@@ -1,232 +1,273 @@
- <div>
- <Modal v-model="isTemplate" scrollable footer-hide closable :title="title" :z-index="1" width="700" @on-cancel="cancel">
- <div class="article-manager">
- <Card :bordered="false" dis-hover>
- <Form ref="formItem" :model="formItem" :label-width="labelWidth" :label-position="labelPosition" :rules="ruleValidate" @submit.native.prevent>
- <Row type="flex" :gutter="24">
+ <div>
+ <Modal v-model="isTemplate" scrollable footer-hide closable :title="title" :z-index="1" width="700"
+ @on-cancel="cancel">
+ <div class="article-manager">
+ <Card :bordered="false" dis-hover>
+ <Form ref="formItem" :model="formItem" :label-width="labelWidth" :label-position="labelPosition"
+ :rules="ruleValidate" @submit.native.prevent>
+ <Row type="flex" :gutter="24">
<Col span="24" v-if="openErp">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="erp门店:" prop="erp_shop_id">
- <Button @click="tapErp">{{formItem.erp_shop_id?formItem.erp_shop_id:"请选择erp门店"}}</Button>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="erp门店:" prop="erp_shop_id">
+ <Button
+ @click="tapErp">{{formItem.erp_shop_id?formItem.erp_shop_id:"请选择erp门店"}}</Button>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店照片:" prop="image">
+ <div class="picBox" @click="modalPicTap('单选')">
+ <div class="pictrue" v-if="formItem.image"><img v-lazy="formItem.image"></div>
+ <div class="upLoad" v-else>
+ <div class="iconfont">+</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="邀请用户:" prop="image">
+ <Input v-model="formItem.uid" placeholder="请填写邀请用户UID" class="input-add mr14" />
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="门店照片:" prop="image">
- <div class="picBox" @click="modalPicTap('单选')">
- <div class="pictrue" v-if="formItem.image"><img v-lazy="formItem.image"></div>
- <div class="upLoad" v-else>
- <div class="iconfont">+</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid" >
- <FormItem label="门店分类:" prop="cate_id" label-for="cate_id">
- <Cascader
- :data="treeSelect"
- placeholder="请选择门店分类"
- change-on-select
- v-model="formItem.cate_id"
- filterable
- ></Cascader>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店分类:" prop="cate_id" label-for="cate_id">
+ <Cascader :data="treeSelect" placeholder="请选择门店分类" change-on-select
+ v-model="formItem.cate_id" filterable></Cascader>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24" v-if="formItem.id == 0">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="管理员账号:" prop="store_account" label-for="store_account">
+ <Input v-model="formItem.store_account" placeholder="请输入管理员账号" />
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24" v-if="formItem.id == 0">
- <Col v-bind="grid" >
- <FormItem label="管理员账号:" prop="store_account" label-for="store_account">
- <Input v-model="formItem.store_account" placeholder="请输入管理员账号"/>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24" v-if="formItem.id == 0">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="管理员密码:" prop="store_password" label-for="store_password">
- <Input type="password" v-model="formItem.store_password" placeholder="请输入管理员密码"/>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="门店名称:" prop="name" label-for="name">
- <Input v-model="formItem.name" maxlength="20" show-word-limit placeholder="请输入门店名称"/>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="门店简介:" label-for="introduction">
- <Input v-model="formItem.introduction" maxlength="100" show-word-limit :rows="4" :autosize="{maxRows:4,minRows: 4}" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入门店简介"s/>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="门店手机号:" label-for="phone" prop="phone">
