index.vue 14 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <!-- 限时秒杀模块 -->
  3. <view :style="colorStyle">
  4. <!-- #ifdef H5 -->
  5. <view class="w-full bg-top h-604 relative" :style="{backgroundImage:headerBg}">
  6. <!-- #endif -->
  7. <!-- #ifndef H5 -->
  8. <view class="w-full bg-top relative" :style="{backgroundImage:headerBg,height: (sysHeight + 262) * 2 + 'rpx'}">
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  14. <text class="iconfont icon-ic_leftarrow fs-40 text--w111-fff" @click="goPage(3)"></text>
  15. <text class="fs-34 fw-500 text--w111-fff">{{pageScrollStatus ? '限时秒杀' : ''}}</text>
  16. <text></text>
  17. </view>
  18. </view>
  19. </view>
  20. <view class="relative w-full content">
  21. <view class="_box h-106 flex-y-center"
  22. :class="pageScrollStatus ? '' : 'rd-t-24rpx'"
  23. :style="{'top': 50 + sysHeight + 'px'}">
  24. <scroll-view scroll-x="true" scroll-with-animation class="white-nowrap vertical-middle w-full relative z-10"
  25. :class="{'sel1':active == 0,'sel-last':active == timeList.length - 1}"
  26. show-scrollbar="false">
  27. <view class="scroll-item"
  28. v-for="(item,index) in timeList" :key='index'
  29. :class="active == index ? 'active-card' : ''"
  30. :style="{'background-image': active == index ? navActiveBg : ''}"
  31. @tap='settimeList(item,index)'>
  32. <view class="flex-col flex-center z-10 relative t-22">
  33. <text class="SemiBold fs-40 lh-40rpx"
  34. :class="active == index ? 'text--w111-333':'text--w111-fff'">{{item.time}}</text>
  35. <text class="inline-block h-36 lh-34rpx fs-24"
  36. :class="active == index ? 'red-tag':'text--w111-fff'">{{item.state}}</text>
  37. </view>
  38. </view>
  39. </scroll-view>
  40. <view class="abs-lb w-full"
  41. :style="{'background': pageScrollStatus ? '#e93323' : 'rgba(245,245,245,0.2)','height': pageScrollStatus ? '130rpx' : '96rpx'}"></view>
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  43. <view class="bg--w111-f5f5f5 pt-32 pl-20 pr-20 relative" >
  44. <view class="card w-full bg--w111-fff rd-24rpx p-20 flex" v-for="(item,index) in seckillList" :key="index"
  45. @tap='goDetails(item)'>
  46. <view class="w-240 h-240">
  47. <easy-loadimage
  48. mode="widthFix"
  49. :image-src="item.image"
  50. :border-src="item.activity_image"
  51. width="240rpx"
  52. height="240rpx"
  53. borderRadius="20rpx"></easy-loadimage>
  54. </view>
  55. <view class="flex-1 h-240 pl-20 flex-col justify-between">
  56. <view class="w-full">
  57. <view class="w-410 fs-28 lh-40rpx line1">{{item.title}}</view>
  58. <view class="w-410 flex items-end flex-wrap mt-12" v-if="item.store_label.length">
  59. <BaseTag
  60. :text="label.label_name"
  61. :color="label.color"
  62. :background="label.bg_color"
  63. :borderColor="label.border_color"
  64. :circle="label.border_color ? true : false"
  65. :imgSrc="label.icon"
  66. v-for="(label, idx) in item.store_label" :key="idx"></BaseTag>
  67. </view>
  68. </view>
  69. <view class="flex items-baseline">
  70. <text class="fs-22 lh-30rpx text-primary pr-8">秒杀价:</text>
  71. <baseMoney :money="item.price" symbolSize="24" integerSize="40" decimalSize="24" color="#E93323" weight></baseMoney>
  72. <text class="fs-22 lh-30rpx text--w111-999 pl-16 text-line">¥{{item.ot_price}}</text>
  73. </view>
  74. <view class="w-full progress-box flex-between-center" v-if="status == 1">
  75. <view class="flex-y-center">
  76. <view class="progress ml-16">
  77. <view class="active" :style="'width:'+item.percent+'%;'"></view>
  78. </view>
  79. <text class="fs-22 text-primary pl-8">已抢{{item.percent}}%</text>
  80. </view>
  81. <view class="qiang"></view>
  82. </view>
  83. <view class="w-full yuyue-box flex-between-center" v-else-if="status == 2">
  84. <view class="flex-y-center fs-22 pl-16">活动即将开始</view>
  85. <view class="yuyue"></view>
  86. </view>
  87. <view class="w-full over-box flex-between-center" v-else>
  88. <view class="flex-y-center fs-22 pl-16">活动已结束</view>
  89. <view class="over"></view>
  90. </view>
  91. </view>
  92. </view>
  93. <view class="abs-lt cir" v-show="active > 0"></view>
  94. </view>
  95. <view class="bg--w111-f5f5f5 p-20" v-if="!seckillList.length && !pageloading">
  96. <emptyPage title="暂无秒杀商品,去看看其他商品吧~" src="/statics/images/noActivity.gif"></emptyPage>
