index.vue 69 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <view :style="colorStyle">
  3. <skeleton :show="showSkeleton" :isNodes="isNodes" ref="skeleton" loading="chiaroscuro" selector="skeleton"
  4. bgcolor="#FFF"></skeleton>
  5. <!-- 头部 -->
  6. <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
  7. <view class="navbar" :style="{ height: navH + 'rpx', opacity: opacity, paddingTop: sysHeight }">
  8. <!-- #endif -->
  9. <!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
  10. <view class="navbar" :style="{ height: navH + 'rpx', opacity: opacity }">
  11. <!-- #endif -->
  12. <view class='navbarH' :style='"height:"+navH+"rpx;"'>
  13. <view class='navbarCon acea-row row-center-wrapper'>
  14. <view class="header acea-row row-center-wrapper">
  15. <view class="item" :class="navActive === index ? 'on' : ''" v-for="(item,index) in navList"
  16. :key='index' @tap="tap(item,index)">
  17. {{ item }}
  18. </view>
  19. </view>
  20. </view>
  21. </view>
  22. </view>
  23. <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
  24. <view id="home" class="home-nav acea-row row-center-wrapper" :class="[opacity>0.5?'on':'']"
  25. :style="{ top:(navH/2-28)+'rpx' ,marginTop:sysHeight}">
  26. <!-- #endif -->
  27. <!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
  28. <view id="home" class="home-nav acea-row row-center-wrapper" :class="[opacity>0.5?'on':'']"
  29. :style="{ top: homeTop +'rpx'}">
  30. <!-- #endif -->
  31. <view class="iconfont icon-fanhui2" @tap="returns"></view>
  32. <!-- #ifdef MP -->
  33. <view class="line"></view>
  34. <view class="iconfont icon-gengduo5" @click="moreNav"></view>
  35. <!-- #endif -->
  36. </view>
  37. <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
  38. <view id="home" class="home-nav right acea-row row-center-wrapper" :class="[opacity>0.5?'on':'']"
  39. :style="{ top:(navH/2-28)+'rpx' ,marginTop:sysHeight}">
  40. <!-- #endif -->
  41. <!-- #ifdef H5 -->
  42. <view id="home" class="home-nav right acea-row row-center-wrapper" :class="[opacity>0.5?'on':'']"
  43. :style="{ top: homeTop +'rpx'}">
  44. <!-- #endif -->
  45. <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS || H5 -->
  46. <view class="iconfont icon-gengduo2" @click="moreNav"></view>
  47. </view>
  48. <!-- #endif -->
  49. <homeList :navH="navH" :returnShow="returnShow" :currentPage="currentPage" :sysHeight="sysHeight"></homeList>
  50. <!-- 详情 -->
  51. <view class='product-con skeleton' :style="{visibility: showSkeleton ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}">
  52. <scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y='true' scroll-with-animation="true"
  53. :style="'height:'+height+'px;'" @scroll="scroll">
  54. <view id="past0">
  55. <productConSwiper class="skeleton-rect" :imgUrls="imgUrls"></productConSwiper>
  56. <view class='wrapper'>
  57. <view class='share acea-row row-between row-bottom'>
  58. <view class='money font-color skeleton-rect'>
  59. ¥<text class='num'>{{storeInfo.price || 0}}</text>
  60. <text
  61. v-if="attribute.productAttr.length && (attribute.productAttr.length?attribute.productAttr[0].attr_values.length:0) > 1">起</text>
  62. <text class='y-money'>¥{{storeInfo.product_price || 0}}</text>
  63. </view>
  64. <view class='iconfont icon-fenxiang skeleton-rect' @click="listenerActionSheet" v-if="base64Show"></view>
  65. </view>
  66. <view class="introduce skeleton-rect">
  67. <span class='labelN' v-if="storeInfo.brand_name && storeInfo.brand_name.trim()">{{storeInfo.brand_name}}</span>
  68. {{storeInfo.title}}
  69. </view>
  70. <view class='label acea-row row-between-wrapper skeleton-rect'>
  71. <view class='stock'>类型:{{storeInfo.people || 0}}人团</view>
  72. <view>累计销量:{{}} {{storeInfo.unit_name || ''}}</view>
  73. <view>限购: {{ storeInfo.quota_show ? storeInfo.quota_show : 0 }}
  74. {{storeInfo.unit_name || ''}}
  75. </view>
  76. </view>
  77. </view>
  78. <view class='attribute skeleton-rect'>
  79. <view v-if='attribute.productAttr.length' @tap='selecAttr' class="attrInfo">
  80. <view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
  81. <view class="attrValue line1">{{attr}}:<text class='atterTxt'>{{attrValue}}</text></view>
  82. <view class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></view>
  83. </view>
  84. <view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper ml10" v-if="skuArr.length > 1">
  85. <view class="flex">
  86. <image :src="item.image" v-for="(item,index) in skuArr.slice(0,4)" :key="index" class="attrImg"></image>
  87. </view>
  88. <view class="switchTxt">共{{skuArr.length}}种规格可选</view>
  89. </view>
  90. </view>
  91. <view class="storeInfo acea-row row-between row-top" v-if="isMention && storeLen" @tap="showStoreList">
  92. <view class="acea-row row-top row-between">
  93. 门店:
  94. <storeLis :num='1' :ids="parseInt(storeInfo.product_id)" @getStoreList="getStoreList"></storeLis>
  95. </view>
  96. <view class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></view>
  97. </view>
  98. </view>
  99. <view class="bg-color skeleton-rect" v-if="itemNew.length" style="margin: 0 20rpx;border-radius: 10rpx;">
  100. <view class='notice acea-row row-middle'>
  101. <view class='num font-num'>
  102. <text class='iconfont icon-laba'></text>
  103. 已拼{{pink_ok_sum}}件<text class='line'>|</text>
  104. </view>
  105. <view class='swiper'>
  106. <swiper :indicator-dots="indicatorDots" :autoplay="autoplay" interval="2500" duration="500"
  107. vertical="true" circular="true">
  108. <block v-for="(item,index) in itemNew" :key='index'>
  109. <swiper-item>
  110. <view class='line1'>{{item}}</view>
  111. </swiper-item>
  112. </block>
  113. </swiper>
  114. </view>
  115. </view>
  116. </view>
  117. <view class='assemble skeleton-rect'>
  118. <view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' v-for='(item,index) in pink' :key='index'
  119. v-if="index < AllIndex">
  120. <view class='pictxt acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
  121. <view class='pictrue'>
  122. <image :src='item.avatar'></image>
  123. </view>
