<template> <view :class="['qn-page-' + theme]"> <u-navbar :is-back="false" title-color="#000000" :title-bold="true" title-size="36" :title="goods_detail.title"> <view class="back-icon ibonfont ibonfanhui" @click="back"></view> </u-navbar> <!-- <block v-if="goods_detail.id"> --> <block> <!-- 底部菜单 --> <view class="footer"> <view class="icons"> <view class="box" @click="goPage('/pages/index/index', 'switchTab')"> <view class="icon ibonfont ibonhome"></view> <view class="text">首页</view> </view> <!-- <view class="box" @click="goPage('/pages/cart/cart', 'switchTab')"> <u-badge v-if="cartNum > 0" type="error" :offset="[-18, -24]" :count="cartNum"></u-badge> <view class="icon ibonfont iboncart"></view> <view class="text">购物车</view> </view> --> <!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN --> <!-- <view class="box" @click="shareGoods"> <view class="icon ibonfont ibonfenxiang2"></view> <view class="text">分享</view> </view> --> <!-- #endif --> </view> <!-- <block v-if="goods_detail.isDistribution === 4 && goods_detail.inventorTotal <= 0"> <view v-if="!(goods_detail.inventorTotal - 0) || goods_detail.inventorTotal - 0 <= 0" class="btn"> <view class="buy primary-bg" style="background-color: #666666 !important;">补货中</view> </view> </block> --> <view class="btn"> <view class="buy primary-fu-bg" @click="openaddcartPop('btn')">立即购买</view> <!-- <view class="buy primary-bg" @click="openaddcartPop('btn')">加入购物车</view> --> </view> </view> <!-- 商品主图轮播 --> <view class="swiper-box"> <swiper circular="true" autoplay="true" @change="swiperChange"> <swiper-item v-for="(item, index) in imgList" :key="index"> <image :src="item" mode="aspectFit" @click="previewImage(index)"></image> </swiper-item> </swiper> <!-- <view class="indicator">{{ currentSwiper + 1 }}/{{ imgList.length }}</view> --> </view> <!-- 标题 价格 --> <view class="goods-info"> <!-- 商品信息 --> <view class="price-view primary-bg clearfix"> <view class="price-out"> <view style="display: inline-block;"> <text class="rmb-ic">¥</text> <view style="display: inline-block;"> {{goods_detail.price}} </view> </view> <view class="market-price">¥{{ goods_detail.ot_price }}</view> </view> <!-- <view class="right-view"> <view class="goods-num"> <view class="num-li"> 已售{{ goods_detail.sold }}</view> </view> </view> --> </view> <view class="goods-info-main"> <view class="clearfix top-title"> <view class="title float_left ellipsis"> {{ goods_detail.name || '' }} </view> </view> </view> </view> <!--规则选择 --> <view class="info-box" style="margin-top: 0;" v-if="goods_detail.unitData"> <view class="row" v-if="goods_detail.unitData && goods_detail.unitData.length > 1"> <view class="text">换算</view> <view class="content"> <block v-for="(item, index) in goods_detail.unitData" :key="index"> <view v-if="item.isMaster === 4" class="conversion"> <text v-if="goods_detail.isEq === 5">1{{ item.unitName }}≈{{ item.conversion }}{{ goods_detail.unitName }}</text> <text v-else>1{{ item.unitName }}={{ item.conversion }}{{ goods_detail.unitName }}</text> </view> </block> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 详情 --> <view class="description"> <view class="title">———— 商品详情 ————</view> <view class="content"> <u-parse :html="goods_detail.result"></u-parse> </view> </view> </block> <u-popup mode="bottom" v-model="sharePop" > <view class="share-tit">分享</view> <view class="share-ul"> <!-- #ifdef MP --> <view class="share-li"> <button class="share-btn" open-type="share"> <view class="icon-view"> <u-icon name="weixin-fill" top="12" color="#ffffff" size="60"></u-icon> </view> <view class="share-btn-label">分享给好友</view> </button> </view> <!-- #endif --> <!-- <view class="share-li" @click="generatePoster"> <button class="share-btn"> <view class="icon-view"> <u-icon name="photo-fill" top="12" color="#ffffff" size="60"></u-icon> </view> <view class="share-btn-label">生成分享海报</view> </button> </view> --> </view> <view class="share-cancel" @click="cancelPop">取消分享</view> </u-popup> <!