hwq 2 years ago
6 changed files with 287 additions and 90 deletions
  1. 9 0
  2. 6 0
  3. 3 1
  4. 70 0
  5. 199 89
  6. BIN

+ 9 - 0

@@ -162,6 +162,15 @@ export function user_auction_order(data) {
+export function seller(data) {
+	return request({
+		url: '/api/auction/seller',
+		method: 'get',
+		data
+	});
 // 上传成功
 export function up_image(data) {
 	return request({

+ 6 - 0

@@ -90,6 +90,12 @@
 			"style": {
 			"navigationBarTitleText": "添加微信"
+		},
+		{
+			"path": "pages/money/success",
+			"style": {
+			"navigationBarTitleText": "提交成功"
+			}
 			"path": "pages/public/wxLogin",

+ 3 - 1

@@ -210,7 +210,9 @@ export default {
 		buy() {
 			up_image({id:this.info.id,image: this.image}).then(({data}) => {
-				this.$api.msg(支付成功)
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url:'/pages/money/success'
+				})

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+	<view class="container">
+		<view class="re-succ-box">
+			<image class="re-succ-img" src="../../static/img/success.png"></image>
+			<view class="re-succ-tit">提交成功</view>
+			<view class="re-succ-btn" @click="goBack()">返回首页</view>
+		</view>
+	</view>
+export default {
+	methods: {
+		goBack() {
+			uni.switchTab({
+				url: '/pages/index/index'
+			})
+		}
+	}
+<style lang="scss">
+page {
+	height: 100%;
+.container {
+	height: 100%;
+	background: #FFFFFF;
+	.line-top {
+		width: 750rpx;
+		height: 20rpx;
+		background: #F5F5F5;
+	}
+	.re-succ-box {
+		padding-top: 170rpx;
+		display: flex;
+		flex-direction: column;
+		align-items: center;
+		.re-succ-img {
+			margin-left: -30rpx;
+			width: 362rpx;
+			height: 267rpx;
+			display: block;
+		}
+		.re-succ-tit {
+			margin-top: -26rpx;
+			font-size: 40rpx;
+			font-family: PingFang SC;
+			font-weight: 500;
+			color: #333333;
+		}
+		.re-succ-btn {
+			margin-top: 80rpx;
+			width: 350rpx;
+			height: 80rpx;
+			background: linear-gradient(180deg, #FD4646, #FF3535);
+			border-radius: 40rpx;
+			font-size: 36rpx;
+			font-family: PingFang SC;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			color: #FFFFFF;
+			display: flex;
+			align-items: center;
+			justify-content: center;
+		}
+	}