  124. <view class='text line1'>{{item.nickname}}</view>
  125. </view>
  126. <view class='right acea-row row-middle'>
  127. <view>
  128. <view class='lack'>还差<text class='font-num'>{{item.count}}</text>人成团</view>
  129. <view class='time'>
  130. <count-down :is-day="false" :tip-text="' '" :day-text="' '" :hour-text="':'"
  131. :minute-text="':'" :second-text="' '" :datatime="item.stop_time">
  132. </count-down>
  133. </view>
  134. </view>
  135. <navigator hover-class='none'
  136. :url="'/pages/activity/goods_combination_status/index?id='"
  137. class='spellBnt'>
  138. 去拼单
  139. <text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
  140. </navigator>
  141. </view>
  142. </view>
  143. <template v-if="pink.length">
  144. <view class='more' @tap='showAll' v-if="pink.length > AllIndex">查看更多<text
  145. class='iconfont icon-xiangxia'></text></view>
  146. <view class='more' @tap='hideAll'
  147. v-else-if="pink.length === AllIndex && pink.length !== AllIndexDefault">收起<text
  148. class='iconfont icon-xiangshang'></text></view>
  149. </template>
  150. </view>
  151. <view class='playWay'>
  152. <view class='title acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
  153. <view>拼团玩法</view>
  154. <!-- <navigator hover-class='none' class='font-color' url='/pages/activity/goods_combination_rule/index'>查看规则<text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text></navigator> -->
  155. </view>
  156. <view class='way acea-row row-middle'>
  157. <view class='item'>
  158. <text class='num'>①</text>
  159. <text>开团/参团</text>
  160. </view>
  161. <view class='iconfont icon-arrow'></view>
  162. <view class='item'>
  163. <text class='num'>②</text>
  164. <text>邀请好友</text>
  165. </view>
  166. <view class='iconfont icon-arrow'></view>
  167. <view class='item'>
  168. <view>
  169. <text class='num'>③</text>
  170. <text>满员发货</text>
  171. </view>
  172. <!-- <view class='tip'>不满自动退款</view> -->
  173. </view>
  174. </view>
  175. </view>
  176. </view>
  177. <view class='userEvaluation skeleton-rect' id="past1" v-if="replyCount">
  178. <view class='title acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
  179. <view>用户评价({{replyCount}})</view>
  180. <navigator class='praise' hover-class='none'
  181. :url='"/pages/goods/goods_comment_list/index?product_id="+storeInfo.product_id'>
  182. <text class='font-num'>{{replyChance || 0}}%</text>
  183. 好评率
  184. <text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
  185. </navigator>
  186. </view>
  187. <userEvaluation :reply="reply"></userEvaluation>
  188. </view>
  189. <view class='product-intro' id="past2">
  190. <view class='title'>产品介绍</view>
  191. <view class='conter'>
  192. <jyf-parser :html="storeInfo.description" ref="article" :tag-style="tagStyle"></jyf-parser>
  193. </view>
  194. </view>
  195. </scroll-view>
  196. <view class='footer acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
  197. <!-- #ifdef MP -->
  198. <!-- <button open-type="contact" hover-class='none' class='item'>
  199. <view class='iconfont icon-kefu'></view>
  200. <view class="p_center">客服</view>
  201. </button> -->
  202. <!-- #endif -->
  203. <!-- #ifndef MP -->
  204. <!-- <navigator hover-class="none" class="item" url="/pages/customer_list/chat">
  205. <view class="iconfont icon-kefu"></view>
  206. <view class="p_center">客服</view>
  207. </navigator> -->
  208. <!-- #endif -->
  209. <navigator hover-class="none" class="item skeleton-rect" open-type="switchTab" url="/pages/index/index">
  210. <view class="iconfont icon-shouye6"></view>
  211. <view class="p_center">首页</view>
  212. </navigator>
  213. <view @tap='setCollect' class='item skeleton-rect'>
  214. <view class='iconfont icon-shoucang1' v-if="storeInfo.userCollect"></view>
  215. <view class='iconfont icon-shoucang' v-else></view>
  216. <view class="p_center">收藏</view>
  217. </view>
  218. <view class="bnt acea-row skeleton-rect">
  219. <view class="joinCart bnts" @tap="goProduct">单独购买</view>
  220. <view class="buy bnts" @tap="goCat"
  221. v-if='attribute.productSelect.product_stock>0&&attribute.productSelect.quota>0'>
  222. 立即开团
  223. </view>
  224. <view class="buy bnts bg-color-hui" v-if="!dataShow">
  225. 立即开团
  226. </view>
  227. <view class="buy bnts bg-color-hui"
  228. v-if='attribute.productSelect.quota <= 0 || attribute.productSelect.product_stock <= 0'>
  229. 已售罄
  230. </view>
  231. </view>
  232. </view>
  233. </view>
  234. <!-- 分享按钮 -->
  235. <view class="generate-posters" :class="posters ? 'on' : ''">
  236. <view class="generateCon acea-row row-middle">
  237. <!-- #ifndef MP -->
  238. <button class="item" hover-class='none' v-if="weixinStatus === true" @click="H5ShareBox = true">
  239. <!-- <button class="item" hover-class='none' v-if="weixinStatus === true" @click="setShareInfoStatus"> -->
  240. <!-- <view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view> -->
  241. <view class="pictrue">
  242. <image src="../../../static/images/weixin.png"></image>
  243. </view>
  244. <view class="">分享给好友</view>
  245. </button>
  246. <!-- #endif -->
  247. <!-- #ifdef MP -->
  248. <button class="item" open-type="share" hover-class='none'>
  249. <!-- <view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view> -->
  250. <view class="pictrue">
  251. <image src="../../../static/images/weixin.png"></image>
  252. </view>
  253. <view class="">分享给好友</view>
  254. </button>
  255. <!-- #endif -->
  256. <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
  257. <view class="item" @click="appShare('WXSceneSession')">
  258. <!-- <view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view> -->
  259. <view class="pictrue">
  260. <image src="../../../static/images/weixin.png"></image>
  261. </view>
  262. <view class="">分享给好友</view>
  263. </view>
  264. <!-- <view class="item" @click="appShare('WXSenceTimeline')">
  265. <view class="iconfont icon-pengyouquan"></view>
  266. <view class="">微信朋友圈</view>
  267. </view> -->
  268. <!-- #endif -->
  269. <view class="item" @click="getpreviewImage">
  270. <view class="pictrue">
