123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673 |
- /**
- * @author Toru Nagashima
- * @copyright 2016 Toru Nagashima. All rights reserved.
- * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
- */
- "use strict";
- var _getIterator2 = require("babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator");
- var _getIterator3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getIterator2);
- var _setImmediate2 = require("babel-runtime/core-js/set-immediate");
- var _setImmediate3 = _interopRequireDefault(_setImmediate2);
- var _getPrototypeOf = require("babel-runtime/core-js/object/get-prototype-of");
- var _getPrototypeOf2 = _interopRequireDefault(_getPrototypeOf);
- var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");
- var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
- var _createClass2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/createClass");
- var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2);
- var _possibleConstructorReturn2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn");
- var _possibleConstructorReturn3 = _interopRequireDefault(_possibleConstructorReturn2);
- var _inherits2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/inherits");
- var _inherits3 = _interopRequireDefault(_inherits2);
- var _symbol = require("babel-runtime/core-js/symbol");
- var _symbol2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbol);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- var _require = require("events");
- var EventEmitter = _require.EventEmitter;
- var fs = require("fs");
- var _require2 = require("path");
- var dirname = _require2.dirname;
- var resolvePath = _require2.resolve;
- var relativePath = _require2.relative;
- var joinPath = _require2.join;
- var _require3 = require("chokidar");
- var createWatcher = _require3.watch;
- var _require4 = require("glob");
- var Glob = _require4.Glob;
- var searchSync = _require4.sync;
- var getBasePath = require("glob2base");
- var mkdir = require("mkdirp");
- var mkdirSync = mkdir.sync;
- var _require5 = require("minimatch");
- var Minimatch = _require5.Minimatch;
- var copyFile = require("./copy");
- var copyFileSync = require("./copy-sync");
- var Queue = require("./queue");
- var BASE_DIR = (0, _symbol2.default)("baseDir");
- var DEREFERENCE = (0, _symbol2.default)("dereference");
- var INCLUDE_EMPTY_DIRS = (0, _symbol2.default)("include-empty-dirs");
- var INITIAL_COPY = (0, _symbol2.default)("initialCopy");
- var OUT_DIR = (0, _symbol2.default)("outDir");
- var PRESERVE = (0, _symbol2.default)("preserve");
- var SOURCE = (0, _symbol2.default)("source");
- var TRANSFORM = (0, _symbol2.default)("transform");
- var UPDATE = (0, _symbol2.default)("update");
- var QUEUE = (0, _symbol2.default)("queue");
- var WATCHER = (0, _symbol2.default)("watcher");
- /**
- * Converts a file path to use glob.
- * Glob doesn't support the delimiter of Windows.
- *
- * @param {string} path - A path to convert.
- * @returns {string} The normalized path.
- */
- function normalizePath(path) {
- if (path == null) {
- return null;
- }
- var normalizedPath = relativePath(process.cwd(), resolvePath(path));
- normalizedPath = normalizedPath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
- if (/\/$/.test(normalizedPath)) {
- normalizedPath = normalizedPath.slice(0, -1);
- }
- return normalizedPath || ".";
- }
- /**
- * Applys a given action for each file that matches with a given pattern.
- *
- * @param {Cpx} cpx - An instance.
- * @param {string} pattern - A pattern to find files.
- * @param {function} action - A predicate function to apply.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- function doAllSimply(cpx, pattern, action) {
- new Glob(pattern, { nodir: !cpx.includeEmptyDirs, silent: true }).on("match", action.bind(cpx));
- }
- /**
- * Applys a given action for each file that matches with a given pattern.
- * Then calls a given callback function after done.
- *
- * @param {Cpx} cpx - An instance.
- * @param {string} pattern - A pattern to find files.
- * @param {function} action - A predicate function to apply.
- * @param {function} cb - A callback function.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- function doAll(cpx, pattern, action, cb) {
- if (cb == null) {
- doAllSimply(cpx, pattern, action);
- return;
- }
- var count = 0;
- var done = false;
- var lastError = null;
- /**
- * Calls the callback function if done.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- function cbIfEnd() {
- if (done && count === 0) {
- cb(lastError);
- }
- }
- new Glob(pattern, {
- nodir: !cpx.includeEmptyDirs,
- silent: true,
- follow: cpx.dereference
- }).on("match", function (path) {
- if (lastError != null) {
- return;
- }
- count += 1;
- action.call(cpx, path, function (err) {
- count -= 1;
- lastError = lastError || err;
- cbIfEnd();
- });
- }).on("end", function () {
- done = true;
- cbIfEnd();
- }).on("error", function (err) {
- lastError = lastError || err;
- });
- }
- module.exports = function (_EventEmitter) {
- (0, _inherits3.default)(Cpx, _EventEmitter);
- /**
- * @param {string} source - A blob for copy files.
- * @param {string} outDir - A file path for the destination directory.
- * @param {object} options - An options object.
