@@ -0,0 +1,1782 @@
+ * vue-i18n v8.10.0
+ * (c) 2019 kazuya kawaguchi
+ * Released under the MIT License.
+ */
+(function (global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+ (global.VueI18n = factory());
+}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
+ /* */
+ /**
+ * constants
+ */
+ var numberFormatKeys = [
+ 'style',
+ 'currency',
+ 'currencyDisplay',
+ 'useGrouping',
+ 'minimumIntegerDigits',
+ 'minimumFractionDigits',
+ 'maximumFractionDigits',
+ 'minimumSignificantDigits',
+ 'maximumSignificantDigits',
+ 'localeMatcher',
+ 'formatMatcher'
+ ];
+ /**
+ * utilities
+ */
+ function warn (msg, err) {
+ if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
+ console.warn('[vue-i18n] ' + msg);
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (err) {
+ console.warn(err.stack);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function isObject (obj) {
+ return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'
+ }
+ var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
+ var OBJECT_STRING = '[object Object]';
+ function isPlainObject (obj) {
+ return toString.call(obj) === OBJECT_STRING
+ }
+ function isNull (val) {
+ return val === null || val === undefined
+ }
+ function parseArgs () {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length;
+ while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
+ var locale = null;
+ var params = null;
+ if (args.length === 1) {
+ if (isObject(args[0]) || Array.isArray(args[0])) {
+ params = args[0];
+ } else if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
+ locale = args[0];
+ }
+ } else if (args.length === 2) {
+ if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
+ locale = args[0];
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (isObject(args[1]) || Array.isArray(args[1])) {
+ params = args[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return { locale: locale, params: params }
+ }
+ function looseClone (obj) {
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))
+ }
+ function remove (arr, item) {
+ if (arr.length) {
+ var index = arr.indexOf(item);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ return arr.splice(index, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ function hasOwn (obj, key) {
+ return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
+ }
+ function merge (target) {
+ var arguments$1 = arguments;
+ var output = Object(target);
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var source = arguments$1[i];
+ if (source !== undefined && source !== null) {
+ var key = (void 0);
+ for (key in source) {
+ if (hasOwn(source, key)) {
+ if (isObject(source[key])) {
+ output[key] = merge(output[key], source[key]);
+ } else {
+ output[key] = source[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return output
+ }
+ function looseEqual (a, b) {
+ if (a === b) { return true }
+ var isObjectA = isObject(a);
+ var isObjectB = isObject(b);
+ if (isObjectA && isObjectB) {
+ try {
+ var isArrayA = Array.isArray(a);
+ var isArrayB = Array.isArray(b);
+ if (isArrayA && isArrayB) {
+ return a.length === b.length && a.every(function (e, i) {
+ return looseEqual(e, b[i])
+ })
+ } else if (!isArrayA && !isArrayB) {
+ var keysA = Object.keys(a);
+ var keysB = Object.keys(b);
+ return keysA.length === keysB.length && keysA.every(function (key) {
+ return looseEqual(a[key], b[key])
+ })
+ } else {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return false
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return false
+ }
+ } else if (!isObjectA && !isObjectB) {
+ return String(a) === String(b)
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ function extend (Vue) {
+ if (!Vue.prototype.hasOwnProperty('$i18n')) {
+ // $FlowFixMe
+ Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$i18n', {
+ get: function get () { return this._i18n }
+ });
+ }
+ Vue.prototype.$t = function (key) {
+ var values = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
+ var i18n = this.$i18n;
+ return i18n._t.apply(i18n, [ key, i18n.locale, i18n._getMessages(), this ].concat( values ))
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$tc = function (key, choice) {
+ var values = [], len = arguments.length - 2;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len + 2 ];
+ var i18n = this.$i18n;
+ return i18n._tc.apply(i18n, [ key, i18n.locale, i18n._getMessages(), this, choice ].concat( values ))
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$te = function (key, locale) {
+ var i18n = this.$i18n;
+ return i18n._te(key, i18n.locale, i18n._getMessages(), locale)
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$d = function (value) {
+ var ref;
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
+ return (ref = this.$i18n).d.apply(ref, [ value ].concat( args ))
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$n = function (value) {
+ var ref;
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
+ return (ref = this.$i18n).n.apply(ref, [ value ].concat( args ))
+ };
+ }
+ /* */
+ var mixin = {
+ beforeCreate: function beforeCreate () {
+ var options = this.$options;
+ options.i18n = options.i18n || (options.__i18n ? {} : null);
+ if (options.i18n) {
+ if (options.i18n instanceof VueI18n) {
+ // init locale messages via custom blocks
+ if (options.__i18n) {
+ try {
+ var localeMessages = {};
+ options.__i18n.forEach(function (resource) {
+ localeMessages = merge(localeMessages, JSON.parse(resource));
+ });
+ Object.keys(localeMessages).forEach(function (locale) {
+ options.i18n.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, localeMessages[locale]);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ {
+ warn("Cannot parse locale messages via custom blocks.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._i18n = options.i18n;
+ this._i18nWatcher = this._i18n.watchI18nData();