  271. <image src="../../../static/images/changan.png"></image>
  272. </view>
  273. <view class="">预览发图</view>
  274. </view>
  275. <!-- #ifndef H5 -->
  276. <button class="item" hover-class='none' @tap="savePosterPath">
  277. <!-- <view class="iconfont icon-haibao"></view> -->
  278. <view class="pictrue">
  279. <image src="../../../static/images/haibao.png"></image>
  280. </view>
  281. <view class="">保存海报</view>
  282. </button>
  283. <!-- #endif -->
  284. </view>
  285. <view class="generateClose acea-row row-center-wrapper" @click="posterImageClose">取消</view>
  286. </view>
  287. <view class="mask" v-if="posters"></view>
  288. <!-- 海报展示 -->
  289. <view class='poster-pop' v-if="posterImageStatus">
  290. <!-- <image src='/static/images/poster-close.png' class='close' @click="posterImageClose"></image> -->
  291. <image :src='posterImage'></image>
  292. <!-- #ifndef H5 -->
  293. <!-- <view class='save-poster' @click="savePosterPath">保存到手机</view> -->
  294. <!-- #endif -->
  295. <!-- #ifdef H5 -->
  296. <!-- <view class="keep">长按图片可以保存到手机</view> -->
  297. <!-- #endif -->
  298. </view>
  299. <view class='mask1' v-if="posterImageStatus"></view>
  300. <canvas class="canvas" canvas-id='myCanvas' v-if="canvasStatus"></canvas>
  301. <view class="share-box" v-if="H5ShareBox">
  302. <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/share-info.png'" @click="H5ShareBox = false"></image>
  303. </view>
  304. <product-window :attr='attribute' :limitNum='1' :cusPreviewImg='1' @myevent="onMyEvent" @ChangeAttr="ChangeAttr"
  305. @ChangeCartNum="ChangeCartNum" @iptCartNum="iptCartNum" @attrVal="attrVal" @getImg="showImg" @deliveryFun="deliveryFun" @onAddressId="onAddressId" @onstoreId="onstoreId"></product-window>
  306. <kefuIcon :ids='storeInfo.product_id' :routineContact='routineContact'></kefuIcon>
  307. <!-- #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS -->
  308. <zb-code ref="qrcode" :show="codeShow" :cid="cid" :val="codeVal" :size="size" :unit="unit" :background="background"
  309. :foreground="foreground" :pdground="pdground" :icon="codeIcon" :iconSize="iconsize" :onval="onval"
  310. :loadMake="loadMake" @result="qrR" />
  311. <!-- #endif -->
  312. <cusPreviewImg ref="cusPreviewImg" :list="skuArr" @changeSwitch="changeSwitch"></cusPreviewImg>
  313. </view>
  314. </template>
  315. <script>
  316. const app = getApp();
  317. let sysHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight + 'px';
  318. import zbCode from '@/components/zb-code/zb-code.vue'
  319. import {
  320. mapGetters
  321. } from "vuex";
  322. import productConSwiper from '@/components/productConSwiper/index.vue'
  323. import {
  324. toLogin
  325. } from '@/libs/login.js';
  326. import {
  327. getCombinationDetail,
  328. scombinationCode
  329. } from '@/api/activity.js';
  330. import {
  331. postCartAdd,
  332. collectAdd,
  333. collectDel
  334. } from '@/api/store.js';
  335. import {
  336. imageBase64
  337. } from "@/api/public";
  338. import storeLis from '@/components/storeLis';
  339. import parser from "@/components/jyf-parser/jyf-parser";
  340. import productWindow from '@/components/productWindow/index.vue'
  341. import userEvaluation from '@/components/userEvaluation/index.vue'
  342. import countDown from '@/components/countDown/index.vue'
  343. import kefuIcon from '@/components/kefuIcon';
  344. import cusPreviewImg from '@/components/cusPreviewImg';
  345. import homeList from '@/components/homeList';
  346. import {
  347. getProductCode
  348. } from '@/api/store.js'
  349. import {
  350. getUserInfo
  351. } from '@/api/user.js';
  352. import {
  355. } from '@/config/app.js';
  356. import colors from '@/mixins/color.js';
  357. import {Debounce} from '@/utils/validate.js'
  358. export default {
  359. components: {
  360. zbCode,
  361. productConSwiper,
  362. kefuIcon,
  363. "jyf-parser": parser,
  364. "product-window": productWindow,
  365. userEvaluation,
  366. countDown,
  367. storeLis,
  368. cusPreviewImg,
  369. homeList
  370. },
  371. computed: mapGetters({
  372. 'isLogin': 'isLogin',
  373. 'userData': 'userInfo'
  374. }),
  375. mixins:[colors],
  376. data() {
  377. return {
  378. showSkeleton: true, //骨架屏显示隐藏
  379. isNodes: 0, //控制什么时候开始抓取元素节点,只要数值改变就重新抓取
  380. dataShow: 0,
  381. navH: '',
  382. id: 0,
  383. userInfo: {},
  384. itemNew: [],
  385. indicatorDots: false,
  386. circular: true,
  387. autoplay: true,
  388. interval: 3000,
  389. duration: 500,
  390. attribute: {
  391. cartAttr: false,
  392. productAttr: [],
  393. productSelect: {},
  394. deliveryType:[],
  395. isType:0,
  396. relation_id:0,
  397. store_self_mention:0
  398. },
  399. productValue: [],
  400. isOpen: false,
  401. attr: '请选择',
  402. attrValue: '',
  403. AllIndex: 2,
  404. maxAllIndex: 0,
  405. replyChance: '',
  406. limitNum: 1,
  407. timeer: null,
  408. iSplus: false,
  409. navList: ['商品', '评价', '详情'],
  410. opacity: 0,
  411. scrollY: 0,
  412. topArr: [],
  413. toView: '',
  414. height: 0,
  415. heightArr: [],
  416. lock: false,
  417. scrollTop: 0,
  418. storeInfo: {
  419. brand_name:''
  420. },
  421. pink_ok_sum: 0,
  422. pink: [],
  423. replyCount: 0,
  424. reply: [],
  425. imgUrls: [],
  426. sharePacket: '',
  427. tagStyle: {
  428. img: 'width:100%;display:block;',
  429. table: 'width:100%',
  430. video: 'width:100%'
  431. },
  432. posters: false,
  433. weixinStatus: false,
  434. posterImageStatus: false,
  435. canvasStatus: false, //海报绘图标签
  436. storeImage: '', //海报产品图
  437. PromotionCode: '', //二维码图片
  438. posterImage: '', //海报路径
  439. posterbackgd: '/static/images/posterbackgd.png',
  440. navActive: 0,
  441. actionSheetHidden: false,
  442. attrTxt: '',
  443. cart_num: '',
  444. isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
  445. isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
  446. AllIndexDefault: 0,
  447. homeTop: 20,
  448. returnShow: true,
  449. H5ShareBox: false,
  450. routineContact: 0,
  451. siteName:'', //商城名称
  452. themeColor:'',
  453. fontColor:'',
