@@ -7,6 +7,58 @@
<div class="acea-row row-between row-bottom cart-left">
<div class="left-top">
<div v-if="checkOut == 0" class="cart">
+ <div v-if="staffInfo" class="title acea-row row-middle">
+ <div class="picture">
+ <img :src="staffInfo.avatar" v-if="staffInfo.avatar" />
+ <img src="../../assets/images/yonghu.png" alt="" v-else />
+ </div>`
+ <div class="text">
+ <div class="textCon line1">
+ <div class="text-wrap">
+ <div class="name-wrap">
+ <span class="name">{{ staffInfo.name || '请选择员工'}}</span>
+ <!-- <span v-if="userInfo.phone" class="phone mr10">手机号:{{ userInfo.phone }}</span> -->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="switchs" trigger="click" @click="changeStaff(1)">
+ <a href="javascript:void(0)">
+ 选择员工
+ <Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon>
+ </a>
+ <!-- <DropdownMenu slot="list">
+ <DropdownItem name="1">选择员工</DropdownItem>
+ <DropdownItem name="2">游客</DropdownItem>
+ </DropdownMenu> -->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- <div v-if="userInfo.uid" class="user-msg">
+ <span class="balance">积分<span class="num">{{userInfo.integral}}</span></span>
+ <span class="balance">余额<span class="num">{{userInfo.now_money}}</span></span>
+ </div> -->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="saleInfo" class="title acea-row row-middle">
+ <div class="picture">
+ <img :src="saleInfo.avatar" v-if="saleInfo.avatar" />
+ <img src="../../assets/images/yonghu.png" alt="" v-else />
+ </div>`
+ <div class="text">
+ <div class="textCon line1">
+ <div class="text-wrap">
+ <div class="name-wrap">
+ <span class="name">{{ saleInfo.name || '请选择销售员工'}}</span>
+ <!-- <span v-if="userInfo.phone" class="phone mr10">手机号:{{ userInfo.phone }}</span> -->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="switchs" trigger="click" @click="changeStaff(2)">
+ <a href="javascript:void(0)">
+ 选择销售员工
+ <Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<div v-if="userInfo" class="title acea-row row-middle">
<div class="picture" @click="getUserDetail">
<img :src="userInfo.avatar" />
@@ -16,7 +68,8 @@
<div class="text-wrap">
<div class="name-wrap">
<span class="name">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</span>
- <span v-if="userInfo.phone" class="phone mr10">手机号:{{ userInfo.phone }}</span>
+ <span v-if="userInfo.phone"
+ class="phone mr10">手机号:{{ userInfo.phone }}</span>
<Dropdown class="switchs" trigger="click"
@@ -32,8 +85,10 @@
<div v-if="userInfo.uid" class="user-msg">
- <span class="balance">积分<span class="num">{{userInfo.integral}}</span></span>
- <span class="balance">余额<span class="num">{{userInfo.now_money}}</span></span>
+ <span class="balance">积分<span
+ class="num">{{userInfo.integral}}</span></span>
+ <span class="balance">余额<span
+ class="num">{{userInfo.now_money}}</span></span>
@@ -48,93 +103,25 @@
<div class="listCon">
- <div v-if="cartList.length" class="list">
- <div v-for="(data, proindex) in cartList" :key="proindex + 'data'"
- class="promotions">
- <div v-for="(pro, index) in data.promotions" :key="index + 'pro'"
- class="promotions-msg">
- <div class="flex-1">
- <span class="card">{{ pro.title }}</span>
- <span class="desc">{{ pro.desc }}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="collect" @click="collectOrder(pro)">