+ this._i18n.subscribeDataChanging(this);
+ this._subscribing = true;
+ } else if (isPlainObject(options.i18n)) {
+ // component local i18n
+ if (this.$root && this.$root.$i18n && this.$root.$i18n instanceof VueI18n) {
+ options.i18n.root = this.$root;
+ options.i18n.formatter = this.$root.$i18n.formatter;
+ options.i18n.fallbackLocale = this.$root.$i18n.fallbackLocale;
+ options.i18n.silentTranslationWarn = this.$root.$i18n.silentTranslationWarn;
+ options.i18n.silentFallbackWarn = this.$root.$i18n.silentFallbackWarn;
+ options.i18n.pluralizationRules = this.$root.$i18n.pluralizationRules;
+ options.i18n.preserveDirectiveContent = this.$root.$i18n.preserveDirectiveContent;
+ }
+ // init locale messages via custom blocks
+ if (options.__i18n) {
+ try {
+ var localeMessages$1 = {};
+ options.__i18n.forEach(function (resource) {
+ localeMessages$1 = merge(localeMessages$1, JSON.parse(resource));
+ });
+ options.i18n.messages = localeMessages$1;
+ } catch (e) {
+ {
+ warn("Cannot parse locale messages via custom blocks.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._i18n = new VueI18n(options.i18n);
+ this._i18nWatcher = this._i18n.watchI18nData();
+ this._i18n.subscribeDataChanging(this);
+ this._subscribing = true;
+ if (options.i18n.sync === undefined || !!options.i18n.sync) {
+ this._localeWatcher = this.$i18n.watchLocale();
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ warn("Cannot be interpreted 'i18n' option.");
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (this.$root && this.$root.$i18n && this.$root.$i18n instanceof VueI18n) {
+ // root i18n
+ this._i18n = this.$root.$i18n;
+ this._i18n.subscribeDataChanging(this);
+ this._subscribing = true;
+ } else if (options.parent && options.parent.$i18n && options.parent.$i18n instanceof VueI18n) {
+ // parent i18n
+ this._i18n = options.parent.$i18n;
+ this._i18n.subscribeDataChanging(this);
+ this._subscribing = true;
+ }
+ },
+ beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
+ if (!this._i18n) { return }
+ var self = this;
+ this.$nextTick(function () {
+ if (self._subscribing) {
+ self._i18n.unsubscribeDataChanging(self);
+ delete self._subscribing;
+ }
+ if (self._i18nWatcher) {
+ self._i18nWatcher();
+ self._i18n.destroyVM();
+ delete self._i18nWatcher;
+ }
+ if (self._localeWatcher) {
+ self._localeWatcher();
+ delete self._localeWatcher;
+ }
+ self._i18n = null;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /* */
+ var interpolationComponent = {
+ name: 'i18n',
+ functional: true,
+ props: {
+ tag: {
+ type: String,
+ default: 'span'
+ },
+ path: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true
+ },
+ locale: {
+ type: String
+ },
+ places: {
+ type: [Array, Object]
+ }
+ },
+ render: function render (h, ref) {
+ var props = ref.props;
+ var data = ref.data;
+ var children = ref.children;
+ var parent = ref.parent;
+ var i18n = parent.$i18n;
+ children = (children || []).filter(function (child) {
+ return child.tag || (child.text = child.text.trim())
+ });
+ if (!i18n) {
+ {
+ warn('Cannot find VueI18n instance!');
+ }
+ return children
+ }
+ var path = props.path;
+ var locale = props.locale;
+ var params = {};
+ var places = props.places || {};
+ var hasPlaces = Array.isArray(places)
+ ? places.length > 0
+ : Object.keys(places).length > 0;
+ var everyPlace = children.every(function (child) {
+ if (child.data && child.data.attrs) {
+ var place = child.data.attrs.place;
+ return (typeof place !== 'undefined') && place !== ''
+ }
+ });
+ if (hasPlaces && children.length > 0 && !everyPlace) {
+ warn('If places prop is set, all child elements must have place prop set.');
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(places)) {
+ places.forEach(function (el, i) {
+ params[i] = el;
+ });
+ } else {
+ Object.keys(places).forEach(function (key) {
+ params[key] = places[key];
+ });
+ }
+ children.forEach(function (child, i) {
+ var key = everyPlace
+ ? ("" + (child.data.attrs.place))
+ : ("" + i);
+ params[key] = child;
+ });
+ return h(props.tag, data, i18n.i(path, locale, params))
+ }
+ };
+ /* */
+ var numberComponent = {
+ name: 'i18n-n',
+ functional: true,
+ props: {
+ tag: {
+ type: String,
+ default: 'span'
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: Number,
+ required: true
+ },
+ format: {
+ type: [String, Object]
+ },
+ locale: {
+ type: String
+ }
+ },
+ render: function render (h, ref) {
+ var props = ref.props;
+ var parent = ref.parent;
+ var data = ref.data;
+ var i18n = parent.$i18n;
+ if (!i18n) {
+ {
+ warn('Cannot find VueI18n instance!');
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ var key = null;
+ var options = null;
+ if (typeof props.format === 'string') {
+ key = props.format;
+ } else if (isObject(props.format)) {
+ if (props.format.key) {
+ key = props.format.key;
+ }
+ // Filter out number format options only
+ options = Object.keys(props.format).reduce(function (acc, prop) {
+ var obj;
+ if (numberFormatKeys.includes(prop)) {
+ return Object.assign({}, acc, ( obj = {}, obj[prop] = props.format[prop], obj ))
+ }
+ return acc
+ }, null);
+ }
+ var locale = props.locale || i18n.locale;
+ var parts = i18n._ntp(props.value, locale, key, options);
+ var values = parts.map(function (part, index) {
+ var obj;
+ var slot = data.scopedSlots && data.scopedSlots[part.type];
+ return slot ? slot(( obj = {}, obj[part.type] = part.value, obj.index = index, obj.parts = parts, obj )) : part.value
+ });
+ return h(props.tag, {
+ attrs: data.attrs,
+ 'class': data['class'],
+ staticClass: data.staticClass
+ }, values)
+ }
+ };
+ /* */
+ function bind (el, binding, vnode) {
+ if (!assert(el, vnode)) { return }
+ t(el, binding, vnode);
+ }
+ function update (el, binding, vnode, oldVNode) {
+ if (!assert(el, vnode)) { return }
+ var i18n = vnode.context.$i18n;