  454. skuArr:[],
  455. //二维码参数
  456. codeShow: false,
  457. cid: '1',
  458. codeVal: "", // 要生成的二维码值
  459. size: 200, // 二维码大小
  460. unit: 'upx', // 单位
  461. background: '#FFF', // 背景色
  462. foreground: '#000', // 前景色
  463. pdground: '#000', // 角标色
  464. codeIcon: '', // 二维码图标
  465. iconsize: 40, // 二维码图标大小
  466. lv: 3, // 二维码容错级别 , 一般不用设置,默认就行
  467. onval: true, // val值变化时自动重新生成二维码
  468. loadMake: true, // 组件加载完成后自动生成二维码
  469. base64Show: 0,
  470. shareQrcode: 0,
  471. followCode:'',
  472. selectSku:{},
  473. currentPage:false,
  474. sysHeight: sysHeight,
  475. isMention: false, //是否存在到店自提
  476. storeLen:1,
  477. imgHost:HTTP_REQUEST_URL,
  478. addressId:'',
  479. store_id :'',
  480. delivery_type:0,
  481. store_name:'',
  482. }
  483. },
  484. watch: {
  485. isLogin: {
  486. handler: function(newV, oldV) {
  487. if (newV) {
  488. // this.downloadFilePromotionCode();
  489. this.combinationDetail();
  490. }
  491. },
  492. deep: true
  493. },
  494. },
  495. onLoad(options) {
  496. let that = this
  497. var pages = getCurrentPages();
  498. that.returnShow = pages.length === 1 ? false : true;
  499. this.$nextTick(() => {
  500. // #ifdef MP
  501. const menuButton = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect();
  502. const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
  503. query
  504. .select('#home')
  505. .boundingClientRect(data => {
  506. this.homeTop = * 2 + menuButton.height - data.height;
  507. })
  508. .exec();
  509. // #endif
  510. })
  511. // #ifdef MP
  512. this.navH = app.globalData.navHeight;
  513. // #endif
  514. // #ifndef MP
  515. this.navH = 96;
  516. // #endif
  517. //设置商品列表高度
  518. uni.getSystemInfo({
  519. success: function(res) {
  520. that.height = res.windowHeight
  521. //res.windowHeight:获取整个窗口高度为px,*2为rpx;98为头部占据的高度;
  522. },
  523. });
  524. //扫码携带参数处理
  525. // #ifdef MP
  526. if (options.scene) {
  527. let value = this.$util.getUrlParams(decodeURIComponent(options.scene));
  528. if ( =;
  529. //记录推广人uid
  530. if ( app.globalData.spid =;
  531. }
  532. if (! && !options.scene) return this.$util.Tips({
  533. title: '缺少参数无法查看商品'
  534. }, {
  535. tab: 3,
  536. url: 1
  537. });
  538. // #endif
  539. if (options.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
  540. =
  541. //记录推广人uid
  542. if ( app.globalData.spid =;
  543. // app.globalData.openPages = '/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id=' + + '&spid=' + this.userInfo.uid;
  544. if (this.isLogin && {
  545. // #ifdef MP
  546. that.downloadFilePromotionCode();
  547. // #endif
  548. this.combinationDetail();
  549. } else {
  550. // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
  551. try {
  552. uni.setStorageSync('comGoodsId',;
  553. } catch (e) {}
  554. // #endif
  555. this.$Cache.set('login_back_url',
  556. `/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id=${}`);
  557. toLogin();
  558. }
  559. } else {
  560. try {
  561. let val = uni.getStorageSync('comGoodsId');
  562. if (val != '') {
  563. = val
  564. this.combinationDetail();
  565. }
  566. } catch (e) {
  567. uni.showToast({
  568. title: '参数错误',
  569. icon: 'none',
  570. duration: 1000,
  571. mask: true,
  572. })
  573. }
  574. };
  575. this.colorData();
  576. let color = [
  577. {themeColor:'#1DB0FC',fontColor:'#FD502F'},
  578. {themeColor:'#42CA4D',fontColor:'#FF7600'},
  579. {themeColor:'#e93323',fontColor:'#e93323'},
  580. {themeColor:'#FF448F',fontColor:'#FF448F'},
  581. {themeColor:'#FE5C2D',fontColor:'#FE5C2D'}
  582. ];
  583. setTimeout(()=>{
  584. switch (this.colorNum) {
  585. case 1:
  586. this.themeColor = color[0].themeColor;
  587. this.fontColor = color[0].fontColor;
  588. break;
  589. case 2:
  590. this.themeColor = color[1].themeColor;
  591. this.fontColor = color[1].fontColor;
  592. break;
  593. case 3:
  594. this.themeColor = color[2].themeColor;
  595. this.fontColor = color[2].fontColor;
  596. break;
  597. case 4:
  598. this.themeColor = color[3].themeColor;
  599. this.fontColor = color[3].fontColor;
  600. break;
  601. case 5:
  602. this.themeColor = color[4].themeColor;
  603. this.fontColor = color[4].fontColor;
  604. break;
  605. default:
  606. this.themeColor = color[2].themeColor;
  607. this.fontColor = color[2].fontColor;
  608. break
  609. }
  610. },1)
  611. },
  612. onReady(){
  613. this.isNodes++;
  614. // #ifdef H5
  615. this.codeVal = window.location.origin + '/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id=' + +
  616. '&pid=' + this.$
  617. // #endif
  618. // #ifdef APP-PLUS
  619. this.codeVal = HTTP_REQUEST_URL + '/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id=' + +
  620. '&pid=' + this.$
  621. // #endif
  622. },
  623. onShow(){
  624. uni.removeStorageSync('form_type_cart');
  625. },
  626. methods: {
  627. // 获取配送方式
  628. deliveryFun(e){
  629. console.log('sdsd',e)
  630. this.delivery_type = e;
  631. },
  632. // 获取配送地址id
  633. onAddressId(row){
  635. },
  636. // 获取自提地址id
  637. onstoreId(row) {
  638. this.store_id =;
  639. this.store_name =;
  640. },
  641. getStoreList(len){
  642. this.storeLen = len;
  643. },
  644. showStoreList(){
  645. uni.navigateTo({
  646. url: '/pages/goods/goods_details_store/index'
  647. })
  648. },
  649. moreNav(){
  650. this.currentPage = !this.currentPage
  651. },
  652. //点击sku图片打开轮播图
  653. showImg(index){
  654. this.$
  655. },
  656. //滑动轮播图选择商品
  657. changeSwitch(e){
  658. let productSelect = this.skuArr[e];
  659. this.$set(this,'selectSku',productSelect);
  660. var skuList = productSelect.suk.split(',');
  661. skuList.forEach((i,index)=>{
  662. this.$set(this.attribute.productAttr[index],'index',skuList[index]);
  663. })
  664. if (productSelect) {
  665. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image);
  666. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price);
  667. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock);
  668. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique);
  669. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
