cmy 1 рік тому

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     "name" : "悦姀春颜",
-    "appid" : "__UNI__D811809",
+    "appid" : "__UNI__5246E21",
     "description" : "",
     "versionName" : "1.0.3",
     "versionCode" : 103,

+ 9 - 2

@@ -152,8 +152,7 @@
+		<image style="width:750rpx" src="../../static/img/index-bottom.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
 		<!-- 商品列表 ed-->
 		<uni-popup ref="popupkf" type="center">
 			<view class="popup-box">
@@ -273,6 +272,14 @@
 			// #endif
+			// #ifndef MP
+			if (option.spread) {
+				uni.setStorage({
+					key: 'spread_code',
+					data: option.scene
+				});
+			}
+			// #endif
 		onShow: function() {

+ 258 - 243

@@ -2,235 +2,257 @@
 	<view class="container">
-			:autoplay="false"
-			:circular="false"
-			:interval="3000"
+			:autoplay="false" 
+			:circular="false" 
+			:interval="3000" 
-			@change="bindchange"
-			previous-margin="40px"
+			@change="bindchange" 
+			previous-margin="40px" 
-			<block
-				v-for="(item, index) in shareList"
-				:key="index">
+			<block v-for="(item, index ) in shareList" :key="index">
 					<!-- #ifndef MP -->
-					<image
-						class="slide-image"
-						:class="swiperIndex == index ? 'active' : 'quiet'"
-						mode="aspectFill"
-						:src="item.wap_poster"></image>
+					<image 
+						class="slide-image" 
+						:class="swiperIndex == index ? 'active' : 'quiet'" 
+						mode='aspectFill' 
+						:src="item.wap_poster"
+					></image>
 					<!-- #endif -->
 					<!-- #ifdef MP -->
-						class="slide-image"
-						:class="swiperIndex == index ? 'active' : 'quiet'"
-						mode="aspectFill"
-						:src="item.poster"></image>
+						class="slide-image" 
+						:class="swiperIndex == index ? 'active' : 'quiet'" 
+						mode='aspectFill' 
+						:src="item.poster"
+					></image>
 					<!-- #endif -->
 		<!-- #ifndef MP -->
 		<div class="preserve">
 			<div class="line"></div>
-			<div class="tip">{{$t('huiyuan.b1')}}</div>
+			<div class="tip">长按保存图片</div>
 			<div class="line"></div>
 		<!-- #endif -->
 		<!-- #ifdef MP -->
-		<view
-			class="keep"
-			@click="savePosterPath"
-			>{{$t('huiyuan.b2')}}</view
-		>
+		<view class='keep' @click='savePosterPath'>保存海报</view>
 		<!-- #endif -->
-	import { spreadBanner } from "@/api/user.js";
-	import { mapState } from "vuex";
-	export default {
-		// #ifdef MP
-		onShareAppMessage: function (res) {
+import { spreadBanner } from '@/api/user.js';
+import { qrcode } from  '@/api/user.js';
+import { mapState } from 'vuex';
+export default {
+	// #ifdef MP
+	onShareAppMessage: function(res) {
+		// if (res.from === 'button') {
 			// 保存邀请人
-			let path = "/pages/index/index?" + "spread=" + this.userInfo.uid;
+			let path = '/pages/index/index?' + 'spread=' + this.userInfo.uid;
+			console.log('path',path)
 			let data = {
 				path: path,
 				imageUrl: this.poster,
-				title: this.userInfo.nickname +  this.$t("huiyuan.b3"),
+				title: this.userInfo.nickname + '邀请您进入绿津'
+			console.log('---data---',data)
 			return data;
+		// }
+	},
+	// #endif
+	data() {
+		return {
+			shareList: [],
+			swiperIndex: 0,
+			poster: '',	// 当前海报
+		}
+	},
+	onLoad(option) {
+		// console.log('---option---',option)
+		// let path = '/pages/index/index?' + 'spread=' + this.userInfo.uid;
+		// console.log('path',path)
+		// if(option.scene){
+		// 	// 存储邀请人
+		// 	this.spread =;
+		// 	uni.setStorageSync('spread',;
+		// }
+		this.loadData();
+	},
+	computed: {
+		...mapState(['userInfo']),
+	},
+	methods: {
+		bindchange(e) {
+			let shareList = this.shareList;
+			this.swiperIndex = e.detail.current;
+			// #ifdef MP
+			this.poster = shareList[this.swiperIndex].poster;
+			// #endif 
+			// // #ifndef MP
+			// this.poster = shareList[this.swiperIndex].wap_poster;
+			// // #endif 
+			console.log(this.poster)
-		// #endif
-		data() {
-			return {
-				shareList: [],
-				swiperIndex: 0,
-				poster: "", // 当前海报
-			};
+		// 保存海报
+		savePosterPath: function() {
+			let that = this;
+			if(that.poster==''){
+				that.poster = that.shareList[0].poster;
+			}
+			uni.downloadFile({
+				url: that.poster,
+				success(resFile) {
+					if (resFile.statusCode === 200) {
+						uni.getSetting({
+							success(res) {
+								if (!res.authSetting['scope.writePhotosAlbum']) {