- {{ pro.promotions_type == 1 ? "去逛逛" : "去凑单" }}
- <span class="iconfont iconjinru"></span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div v-for="(item, indexs) in data.cart" :key="indexs + 'car'"
- :class="{ is_give: item.is_gift }" class="item acea-row row-middle">
- <div class="picture">
- <img v-if="item.productInfo.attrInfo"
- :src="item.productInfo.attrInfo.image" />
- <img v-else :src="item.productInfo.image" />
- </div>
- <div v-if="!item.is_gift" class="text">
- <div class="name line1">
- {{ item.productInfo.store_name }}
- </div>
- <div v-if="
- item.productInfo.attrInfo &&
- item.productInfo.spec_type
- " class="info" @click="cartAttr(item)">
- <div class="suk line1">
- {{ item.productInfo.attrInfo.suk }}
- </div>
- <span class="iconfont iconxiayi"></span>
- </div>
- <div v-else class="info">默认</div>
- <div class="sum_price">¥ {{ item.sum_price }}</div>
- </div>
- <div v-else class="text">
- <div class="give-name line1">
- {{ item.productInfo.store_name }}
- </div>
- <div class="give-info">赠品</div>
- </div>
- <div v-if="!item.is_gift" class="del"
- @click="delCart(item, proindex, indexs, 'cart')">
- 删除
- </div>
- <div v-if="!item.is_gift"
- class="cartBnt acea-row row-center-wrapper">
- <div class="iconfont iconjian"
- @click="calculate(item, 'reduce')"></div>
- <!-- <input type="text" v-model="item.cart_num">-->
- <InputNumber v-model="item.cart_num"
- :max="item.productInfo.attrInfo.stock" :min="1" @on-blur="
- (e) => {
- changeCart(e, item);
- }
- "></InputNumber>
- <div class="iconfont iconjia" @click="calculate(item, 'add')">
- </div>
- </div>
- <div v-else class="cartBnt">
- <span>x{{ item.cart_num }}</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
<div v-if="invalidList.length" class="list promotions">
<div v-for="(item, index) in invalidList" :key="index"
class="item acea-row row-middle">
<div class="picture">
- <img v-if="item.productInfo.attrInfo"
- :src="item.productInfo.attrInfo.image" />
- <img v-else :src="item.productInfo.image" />
+ <img v-if="item.product.image" :src="item.product.image" />
+ <!-- <img v-else :src="item.productInfo.image" /> -->
<div class="text invalid">
<div class="name line1">
- {{ item.productInfo.store_name }}
+ {{ item.store_name }}
- <div v-if="item.productInfo.attrInfo" class="info">
+ <!-- <div v-if="item.productInfo.attrInfo" class="info">
<div class="suk line1">
{{ item.productInfo.attrInfo.suk }}
<span class="iconfont iconxiayi"></span>
<div v-else class="info">默认</div>
- <div class="end">该商品已失效</div>
+ <div class="end">该商品已失效</div> -->
<div class="del" @click="delCart(item, index, 1, 'inv')">
@@ -165,12 +152,7 @@
<div class="discount">
- 优惠: ¥{{
- this.$computes.Sub(
- priceInfo.sumPrice || 0,
- priceInfo.payPrice || 0
- ) || 0
- }}
+ 优惠: ¥{{ payInfo.deduction_price || 0}}
<div v-if="cartList.length" class="detailed" @click="discountCon">
@@ -178,13 +160,13 @@
<span class="discount">实付: </span>
<span class="rmb">¥</span>
<span class="num">{{
- cartSum && priceInfo.payPrice ? priceInfo.payPrice : 0
+ cartSum && payInfo.pay_price ? payInfo.pay_price : 0
<div class="footer-bottom">
- <Button :disabled="!cartList.length" @click="openSettle">立即结账</Button>