  670. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "quota", productSelect.quota);
  671. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "quota_show", productSelect.quota_show);
  672. this.$set(this, "attrValue", productSelect.suk);
  673. this.attrTxt = "已选择"
  674. }
  675. },
  676. qrR(res) {
  677. // #ifdef H5
  678. if(!this.$wechat.isWeixin() || this.shareQrcode != '1'){
  679. this.PromotionCode = res;
  680. this.followCode = ''
  681. }
  682. // #endif
  683. // #ifdef APP-PLUS
  684. this.PromotionCode = res;
  685. // #endif
  686. },
  687. // 图片预览;
  688. getpreviewImage: function() {
  689. if(this.posterImage){
  690. let photoList = [];
  691. photoList.push(this.posterImage)
  692. uni.previewImage({
  693. urls: photoList,
  694. current: this.posterImage
  695. });
  696. }else{
  697. his.$util.Tips({
  698. title: '您的海报尚未生成'
  699. });
  700. }
  701. },
  702. // app分享
  703. // #ifdef APP-PLUS
  704. appShare(scene) {
  705. let that = this
  706. let routes = getCurrentPages(); // 获取当前打开过的页面路由数组
  707. let curRoute = routes[routes.length - 1].$page.fullPath // 获取当前页面路由,也就是最后一个打开的页面路由
  708. uni.share({
  709. provider: "weixin",
  710. scene: scene,
  711. type: 0,
  712. href: `${HTTP_REQUEST_URL}${curRoute}`,
  713. title: that.storeInfo.title,
  714. summary:,
  715. imageUrl: that.storeInfo.small_image,
  716. success: function(res) {
  717. uni.showToast({
  718. title: '分享成功',
  719. icon: 'success'
  720. })
  721. // that.posters = false;
  722. },
  723. fail: function(err) {
  724. uni.showToast({
  725. title: '分享失败',
  726. icon: 'none',
  727. duration: 2000
  728. })
  729. // that.posters = false;
  730. }
  731. });
  732. },
  733. // #endif
  734. showAll: function() {
  735. this.AllIndexDefault = this.AllIndex;
  736. this.AllIndex =;
  737. },
  738. hideAll: function() {
  739. this.AllIndex = this.AllIndexDefault;
  740. },
  741. // 授权关闭
  742. authColse: function(e) {
  743. this.isShowAuth = e;
  744. },
  745. /**
  746. * 购物车手动填写
  747. *
  748. */
  749. iptCartNum: function(e) {
  750. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, 'cart_num', e);
  751. this.$set(this, "cart_num", e);
  752. },
  753. // 返回
  754. returns() {
  755. // #ifdef H5
  756. return history.back();
  757. // #endif
  758. // #ifndef H5
  759. return uni.navigateBack({
  760. delta: 1,
  761. })
  762. // #endif
  763. },
  764. // 获取详情
  765. combinationDetail() {
  766. var that = this;
  767. var data =;
  768. getCombinationDetail(data).then(function(res) {
  769. that.$set(that.attribute, 'isType',;
  770. that.$set(that.attribute, 'relation_id',;
  771. that.$set(that.attribute, 'store_self_mention',;
  772. that.dataShow = 1;
  773. uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
  774. title:, 16)
  775. })
  776. that.imgUrls =;
  777. that.storeInfo =;
  778. that.storeInfo.description = that.storeInfo.description.replace(/<img/gi,
  779. '<img style="max-width:100%;height:auto;float:left;display:block" ');
  780. that.attribute.productSelect.num =;
  781.,y)=>x - y);
  782. that.$set(that.attribute, 'deliveryType',;
  783. =;
  784. that.pindAll =;
  785. that.reply = ? [] : [];
  786. that.replyCount =;
  787. that.itemNew =;
  788. that.pink_ok_sum =;
  789. that.replyChance =;
  790. that.attribute.productAttr =;
  791. that.productValue =;
  792. that.shareQrcode =;
  793. if ('2') != -1) {
  794. that.$set(that, 'isMention', true);
  795. }
  796. for(let key in{
  797. let obj =[key];
  798. that.skuArr.push(obj)
  799. };
  800. that.selectSku = that.skuArr[0];
  801. that.routineContact = Number(;
  802. that.siteName =;
  803. var navList = ['商品', '详情'];
  804. if({
  805. navList.splice(1, 0, '评价');
  806. }
  807. that.$set(that, 'navList', navList);
  808. // #ifdef H5
  809. that.setShare();
  810. that.storeImage = that.storeInfo.image
  811. if(that.$wechat.isWeixin() && that.shareQrcode=='1'){
  812. that.followCode = that.storeInfo.code_base
  813. that.getImageBase64(1);
  814. }else{
  815. that.getImageBase64();
  816. }
  817. // #endif
  818. // #ifndef H5
  819. that.downloadFilestoreImage();
  820. // #endif
  821. // that.setProductSelect();
  822. that.DefaultSelect();
  823. setTimeout(function() {
  824. that.infoScroll();
  825. }, 500);
  826. setTimeout(() => {
  827. that.showSkeleton = false
  828. }, 300)
  829. }).catch(function(err) {
  830. that.$util.Tips({
  831. title: err
  832. }, {
  833. tab: 3
  834. })
  835. })
  836. },
  837. //#ifdef H5
  838. setShare: function() {
  839. this.$wechat.isWeixin() &&
  840. this.$wechat.wechatEvevt([
  841. "updateAppMessageShareData",
  842. "updateTimelineShareData",
  843. "onMenuShareAppMessage",
  844. "onMenuShareTimeline"
  845. ], {
  846. desc:,
  847. title: this.storeInfo.title,
  848. link: location.href,
  849. imgUrl: this.storeInfo.image
  850. }).then(res => {}).catch(err => {});
  851. },
  852. //#endif
  853. /**
  854. * 默认选中属性
  855. *
  856. */
  857. DefaultSelect: function() {
  858. let self = this
  859. let productAttr = self.attribute.productAttr;
  860. let value = [];
  861. for (var key in this.productValue) {
  862. if (this.productValue[key].quota > 0) {
  863. value = this.attribute.productAttr.length ? key.split(",") : [];
  864. break;
  865. }
  866. }
  867. for (let i = 0; i < productAttr.length; i++) {
  868. this.$set(productAttr[i], "index", value[i]);
  869. }
  870. //sort();排序函数:数字-英文-汉字;
  871. let productSelect = self.productValue[value.join(",")];
  872. if (productSelect && productAttr.length) {
  873. self.$set(
  874. self.attribute.productSelect,
  875. "store_name",
  876. self.storeInfo.title
  877. );
  878. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image);
  879. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price);
  880. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock);
  881. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique);
  882. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "quota", productSelect.quota);