+ 199 - 89

@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
 			<view class="roder-content">
 				<view class="left" :class="{ current: currentIndex === index }" :key="index" v-for="(item, index) in maiList" @click="navGo(index)">{{ item.title }}</view>
-				<!-- <view class="left">
-					我的卖单
-				</view> -->
 		<view class="navbar" v-show="currentIndex == 0">
@@ -25,7 +22,7 @@
 					<empty v-if="tabItem.loaded === true && tabItem.orderList.length === 0"></empty>
 					<!-- 订单列表 -->
-					<view @click="goToOrderDetail(item)" v-for="(item, index) in tabItem.orderList" :key="index" class="order-item">
+					<view v-for="(item, index) in tabItem.orderList" :key="index" class="order-item">
 						<view class="i-top b-b">
 							<text class="time">{{ item.order_id }}</text>
 							<text class="state" :style="{ color: item.stateTipColor }">{{ item.stateTip }}</text>
@@ -61,51 +58,39 @@
 					<empty v-if="tabItem.loaded === true && tabItem.orderList.length === 0"></empty>
 					<!-- 订单列表 -->
-					<view @click="goToOrderDetail(item)" v-for="(item, index) in tabItem.orderList" :key="index" class="order-item">
+					<view v-for="(item, index) in tabItem.orderList" :key="index" class="order-item">
 						<view class="i-top b-b">
-							<text class="time">{{ item._add_time }}</text>
-							<text class="state" :style="{ color: item.stateTipColor }">{{ item._status._title }}</text>
-							<text v-if="item.status === 4" class="del-btn iconfont icondelete" @click="deleteOrder(index)"></text>
+							<text class="time">{{ item.order_id }}</text>
+							<text class="state" :style="{ color: item.stateTipColor }">{{ item.stateTip }}</text>
-						<scroll-view v-if="item.cartInfo.length > 1" class="goods-box" scroll-x>
-							<view v-for="(goodsItem, goodsIndex) in item.cartInfo" :key="goodsIndex" class="goods-item">
-								<image class="goods-img" :src="goodsItem.productInfo.image" mode="aspectFill"></image>
-							</view>
-						</scroll-view>
-						<!-- <view v-if="item.cartInfo.length === 1" class="goods-box-single" v-for="(goodsItem, goodsIndex) in item.cartInfo" :key="goodsIndex">
-							<image class="goods-img" :src="goodsItem.productInfo.image" mode="aspectFill"></image>
-							<view class="right">
-								<text class="title clamp">{{ goodsItem.productInfo.store_name }}</text>
-								<text class="attr-box">{{ goodsItem.attrInfo ? goodsItem.attrInfo.suk : '' }} x {{ goodsItem.cart_num }}</text>
-								<text class="price">{{ moneyNum(goodsItem.productInfo.price)}}</text>
-							</view>
-						</view> -->
-						<view class="goods-box-single" v-for="(goodsItem, goodsIndex) in item.cartInfo" :key="goodsIndex">
-							<image class="goods-img" :src="goodsItem.productInfo.image" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
+						<view class="goods-box-single">
+							<image class="goods-img" :src="item.image" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
 							<view class="right">
 								<view class="flex-start">
-									<text class="title clamp">{{ goodsItem.productInfo.store_name }}</text>
-									<text class="price">{{ goodsItem.productInfo.price | moneyNum }}</text>
-								</view>
-								<view class="row flex">
-									<text class="row_title">{{ goodsItem.productInfo.attrInfo ? goodsItem.productInfo.attrInfo.suk : '' }}</text>
-									<text class="attr-box">x {{ goodsItem.cart_num }}</text>
+									<text class="title clamp">{{ item.name }}</text>
+									<text class="price">{{ item.price | moneyNum }}</text>
+								<view class="row flex"><text class="attr-box">x1</text></view>
-						<view class="price-box">
-							<text class="num">{{ item.cartInfo.length }}</text>
-							件商品 邮费
-							<text class="price">{{ moneyNum(item.pay_postage) }}</text>
-							实付款
-							<text class="price">{{ moneyNum(item.pay_price) }}</text>
+						<view class="buy-box">
+							<view class="buy-info" v-if="item.status != 0">
+								<view class="font">买家:</view>
+								<image class="avter" :src="item.avatar" mode=""></image>