+									uni.authorize({
+										scope: 'scope.writePhotosAlbum',
+										success() {
+											uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
+												filePath: resFile.tempFilePath,
+												success: function(res) {
+													uni.showToast({
+														title: '保存成功' ,
+														icon:"success"
+													})
+													return 
+												},
+												fail: function(res) {
+													uni.showToast({
+														title: res.errMsg ,
+														icon:"none"
+													})
+													return
+												},
+												complete: function(res) {},
+											})
+										},
+										fail() {
+											uni.showModal({
+												title: '您已拒绝获取相册权限',
+												content: '是否进入权限管理,调整授权?',
+												success(res) {
+													if (res.confirm) {
+														uni.openSetting({
+															success: function(res) {
+																console.log(res.authSetting)
+															}
+														});
+													} else if (res.cancel) {
+														uni.showToast({
+															title: '已取消!' ,
+															icon:"none"
+														})
+														return ;
+													}
+												}
+											})
+										}
+									})
+								} else {
+									uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
+										filePath: resFile.tempFilePath,
+										success: function(res) {
+											uni.showToast({
+												title: '保存成功' ,
+												icon:"success"
+											})
+											return;
+										},
+										fail: function(res) {
+											uni.showToast({
+												title:  res.errMsg ,
+												icon:"none"
+											})
+											return ;
+										},
+										complete: function(res) {},
+									})
+								}
+							},
+							fail(res) {
+							}
+						})
+					} else {
+						uni.showToast({
+							title:  resFile.errMsg  ,
+							icon:"none"
+						})
+						return 
+					}
+				},
+				fail(res) {
+					uni.showToast({
+						title:  res.errMsg  ,
+						icon:"none"
+					})
+					return 
+				}
+			})
-		onLoad(option) {
-			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
-				title: this.$t("tab.b2"),
+		// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
+		// 保存画图图片到本地
+		seav(url) {
+			uni.showLoading({
+				title: '生成中...',
+				mask: true
+			});
+			uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
+				filePath: this.poster,
+				complete(result) {
+					uni.hideLoading();
+					console.log(result);
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: '保存图片成功!',
+						duration: 2000,
+						icon: 'none'
+					});
+				}
-			this.loadData();
-		},
-		computed: {
-			...mapState("user", ["userInfo"]),
-		methods: {
-			bindchange(e) {
-				let shareList = this.shareList;
-				this.swiperIndex = e.detail.current;
+		// #endif
+		// 获取海报
+		loadData() {
+			let obj = this;
+			uni.showLoading({
+				title: '获取中',
+				mask: true,
+			});
+			spreadBanner({
+				// #ifdef H5
+				type: 2,
+				// #endif
 				// #ifdef MP
-				this.poster = shareList[this.swiperIndex].poster;
+				type: 1
 				// #endif
-				console.log(this.poster);
-			},
-			// 保存海报
-			savePosterPath: function () {
-				let that = this;
-				if (that.poster == "") {
-					that.poster = that.shareList[0].poster;
-				}
-				uni.downloadFile({
-					url: that.poster,
-					success(resFile) {
-						if (resFile.statusCode === 200) {
-							uni.getSetting({
-								success(res) {
-									if (
-										!res.authSetting[
-											"scope.writePhotosAlbum"
-										]
-									) {
-										uni.authorize({
-											scope: "scope.writePhotosAlbum",
-											success() {
-												uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
-													filePath:
-														resFile.tempFilePath,
-													success: function (res) {
-														return that.$api.msg(
-															 this.$t("huiyuan.b4")
-														);
-													},
-													fail: function (res) {
-														return that.$api.msg(
-															res.errMsg
-														);
-													},
-													complete: function (res) {},
-												});
-											},
-											fail() {
-												uni.showModal({
-													title: this.$t("huiyuan.b5"),