  883. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "quota_show", productSelect.quota_show);
  884. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "product_stock", productSelect.product_stock);
  885. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
  886. self.$set(self, "attrValue", value.join(","));
  887. self.attrValue = value.join(",")
  888. } else if (!productSelect && productAttr.length) {
  889. self.$set(
  890. self.attribute.productSelect,
  891. "store_name",
  892. self.storeInfo.title
  893. );
  894. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "image", self.storeInfo.image);
  895. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "price", self.storeInfo.price);
  896. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "quota", 0);
  897. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "quota_show", 0);
  898. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "product_stock", 0);
  899. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "stock", 0);
  900. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "unique", "");
  901. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", 0);
  902. self.$set(self, "attrValue", "");
  903. self.$set(self, "attrTxt", "请选择");
  904. } else if (!productSelect && !productAttr.length) {
  905. self.$set(
  906. self.attribute.productSelect,
  907. "store_name",
  908. self.storeInfo.title
  909. );
  910. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "image", self.storeInfo.image);
  911. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "price", self.storeInfo.price);
  912. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "stock", self.storeInfo.stock);
  913. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "quota", 0);
  914. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "product_stock", 0);
  915. self.$set(
  916. self.attribute.productSelect,
  917. "unique",
  918. self.storeInfo.unique || ""
  919. );
  920. self.$set(self.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
  921. self.$set(self, "attrValue", "");
  922. self.$set(self, "attrTxt", "请选择");
  923. }
  924. },
  925. infoScroll: function() {
  926. var that = this,
  927. topArr = [],
  928. heightArr = [];
  929. for (var i = 0; i < that.navList.length; i++) { //productList
  930. //获取元素所在位置
  931. var query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
  932. var idView = "#past" + i;
  933. if(!this.replyCount && i == 1){
  934. idView = "#past" + 2;
  935. }
  937. query.exec(function(res) {
  938. var top = res[0].top;
  939. var height = res[0].height;
  940. topArr.push(top);
  941. heightArr.push(height);
  942. that.topArr = topArr
  943. that.heightArr = heightArr
  944. });
  945. };
  946. },
  947. // 授权后回调
  948. // onLoadFun: function(e) {
  949. // this.userInfo = e
  950. // app.globalData.openPages = '/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id=' + + '&spid=' +
  951. // e.uid;
  952. // this.downloadFilePromotionCode();
  953. // this.combinationDetail();
  954. // },
  955. selecAttr: function() {
  956. this.currentPage = false;
  957. this.attribute.cartAttr = true
  958. },
  959. onMyEvent: function() {
  960. this.$set(this.attribute, 'cartAttr', false);
  961. this.$set(this, 'isOpen', false);
  962. },
  963. /**
  964. * 购物车数量加和数量减
  965. *
  966. */
  967. ChangeCartNum: function(changeValue) {
  968. //changeValue:是否 加|减
  969. //获取当前变动属性
  970. let productSelect = this.productValue[this.attrValue];
  971. if (this.cart_num) {
  972. productSelect.cart_num = this.cart_num;
  973. this.attribute.productSelect.cart_num = this.cart_num;
  974. }
  975. //如果没有属性,赋值给商品默认库存
  976. if (productSelect === undefined && !this.attribute.productAttr.length)
  977. productSelect = this.attribute.productSelect;
  978. //无属性值即库存为0;不存在加减;
  979. if (productSelect === undefined) return;
  980. let stock = productSelect.stock || 0;
  981. let quotaShow = productSelect.quota_show || 0;
  982. let quota = productSelect.quota || 0;
  983. let productStock = productSelect.product_stock || 0;
  984. let num = this.attribute.productSelect;
  985. let nums = this.storeInfo.num || 0;
  986. //设置默认数据
  987. if (productSelect.cart_num == undefined) productSelect.cart_num = 1;
  988. if (changeValue) {
  989. num.cart_num++;
  990. let arrMin = [];
  991. arrMin.push(nums);
  992. arrMin.push(quota);
  993. arrMin.push(productStock);
  994. let minN = Math.min.apply(null, arrMin);
  995. if (num.cart_num >= minN) {
  996. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", minN ? minN : 1);
  997. this.$set(this, "cart_num", minN ? minN : 1);
  998. }
  999. // if(quotaShow >= productStock){
  1000. // if (num.cart_num > productStock) {
  1001. // this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", productStock);
  1002. // this.$set(this, "cart_num", productStock);
  1003. // }
  1004. // }else{
  1005. // if (num.cart_num > quotaShow) {
  1006. // this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", quotaShow);
  1007. // this.$set(this, "cart_num", quotaShow);
  1008. // }
  1009. // }
  1010. this.$set(this, "cart_num", num.cart_num);
  1011. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", num.cart_num);
  1012. } else {
  1013. num.cart_num--;
  1014. if (num.cart_num < 1) {
  1015. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
  1016. this.$set(this, "cart_num", 1);
  1017. }
  1018. this.$set(this, "cart_num", num.cart_num);
  1019. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", num.cart_num);
  1020. }
  1021. },
  1022. attrVal(val) {
  1023. this.attribute.productAttr[val.indexw].index = this.attribute.productAttr[val.indexw].attr_values[val
  1024. .indexn];
  1025. },
  1026. /**
  1027. * 属性变动赋值
  1028. *
  1029. */
  1030. ChangeAttr: function(res) {
  1031. this.$set(this, 'cart_num', 1);
  1032. let productSelect = this.productValue[res];
  1033. this.$set(this, "selectSku", productSelect);
  1034. if (productSelect) {
  1035. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image);
  1036. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price);
  1037. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock);
