<template> <!-- 商品分类第三种布局样式 --> <view class="goodCate"> <!-- #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS --> <view class="mp-header"> <view class="sys-head" :style="{ height: sysHeight }"></view> <view class="serch-box" style="height: 43px;"> <view class="serch-wrapper acea-row row-middle"> <navigator open-type="navigateBack" hover-class="none"> <text class="iconfont icon-fanhui2"></text> </navigator> <navigator url="/pages/goods/goods_search/index" class="input acea-row row-center-wrapper" hover-class="none"> <text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text> 搜索商品信息 </navigator> </view> </view> <!-- 门店地址详情 --> <view class="store-address"> <view class="address acea-row row-middle"> <view class="name line1">{{info.name || '暂无门店'}}</view> </view> <view class="distance"> 门店距您{{info.range||0}}km </view> <view class="time"> 营业时间:{{info.day_time || '-'}} </view> <view class="switch acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <template v-for="(item, index) in deliveryList"> <view v-if="item.key == switchNum" class="title on" :key="item.key" :class="{'onLeft':switchNum != 1}">{{item.name}}</view> </template> </view> </view> <!-- 门店详情 --> </view> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef H5 --> <view class="header acea-row row-center-wrapper"> <navigator url="/pages/goods/goods_search/index" class="search acea-row row-middle" hover-class="none"> <text class="iconfont icon-sousuo5"></text> 搜索商品信息 </navigator> <view class="store-address"> <view class="address acea-row row-middle"> <view class="name line1">{{info.name || '暂无门店'}}</view> </view> <view class="distance"> 门店距您{{info.range||0}}km </view> <view class="time"> 营业时间:{{info.day_time || '-'}} </view> <view class="switch acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <template v-for="(item, index) in deliveryList"> <view :data-id="info.delivery_type" class="title on" :class="{'onLeft':switchNum != 1}" :key="item.key">{{item.name}}</view> </template> </view> </view> </view> <view class="conter"> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <view class="conter" :style="'padding-top:'+marTop+'px'"> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <view class='aside' :style="'top:'+marTop+'px'"> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef H5 --> <view class='aside'> <!-- #endif --> <view class='item acea-row row-center-wrapper' :class='index==navActive?"on":""' v-for="(item,index) in categoryList" :key="index" @click="tapNav(index,item)"> <text>{{item.cate_name}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="wrapper"> <view class="bgcolor" v-if="iSlong"> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <view class="longTab acea-row row-middle" :style="'top:'+marTop+'px'"> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef H5 --> <view class="longTab acea-row row-middle"> <!-- #endif --> <scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex;height:44rpx;" scroll-with-animation :scroll-left="tabLeft" show-scrollbar="true"> <view class="longItem" :style='"width:"+isWidth+"px"' :class="index===tabClick?'click':''" v-for="(item,index) in categoryErList" :key="index" @click="longClick(index)"> {{item.cate_name}} </view> </scroll-view> </view> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <view class="openList" :style="'top:'+marTop+'px'" @click="openTap"><text class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text></view> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef H5 --> <view class="openList" @click="openTap"><text class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text></view> <!-- #endif --> </view> <view v-else> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <view class="downTab" :style="'margin-top:'+marTop+'px'"> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef H5 --> <view class="downTab"> <!-- #endif --> <view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <view>{{categoryTitle}}</view> <view class="closeList" @click="closeTap"><text class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text> </view> </view> <view class="children"> <view class="acea-row row-middle"> <view class="item line1" :class="index===tabClick?'click':''" v-for="(item,index) in categoryErList" :key="index" @click="longClick(index)"> {{item.cate_name}} </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="mask" @click="closeTap"></view> </view> <!