{$t(`网络连接断开`)}}</view>
  155. <view class="con">
  156. <view class="label">{{$t(`请检查情况:`)}}:</view>
  157. <view class="item">· {{$t(`在设置中是否已开启网络权限:`)}}</view>
  158. <view class="item">· {{$t(`当前是否处于弱网环境`)}}</view>
  159. <view class="item">· {{$t(`版本是否过低,升级试试吧`)}}</view>
  160. </view>
  161. <view class="btn" @click="reconnect">{{$t(`重新连接`)}}</view>
  162. </view>
  163. </view>
  164. <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
  165. <app-update v-if="!privacyStatus" ref="appUpdate" :force="true" :tabbar="false"></app-update>
  166. <view class="privacy-wrapper" v-if="privacyStatus">
  167. <view class="privacy-box">
  168. <view class="title">{{$t(`服务协议与隐私政策`)}}</view>
  169. <view class="content">
  170. {{$t(`请务必审慎阅读、充分理解“服务协议与 隐私政策”各条款,包括但不限于:为了 向你提供即时通讯、内容分享等服务,我 们需要收集你的设备信息、操作日志等个 人信息。你可以在“设置”中查看、变更、删除个人信息并管理你的授权。`)}}<br>
  171. {{$t(`你可以阅读`)}}
  172. <navigator url="/pages/users/privacy/index?type=3">{{$t(`《服务协议与隐私政策》`)}}</navigator>
  173. {{$t(`了解详细信息。如你同意,请点击“我同意”开始接受我们的服务。`)}}
  174. </view>
  175. <view class="btn-box">
  176. <view class="btn-item" @click="confirmApp">{{$t(`我同意`)}}</view>
  177. <view class="btn" @click="closeModel">{{$t(`残忍拒绝`)}}</view>
  178. </view>
  179. </view>
  180. </view>
  181. <!-- #endif -->
  182. </view>
  183. </template>
  184. <script>
  185. const app = getApp();
  186. import colors from "@/mixins/color";
  187. import couponWindow from '@/components/couponWindow/index';
  188. import {
  189. getCouponV2,
  190. getCouponNewUser,
  191. siteConfig
  192. } from '@/api/api.js';
  193. // #ifdef H5
  194. import mConfig from './components/index.js';
  195. // #endif
  196. // #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS
  197. import authorize from '@/components/Authorize';
  198. import activeParty from './components/activeParty';
  199. import headerSerch from './components/headerSerch';
  200. import swipers from './components/swipers';
  201. import coupon from './components/coupon';
  202. import articleList from './components/articleList';
  203. import bargain from './components/bargain';
  204. import blankPage from './components/blankPage';
  205. import combination from './components/combination';
  206. import customerService from './components/customerService';
  207. import goodList from './components/goodList';
  208. import guide from './components/guide';
  209. import liveBroadcast from './components/liveBroadcast';
  210. import menus from './components/menus';
  211. import news from './components/news';
  212. import pictureCube from './components/pictureCube';
  213. import promotionList from './components/promotionList';
  214. import richText from './components/richText';
  215. import seckill from './components/seckill';
  216. import swiperBg from './components/swiperBg';
  217. import tabNav from './components/tabNav';
  218. import titles from './components/titles';
  219. import appUpdate from "@/components/update/app-update.vue";
  220. import {
  221. getTempIds
  222. } from '@/api/api.js';
  223. import {
  225. TIPS_KEY
  226. } from '@/config/cache';
  227. // #endif
  228. import {
  229. mapGetters
  230. } from 'vuex';
  231. import {
  232. getDiy,
  233. getIndexData
  234. } from '@/api/api.js';
  235. import {
  236. getGroomList,
  237. getCategoryList,
  238. getProductslist,
  239. getProductHot
  240. } from '@/api/store.js';
  241. import {
  242. goShopDetail
  243. } from '@/libs/order.js';
  244. import {
  245. getCartCounts,
  246. } from '@/api/order.js';
  247. import {
  248. toLogin
  249. } from '@/libs/login.js';
  250. import {
  252. } from '@/config/app';
  253. import pageFoot from '@/components/pageFooter/index.vue';
  254. import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue';
  255. import recommend from '@/components/recommend';
  256. export default {
  257. computed: mapGetters(['isLogin', 'uid']),
  258. mixins: [colors],
  259. components: {
  260. recommend,
  261. Loading,
  262. pageFoot,
  263. couponWindow,
  264. // #ifdef H5
  265. ...mConfig,
  266. // #endif
  267. // #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS
  268. authorize,
  269. activeParty,
  270. headerSerch,
  271. swipers,
  272. coupon,
  273. articleList,
  274. bargain,
  275. blankPage,
  276. combination,
  277. customerService,
  278. goodList,
  279. guide,
  280. liveBroadcast,
  281. menus,