+ <Button :disabled="!invalidList.length" @click="openSettle">立即结账</Button>
@@ -236,7 +218,7 @@
<div class="acea-row" style="height: 100%">
<div class="goodsCon">
<div class="goods-top">
- <Input v-model="goodFrom.store_name" :maxlength="20" class="input" element-id="name"
+ <!-- <Input v-model="goodFrom.store_name" :maxlength="20" class="input" element-id="name"
enter-button placeholder="搜索商品名称/ID/唯一码或点击聚焦扫码" search size="large"
<Select slot="prepend" v-model="goodFrom.field_key" style="width: 90px">
@@ -245,7 +227,7 @@
<Option value="id">ID</Option>
<Option value="bar_code">唯一码</Option>
- </Input>
+ </Input> -->
<swiper v-if="activityTypeArr.length" :options="swiperOption" @ready="readySwiper"
<swiper-slide v-for="(item, index) in activityTypeArr" :key="index"
@@ -253,7 +235,8 @@
<Alert v-if="swiperClickedIndex">
<div>活动时间:{{activityTypeArr[swiperClickedIndex].section_time[0]}} ~
- {{activityTypeArr[swiperClickedIndex].section_time[1]}}</div>
+ {{activityTypeArr[swiperClickedIndex].section_time[1]}}
+ </div>
<div style="margin-top: 14px;">活动内容:{{activityTypeArr[swiperClickedIndex].desc}}</div>
<div ref="listWrap" class="list-wrap" @scroll="pageChange">
@@ -261,9 +244,9 @@
:gutter="15" class="list">
<Col v-for="(item, index) in goodData" :key="index" :sm="12" :md="12" :lg="12"
:xl="8" :xxl="4">
- <div :class="{ on: item.stock }" class="item" @click="attrTap(item)">
+ <div :class="{ on: item.product.stock }" class="item" @click="attrTap(item)">
<div :style="{ height: goodsHeight + 'px' }" class="picture">
- <img :src="item.image" alt="商品图" style="width: 100%;" />
+ <img :src="item.slider_image" alt="商品图" style="width: 100%;" />
<div class="name line1">
{{ item.store_name || item.title }}
@@ -271,18 +254,18 @@
<div class="text">
<div class="text-left">
<div class="money">
- <span class="rmb">¥</span>{{ item.price }}
+ <span class="rmb">¥</span>{{ item.product.price }}
<div v-if="item.cart_num && cartList.length" class="icon-cart-num">
{{ item.cart_num > 99 ? "99+" : item.cart_num }}
- <div v-if="!item.stock && !item.cart_num" class="no-stock">
+ <!-- <div v-if="!item.stock && !item.cart_num" class="no-stock">
<div class="trip">
- </div>
+ </div> -->
@@ -316,7 +299,7 @@
<!-- </Scroll> -->
- <div class="goodClass acea-row row-center">
+ <!-- <div class="goodClass acea-row row-center">
<div v-for="(item, index) in cateData" :key="index"
:class="currentCate == index ? 'on' : ''" class="item line1"
@@ -324,7 +307,7 @@
{{ item.cate_name }}
- </div>
+ </div> -->
@@ -332,6 +315,10 @@
width="950" class-name="user-modal">
<userList v-if="modalUser" ref="users" :uid="userInfo.uid || 0" @getUserId="getUserId"></userList>
+ <Modal v-model="modalStaff" :mask-closable="false" :scrollable="true" closable footer-hide title="用户列表"
+ width="950" class-name="user-modal">
+ <staffList v-if="modalStaff" ref="users" :uid="staffInfo.uid || 0" @getUserId="getStaffId"></staffList>
+ </Modal>
<settleDrawer v-model="settleVisible" :list="payList" :type="payType" :money="settleMoney"
:collection="collection" :verify="yueVerify" :z-index="zIndex" @payPrice="payPrice" @numTap="numTap"
@delNum="delNum" @cashBnt="cashBnt"></settleDrawer>
@@ -559,6 +546,7 @@
import userList from "@/components/userList";
+ import staffList from "@/components/staffList";
