Awe-dnd ======== Makes your elements draggable in Vue. ![]( See Demo: []( Some of goals of this project worth noting include: * support desktop and mobile * Vue data-driven philosophy * support multi comb drag * Supports both of Vue 1.0 and Vue 2.0 ## Requirements - Vue: ^1.0.0 or ^2.0.0 ## Install From npm: ``` sh $ npm install awe-dnd --save ``` ## Usage ``` javascript //main.js import VueDND from 'awe-dnd' Vue.use(VueDND) ``` ``` html ``` # API `v-dragging="{ item: color, list: colors, group: 'color' }"` #### Arguments: * `{item} Object` * `{list} Array` * `{group} String` * `{comb} String` `group` is unique key of dragable list. `comb` use for multi drag #### Example ``` html
``` #### Event ``` html
``` ``` javascript export default { mounted () { this.$dragging.$on('dragged', ({ value }) => { console.log(value.item) console.log(value.list) console.log(value.otherData) }) this.$dragging.$on('dragend', () => { }) } } ``` # License [The MIT License](