- */
- function Cpx(source, outDir, options) {
- (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Cpx);
- options = options || {}; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
- var _this = (0, _possibleConstructorReturn3.default)(this, (0, _getPrototypeOf2.default)(Cpx).call(this));
- _this[SOURCE] = normalizePath(source);
- _this[OUT_DIR] = normalizePath(outDir);
- _this[DEREFERENCE] = Boolean(options.dereference);
- _this[INCLUDE_EMPTY_DIRS] = Boolean(options.includeEmptyDirs);
- _this[INITIAL_COPY] = options.initialCopy === undefined || Boolean(options.initialCopy);
- _this[PRESERVE] = Boolean(options.preserve);
- _this[TRANSFORM] = [].concat(options.transform).filter(Boolean);
- _this[UPDATE] = Boolean(options.update);
- _this[QUEUE] = new Queue();
- _this[BASE_DIR] = null;
- _this[WATCHER] = null;
- return _this;
- }
- //==========================================================================
- // Commons
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * The source file glob to copy.
- * @type {string}
- */
- (0, _createClass3.default)(Cpx, [{
- key: "src2dst",
- /**
- * Convert a glob from source to destination.
- *
- * @param {string} path - A path to convert.
- * @returns {string} The converted path.
- */
- value: function src2dst(path) {
- if (this.base === ".") {
- return joinPath(this.outDir, path);
- }
- return path.replace(this.base, this.outDir);
- }
- /**
- * Copy a file.
- *
- * @param {string} srcPath - A file path to copy.
- * @param {function} [cb = null] - A callback function.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- }, {
- key: "enqueueCopy",
- value: function enqueueCopy(srcPath) {
- var _this2 = this;
- var cb = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? null : arguments[1];
- var dstPath = this.src2dst(srcPath);
- if (dstPath === srcPath) {
- if (cb != null) {
- (0, _setImmediate3.default)(cb, null);
- return;
- }
- }
- this[QUEUE].push(function (next) {
- mkdir(dirname(dstPath), next);
- });
- this[QUEUE].push(function (next) {
- copyFile(srcPath, dstPath, _this2, function (err) {
- if (err == null) {
- _this2.emit("copy", { srcPath: srcPath, dstPath: dstPath });
- }
- next();
- if (cb != null) {
- cb(err || null);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- /**
- * Remove a file.
- *
- * @param {string} path - A file path to remove.
- * @param {function} [cb = null] - A callback function.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- }, {
- key: "enqueueRemove",
- value: function enqueueRemove(path) {
- var _this3 = this;
- var cb = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? null : arguments[1];
- var lastError = null;
- var stat = null;
- this[QUEUE].push(function (next) {
- fs.stat(path, function (err, result) {
- lastError = err;
- stat = result;
- next();
- });
- });
- this[QUEUE].push(function (next) {
- if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
- fs.rmdir(path, function (err) {
- if (err == null) {
- _this3.emit("remove", { path: path });
- }
- lastError = err;
- next();
- });
- } else {
- fs.unlink(path, function (err) {
- if (err == null) {
- _this3.emit("remove", { path: path });
- }
- lastError = err;
- next();
- });
- }
- });
- this[QUEUE].push(function (next) {
- fs.rmdir(dirname(path), function () {
- next();
- if (cb != null) {
- cb(lastError);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- //==========================================================================
- // Clean Methods
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Remove all files that matches `this.source` like pattern in `this.dest`
- * directory.
- * @param {function} [cb = null] - A callback function.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- }, {
- key: "clean",
- value: function clean() {
- var cb = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? null : arguments[0];
- var dest = this.src2dst(this.source);
- if (dest === this.source) {
- if (cb != null) {
- (0, _setImmediate3.default)(cb, null);
- }
- return;
- }
- doAll(this, dest, this.enqueueRemove, cb);
- }
- /**
- * Remove all files that matches `this.source` like pattern in `this.dest`
- * directory.
- * @returns {void}
- * @thrpws {Error} IO error.
- */
- }, {
- key: "cleanSync",
- value: function cleanSync() {
- var dest = this.src2dst(this.source);
- if (dest === this.source) {
- return;
- }
- var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
- var _didIteratorError = false;
- var _iteratorError = undefined;
- try {
- for (var _iterator = (0, _getIterator3.default)(searchSync(dest, {
- nodir: !this.includeEmptyDirs,
- silent: true
- })), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
- var path = _step.value;
- try {
- var stat = fs.statSync(path);
- if (stat.isDirectory()) {
- fs.rmdirSync(path);
- } else {
- fs.unlinkSync(path);
- }
- } catch (err) {
- if (err.code !== "ENOENT") {
- throw err;
- }
- }
- try {
- fs.rmdirSync(dirname(path));
- } catch (err) {
- if (err.code !== "ENOTEMPTY") {
- throw err;
- }
- }
- this.emit("remove", { path: path });
- }
- } catch (err) {
- _didIteratorError = true;
- _iteratorError = err;
- } finally {
- try {
- if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
- _iterator.return();
- }
- } finally {
- if (_didIteratorError) {
- throw _iteratorError;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //============================================================================
- // Copy Methods
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Copy all files that matches `this.source` pattern to `this.outDir`.