-- 海报 --> <u-popup class="no-pop-bg" v-model="canvasPop" mode="center" :border-radius="12" :mask-close-able="false"> <view v-if="imgList.length && QrSrc && is_poster"> <wm-poster :Width="600" :imgSrc="imgList[0]" :QrSrc="QrSrc" :Title="goods_detail.title" :PriceTxt="!showGoodsPrice ? '¥' + goods_detail.salePrice : ''" :OriginalTxt="!showGoodsPrice ? '¥' + goods_detail.marketPrice : ''" @saveImage="saveImage" @cancelImg="cancelImg"></wm-poster> </view> </u-popup> <!-- 加载动画 --> <!-- 加入购物车弹窗 --> <!-- <AddCardModel :isList="false" :selAddress="now_sel_address" @buyNumchange="buyNumchange" @skuChange="skuChange" @close="is_add_show = false" @change="closeaddcartPop" :skuId="skuId" :isShow="is_add_show" :goodsId="goods_id" /> <setMealMore :goods_id="goods_id" :shopId="goods_detail.shopId" :isShow="is_setMeal_show" @close="is_setMeal_show = false" /> --> <u-popup v-model="payPop" mode="bottom" :border-radius="12"> <view class="pay-pop-view"> <view class="pay-sel-title clearfix"> <text class="float_left">付款方式</text> <text class="float_right ibonfont ibonguanbi" @click="closePayPop"></text> </view> <view class="pay-ul"> <view class="pay-li" @click="choosPayType(1)"> <!-- <view class="pay-li" > --> <text class="ibonfont ibonhuodaofukuan"></text> <view class="pay-name clearfix" :class="[goods_detail.price*1 > userInfo.memberBalance ? 'balance-pay-name' : '']"> <view class="float_left"> <text>余额</text> <text class="balace-num">(余额:¥{{ userInfo.memberBalance }})</text> </view> <text class="float_right ibonfont ibonxuanze1" v-if="pay_type == 1"></text> <text class="float_right ibonfont ibonxuanze1" style="color: #CCCCCC;" v-else></text> </view> </view> <view class="pay-li" @click="choosPayType(2)" v-if="goods_detail.price*1 > 0"> <text class="ibonfont ibonweixinzhifu"></text> <view class="pay-name clearfix "> <view class="float_left"> <text>微信</text> </view> <text class="float_right ibonfont ibonxuanze1" v-if="pay_type == 2"></text> <text class="float_right ibonfont ibonxuanze1" style="color: #CCCCCC;" v-else></text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="pay-btn primary-btn" @click="submit"> <text>确定</text> </view> </view> </u-popup> </view> </template> <script> import wmPoster from '../components/wm-poster/wm-poster.vue'; import webUrl from '../../config.js'; import AddCardModel from '@/components/AddCardModel'; import setMealMore from '@/components/setMealMore'; export default { components: { wmPoster, AddCardModel, setMealMore }, computed: { cartNum() { return this.$store.state.cartNum; }, showGoodsPrice() { if (this.$store.state.baseSet.goodsPrice === 5 && this.$common.isLogin()) { return ''; } else if (!this.$common.isLogin() && this.$store.state.baseSet.goodsPrice === 4) { return '请登录'; } else if (this.$store.state.userStatus.enableStatus === 4 && this.$store.state.baseSet.goodsPrice === 4) { return '已禁用'; } else if (this.$store.state.userStatus.status !== 2 && this.$store.state.baseSet.goodsPrice === 4) { if (this.$store.state.userStatus.status === 0) { return '待审核'; } else if (this.$store.state.userStatus.status === 1) { return '审核中'; } else if (this.$store.state.userStatus.status === 3) { return '已驳回'; } } else { return ''; } }, isLogin() { return this.$store.state.hasLogin; }, // 辅助单位价格 unitsalePrice() { if (this.goods_detail.isEq === 5) { if (this.eq_sku_kg.enabledLadder !