  1038. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique);
  1039. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
  1040. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "quota", productSelect.quota);
  1041. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "quota_show", productSelect.quota_show);
  1042. this.$set(this, "attrValue", res);
  1043. this.attrTxt = "已选择"
  1044. } else {
  1045. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "image", this.storeInfo.image);
  1046. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "price", this.storeInfo.price);
  1047. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "stock", 0);
  1048. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "unique", "");
  1049. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "cart_num", 0);
  1050. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "quota", 0);
  1051. this.$set(this.attribute.productSelect, "quota_show", 0);
  1052. this.$set(this, "attrValue", "");
  1053. this.attrTxt = "已选择"
  1054. }
  1055. },
  1056. // 单独购买
  1057. goProduct:Debounce(function() {
  1058. uni.navigateTo({
  1059. url: '/pages/goods_details/index?id=' + this.storeInfo.product_id
  1060. })
  1061. }),
  1062. // 立即购买
  1063. goCat:function () {
  1064. var that = this;
  1065. that.currentPage = false;
  1066. var productSelect = this.productValue[this.attrValue];
  1067. //打开属性
  1068. if (this.isOpen)
  1069. this.attribute.cartAttr = true
  1070. else
  1071. this.attribute.cartAttr = !this.attribute.cartAttr
  1072. //只有关闭属性弹窗时进行加入购物车
  1073. if (this.attribute.cartAttr === true && this.isOpen == false) return this.isOpen = true
  1074. //如果有属性,没有选择,提示用户选择
  1075. if (this.attribute.productAttr.length && productSelect === undefined && this.isOpen == true) return that
  1076. .$util.Tips({
  1077. title: '请选择属性'
  1078. });
  1079. var data = {
  1080. productId: that.storeInfo.product_id,
  1081. secKillId: 0,
  1082. bargainId: 0,
  1083. combinationId:,
  1084. cartNum: that.cart_num,
  1085. uniqueId: productSelect !== undefined ? productSelect.unique : '',
  1086. is_new: 1,
  1087. store_id:this.store_id,
  1088. addressId:this.addressId,
  1089. delivery_type:this.delivery_type
  1090. };
  1091. postCartAdd(data).then(function(res) {
  1092. that.isOpen = false
  1093. uni.navigateTo({
  1094. url: '/pages/goods/order_confirm/index?new=1&cartId=' +'&delivery_type='+that.delivery_type+'&addressId='+that.addressId+'&store_id='+that.store_id+'&store_name='+that.store_name
  1095. });
  1096. }).catch(function(res) {
  1097. uni.showToast({
  1098. title: res,
  1099. icon: 'none'
  1100. })
  1101. })
  1102. },
  1103. /**
  1104. * 收藏商品
  1105. */
  1106. setCollect: Debounce(function() {
  1107. var that = this;
  1108. if (this.storeInfo.userCollect) {
  1109. collectDel(this.storeInfo.product_id).then(res => {
  1110. that.storeInfo.userCollect = !that.storeInfo.userCollect
  1111. })
  1112. } else {
  1113. collectAdd(this.storeInfo.product_id).then(res => {
  1114. that.storeInfo.userCollect = !that.storeInfo.userCollect
  1115. })
  1116. }
  1117. }),
  1118. /**
  1119. * 分享打开
  1120. *
  1121. */
  1122. listenerActionSheet: function() {
  1123. this.currentPage = false
  1124. if (this.isLogin == false) {
  1125. toLogin();
  1126. } else {
  1127. // #ifdef H5
  1128. if (this.$wechat.isWeixin() === true) {
  1129. this.weixinStatus = true;
  1130. }
  1131. // #endif
  1132. this.posters = true;
  1133. this.goPoster();
  1134. }
  1135. },
  1136. //隐藏海报
  1137. posterImageClose: function() {
  1138. this.posterImageStatus = false;
  1139. this.posters = false;
  1140. },
  1141. //替换安全域名
  1142. setDomain: function(url) {
  1143. url = url ? url.toString() : '';
  1144. //本地调试打开,生产请注销
  1145. if (url.indexOf("https://") > -1) return url;
  1146. else return url.replace('http://', 'https://');
  1147. },
  1148. //获取海报产品图
  1149. downloadFilestoreImage: function() {
  1150. let that = this;
  1151. uni.downloadFile({
  1152. url: that.setDomain(that.storeInfo.image),
  1153. success: function(res) {
  1154. that.storeImage = res.tempFilePath;
  1155. that.base64Show = 1;
  1156. },
  1157. fail: function() {
  1158. return that.$util.Tips({
  1159. title: ''
  1160. });
  1161. that.storeImage = '';
  1162. },
  1163. });
  1164. },
  1165. /**
  1166. * 获取产品分销二维码
  1167. * @param function successFn 下载完成回调
  1168. *
  1169. */
  1170. downloadFilePromotionCode: function(successFn) {
  1171. let that = this;
  1172. scombinationCode( => {
  1173. uni.downloadFile({
  1174. url: that.setDomain(,
  1175. success: function(res) {
  1176. that.$set(that, 'isDown', false);
  1177. if (typeof successFn == 'function')
  1178. successFn && successFn(res.tempFilePath);
  1179. else
  1180. that.$set(that, 'PromotionCode', res.tempFilePath);
  1181. },
  1182. fail: function() {
  1183. that.$set(that, 'isDown', false);
  1184. that.$set(that, 'PromotionCode', '');
  1185. },
  1186. });
  1187. }).catch(err => {
  1188. that.$set(that, 'isDown', false);
  1189. that.$set(that, 'PromotionCode', '');
  1190. });
  1191. },
  1192. getImageBase64: function(type) {
  1193. let that = this;
  1194. imageBase64(that.storeImage,that.followCode)
  1195. .then(res => {
  1196. that.storeImage =;
  1197. if(type){
  1198. that.PromotionCode =;
  1199. }
  1200. that.base64Show = 1;
  1201. })
  1202. .catch(() => {});
  1203. },
  1204. // 小程序关闭分享弹窗;
  1205. // goFriend: function() {
  1206. // this.posters = false;
  1207. // },
  1208. /**
  1209. * 生成海报
  1210. */
  1211. goPoster: function() {
  1212. let that = this;
  1213. that.$set(that, 'canvasStatus', true);
  1214. let arr2 = [that.posterbackgd, that.storeImage, that.PromotionCode];
  1215. // #ifdef MP
  1216. if(that.PromotionCode==''&&!that.isDown){
  1217. return that.$util.Tips({
  1218. title: '小程序二维码需要发布正式版后才能获取到'
  1219. },function(){
  1220. that.posters = false;
  1221. });
  1222. }
  1223. // #endif
  1224. ////#ifndef H5
  1225. if (that.isDown) return that.$util.Tips({
  1226. title: '正在下载海报,请稍后再试!'
