@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+ <view :style="colorStyle">
+ <view class='commission-details'>
+ <view class="nav" >
+ <view class="nav-item" :class="{'action': sixType == 0}" @click="getYjList('re',0)">
+ 未审核
+ </view>
+ <view class="nav-item" :class="{'action': sixType == 1}" @click="getYjList('re',1)">
+ 已通过
+ </view>
+ <view class="nav-item" :class="{'action': sixType == -1}" @click="getYjList('re',-1)">
+ 已拒绝
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="" style="height: 60rpx;">
+ </view>
+ <view class='sign-record'>
+ <view class="box" >
+ <block v-for="(item,index) in recordList" :key="index" v-if="recordList.length>0">
+ <view class='list' >
+ <view class='item'>
+ <view class='listn'>
+ <view class='itemn1 acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
+ <view class="flex-g">
+ <view class='name line2'>
+ {{item.user.nickname}}(UID:{{item.user.uid}})
+ </view>
+ <view>
+ <view>
+ 提现金额:{{item.extract_price}}
+ </view>
+ <template v-if="item.extract_type == 'bank'">
+ <view >
+ 银行卡号:{{item.bank_code}}
+ </view>
+ <view >
+ 开户行:{{item.bank_address}}
+ </view>
+ </template>
+ <template v-if="item.extract_type == 'weixin'">
+ <view >
+ 提现方式:微信
+ </view>
+ </template>
+ <!-- balance -->
+ <template v-if="item.extract_type == 'balance'">
+ <view >
+ 提现方式:佣金转入余额
+ </view>
+ </template>
+ <view class="">
+ 申请时间:{{getTimeStr( item.add_time )}}
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class='status font-colorss' v-if="item.status == 0" @click="goTx(item)">
+ 立即审核
+ </view>
+ <view class='status font-colors' v-if="item.status == 1">
+ 已通过
+ </view>
+ <view class='status font-color' v-if="item.status == -1">
+ 已拒绝
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </block>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <uni-popup type="center" ref="shpop">
+ <view class="ds-wrap">
+ <view class="tit">
+ 审核提现
+ </view>
+ <input type="text" v-model="mark" placeholder="如拒绝请输入原因"/>
+ <view class="btn-wrap">
+ <view class="btn s-btn" @click="passTx">
+ 通过
+ </view>
+ <view class="btn " @click="errTx">
+ 拒绝
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </uni-popup>
+ <home v-if="navigation"></home>
+ <!-- #ifdef MP -->
+ <!-- <authorize v-if="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" @onLoadFun="onLoadFun"></authorize> -->
+ <!-- #endif -->
+ </view>
+ import {
+ moneyList,
+ getSpreadInfo,
+ getGqList,
+ getStaffInfo,
+ getUserInfo,
+ getYjList,
+ getJt,
+ getTxList,
+ passTx,
+ errTx
+ } from '@/api/user.js';
+ import {
+ toLogin
+ } from '@/libs/login.js';
+ import {
+ mapGetters
+ } from "vuex";
+ import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue'
+ import home from '@/components/home';
+ import colors from '@/mixins/color.js';
+ import timeSlot from '@/components/timeSlot/index.vue'
+ export default {
+ components: {
+ emptyPage,
+ home,
+ timeSlot
+ },
+ mixins: [colors],
+ data() {
+ return {
+ txitem: {},
+ mark: '',
+ sevenType: 51,
+ sixType: 0,
+ sale_sum: 0,
+ craft_sum: 0,
+ timer: '',
+ userInfo: {},
+ staffInfo: {},
+ name: '',
+ keyword: '',
+ type: 0,
+ page: 1,
+ limit: 10,
+ loading: false,
+ loadend: false,
+ loadTitle: '加载更多',
+ recordList: [],
+ recordType: 0,
+ recordCount: 0,
+ extractCount: 0,
+ times: [],
+ start: 0,
+ stop: 0,
+ income: '',
+ expend: '',
+ isShowAuth: false
+ };
+ },
+ computed: mapGetters(['isLogin']),
+ onLoad(options) {
+ },
+ onShow: function() {
+ this.getYjList('re',0)
+ },
+ methods: {
+ passTx() {
+ passTx(this.txitem.id).then(res => {
+ this.$refs.shpop.close()
+ this.$util.Tips({
+ title: '操作成功',
+ icon: 'success'
+ });
+ this.getYjList('re',this.sixType)
+ })
+ },
+ errTx() {
+ if(this.mark == '') {
+ return this.$util.Tips({
+ title: '请输入拒绝原因',
+ });
+ }
+ errTx(this.txitem.id,{message: this.mark}).then(res => {
+ this.$refs.shpop.close()
+ this.$util.Tips({
+ title: '操作成功',
+ icon: 'success'
+ });
+ this.mark = ''
+ this.getYjList('re',this.sixType)
+ })
+ },
+ goTx(item) {
+ this.txitem = item;
+ this.$refs.shpop.open()
+ },
+ getYjList(type, sixType) {
+ let that = this;
+ that.sixType = sixType;
+ if (type == 're') {
+ console.log('ze')
+ that.page = 1
+ that.loading = false
+ that.loadend = false
+ this.recordList = []
+ }
+ if (that.loading) return;
+ if (that.loadend) return;
+ getTxList({
+ page: that.page,
+ limit: that.limit,