- <Input v-model="formItem.phone" placeholder="请输入门店手机号"/>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="管理员密码:" prop="store_password" label-for="store_password">
+ <Input type="password" v-model="formItem.store_password" placeholder="请输入管理员密码" />
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店名称:" prop="name" label-for="name">
+ <Input v-model="formItem.name" maxlength="20" show-word-limit placeholder="请输入门店名称" />
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店简介:" label-for="introduction">
+ <Input v-model="formItem.introduction" maxlength="100" show-word-limit :rows="4"
+ :autosize="{maxRows:4,minRows: 4}" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入门店简介" s />
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店手机号:" label-for="phone" prop="phone">
+ <Input v-model="formItem.phone" placeholder="请输入门店手机号" />
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="营业状态:" label-for="is_show" prop="is_show">
- <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.is_show" :false-value="0" :true-value="1">
- <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
- <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
- </Switch>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="营业状态:" label-for="is_show" prop="is_show">
+ <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.is_show" :false-value="0" :true-value="1">
+ <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
+ <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
+ </Switch>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid" v-if="formItem.is_show == 1">
- <FormItem label="营业时间:" label-for="day_time" prop="day_time">
- <TimePicker type="timerange" @on-change="onchangeTime" v-model="formItem.day_time" format="HH:mm:ss" :value="formItem.day_time" placement="bottom-end" placeholder="请选择营业时间" class="inputW" ></TimePicker>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="门店类型:">
- <RadioGroup v-model="formItem.type">
- <Radio :label="1">
- <Icon type="social-apple"></Icon>
- <span>自营</span>
- </Radio>
- <Radio :label="2">
- <Icon type="social-android"></Icon>
- <span>加盟</span>
- </Radio>
- </RadioGroup>
- <div class="tips">自营店不支持自主上传商品,加盟店有自主上传商品的权限</div>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid" v-if="formItem.is_show == 1">
+ <FormItem label="营业时间:" label-for="day_time" prop="day_time">
+ <TimePicker type="timerange" @on-change="onchangeTime" v-model="formItem.day_time"
+ format="HH:mm:ss" :value="formItem.day_time" placement="bottom-end"
+ placeholder="请选择营业时间" class="inputW"></TimePicker>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店类型:">
+ <RadioGroup v-model="formItem.type">
+ <Radio :label="1">
+ <Icon type="social-apple"></Icon>
+ <span>自营</span>
+ </Radio>
+ <Radio :label="2">
+ <Icon type="social-android"></Icon>
+ <span>加盟</span>
+ </Radio>
+ </RadioGroup>
+ <div class="tips">自营店不支持自主上传商品,加盟店有自主上传商品的权限</div>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24" v-if="formItem.type==2">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="商品免审:" label-for="product_verify_status" prop="product_verify_status">
+ <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.product_verify_status" :false-value="0"
+ :true-value="1">
+ <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
+ <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
+ </Switch>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24" v-if="formItem.type==2">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="商品免审:" label-for="product_verify_status" prop="product_verify_status">
- <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.product_verify_status" :false-value="0" :true-value="1">
