Browse Source


cmy 3 years ago
4 changed files with 71 additions and 234 deletions
  1. 12 6
  2. 1 1
  3. 7 0
  4. 51 227

+ 12 - 6

@@ -118,12 +118,7 @@
 				"navigationBarTitleText": "产品百科"
-		{
-			"path": "pages/product/product01",
-			"style": {
-				"navigationBarTitleText": ""
-			}
-		},
 			"path": "pages/category/flList",
 			"style": {
@@ -163,6 +158,17 @@
+		},
+		{
+			"path": "pages/product/intProduct",
+			"style": {
+				"navigationBarTitleText": "积分商品",
+				"app-plus": {
+					"titleNView": {
+						"type": "transparent"
+					}
+				}
+			}
 			"path": "pages/product/product",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 							<!-- <text class="sales">已售{{ ls.sales }}件</text> -->
 							<!-- </view> -->
-						<view class="button" @click="navTo(ls)">立即购买</view>
+						<view class="button" @click="navTo('/pages/product/intProduct?id='">立即购买</view>

+ 7 - 0

@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@
 				<text class="cell-tit clamp">商品金额</text>
 				<text class="cell-tip">¥{{ payAllMoney }}</text>
+			<view class="yt-list-cell b-b">
+				<text class="cell-tit clamp">当前积分</text>
+				<text class="cell-tip">{{  integralAll  }}</text>
+			</view>
 			<view class="yt-list-cell b-b" v-if="checkedPoints && integralShow">
 				<text class="cell-tit clamp">积分抵扣</text>
 				<text class="cell-tip">-¥{{ integralMoney }}</text>
@@ -181,6 +185,9 @@ export default {
 	onLoad(option) {
+		if(option.checkedPoints){
+			this.checkedPoints = option.checkedPoints
+		}
 		// 获取当前是否为vip商品
 		this.goodsUpLevel = option.goodsUpLevel;
 		// 判断是否为拼团商品