+ if (localeEqual(el, vnode) &&
+ (looseEqual(binding.value, binding.oldValue) &&
+ looseEqual(el._localeMessage, i18n.getLocaleMessage(i18n.locale)))) { return }
+ t(el, binding, vnode);
+ }
+ function unbind (el, binding, vnode, oldVNode) {
+ var vm = vnode.context;
+ if (!vm) {
+ warn('Vue instance does not exists in VNode context');
+ return
+ }
+ var i18n = vnode.context.$i18n || {};
+ if (!binding.modifiers.preserve && !i18n.preserveDirectiveContent) {
+ el.textContent = '';
+ }
+ el._vt = undefined;
+ delete el['_vt'];
+ el._locale = undefined;
+ delete el['_locale'];
+ el._localeMessage = undefined;
+ delete el['_localeMessage'];
+ }
+ function assert (el, vnode) {
+ var vm = vnode.context;
+ if (!vm) {
+ warn('Vue instance does not exists in VNode context');
+ return false
+ }
+ if (!vm.$i18n) {
+ warn('VueI18n instance does not exists in Vue instance');
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ function localeEqual (el, vnode) {
+ var vm = vnode.context;
+ return el._locale === vm.$i18n.locale
+ }
+ function t (el, binding, vnode) {
+ var ref$1, ref$2;
+ var value = binding.value;
+ var ref = parseValue(value);
+ var path = ref.path;
+ var locale = ref.locale;
+ var args = ref.args;
+ var choice = ref.choice;
+ if (!path && !locale && !args) {
+ warn('value type not supported');
+ return
+ }
+ if (!path) {
+ warn('`path` is required in v-t directive');
+ return
+ }
+ var vm = vnode.context;
+ if (choice) {
+ el._vt = el.textContent = (ref$1 = vm.$i18n).tc.apply(ref$1, [ path, choice ].concat( makeParams(locale, args) ));
+ } else {
+ el._vt = el.textContent = (ref$2 = vm.$i18n).t.apply(ref$2, [ path ].concat( makeParams(locale, args) ));
+ }
+ el._locale = vm.$i18n.locale;
+ el._localeMessage = vm.$i18n.getLocaleMessage(vm.$i18n.locale);
+ }
+ function parseValue (value) {
+ var path;
+ var locale;
+ var args;
+ var choice;
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ path = value;
+ } else if (isPlainObject(value)) {
+ path = value.path;
+ locale = value.locale;
+ args = value.args;
+ choice = value.choice;
+ }
+ return { path: path, locale: locale, args: args, choice: choice }
+ }
+ function makeParams (locale, args) {
+ var params = [];
+ locale && params.push(locale);
+ if (args && (Array.isArray(args) || isPlainObject(args))) {
+ params.push(args);
+ }
+ return params
+ }
+ var Vue;
+ function install (_Vue) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (install.installed && _Vue === Vue) {
+ warn('already installed.');
+ return
+ }
+ install.installed = true;
+ Vue = _Vue;
+ var version = (Vue.version && Number(Vue.version.split('.')[0])) || -1;
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (version < 2) {
+ warn(("vue-i18n (" + (install.version) + ") need to use Vue 2.0 or later (Vue: " + (Vue.version) + ")."));
+ return
+ }
+ extend(Vue);
+ Vue.mixin(mixin);
+ Vue.directive('t', { bind: bind, update: update, unbind: unbind });
+ Vue.component(interpolationComponent.name, interpolationComponent);
+ Vue.component(numberComponent.name, numberComponent);
+ // use simple mergeStrategies to prevent i18n instance lose '__proto__'
+ var strats = Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies;
+ strats.i18n = function (parentVal, childVal) {
+ return childVal === undefined
+ ? parentVal
+ : childVal
+ };
+ }
+ /* */
+ var BaseFormatter = function BaseFormatter () {
+ this._caches = Object.create(null);
+ };
+ BaseFormatter.prototype.interpolate = function interpolate (message, values) {
+ if (!values) {
+ return [message]
+ }
+ var tokens = this._caches[message];
+ if (!tokens) {
+ tokens = parse(message);
+ this._caches[message] = tokens;
+ }
+ return compile(tokens, values)
+ };
+ var RE_TOKEN_LIST_VALUE = /^(?:\d)+/;
+ var RE_TOKEN_NAMED_VALUE = /^(?:\w)+/;
+ function parse (format) {
+ var tokens = [];
+ var position = 0;
+ var text = '';
+ while (position < format.length) {
+ var char = format[position++];
+ if (char === '{') {
+ if (text) {
+ tokens.push({ type: 'text', value: text });
+ }
+ text = '';
+ var sub = '';
+ char = format[position++];
+ while (char !== undefined && char !== '}') {
+ sub += char;
+ char = format[position++];
+ }
+ var isClosed = char === '}';
+ var type = RE_TOKEN_LIST_VALUE.test(sub)
+ ? 'list'
+ : isClosed && RE_TOKEN_NAMED_VALUE.test(sub)
+ ? 'named'
+ : 'unknown';
+ tokens.push({ value: sub, type: type });
+ } else if (char === '%') {
+ // when found rails i18n syntax, skip text capture
+ if (format[(position)] !== '{') {
+ text += char;
+ }
+ } else {
+ text += char;
+ }
+ }
+ text && tokens.push({ type: 'text', value: text });
+ return tokens
+ }
+ function compile (tokens, values) {
+ var compiled = [];
+ var index = 0;
+ var mode = Array.isArray(values)
+ ? 'list'
+ : isObject(values)
+ ? 'named'
+ : 'unknown';
+ if (mode === 'unknown') { return compiled }
+ while (index < tokens.length) {
+ var token = tokens[index];
+ switch (token.type) {
+ case 'text':
+ compiled.push(token.value);
+ break
+ case 'list':
+ compiled.push(values[parseInt(token.value, 10)]);
+ break
+ case 'named':
+ if (mode === 'named') {
+ compiled.push((values)[token.value]);
+ } else {
+ {
+ warn(("Type of token '" + (token.type) + "' and format of value '" + mode + "' don't match!"));
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case 'unknown':
+ {
+ warn("Detect 'unknown' type of token!");
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ return compiled
+ }
+ /* */
+ /**
+ * Path parser
+ * - Inspired:
+ * Vue.js Path parser
+ */
+ // actions
+ var APPEND = 0;
+ var PUSH = 1;
+ var PUSH_SUB_PATH = 3;
+ // states
+ var BEFORE_PATH = 0;
+ var IN_PATH = 1;
+ var BEFORE_IDENT = 2;
+ var IN_IDENT = 3;
+ var IN_SUB_PATH = 4;
+ var IN_SINGLE_QUOTE = 5;
+ var IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 6;
+ var AFTER_PATH = 7;
+ var ERROR = 8;