  282. pictureCube,
  283. news,
  284. promotionList,
  285. richText,
  286. seckill,
  287. swiperBg,
  288. tabNav,
  289. titles,
  290. appUpdate, //APP更新
  291. // #endif
  292. },
  293. computed: mapGetters(['isLogin', 'cartNum']),
  294. data() {
  295. return {
  296. imgHost: HTTP_REQUEST_URL,
  297. showSkeleton: true, //骨架屏显示隐藏
  298. isNodes: 0, //控制什么时候开始抓取元素节点,只要数值改变就重新抓取
  299. styleConfig: [],
  300. tempArr: [],
  301. goodType: 3,
  302. loading: false,
  303. loadend: false,
  304. loadTitle: this.$t(`下拉加载更多`), //提示语
  305. page: 1,
  306. limit: this.$config.LIMIT,
  307. iSshowH: false,
  308. numConfig: 0,
  309. code: '',
  310. isCouponShow: false,
  311. couponObj: {},
  312. couponObjs: {
  313. show: false
  314. },
  315. shareInfo: {},
  316. footConfig: {},
  317. isSortType: 0,
  318. sortList: '',
  319. sortAll: [],
  320. goodPage: 1,
  321. goodList: [],
  322. newData: {},
  323. sid: 0,
  324. curSort: 0,
  325. sortMpTop: 0,
  326. loaded: false,
  327. hostProduct: [],
  328. hotScroll: false,
  329. hotPage: 1,
  330. hotLimit: 10,
  331. domOffsetTop: 50,
  332. // #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP
  333. isFixed: true,
  334. // #endif
  335. // #ifdef H5
  336. isFixed: false,
  337. // #endif
  338. site_config: '',
  339. errorNetwork: false, // 是否断网
  340. privacyStatus: false, // 隐私政策是否同意过
  341. isHeaderSerch: false,
  342. bgColor: '',
  343. bgPic: '',
  344. bgTabVal: '',
  345. pageShow: true,
  346. windowHeight: 0,
  347. activeRouter: '',
  348. countNum: 0
  349. };
  350. },
  351. onPullDownRefresh() {
  352. this.diyData();
  353. },
  354. created(options) {
  355. let that = this
  356. this.$nextTick(function() {
  357. uni.getSystemInfo({
  358. success: function(res) {
  359. that.windowHeight = res.windowHeight;
  360. }
  361. });
  362. })
  363. let routes = getCurrentPages(); // 获取当前打开过的页面路由数组
  364. let curRoute = routes[routes.length - 1].route //获取当前页面路由
  365. this.activeRouter = '/' + curRoute
  366. // #ifdef APP-PLUS
  367. uni.setStorageSync("privacyStatus", true);
  368. // try {
  369. // let val = uni.getStorageSync('privacyStatus') || false
  370. // if (!val) {
  371. // this.privacyStatus = true
  372. // }
  373. // } catch (e) {}
  374. // #endif
  375. this.diyData();
  376. this.getIndexData();
  377. // #ifdef MP
  378. this.getTempIds();
  379. // #endif
  380. // #ifndef APP-PLUS
  381. siteConfig().then(res => {
  382. this.site_config =
  383. }).catch(err => {
  384. console.error(err.msg);
  385. });
  386. // #endif
  387. // 优惠券弹窗
  388. // var newDates = new Date().toLocaleDateString();
  389. if (this.isLogin) {
  390. this.getCoupon();
  391. getCartCounts().then(res => {
  392. this.countNum =
  393. this.$store.commit('indexData/setCartNum', > 99 ? '..' : +
  394. '')
  395. if ( > 0) {
  396. wx.setTabBarBadge({
  397. index: Number(uni.getStorageSync('FOOTER_ADDCART')) || 2,
  398. text: + ''
  399. })
  400. } else {
  401. wx.hideTabBarRedDot({
  402. index: Number(uni.getStorageSync('FOOTER_ADDCART')) || 2
  403. })
  404. }
  405. });
  406. }
  407. },
  408. // onReady() {
  409. // let that = this
  410. // uni.getSystemInfo({
  411. // success: function(res) { // res - 各种参数
  412. // let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(".hander"); // 获取某个元素
  413. // info.boundingClientRect(function(data) { //data - 各种参数
  414. // let view = res.windowHeight - data.height
  415. // that.heightHome = view
  416. // }).exec()
  417. // }
  418. // });
  419. // },
  420. watch: {
  421. isLogin: {
  422. deep: true, //深度监听设置为 true
  423. handler: function(newV, oldV) {
  424. // 优惠券弹窗
  425. var newDates = new Date().toLocaleDateString();
  426. if (newV) {
  427. try {
  428. var oldDate = uni.getStorageSync('oldDate') || '';
  429. } catch {}
  430. if (oldDate != newDates) {
  431. this.getCoupon();
  432. }
  433. }
  434. }
  435. }
  436. },
  437. onReady() {},
  438. methods: {
  439. // #ifdef APP-PLUS
  440. // 同意隐私协议
  441. confirmApp() {
  442. uni.setStorageSync('privacyStatus', true)
  443. this.privacyStatus = false
  444. },
  445. // 关闭Model
  446. closeModel() {
  447. //退出app
  448. uni.getSystemInfo({
  449. success: function(res) { // 判断为安卓的手机
  450. if (res.platform == 'android') { // 安卓退出app
  451. plus.runtime.quit();
  452. } else { // 判断为ios的手机,退出App
