function hex2rgba (hex) { if (typeof hex === 'number') { hex = hex.toString() } if (typeof hex !== 'string') { throw new Error('Color should be defined as hex string') } var hexCode = hex.slice().replace('#', '').split('') if (hexCode.length < 3 || hexCode.length === 5 || hexCode.length > 8) { throw new Error('Invalid hex color: ' + hex) } // Convert from short to long form (fff -> ffffff) if (hexCode.length === 3 || hexCode.length === 4) { hexCode = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], (c) { return [c, c] })) } // Add default alpha value if (hexCode.length === 6) hexCode.push('F', 'F') var hexValue = parseInt(hexCode.join(''), 16) return { r: (hexValue >> 24) & 255, g: (hexValue >> 16) & 255, b: (hexValue >> 8) & 255, a: hexValue & 255, hex: '#' + hexCode.slice(0, 6).join('') } } exports.getOptions = function getOptions (options) { if (!options) options = {} if (!options.color) options.color = {} var margin = typeof options.margin === 'undefined' || options.margin === null || options.margin < 0 ? 4 : options.margin var width = options.width && options.width >= 21 ? options.width : undefined var scale = options.scale || 4 return { width: width, scale: width ? 4 : scale, margin: margin, color: { dark: hex2rgba(options.color.dark || '#000000ff'), light: hex2rgba(options.color.light || '#ffffffff') }, type: options.type, rendererOpts: options.rendererOpts || {} } } exports.getScale = function getScale (qrSize, opts) { return opts.width && opts.width >= qrSize + opts.margin * 2 ? opts.width / (qrSize + opts.margin * 2) : opts.scale } exports.getImageWidth = function getImageWidth (qrSize, opts) { var scale = exports.getScale(qrSize, opts) return Math.floor((qrSize + opts.margin * 2) * scale) } exports.qrToImageData = function qrToImageData (imgData, qr, opts) { var size = qr.modules.size var data = var scale = exports.getScale(size, opts) var symbolSize = Math.floor((size + opts.margin * 2) * scale) var scaledMargin = opts.margin * scale var palette = [opts.color.light, opts.color.dark] for (var i = 0; i < symbolSize; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < symbolSize; j++) { var posDst = (i * symbolSize + j) * 4 var pxColor = opts.color.light if (i >= scaledMargin && j >= scaledMargin && i < symbolSize - scaledMargin && j < symbolSize - scaledMargin) { var iSrc = Math.floor((i - scaledMargin) / scale) var jSrc = Math.floor((j - scaledMargin) / scale) pxColor = palette[data[iSrc * size + jSrc] ? 1 : 0] } imgData[posDst++] = pxColor.r imgData[posDst++] = pxColor.g imgData[posDst++] = pxColor.b imgData[posDst] = pxColor.a } } }