+ 51 - 227
pages/product/product01.vue → pages/product/intProduct.vue

@@ -9,32 +9,14 @@
-		<view class="introduce-section seckill-box-title" v-if="goodsType == 1">
-			<view class="title flex">
-				<view class="title-box">
-					<text class="price-tip">¥</text>
-					<text class="price">{{ goodsObjact.price }}</text>
-					<!-- <text class="m-price" v-if="goodsObjact.ot_price > goodsObjact.price">¥{{ goodsObjact.ot_price }}</text> -->
-					<!-- <text class="coupon-tip">7折</text> -->
-				</view>
-				<view class="flex timeStop">
-					<view>距离结束</view>
-					<uni-countdown color="#ffffff" background-color="#D65B3F" splitor-color="#FFFFFF" :show-day="false"
-						:hour="seckillObj.stopTimeH" :minute="seckillObj.stopTimeM" :second="seckillObj.stopTimeS">
-					</uni-countdown>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-		</view>
 		<view class="introduce-section">
 			<text class="title" v-if="goodsType == 1">{{ goodsObjact.title }}</text>
 			<view class="price-box" v-if="goodsType == 0">
 				<!-- <text class="price-tip">¥</text> -->
 				<image class="image" src="../../static/img/jfdh.png" mode=""></image>
-				<text class="price">{{ goodsObjact.price }}</text>
+				<text class="price">{{ goodsObjact.max_integral }}</text>
 				<text class="price-tip jifen">积分</text>
-				<text class="m-price" v-if="goodsObjact.ot_price > goodsObjact.price">¥{{ goodsObjact.ot_price }}</text>
+				<text class="m-price">+ ¥{{goodsObjact.price- goodsObjact.max_integral }}</text>
 				<!-- <text class="coupon-tip">7折</text> -->
 			<text class="title" v-if="goodsType == 0">{{ goodsObjact.store_name }}</text>
@@ -82,28 +64,17 @@
 		<view class="c-list">
-			<view class="c-row b-b" @click="toggleSpec">
+			<!-- <view class="c-row b-b" @click="toggleSpec">
 				<text class="tit">选择数量</text>
 				<view class="con">
 					<text class="selected-text">{{ goodsNumber }}</text>
 				<text class="iconfont iconenter"></text>
-			</view>
-			<view class="c-row b-b" v-if="goodsType == 1">
-				<text class="tit">限购数量</text>
-				<view class="con">
-					<text class="selected-text">{{ goodsObjact.num + goodsObjact.unit_name }}</text>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-			<!-- <view class="c-row b-b">
-				<text class="tit">优惠券</text>
-				<text class="con t-r red">领取优惠券</text>
-				<text class="iconfont iconenter"></text>
 			</view> -->
 			<view class="c-row b-b" v-if="goodsObjact.is_integral == 1 && goodsType == 0">
 				<text class="tit">积分</text>
 				<view class="bz-list con">
-					<text>最高抵扣¥{{ moneyNum(goodsObjact.use_max_integral) == 0 ? moneyNum(goodsObjact.price) : moneyNum(goodsObjact.use_max_integral) }}</text>
+					<text>最高抵扣¥{{ moneyNum(goodsObjact.max_integral) == 0 ? moneyNum(goodsObjact.price) : moneyNum(goodsObjact.max_integral) }}</text>
@@ -124,44 +95,12 @@
 		<!-- 底部操作菜单 -->
 		<view class="page-bottom" v-if="goodsType == 0">
-			<!-- <navigator url="/pages/index/index" open-type="switchTab" class="p-b-btn">
-				<text class="iconfont iconhome"></text>
-				<text>首页</text>
-			</navigator>
-			<navigator url="/pages/cart/cart" open-type="switchTab" class="p-b-btn">
-				<text class="iconfont iconcart"></text>
-				<text>购物车</text>
-			</navigator> -->
-			<!-- <view class="p-b-btn" :class="{ active: goodsObjact.userCollect }" @click="toFavorite(goodsObjact)">
-				<text class="iconfont "
-					:class="{ iconlike: !goodsObjact.userCollect, iconlikefill: goodsObjact.userCollect }"></text>
-				<text>收藏</text>
-			</view> -->
 			<view class="action-btn-group">
-				<!-- <button type="primary" class=" action-btn no-border buy-now-btn" @click="toggleSpec(2)">加入购物车</button> -->
 				<button type="primary" class=" action-btn no-border  add-cart-btn" @click="toggleSpec(1)">立即购买</button>
-		<!-- 秒杀商品购买 -->
-		<view class="goods-pay-box flex" :class="{ stop: seckillObj.stop }" v-if="goodsType == 1">
