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Merge Option Objects

merge-options considers plain objects as Option Objects, everything else as Option Values.


$ npm install --save merge-options


const mergeOptions = require('merge-options');

mergeOptions({foo: 0}, {bar: 1}, {baz: 2}, {bar: 3})
//=> {foo: 0, bar: 3, baz: 2}

mergeOptions({nested: {unicorns: 'none'}}, {nested: {unicorns: 'many'}})
//=> {nested: {unicorns: 'many'}}

mergeOptions({[Symbol.for('key')]: 0}, {[Symbol.for('key')]: 42})
//=> {Symbol(key): 42}


mergeOptions(option1, ...options)
mergeOptions.call(config, option1, ...options)
mergeOptions.apply(config, [option1, ...options])

mergeOptions recursively merges one or more Option Objects into a new one and returns that. The options are merged in order, thus Option Values of additional options take precedence over previous ones.

The merging does not alter the passed option arguments, taking roughly the following steps:

  • recursively cloning[1] Option Objects and arrays until reaching Option Values
  • copying[1] references to Option Values to the result object
const defaultOpts = {
	fn:      () => false,                  // functions are Option Values
	promise: Promise.reject(new Error()),  // all non-plain objects are Option Values
	array:   ['foo'],                      // arrays are Option Values
	nested:  {unicorns: 'none'}            // {…} is plain, therefore an Option Object

const opts = {
	fn:      () => true,                   // [1]
	promise: Promise.resolve('bar'),       // [2]
	array:   ['baz'],                      // [3]
	nested:  {unicorns: 'many'}            // [4]

mergeOptions(defaultOpts, opts)
	fn:      [Function],                   // === [1]
	promise: Promise { 'bar' },            // === [2]
	array:   ['baz'],                      // !== [3] (arrays are cloned)
	nested:  {unicorns: 'many'}            // !== [4] (Option Objects are cloned)


Type: object


Type: boolean
Default: false

Concatenate arrays:

mergeOptions({src: ['src/**']}, {src: ['test/**']})
//=> {src: ['test/**']}

// Via call
mergeOptions.call({concatArrays: true}, {src: ['src/**']}, {src: ['test/**']})
//=> {src: ['src/**', 'test/**']}

// Via apply
mergeOptions.apply({concatArrays: true}, [{src: ['src/**']}, {src: ['test/**']}])
//=> {src: ['src/**', 'test/**']}


  • See object-assign if you need a ES2015 Object.assign() ponyfill
  • See deep-assign if you need to do Object.assign() recursively


  1. copying and cloning take only enumerable own properties into account


MIT © Michael Mayer