  97. </view>
  98. </view>
  99. </view>
  100. </template>
  101. <script>
  102. let sysHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight;
  103. import { getSeckillIndexTime, getSeckillList } from '@/api/activity.js';
  104. import colors from '@/mixins/color.js'
  105. import {HTTP_REQUEST_URL} from '@/config/app';
  106. import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue';
  107. export default {
  108. components: {
  109. emptyPage
  110. },
  111. mixins:[colors],
  112. data() {
  113. return {
  114. sysHeight:sysHeight,
  115. topImage: '',
  116. seckillList: [],
  117. timeList: [],
  118. active: 5,
  119. scrollLeft: 0,
  120. interval: 0,
  121. status: 1,
  122. countDownHour: "00",
  123. countDownMinute: "00",
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  125. page: 1,
  126. limit: 8,
  127. loading: false,
  128. loadend: false,
  129. pageloading: false,
  130. intoindex:'',
  131. imgHost:HTTP_REQUEST_URL,
  132. pageScrollStatus: false
  133. }
  134. },
  135. computed:{
  136. headerBg(){
  137. return 'url('+this.imgHost+'/statics/images/product/seckill_header.png'+')'
  138. },
  139. navActiveLeft(){
  140. if( == 0){
  141. return 0
  142. } else if( == 1){
  143. return '134rpx'
  144. } else {
  145. return 154 * + 'rpx'
  146. }
  147. },
  148. navActiveBg(){
  149. if( == 0){
  150. return 'url('+this.imgHost+'/statics/images/product/seckill_header_icon1.png'+')'
  151. }else{
  152. return 'url('+this.imgHost+'/statics/images/product/seckill_header_icon2.png'+')'
  153. }
  154. }
  155. },
  156. onPageScroll(object) {
  157. if (object.scrollTop > 200) {
  158. this.pageScrollStatus = true;
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  160. this.pageScrollStatus = false;
  161. }
  162. uni.$emit('scroll');
  163. },
  164. onLoad() {
  165. this.getSeckillConfig();
  166. },
  167. onShow(){
  168. uni.removeStorageSync('form_type_cart');
  169. },
  170. methods: {
  171. getSeckillConfig: function() {
  172. let that = this;
  173. getSeckillIndexTime().then(res => {
  174. that.topImage =;
  175. that.timeList =;
  176. =;
  177. that.$nextTick(()=>{
  178. that.intoindex = 'sort'
  179. })
  180. if (that.timeList.length) {
  181. that.scrollLeft = ( - 1.37) * 100
  182. setTimeout(function() {
  183. that.loading = true
  184. }, 2000);
  185. that.seckillList = [],
  186. = 1
  187. that.status = that.timeList[].status
  188. that.getSeckillList();
  189. }
  190. });
  191. },
  192. getSeckillList: function() {
  193. var that = this;
  194. var data = {
  195. page:,
  196. limit: that.limit
  197. };
  198. if (that.loadend) return;
  199. if (that.pageloading) return;
  200. this.pageloading = true
  201. getSeckillList(that.timeList[].id, data).then(res => {
  202. var seckillList =;
  203. var loadend = seckillList.length < that.limit;
  205. that.seckillList = that.seckillList.concat(seckillList),
  206. =;
  207. that.pageloading = false;
  208. that.loadend = loadend;
  209. }).catch(err => {
  210. that.pageloading = false
  211. });
  212. },
  213. settimeList: function(item, index) {
  214. var that = this;
  215. = index
  216. if (that.interval) {
  217. clearInterval(that.interval);
  218. that.interval = null
  219. }
  220. that.interval = 0,
  221. that.countDownHour = "00";
  222. that.countDownMinute = "00";
  223. that.countDownSecond = "00";
  224. that.status = that.timeList[].status;
  225. that.loadend = false;
  226. = 1;
  227. that.seckillList = [];
  228. // wxh.time(e.currentTarget.dataset.stop, that);
  229. that.getSeckillList();
  230. },
  231. goDetails(item){
  232. uni.navigateTo({
  233. url: '/pages/activity/goods_details/index?id=' + + '&type=1&time_id=' + this.timeList[].id
  234. })
  235. },
  236. goPage(type, url){
  237. if(type == 1){
  238. uni.navigateTo({
  239. url
  240. })
  241. }else if(type == 2){
  242. uni.switchTab({
  243. url
  244. })
  245. }else if(type == 3){
  246. uni.navigateBack();
  247. }
  248. }
  249. },
  250. /**
  251. * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
  252. */
  253. onReachBottom: function() {
  254. this.getSeckillList();
  255. }
  256. }
  257. </script>
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