-			<view class="goods-pay bgLine" v-if="!seckillObj.stop" @click="toggleSpec(1)"><text>立即购买</text></view>
-			<view class="goods-pay-stop" v-else>活动已结束</view>
-		</view>
-		<!-- 拼团商品购买 -->
-		<view class="goods-pay-box flex" v-if="goodsType == 2">
-			<view class="goods-pay bg-warning" @click="navToProductGoods">
-				<view class="goods-buttom-money">¥{{ goodsObjact.product_price }}</view>
-				<view class="goods-buttom">单独购买</view>
-			</view>
-			<view class="goods-pay bg-danger" @click="toggleSpec(1)">
-				<view class="goods-buttom-money">¥{{ goodsObjact.price }}</view>
-				<view class="goods-buttom">我要拼团</view>
-			</view>
-		</view>
 		<!-- 规格-模态层弹窗 -->
-		<view class="popup spec" :class="specClass" @touchmove.stop.prevent="stopPrevent" @click="toggleSpec">
-			<!-- 遮罩层 -->
+		<!-- <view class="popup spec" :class="specClass" @touchmove.stop.prevent="stopPrevent" @click="toggleSpec">
 			<view class="mask"></view>
 			<view class="layer attr-content" @click.stop="stopPrevent">
 				<view class="a-t">
@@ -171,11 +110,6 @@
 						<text class="price">¥{{ actionPrice }}</text>
 						<br />
 						<text class="stock" v-if="goodsObjact.can_up_level==1">等级:{{levelName}}</text>
-						<!-- <text class="stock">库存:{{ goodsObjact.stock }}件</text> -->
-						<!-- <view class="selected" v-if="goodsType == 0">
-							已选:
-							<text class="selected-text" v-for="(sItem, sIndex) in specSelected" :key="sIndex">{{ sItem }}</text>
-						</view> -->
 				<view v-for="(item, index) in specList" :key="index" class="attr-list">
@@ -196,10 +130,8 @@
 				<button class="btn" @click.stop="buy">完成</button>
-		</view>
-		<view :class="{ seckillBottom: goodsType == 1, goodsBottom: goodsType == 0 }"></view>
-		<!-- 分享 -->
-		<!-- <share ref="share" :contentHeight="580" :shareList="shareList"></share> -->
+		</view> -->
+		<!-- <view :class="{ seckillBottom: goodsType == 1, goodsBottom: goodsType == 0 }"></view> -->
@@ -269,28 +201,6 @@
 					title: ''
 				}, //商店信息
 				goodsType: 0, //商品类型1秒杀商品0为普通商品2为拼团商品
-				// 秒杀数据保存
-				seckillObj: {
-					stopTime: 0, //结束时间
-					stop: false, //是否结束
-					stopTimeH: 0, //小时
-					stopTimeM: 0, //分钟
-					stopTimeS: 0 //秒钟
-				},
-				// 拼团数据保存
-				pink: {
-					id: '', //拼团编号
-					uid: '', //用户编号
-					people: '', //拼团人数
-					price: '', //拼团价格
-					stop_time: '', //拼团结束时间
-					nickname: '', //团长昵称
-					avatar: '', //团长头像
-					count: '', //拼团剩余人数
-					h: '', //时
-					i: '', //分
-					s: '' //秒
-				}
 		async onLoad(options) {
@@ -302,34 +212,6 @@
 				// 存储邀请人
 				uni.setStorageSync('spread', options.spread);
-			// 判断是否为秒杀商品
-			if (options.type == 1) {
-				// 保存商品类型
-				this.goodsType = 1;
-				// 保存结束时间
-				this.seckillObj.stopTime = options.stoptime;
-				// 获取当前时间毫秒数
-				let stoptime = options.stoptime * 1000;
-				// 获取当前时间
-				let acitonTime = new Date();
-				// 判断当前时间是否大于结束时间
-				if (acitonTime.getTime() > stoptime) {
-					// 当前秒杀时间已经结束
-					this.seckillObj.stop = true;
-				} else {
-					// 计算倒计时
-					this.timeComputed(stoptime, this.seckillObj);
-				}
-				this.seckillGoods();
-				return;
-			}
-			if (options.type == 2) {
-				// 保存当前拼团商品类型
-				this.goodsType = 2;
-				// 家在数据
-				this.groupGoods();
-				return;
-			}
 			if (this.goodsType == 0) {
 				// 加载普通商品详情
@@ -430,75 +312,46 @@
 			// #endif
 			// 购买数量变化
 			numberChange(e) {
 				this.goodsNumber = e.number;
 			toggleSpec(str) {
-				if (this.specClass === 'show') {
-					this.specClass = 'hide';
-					setTimeout(() => {
-						this.specClass = 'none';
-					}, 250);
-				} else if (this.specClass === 'none') {
-					this.specClass = 'show';
-				}
+				// if (this.specClass === 'show') {
+				// 	this.specClass = 'hide';
+				// 	setTimeout(() => {
+				// 		this.specClass = 'none';
+				// 	}, 250);
+				// } else if (this.specClass === 'none') {
+				// 	this.specClass = 'show';
+				// }
 				// 保存当前购买类型
 				this.type = str;
-			selectSpec(item, arr, ind) {