--商品列表 --> <goodClass :tempArr="tempArr" :isLogin="isLogin" @gocartduo="goCartDuo" @gocartdan="goCartDan" @ChangeCartNumDan="ChangeCartNumDan" @detail="goDetail"></goodClass> <view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper'> <text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}} </view> </view> </view> <view class="footer acea-row row-between-wrapper" :class="isFooter?'':'on'"> <view class="cartIcon acea-row row-center-wrapper" @click="getCartList(0)" v-if="cartNum>0"> <!-- <view class="iconfont icon-gouwuche-yangshi2"></view> <text class="num">{{cartNum}}</text> --> <uni-badge class="uni-badge-left-margin" :text="cartNum" absolute="rightTop"> <view class="iconfont icon-gouwuche-yangshi2"></view> </uni-badge> </view> <view class="cartIcon acea-row row-center-wrapper noCart" v-else> <view class="iconfont icon-gouwuche-yangshi2"></view> </view> <view class="acea-row row-middle" :class="cartNum>0?'':'noCart'"> <view class="money">¥<text class="num">{{totalPrice}}</text></view> <view class="bnt" @click="subOrder">选好了</view> </view> </view> <!-- <addressWindow ref="addressWindow" :address="address" @changeClose="onAddress" @OnChangeAddress="onAddressChange"></addressWindow> --> <!-- 分类购物车下拉列表 --> <cartList :cartData="cartData" :isFooter='isFooter' @closeList="closeList" @ChangeCartNumDan="ChangeCartList" @ChangeSubDel="ChangeSubDel" @ChangeOneDel="ChangeOneDel"></cartList> <!-- 产品属性组件 --> <productWindow :attr="attr" :isShow='1' :iSplus='1' :iScart='1' @myevent="onMyEvent" @ChangeAttr="ChangeAttr" @ChangeCartNum="ChangeCartNumDuo" @attrVal="attrVal" @iptCartNum="iptCartNum" @goCat="goCatNum" :is_vip="is_vip" id='product-window'></productWindow> <!-- #ifdef MP --> <!-- <authorize v-if="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" @onLoadFun="onLoadFun"></authorize> --> <!-- #endif --> </view> </template> <script> let sysHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight + 'px'; import { vcartList, getCartCounts, cartDel } from '@/api/order.js'; import { getCategoryList, getAttr, postCartNum, getCollageCart, addCollageCart, getCollageCount, emptyCollagePartake, } from '@/api/store.js'; import { getProducts, getCustomerList, getStoreCategory, getStoreBrand } from '@/api/new_store.js'; import productWindow from '@/components/productWindow/index'; import goodClass from '@/components/goodClass'; import cartList from '@/components/cartList'; // import addressWindow from '@/components/addressWindow'; import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'; import { goShopDetail } from '@/libs/order.js'; import { toLogin } from '@/libs/login.js'; export default { computed: { ...mapGetters(['isLogin', 'uid']) }, components: { productWindow, goodClass, cartList, // addressWindow }, props: { isFooter: { type: Boolean, default: false }, info: { type: Object, default: {} }, }, data() { return { deliveryList:[ {name:'自提',key:2}, {name:'配送',key:1}, ], marTop: 0, switchNum: 1, sysHeight: sysHeight, categoryList: [], navActive: 0, categoryTitle: '', categoryErList: [], tabLeft: 0, isWidth: 0, //每个导航栏占位 tabClick: 0, //导航栏被点击 iSlong: true, tempArr: [], loading: false, loadend: false, loadTitle: '加载更多', page: 1, limit: 10, cid: 0, //一级分类 sid: 0, //二级分类 delivery_type:3, // 配送方式 isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权 isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权 attr: { cartAttr: false, productAttr: [], productSelect: {} }, productValue: [], attrValue: '', //已选属性 storeName: '', //多属性产品名称 id: 0, cartData: { cartList: [], iScart: false }, totalPrice: 0.00, lengthCart: 0, is_vip: 0, //是否是会员 cart_num: 0, storeInfo: {}, address: { address: false }, //地址组件 cartNum: 0 } }, watch: { info(newValue, oldValue) { this.switchNum = newValue.delivery_type == 3 ? 1 : newValue.delivery_type } }, mounted() { let that = this; // 获取设备宽度 uni.getSystemInfo({ success(e) { that.isWidth = e.windowWidth / 5 } }); // #ifdef MP this.$nextTick(this.getMarTop); // #endif }, methods: { // 授权回调 onLoadFun() { setTimeout(function(){ this.isShowAuth = false; },10) }, // 授权关闭 authColse: function(e) { this.isShowAuth = e }, updateFun(e) { if (e.cartNum) { this.tempArr.forEach((item) => { if (item.id == e.id) { item.cart_num = e.cartNum } }) } }, // 商品列表 getProducts() { let that = this; if (that.loadend) return; if (that.loading) return; that.loading = true; getProducts({ page: that.page, limit: that.limit, type: 1, cid: that.cid, sid: that.sid, store_id: that.info.id, delivery_type:that.info.delivery_type, collate_code_id:that.info.collage_id }).then(res => { console.log(res,'res') let list = res.data, loadend = list.length < that.limit; that.tempArr = that.