== 1) { return this.eq_sku_kg.salePrice; } else { const unitnum = this.buy_num * Number(this.now_sku_data.conversion); const priceData = this.eq_sku_kg.ladderPrice.find(item => { return unitnum > item.from && unitnum <= item.to; }); return priceData ? priceData.price : 0; } } else { return this.eq_sku_kg.salePrice; } } }, data() { return { userInfo: {}, pay_type: 1, payPop: false, eq_sku_kg: {}, // 抄码商品kg eq_sku_jian: {}, // 抄码商品辅助单位 //轮播图下标 currentSwiper: 0, service_pop: false, sharePop: false, // 分享弹窗 canvasPop: false, // 海报弹窗 now_sel_address: {}, is_not_express: true, // 当前选择区域是否能够配送 address_data: {}, // 客户地址数据 not_dispatch_areas: {}, // 该商品不能配送区域 is_add_show: false, is_poster: false, buy_num: 1, discountList: [], activity: [], maskState: false, indicatorDots: true, //是否显示面板指示点 autoplay: true, //是否自动切换 interval: 2000, duration: 500, goods_detail: {}, goods_id: '', unit_list: [], uni_index: 0, specClass: 'none', specSelected: [], specList: [], isCollect: false, imgList: [], phaseTime: { second: 0, day: 0 }, coupon_price: '', //领券活动价格 skuId: '', //商品的规格 source: 5, QrSrc: '', base_set_info: {}, spec_id_group: [], now_sku_data: {}, startDeliveryPrice: 0, isSalesNum: 4, // 起送价 pageName: '', // 启动页标示 is_setMeal_show: false, //组合套餐弹窗 combinedPackage: [], total: 0, shopId: '', isyhk: 0,//是否是优惠卡 }; }, onShow() { if (this.now_sel_address.provinceCode) { this.address_data = this.now_sel_address; if (this.not_dispatch_areas.areas) { if (this.address_data.districtCode) { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.areas.indexOf(parseInt(this.address_data .districtCode)) === -1; } else if (this.address_data.cityCode) { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.citys.indexOf(parseInt(this.address_data .cityCode)) === -1; } else { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.provinces.indexOf(parseInt(this.address_data .provinceCode)) === -1; } } } }, onShareAppMessage() { return { title: this.goods_detail.name, path: `/pagesT/unit/itemdetail?id=${this.goods_id}&businessmanId=${this.$store.state.userStatus.id || ''}&isyhk=${this.isyhk}`, imageUrl: this.imgList[0], success: res => { console.log(res); } }; }, // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN // 分享到朋友圈 onShareTimeline(obj) { console.log('分享到朋友圈::', obj); }, // 收藏小程序 onAddToFavorites() {}, // #endif watch: { async '$store.state.locationObj'(val) { if (JSON.stringify(val) === '{}') { this.getAuthorizeInfo(); return; } await this.getGoodsDetail(); await this.getQrSrc(); }, isLogin() { this.getGoodsDetail(); } }, async onLoad(options) { if (options.pageName) { this.pageName = options.pageName; } // 起送价 this.startDeliveryPrice = this.$store.state.baseSet.startDeliveryPrice || 0; // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN // 小程序的原生菜单中显示分享按钮 uni.showShareMenu({ withShareTicket: false, menus: ['shareAppMessage', 'shareTimeline'] }); // 获取小程序分销商参数 if (options.businessmanId) { this.$store.commit('commit_businessmanId', options.businessmanId); this.relationshipBusinessman(options.businessmanId); } // #endif // 接收传值 if (options.id) { this.goods_id = options.id; } else { // 扫码进入 const scene = decodeURIComponent(options.scene); this.goods_id = scene; } if(options.isyhk) { this.isyhk = options.isyhk } if (options.skuId) { this.skuId = parseInt(options.skuId); } // this.goods_id = 78; this.spec_id_group[0] = this.goods_id; this.base_set_info = this.$store.state.baseSet; if (JSON.stringify(this.$store.state.locationObj) === '{}') { this.getAuthorizeInfo(); return; } this.getGoodsDetail(); if (this.isLogin) { this.address_data = this.$store.state.nowAddress; if (this.address_data.provinceCode) { if (this.not_dispatch_areas.areas) { if (this.address_data.districtCode) { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.areas.indexOf(parseInt(this.address_data .districtCode)) === -1; } else if (this.address_data.cityCode) { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.citys.indexOf(parseInt(this.address_data .cityCode)) === -1; } else { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.provinces.indexOf(parseInt(this.address_data .provinceCode)) === -1; } } } else { await this.getAllShippingAddress(); } } await this.getQrSrc(); }, methods: { choosPayType(val) { this.pay_type = val }, showNum(val) { console.log(Number(val),'Number(val)'); return Number(val) }, closePayPop() { this.payPop = false }, openService() { this.service_pop = true; }, // 商品服务弹窗 cancelService() { this.service_pop = false; }, // 获取地址列表 getAllShippingAddress() { this.