+ status: that.sixType
+ }).then(res => {
+ if(res.data.list && res.data.list.list) {
+ try {
+ this.recordList = this.recordList.concat(res.data.list.list);
+ let loadend = res.data.list.list.length < that.limit;
+ that.loadend = loadend;
+ that.loadTitle = loadend ? '没有更多内容啦~' : '加载更多';
+ that.page++;
+ console.log(that.page,'that.page')
+ that.loading = false;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log(error,'error');
+ //TODO handle the exception
+ }
+ }
+ }).catch(err => {
+ that.loading = false;
+ that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
+ })
+ },
+ // 显示详细
+ showDetail(item) {
+ console.log(item);
+ if (this.type == 6) {
+ if (item.recharge) {
+ uni.showModal({
+ title: '充值订单',
+ content: `用户ID:${item.recharge.uid},充值${item.recharge.price}获得销售业绩`,
+ showCancel: false,
+ });
+ }
+ if (item.subscribe) {
+ const info = item.info[0];
+ uni.showModal({
+ title: '服务项目',
+ content: `订单:${item.order_name},用户:${item.real_name},项目:${info.store_name},支付金额:${info.pay_price}`,
+ showCancel: false,
+ });
+ }
+ if (item.store) {
+ uni.showModal({
+ title: '普通商品',
+ content: `订单:${item.order_id},用户:${item.store.real_name},支付金额:${item.store.pay_price}获得销售业绩`,
+ showCancel: false,
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (item.mark) {
+ uni.showModal({
+ title: '详细说明',
+ content: item.mark,
+ showCancel: false,
+ });
+ } else if (item.content) {
+ uni.showModal({
+ title: '详细说明',
+ content: item.content,
+ showCancel: false,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ navto(url) {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url
+ })
+ },
+ onLoadFun() {
+ this.isShowAuth = false
+ },
+ // 授权关闭
+ authColse: function(e) {
+ this.isShowAuth = e
+ },
+ getTimeStr(timestamp) {
+ let date;
+ if (timestamp) {
+ date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
+ } else {
+ date = new Date();
+ }
+ const year = date.getFullYear();
+ const month = date.getMonth() + 1; // 月份从 0 开始,所以需要加 1
+ const day = date.getDate();
+ return year + '/' + (month > 9 ? month : '0' + month) + '/' + (day > 9 ? day : '0' + day)
+ },
+ changeTime(time) {
+ console.log(time, 'time')
+ if (this.recordType == 6) {
+ let times = ''
+ if (time.start == 0 && time.stop == 0) {
+ console.log('全部')
+ this.timer = '2020/01/01-' + this.getTimeStr()
+ } else {
+ this.timer = this.getTimeStr(time.start) + '-' + this.getTimeStr(time.stop)
+ }
+ console.log(this.timer, 'timer')
+ this.getYjList()
+ } else {
+ this.start = time.start
+ this.stop = time.stop
+ this.page = 1;
+ // this.loading = false;
+ this.loadend = false;
+ this.$set(this, 'recordList', []);
+ this.getRecordList();
+ }
+ },
+ getGqList() {
+ let that = this;
+ let page = that.page;
+ let limit = that.limit;
+ if (that.loading) return;
+ if (that.loadend) return;
+ getGqList({
+ page: page,
+ limit: limit,
+ uid: that.userInfo.uid
+ }).then(res => {
+ this.recordList = this.recordList.concat(res.data.list)
+ let loadend = res.data.list.length < that.limit;
+ that.loadend = loadend;
+ that.loadTitle = loadend ? '没有更多内容啦~' : '加载更多';
+ that.page += 1;
+ that.loading = false;
+ }).catch(err => {
+ that.loading = false;
+ that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
+ })
+ },
+ getStaffInfo() {
+ let that = this
+ getUserInfo().then(res => {
+ that.userInfo = res.data
+ if (this.recordType == 5) {
+ that.getGqList();
+ }
+ getStaffInfo({
+ uid: res.data.uid
+ }).then(ress => {
+ that.staffInfo = ress.data;
+ if (that.recordType == 6) {
+ that.getYjList()
+ }
+ if (that.recordType == 7) {
+ that.getJt('re', 51)
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ getRecordList: function() {
+ let that = this;
+ let page = that.page;
+ let limit = that.limit;
+ let recordType = that.recordType;
+ if (that.loading) return;
+ if (that.loadend) return;
+ that.loading = true;
+ that.loadTitle = '';
+ moneyList({
+ keyword: this.keyword,
+ start: this.start,
+ stop: this.stop,
+ page: page,
+ limit: limit
+ }, recordType).then(res => {
+ // this.expend = res.data.expend;
+ // this.income = res.data.income;
+ // for (let i = 0; i < res.data.time.length; i++) {
+ // // if (!this.times.includes(res.data.time[i])) {
+ // this.times.push(res.data.time[i])
+ // this.recordList.push({
+ // time: res.data.time[i],
+ // child: []
+ // })
+ // // }
+ // }
+ // // for (let x = 0; x < this.times.length; x++) {