$util.SplitArray(list, that.tempArr); that.$set(that, 'tempArr', that.tempArr); that.loading = false; that.loadend = loadend; that.loadTitle = loadend ? "没有更多内容啦~" : "加载更多"; that.page = that.page + 1; }).catch(err => { that.loading = false; that.loadTitle = '加载更多' }); }, // 切换自提方式 swithFn(num) { switch (num) { case 1: this.switchNum = 1 this.delivery_type = '3' break; case 2: this.switchNum = 2 this.delivery_type='2' break; } this.page = 1; this.loadend = false; this.tempArr = [] this.getProducts() }, // 跳转到门店列表 // goMap(val) { // uni.navigateTo({ // url: `/pages/store/map/index?isGroup=${val}&storeFrom=1&type=1&storeId=${this.info.id}`, // success(res) { // console.log('成功啦', res); // }, // fail(err) { // console.log('失败啦', err); // } // }) // }, getMarTop() { // #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS let that = this; setTimeout(() => { // 获取小程序头部高度 let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select(".mp-header"); info.boundingClientRect(function(data) { that.marTop = data.height }).exec() }, 100) // #endif }, // 生成订单; subOrder: function() { uni.navigateBack(); }, // 计算总价; getTotalPrice: function() { let that = this, list = that.cartData.cartList, totalPrice = 0.00; list.forEach(item => { totalPrice = that.$util.$h.Add(totalPrice, that.$util.$h.Mul(item.cart_num, item.truePrice)); }) that.$set(that, 'totalPrice', totalPrice); }, ChangeSubDel: function(event) { emptyCollagePartake({ collage_id: this.info.collage_id }).then(res => { this.$util.Tips({ title: '清空成功', success: () => { this.cartData.iScart = false this.getCartNum(); for (let i = 0; i < this.tempArr.length; i++) { if (!this.tempArr[i].cart_num) { continue; } this.tempArr[i].cart_num = 0; } } }); }); // let that = this, // list = that.cartData.cartList, // ids = [], // storeId = uni.getStorageSync('user_store_id'); // list.forEach(item => { // ids.push(item.id) // }); // cartDel(ids.join(","),storeId).then(res => { // that.$set(that.cartData, 'cartList', []); // that.cartData.iScart = false; // that.totalPrice = 0.00; // that.page = 1; // that.loadend = false; // that.tempArr = []; // that.getProducts(); // that.getCartNum(); // }) }, ChangeOneDel: function(id, index) { let that = this, list = that.cartData.cartList, storeId = uni.getStorageSync('user_store_id'); cartDel(id.toString(),storeId).then(res => { list.splice(index, 1); if (!list.length) { that.cartData.iScart = false; that.page = 1; that.loadend = false; that.tempArr = []; that.getProducts(); }; that.getCartNum(); }) }, // 获取购物车商品列表 getCartList(iSshow) { let that = this; let data = { store_id:that.info.id, collage_id:that.info.collage_id, }; getCollageCart(data).then(res => { that.$set(that.cartData, 'cartList', res.data); if (res.data.length) { that.$set(that.cartData, 'iScart', iSshow ? false : !that.cartData.iScart); } else { that.$set(that.cartData, 'iScart', false); } that.getTotalPrice(); }); }, // 关闭购物车弹窗 closeList(e) { this.$set(this.cartData, 'iScart', e); }, getCartNum: function() { getCollageCount({ store_id: this.info.id, collage_id: this.info.collage_id }).then(res => { this.cartNum = res.data.count; }); }, onMyEvent: function() { this.$set(this.attr, 'cartAttr', false); }, /** * 默认选中属性 * */ DefaultSelect: function() { let productAttr = this.attr.productAttr; let value = []; for (let key in this.productValue) { if (this.productValue[key].stock > 0) { value = this.attr.productAttr.length ? key.split(",") : []; break; } } for (let i = 0; i < productAttr.length; i++) { this.$set(productAttr[i], "index", value[i]); } //sort();排序函数:数字-英文-汉字; let productSelect = this.productValue[value.join(",")]; if (productSelect && productAttr.length) { this.$set( this.attr.productSelect, "store_name", this.storeName ); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'vip_price', productSelect.vip_price); this.$set(this, "attrValue", value.join(",")); } else if (!productSelect && productAttr.length) { this.$set( this.attr.productSelect, "store_name", this.storeName ); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", this.storeInfo.image); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", this.storeInfo.price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", 0); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", ""); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0); this.$set(this, "attrValue", ""); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'vip_price', this.storeInfo.vip_price); } else if (!productSelect && !productAttr.length) { this.