$u.api .getAllShippingAddress({ page: 1, pageSize: 10 }) .then(({ data }) => { if (data.length) { const address = data.find(item => item.defaultStatus === 5) || data[0]; this.address_data = { provinceCode: address.provinceCode, cityCode: address.cityCode, districtCode: address.districtCode, provinceName: address.area.provinceName, cityName: address.area.cityName, districtName: address.area.districtName }; this.$store.commit('commit_nowAddress', this.address_data); if (this.not_dispatch_areas.areas) { if (this.address_data.districtCode) { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.areas.indexOf(parseInt(this .address_data.districtCode)) === -1; } else if (this.address_data.cityCode) { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.citys.indexOf(parseInt(this .address_data.cityCode)) === -1; } else { this.is_not_express = this.not_dispatch_areas.provinces.indexOf(parseInt(this .address_data.provinceCode)) === -1; } } } }); }, // 修改购买金额 buyNumchange(val) { this.buy_num = val; }, // 切换商品规格属性 skuChange(val) { this.now_sku_data = val; if (this.now_sku_data.activity && this.now_sku_data.activity.activityId) { let nowData = parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000); if (this.now_sku_data.activity.endTime && this.now_sku_data.activity.endTime - nowData > 0) { let totalSecond = this.now_sku_data.activity.endTime - nowData; this.phaseTime = { second: totalSecond % 86400, day: totalSecond <= 0 ? 0 : parseInt(totalSecond / 86400) }; } } }, // 收藏商品 collectGoods() { if (!this.isLogin) { this.$api.msg('请登录'); return; } if (this.goods_detail.isCollect) { this.goods_detail.isCollect = false; } else { this.goods_detail.isCollect = true; } this.$u.api.collectGoods(this.goods_id).then(res => { if (!this.goods_detail.isCollect) { this.$api.msg('已取消收藏'); } else { this.$api.msg('已收藏'); } }); }, getQrSrc() { // #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO let pathT = 'pagesT/product/product?id=' + this.goods_id; pathT = encodeURIComponent(pathT); this.$u.api .byteCreateQRCode({ path: pathT, params: this.goods_id, appname: 'toutiao' }) .then(data => { this.QrSrc = data.data.indexOf('https') > -1 ? data.data : webUrl.QRC_SRC + data.data; }); // #endif // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || H5 let pathS = 'pagesT/product/product'; this.$u.api .createwxaqrcode({ path: pathS, params: this.goods_id }) .then(data => { this.QrSrc = data.data.indexOf('https') > -1 ? data.data : webUrl.QRC_SRC + data.data; console.log(this.QrSrc); }); // #endif }, handelImg(url) { if (url.indexOf('?imageView2/2/w/750/h/750') > -1) { return url.replace('?imageView2/2/w/750/h/750', ''); } else if (url.indexOf('?imageView2/2/w/750') > -1) { return url.replace('?imageView2/2/w/750', ''); } else { return url; } }, generatePoster() { // this.is_poster = true; // this.canvasPop = true; // this.sharePop = false; const pramas = { id: this.goods_detail.id, priceShop: '¥' + this.goods_detail.maxMarketPrice, headImgs: this.goods_detail.images.map(item => this.handelImg(item)), goodsImg: this.handelImg(this.goods_detail.images[0]), goodsName: this.goods_detail.title, goodsPrice: '¥' + this.goods_detail.minSalePrice, mainLogo: '', recommendCodeGoods: this.QrSrc, share: { shareContent: this.