  1227. },function(){
  1228. that.posters = false;
  1229. });
  1230. //// #endif
  1231. uni.getImageInfo({
  1232. src: that.PromotionCode,
  1233. fail: function(res) {
  1234. return that.$util.Tips({
  1235. title: '小程序二维码需要发布正式版后才能获取到'
  1236. });
  1237. },
  1238. success() {
  1239. if (arr2[2] == '') {
  1240. //海报二维码不存在则从新下载
  1241. that.downloadFilePromotionCode(function(msgPromotionCode) {
  1242. arr2[2] = msgPromotionCode;
  1243. if (arr2[2] == '')
  1244. return that.$util.Tips({
  1245. title: '海报二维码生成失败!'
  1246. });
  1247. that.$nextTick(function(){
  1248. that.$util.PosterCanvas(that.fontColor, that.themeColor, that.siteName, arr2, that.storeInfo.title, that.storeInfo
  1249. .price, that.storeInfo.product_price,
  1250. function(tempFilePath) {
  1251. that.$set(that, 'posterImage', tempFilePath);
  1252. that.$set(that, 'posterImageStatus', true);
  1253. that.$set(that, 'canvasStatus', false);
  1254. that.$set(that, 'actionSheetHidden', !that
  1255. .actionSheetHidden);
  1256. });
  1257. })
  1258. });
  1259. } else {
  1260. //生成推广海报
  1261. that.$nextTick(function(){
  1262. that.$util.PosterCanvas(that.fontColor, that.themeColor, that.siteName, arr2, that.storeInfo.title, that.storeInfo.price, that
  1263. .storeInfo.product_price,
  1264. function(tempFilePath) {
  1265. that.$set(that, 'posterImage', tempFilePath);
  1266. that.$set(that, 'posterImageStatus', true);
  1267. that.$set(that, 'canvasStatus', false);
  1268. that.$set(that, 'actionSheetHidden', !that.actionSheetHidden);
  1269. });
  1270. })
  1271. }
  1272. },
  1273. });
  1274. },
  1275. /*
  1276. * 保存到手机相册
  1277. */
  1278. // #ifdef MP
  1279. savePosterPath: function() {
  1280. let that = this;
  1281. uni.getSetting({
  1282. success(res) {
  1283. if (!res.authSetting['scope.writePhotosAlbum']) {
  1284. uni.authorize({
  1285. scope: 'scope.writePhotosAlbum',
  1286. success() {
  1287. uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
  1288. filePath: that.posterImage,
  1289. success: function(res) {
  1290. that.posterImageClose();
  1291. that.$util.Tips({
  1292. title: '保存成功',
  1293. icon: 'success'
  1294. });
  1295. },
  1296. fail: function(res) {
  1297. that.$util.Tips({
  1298. title: '保存失败'
  1299. });
  1300. }
  1301. })
  1302. }
  1303. })
  1304. } else {
  1305. uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
  1306. filePath: that.posterImage,
  1307. success: function(res) {
  1308. that.posterImageClose();
  1309. that.$util.Tips({
  1310. title: '保存成功',
  1311. icon: 'success'
  1312. });
  1313. },
  1314. fail: function(res) {
  1315. that.$util.Tips({
  1316. title: '保存失败'
  1317. });
  1318. },
  1319. })
  1320. }
  1321. }
  1322. })
  1323. },
  1324. // #endif
  1325. //#ifdef APP-PLUS
  1326. savePosterPath() {
  1327. let that = this
  1328. uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
  1329. filePath: that.posterImage,
  1330. success: function(res) {
  1331. that.posterImageClose();
  1332. that.$util.Tips({
  1333. title: '保存成功',
  1334. icon: 'success'
  1335. });
  1336. },
  1337. fail: function(res) {
  1338. that.$util.Tips({
  1339. title: '保存失败'
  1340. });
  1341. }
  1342. });
  1343. },
  1344. // #endif
  1345. // setShareInfoStatus: function() {
  1346. // let data = this.storeInfo;
  1347. // let href = location.href;
  1348. // if (this.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
  1349. // getUserInfo().then(res => {
  1350. // href =
  1351. // href.indexOf("?") === -1 ?
  1352. // href + "?spread=" + :
  1353. // href + "&spread=" +;
  1354. // let configAppMessage = {
  1355. // desc: data.store_info,
  1356. // title: data.store_name,
  1357. // link: href,
  1358. // imgUrl: data.image
  1359. // };
  1360. // this.$wechat.wechatEvevt(["updateAppMessageShareData", "updateTimelineShareData"],
  1361. // configAppMessage)
  1362. // });
  1363. // }
  1364. // },
  1365. scroll: function(e) {
  1366. var that = this,
  1367. scrollY = e.detail.scrollTop;
  1368. var opacity = scrollY / 200;
  1369. opacity = opacity > 1 ? 1 : opacity;
  1370. that.opacity = opacity
  1371. that.scrollY = scrollY
  1372. that.currentPage = false
  1373. if (that.lock) {
  1374. that.lock = false
  1375. return;
  1376. }
  1377. for (var i = 0; i < that.topArr.length; i++) {
  1378. if (scrollY < that.topArr[i] - (app.globalData.navHeight / 2) + that.heightArr[i]) {
  1379. that.navActive = i
  1380. break
  1381. }
  1382. }
  1383. },
  1384. tap: function(item, index) {
  1385. var id =;
  1386. var index = index;
  1387. var that = this;
  1388. if (!this.replyCount && id == "past1") {
  1389. id = "past2"
  1390. }
  1391. this.toView = id;
  1392. this.navActive = index;
  1393. this.lock = true;
  1394. this.scrollTop = index > 0 ? that.topArr[index] - (app.globalData.navHeight / 2) : that.topArr[index]
  1395. },
  1396. },
  1397. //#ifdef MP
  1398. onShareAppMessage() {
  1399. return {
  1400. title: this.storeInfo.title,
  1401. path: app.globalData.openPages,
  1402. imageUrl: this.storeInfo.image
  1403. };
  1404. },
  1405. onShareTimeline() {
  1406. let that = this;
  1407. return {
  1408. title: this.storeInfo.title,
  1409. path: app.globalData.openPages,
  1410. imageUrl: this.storeInfo.image
  1411. };
  1412. },
  1413. //#endif
  1414. }
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