Browse Source


lhl 1 year ago

+ 4 - 0

@@ -402,4 +402,8 @@ export function computedServe(data) {
 export function SubscribeCreate(data) {
 	return`v2/Subscribe/create`, data);
+export function storecompleteSubscribe(data) {
+	return`store/order/complete_subscribe`, data);

+ 6 - 0

@@ -753,6 +753,12 @@ export function getMyServeList(data) {
 	return request.get('v2/CardUser',data);
+export function getServeOrder(data) {
+	return request.get('v2/Subscribe/lst',data);
+export function orderSubscribe(data) {
+	return request.get('store/order/subscribe',data);

+ 26 - 0

@@ -1975,6 +1975,32 @@
+		{
+		  "path": "order_list/serve",
+		  "style": {
+		    "navigationBarTitleText": "我的预约",
+		    "app-plus": {
+		      // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+		      "titleNView": {
+		        "type": "default"
+		      }
+		      // #endif
+		    }
+		  }
+		},
+		{
+		  "path": "order_list/ygOrder",
+		  "style": {
+		    "navigationBarTitleText": "客户预约",
+		    "app-plus": {
+		      // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+		      "titleNView": {
+		        "type": "default"
+		      }
+		      // #endif
+		    }
+		  }
+		},
           "path": "order_pay/index",
           "style": {

+ 5 - 278

@@ -44,56 +44,6 @@
 				<!-- #endif -->
 				<!-- 地址 -->
-				<view v-if="!tableId" class='headerCon'>
-					<view class="add-title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-						<view class="acea-row row-middle">
-							<view class="icon" :class="deliveryType==1?'':deliveryType==3?'orange':'red'">
-								{{deliveryType==1?'商城配送':deliveryType==2?'门店自提':'门店配送'}}
-							</view>
-							<view class="text add-text line1" v-if="deliveryType==1">由平台为您提供配送服务</view>
-							<view class="text add-text line1" v-if="deliveryType==2">线上下单,到店自提</view>
-							<view class="text add-text line1" v-if="deliveryType==3">{{ || '请选择门店'}}
-							</view>
-						</view>
-						<view class="text" @tap='onDelivery'
-							v-if="(isDisplay.length >1 || (isDisplay.length==1 && deliveryType !=1)) && store_func_status && goodsType != 9">
-							点击切换 <text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text></view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="address acea-row row-between-wrapper" @tap="onAddress(addressInfo.real_name)"
-						v-if="deliveryType==1 || deliveryType==3">
-						<view class="addressCon" v-if="addressInfo.real_name">
-							<view class='name acea-row row-middle'>
-								<view class="nameCon line1">{{addressInfo.real_name}}</view><text
-									class='phone'>{{}}</text>
-							</view>
-							<view class="line1">
-								<text class='default font-num'
-									v-if="addressInfo.is_default">[默认]</text>{{addressInfo.province}}{{}}{{addressInfo.district}}{{addressInfo.street}}{{addressInfo.detail}}
-							</view>
-						</view>
-						<view class='addressCon' v-else>
-							<view class='setaddress'>设置收货地址</view>
-						</view>
-						<view class="iconfont icon-s-bianji"></view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="address acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-else>
-						<view class="addressCon" v-if="storeList.length>0">
-							<view class='name acea-row row-middle'>
-								<view class="nameCon line1 on">{{ || ''}}</view>
-							</view>
-							<view class="line1">
-								{{system_store.address || ''}}{{system_store.detailed_address || ''}}
-							</view>
-						</view>
-						<view class='addressCon' v-else>
-							<view class='setaddress'>暂无门店信息</view>
-						</view>
-						<view class="icon acea-row row-middle" v-if="storeList.length>0">
-							<view class="iconfont icon-dianhua" @click.stop="call("></view>
-							<view class="iconfont icon-dingwei2" @click.stop="showMaoLocation(system_store)"></view>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-				</view>
 				<view v-if="!tableId" class='line'>
 					<image src='/static/images/line.jpg'></image>
@@ -112,170 +62,8 @@
-				<!-- <view v-if="shippingType == 1">
-					<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-						<view>联系人</view>
-						<view class="discount">
-							<input v-model="contacts" type="text" placeholder="请填写您的联系姓名"
-								placeholder-class="placeholder"></input>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-						<view>联系电话</view>
-						<view class="discount">
-							<input type="number" maxlength="11" v-model="contactsTel" placeholder="请填写您的联系电话"
-								placeholder-class="placeholder"></input>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-				</view> -->
-				<!-- <view class='item' v-if="textareaStatus">
-					<view>备注信息</view>
-					<textarea placeholder-class='placeholder' placeholder="请添加备注(150字以内)" :always-embed="true"
-						:adjust-position="true" cursor-spacing="30" v-if="!" @input='bindHideKeyboard'
-						:value="mark" :maxlength="150" name="mark">
-						</textarea>
-				</view> -->
-			</view>
-			<view class='wrapper' v-if="confirm.length">
-				<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'
-					:class="{on:('radios' ||'checkboxs'), == 'dateranges', == 'citys'}"
-					v-for="(item,index) in confirm" :key="index">
-					<view class="name">
-						<span class="asterisk" v-if="item.titleShow.val">*</span>
-						{{ item.titleConfig.value }}
-					</view>
-					<!-- radio -->
-					<view v-if="'radios'" class="discount">
-						<radio-group @change="radioChange(e, index, item)" class="acea-row row-middle row-right">
-							<label class="radio" v-for="(j,jindex) in item.wordsConfig.list" :key="jindex">
-								<view class="acea-row row-middle">
-									<!-- #ifndef MP -->
-									<radio :value="jindex.toString()" :checked='' />
-									<!-- #endif -->
-									<!-- #ifdef MP -->
-									<radio :value="jindex" :checked='' />
-									<!-- #endif -->
-									<view>{{j.val}}</view>
-								</view>
-							</label>
-						</radio-group>
-					</view>
-					<!-- checkbox -->
-					<view v-if="'checkboxs'" class="discount">
-						<checkbox-group @change="checkboxChange($event, index, item)"
-							class="acea-row row-middle row-right">
-							<label class="radio" v-for="(j,jindex) in item.wordsConfig.list" :key="jindex">
-								<view class="acea-row row-middle">
-									<!-- #ifndef MP -->
-									<checkbox :value="jindex.toString()" :checked=""
-										style="transform:scale(0.9)" />
-									<!-- #endif -->
-									<!-- #ifdef MP -->
-									<checkbox :value="jindex" :checked="" style="transform:scale(0.9)" />
-									<!-- #endif -->
-									<view>{{j.val}}</view>
-								</view>
-							</label>
-						</checkbox-group>
-					</view>
-					<!-- text -->
-					<view v-if="'texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 0" class="discount">
-						<input type="text" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
-							v-model="item.value" />
-					</view>
-					<!-- number -->
-					<view v-if="'texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 4" class="discount">
-						<input type="number" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