import storeList from "@/components/storeList";
import couponList from "@/components/couponList";
import productAttr from "./components/productAttr";
@@ -587,7 +575,9 @@
- swithUser
+ swithUser,
+ computedServe,
+ createServeItem
} from "@/api/order";
import {
@@ -596,14 +586,19 @@
} from "@/api/user";
import {
- activityTypeList
+ activityTypeList,
+ getServeItem
} from "@/api/product";
import Setting from '@/setting';
+ import {
+ array
+ } from "js-md5";
export default {
name: "index",
components: {
+ staffList,
@@ -614,6 +609,9 @@
data() {
return {
+ pptype: 1,
+ payInfo: {}, //订单计算结果
+ checkType: 1,
formItem: {
price: 0,
@@ -692,13 +690,14 @@
checkOut: 0,
modalUser: false,
+ modalStaff: false,
flag: true,
goodFrom: {
store_name: "",
field_key: "all",
cate_id: "",
page: 1,
- limit: 20,
+ limit: 1000,
uid: 0,
staff_id: 0,
@@ -717,6 +716,12 @@
codeNum: "",
payNum: "",
userInfo: {},
+ staffInfo: {
+ avatar: ''
+ },
+ saleInfo: {
+ avatar: ''
+ },
storeInfos: {}, //门店店员信息
storeList: [], //门店列表
attr: {
@@ -1129,6 +1134,7 @@
// 充值
rechargeBnt() {
+ this.pptype = 1
this.rechargeVisible = true;
@@ -1137,21 +1143,120 @@
cashBnt(payNum) {
- console.log(payNum,'2333');
- if (this.cashBntLoading) return;
- this.cashBntLoading = true;
- if (this.isOrderCreate) {
- this.getCashierPay("cash");
- } else {
- if (this.rechargeVisible) {
- this.rechargeBalance(payNum);
+ if(this.pptype == 1) {
+ console.log(payNum, '2333');
+ if (this.cashBntLoading) return;
+ this.cashBntLoading = true;
+ if (this.isOrderCreate) {
+ this.getCashierPay("cash");
} else {
- this.orderCreate();
+ if (this.rechargeVisible) {
+ this.rechargeBalance(payNum);
+ } else {
+ this.orderCreate();
+ }
+ }else {
+ let that = this
+ let arr = that.invalidList.map(item => {
+ return item.product.id
+ })
+ let qdata = {
+ uid: that.userInfo.uid,
+ work_member_id: that.staffInfo.id,
+ sale_uid: that.payInfo.pay_price == 0? '': that.saleInfo.id,
+ products: arr.join(','),
+ pay_type: that.payType,
+ userCode: payNum,
+ }
+ this.cashBntLoading = true;
+ createServeItem(qdata).then(res => {
+ that.pptype = 1
+ if (that.payType == "yue") {
+ that.settleVisible = false;
+ that.payNum = "";
+ that.createOrder.userCode = "";
+ if (res.data.status == "ORDER_CREATE") {
+ this.isOrderCreate = 1;
+ this.orderId = res.data.order_id;
+ this.$Message.success(res.data.message);
+ } else if (res.data.status == "SUCCESS") {
+ this.isOrderCreate = 0;
+ this.$Message.success("支付成功");
+ let money = that.$computes.Sub(
+ that.userInfo.now_money,
+ that.priceInfo.payPrice
+ );
+ that.userInfo.now_money = money;
+ that.changePoints();
+ that.payTypeModal = false;
+ // this.modalPay = false;
+ storage.setItem("cashierUser", JSON.stringify(this.userInfo));
+ // this.goodList();
+ this.clear();
+ } else {
+ that.isOrderCreate = 1;
+ that.orderId = res.data.order_id;
+ that.$Message.error(res.data.message);
+ }
+ }
+ if (that.payType == "cash") {
+ if (res.data.status == "SUCCESS") {
+ that.$Message.success("支付成功");
+ // storage.removeItem("cashierUser");
+ // this.userInfo = null;
+ if (that.userInfo.uid) {
+ that.changePoints();
+ }
+ storage.setItem("cashierUser", JSON.stringify(this.userInfo));
+ // this.goodList();
+ // this.modalCash = false;
