// @ts-nocheck 'use strict'; const _ = require('lodash'); const atRuleParamIndex = require('../../utils/atRuleParamIndex'); const declarationValueIndex = require('../../utils/declarationValueIndex'); const isWhitespace = require('../../utils/isWhitespace'); const report = require('../../utils/report'); const ruleMessages = require('../../utils/ruleMessages'); const styleSearch = require('style-search'); const validateOptions = require('../../utils/validateOptions'); const ruleName = 'function-whitespace-after'; const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, { expected: 'Expected whitespace after ")"', rejected: 'Unexpected whitespace after ")"', }); const ACCEPTABLE_AFTER_CLOSING_PAREN = new Set([')', ',', '}', ':', '/', undefined]); function rule(expectation, options, context) { return (root, result) => { const validOptions = validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: expectation, possible: ['always', 'never'], }); if (!validOptions) { return; } function check(node, value, getIndex, fix) { styleSearch( { source: value, target: ')', functionArguments: 'only', }, (match) => { checkClosingParen(value, match.startIndex + 1, node, getIndex, fix); }, ); } function checkClosingParen(source, index, node, getIndex, fix) { const nextChar = source[index]; if (expectation === 'always') { // Allow for the next character to be a single empty space, // another closing parenthesis, a comma, or the end of the value if (nextChar === ' ') { return; } if (nextChar === '\n') { return; } if (source.substr(index, 2) === '\r\n') { return; } if (ACCEPTABLE_AFTER_CLOSING_PAREN.has(nextChar)) { return; } if (fix) { fix(index); return; } report({ message: messages.expected, node, index: getIndex(node) + index, result, ruleName, }); } else if (expectation === 'never') { if (isWhitespace(nextChar)) { if (fix) { fix(index); return; } report({ message: messages.rejected, node, index: getIndex(node) + index, result, ruleName, }); } } } function createFixer(value) { let fixed = ''; let lastIndex = 0; let applyFix; if (expectation === 'always') { applyFix = (index) => { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template fixed += value.slice(lastIndex, index) + ' '; lastIndex = index; }; } else if (expectation === 'never') { applyFix = (index) => { let whitespaceEndIndex = index + 1; while (whitespaceEndIndex < value.length && isWhitespace(value[whitespaceEndIndex])) { whitespaceEndIndex++; } fixed += value.slice(lastIndex, index); lastIndex = whitespaceEndIndex; }; } return { applyFix, get hasFixed() { return Boolean(lastIndex); }, get fixed() { return fixed + value.slice(lastIndex); }, }; } root.walkAtRules(/^import$/i, (atRule) => { const param = _.get(atRule, 'raws.params.raw', atRule.params); const fixer = context.fix && createFixer(param); check(atRule, param, atRuleParamIndex, fixer && fixer.applyFix); if (fixer && fixer.hasFixed) { if (atRule.raws.params) { atRule.raws.params.raw = fixer.fixed; } else { atRule.params = fixer.fixed; } } }); root.walkDecls((decl) => { const value = _.get(decl, 'raws.value.raw', decl.value); const fixer = context.fix && createFixer(value); check(decl, value, declarationValueIndex, fixer && fixer.applyFix); if (fixer && fixer.hasFixed) { if (decl.raws.value) { decl.raws.value.raw = fixer.fixed; } else { decl.value = fixer.fixed; } } }); }; } rule.ruleName = ruleName; rule.messages = messages; module.exports = rule;