+ // for (let j = 0; j < res.data.list.length; j++) {
+ // // if (this.times[x] === res.data.list[j].time_key) {
+ // // }
+ // this.recordList[j].child.push(res.data.list[j])
+ // }
+ // // }
+ // console.log()
+ if(res.data.list && res.data.list.list) {
+ this.recordList = this.recordList.concat(res.data.list.list)
+ let loadend = res.data.list.length.length < that.limit;
+ that.loadend = loadend;
+ that.loadTitle = loadend ? '没有更多内容啦~' : '加载更多';
+ that.page += 1;
+ }
+ that.loading = false;
+ }).catch(err => {
+ that.loading = false;
+ that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
+ })
+ },
+ getRecordListCount: function() {
+ let that = this;
+ getSpreadInfo().then(res => {
+ that.recordCount = res.data.commissionCount;
+ that.extractCount = res.data.extractCount;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ onReachBottom: function() {
+ this.getYjList('',this.sixType)
+ }
+ }
+<style scoped lang="scss">
+ .commission-details .search {
+ width: 100%;
+ background-color: var(--view-theme);
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
+ height: 86rpx;
+ padding: 0 30rpx;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ .input {
+ width: 100%;
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+ width: 100%;
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+ position: absolute;
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+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .box {
+ border-radius: 14rpx;
+ margin: 0 30rpx;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ .sign-record {
+ // margin-top: 20rpx;
+ }
+ .commission-details {
+ .promoterHeader {
+ .headerCon {
+ .money {
+ font-size: 36rpx;
+ .num {
+ font-family: 'Guildford Pro';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .top_num {
+ padding: 30rpx;
+ font-size: 26rpx;
+ color: #666;
+ }
+ .top_num_2 {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-around;
+ position: sticky;
+ top: 0;
+ background-color: rgba(245, 245, 245, 1);
+ }
+ .tx {
+ background-color: #1890FF;
+ color: #fff;
+ position: fixed;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ line-height: 80rpx;
+ font-size: $uni-font-size-lg;
+ }
+ .radius15 {
+ border-radius: 14rpx 14rpx 0 0;
+ }
+ .sign-record {
+ .list {
+ .item {
+ .listn {
+ .itemn1 {
+ border-bottom: 1rpx solid #eee;
+ padding: 22rpx 24rpx;
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ .flex-g {
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ padding-right: 30rpx;
+ .status {
+ font-size: 28rpx;
+ }
+ }
+ .name {
+ font-size: 28rpx;
+ color: #282828;
+ margin-bottom: 10rpx;
+ }
+ .num {
+ font-size: 36rpx;
+ font-family: 'Guildford Pro';
+ color: #16ac57;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .mark {
+ margin-bottom: 10rpx;
+ }
+ .status_badge {
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 30rpx;
+ border-radius: 4rpx;
+ font-size: 20rpx;
+ line-height: 30rpx;
+ font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-left: 12rpx;
+ padding: 0 6rpx 0;
+ }
+ .success {
+ background: rgba(24, 144, 255, .1);
+ color: #1890FF;
+ }
+ .default {
+ background: #f5f5f5;
+ color: #282828;
+ ;
+ }
+ .error {
+ background: rgba(233, 51, 35, .1);
+ color: #E93323;
+ }
+ .nav {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-evenly;
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 750rpx;
+ .nav-item {
+ width: 50%;
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+ color: #1890FF;
+ border: 1px solid #1890FF;
+ font-size: 28rpx;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ }
+ .action {
+ background-color: #1890FF;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ }
+ .font-color {
+ color: #e93323 !important;
+ }
+ .font-colors {
+ color: #16ac57 !important;
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+ input {
+ width: 575rpx;
+ height: 73rpx;
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ color: #000;
+ padding-left: 20rpx;
+ }
+ .btn-wrap {
+ width: 575rpx;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ align-items: center;
+ .btn {
+ width: 277rpx;
+ height: 82rpx;
+ // background-color: ;
+ color: #000;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
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+ }
+ .s-btn {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color:#16ac57
+ }
+ }
+ }