$store.state.baseSet.shop || '', shareImg: this.handelImg(this.goods_detail.images[0]), shareTitle: this.goods_detail.title, shareUrl: this.handelImg(this.goods_detail.images[0]) } }; uni.setStorageSync('posterData', pramas) uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pagesT/product/goodsPoster' }); }, saveImage() { this.canvasPop = false; }, cancelImg() { this.is_poster = false; this.canvasPop = false; }, shareGoods() { this.sharePop = true; }, //App分享为微信小程序(App中分享一个内容到微信好友,对方微信中呈现的是一个小程序卡片) shareFriend() { const path = '/pagesT/unit/itemdetail?id=' + this.goods_id; uni.share({ provider: 'weixin', scene: 'WXSceneSession', type: 5, imageUrl: this.imgList[0], title: this.goods_detail.title, miniProgram: { id: 'gh_16db94f79967', //微信小程序原始ID path: path, type: 0, webUrl: '' }, success: ret => { console.log(JSON.stringify(ret)); } }); }, // 分享弹窗关闭 cancelPop() { this.sharePop = false; }, // 如果是阶梯价 ladderPriceChange() { return this.now_sku_data.ladderPrice.find(ladder => (this.buy_num || 1) >= ladder.from && (this.buy_num || 1) <= ladder.to).price; }, // 请求商品品详情 async getGoodsDetail() { let that = this if(that.isyhk == 1) { that.$u.api.getYhkDetail({ id: that.goods_id }).then(({ data }) => { console.log(data, 'itemdetail+++') // 轮播图 that.goods_detail = data; that.goods_detail.result = data.introduce let arr = [] arr[0] = data.image that.imgList = arr; console.log(that.imgList,'that.imgList') }) }else { that.$u.api.getItemDetail({ id: that.goods_id }).then(({ data }) => { console.log(data, 'itemdetail+++') // 轮播图 that.goods_detail = data; that.imgList = data.slider_image; }) } // this.$u.api // .getGoodsDetail(this.goods_id) // .then(({ // data // }) => { // uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ // title: data.title // }); // this.imgList = data.images; // data.specGroup = data.specGroup.map(item => { // return { // ...item, // params: item.params.map(itemP => { // return { // ...itemP, // isdisabled: true // }; // }) // }; // }); // this.goods_detail = data; // // 抄码商品获取 KG 数据 // if (data.isEq === 5) { // this.eq_sku_kg = data.specMultiple.find(item => item.isMaster === 5); // this.eq_sku_jian = data.specMultiple.find(item => item.isMaster === 4); // } // this.not_dispatch_areas = data.express.ruleData.not_dispatch_areas; // if (this.skuId) { // // 如果已有选中的skuId 根据ID匹配对应规格数据 // const specMultiple = data.specMultiple.find(item => item.id === parseInt(this.skuId)); // if (specMultiple.isSale !== 4) { // this.now_sku_data = specMultiple; // } // } else if (data.specMultiple.length === 1 && data.specMultiple[0].isSale !== 4) { // this.now_sku_data = data.specMultiple[0]; // } else { // // 如果当前商品是非抄码商品 默认选中默认规格 // if (data.isEq === 4) { // const specMultiple = data.specMultiple.find(item => item.isDefault === 5); // if (specMultiple && specMultiple.isSale !== 4) { // this.now_sku_data = specMultiple; // } // } else { // // 抄码商品默认选中一个 // const specMultiple = data.specMultiple.find(item => item.isMaster === 4); // if (specMultiple && specMultiple.isSale !== 4) { // this.now_sku_data = specMultiple; // } // } // } // if (this.now_sku_data.activity && this.now_sku_data.activity.activityId) { // let nowData = parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // if (this.now_sku_data.activity.endTime && this.now_sku_data.activity.endTime - // nowData > 0) { // let totalSecond = this.now_sku_data.activity.endTime - nowData; // this.phaseTime = { // second: totalSecond % 86400, // day: totalSecond <= 0 ? 0 : parseInt(totalSecond / 86400) // }; // } // } // // 获取该商品的组合套餐 // if (this.isLogin) { // this.listsApiComBinPackage(); // } // }) // .catch(err => { // setTimeout(() => { // uni.navigateBack(); // }, 1500); // }); }, //分享 share() { this.$refs.share.toggleMask(); }, openaddcartPop(type) { // if (!this.is_not_express) return; // this.is_add_show = true; // this.$u.api.calculation({ // }) console.log(this.isyhk,'this.isyhk'); if(this.isyhk == 1) { this.$u.api.getCustomerInfo().then(({ data }) => { console.log(data,'userInfo'); this.userInfo = data; this.$store.commit('commit_userStatus', data); this.payPop = true }); }else { this.goPage('/pagesT/order/createOrderT?id=' + this.goods_detail.id) } }, // 支付 submit() { let that = this // 判断余额是否足够 if(that.pay_type == 1 && (that.goods_detail.price*1 > that.userInfo.memberBalance*1)) { return this.