- *
- * @param {function} [cb = null] - A callback function.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- }, {
- key: "copy",
- value: function copy() {
- var cb = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? null : arguments[0];
- doAll(this, this.source, this.enqueueCopy, cb);
- }
- /**
- * Copy all files that matches `this.source` pattern to `this.outDir`.
- *
- * @returns {void}
- * @thrpws {Error} IO error.
- */
- }, {
- key: "copySync",
- value: function copySync() {
- var _this4 = this;
- if (this.transformFactories.length > 0) {
- throw new Error("Synchronous copy can't use the transform option.");
- }
- var srcPaths = searchSync(this.source, {
- nodir: !this.includeEmptyDirs,
- silent: true,
- follow: this.dereference
- });
- srcPaths.forEach(function (srcPath) {
- var dstPath = _this4.src2dst(srcPath);
- if (dstPath === srcPath) {
- return;
- }
- mkdirSync(dirname(dstPath));
- copyFileSync(srcPath, dstPath, _this4);
- _this4.emit("copy", { srcPath: srcPath, dstPath: dstPath });
- });
- }
- //============================================================================
- // Watch Methods
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Copy all files that matches `this.source` pattern to `this.outDir`.
- * And watch changes in `this.base`, and copy only the file every time.
- *
- * @returns {void}
- * @throws {Error} This had been watching already.
- */
- }, {
- key: "watch",
- value: function watch() {
- var _this5 = this;
- if (this[WATCHER] != null) {
- throw new Error("InvalidStateError");
- }
- var m = new Minimatch(this.source);
- var firstCopyCount = 0;
- var ready = false;
- var fireReadyIfReady = function fireReadyIfReady() {
- if (ready && firstCopyCount === 0) {
- _this5.emit("watch-ready");
- }
- };
- var onAdded = function onAdded(path) {
- var normalizedPath = normalizePath(path);
- if (m.match(normalizedPath)) {
- if (ready) {
- _this5.enqueueCopy(normalizedPath);
- } else if (_this5.initialCopy) {
- firstCopyCount += 1;
- _this5.enqueueCopy(normalizedPath, function () {
- firstCopyCount -= 1;
- fireReadyIfReady();
- });
- }
- }
- };
- var onRemoved = function onRemoved(path) {
- var normalizedPath = normalizePath(path);
- if (m.match(normalizedPath)) {
- var dstPath = _this5.src2dst(normalizedPath);
- if (dstPath !== normalizedPath) {
- _this5.enqueueRemove(dstPath);
- }
- }
- };
- this[WATCHER] = createWatcher(this.base, {
- cwd: process.cwd(),
- persistent: true,
- followSymlinks: this.dereference
- });
- this[WATCHER].on("add", onAdded).on("addDir", onAdded).on("unlink", onRemoved).on("unlinkDir", onRemoved).on("change", function (path) {
- var normalizedPath = normalizePath(path);
- if (m.match(normalizedPath)) {
- _this5.enqueueCopy(normalizedPath);
- }
- }).on("ready", function () {
- ready = true;
- fireReadyIfReady();
- }).on("error", function (err) {
- _this5.emit("watch-error", err);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Stop watching.
- *
- * @returns {void}
- */
- }, {
- key: "unwatch",
- value: function unwatch() {
- if (this[WATCHER] != null) {
- this[WATCHER].close();
- this[WATCHER] = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stop watching.
- *
- * @returns {void}
- */
- }, {
- key: "close",
- value: function close() {
- this.unwatch();
- }
- }, {
- key: "source",
- get: function get() {
- return this[SOURCE];
- }
- /**
- * The destination directory to copy.
- * @type {string}
- */
- }, {
- key: "outDir",
- get: function get() {
- return this[OUT_DIR];
- }
- /**
- * The flag to follow symbolic links.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- }, {
- key: "dereference",
- get: function get() {
- return this[DEREFERENCE];
- }
- /**
- * The flag to copy empty directories which is matched with the glob.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- }, {
- key: "includeEmptyDirs",
- get: function get() {
- return this[INCLUDE_EMPTY_DIRS];
- }
- /**
- * The flag to copy files at the initial time of watch.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- }, {
- key: "initialCopy",
- get: function get() {
- return this[INITIAL_COPY];
- }
- /**
- * The flag to copy file attributes.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- }, {
- key: "preserve",
- get: function get() {
- return this[PRESERVE];
- }
- /**
- * The factories of transform streams.
- * @type {function[]}
- */
- }, {
- key: "transformFactories",
- get: function get() {
- return this[TRANSFORM];
- }
- /**
- * The flag to disallow overwriting.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- }, {
- key: "update",
- get: function get() {
- return this[UPDATE];
- }
- /**
- * The base directory of `this.source`.
- * @type {string}
- */
- }, {
- key: "base",
- get: function get() {
- if (this[BASE_DIR] == null) {
- this[BASE_DIR] = normalizePath(getBasePath(new Glob(this.source)));
- }
- return this[BASE_DIR];
- }
- }]);
- return Cpx;
- }(EventEmitter);