$set( this.attr.productSelect, "store_name", this.storeName ); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", this.storeInfo.image); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", this.storeInfo.price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", this.storeInfo.stock); this.$set( this.attr.productSelect, "unique", this.storeInfo.unique || "" ); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1); this.$set(this, "attrValue", ""); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'vip_price', this.storeInfo.vip_price); } }, /** * 属性变动赋值 * */ ChangeAttr: function(res) { let productSelect = this.productValue[res]; if (productSelect && productSelect.stock > 0) { this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'vip_price', productSelect.vip_price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1); this.$set(this, "attrValue", res); } else if (productSelect && productSelect.stock == 0) { this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", 0); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", ""); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'vip_price', productSelect.vip_price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0); this.$set(this, "attrValue", ""); } else { this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", this.storeInfo.image); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", this.storeInfo.price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", 0); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", ""); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'vip_price', this.storeInfo.vip_price); this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0); this.$set(this, "attrValue", ""); } }, attrVal(val) { this.$set(this.attr.productAttr[val.indexw], 'index', this.attr.productAttr[val.indexw].attr_values[val .indexn]); }, /** * 购物车手动填写 * */ iptCartNum: function(e) { this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', e); }, // 点击默认单属性购物车 goCartDan(item, index) { if (!this.isLogin) { this.getIsLogin(); } else { this.tempArr[index].cart_num = 1; this.$set(this, 'tempArr', this.tempArr); this.goCat(0, item.id, 1); } }, // 改变单属性购物车 ChangeCartNumDan(changeValue, index, item) { let num = this.tempArr[index]; let stock = this.tempArr[index].stock; this.ChangeCartNum(changeValue, num, stock, 0, item.id); }, // 改变多属性购物车 ChangeCartNumDuo(changeValue) { //获取当前变动属性 let productSelect = this.productValue[this.attrValue]; //如果没有属性,赋值给商品默认库存 if (productSelect === undefined && !this.attr.productAttr.length) productSelect = this.attr.productSelect; //无属性值即库存为0;不存在加减; if (productSelect === undefined) return; let stock = productSelect.stock || 0; let num = this.attr.productSelect; this.ChangeCartNum(changeValue, num, stock, 1, this.id); }, // 已经加入购物车时的购物加减; ChangeCartList(changeValue, index) { let list = this.cartData.cartList; let num = list[index]; let stock = list[index].trueStock; this.ChangeCartNum(changeValue, num, stock, 0, num.product_id, index, 1); if (!list.length) { this.cartData.iScart = false; this.page = 1; this.loadend = false; this.tempArr = []; this.getProducts(); } }, // 购物车加减计算函数 ChangeCartNum(changeValue, num, stock, isDuo, id, index, cart) { if (changeValue) { num.cart_num++; if (num.cart_num > stock) { if (isDuo) { this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", stock ? stock : 1); this.$set(this, "cart_num", stock ? stock : 1); } else { num.cart_num = stock ? stock : 0; this.$set(this, 'tempArr', this.tempArr); this.$set(this.cartData, 'cartList', this.cartData.cartList); } return this.$util.Tips({ title: "该产品没有更多库存了" }); } else { if (!isDuo) { if (cart) { this.goCat(0, id, 1, 1, num.product_attr_unique); this.getTotalPrice(); this.tempArr.forEach((item) => { if (item.id == id) { item.cart_num++; } }) } else { this.goCat(0, id, 1); } } else { this.tempArr.forEach((item) => { if (item.id == id) { item.cart_num++; } }) } } } else { num.cart_num--; if (num.cart_num == 0) { this.cartData.cartList.splice(index, 1); if (isDuo) { this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1); this.$set(this, "cart_num", 1); } } if (num.cart_num < 0) { if (isDuo) { this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1); this.$set(this, "cart_num", 1); } else { num.cart_num = 0; this.$set(this, 'tempArr', this.tempArr); this.