# order Specify the order of content within declaration blocks. * Options * [Extended at-rule objects](#extended-at-rule-objects) * [Extended rule objects](#extended-rule-objects) * Optional secondary options * [`unspecified`](#unspecified) * [`disableFix`](#disablefix) * [Autofixing caveats](#autofixing-caveats) * [Examples](#examples) ## Options ```ts type PrimaryOption = Array; type Keyword = "custom-properties" | "dollar-variables" | "at-variables" | "declarations" | "rules" | "at-rules" | "less-mixins"; type AtRule = { type: 'at-rule', name?: string, parameter?: string | RegExp, hasBlock?: boolean }; type Rule = { type: 'rule', selector?: string | RegExp, name?: string }; ``` Within an order array, you can include: - keywords: - `custom-properties` — Custom properties (e. g., `--property: 10px;`) - `dollar-variables` — Dollar variables (e. g., `$variable`) - `at-variables` — At-variables (e. g., `@variable` available in Less syntax) - `declarations` — CSS declarations (e. g., `display: block`) - `rules` — Nested rules (e. g., `a { span {} }`) - `at-rules` — Nested at-rules (e. g., `div { @media () {} }`) - `less-mixins` — Mixins in Less syntax (e. g., `.mixin();`) - extended at-rule objects: ```json { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include", "parameter": "hello", "hasBlock": true } ``` - extended rule objects: ```json { "type": "rule", "selector": "div", "name": "tag selector" } ``` **By default, unlisted elements will be ignored.** So if you specify an array and do not include `declarations`, that means that all declarations can be included before or after any other element. _This can be changed with the `unspecified` option (see below)._ ### Extended at-rule objects Extended at-rule objects have different parameters and variations. Object parameters: * `type`: always `"at-rule"` * `name`: `string`. E. g., `name: "include"` for `@include` * `parameter`: `string | RegExp`. A string will be translated into a RegExp — `new RegExp(yourString)` — so _be sure to escape properly_. E. g., `parameter: "icon"` for `@include icon(20px);` * `hasBlock`: `boolean`. E. g., `hasBlock: true` for `@include icon { color: red; }` and not for `@include icon;` Always specify `name` if `parameter` is specified. Matches all at-rules: ```json { "type": "at-rule" } ``` Or keyword `at-rules`. Matches all at-rules, which have nested elements: ```json { "type": "at-rule", "hasBlock": true } ``` Matches all at-rules with specific name: ```json { "type": "at-rule", "name": "media" } ``` Matches all at-rules with specific name, which have nested elements: ```json { "type": "at-rule", "name": "media", "hasBlock": true } ``` Matches all at-rules with specific name and parameter: ```json { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include", "parameter": "icon" } ``` Matches all at-rules with specific name and parameter, which have nested elements: ```json { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include", "parameter": "icon", "hasBlock": true } ``` Each described above variant has more priority than its previous variant. For example, `{ "type": "at-rule", "name": "media" }` will be applied to an element if both `{ "type": "at-rule", "name": "media" }` and `{ "type": "at-rule", "hasBlock": true }` can be applied to an element. ### Extended rule objects Object parameters: * `type`: always `"rule"` * `selector`: `string | RegExp`. Selector pattern. A string will be translated into a RegExp — `new RegExp(yourString)` — so _be sure to escape properly_. Examples: * `selector: /^&:[\w-]+$/` matches simple pseudo-classes. E. g., `&:hover`, `&:first-child`. Doesn't match complex pseudo-classes, e. g. `&:not(.is-visible)`. * `selector: /^&::[\w-]+$/` matches pseudo-elements. E. g. `&::before`, `&::placeholder`. * `name`: `string`. Selector name (optional). Will be used in error output to help identify extended rule object. Matches all rules: ```json { "type": "rule" } ``` Or keyword `rules`. Matches all rules with selector matching pattern: ```json { "type": "rule", "selector": "div" } ``` ```json { "type": "rule", "selector": "/^&:\\w+$/" } ``` ## Optional secondary options ```ts type SecondaryOptions = { unspecified?: "top" | "bottom" | "ignore", disableFix?: boolean }; ``` ### `unspecified` Value type: `"top" | "bottom" | "ignore"`.