  453. plus.ios.import("UIApplication").sharedApplication().performSelector("exit");
  454. }
  455. }
  456. })
  457. },
  458. // #endif
  459. // 重新链接
  460. reconnect() {
  461. uni.showLoading({
  462. title: this.$t(`加载中`)
  463. })
  464. this.diyData();
  465. this.getIndexData();
  466. getShare().then(res => {
  467. this.shareInfo =;
  468. });
  469. },
  470. goICP() {
  471. // #ifdef H5
  473. // #endif
  474. // #ifdef MP
  475. uni.navigateTo({
  476. url: `/pages/annex/web_view/index?url=`
  477. });
  478. // #endif
  479. },
  480. bindHeighta(data) {
  481. // #ifdef APP-PLUS
  482. this.sortMpTop = + data.height;
  483. // #endif
  484. },
  485. bindHeight(data) {
  486. uni.hideLoading();
  487. this.domOffsetTop =;
  488. },
  489. // 去商品详情
  490. goGoodsDetail(item) {
  491. goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
  492. uni.navigateTo({
  493. url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${}`
  494. });
  495. });
  496. },
  497. /**
  498. * 获取我的推荐
  499. */
  500. get_host_product: function() {
  501. let that = this;
  502. if (that.hotScroll) return;
  503. getProductHot(that.hotPage, that.hotLimit).then(res => {
  504. that.hotPage++;
  505. that.hotScroll = < that.hotLimit;
  506. that.hostProduct = that.hostProduct.concat(;
  507. // that.$set(that, 'hostProduct',
  508. });
  509. },
  510. // 分类点击
  511. changeSort(item, index) {
  512. if (this.curSort == index) return;
  513. this.curSort = index;
  514. this.sid =;
  515. this.goodList = [];
  516. this.goodPage = 1;
  517. this.loaded = false;
  518. this.getGoodsList();
  519. },
  520. // 获取分类id
  521. bindSortId(data) {
  522. this.isSortType = data == -99 ? 0 : 1;
  523. this.getProductList(data);
  524. if (this.hostProduct.length == 0) {
  525. this.get_host_product();
  526. }
  527. },
  528. getProductList(data) {
  529. let tempObj = '';
  530. this.curSort = 0;
  531. this.loaded = false;
  532. if (this.sortAll.length > 0) {
  533. this.sortAll.forEach((el, index) => {
  534. if ( == data) {
  535. this.$set(this, 'sortList', el);
  536. this.sid = el.children.length ? el.children[0].id : '';
  537. }
  538. });
  539. this.goodList = [];
  540. this.goodPage = 1;
  541. this.$nextTick(() => {
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  547., index) => {
  548. if ( == data) {
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  553. this.goodList = [];
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  558. });
  559. }
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  561. getGoodsList() {
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  566. keyword: '',
  567. priceOrder: '',
  568. salesOrder: '',
  569. news: 0,
  570. page: this.goodPage,
  571. limit: 10,
  572. cid:
  573. }).then(res => {
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  578. });
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  586. data
  587. } = res;
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  605. this.getNewCoupon();
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  609. data
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  648. if ( wx.setStorageSync(SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE, JSON.stringify(;
  649. });
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  655. let m = => data[key]);
  656. return m;
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  736. });
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  743. = 1;
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  758. page:,
  759. limit: this.numConfig
  760. })
  761. .then(({
  762. data
  763. }) => {
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  770. that.loadend = loadend;
  771. that.loadTitle = loadend ? that.$t(`没有更多内容啦~`) : that.$t(`加载更多`);
  772. = + 1;
  773. that.loading = false;
  774. })
  775. .catch(res => {
  776. that.loading = false;
  777. that.loadTitle = that.$t(`加载更多`);
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  786. fail(err) {
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  789. })
  790. }
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  793. goDetail(item) {
  794. goShopDetail(item, this.$ => {
  795. uni.navigateTo({
  796. url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${}`
  797. });
  798. });
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  802. // this.getGroomList();
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