$u.toast('抱歉,您的可用余额不足'); } that.$u.api.buyYhk({ "id": that.goods_detail.id, "pay_type": that.pay_type, //1余额2微信3支付宝 "source": that.pay_type == 2 ? 3: '', }).then(({ data }) => { // 余额支付 if(that.pay_type == 1) { console.log(data) if(data == '支付成功' || data.data == '支付成功') { that.payPop = false setTimeout(() => { uni.navigateTo({ url:'/pagesT/money/paySuccess?price=' + that.goods_detail.price + '&isyhq=1' }) // this.otheMsgTip('/pagesT/money/paySuccess?price=' + this // .goods_detail.price + '&isyhq=1'); }, 200); } } // 微信支付 if(that.pay_type == 2) { // data.data let payInfo = data.data // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN uni.requestPayment({ provider: 'wxpay', timeStamp: payInfo.timeStamp, //当前时间 nonceStr: payInfo.nonceStr, //随机字符串,长度在32一下 package: payInfo.package, //统一单接口返回的prepay_id signType: payInfo.signType, //签名算法,目前支持MD5 paySign: payInfo.paySign, //签名 success: res => { // 订单审核,取消订单提醒 that.payPop = false console.log('微信支付成功'); setTimeout(() => { uni.navigateTo({ url:'/pagesT/money/paySuccess?price=' + that.goods_detail.price + '&isyhq=1' }) // this.otheMsgTip('/pagesT/money/paySuccess?price=' + this // .goods_detail.price + '&isyhq=1'); }, 200); }, fail: async err => { that.payPop = false that.$u.toast('支付失败'); console.log('支付失败'); // await setTimeout(() => { // // uni.redirectTo({ // // url: '/pagesT/order/orderT?state=0' // // }); // }, 100); } }); // #endif } }) }, // 关闭加入购物车弹窗 closeaddcartPop(obj) { if (!obj.show) { this.is_add_show = false; } }, previewImage(index) { let urls = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.imgList)); if (index > 0) { urls.unshift(urls[index]); } uni.previewImage({ urls: urls, longPressActions: { itemList: ['发送给朋友', '保存图片', '收藏'], success: data => { console.log('选中了第' + (data.tapIndex + 1) + '个按钮,第' + (data.index + 1) + '张图片'); }, fail: err => { console.log(err.errMsg); } } }); }, //轮播图指示器 swiperChange(event) { this.currentSwiper = event.detail.current; }, back() { if (this.pageName) { this.goPage('/pages/index/index', 'switchTab'); } else { uni.navigateBack(); } }, // 获取该商品的组合套餐 listsApiComBinPackage() { if (!this.goods_detail.shopId) return; this.$u.api .listsApiComBinPackage({ page: 1, pageSize: 10, shopId: this.goods_detail.shopId, goodsId: this.goods_id }) .then(({ data }) => { this.shopId = this.goods_detail.shopId; this.combinedPackage = data; this.total = data.length; }); }, // #ifdef MP // 添加分销上下级关系 source: 1:首次点击链接 2:首次下单 3:首次付款' async relationshipBusinessman(businessmanId) { console.log('上级ID', businessmanId); if (!this.$store.state.hasLogin) { // 没有登录不请求接口 return; } await this.$u.api.relationshipBusinessman({ businessmanId: businessmanId, source: 1 }); console.log('上下:', data.data); } // #endif } }; </script> <style lang="scss"> @keyframes showPopup { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes hidePopup { 0% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } @keyframes showLayer { 0% { transform: translateY(0); } 100% { transform: translateY(-100%); } } @keyframes hideLayer { 0% { transform: translateY(-100%); } 100% { transform: translateY(0); } } .icon { font-size: 26upx; } .back-icon { font-size: 36rpx; padding-left: 24rpx; color: #2a2a2a; } .swiper-box { background-color: #ffffff; position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100vw; swiper { width: 100%; height: 100vw; swiper-item { image { width: 100%; height: 100vw; background-color: #f5f5f5; } } } .indicator { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 0 25upx; height: 40upx; border-radius: 4upx; font-size: 22upx; position: absolute; bottom: 50upx; right: 30upx; color: #fff; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } } .goods-info { overflow: hidden; transform: translateY(-36rpx); 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