-							v-model="item.value" />
-					</view>
-					<!-- email -->
-					<view v-if="'texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 3" class="discount">
-						<input type="text" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
-							v-model="item.value" />
-					</view>
-					<!-- data -->
-					<view v-if="'dates'" class="discount">
-						<picker mode="date" :value="item.value" @change="bindDateChange($event,index)">
-							<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-								<view v-if="item.value == ''">{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
-								<view v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
-								<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
-							</view>
-						</picker>
-					</view>
-					<!-- dateranges -->
-					<view v-if="'dateranges'" class="discount">
-						<uni-datetime-picker v-model="item.value" type="daterange" @maskClick="maskClick">
-							{{item.value.length?item.value[0]+' - '+item.value[1]:item.tipConfig.value}}
-							<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
-						</uni-datetime-picker>
-					</view>
-					<!-- time -->
-					<view v-if="'times'" class="discount">
-						<picker mode="time" :value="item.value" @change="bindTimeChange($event,index)"
-							:placeholder="item.tipConfig.value">
-							<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-								<view v-if="item.value == ''">{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
-								<view v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
-								<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
-							</view>
-						</picker>
-					</view>
-					<!-- timeranges -->
-					<view v-if="'timeranges'" class="discount acea-row row-between-wrapper"
-						@click="getTimeranges(index)">
-						<view v-if="item.value">{{item.value}}</view>
-						<view v-else>{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
-						<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
-					</view>
-					<!-- select -->
-					<view v-if="'selects'" class="discount">
-						<picker :value="item.value" :range="item.wordsConfig.list"
-							@change="bindSelectChange($event,index,item)" range-key="val">
-							<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-								<view v-if="item.value == ''">请选择</view>
-								<view v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
-								<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
-							</view>
-						</picker>
-					</view>
-					<!-- city -->
-					<view v-if="'citys'" class="discount" @click="changeRegion(index)">
-						<view class="acea-row row-middle row-right">
-							<view class="city" v-if="item.value == ''">{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
-							<view class="city" v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
-							<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<!-- id -->
-					<view v-if="'texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 2" class="discount">
-						<input type="idcard" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
-							v-model="item.value" />
-					</view>
-					<!-- phone -->
-					<view v-if="'texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 1" class="discount">
-						<input type="number" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
-							v-model="item.value" />
-					</view>
-					<!-- img -->
-					<view v-if="'uploadPicture'" class="confirmImg">
-						<view class='upload acea-row row-middle'>
-							<view class='pictrue' v-for="(items,indexs) in item.value" :key="indexs">
-								<image :src='items' mode="aspectFill"></image>
-								<!-- <view class='iconfont icon-guanbi1 font-num' @tap='DelPic(index,indexs)'></view> -->
-								<view class="close acea-row row-center-wrapper" @tap='DelPic(index,indexs)'>
-									<view class="iconfont icon-guanbi5"></view>
-								</view>
-							</view>
-							<view class='pictrue acea-row row-center-wrapper row-column' @tap='uploadpic(index)'
-								v-if="item.value.length < item.numConfig.val">
-								<text class='iconfont icon-icon25201'></text>
-								<view>上传图片</view>
-							</view>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-				</view>
 			<view class='moneyList'>
 				<scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="zp-wrap" @scrolltolower="">
@@ -346,7 +134,7 @@
 		<timeranges :isShow='isShow' :time='timeranges' @confrim="confrim" @cancel="cancels"></timeranges>
 		<areaWindow ref="areaWindow" :display="display" :address='addressInfoArea' :cityShow='cityShow'
 			@submit="OnAreaAddress" @changeClose="changeAddressClose"></areaWindow>
-			<buuug7-simple-datetime-picker ref="myPicker" @submit="handleSubmit" @err="datetimePickerErr" :start-year="start_year"
+			<buuug7-simple-datetime-picker ref="myPicker" @submit="handleSubmit" @err="datetimePickerErr" :start-year="start_year" :time-init="time_init"
 				:end-year="2030"  :time-hide="[true, true, true, true, true, false]"
 				:time-label="['年', '月', '日', '时', '分', '秒']" />
@@ -418,6 +206,7 @@
 		mixins: [colors],
 		data() {
 			return {
+				time_init: newTime.getTime() + 60*30,
 				start_year: newTime.getFullYear(),
 				addressInfoArea: [],
 				cityShow: 2,
@@ -574,62 +363,6 @@
 			this.ptype = 6
-			// if (!options.cartId) return this.$util.Tips({
-			// 	title: '请选择要购买的商品'
-			// }, {
-			// 	tab: 3,
-			// 	url: 1
-			// });
-			// this.deliveryType = options.delivery_type || 1;
-			// if (this.deliveryType == 1 || this.deliveryType == 3) {
-			// 	this.addressId = options.addressId || 0;
-			// = options.store_name;
-			// }
-			// if (this.deliveryType == 2 || this.deliveryType == 3) {
-			// 	this.storeId = options.store_id || 0;
-			// = options.store_id || 0;
-			// }
-			// this.couponId = options.couponId || 0;
-			// this.noCoupon = options.noCoupon || 0;
-			// this.product_id = options.product_id || 0;
-			// this.pinkId = options.pinkId ? parseInt(options.pinkId) : 0;
-			// this.cartId = options.cartId;
-			// this.is_address = options.is_address ? true : false;
-			// = ! || === '0' ? 0 : 1;
-			// uni.setStorageSync('news',;
-			// this.invChecked = options.invoice_id || '';
-			// this.header_type = options.header_type || '1';
-			// this.couponTitle = options.couponTitle || '请选择'
-			// switch (options.invoice_type) {
-			// 	case '1':
-			// 		this.invTitle = '增值税电子普通发票';
-			// 		break;
-			// 	case '2':
-			// 		this.invTitle = '增值税电子专用发票';
-			// 		break;
-			// }
-			// if (options.invoice_name) {
-			// 	this.invTitle = options.invoice_name;
-			// }
-			// // #ifndef APP-PLUS
-			// this.textareaStatus = true;
-			// // #endif
-			// if (this.isLogin && this.toPay == false) {
-			// 	this.getCheckShipping();
-			// } else {
-			// 	toLogin();
-			// }
-			// this.collage_id = options.collage_id || 0;
-			// if (this.collage_id) {
-			// 	this.getCollagePartake();
-			// }
-			// // #ifdef MP
-			// // 桌码
-			// this.tableId = options.tableId || 0;
-			// if (this.tableId) {