+ var pathStateMachine = [];
+ pathStateMachine[BEFORE_PATH] = {
+ 'ws': [BEFORE_PATH],
+ 'ident': [IN_IDENT, APPEND],
+ '[': [IN_SUB_PATH],
+ 'eof': [AFTER_PATH]
+ };
+ pathStateMachine[IN_PATH] = {
+ 'ws': [IN_PATH],
+ '.': [BEFORE_IDENT],
+ '[': [IN_SUB_PATH],
+ 'eof': [AFTER_PATH]
+ };
+ pathStateMachine[BEFORE_IDENT] = {
+ 'ws': [BEFORE_IDENT],
+ 'ident': [IN_IDENT, APPEND],
+ '0': [IN_IDENT, APPEND],
+ 'number': [IN_IDENT, APPEND]
+ };
+ pathStateMachine[IN_IDENT] = {
+ 'ident': [IN_IDENT, APPEND],
+ '0': [IN_IDENT, APPEND],
+ 'number': [IN_IDENT, APPEND],
+ 'ws': [IN_PATH, PUSH],
+ '[': [IN_SUB_PATH, PUSH],
+ 'eof': [AFTER_PATH, PUSH]
+ };
+ pathStateMachine[IN_SUB_PATH] = {
+ 'eof': ERROR,
+ 'else': [IN_SUB_PATH, APPEND]
+ };
+ pathStateMachine[IN_SINGLE_QUOTE] = {
+ 'eof': ERROR,
+ };
+ pathStateMachine[IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE] = {
+ 'eof': ERROR,
+ };
+ /**
+ * Check if an expression is a literal value.
+ */
+ var literalValueRE = /^\s?(?:true|false|-?[\d.]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")\s?$/;
+ function isLiteral (exp) {
+ return literalValueRE.test(exp)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Strip quotes from a string
+ */
+ function stripQuotes (str) {
+ var a = str.charCodeAt(0);
+ var b = str.charCodeAt(str.length - 1);
+ return a === b && (a === 0x22 || a === 0x27)
+ ? str.slice(1, -1)
+ : str
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the type of a character in a keypath.
+ */
+ function getPathCharType (ch) {
+ if (ch === undefined || ch === null) { return 'eof' }
+ var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);
+ switch (code) {
+ case 0x5B: // [
+ case 0x5D: // ]
+ case 0x2E: // .
+ case 0x22: // "
+ case 0x27: // '
+ return ch
+ case 0x5F: // _
+ case 0x24: // $
+ case 0x2D: // -
+ return 'ident'
+ case 0x09: // Tab
+ case 0x0A: // Newline
+ case 0x0D: // Return
+ case 0xA0: // No-break space
+ case 0xFEFF: // Byte Order Mark
+ case 0x2028: // Line Separator
+ case 0x2029: // Paragraph Separator
+ return 'ws'
+ }
+ return 'ident'
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format a subPath, return its plain form if it is
+ * a literal string or number. Otherwise prepend the
+ * dynamic indicator (*).
+ */
+ function formatSubPath (path) {
+ var trimmed = path.trim();
+ // invalid leading 0
+ if (path.charAt(0) === '0' && isNaN(path)) { return false }
+ return isLiteral(trimmed) ? stripQuotes(trimmed) : '*' + trimmed
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse a string path into an array of segments
+ */
+ function parse$1 (path) {
+ var keys = [];
+ var index = -1;
+ var mode = BEFORE_PATH;
+ var subPathDepth = 0;
+ var c;
+ var key;
+ var newChar;
+ var type;
+ var transition;
+ var action;
+ var typeMap;
+ var actions = [];
+ actions[PUSH] = function () {
+ if (key !== undefined) {
+ keys.push(key);
+ key = undefined;
+ }
+ };
+ actions[APPEND] = function () {
+ if (key === undefined) {
+ key = newChar;
+ } else {
+ key += newChar;
+ }
+ };
+ actions[INC_SUB_PATH_DEPTH] = function () {
+ actions[APPEND]();
+ subPathDepth++;
+ };
+ actions[PUSH_SUB_PATH] = function () {
+ if (subPathDepth > 0) {
+ subPathDepth--;
+ mode = IN_SUB_PATH;
+ actions[APPEND]();
+ } else {
+ subPathDepth = 0;
+ key = formatSubPath(key);
+ if (key === false) {
+ return false
+ } else {
+ actions[PUSH]();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function maybeUnescapeQuote () {
+ var nextChar = path[index + 1];
+ if ((mode === IN_SINGLE_QUOTE && nextChar === "'") ||
+ (mode === IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE && nextChar === '"')) {
+ index++;
+ newChar = '\\' + nextChar;
+ actions[APPEND]();
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ while (mode !== null) {
+ index++;
+ c = path[index];
+ if (c === '\\' && maybeUnescapeQuote()) {
+ continue
+ }
+ type = getPathCharType(c);
+ typeMap = pathStateMachine[mode];
+ transition = typeMap[type] || typeMap['else'] || ERROR;
+ if (transition === ERROR) {
+ return // parse error
+ }
+ mode = transition[0];
+ action = actions[transition[1]];
+ if (action) {
+ newChar = transition[2];
+ newChar = newChar === undefined
+ ? c
+ : newChar;
+ if (action() === false) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode === AFTER_PATH) {
+ return keys
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var I18nPath = function I18nPath () {
+ this._cache = Object.create(null);
+ };
+ /**
+ * External parse that check for a cache hit first
+ */
+ I18nPath.prototype.parsePath = function parsePath (path) {
+ var hit = this._cache[path];
+ if (!hit) {
+ hit = parse$1(path);
+ if (hit) {
+ this._cache[path] = hit;
+ }
+ }
+ return hit || []
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get path value from path string
+ */
+ I18nPath.prototype.getPathValue = function getPathValue (obj, path) {
+ if (!isObject(obj)) { return null }
+ var paths = this.parsePath(path);
+ if (paths.length === 0) {
+ return null
+ } else {
+ var length = paths.length;
+ var last = obj;
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < length) {
+ var value = last[paths[i]];
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ return null
+ }
+ last = value;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return last
+ }
+ };
+ /* */
+ var linkKeyMatcher = /(?:@(?:\.[a-z]+)?:(?:[\w\-_|.]+|\([\w\-_|.]+\)))/g;
+ var linkKeyPrefixMatcher = /^@(?:\.([a-z]+))?:/;
+ var bracketsMatcher = /[()]/g;
+ var formatters = {
+ 'upper': function (str) { return str.toLocaleUpperCase(); },
+ 'lower': function (str) { return str.toLocaleLowerCase(); }
+ };
+ var defaultFormatter = new BaseFormatter();
+ var VueI18n = function VueI18n (options) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};
+ // Auto install if it is not done yet and `window` has `Vue`.