- <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
- <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
- </Switch>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24" v-if="formItem.type==2">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="自主添加商品:" label-for="product_status" prop="product_status">
- <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.product_status" :false-value="0" :true-value="1">
- <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
- <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
- </Switch>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="自主添加商品:" label-for="product_status" prop="product_status">
+ <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.product_status" :false-value="0" :true-value="1">
+ <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
+ <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
+ </Switch>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="到店自提:" label-for="mention" prop="mention">
+ <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.is_store" :false-value="0" :true-value="1">
+ <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
+ <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
+ </Switch>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="到店自提:" label-for="mention" prop="mention">
- <Switch size="large" v-model="formItem.is_store" :false-value="0" :true-value="1">
- <span slot="open" :true-value="1">开启</span>
- <span slot="close" :false-value="0">关闭</span>
- </Switch>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="门店地址:" label-for="address" prop="address">
- <Cascader :data="addresData" :load-data="loadData" v-model="formItem.addressSelect" @on-change="addchack" class="inputW"></Cascader>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店地址:" label-for="address" prop="address">
+ <Cascader :data="addresData" :load-data="loadData" v-model="formItem.addressSelect"
+ @on-change="addchack" class="inputW"></Cascader>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem required label="配送范围(半径):" label-for="valid_range" prop="valid_range">
+ <InputNumber :min="0.01" :max="100000" v-model="formItem.valid_range"
+ :formatter="value => `${formItem.valid_range}`"
+ :parser="value => value.replace('%', '')" style="width: 90px;"></InputNumber><span
+ class="ml10">km</span>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem required label="配送范围(半径):" label-for="valid_range" prop="valid_range">
- <InputNumber :min="0.01" :max="100000" v-model="formItem.valid_range" :formatter="value => `${formItem.valid_range}`" :parser="value => value.replace('%', '')" style="width: 90px;"></InputNumber><span class="ml10">km</span>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="门店详细地址:" label-for="detailed_address" prop="detailed_address">
- <Input search enter-button="查找位置" v-model="formItem.detailed_address" placeholder="输入地址(包含城市名称,否则会影响搜索精度)" class="inputW" @on-search="onSearch" />
- <!-- 提示:定位地址后,手动补充完详细地址,禁止再次点击查找 -->
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="门店详细地址:" label-for="detailed_address" prop="detailed_address">
+ <Input search enter-button="查找位置" v-model="formItem.detailed_address"
+ placeholder="输入地址(包含城市名称,否则会影响搜索精度)" class="inputW" @on-search="onSearch" />
+ <!-- 提示:定位地址后,手动补充完详细地址,禁止再次点击查找 -->
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
<Col span="24" v-if="isApi || add">
- <Maps v-if="mapKey" ref="mapChild" class="map-sty" :mapKey="mapKey" :lat="Number(formItem.latitude || 34.34127)" :lon="Number(formItem.longitude || 108.93984)" :address="formItem.detailed_address" @getCoordinates="getCoordinates" />
- </Col>
- <Col span="24" class="mt20" v-if="!formItem.id">
