'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const LazyResult = require('postcss/lib/lazy-result'); const postcss = require('postcss'); const syntaxes = require('./syntaxes'); /** @typedef {import('postcss').Result} Result */ /** @typedef {import('postcss').Syntax} Syntax */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').CustomSyntax} CustomSyntax */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').GetPostcssOptions} GetPostcssOptions */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').StylelintInternalApi} StylelintInternalApi */ const postcssProcessor = postcss(); /** * @param {StylelintInternalApi} stylelint * @param {GetPostcssOptions} options * * @returns {Promise} */ module.exports = function (stylelint, options = {}) { const cached = options.filePath ? stylelint._postcssResultCache.get(options.filePath) : undefined; if (cached) return Promise.resolve(cached); /** @type {Promise | undefined} */ let getCode; if (options.code !== undefined) { getCode = Promise.resolve(options.code); } else if (options.filePath) { getCode = readFile(options.filePath); } if (!getCode) { throw new Error('code or filePath required'); } return getCode .then((code) => { /** @type {Syntax | null} */ let syntax = null; if (stylelint._options.customSyntax) { syntax = getCustomSyntax(stylelint._options.customSyntax); } else if (stylelint._options.syntax) { if (stylelint._options.syntax === 'css') { syntax = cssSyntax(stylelint); } else { const keys = Object.keys(syntaxes); if (!keys.includes(stylelint._options.syntax)) { throw new Error( `You must use a valid syntax option, either: css, ${keys .slice(0, -1) .join(', ')} or ${keys.slice(-1)}`, ); } syntax = syntaxes[stylelint._options.syntax]; } } else if (!(options.codeProcessors && options.codeProcessors.length)) { const autoSyntax = require('postcss-syntax'); // TODO: investigate why lazy import HTML syntax causes // JS files with the word "html" to throw TypeError // https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues/4793 const { html, ...rest } = syntaxes; syntax = autoSyntax({ css: cssSyntax(stylelint), jsx: syntaxes['css-in-js'], ...rest, }); } const postcssOptions = { from: options.filePath, syntax, }; const source = options.code ? options.codeFilename : options.filePath; let preProcessedCode = code; if (options.codeProcessors && options.codeProcessors.length) { if (stylelint._options.fix) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn( 'Autofix is incompatible with processors and will be disabled. Are you sure you need a processor?', ); stylelint._options.fix = false; } options.codeProcessors.forEach((codeProcessor) => { preProcessedCode = codeProcessor(preProcessedCode, source); }); } const result = new LazyResult(postcssProcessor, preProcessedCode, postcssOptions); return result; }) .then((postcssResult) => { if (options.filePath) { stylelint._postcssResultCache.set(options.filePath, postcssResult); } return postcssResult; }); }; /** * @param {CustomSyntax} customSyntax * @returns {Syntax} */ function getCustomSyntax(customSyntax) { let resolved; if (typeof customSyntax === 'string') { try { resolved = require(customSyntax); } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Cannot resolve custom syntax module ${customSyntax}. Check that module ${customSyntax} is available and spelled correctly.`, ); } /* * PostCSS allows for syntaxes that only contain a parser, however, * it then expects the syntax to be set as the `parse` option. */ if (!resolved.parse) { resolved = { parse: resolved, stringify: postcss.stringify, }; } return resolved; } if (typeof customSyntax === 'object') { if (typeof customSyntax.parse === 'function') { resolved = { ...customSyntax }; } else { throw new Error( `An object provided to the "customSyntax" option must have a "parse" property. Ensure the "parse" property exists and its value is a function.`, ); } return resolved; } throw new Error(`Custom syntax must be a string or a Syntax object`); } /** * @param {string} filePath * @returns {Promise} */ function readFile(filePath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, content) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve(content); }); }); } /** * @param {StylelintInternalApi} stylelint * @returns {Syntax} */ function cssSyntax(stylelint) { return { parse: stylelint._options.fix ? require('postcss-safe-parser') : postcss.parse, stringify: postcss.stringify, }; }