$set(this.cartData, 'cartList', this.cartData.cartList); } } else { if (!isDuo) { if (cart) { this.goCat(0, id, 0, 1, num.product_attr_unique); this.getTotalPrice(); this.tempArr.forEach((item) => { if (item.id == id) { item.cart_num--; } }) } else { this.goCat(0, id, 0); } } else { this.tempArr.forEach((item) => { if (item.id == id) { item.cart_num--; } }) } } } }, // 多规格加入购物车; goCatNum() { this.goCat(1, this.id, 1); }, /* * 加入购物车 */ goCat: function(duo, id, type, cart, unique) { let that = this; if (duo) { let productSelect = that.productValue[this.attrValue]; //如果有属性,没有选择,提示用户选择 if ( that.attr.productAttr.length && productSelect === undefined ) return that.$util.Tips({ title: "产品库存不足,请选择其它属性" }); } let q = { productId: id, cartNum: duo ? that.attr.productSelect.cart_num : 1, collageId: this.info.collage_id, storeId: this.info.id, uniqueId: duo ? that.attr.productSelect.unique : cart ? unique : "", isAdd: type }; addCollageCart(q).then(res => { if (duo) { that.attr.cartAttr = false; that.$util.Tips({ title: "添加购物车成功" }); that.tempArr.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.id == that.id) { let arrtStock = that.attr.productSelect.stock let objNum = parseInt(item.cart_num) + parseInt(that.attr.productSelect.cart_num); item.cart_num = objNum > arrtStock ? arrtStock : objNum } }) } that.getCartNum(); if (!cart) { that.getCartList(1); } }).catch(err => { that.$util.Tips({ title: err }); });; // postCartNum(q) // .then(function(res) { // if (duo) { // that.attr.cartAttr = false; // that.$util.Tips({ // title: "添加购物车成功" // }); // // that.page = 1; // // that.loadend = false; // that.tempArr.forEach((item, index) => { // if (item.id == that.id) { // let arrtStock = that.attr.productSelect.stock // let objNum = parseInt(item.cart_num) + parseInt(that.attr.productSelect.cart_num); // item.cart_num = objNum > arrtStock ? arrtStock : objNum // } // }) // // that.productslist(); // } // that.getCartNum(); // if (!cart) { // that.getCartList(1); // } // }) // .catch(err => { // return that.$util.Tips({ // title: err // }); // }); }, goCartDuo(item) { if (!this.isLogin) { this.getIsLogin(); } else { // uni.showLoading({ // title: '加载中' // }); this.storeName = item.store_name; this.getAttrs(item.id); this.$set(this, 'id', item.id); this.$set(this.attr, 'cartAttr', true); } }, getIsLogin() { toLogin(); }, // 商品详情接口; getAttrs(id) { let that = this; getAttr(id, 0).then(res => { // uni.hideLoading(); that.$set(that.attr, 'productAttr', res.data.productAttr); that.$set(that, 'productValue', res.data.productValue); that.$set(that, 'is_vip', res.data.storeInfo.is_vip); that.$set(that, 'storeInfo', res.data.storeInfo); that.DefaultSelect(); }) }, // 去详情页 goDetail(item) { goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => { uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${item.id}&fromType=1` }); }); }, openTap() { this.iSlong = false }, closeTap() { this.iSlong = true }, // 分类数据 getAllCategory: function() { let that = this; getStoreCategory().then(res => { let data = res.data; data.forEach(item => { item.children.unshift({ 'id': 0, 'cate_name': '全部' }) }) that.categoryTitle = data[0].cate_name; that.cid = data[0].id; that.sid = 0; that.navActive = 0; that.tabClick = 0; that.categoryList = data; that.categoryErList = res.data[0].children ? res.data[0].children : []; that.page = 1; that.loadend = false; that.tempArr = []; that.getProducts(); }) }, tapNav(index, item) { uni.pageScrollTo({ duration: 0, scrollTop: 0 }) let list = this.categoryList[index]; this.navActive = index; this.categoryTitle = list.cate_name; this.categoryErList = item.children ? item.children : []; this.tabClick = 0; this.tabLeft = 0; this.cid = list.id; this.sid = 0; this.page = 1; this.loadend = false; this.tempArr = []; this.getProducts(); }, // 导航栏点击 longClick(index) { if (this.categoryErList.length > 3) { this.tabLeft = (index - 1) * (this.isWidth + 6) //设置下划线位置 }; this.tabClick = index; //设置导航点击了哪一个 this.iSlong = true; this.sid = this.categoryErList[index].id; this.page = 1; this.loadend = false; this.tempArr = []; this.getProducts(); }, }, onReachBottom: function() { this.getProducts(); } } </script> <style lang="scss"> /* #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS */ .mp-header { z-index: 100; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; background: #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F0F0; .serch-wrapper { height: 100%; /* #ifdef MP */ padding: 0 220rpx 0 30rpx; /* #endif */ /* #ifdef APP-PLUS */ padding: 0 50rpx 0 40rpx; /* #endif */ .input { flex: 1; height: 55rpx; margin: 0 0 0 30rpx; 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