- <Col v-bind="grid">
- <FormItem label="同步商品:">
- <RadioGroup v-model="formItem.applicable_type">
- <Radio :label="1">
- <Icon type="social-apple"></Icon>
- <span>全部商品</span>
- </Radio>
- <Radio :label="2">
- <Icon type="social-android"></Icon>
- <span>部分商品</span>
- </Radio>
- </RadioGroup>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Col>
- <Col span="24" v-if="!formItem.id && formItem.applicable_type == 2" >
- <FormItem label="选择商品:" label-for="product_id" prop="">
- <div class="box">
- <div class="box-item" v-for="(item,index) in goodsList" :key="index">
- <img :src="item.image" alt="">
- <Icon class="icon" type="ios-close-circle" size="20" @click="bindDelete(index)" />
- </div>
- <div class="upload-box" @click="modals = true"><Icon type="ios-camera-outline" size="36" /></div>
- </div>
- </FormItem>
- </Col>
- </Row>
- <Row style="justify-content: space-around;">
- <Col>
- <Button type="primary" class="btn" @click="handleSubmit('formItem')">{{formItem.id!=0?'修改':'提交'}}</Button>
- </Col>
- </Row>
- <Spin size="large" fix v-if="spinShow"></Spin>
- </Form>
- </Card>
+ <Maps v-if="mapKey" ref="mapChild" class="map-sty" :mapKey="mapKey"
+ :lat="Number(formItem.latitude || 34.34127)"
+ :lon="Number(formItem.longitude || 108.93984)" :address="formItem.detailed_address"
+ @getCoordinates="getCoordinates" />
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24" class="mt20" v-if="!formItem.id">
+ <Col v-bind="grid">
+ <FormItem label="同步商品:">
+ <RadioGroup v-model="formItem.applicable_type">
+ <Radio :label="1">
+ <Icon type="social-apple"></Icon>
+ <span>全部商品</span>
+ </Radio>
+ <Radio :label="2">
+ <Icon type="social-android"></Icon>
+ <span>部分商品</span>
+ </Radio>
+ </RadioGroup>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Col>
+ <Col span="24" v-if="!formItem.id && formItem.applicable_type == 2">
+ <FormItem label="选择商品:" label-for="product_id" prop="">
+ <div class="box">
+ <div class="box-item" v-for="(item,index) in goodsList" :key="index">
+ <img :src="item.image" alt="">
+ <Icon class="icon" type="ios-close-circle" size="20"
+ @click="bindDelete(index)" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="upload-box" @click="modals = true">
+ <Icon type="ios-camera-outline" size="36" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ <Row style="justify-content: space-around;">
+ <Col>
+ <Button type="primary" class="btn"
+ @click="handleSubmit('formItem')">{{formItem.id!=0?'修改':'提交'}}</Button>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ <Spin size="large" fix v-if="spinShow"></Spin>
+ </Form>
+ </Card>
- <Modal v-model="modalPic" width="960px" scrollable footer-hide closable title='上传提货点logo' :mask-closable="false" :z-index="1">
- <uploadPictures :isChoice="isChoice" @getPic="getPic" :gridBtn="gridBtn" :gridPic="gridPic" v-if="modalPic"></uploadPictures>
- </Modal>
- <Modal v-model="modalErp" width="700px" scrollable footer-hide closable title='erp门店' :mask-closable="false" :z-index="1">
+ <Modal v-model="modalPic" width="960px" scrollable footer-hide closable title='上传提货点logo'
+ :mask-closable="false" :z-index="1">
+ <uploadPictures :isChoice="isChoice" @getPic="getPic" :gridBtn="gridBtn" :gridPic="gridPic"
+ v-if="modalPic"></uploadPictures>
+ </Modal>
+ <Modal v-model="modalErp" width="700px" scrollable footer-hide closable title='erp门店'
+ :mask-closable="false" :z-index="1">
<erpList ref="refErp" @getProductId="getProductId"></erpList>
- </div>
- </Modal>
- <Modal v-model="modals" title="商品列表" class="paymentFooter" scrollable width="900" :footer-hide="true">
- <goods-list ref="goodslist" @getProductId="getGoodsId" v-if="modals" :ischeckbox="true" :isLive="true" :storeType="1"></goods-list>