-													content:
-														 this.$t("huiyuan.b6"),
-													success(res) {
-														if (res.confirm) {
-															uni.openSetting({
-																success:
-																	function (
-																		res
-																	) {
-																		console.log(
-																			res.authSetting
-																		);
-																	},
-															});
-														} else if (res.cancel) {
-															return that.$api.msg(
-																 this.$t("huiyuan.b7")
-															);
-														}
-													},
-												});
-											},
-										});
-									} else {
-										uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
-											filePath: resFile.tempFilePath,
-											success: function (res) {
-												return that.$api.msg(
-													 this.$t("huiyuan.b8")
-												);
-											},
-											fail: function (res) {
-												return that.$api.msg(
-													res.errMsg
-												);
-											},
-											complete: function (res) {},
-										});
-									}
-								},
-								fail(res) {},
-							});
-						} else {
-							return that.$api.msg(resFile.errMsg);
-						}
-					},
-					fail(res) {
-						return that.$api.msg(res.errMsg);
-					},
-				});
-			},
-			// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
-			// 保存画图图片到本地
-			seav(url) {
-				uni.showLoading({
-					title:  this.$t("huiyuan.b9"),
-					mask: true,
-				});
-				uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({
-					filePath: this.poster,
-					complete(result) {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-						console.log(result);
-						uni.showToast({
-							title:  this.$t("huiyuan.b0"),
-							duration: 2000,
-							icon: "none",
-						});
-					},
-				});
-			},
-			// #endif
-			// 获取海报
-			loadData() {
-				let obj = this;
-				uni.showLoading({
-					title: "获取中",
-					mask: true,
-				});
-				spreadBanner({
-					// #ifdef H5
-					type: 2,
-					// #endif
-					// #ifdef MP
-					type: 1,
-					// #endif
-				})
-					.then(res => {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-						obj.shareList =;
-						console.log("obj.shareList", obj.shareList);
-					})
-					.catch(err => {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-					});
-			},
+			}).then(res =>{
+				uni.hideLoading();
+				obj.shareList =;
+				console.log('obj.shareList',obj.shareList);
+			}).catch(err => {
+				uni.hideLoading();
+			});
-	};
+	}
 <style lang="scss">
@@ -238,62 +260,55 @@
 		background: #a3a3a3;
 		height: 100%;
-	.container {
+.container {
+	width: 100%;
+	.posters-box {
 		width: 100%;
-		.posters-box {
+		height: 1000rpx;
+		margin-top: 40rpx;
+		.slide-image {
 			width: 100%;
-			height: 1000rpx;
-			margin-top: 40rpx;
-			.slide-image {
-				width: 100%;
-				height: 100%;
-				border-radius: 15rpx;
-			}
-		}
-		.posters-box {
-			transform: none;
-			transition: all 0.2s ease-in 0s;
-		}
-		.posters-box .slide-image.quiet {
-			transform: scale(0.8333333);
-			transition: all 0.2s ease-in 0s;
-		}
-		.keep {
-			font-size: 30rpx;
-			background: $base-color;
-			color: #fff;
-			width: 600rpx;
-			height: 80rpx;
-			border-radius: 50rpx;
-			text-align: center;
-			line-height: 80rpx;
-			margin: 38rpx auto;
+			height: 100%;
+			border-radius: 15rpx;
-	.preserve {
+	.posters-box {
+		transform: none;
+		transition: all 0.2s ease-in 0s;
+	}
+	.posters-box .slide-image.quiet {
+		transform: scale(0.8333333);
+		transition: all 0.2s ease-in 0s;
+	}
+	.keep {
+		font-size: 30rpx;
+		background: $base-color;
 		color: #fff;
+		width: 600rpx;
+		height: 80rpx;
+		border-radius: 50rpx;
 		text-align: center;
-		margin-top: 38rpx;
-		display: flex;
-		align-items: center;
-		justify-content: center;
-		.line {
-			width: 100rpx;
-			height: 1px;
-			background-color: #fff;
-		}
-		.tip {
-			margin: 0 20rpx;
-			font-size: 28rpx;
-		}
+		line-height: 80rpx;
+		margin: 38rpx auto;
+	}
+.preserve {
+	color: #fff;
+	text-align: center;
+	margin-top: 38rpx;
+	display: flex;
+	align-items: center;
+	justify-content: center;
+	.line {
+		width: 100rpx;
+		height: 1px;
+		background-color: #fff;
+	}
+	.tip {
+		margin: 0 20rpx;
+		font-size: 28rpx;