+ that.payTypeModal = false;
+ that.settleVisible = false;
+ that.clear();
+ that.jsToJava();
+ }
+ }
+ if (that.payType == "") {
+ that.payNum = "";
+ that.createOrder.auth_code = "";
+ if (res.data.status == "ORDER_CREATE") {
+ that.isOrderCreate = 1;
+ that.orderId = res.data.order_id;
+ that.$Message.success(res.data.message);
+ } else if (res.data.status == "PAY_ING") {
+ let msg = this.$Message.loading({
+ content: "等待支付中...",
+ duration: 0,
+ });
+ that.orderId = res.data.order_id;
+ that.checkOrderTime(msg);
+ } else if (res.data.status == "SUCCESS") {
+ that.$Message.success("支付成功");
+ // storage.removeItem("cashierUser");
+ // this.userInfo = null;
+ // this.setUp();
+ that.changePoints();
+ storage.setItem("cashierUser", JSON.stringify(this.userInfo));
+ // this.goodList();
+ // this.modalPay = false;
+ that.settleVisible = false;
+ that.clear();
+ } else {
+ that.isOrderCreate = 1;
+ that.orderId = res.data.order_id;
+ that.$Message.error(res.data.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }).catch(err => {
+ that.$Message.success(err.msg);
+ })
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ that.cashBntLoading = false;
+ }, 1000);
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.cashBntLoading = false;
- }, 1000);
delNum(type) {
@@ -1270,6 +1375,7 @@
this.createOrder.auth_code = payNum;
if (this.payType == "yue") {
// this.createOrder.userCode = this.payNum;
if (!this.createOrder.userCode && this.priceInfo.is_cashier_yue_pay_verify) {
return this.$Message.error("请扫描个人中心二维码");
@@ -1576,68 +1682,30 @@
// 删除
del(ids, type, index, num, name) {
+ let that = this
- title: "删除该购物车",
- content: "<p>确定要删除该购物车吗?</p><p>删除该购物车后将无法恢复,请谨慎操作!</p>",
+ title: "删除该服务项目",
+ content: "<p>确定要删除该服务项目吗?",
onOk: () => {
- cashierCartDel(this.userInfo.uid, ids)
- .then((res) => {
- this.$Message.success("删除成功");
- this.reloadList();
- this.goodList(this.activityFrom.type);
- if (type) {
- this.clear();
- this.invalidList = [];
- this.hangDataList();
- } else {
- if (name == "inv" && num) {
- this.invalidList.splice(index, 1);
- } else {
- this.cartList[index].cart.splice(num, 1);
- if (this.cartList.length) {
- this.getCartList();
- // if (this.activityFrom.type) {
- // this.goodList(this.activityFrom.type);
- // } else {
- // // this.goodList();
- // }
- } else {
- this.hangDataList();
- this.clear();
- }
- }
- // this.cartSum = this.cartSum - 1;
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- });
+ that.invalidList.splice(index, 1)
+ that.computedServe()
onCancel: () => {},
delAll() {
- let ids = [];
- if (!this.cartList.length && !this.invalidList.length)
- return this.$Message.warning("购物车暂无商品");
- this.cartList.forEach((item) => {
- item.cart.forEach((good) => {
- ids.push(good.id);
- });
- });
- this.getSwithUser({
- chang_cart_remove: 1
- });
+ let that = this
+ this.$Modal.confirm({
+ title: "删除该服务项目",
+ content: "<p>确定要删除该服务项目吗?",
+ onOk: () => {
+ that.invalidList = []
+ that.computedServe()
- this.invalidList.forEach((item) => {
- ids.push(item.id);
- });
- this.del({
- ids: ids,
- 1
- );
+ onCancel: () => {},
+ });
delCart(item, index, num, type) {
let ids = [];
@@ -1680,8 +1748,7 @@
uniqueId: num ?
this.attr.productSelect !== undefined ?