- </Modal>
- </div>
+ </div>
+ </Modal>
+ <Modal v-model="modals" title="商品列表" class="paymentFooter" scrollable width="900" :footer-hide="true">
+ <goods-list ref="goodslist" @getProductId="getGoodsId" v-if="modals" :ischeckbox="true" :isLive="true"
+ :storeType="1"></goods-list>
+ </Modal>
+ </div>
// import { keyApi} from '@/api/setting';
- import goodsList from '@/components/goodsList'
- import { keyApi, storeGetInfoApi, cityApi, storeUpdateApi, cascaderList } from '@/api/store';
- import { erpConfig } from "@/api/erp";
+ import goodsList from '@/components/goodsList'
+ import {
+ keyApi,
+ storeGetInfoApi,
+ cityApi,
+ storeUpdateApi,
+ cascaderList
+ } from '@/api/store';
+ import {
+ erpConfig
+ } from "@/api/erp";
// import { keyApi, storeUpdateApi, storeGetInfoApi, cityApi } from '@/api/setting';
- import { mapState } from 'vuex';
+ import {
+ mapState
+ } from 'vuex';
import uploadPictures from '@/components/uploadPictures';
import erpList from './erpList.vue';
import Maps from '@/components/map/map.vue'
export default {
name: 'systemStore',
- components: { uploadPictures,Maps,erpList,goodsList },
- props: { },
- data () {
+ components: {
+ uploadPictures,
+ Maps,
+ erpList,
+ goodsList
+ },
+ props: {},
+ data() {
let validatePhone = (rule, value, callback) => {
if (!value) {
return callback(new Error('请填写联系号码'));
@@ -249,16 +290,16 @@
return {
- goodsList:[],
- modals:false,
- treeSelect:[],
- modalErp:false,
- openErp:false,
+ goodsList: [],
+ modals: false,
+ treeSelect: [],
+ modalErp: false,
+ openErp: false,
isTemplate: false,
title: '',
formItem: {
- product_id:[],
- cate_id:[],
+ product_id: [],
+ cate_id: [],
id: 0,
erp_shop_id: 0,
store_account: '',
@@ -272,58 +313,78 @@
is_store: 0,
address: '',
detailed_address: '',
- latitude:'',
- longitude:'',
- province:0,
- city:0,
- area:0,
- street:0,
- addressSelect:[],
- valid_range:0,
- product_verify_status:0,
- product_status:1,
- type:1,
- applicable_type:1
+ latitude: '',
+ longitude: '',
+ province: 0,
+ city: 0,
+ area: 0,
+ street: 0,
+ addressSelect: [],
+ valid_range: 0,
+ product_verify_status: 0,
+ product_status: 1,
+ type: 1,
+ applicable_type: 1
spinShow: false,
addresData: [],
ruleValidate: {
- name: [
- { required: true, message: '请输入门店名称', trigger: 'blur' }
- ],
- erp_shop_id: [
- { required: true, validator: validateErp, trigger: 'change' }
- ],
- store_account: [
- { required: true, message: '请输入管理员账号', trigger: 'blur' }
- ],
- store_password: [
- { required: true, message: '请输入管理员密码', trigger: 'blur' }
- ],
- address: [
- { required: true, message: '请选择门店地址', trigger: 'change' }
- ],
- day_time: [
- {required: true,type: "array", message: "请选择营业时间",trigger: "change"},
- {validator(rule, value, callback, source, options)
- {
+ name: [{
+ required: true,
+ message: '请输入门店名称',
+ trigger: 'blur'
+ }],
+ erp_shop_id: [{
+ required: true,
+ validator: validateErp,
+ trigger: 'change'
+ }],
+ store_account: [{
+ required: true,
+ message: '请输入管理员账号',
+ trigger: 'blur'
+ }],
+ store_password: [{
+ required: true,
+ message: '请输入管理员密码',
+ trigger: 'blur'
+ }],
+ address: [{
+ required: true,
+ message: '请选择门店地址',
+ trigger: 'change'
+ }],
+ day_time: [{
+ required: true,
+ type: "array",
+ message: "请选择营业时间",
+ trigger: "change"
+ },
+ {
+ validator(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
if (value[0] === "") {
- callback("时间不能为空");
+ callback("时间不能为空");
- callback();//这个一定要有。不然无法验证通过
+ callback(); //这个一定要有。不然无法验证通过
- ],//TimePicker-timerange,自定义的
+ ], //TimePicker-timerange,自定义的
- phone: [
- { required: true, validator: validatePhone, trigger: 'blur' }