Default value: `"ignore"`. Default behavior is the same as `"ignore"`: an unspecified element can appear before or after any other property. With `"top"`, unspecified elements are expected _before_ any specified properties. With `"bottom"`, unspecified properties are expected _after_ any specified properties. ### `disableFix` Value type: `boolean`.
Default value: none. Disable autofixing. Autofixing is enabled by default if it's enabled in stylelint configuration. ## Autofixing caveats Keyword `less-mixins` aren't supported. `unspecified` secondary option is always set to `bottom`. ## Examples Given: ```json { "order/order": [ "custom-properties", "dollar-variables", "declarations", "rules", "at-rules" ] } ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a { top: 0; --height: 10px; color: pink; } ``` ```css a { @media (min-width: 100px) {} display: none; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```css a { --width: 10px; $height: 20px; display: none; span {} @media (min-width: 100px) {} } ``` ```css a { --height: 10px; color: pink; top: 0; } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include" }, { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include", "hasBlock": true }, { "type": "at-rule", "hasBlock": true }, { "type": "at-rule" } ] } ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```scss a { @include hello { display: block; } @include hello; } ``` ```scss a { @extend .something; @media (min-width: 10px) { display: none; } } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```scss a { @include hello; @include hello { display: block; } @media (min-width: 10px) { display: none; } @extend .something; } ``` ```scss a { @include hello { display: block; } @extend .something; } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include", "hasBlock": true }, { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include", "parameter": "icon", "hasBlock": true }, { "type": "at-rule", "name": "include", "parameter": "icon" } ] } ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```scss a { @include icon { display: block; } @include hello { display: none; } @include icon; } ``` ```scss a { @include icon; @include icon { display: block; } } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```scss a { @include hello { display: none; } @include icon { display: block; } @include icon; } ``` ```scss a { @include hello { display: none; } @include icon; } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ "custom-properties", { "type": "at-rule", "hasBlock": true }, "declarations" ] } ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a { @media (min-width: 10px) { display: none; } --height: 10px; width: 20px; } ``` ```css a { width: 20px; @media (min-width: 10px) { display: none; } --height: 10px; } ``` ```css a { width: 20px; @media (min-width: 10px) { display: none; } } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```css a { --height: 10px; @media (min-width: 10px) { display: none; } width: 20px; } ``` ```css a { @media (min-width: 10px) { display: none; } width: 20px; } ``` ```css a { --height: 10px; width: 20px; } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ { "type": "rule", "selector": "^a" }, { "type": "rule", "selector": "/^&/" }, "rules" ] } ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```scss a { a {} &:hover {} abbr {} span {} } ``` ```scss a { span {} &:hover {} } ``` ```scss a { span {} abbr {} } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```scss a { a {} abbr {} &:hover {} span {} } ``` ```scss a { abbr {} a {} } ``` ```scss a { abbr {} span {} } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ { "type": "rule", "selector": "/^&/" }, { "type": "rule", "selector": "/^&:\\w/" } ] } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```scss a { &:hover {} & b {} } ``` ```scss a { & b {} &:hover {} } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ { "type": "rule", "selector": "/^&:\\w/" }, { "type": "rule", "selector": "/^&/" } ] } ``` The following pattern is considered warnings: ```scss a { & b {} &:hover {} } ``` The following pattern is _not_ considered warnings: ```scss a { &:hover {} & b {} } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ [ "declarations" ], { "unspecified": "ignore" } ] } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```css a { --height: 10px; display: none; $width: 20px; } ``` ```css a { --height: 10px; $width: 20px; display: none; } ``` ```css a { display: none; --height: 10px; $width: 20px; } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ [ "declarations" ], { "unspecified": "top" } ] } ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a { display: none; --height: 10px; $width: 20px; } ``` ```css a { --height: 10px; display: none; $width: 20px; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```css a { --height: 10px; $width: 20px; display: none; } ``` ```css a { $width: 20px; --height: 10px; display: none; } ``` --- Given: ```json { "order/order": [ [ "declarations" ], { "unspecified": "bottom" } ] } ``` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a { --height: 10px; $width: 20px; display: none; } ``` ```css a { --height: 10px; display: none; $width: 20px; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered warnings: ```css a { display: none; --height: 10px; $width: 20px; } ``` ```css a { display: none; $width: 20px; --height: 10px; } ```