-			// 	this.getCodeData();
-			// }
-			// // #endif
 		 * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
@@ -664,17 +397,11 @@
 				let that = this
 				getUserInfo().then(res => {
 					this.userInfo =
-						//微信支付是否开启
-						that.cartArr[0].payStatus = || 0
-						//支付宝是否开启
-						that.cartArr[1].payStatus = || 0;
 						//#ifdef MP
 						that.cartArr[1].payStatus = 0;
 						that.cartArr[2].title = '可用余额:' + this.userInfo.now_money;
-							that.cartArr[2].number = this.userInfo.now_money;
 			computedServe() {
@@ -684,7 +411,7 @@
 					this.payInfo =
 					this.totalPrice = + ''
-					console.log(this.totalPrice,'this.totalPrice')
+					this.cartArr[2].number = + '';
 			// 选择员工
@@ -1101,7 +828,7 @@
 			changePayType(type) {
 				this.payType = type
-				this.computedPrice()
+				// this.computedPrice()
 			computedPrice: function() {
 				let shippingType = this.shippingType;

+ 755 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+	<view :style="colorStyle">
+		<view class="my-order">
+			<view class="nav acea-row row-around" style="position: fixed;top: 0;">
+				<view class="item" :class="orderStatus === 0 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(0)">
+					<view>待服务</view>
+					<!-- <view class="num">{{ orderData.order_count || 0 }}</view> -->
+				</view>
+				<!-- <view class="item" :class="orderStatus === 1 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(1)">
+					<view>进行中</view>
+					<view class="num">{{ orderData.unpaid_count || 0 }}</view>
+				</view> -->
+				<view class="item" :class="orderStatus == 2 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(2)">
+					<view>已完成</view>
+					<!-- <view class="num">{{ orderData.unshipped_count || 0 }}</view> -->
+				</view>
+				<view class="item" :class="orderStatus == 3 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(3)">
+					<view>已退款</view>
+					<!-- <view class="num ">{{ orderData.received_count || 0 }}</view> -->
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="nav">
+			</view>
+			<Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
+			<view class="list">
+				<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in orderList" :key="index">
+					<view @click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">
+						<view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
+							<view class="acea-row row-middle">
+								订单ID:{{item.order_id}}
+							</view>
+							<!-- <view v-if="item._status._type == 9" class="font-color">线下付款,未支付</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 0" class="font-color">待付款</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 1 && (item.shipping_type == 1 || item.shipping_type == 3)" class="font-color">待发货
+							   <text v-if="item.refund.length">{{item.is_all_refund?',退款中':',部分退款中'}}</text>
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 1 && (item.shipping_type == 2 || item.shipping_type == 4)"  class="font-color">
+								{{item.shipping_type == 2?'待核销':'待收货'}}
+								 <text v-if="item.refund.length">{{item.is_all_refund?',退款中':',部分退款中'}}</text>
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 2" class="font-color">待收货
+							   <text v-if="item.refund.length">{{item.is_all_refund?',退款中':',部分退款中'}}</text>
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 3" class="font-color">待评价
+							   <text v-if="item.refund.length">{{item.is_all_refund?',退款中':',部分退款中'}}</text>
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 4" class="font-color">已完成
+							   <text v-if="item.refund.length">{{item.is_all_refund?',退款中':',部分退款中'}}</text>
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == -2" class="font-color">已退款
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 5 && item.status == 0" class="font-color">待核销
+							  <text v-if="item.refund.length">{{item.is_all_refund?',退款中':',部分退款中'}}</text>
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == 5 && item.status == 5" class="font-color">部分核销
+							  <text v-if="item.refund.length">{{item.is_all_refund?',退款中':',部分退款中'}}</text>
+							</view>
+							<view v-else-if="item._status._type == -1" class="font-color">申请退款
+							</view> -->
+						</view>
+						<view class="item-info acea-row row-between row-top" v-for="(items, index) in"
+							:key="index">
+							<view class="pictrue">
+								<image :src="items.slider_image"></image>
+							</view>
+							<view class="text acea-row row-between">
+								<view class="name line2">{{ items.store_name }}</view>
+								<view class="money">
+									<view >¥{{ items.pay_price }}</view>
+									<view>x1</view>
+									<!-- <view v-if="items.refund_num && item._status._type != -2" class="return">{{ items.refund_num }}件退款中</view> -->
+								</view>
+							</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="totalPrice showstore">
+							<view class="">
+								下单时间: {{ showTime(item.add_time) }}
+							</view>
+							<view class="">
+								预约时间: {{ showTime(item.reservation_time) }}
+							</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="address acea-row row-between-wrapper" style="padding: 10rpx 30rpx;">
+							<view class="addressCon">
+								<view class='name acea-row row-middle'>
+									<view class="nameCon line1 on">{{ || ''}}</view>
+								</view>
+								<view class="line1">
+									{{ || ''}}
+								</view>
+							</view>
+							<view class="icon acea-row row-middle" >
+								<view class="iconfont icon-dianhua" @click.stop="call("></view>
+								<view class="iconfont icon-dingwei2" @click.stop="showMaoLocation("></view>
+							</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="totalPrice">
+							共{{ || 0 }}件商品,总金额
+							<text class="money">¥{{ showTolPrice( }}</text>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="bottom acea-row row-right row-middle" >
+						<!-- <view class="icon acea-row row-middle" style="justify-self: flex-start;">
+							<view class="iconfont icon-dianhua" @click.stop="call("></view>
+							<view class="iconfont icon-dingwei2" @click.stop="showMaoLocation("></view>
+						</view> -->
+						<view class="bnt cancelBnt" v-if="item.status == 0 || item.status==1"
+							@click="cancelOrder(index, item.order_id)">取消订单</view>
+						<!-- <view class="bnt bg-color" v-if="item._status._type == 0"
+							@click="goPay(item.pay_price, item.order_id)">立即付款</view> -->
+						<!-- <view class="bnt bg-color" v-else-if="item._status._type == 3"
+							@click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">去评价</view> --> 
+						<!-- <view class="bnt bg-color"
+							v-else-if="item.seckill_id < 1 && item.bargain_id < 1 && item.combination_id < 1 && item._status._type == 4"
+							@click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">
+							再次购买
+						</view> -->
+						<!-- <view class="bnt cancelBnt" v-if="item._status._type == 4"
+							@click="delOrder(item.order_id, index)">删除订单</view> -->
+						<!-- <view class="bnt bg-color" @click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">查看详情</view> -->