+ // To allow users to avoid auto-installation in some cases,
+ // this code should be placed here. See #290
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!Vue && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {
+ install(window.Vue);
+ }
+ var locale = options.locale || 'en-US';
+ var fallbackLocale = options.fallbackLocale || 'en-US';
+ var messages = options.messages || {};
+ var dateTimeFormats = options.dateTimeFormats || {};
+ var numberFormats = options.numberFormats || {};
+ this._vm = null;
+ this._formatter = options.formatter || defaultFormatter;
+ this._missing = options.missing || null;
+ this._root = options.root || null;
+ this._sync = options.sync === undefined ? true : !!options.sync;
+ this._fallbackRoot = options.fallbackRoot === undefined
+ ? true
+ : !!options.fallbackRoot;
+ this._silentTranslationWarn = options.silentTranslationWarn === undefined
+ ? false
+ : !!options.silentTranslationWarn;
+ this._silentFallbackWarn = options.silentFallbackWarn === undefined
+ ? false
+ : !!options.silentFallbackWarn;
+ this._dateTimeFormatters = {};
+ this._numberFormatters = {};
+ this._path = new I18nPath();
+ this._dataListeners = [];
+ this._preserveDirectiveContent = options.preserveDirectiveContent === undefined
+ ? false
+ : !!options.preserveDirectiveContent;
+ this.pluralizationRules = options.pluralizationRules || {};
+ this._exist = function (message, key) {
+ if (!message || !key) { return false }
+ if (!isNull(this$1._path.getPathValue(message, key))) { return true }
+ // fallback for flat key
+ if (message[key]) { return true }
+ return false
+ };
+ this._initVM({
+ locale: locale,
+ fallbackLocale: fallbackLocale,
+ messages: messages,
+ dateTimeFormats: dateTimeFormats,
+ numberFormats: numberFormats
+ });
+ };
+ var prototypeAccessors = { vm: { configurable: true },messages: { configurable: true },dateTimeFormats: { configurable: true },numberFormats: { configurable: true },availableLocales: { configurable: true },locale: { configurable: true },fallbackLocale: { configurable: true },missing: { configurable: true },formatter: { configurable: true },silentTranslationWarn: { configurable: true },silentFallbackWarn: { configurable: true },preserveDirectiveContent: { configurable: true } };
+ VueI18n.prototype._initVM = function _initVM (data) {
+ var silent = Vue.config.silent;
+ Vue.config.silent = true;
+ this._vm = new Vue({ data: data });
+ Vue.config.silent = silent;
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.destroyVM = function destroyVM () {
+ this._vm.$destroy();
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.subscribeDataChanging = function subscribeDataChanging (vm) {
+ this._dataListeners.push(vm);
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.unsubscribeDataChanging = function unsubscribeDataChanging (vm) {
+ remove(this._dataListeners, vm);
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.watchI18nData = function watchI18nData () {
+ var self = this;
+ return this._vm.$watch('$data', function () {
+ var i = self._dataListeners.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ Vue.nextTick(function () {
+ self._dataListeners[i] && self._dataListeners[i].$forceUpdate();
+ });
+ }
+ }, { deep: true })
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.watchLocale = function watchLocale () {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!this._sync || !this._root) { return null }
+ var target = this._vm;
+ return this._root.$i18n.vm.$watch('locale', function (val) {
+ target.$set(target, 'locale', val);
+ target.$forceUpdate();
+ }, { immediate: true })
+ };
+ prototypeAccessors.vm.get = function () { return this._vm };
+ prototypeAccessors.messages.get = function () { return looseClone(this._getMessages()) };
+ prototypeAccessors.dateTimeFormats.get = function () { return looseClone(this._getDateTimeFormats()) };
+ prototypeAccessors.numberFormats.get = function () { return looseClone(this._getNumberFormats()) };
+ prototypeAccessors.availableLocales.get = function () { return Object.keys(this.messages).sort() };
+ prototypeAccessors.locale.get = function () { return this._vm.locale };
+ prototypeAccessors.locale.set = function (locale) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm, 'locale', locale);
+ };
+ prototypeAccessors.fallbackLocale.get = function () { return this._vm.fallbackLocale };
+ prototypeAccessors.fallbackLocale.set = function (locale) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm, 'fallbackLocale', locale);
+ };
+ prototypeAccessors.missing.get = function () { return this._missing };
+ prototypeAccessors.missing.set = function (handler) { this._missing = handler; };
+ prototypeAccessors.formatter.get = function () { return this._formatter };
+ prototypeAccessors.formatter.set = function (formatter) { this._formatter = formatter; };
+ prototypeAccessors.silentTranslationWarn.get = function () { return this._silentTranslationWarn };
+ prototypeAccessors.silentTranslationWarn.set = function (silent) { this._silentTranslationWarn = silent; };
+ prototypeAccessors.silentFallbackWarn.get = function () { return this._silentFallbackWarn };
+ prototypeAccessors.silentFallbackWarn.set = function (silent) { this._silentFallbackWarn = silent; };
+ prototypeAccessors.preserveDirectiveContent.get = function () { return this._preserveDirectiveContent };
+ prototypeAccessors.preserveDirectiveContent.set = function (preserve) { this._preserveDirectiveContent = preserve; };
+ VueI18n.prototype._getMessages = function _getMessages () { return this._vm.messages };
+ VueI18n.prototype._getDateTimeFormats = function _getDateTimeFormats () { return this._vm.dateTimeFormats };
+ VueI18n.prototype._getNumberFormats = function _getNumberFormats () { return this._vm.numberFormats };
+ VueI18n.prototype._warnDefault = function _warnDefault (locale, key, result, vm, values) {
+ if (!isNull(result)) { return result }
+ if (this._missing) {
+ var missingRet = this._missing.apply(null, [locale, key, vm, values]);
+ if (typeof missingRet === 'string') {
+ return missingRet
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(
+ "Cannot translate the value of keypath '" + key + "'. " +
