All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Table组件中size属性的validator设置错误 (f30e37e)
- Table组件注册为全局组件报错问题,存在对pinia的提前引用 (1e209a7)
- Table组件设置 align="center" 导致横向滚动条位置错误问题 (22f071d)
- 修复 element-plus 2.5版本以上,el-form-item inline模式下,select宽度问题 (f44e48d)
- 修复 prettier 报错 (f5f08f8)
- 修复 useCrudSchemas 详情组件数据结构文案不匹配问题 (d94fc0a)
- 修复cutMenu布局刷新样式问题 (03580b0)
- 修复Menu组件缩略菜单弹窗内样式不统一问题 (d5dc4e3)
- 修复TagsView右键菜单逻辑错误 (901c891)
- 修复test打包VITE_USE_ONLINE_ICON无效问题 (a3436a3)
- 修复本地化图标空白问题 (14ff83a)
- 修复请求示例中,mock开启时无法取消单个请求的问题 (d6d70a4)
- 修改兼容方式,兼容Form 组件中contentMap中类输入框或下拉选择的所有组件,特殊兼容 InputNumber 组件 (ab98ceb)
- 更换判断条件 (b5cb626)
- request请求根据ContentType自动转换数据 (ef9aa62)
- 使用flex布局,优化section区域min-height的繁琐计算 (fbb6f9a)
- Menu菜单组件显示bug,renderMenuItem返回的数组存在undefined数据,导致省略菜单显示问题 (1c63757)
- useClipboard在ip地址下不能使用问题 (f3593c4)
- 修复request请求自定义headers类型错误 (bf2cd72)
- 修复切换主题色缓存失败 (1074520)
- 修复非正式环境打包报错 (3a5db42)
- 使用动态路由时,多级路由只有一个子路且父路由未使用alwaysShow时,子路由未添加至路由中 (9b330a1)
- 修改 Editor 的 z-index 使其不会遮挡『综合示例 - 新增』界面的下拉菜单 (c046e45)
- 面包屑:1.修复使用动态路由的时候,无法显示的bug (8790c8c)
- Correct spelling of words(aciton →action) (eb405b2)
- Correct spelling of words(tigger →trigger) (c2ca2d7)
- The attribute of option does not work (d946920)
- fix useCrudSchemas not work (0a855b9)
- change showMainRoute to canTo (5e292f8)
- multiple requests when pageSize change and currentPage isn't 1 (f71a250)
- the warning of VSCode extensions (a368c21)
- fix the problem that the page is stuck in top mode (8d01f48)
- spelling 'useRenderChcekbox' (ee92f03)
- Editor component support v-model (d77f8e3)
- fixed spelling 'ElememtPlusSzie' (5dbbc60)
- fix the error reported by the Editor component (7dc6d8a)
- fix the error reported by the Editor component (90ef985)
- add layout background color (9b614fe)
- modify the commitlint package manager (ba7e722)
- fix padding and background color (f8c9d54)
- modify the function name to make it more semantic (046ae51)
- update Footer component presentation (d4a9ba3)
- update Icon demo (8597122)
- fix the bug that the form search function is invalid of the example-dialog page (9ec30e7)
- fix the problem of blank bar when toggle the TagsView component (b1d9771)
- fix the problem that no reaction when copy setting config in http page (61e0e33)
- add labelMessage attribute to Form component (8c42790)
- fix the problem that the tree data of Table component cannot be displayed (bf83d3e)
- fix the problem of tagsview error when loginout (835d76a)
- 🐛 删除 Editor 双向绑定,改 �props 传参 (c395e27)
- fix Form component setProps not work bug (48ffc52)
- fix useScrollTo not work bug (53201ae)
- 修复 tagsView 无动画效 �0e3eb4b)
- Add conventional-changelog-cli plugin (384485f)
- Add conventional-github-releaser plugin (3cd5c71)
- Add standard-version plugin (110ce25)
- Add vite-plugin-html plugin (d5b6e2a)
- delete useless plugin (c756761)
- pinia: Add pinia (2040500)
- types: Add vue-types (2c41826)
- unplugin-auto-import: Delete unplugin-auto-import (2040500)
- unplugin-vue-components: Delete unplugin-vue-components (2040500)
- update plugin (8d08bc6)
- update plugins (3c58042)
- vite-plugin-style-import: Add vite-plugin-style-import (2040500)
- vite-plugin-vue-setup-extend: Delete vite-plugin-vue-setup-extend (2040500)
- 修改 vite 配置 (9991fb4)
- 设置多语 �(45e879e)
- 配置代码格式 �ffdb556)
- 集成基础配置 (ced99de)
- 集成基础配置 (5dbcf23)
- add ImportMetaEnv (38e0257)
- Adding BfFrom Component types (8e036f5)
- BfForm: Adding BfForm types (bc9195b)
- BfForm: Adding BfForm types (184b468)
- BfForm: Adding BfForm types (58cb24d)
- delete useless types (3fc79c0)
- VForm: Adding VForm types (7528fe6)