-				arr.attr_value.forEach(function(e) {
-					e.check = false;
-				});
-				item.check = true;
-				this.specSelected[ind] = item.attr;
-				let str = this.specSelected.join(',');
-				this.specSelectedName = this.specSelected.join(' ');
-				if (this.productValue[str]) {
-					let data = this.productValue[str];
-					this.actionPrice = data.price;
-					this.levelName = data.level_name;
-					this.goodsNumberMax = data.stock;
-					this.actionImage = data.image;
-					this.uniqueId = data.unique;
-				}
-			},
+			// selectSpec(item, arr, ind) {
+			// 	arr.attr_value.forEach(function(e) {
+			// 		e.check = false;
+			// 	});
+			// 	item.check = true;
+			// 	this.specSelected[ind] = item.attr;
+			// 	let str = this.specSelected.join(',');
+			// 	this.specSelectedName = this.specSelected.join(' ');
+			// 	if (this.productValue[str]) {
+			// 		let data = this.productValue[str];
+			// 		this.actionPrice = data.price;
+			// 		this.levelName = data.level_name;
+			// 		this.goodsNumberMax = data.stock;
+			// 		this.actionImage = data.image;
+			// 		this.uniqueId = data.unique;
+			// 	}
+			// },
-			share() {
-				this.$refs.share.toggleMask();
-			},
-			//收藏
-			toFavorite(item) {
-				let obj = this;
-				item.userCollect = !item.userCollect;
-				if (!item.userCollect) {
-					collectDel({
-						id: obj.goodsid,
-						category: 'product'
-					}).then(function(e) {
-						uni.showToast({
-							title: '成功取消收藏',
-							type: 'top',
-							duration: 1500
-						});
-					});
-				} else {
-					collectAdd({
-						id: obj.goodsid,
-						category: 'product'
-					}).then(function(e) {
-						uni.showToast({
-							title: '成功加入收藏',
-							type: 'top',
-							duration: 1500
-						});
-					});
-				}
-			},
+			// share() {
+			// 	this.$refs.share.toggleMask();
+			// },
 			// 立即购买
 			buy() {
 				let obj = this;
@@ -506,60 +359,28 @@
 					cartNum: obj.goodsNumber, //商品数量
 					uniqueId: obj.uniqueId, //商品标签
 					new: '1', //商品是否新增加到购物车1为不加入0为加入
-					mer_id: obj.shopId
+					mer_id: obj.shopId,
+					is_integral: 1,
 					// type: 0,//0为余额支付  1为消费券支付 2为积分支付
-				if (obj.type == 2) {
- = 0;
-				}
 				if (obj.goodsType == 0) {
 					data.productId = obj.goodsid; //商品编号
-				// 判断是否为秒杀商品
-				if (obj.goodsType == 1) {
-					data.secKillId = obj.goodsid; //秒杀商品编号
-					data.productId = obj.goodsObjact.product_id; //商品编号
-					// 判断是否秒杀已经结束
-					if (obj.seckillObj.stop) {
-						uni.showModal({
-							title: '提示',
-							content: '当前活动已经结束',
-							showCancel: false
-						});
-						return;
-					}
-				}
-				// 判断是否为拼团商品
-				if (obj.goodsType == 2) {
-					data.combinationId = obj.goodsid; //拼团编号
-					data.productId = obj.goodsObjact.product_id; //商品编号
-				}
 					}) {
-						if (obj.type == 1) {
-							let url = '/pages/order/createOrder?id=' + data.cartId + '&goodsType=' + obj.goodsType +
-								'&goodsUpLevel=' + obj.goodsObjact.can_up_level;
-							// 跳转到支付页
-							uni.navigateTo({
-								url
-							});
-						}
-						if (obj.type == 2) {
-							uni.showToast({
-								title: '成功加入购物车',
-								type: 'top',
-								duration: 2000
-							});
-							obj.toggleSpec();
-						}
+						let url = '/pages/order/createOrder?id=' + data.cartId + '&goodsType=' + obj.goodsType +
+							'&goodsUpLevel=' + obj.goodsObjact.can_up_level + '&checkedPoints=' + true;
+						// 跳转到支付页
+						uni.navigateTo({
+							url
+						});
 					.catch(e => {
-			stopPrevent() {}
@@ -632,10 +453,11 @@
 		.price-tip {
 			font-size: $font-base;
-		.jifen{
+		.jifen {
 			margin-left: 10rpx;
@@ -714,10 +536,12 @@
 			font-size: 26rpx;
 			color: #FF6F0F;
-		.image{
+		.image {
 			height: 32rpx;
 			width: 32rpx;
 		.price {
 			font-size: $font-lg + 2rpx;
@@ -725,7 +549,7 @@
 		.m-price {
 			margin: 0 12rpx;
 			color: $font-color-light;
-			text-decoration: line-through;
+			// text-decoration: line-through;
 		.coupon-tip {