this.attr.productSelect.unique :
- "" :
- "",
+ "" : "",
staff_id: this.storeInfos.id,
tourist_uid: this.userInfo.touristId,
new: Number(this.storeInfo.product_type === 4),
@@ -1893,53 +1960,59 @@
// 选择属性
attrTap(item) {
+ let that = this
this.disabled = false;
if (this.userInfo && this.userInfo.uid >= 0) {
- this.productId = item.product_id;
- if (!item.stock) return this.$Message.error("暂无库存");
+ // this.productId = item.product_id;
+ // // if (!item.stock) return this.$Message.error("暂无库存");
// if (this.activityFrom.type === "5") {
- // this.seckillId = item.id;
- // this.isCart = 0; //判断切换属性或是加入购物车:0加入购物车;1切换属性
- // this.$refs.skillAttrs.modals = true;
- // this.cashierGetAttr(item.id);
- // } else if (item.spec_type) {
- // this.isCart = 0; //判断切换属性或是加入购物车:0加入购物车;1切换属性
- // this.$refs.attrs.modals = true;
- // this.goodsInfo(item.product_id || item.id);
- // } else if (item.product_type === 4) {
- // // this.isCart = 0; //判断切换属性或是加入购物车:0加入购物车;1切换属性
- // // this.$refs.attrs.modals = true;
- // // this.goodsInfo(item.product_id || item.id);
+ // this.seckillId = item.id;
+ // this.isCart = 0; //判断切换属性或是加入购物车:0加入购物车;1切换属性
+ // this.$refs.skillAttrs.modals = true;
+ // this.cashierGetAttr(item.id);
+ // } else if (item.spec_type) {
+ // this.isCart = 0; //判断切换属性或是加入购物车:0加入购物车;1切换属性
+ // this.$refs.attrs.modals = true;
+ // this.goodsInfo(item.product_id || item.id);
// } else {
- // console.log(666)
- // // 0为单规格属性
- // this.joinCart(0);
+ // // 0为单规格属性
+ // if (item.product_type === 4) {
+ // this.isCart = 0;
+ // this.$refs.skillAttrs.modals = true;
+ // this.goodsInfo(item.product_id || item.id);
+ // } else {
+ // this.joinCart(0);
+ // }
// }
- if (this.activityFrom.type === "5") {
- this.seckillId = item.id;
- this.isCart = 0; //判断切换属性或是加入购物车:0加入购物车;1切换属性
- this.$refs.skillAttrs.modals = true;
- this.cashierGetAttr(item.id);
- } else if (item.spec_type) {
- this.isCart = 0; //判断切换属性或是加入购物车:0加入购物车;1切换属性
- this.$refs.attrs.modals = true;
- this.goodsInfo(item.product_id || item.id);
- } else {
- // 0为单规格属性
- if (item.product_type === 4) {
- this.isCart = 0;
- this.$refs.skillAttrs.modals = true;
- this.goodsInfo(item.product_id || item.id);
- } else {
- this.joinCart(0);
- }
+ let slot = this.invalidList.find(itemx => {
+ return itemx.id == item.id
+ })
+ if (!slot) {
+ this.invalidList.push(item)
+ // 计算价格
+ that.computedServe()
} else {
+ computedServe() {
+ let that = this
+ that.cartSum = that.invalidList.length;
+ if (that.cartSum > 0) {
+ let arr = that.invalidList.map(item => {
+ return item.product.id
+ })
+ computedServe({
+ uid: that.userInfo.uid,
+ products: arr.join(',')
+ }).then(res => {
+ that.payInfo = res.data
+ })
+ }
+ },
// 商品详情
goodsInfo(id) {
cashierDetail(id, this.userInfo.uid)
@@ -2116,6 +2189,17 @@
+ changeStaff(type) {
+ this.checkType = type
+ this.modalStaff = true;
+ // if (name == 1) {
+ // this.modalStaff = true;
+ // } else {
+ // this.activeHangon = -1;
+ // this.clear();
+ // this.setUp();
+ // }
+ },
// 修改用户
setUser() {
this.modalUser = true;
@@ -2183,6 +2267,15 @@
uid: e.uid
+ getStaffId(e) {
+ // this.clear();
+ this.modalStaff = false;
+ if (this.checkType == 1) {
+ this.staffInfo = e
+ } else {
+ this.saleInfo = e
+ }
+ },
checkUser() {
this.userInfoShow = false;
this.goodFrom.store_name = "";
@@ -2324,53 +2417,54 @@
goodList(type) {
- if (this.activityFrom.type) {
- this.activityFrom.uid = this.userInfo ? this.userInfo.uid : 0;
- this.activityFrom.type = type;
- this.activityFrom.staff_id = this.storeInfos.id;