+ 'Use the value of keypath as default.'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return key
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._isFallbackRoot = function _isFallbackRoot (val) {
+ return !val && !isNull(this._root) && this._fallbackRoot
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._isSilentFallback = function _isSilentFallback (locale) {
+ return this._silentFallbackWarn && (this._isFallbackRoot() || locale !== this.fallbackLocale)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._interpolate = function _interpolate (
+ locale,
+ message,
+ key,
+ host,
+ interpolateMode,
+ values,
+ visitedLinkStack
+ ) {
+ if (!message) { return null }
+ var pathRet = this._path.getPathValue(message, key);
+ if (Array.isArray(pathRet) || isPlainObject(pathRet)) { return pathRet }
+ var ret;
+ if (isNull(pathRet)) {
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ if (isPlainObject(message)) {
+ ret = message[key];
+ if (typeof ret !== 'string') {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn && !this._isSilentFallback(locale)) {
+ warn(("Value of key '" + key + "' is not a string!"));
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ if (typeof pathRet === 'string') {
+ ret = pathRet;
+ } else {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn && !this._isSilentFallback(locale)) {
+ warn(("Value of key '" + key + "' is not a string!"));
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for the existence of links within the translated string
+ if (ret.indexOf('@:') >= 0 || ret.indexOf('@.') >= 0) {
+ ret = this._link(locale, message, ret, host, 'raw', values, visitedLinkStack);
+ }
+ return this._render(ret, interpolateMode, values, key)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._link = function _link (
+ locale,
+ message,
+ str,
+ host,
+ interpolateMode,
+ values,
+ visitedLinkStack
+ ) {
+ var ret = str;
+ // Match all the links within the local
+ // We are going to replace each of
+ // them with its translation
+ var matches = ret.match(linkKeyMatcher);
+ for (var idx in matches) {
+ // ie compatible: filter custom array
+ // prototype method
+ if (!matches.hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
+ continue
+ }
+ var link = matches[idx];
+ var linkKeyPrefixMatches = link.match(linkKeyPrefixMatcher);
+ var linkPrefix = linkKeyPrefixMatches[0];
+ var formatterName = linkKeyPrefixMatches[1];
+ // Remove the leading @:, @.case: and the brackets
+ var linkPlaceholder = link.replace(linkPrefix, '').replace(bracketsMatcher, '');
+ if (visitedLinkStack.includes(linkPlaceholder)) {
+ {
+ warn(("Circular reference found. \"" + link + "\" is already visited in the chain of " + (visitedLinkStack.reverse().join(' <- '))));
+ }
+ return ret
+ }
+ visitedLinkStack.push(linkPlaceholder);
+ // Translate the link
+ var translated = this._interpolate(
+ locale, message, linkPlaceholder, host,
+ interpolateMode === 'raw' ? 'string' : interpolateMode,
+ interpolateMode === 'raw' ? undefined : values,
+ visitedLinkStack
+ );
+ if (this._isFallbackRoot(translated)) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to translate the link placeholder '" + linkPlaceholder + "' with root locale."));
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!this._root) { throw Error('unexpected error') }
+ var root = this._root.$i18n;
+ translated = root._translate(
+ root._getMessages(), root.locale, root.fallbackLocale,
+ linkPlaceholder, host, interpolateMode, values
+ );
+ }
+ translated = this._warnDefault(
+ locale, linkPlaceholder, translated, host,
+ Array.isArray(values) ? values : [values]
+ );
+ if (formatters.hasOwnProperty(formatterName)) {
+ translated = formatters[formatterName](translated);
+ }
+ visitedLinkStack.pop();
+ // Replace the link with the translated
+ ret = !translated ? ret : ret.replace(link, translated);
+ }
+ return ret
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._render = function _render (message, interpolateMode, values, path) {
+ var ret = this._formatter.interpolate(message, values, path);
+ // If the custom formatter refuses to work - apply the default one
+ if (!ret) {
+ ret = defaultFormatter.interpolate(message, values, path);
+ }
+ // if interpolateMode is **not** 'string' ('row'),
+ // return the compiled data (e.g. ['foo', VNode, 'bar']) with formatter
+ return interpolateMode === 'string' ? ret.join('') : ret
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._translate = function _translate (
+ messages,
+ locale,
+ fallback,
+ key,
+ host,
+ interpolateMode,
+ args
+ ) {
+ var res =
+ this._interpolate(locale, messages[locale], key, host, interpolateMode, args, [key]);
+ if (!isNull(res)) { return res }
+ res = this._interpolate(fallback, messages[fallback], key, host, interpolateMode, args, [key]);
+ if (!isNull(res)) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn && !this._silentFallbackWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to translate the keypath '" + key + "' with '" + fallback + "' locale."));
+ }
+ return res
+ } else {
+ return null
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._t = function _t (key, _locale, messages, host) {
+ var ref;
+ var values = [], len = arguments.length - 4;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len + 4 ];
+ if (!key) { return '' }
+ var parsedArgs = parseArgs.apply(void 0, values);
+ var locale = parsedArgs.locale || _locale;
+ var ret = this._translate(
+ messages, locale, this.fallbackLocale, key,
+ host, 'string', parsedArgs.params
+ );
+ if (this._isFallbackRoot(ret)) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn && !this._silentFallbackWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to translate the keypath '" + key + "' with root locale."));
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!this._root) { throw Error('unexpected error') }
+ return (ref = this._root).$t.apply(ref, [ key ].concat( values ))
+ } else {
+ return this._warnDefault(locale, key, ret, host, values)
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.t = function t (key) {
+ var ref;
+ var values = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
+ return (ref = this)._t.apply(ref, [ key, this.locale, this._getMessages(), null ].concat( values ))