- ],
- detailed_address: [
- { required: true, message: '请输入详细地址', trigger: 'blur' }
- ],
- image: [
- { required: true, validator: validateUpload, trigger: 'change' }
- ]
+ phone: [{
+ required: true,
+ validator: validatePhone,
+ trigger: 'blur'
+ }],
+ detailed_address: [{
+ required: true,
+ message: '请输入详细地址',
+ trigger: 'blur'
+ }],
+ image: [{
+ required: true,
+ validator: validateUpload,
+ trigger: 'change'
+ }]
mapKey: '',
grid: {
@@ -349,84 +410,86 @@
modalPic: false,
isChoice: '单选',
- pid:0,
- isApi:0,
- add:0
+ pid: 0,
+ isApi: 0,
+ add: 0
- created () {
- this.goodsCategory();
+ created() {
+ this.goodsCategory();
// this.getInfo();
- let data = {pid:0}
+ let data = {
+ pid: 0
+ }
computed: {
...mapState('admin/layout', [
- labelWidth () {
+ labelWidth() {
return this.isMobile ? undefined : 120;
- labelPosition () {
+ labelPosition() {
return this.isMobile ? 'top' : 'right';
- mounted: function () {},
+ mounted: function() {},
methods: {
- //对象数组去重;
- unique(arr) {
- const res = new Map();
- return arr.filter((arr) => !res.has(arr.product_id) && res.set(arr.product_id, 1))
- },
- getGoodsId (data) {
- let list = this.goodsList.concat(data);
- let uni = this.unique(list);
- this.goodsList = uni;
- this.$nextTick(res=>{
- setTimeout(()=>{
- this.modals = false
- },300)
- })
- },
- bindDelete (index) {
- this.goodsList.splice(index, 1)
- },
- // 门店分类;
- goodsCategory () {
- cascaderList(1).then(res => {
- this.treeSelect = res.data;
- }).catch(res => {
- this.$Message.error(res.msg);
- })
- },
- getProductId(id){
+ //对象数组去重;
+ unique(arr) {
+ const res = new Map();
+ return arr.filter((arr) => !res.has(arr.product_id) && res.set(arr.product_id, 1))
+ },
+ getGoodsId(data) {
+ let list = this.goodsList.concat(data);
+ let uni = this.unique(list);
+ this.goodsList = uni;
+ this.$nextTick(res => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.modals = false
+ }, 300)
+ })
+ },
+ bindDelete(index) {
+ this.goodsList.splice(index, 1)
+ },
+ // 门店分类;
+ goodsCategory() {
+ cascaderList(1).then(res => {
+ this.treeSelect = res.data;
+ }).catch(res => {
+ this.$Message.error(res.msg);
+ })
+ },
+ getProductId(id) {
this.formItem.erp_shop_id = id;
this.modalErp = false;
- tapErp(){
+ tapErp() {
this.$refs.refErp.currentid = this.formItem.erp_shop_id;
this.modalErp = true;
- getErpConfig(){
- erpConfig().then(res=>{
+ getErpConfig() {
+ erpConfig().then(res => {
this.openErp = res.data.open_erp;
- }).catch(err=>{
+ }).catch(err => {
- clearFrom () {
- this.goodsList = [];
- this.formItem = {
- cate_id: [],
+ clearFrom() {
+ this.goodsList = [];
+ this.formItem = {
+ cate_id: [],
id: 0,
store_account: '',
store_password: "",
image: '',
- erp_shop_id:0,
+ erp_shop_id: 0,
name: '',
introduction: '',
phone: '',
@@ -435,49 +498,51 @@
is_store: 0,
address: '',
detailed_address: '',
- latitude:'',
- longitude:'',
- province:0,
- city:0,
- area:0,
- street:0,
- addressSelect:[],
- valid_range:0,
- product_verify_status:0,
- product_status:1,
- type:1,
- applicable_type:1
+ latitude: '',
+ longitude: '',
+ province: 0,
+ city: 0,
+ area: 0,
+ street: 0,
+ addressSelect: [],
+ valid_range: 0,
+ product_verify_status: 0,
+ product_status: 1,
+ type: 1,
+ applicable_type: 1
this.add = 0;
this.isApi = 0;
- cancel () {
+ cancel() {
this.isTemplate = false;
- // this.$refs['formItem'].resetFields();
- this.clearFrom();
+ // this.$refs['formItem'].resetFields();
+ this.clearFrom();
- addchack(e,selectedData){
- e.forEach((i,index)=>{
- if(index==0){
+ addchack(e, selectedData) {
+ e.forEach((i, index) => {
+ if (index == 0) {
this.formItem.province = i
- }else if(index==1){