+								<view class="buy-name">{{ item.nickname }}</view>
+								<view class="phone">13245678911</view>
+							</view>
-						<view class="action-box b-t">
-							<button v-if="item.stateTip == '待支付'" @click.stop="orderPay(item)" class="action-btn recom">立即支付</button>
-							<!-- <button v-if="item._status._title == '待收货'" @click.stop="orderTake(item, index)" class="action-btn">确认收货</button> -->
+						<view class="upimg" v-if="item.status == 2 || item.status == 3">
+							<view class="up-tit">打款凭证:</view>
+							<view class="img-wrap" v-if="item.upload_image" @click="lookimg(item.upload_image)"><image :src="item.upload_image" mode=""></image></view>
+							<view class="" style="color: #0F253A;font-weight: bold;font-size: 26rpx;" v-else>买家未上传支付凭证</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="action-box b-t" v-if="item.status == 1"><button @click.stop="orderPay(item)" class="action-btn recom">联系买家</button></view>
+						<view class="action-box b-t" v-if="item.status == 2">
+							<!-- <button @click.stop="orderPay(item)" class="refuse recom">拒绝</button> -->
+							<button @click.stop="orderPay(item)" class="action-btn recom">通过</button>
@@ -120,7 +105,7 @@
 import uniLoadMore from '@/components/uni-load-more/uni-load-more.vue';
 import empty from '@/components/empty';
-import { orderList, orderCancel, orderDel, orderTake, adopt, user_auction_order } from '@/api/order.js';
+import { orderList, orderCancel, orderDel, orderTake, adopt, user_auction_order, seller } from '@/api/order.js';
 import { tabbar } from '@/utils/tabbar.js';
 export default {
 	components: {
@@ -180,7 +165,7 @@ export default {
 			navList1: [
 					state: 0,
-					text: '全部',
+					text: '已过期',
 					loadingType: 'more',
 					orderList: [],
 					page: 1, //当前页数
@@ -188,7 +173,7 @@ export default {
 					state: 1,
-					text: '售卖中',
+					text: '待支付',
 					loadingType: 'more',
 					orderList: [],
 					page: 1, //当前页数
@@ -196,7 +181,7 @@ export default {
 					state: 2,
-					text: '待支付',
+					text: '待审核',
 					loadingType: 'more',
 					orderList: [],
 					page: 1, //当前页数
@@ -204,14 +189,6 @@ export default {
 					state: 3,
-					text: '待放货',
-					loadingType: 'more',
-					orderList: [],
-					page: 1, //当前页数
-					limit: 10 //每次信息条数
-				},
-				{
-					state: 4,
 					text: '已完成',
 					loadingType: 'more',
 					orderList: [],
@@ -288,11 +265,21 @@ export default {
 		navGo(index) {
 			this.currentIndex = index;
 			console.log(this.currentIndex, '点击');
+			this.loadData();
 		// 转换金额为数字
 		moneyNum(value) {
 			return +value;
+		// 查看大图
+		lookimg(src) {
+			console.log(src);
+			let arr = [src]
+			uni.previewImage({
+				current: src,
+				urls: arr
+			});
+		},
 		// 确认收货
 		orderTake(item, index) {
 			let obj = this;
@@ -328,9 +315,10 @@ export default {
 		// 订单支付
 		orderPay(e) {
-			uni.navigateTo({
-				url: '/pages/hall/hallpay?ordid=' + e.order_id
-			});
+			console.log(e);
+			adopt({order_id: e.order_id}).then(({data}) =>{
+				this.loadData()
+			})
 		loadData(source) {
@@ -360,40 +348,73 @@ export default {
 			// 修改当前对象状态为加载中
 			navItem.loadingType = 'loading';
-			user_auction_order({
-				type: state,
-				page: navItem.page,
-				limit: navItem.limit
-			})
-				.then(({ data }) => {
-					console.log(data);
-					let arr = data.map(e => {
-						let b = this.orderStateExp(e.status);
-						e.stateTip = b.stateTip;
-						e.stateTipColor = b.stateTipColor;
-						return e;
+			if (this.currentIndex == 0) {
+				user_auction_order({
+					type: state,
+					page: navItem.page,
+					limit: navItem.limit
+				})
+					.then(({ data }) => {
+						console.log(data);
+						let arr = data.map(e => {
+							let b = this.orderStateExp(e.status);
+							e.stateTip = b.stateTip;
+							e.stateTipColor = b.stateTipColor;
+							return e;
+						});
+						navItem.orderList = navItem.orderList.concat(arr);
+						// console.log(navItem.orderList);
+						navItem.page++;
+						if (navItem.limit == data.length) {