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._i = function _i (key, locale, messages, host, values) {
+ var ret =
+ this._translate(messages, locale, this.fallbackLocale, key, host, 'raw', values);
+ if (this._isFallbackRoot(ret)) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to interpolate the keypath '" + key + "' with root locale."));
+ }
+ if (!this._root) { throw Error('unexpected error') }
+ return this._root.$i18n.i(key, locale, values)
+ } else {
+ return this._warnDefault(locale, key, ret, host, [values])
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.i = function i (key, locale, values) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!key) { return '' }
+ if (typeof locale !== 'string') {
+ locale = this.locale;
+ }
+ return this._i(key, locale, this._getMessages(), null, values)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._tc = function _tc (
+ key,
+ _locale,
+ messages,
+ host,
+ choice
+ ) {
+ var ref;
+ var values = [], len = arguments.length - 5;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len + 5 ];
+ if (!key) { return '' }
+ if (choice === undefined) {
+ choice = 1;
+ }
+ var predefined = { 'count': choice, 'n': choice };
+ var parsedArgs = parseArgs.apply(void 0, values);
+ parsedArgs.params = Object.assign(predefined, parsedArgs.params);
+ values = parsedArgs.locale === null ? [parsedArgs.params] : [parsedArgs.locale, parsedArgs.params];
+ return this.fetchChoice((ref = this)._t.apply(ref, [ key, _locale, messages, host ].concat( values )), choice)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.fetchChoice = function fetchChoice (message, choice) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!message && typeof message !== 'string') { return null }
+ var choices = message.split('|');
+ choice = this.getChoiceIndex(choice, choices.length);
+ if (!choices[choice]) { return message }
+ return choices[choice].trim()
+ };
+ /**
+ * @param choice {number} a choice index given by the input to $tc: `$tc('path.to.rule', choiceIndex)`
+ * @param choicesLength {number} an overall amount of available choices
+ * @returns a final choice index
+ */
+ VueI18n.prototype.getChoiceIndex = function getChoiceIndex (choice, choicesLength) {
+ // Default (old) getChoiceIndex implementation - english-compatible
+ var defaultImpl = function (_choice, _choicesLength) {
+ _choice = Math.abs(_choice);
+ if (_choicesLength === 2) {
+ return _choice
+ ? _choice > 1
+ ? 1
+ : 0
+ : 1
+ }
+ return _choice ? Math.min(_choice, 2) : 0
+ };
+ if (this.locale in this.pluralizationRules) {
+ return this.pluralizationRules[this.locale].apply(this, [choice, choicesLength])
+ } else {
+ return defaultImpl(choice, choicesLength)
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.tc = function tc (key, choice) {
+ var ref;
+ var values = [], len = arguments.length - 2;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len + 2 ];
+ return (ref = this)._tc.apply(ref, [ key, this.locale, this._getMessages(), null, choice ].concat( values ))
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._te = function _te (key, locale, messages) {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length - 3;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len + 3 ];
+ var _locale = parseArgs.apply(void 0, args).locale || locale;
+ return this._exist(messages[_locale], key)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.te = function te (key, locale) {
+ return this._te(key, this.locale, this._getMessages(), locale)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.getLocaleMessage = function getLocaleMessage (locale) {
+ return looseClone(this._vm.messages[locale] || {})
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.setLocaleMessage = function setLocaleMessage (locale, message) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm.messages, locale, message);
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.mergeLocaleMessage = function mergeLocaleMessage (locale, message) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm.messages, locale, merge(this._vm.messages[locale] || {}, message));
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.getDateTimeFormat = function getDateTimeFormat (locale) {
+ return looseClone(this._vm.dateTimeFormats[locale] || {})
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.setDateTimeFormat = function setDateTimeFormat (locale, format) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm.dateTimeFormats, locale, format);
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.mergeDateTimeFormat = function mergeDateTimeFormat (locale, format) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm.dateTimeFormats, locale, merge(this._vm.dateTimeFormats[locale] || {}, format));
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._localizeDateTime = function _localizeDateTime (
+ value,
+ locale,
+ fallback,
+ dateTimeFormats,
+ key
+ ) {
+ var _locale = locale;
+ var formats = dateTimeFormats[_locale];
+ // fallback locale
+ if (isNull(formats) || isNull(formats[key])) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to '" + fallback + "' datetime formats from '" + locale + " datetime formats."));
+ }
+ _locale = fallback;
+ formats = dateTimeFormats[_locale];
+ }
+ if (isNull(formats) || isNull(formats[key])) {
+ return null
+ } else {
+ var format = formats[key];
+ var id = _locale + "__" + key;
+ var formatter = this._dateTimeFormatters[id];
+ if (!formatter) {
+ formatter = this._dateTimeFormatters[id] = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(_locale, format);
+ }
+ return formatter.format(value)
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._d = function _d (value, locale, key) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!VueI18n.availabilities.dateTimeFormat) {
+ warn('Cannot format a Date value due to not supported Intl.DateTimeFormat.');
+ return ''
+ }
+ if (!key) {
+ return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale).format(value)
+ }
+ var ret =
+ this._localizeDateTime(value, locale, this.fallbackLocale, this._getDateTimeFormats(), key);
+ if (this._isFallbackRoot(ret)) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to datetime localization of root: key '" + key + "' ."));