+					</view>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="orderList.length > 0">
+				<text class="loading iconfont icon-jiazai" :hidden="loading == false"></text>
+				{{ loadTitle }}
+			</view>
+			<view v-if="orderList.length == 0 && !loading">
+				<emptyPage title="暂无订单信息~"></emptyPage>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<home v-if="navigation"></home>
+		<payment :payMode="payMode" :pay_close="pay_close" @onChangeFun="onChangeFun" :order_id="pay_order_id"
+			:totalPrice="totalPrice"></payment>
+		<!-- #ifdef MP -->
+		<!-- <authorize v-if="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" @onLoadFun="onLoadFun"></authorize> -->
+		<!-- #endif -->
+	</view>
+	import {
+		getOrderList,
+		orderData,
+		orderCancel,
+		orderDel,
+		orderPay
+	} from '@/api/order.js';
+	import {
+		getUserInfo,
+		getServeOrder
+	} from '@/api/user.js';
+	import {
+		openOrderSubscribe
+	} from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
+	import home from '@/components/home';
+	import payment from '@/components/payment';
+	import {
+		toLogin
+	} from '@/libs/login.js';
+	import {
+		mapGetters
+	} from 'vuex';
+	import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue';
+	import colors from '@/mixins/color.js';
+	import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue'
+	export default {
+		components: {
+			Loading,
+			payment,
+			home,
+			emptyPage
+		},
+		mixins:[colors],
+		data() {
+			return {
+				loaded: false,
+				loading: false, //是否加载中
+				loadend: false, //是否加载完毕
+				loadTitle: '加载更多', //提示语
+				orderList: [], //订单数组
+				orderData: {}, //订单详细统计
+				orderStatus: 0, //订单状态
+				page: 1,
+				limit: 20,
+				payMode: [{
+						name: '微信支付',
+						icon: 'icon-weixinzhifu',
+						value: 'weixin',
+						title: '使用微信快捷支付',
+						payStatus: true
+					},
+					{
+						name: '支付宝支付',
+						icon: 'icon-zhifubao',
+						value: 'alipay',
+						title: '使用线上支付宝支付',
+						payStatus: true
+					},
+					{
+						name: '余额支付',
+						icon: 'icon-yuezhifu',
+						value: 'yue',
+						title: '当前可用余额:',
+						number: 0,
+						payStatus: true
+					}
+				],
+				pay_close: false,
+				pay_order_id: '',
+				totalPrice: '0',
+				isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
+				isShowAuth: false //是否隐藏授权
+			};
+		},
+		computed: mapGetters(['isLogin']),
+		onShow() {
+			uni.removeStorageSync('form_type_cart');
+ = 1;
+			this.loadend = false;
+			this.orderList = [];
+			if (this.isLogin) {
+				this.getFun();
+			} else {
+				toLogin()
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
+		 */
+		onLoad(options) {
+			if (options.status) this.orderStatus = (options.status==undefined && options.status!=0)?'':parseInt(options.status);
+		},
+		methods: {
+			showTime(time) {
+				var date =  new Date(time*1000);
+				var year = date.getFullYear(); // 获取年份
+				var month = ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); // 获取月份(注意月份从 0 开始,需要加 1)
+				var day = ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2); // 获取日期
+				var hours = ("0" + date.getHours()).slice(-2); // 获取小时
+				var minutes = ("0" + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); // 获取分钟
+				var seconds = ("0" + date.getSeconds()).slice(-2); // 获取秒钟
+				var dateString = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; // 自定义时间格式
+				return dateString
+			},
+			call(phone) {
+				uni.makePhoneCall({
+					phoneNumber: phone,
+				});
+			},
+			showMaoLocation(e) {
+				let self = this;
+				// #ifdef H5
+				if (self.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
+					self.$wechat.seeLocation({
+						latitude: Number(e.latitude),
+						longitude: Number(e.longitude),
+						name:,
+						scale: 13,
+						address: `${e.address}-${e.detailed_address}`,
+					}).then(res => {})
+				} else {
+					// #endif	
+					uni.openLocation({
+						latitude: Number(e.latitude),
+						longitude: Number(e.longitude),
+						name:,
+						address: `${e.address}-${e.detailed_address}`,
+						success: function() {
+							Number
+						}
+					});
+					// #ifdef H5	
+				}
+				// #endif
+			},
+			showTolPrice(list) {
+				let price = 0;
+				list.forEach(item => {
+					price += item.pay_price*1
+				})
+				return price.toFixed(2)
+			},
+			getFun(){
+				// this.getOrderData();
+				this.getOrderList();
+				this.getUserInfo();
+			},
+			onLoadFun(){
+				this.getFun();
+				this.isShowAuth = false;
+			},
+			// 授权关闭
+			authColse: function(e) {
+				this.isShowAuth = e;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 事件回调
+			 *
+			 */
+			onChangeFun: function(e) {
+				let opt = e;
+				let action = opt.action || null;
+				let value = opt.value != undefined ? opt.value : null;
+				action && this[action] && this[action](value);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 获取用户信息
+			 *
+			 */
+			getUserInfo: function() {
+				let that = this;
+				getUserInfo().then(res => {
+					that.payMode[2].number =;
+					that.$set(that, 'payMode', that.payMode);
+				});
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 关闭支付组件
+			 *
+			 */
+			payClose: function() {
+				this.pay_close = false;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 获取订单统计数据
+			 *
+			 */
+			getOrderData: function() {
+				let that = this;
+				orderData().then(res => {
+					that.$set(that, 'orderData',;
+ => {
+						if (item.value == 'weixin') {
+							item.payStatus = ? true : false;
+						}
+						if (item.value == 'alipay') {
+							item.payStatus = ? true : false;
+						}
+						if (item.value == 'yue') {
+							item.payStatus = == 1 ? true : false;
+						}
+					});
+					//#ifdef MP
+					this.payMode[1].payStatus = false;
+					//#endif
+				});
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 取消订单
+			 *
+			 */
+			cancelOrder: function(index, order_id) {
+				let that = this;
+				if (!order_id)
+					return that.$util.Tips({
+						title: '缺少订单号无法取消订单'
+					});
+					uni.showModal({
+						title: '取消订单',
+						content: '您是否确认取消此订单',
+						confirmText: '确认',
+						cancelText: '再想想',
+						success: (res) => {
+							if (res.confirm) {
+								orderCancel(order_id)
+									.then(res => {
+										return that.$util.Tips({
+												title: res.msg,
+												icon: 'success'
+											},
+											function() {
+												that.orderList.splice(index, 1);
+												that.$set(that, 'orderList', that.orderList);
+												that.$set(that.orderData, 'unpaid_count', that.orderData.unpaid_count - 1);
+												that.getOrderData();
+											}
+										);
+									})
+									.catch(err => {
+										return that.$util.Tips({
+											title: err
+										});
+									});
+							}
+						}
+					})
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 打开支付组件
+			 *
+			 */
+			goPay: function(pay_price, order_id) {
+				this.$set(this, 'pay_close', true);
+				this.$set(this, 'pay_order_id', order_id);
+				this.$set(this, 'totalPrice', pay_price);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 支付成功回调