- if (!this.userInfo.uid)
- this.activityFrom.tourist_uid = this.userInfo.touristId;
- activityList(this.activityFrom).then((res) => {
- let data = res.data;
- this.total = data.count;
- if (this.reloading) {
- this.reloading = false;
- this.activityFrom.limit = this.limitTemp;
- this.goodData = data.list;
- } else {
- this.goodData = this.goodData.concat(data.list);
- }
- });
- } else {
- this.goodFrom.uid = this.userInfo ? this.userInfo.uid : 0;
- if (!this.userInfo.uid)
- this.goodFrom.tourist_uid = this.userInfo.touristId;
- cashierProduct(this.goodFrom)
- .then((res) => {
- let data = res.data;
- this.total = data.count;
- if (this.reloading) {
- this.reloading = false;
- this.goodFrom.limit = this.limitTemp;
- this.goodData = data.list;
- } else {
- this.goodData = this.goodData.concat(data.list);
- }
- if (data.attrValue) {
- // 加入购物车
- this.attr.productSelect.unique = data.attrValue.unique;
- this.productId = data.attrValue.product_id;
- this.joinCart(1);
- }
- if (data.userInfo) {
- this.modalUserInfo = data.userInfo;
- this.userInfoShow = true;
- }
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- this.$Message.error(err.msg);
- });
- }
+ // if (this.activityFrom.type) {
+ this.activityFrom.uid = this.userInfo ? this.userInfo.uid : 0;
+ this.activityFrom.type = type;
+ this.activityFrom.staff_id = this.storeInfos.id;
+ if (!this.userInfo.uid)
+ this.activityFrom.tourist_uid = this.userInfo.touristId;
+ // activityList(this.activityFrom).then((res) => {
+ getServeItem(this.activityFrom).then((res) => {
+ let data = res.data;
+ this.total = data.count;
+ if (this.reloading) {
+ this.reloading = false;
+ this.activityFrom.limit = this.limitTemp;
+ this.goodData = data.list;
+ } else {
+ this.goodData = this.goodData.concat(data.list);
+ }
+ });
+ // } else {
+ // this.goodFrom.uid = this.userInfo ? this.userInfo.uid : 0;
+ // if (!this.userInfo.uid)
+ // this.goodFrom.tourist_uid = this.userInfo.touristId;
+ // cashierProduct(this.goodFrom)
+ // .then((res) => {
+ // let data = res.data;
+ // this.total = data.count;
+ // if (this.reloading) {
+ // this.reloading = false;
+ // this.goodFrom.limit = this.limitTemp;
+ // this.goodData = data.list;
+ // } else {
+ // this.goodData = this.goodData.concat(data.list);
+ // }
+ // if (data.attrValue) {
+ // // 加入购物车
+ // this.attr.productSelect.unique = data.attrValue.unique;
+ // this.productId = data.attrValue.product_id;
+ // this.joinCart(1);
+ // }
+ // if (data.userInfo) {
+ // this.modalUserInfo = data.userInfo;
+ // this.userInfoShow = true;
+ // }
+ // })
+ // .catch((err) => {
+ // this.$Message.error(err.msg);
+ // });
+ // }
// 活动商品列表
selectaActivity(type) {
@@ -2526,6 +2620,13 @@
// 打开结算抽屉
openSettle() {
+ this.pptype = 2
+ if(!this.staffInfo.id) {
+ return this.$Message.error('请选择服务员工');
+ }
+ if(!this.saleInfo.id) {
+ return this.$Message.error('请选择销售员工');
+ }
this.payList.forEach((value, index, arr) => {
value.status = true;
if (value.value === 'yue' && !this.userInfo.uid) {
@@ -2535,9 +2636,12 @@
this.payType = value.value;
- this.yueVerify = !!this.priceInfo.is_cashier_yue_pay_verify;
- this.settleMoney = this.priceInfo.payPrice;
- this.collection = this.priceInfo.payPrice;
+ // this.yueVerify = !!this.priceInfo.is_cashier_yue_pay_verify;
+ this.yueVerify = true
+ // this.settleMoney = this.priceInfo.payPrice;
+ // this.collection = this.priceInfo.payPrice;
+ this.settleMoney = this.payInfo.pay_price;
+ this.collection = this.payInfo.pay_price;
this.settleVisible = true;
onRecharge(e) {