+ } else if (index == 1) {
this.formItem.city = i
- }else if(index==2){
+ } else if (index == 2) {
this.formItem.area = i
- }else {
+ } else {
this.formItem.street = i
this.formItem.address = (selectedData.map(o => o.label)).join("/");
- cityInfo(data){
- cityApi(data).then(res=>{
+ cityInfo(data) {
+ cityApi(data).then(res => {
this.addresData = res.data
loadData(item, callback) {
item.loading = true;
- cityApi({pid:item.value}).then(res=>{
+ cityApi({
+ pid: item.value
+ }).then(res => {
item.children = res.data;
item.loading = false;
@@ -487,22 +552,22 @@
getCoordinates(data) {
this.formItem.latitude = data.location.lat || 34.34127
this.formItem.longitude = data.location.lng || 108.93984
- if(this.isApi){
+ if (this.isApi) {
// // this.formItem.detailed_address = data.address
let components = data.addressComponents;
- if(this.formItem.detailed_address.indexOf(components.street) == -1){
- this.formItem.detailed_address = data.address+(components.town?components.town:'');
+ if (this.formItem.detailed_address.indexOf(components.street) == -1) {
+ this.formItem.detailed_address = data.address + (components.town ? components.town : '');
// 查找位置
onSearch() {
- if(this.$refs.mapChild){
+ if (this.$refs.mapChild) {
// key值
- getKey () {
+ getKey() {
keyApi().then(res => {
this.mapKey = res.data.key
}).catch(res => {
@@ -510,12 +575,12 @@
// 详情
- getInfo (id) {
- let that = this;
- that.$refs['formItem'].resetFields();
- that.formItem.id = id;
- that.spinShow = true;
- storeGetInfoApi(id).then(res => {
+ getInfo(id) {
+ let that = this;
+ that.$refs['formItem'].resetFields();
+ that.formItem.id = id;
+ that.spinShow = true;
+ storeGetInfoApi(id).then(res => {
this.isApi = 1;
let addressSelect = [];
this.formItem = res.data.info;
@@ -524,59 +589,59 @@
this.formItem.day_time = a
- if(res.data.info.province){
+ if (res.data.info.province) {
- if(res.data.info.city){
+ if (res.data.info.city) {
- if(res.data.info.area){
+ if (res.data.info.area) {
- if(res.data.info.street){
+ if (res.data.info.street) {
- this.$set(this.formItem,'valid_range',(this.formItem.valid_range)/1000)
+ this.$set(this.formItem, 'valid_range', (this.formItem.valid_range) / 1000)
this.formItem.addressSelect = addressSelect;
that.spinShow = false;
- }).catch(function (res) {
+ }).catch(function(res) {
that.spinShow = false;
// 选择图片
- modalPicTap () {
+ modalPicTap() {
this.modalPic = true;
// 选中图片
- getPic (pc) {
+ getPic(pc) {
this.formItem.image = pc.att_dir;
this.modalPic = false;
// 营业时间
- onchangeTime (e) {
+ onchangeTime(e) {
this.formItem.day_time = e;
// 提交
- handleSubmit (name) {
+ handleSubmit(name) {
this.$refs[name].validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
- if(this.formItem.day_time[0] == ''){
+ if (this.formItem.day_time[0] == '') {
this.formItem.day_time = ['00:00:00', '23:59:59']
- if(this.formItem.valid_range == ''||this.formItem.valid_range<0){
+ if (this.formItem.valid_range == '' || this.formItem.valid_range < 0) {
return this.$Message.error('请输入有效的门店范围');
- let product_id = []
- this.goodsList.forEach(item=>{
- product_id.push(item.product_id)
- })
- this.formItem.product_id = product_id;
- // this.formItem.valid_range = this.formItem.valid_range/1000
- storeUpdateApi(this.formItem.id,this.formItem).then(async res => {
+ let product_id = []
+ this.goodsList.forEach(item => {
+ product_id.push(item.product_id)
+ })
+ this.formItem.product_id = product_id;
+ // this.formItem.valid_range = this.formItem.valid_range/1000
+ storeUpdateApi(this.formItem.id, this.formItem).then(async res => {
this.isTemplate = false;
@@ -589,95 +654,116 @@
return false;
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