+			 *
+			 */
+			pay_complete: function() {
+				this.loadend = false;
+ = 1;
+				this.$set(this, 'orderList', []);
+				this.pay_close = false;
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: '/pages/goods/order_pay_status/index?order_id=' + this.pay_order_id +
+						'&msg=支付成功&type=3&totalPrice=' + this.totalPrice
+				})
+				this.pay_order_id = '';
+				this.getOrderData();
+				this.getOrderList();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 支付失败回调
+			 *
+			 */
+			pay_fail: function() {
+				this.pay_close = false;
+				this.pay_order_id = '';
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 去订单详情
+			 */
+			goOrderDetails: function(order_id) {
+				if (!order_id)
+					return that.$util.Tips({
+						title: '缺少订单号无法查看订单详情'
+					});
+				// #ifdef MP
+				uni.showLoading({
+					title: '正在加载'
+				});
+				openOrderSubscribe()
+					.then(() => {
+						uni.hideLoading();
+						uni.navigateTo({
+							url: '/pages/goods/order_details/index?order_id=' + order_id
+						})
+					})
+					.catch(err => {
+						uni.hideLoading();
+					});
+				// #endif
+				// #ifndef MP
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: '/pages/goods/order_details/index?order_id=' + order_id
+				});
+				// #endif
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 切换类型
+			 */
+			statusClick: function(status) {
+				if(this.loading) return
+				if (status === this.orderStatus) return;
+				this.orderStatus = status;
+				this.loadend = false;
+ = 1;
+				this.$set(this, 'orderList', []);
+				this.getOrderList();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 获取订单列表
+			 */
+			getOrderList: function() {
+				let that = this;
+				if (that.loadend) return;
+				if (that.loading) return;
+				that.loading = true;
+				that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
+				getServeOrder({
+						status: that.orderStatus,
+						page:,
+						limit: that.limit
+					})
+					.then(res => {
+						let list = || [];
+						console.log(list,'list')
+						if(that.orderStatus == 0) {
+							that.orderData.order_count =;
+						}else if(that.orderStatus == 1) {
+							that.orderData.unpaid_count =;
+						}else if(that.orderStatus == 2) {
+							that.orderData.unshipped_count =;
+						}else if(that.orderStatus == 3) {
+							that.orderData.received_count =;
+						}
+						let loadend = list.length < that.limit;
+						that.orderList = that.$util.SplitArray(list, that.orderList);
+						that.$set(that, 'orderList', that.orderList);
+						that.loadend = loadend;
+						that.loading = false;
+						that.loadTitle = loadend ? '没有更多内容啦~' : '加载更多';
+ = + 1;
+					})
+					.catch(err => {
+						that.loading = false;
+						that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
+					});
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 删除订单
+			 */
+			delOrder: function(order_id, index) {
+				let that = this;
+				uni.showModal({
+				    title: '删除订单',
+				    content: '确定删除该订单',
+				    success: function (res) {
+				        if (res.confirm) {
+							orderDel(order_id)
+								.then(res => {
+									that.orderList.splice(index, 1);
+									that.$set(that, 'orderList', that.orderList);
+									that.$set(that.orderData, 'unpaid_count', that.orderData.unpaid_count - 1);
+									that.getOrderData();
+									return that.$util.Tips({
+										title: '删除成功',
+										icon: 'success'
+									});
+								})
+								.catch(err => {
+									return that.$util.Tips({
+										title: err
+									});
+								});
+				        } else if (res.cancel) {
+							return that.$util.Tips({
+										title: '已取消'
+									});
+				        }
+				    }
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		onReachBottom: function() {
+			this.getOrderList();
+		}
+	};
+<style scoped lang="scss">
+	.my-order .header {
+		height: 260rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt {
+		height: 190rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .text {
+		color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
+		font-size: 26rpx;
+		font-family: 'Guildford Pro';
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .text .name {
+		font-size: 34rpx;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		color: #fff;
+		margin-bottom: 20rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .pictrue {
+		width: 122rpx;
+		height: 109rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .pictrue image {
+		width: 100%;
+		height: 100%;
+	}
+	.my-order .nav {
+		background-color: #fff;
+		width: 750rpx;
+		height: 90rpx;
+		border-radius: 6rpx;
+		margin: 0 auto ;
+	}
+	.my-order .nav .item {
+		text-align: center;
+		font-size: 26rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+		padding: 27rpx 0;
+		border-bottom: 5rpx solid transparent;
+	}
+	.my-order .nav .item.on {
+		/* #ifdef H5 || MP */
+		font-weight: bold;
+		/* #endif */
+		/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */
+		color: #000;
+		/* #endif */
+		border-color: var(--view-theme);
+	}
+	.my-order .nav .item .num {
+		margin-top: 18rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list {
+		width: 690rpx;
+		margin: 14rpx auto 0 auto;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item {
+		background-color: #fff;
+		border-radius: 6rpx;
+		margin-bottom: 14rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .title {
+		height: 84rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+		border-bottom: 1rpx solid #eee;
+		font-size: 28rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .title .sign {
+		font-size: 24rpx;
+		padding: 0 7rpx;
+		height: 36rpx;
+		margin-right: 15rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info {
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+		margin-top: 22rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .pictrue {
+		width: 120rpx;
+		height: 120rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .pictrue image {
+		width: 100%;
+		height: 100%;
+		border-radius: 6rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text {
+		width: 486rpx;
+		font-size: 28rpx;
+		color: #999;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text .name {
+		width: 306rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+		height: 74rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text .money {
+		text-align: right;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text .money .return{
+		// color: var(--view-priceColor);
+		margin-top: 10rpx;
+		font-size: 24rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .totalPrice {
+		font-size: 26rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+		text-align: right;
+		margin: 27rpx 0 0 30rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx 30rpx 0;
+		border-bottom: 1rpx solid #eee;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .totalPrice .money {
+		font-size: 28rpx;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		color:  var(--view-priceColor);
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom {
+		height: 107rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom .bnt {
+		width: 176rpx;
+		height: 60rpx;
+		text-align: center;
+		line-height: 60rpx;
+		color: #fff;
+		border-radius: 50rpx;
+		font-size: 27rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom .bnt.cancelBnt {
+		border: 1rpx solid #ddd;
+		color: #aaa;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom .bnt~.bnt {
+		margin-left: 17rpx;
+	}
+	.noCart {
+		margin-top: 171rpx;
+		padding-top: 0.1rpx;
+	}
+	.noCart .pictrue {
+		width: 414rpx;
+		height: 336rpx;
+		margin: 78rpx auto 56rpx auto;
+	}
+	.noCart .pictrue image {
+		width: 100%;
+		height: 100%;
+	}
+	.line2 {
+		word-break: break-all;
+	}
+	.showstore {
+		border-bottom: none !important;
+		text-align: left !important;
+		padding-bottom: 10rpx !important;
+	}
+	.icon {
+		.iconfont {
+			width: 44rpx;
+			height: 44rpx;
+			background: var(--view-minorColorT);
+			font-size: 20rpx;
+			border-radius: 50%;
+			text-align: center;
+			line-height: 44rpx;
+			color: var(--view-theme);
+			margin-left: 26rpx;
+		}
+	}

+ 745 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+	<view :style="colorStyle">
+		<view class="my-order">
+			<view class="nav acea-row row-around" style="position: fixed;top: 0;">
+				<view class="item" :class="orderStatus === 0 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(0)">
+					<view>待服务</view>
+					<!-- <view class="num">{{ orderData.order_count || 0 }}</view> -->
+				</view>
+				<!-- <view class="item" :class="orderStatus === 1 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(1)">
+					<view>进行中</view>
+				</view> -->
+				<view class="item" :class="orderStatus == 2 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(2)">
+					<view>已完成</view>
+					<!-- <view class="num">{{ orderData.unshipped_count || 0 }}</view> -->
+				</view>
+				<view class="item" :class="orderStatus == 3 ? 'on' : ''" @click="statusClick(3)">
+					<view>已退款</view>
+					<!-- <view class="num ">{{ orderData.received_count || 0 }}</view> -->
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="nav">
+			</view>
+			<Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
+			<view class="list">
+				<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in orderList" :key="index">
+					<view @click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">
+						<view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
+							<view class="acea-row row-middle">
+								订单ID:{{item.order_id}}
+							</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="item-info acea-row row-between row-top" v-for="(items, index) in"
+							:key="index">
+							<view class="pictrue">
+								<image :src="items.slider_image"></image>
+							</view>
+							<view class="text acea-row row-between">
+								<view class="name line2">{{ items.store_name }}</view>
+								<view class="money">
+									<view >¥{{ items.pay_price }}</view>
+									<view>x1</view>
+								</view>
+							</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="totalPrice showstore">
+							<view class="">
+								下单时间: {{ showTime(item.add_time) }}
+							</view>
+							<view class="">
+								预约时间: {{ showTime(item.reservation_time) }}
+							</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="totalPrice">
+							共{{ || 0 }}件商品,总金额
+							<text class="money">¥{{ showTolPrice( }}</text>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="bottom acea-row row-right row-middle" >
+						<!-- <view class="icon acea-row row-middle" style="justify-self: flex-start;">
+							<view class="iconfont icon-dianhua" @click.stop="call("></view>
+							<view class="iconfont icon-dingwei2" @click.stop="showMaoLocation("></view>
+						</view> -->
+						<!-- <view class="bnt cancelBnt" v-if="item.status == 0 || item.status==1"
+							@click="cancelOrder(index, item.order_id)">取消订单</view> -->
+						<view class="bnt bg-color" v-if="item.status == 0"
+							@click="goEnd(item,index)">完成订单</view>
+						<!-- <view class="bnt bg-color" v-else-if="item._status._type == 3"
+							@click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">去评价</view> --> 
+						<!-- <view class="bnt bg-color"
+							v-else-if="item.seckill_id < 1 && item.bargain_id < 1 && item.combination_id < 1 && item._status._type == 4"
+							@click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">
+							再次购买
+						</view> -->
+						<!-- <view class="bnt cancelBnt" v-if="item._status._type == 4"
+							@click="delOrder(item.order_id, index)">删除订单</view> -->
+						<!-- <view class="bnt bg-color" @click="goOrderDetails(item.order_id)">查看详情</view> -->
+					</view>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="orderList.length > 0">
+				<text class="loading iconfont icon-jiazai" :hidden="loading == false"></text>
+				{{ loadTitle }}
+			</view>
+			<view v-if="orderList.length == 0 && !loading">
+				<emptyPage title="暂无订单信息~"></emptyPage>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<home v-if="navigation"></home>
+		<payment :payMode="payMode" :pay_close="pay_close" @onChangeFun="onChangeFun" :order_id="pay_order_id"
+			:totalPrice="totalPrice"></payment>
+		<!-- #ifdef MP -->
+		<!-- <authorize v-if="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" @onLoadFun="onLoadFun"></authorize> -->
+		<!-- #endif -->
+	</view>
+	import {
+		getOrderList,
+		orderData,
+		orderCancel,
+		orderDel,
+		orderPay,
+		storecompleteSubscribe
+	} from '@/api/order.js';
+	import {
+		getUserInfo,
+		orderSubscribe
+	} from '@/api/user.js';
+	import {
+		openOrderSubscribe
+	} from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
+	import home from '@/components/home';
+	import payment from '@/components/payment';
+	import {
+		toLogin
+	} from '@/libs/login.js';
+	import {
+		mapGetters
+	} from 'vuex';
+	import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue';
+	import colors from '@/mixins/color.js';
+	import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue'
+	export default {
+		components: {
+			Loading,
+			payment,
+			home,
+			emptyPage
+		},
+		mixins:[colors],
+		data() {
+			return {
+				loaded: false,
+				loading: false, //是否加载中
+				loadend: false, //是否加载完毕
+				loadTitle: '加载更多', //提示语
+				orderList: [], //订单数组
+				orderData: {}, //订单详细统计
+				orderStatus: 0, //订单状态
+				page: 1,
+				limit: 20,
+				payMode: [{
+						name: '微信支付',
+						icon: 'icon-weixinzhifu',
+						value: 'weixin',
+						title: '使用微信快捷支付',
+						payStatus: true
+					},
+					{
+						name: '支付宝支付',
+						icon: 'icon-zhifubao',
+						value: 'alipay',
+						title: '使用线上支付宝支付',
+						payStatus: true
+					},
+					{
+						name: '余额支付',
+						icon: 'icon-yuezhifu',
+						value: 'yue',
+						title: '当前可用余额:',
+						number: 0,
+						payStatus: true
+					}
+				],
+				pay_close: false,
+				pay_order_id: '',
+				totalPrice: '0',
+				isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
+				isShowAuth: false //是否隐藏授权
+			};
+		},
+		computed: mapGetters(['isLogin']),