+							//判断是否还有数据, 有改为 more, 没有改为noMore
+							navItem.loadingType = 'more';
+							return;
+						} else {
+							//判断是否还有数据, 有改为 more, 没有改为noMore
+							navItem.loadingType = 'noMore';
+						}
+						uni.hideLoading();
+						this.$set(navItem, 'loaded', true);
+					})
+					.catch(e => {
+						console.log(e);
-					navItem.orderList = navItem.orderList.concat(arr);
-					// console.log(navItem.orderList);
-					navItem.page++;
-					if (navItem.limit == data.length) {
-						//判断是否还有数据, 有改为 more, 没有改为noMore
-						navItem.loadingType = 'more';
-						return;
-					} else {
-						//判断是否还有数据, 有改为 more, 没有改为noMore
-						navItem.loadingType = 'noMore';
-					}
-					uni.hideLoading();
-					this.$set(navItem, 'loaded', true);
+			}
+			if (this.currentIndex == 1) {
+				seller({
+					type: state,
+					page: navItem.page,
+					limit: navItem.limit
-				.catch(e => {
-					console.log(e);
-				});
+					.then(({ data }) => {
+						console.log(data);
+						let arr = data.map(e => {
+							let b = this.orderStateExp(e.status);
+							e.stateTip = b.stateTip;
+							e.stateTipColor = b.stateTipColor;
+							return e;
+						});
+						navItem.orderList = navItem.orderList.concat(arr);
+						// console.log(navItem.orderList);
+						navItem.page++;
+						if (navItem.limit == data.length) {
+							//判断是否还有数据, 有改为 more, 没有改为noMore
+							navItem.loadingType = 'more';
+							return;
+						} else {
+							//判断是否还有数据, 有改为 more, 没有改为noMore
+							navItem.loadingType = 'noMore';
+						}
+						uni.hideLoading();
+						this.$set(navItem, 'loaded', true);
+					})
+					.catch(e => {
+						console.log(e);
+					});
+			}
 		//swiper 切换
 		changeTab(e) {
 			if (this.currentIndex == 0) {
@@ -593,7 +614,7 @@ page,
 		color: $font-color-dark;
 		position: relative;
 		padding: 0 30rpx;
 		.time {
 			flex: 1;
@@ -697,12 +718,75 @@ page,
+	.buy-box {
+		height: 84rpx;
+		padding: 0 22rpx;
+		background-color: #ffffff;
+		.buy-info {
+			height: 100%;
+			display: flex;
+			align-items: center;
+			.font {
+				font-size: 32rpx;
+				font-family: PingFang SC;
+				font-weight: 500;
+				color: #333333;
+			}
+			.avter {
+				margin-left: 10rpx;
+				width: 46rpx;
+				height: 46rpx;
+				border-radius: 50%;
+			}
+			.buy-name {
+				margin-left: 10rpx;
+				font-size: 32rpx;
+				font-family: PingFang SC;
+				font-weight: bold;
+				color: #333333;
+			}
+			.phone {
+				margin-left: 12rpx;
+				font-size: 24rpx;
+				font-family: PingFang SC;
+				font-weight: 500;
+				color: #999999;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	.upimg {
+		padding-left: 20rpx;
+		padding-top: 10rpx;
+		padding-bottom: 10rpx;
+		display: flex;
+		.up-tit {
+			display: inline-block;
+			font-size: 26rpx;
+			font-family: PingFang SC;
+			font-weight: 500;
+			color: #6d7c88;
+		}
+		.img-wrap {
+			width: 153rpx;
+			height: 152rpx;
+			border-radius: 20rpx;
+			image {
+				border-radius: 20rpx;
+				width: 153rpx;
+				height: 152rpx;
+				background-color: #ccc;
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	.price-box {
 		display: flex;
 		justify-content: flex-end;
 		align-items: baseline;
-		padding: 20rpx 30rpx ;
+		padding: 20rpx 30rpx;
 		font-size: $font-sm + 2rpx;
 		color: $font-color-light;
@@ -732,6 +816,32 @@ page,
 		position: relative;
+	.refuse {
+		margin: 0;
+		padding: 0;
+		width: 160rpx;
+		height: 60rpx;
+		border: 2rpx solid #ebebeb;
+		border-radius: 28rpx;
+		text-align: center;
+		line-height: 60rpx;
+		font-size: 26rpx;
+		font-family: PingFang SC;
+		font-weight: 500;
+		color: #999999;
+		&:after {
+			border-radius: 100px;
+		}
+		&.recom {
+			color: #999999;
+			&:after {
+				border-color: #999999;
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	.action-btn {
 		width: 160rpx;
 		height: 60rpx;
@@ -744,7 +854,7 @@ page,
 		color: $font-color-dark;
 		background: #fff;
 		border-radius: 100px;
-		border: 2rpx solid #FD3B39;
+		border: 2rpx solid #fd3b39;
 		border-radius: 28px;
 		&:after {
 			border-radius: 100px;