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!this._root) { throw Error('unexpected error') }
+ return this._root.$i18n.d(value, key, locale)
+ } else {
+ return ret || ''
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.d = function d (value) {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
+ var locale = this.locale;
+ var key = null;
+ if (args.length === 1) {
+ if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
+ key = args[0];
+ } else if (isObject(args[0])) {
+ if (args[0].locale) {
+ locale = args[0].locale;
+ }
+ if (args[0].key) {
+ key = args[0].key;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (args.length === 2) {
+ if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
+ key = args[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof args[1] === 'string') {
+ locale = args[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return this._d(value, locale, key)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.getNumberFormat = function getNumberFormat (locale) {
+ return looseClone(this._vm.numberFormats[locale] || {})
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.setNumberFormat = function setNumberFormat (locale, format) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm.numberFormats, locale, format);
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.mergeNumberFormat = function mergeNumberFormat (locale, format) {
+ this._vm.$set(this._vm.numberFormats, locale, merge(this._vm.numberFormats[locale] || {}, format));
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._getNumberFormatter = function _getNumberFormatter (
+ value,
+ locale,
+ fallback,
+ numberFormats,
+ key,
+ options
+ ) {
+ var _locale = locale;
+ var formats = numberFormats[_locale];
+ // fallback locale
+ if (isNull(formats) || isNull(formats[key])) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to '" + fallback + "' number formats from '" + locale + " number formats."));
+ }
+ _locale = fallback;
+ formats = numberFormats[_locale];
+ }
+ if (isNull(formats) || isNull(formats[key])) {
+ return null
+ } else {
+ var format = formats[key];
+ var formatter;
+ if (options) {
+ // If options specified - create one time number formatter
+ formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(_locale, Object.assign({}, format, options));
+ } else {
+ var id = _locale + "__" + key;
+ formatter = this._numberFormatters[id];
+ if (!formatter) {
+ formatter = this._numberFormatters[id] = new Intl.NumberFormat(_locale, format);
+ }
+ }
+ return formatter
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._n = function _n (value, locale, key, options) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!VueI18n.availabilities.numberFormat) {
+ {
+ warn('Cannot format a Number value due to not supported Intl.NumberFormat.');
+ }
+ return ''
+ }
+ if (!key) {
+ var nf = !options ? new Intl.NumberFormat(locale) : new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, options);
+ return nf.format(value)
+ }
+ var formatter = this._getNumberFormatter(value, locale, this.fallbackLocale, this._getNumberFormats(), key, options);
+ var ret = formatter && formatter.format(value);
+ if (this._isFallbackRoot(ret)) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to number localization of root: key '" + key + "' ."));
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!this._root) { throw Error('unexpected error') }
+ return this._root.$i18n.n(value, Object.assign({}, { key: key, locale: locale }, options))
+ } else {
+ return ret || ''
+ }
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype.n = function n (value) {
+ var args = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
+ while ( len-- > 0 ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
+ var locale = this.locale;
+ var key = null;
+ var options = null;
+ if (args.length === 1) {
+ if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
+ key = args[0];
+ } else if (isObject(args[0])) {
+ if (args[0].locale) {
+ locale = args[0].locale;
+ }
+ if (args[0].key) {
+ key = args[0].key;
+ }
+ // Filter out number format options only
+ options = Object.keys(args[0]).reduce(function (acc, key) {
+ var obj;
+ if (numberFormatKeys.includes(key)) {
+ return Object.assign({}, acc, ( obj = {}, obj[key] = args[0][key], obj ))
+ }
+ return acc
+ }, null);
+ }
+ } else if (args.length === 2) {
+ if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
+ key = args[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof args[1] === 'string') {
+ locale = args[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return this._n(value, locale, key, options)
+ };
+ VueI18n.prototype._ntp = function _ntp (value, locale, key, options) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!VueI18n.availabilities.numberFormat) {
+ {
+ warn('Cannot format to parts a Number value due to not supported Intl.NumberFormat.');
+ }
+ return []
+ }
+ if (!key) {
+ var nf = !options ? new Intl.NumberFormat(locale) : new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, options);
+ return nf.formatToParts(value)
+ }
+ var formatter = this._getNumberFormatter(value, locale, this.fallbackLocale, this._getNumberFormats(), key, options);
+ var ret = formatter && formatter.formatToParts(value);
+ if (this._isFallbackRoot(ret)) {
+ if (!this._silentTranslationWarn) {
+ warn(("Fall back to format number to parts of root: key '" + key + "' ."));
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!this._root) { throw Error('unexpected error') }
+ return this._root.$i18n._ntp(value, locale, key, options)
+ } else {
+ return ret || []
+ }
+ };
+ Object.defineProperties( VueI18n.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
+ var availabilities;
+ // $FlowFixMe
+ Object.defineProperty(VueI18n, 'availabilities', {
+ get: function get () {
+ if (!availabilities) {
+ var intlDefined = typeof Intl !== 'undefined';
+ availabilities = {
+ dateTimeFormat: intlDefined && typeof Intl.DateTimeFormat !== 'undefined',
+ numberFormat: intlDefined && typeof Intl.NumberFormat !== 'undefined'
+ };
+ }
+ return availabilities
+ }
+ });
+ VueI18n.install = install;
+ VueI18n.version = '8.10.0';
+ return VueI18n;