+		onShow() {
+			uni.removeStorageSync('form_type_cart');
+ = 1;
+			this.loadend = false;
+			this.orderList = [];
+			if (this.isLogin) {
+				this.getFun();
+			} else {
+				toLogin()
+			}
+		},
+		/**
+		 * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
+		 */
+		onLoad(options) {
+			if (options.status) this.orderStatus = (options.status==undefined && options.status!=0)?'':parseInt(options.status);
+		},
+		methods: {
+			showTime(time) {
+				var date =  new Date(time*1000);
+				var year = date.getFullYear(); // 获取年份
+				var month = ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); // 获取月份(注意月份从 0 开始,需要加 1)
+				var day = ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2); // 获取日期
+				var hours = ("0" + date.getHours()).slice(-2); // 获取小时
+				var minutes = ("0" + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); // 获取分钟
+				var seconds = ("0" + date.getSeconds()).slice(-2); // 获取秒钟
+				var dateString = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; // 自定义时间格式
+				return dateString
+			},
+			call(phone) {
+				uni.makePhoneCall({
+					phoneNumber: phone,
+				});
+			},
+			showMaoLocation(e) {
+				let self = this;
+				// #ifdef H5
+				if (self.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
+					self.$wechat.seeLocation({
+						latitude: Number(e.latitude),
+						longitude: Number(e.longitude),
+						name:,
+						scale: 13,
+						address: `${e.address}-${e.detailed_address}`,
+					}).then(res => {})
+				} else {
+					// #endif	
+					uni.openLocation({
+						latitude: Number(e.latitude),
+						longitude: Number(e.longitude),
+						name:,
+						address: `${e.address}-${e.detailed_address}`,
+						success: function() {
+							Number
+						}
+					});
+					// #ifdef H5	
+				}
+				// #endif
+			},
+			showTolPrice(list) {
+				let price = 0;
+				list.forEach(item => {
+					price += item.pay_price*1
+				})
+				return price.toFixed(2)
+			},
+			getFun(){
+				// this.getOrderData();
+				this.getOrderList();
+				this.getUserInfo();
+			},
+			onLoadFun(){
+				this.getFun();
+				this.isShowAuth = false;
+			},
+			// 授权关闭
+			authColse: function(e) {
+				this.isShowAuth = e;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 事件回调
+			 *
+			 */
+			onChangeFun: function(e) {
+				let opt = e;
+				let action = opt.action || null;
+				let value = opt.value != undefined ? opt.value : null;
+				action && this[action] && this[action](value);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 获取用户信息
+			 *
+			 */
+			getUserInfo: function() {
+				let that = this;
+				getUserInfo().then(res => {
+					that.payMode[2].number =;
+					that.$set(that, 'payMode', that.payMode);
+				});
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 关闭支付组件
+			 *
+			 */
+			payClose: function() {
+				this.pay_close = false;
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 获取订单统计数据
+			 *
+			 */
+			getOrderData: function() {
+				let that = this;
+				orderData().then(res => {
+					that.$set(that, 'orderData',;
+ => {
+						if (item.value == 'weixin') {
+							item.payStatus = ? true : false;
+						}
+						if (item.value == 'alipay') {
+							item.payStatus = ? true : false;
+						}
+						if (item.value == 'yue') {
+							item.payStatus = == 1 ? true : false;
+						}
+					});
+					//#ifdef MP
+					this.payMode[1].payStatus = false;
+					//#endif
+				});
+			},
+			goEnd(item,index) {
+				let that = this;
+				uni.showModal({
+					title: '完成订单',
+					content: '您是否确认完成此订单',
+					confirmText: '确认',
+					cancelText: '取消',
+					success: (res) => {
+						if (res.confirm) {
+							storecompleteSubscribe({
+								order_id: item.order_id
+							})
+								.then(res => {
+									return that.$util.Tips({
+											title: res.msg,
+											icon: 'success'
+										},
+										function() {
+											that.orderList.splice(index, 1);
+											that.$set(that, 'orderList', that.orderList);
+											that.$set(that.orderData, 'unpaid_count', that.orderData.unpaid_count - 1);
+											that.getOrderData();
+										}
+									);
+								})
+								.catch(err => {
+									return that.$util.Tips({
+										title: err
+									});
+								});
+						}
+					}
+				})
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 取消订单
+			 *
+			 */
+			cancelOrder: function(index, order_id) {
+				let that = this;
+				if (!order_id)
+					return that.$util.Tips({
+						title: '缺少订单号无法取消订单'
+					});
+					uni.showModal({
+						title: '取消订单',
+						content: '您是否确认取消此订单',
+						confirmText: '确认',
+						cancelText: '再想想',
+						success: (res) => {
+							if (res.confirm) {
+								orderCancel(order_id)
+									.then(res => {
+										return that.$util.Tips({
+												title: res.msg,
+												icon: 'success'
+											},
+											function() {
+												that.orderList.splice(index, 1);
+												that.$set(that, 'orderList', that.orderList);
+												that.$set(that.orderData, 'unpaid_count', that.orderData.unpaid_count - 1);
+												that.getOrderData();
+											}
+										);
+									})
+									.catch(err => {
+										return that.$util.Tips({
+											title: err
+										});
+									});
+							}
+						}
+					})
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 打开支付组件
+			 *
+			 */
+			goPay: function(pay_price, order_id) {
+				this.$set(this, 'pay_close', true);
+				this.$set(this, 'pay_order_id', order_id);
+				this.$set(this, 'totalPrice', pay_price);
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 支付成功回调
+			 *
+			 */
+			pay_complete: function() {
+				this.loadend = false;
+ = 1;
+				this.$set(this, 'orderList', []);
+				this.pay_close = false;
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: '/pages/goods/order_pay_status/index?order_id=' + this.pay_order_id +
+						'&msg=支付成功&type=3&totalPrice=' + this.totalPrice
+				})
+				this.pay_order_id = '';
+				this.getOrderData();
+				this.getOrderList();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 支付失败回调
+			 *
+			 */
+			pay_fail: function() {
+				this.pay_close = false;
+				this.pay_order_id = '';
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 去订单详情
+			 */
+			goOrderDetails: function(order_id) {
+				if (!order_id)
+					return that.$util.Tips({
+						title: '缺少订单号无法查看订单详情'
+					});
+				// #ifdef MP
+				uni.showLoading({
+					title: '正在加载'
+				});
+				openOrderSubscribe()
+					.then(() => {
+						uni.hideLoading();
+						uni.navigateTo({
+							url: '/pages/goods/order_details/index?order_id=' + order_id
+						})
+					})
+					.catch(err => {
+						uni.hideLoading();
+					});
+				// #endif
+				// #ifndef MP
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: '/pages/goods/order_details/index?order_id=' + order_id
+				});
+				// #endif
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 切换类型
+			 */
+			statusClick: function(status) {
+				if(this.loading) return
+				if (status === this.orderStatus) return;
+				this.orderStatus = status;
+				this.loadend = false;
+ = 1;
+				this.$set(this, 'orderList', []);
+				this.getOrderList();
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 获取订单列表
+			 */
+			getOrderList: function() {
+				let that = this;
+				if (that.loadend) return;
+				if (that.loading) return;
+				that.loading = true;
+				that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
+				orderSubscribe({
+						status: that.orderStatus,
+						page:,
+						limit: that.limit
+					})
+					.then(res => {
+						let list = || [];
+						console.log(list,'list')
+						if(that.orderStatus == 0) {
+							that.orderData.order_count =;
+						}else if(that.orderStatus == 1) {
+							that.orderData.unpaid_count =;
+						}else if(that.orderStatus == 2) {
+							that.orderData.unshipped_count =;
+						}else if(that.orderStatus == 3) {
+							that.orderData.received_count =;
+						}
+						let loadend = list.length < that.limit;
+						that.orderList = that.$util.SplitArray(list, that.orderList);
+						that.$set(that, 'orderList', that.orderList);
+						that.loadend = loadend;
+						that.loading = false;
+						that.loadTitle = loadend ? '没有更多内容啦~' : '加载更多';
+ = + 1;
+					})
+					.catch(err => {
+						that.loading = false;
+						that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
+					});
+			},
+			/**
+			 * 删除订单
+			 */
+			delOrder: function(order_id, index) {
+				let that = this;
+				uni.showModal({
+				    title: '删除订单',
+				    content: '确定删除该订单',
+				    success: function (res) {
+				        if (res.confirm) {
+							orderDel(order_id)
+								.then(res => {
+									that.orderList.splice(index, 1);
+									that.$set(that, 'orderList', that.orderList);
+									that.$set(that.orderData, 'unpaid_count', that.orderData.unpaid_count - 1);
+									that.getOrderData();
+									return that.$util.Tips({
+										title: '删除成功',
+										icon: 'success'
+									});
+								})
+								.catch(err => {
+									return that.$util.Tips({
+										title: err
+									});
+								});
+				        } else if (res.cancel) {
+							return that.$util.Tips({
+										title: '已取消'
+									});
+				        }
+				    }
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		onReachBottom: function() {
+			this.getOrderList();
+		}
+	};
+<style scoped lang="scss">
+	.my-order .header {
+		height: 260rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt {
+		height: 190rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .text {
+		color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
+		font-size: 26rpx;
+		font-family: 'Guildford Pro';
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .text .name {
+		font-size: 34rpx;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		color: #fff;
+		margin-bottom: 20rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .pictrue {
+		width: 122rpx;
+		height: 109rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .header .picTxt .pictrue image {
+		width: 100%;
+		height: 100%;
+	}
+	.my-order .nav {
+		background-color: #fff;
+		width: 750rpx;
+		height: 90rpx;
+		border-radius: 6rpx;
+		margin: 0 auto ;
+	}
+	.my-order .nav .item {
+		text-align: center;
+		font-size: 26rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+		padding: 27rpx 0;
+		border-bottom: 5rpx solid transparent;
+	}
+	.my-order .nav .item.on {
+		/* #ifdef H5 || MP */
+		font-weight: bold;
+		/* #endif */
+		/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */
+		color: #000;
+		/* #endif */
+		border-color: var(--view-theme);
+	}
+	.my-order .nav .item .num {
+		margin-top: 18rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list {
+		width: 690rpx;
+		margin: 14rpx auto 0 auto;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item {
+		background-color: #fff;
+		border-radius: 6rpx;
+		margin-bottom: 14rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .title {
+		height: 84rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+		border-bottom: 1rpx solid #eee;
+		font-size: 28rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .title .sign {
+		font-size: 24rpx;
+		padding: 0 7rpx;
+		height: 36rpx;
+		margin-right: 15rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info {
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+		margin-top: 22rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .pictrue {
+		width: 120rpx;
+		height: 120rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .pictrue image {
+		width: 100%;
+		height: 100%;
+		border-radius: 6rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text {
+		width: 486rpx;
+		font-size: 28rpx;
+		color: #999;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text .name {
+		width: 306rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+		height: 74rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text .money {
+		text-align: right;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .item-info .text .money .return{
+		// color: var(--view-priceColor);
+		margin-top: 10rpx;
+		font-size: 24rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .totalPrice {
+		font-size: 26rpx;
+		color: #282828;
+		text-align: right;
+		margin: 27rpx 0 0 30rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx 30rpx 0;
+		border-bottom: 1rpx solid #eee;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .totalPrice .money {
+		font-size: 28rpx;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		color:  var(--view-priceColor);
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom {
+		height: 107rpx;
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom .bnt {
+		width: 176rpx;
+		height: 60rpx;
+		text-align: center;
+		line-height: 60rpx;
+		color: #fff;
+		border-radius: 50rpx;
+		font-size: 27rpx;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom .bnt.cancelBnt {
+		border: 1rpx solid #ddd;
+		color: #aaa;
+	}
+	.my-order .list .item .bottom .bnt~.bnt {
+		margin-left: 17rpx;
+	}
+	.noCart {
+		margin-top: 171rpx;
+		padding-top: 0.1rpx;
+	}
+	.noCart .pictrue {
+		width: 414rpx;
+		height: 336rpx;
+		margin: 78rpx auto 56rpx auto;
+	}
+	.noCart .pictrue image {
+		width: 100%;
+		height: 100%;
+	}
+	.line2 {
+		word-break: break-all;
+	}
+	.showstore {
+		border-bottom: none !important;
+		text-align: left !important;
+		padding-bottom: 10rpx !important;
+	}
+	.icon {
+		.iconfont {
+			width: 44rpx;
+			height: 44rpx;
+			background: var(--view-minorColorT);
+			font-size: 20rpx;
+			border-radius: 50%;
+			text-align: center;
+			line-height: 44rpx;
+			color: var(--view-theme);
+			margin-left: 26rpx;
+		}
+	}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 				<view class="right-section">
 					<view class="section-hd acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-						<navigator class="svip" url="/pages/annex/vip_paid/index" v-if="is_open_member">升级SVIP</navigator>
+						<!-- <navigator class="svip" url="/pages/annex/vip_paid/index" v-if="is_open_member">升级SVIP</navigator> -->
 					<view class="section-bd acea-row">
 						<view class="item">